Re: CS>Need Help with Eye (retina)

1999-12-14 Thread 2001 TV VCR

Thank you for replying.  I have talked to
many holistic doctors, homeopathic,
as well as holistic ophthalmologists
(only a few in the whole country).  And
no one was able to offer a fix for a retina
damaged by a blood clot.

I did find an MD that prescribes the use
of magnets.  He said that it would take
a very powerful (heavy) magnet against
the eye for a few hours a day to cause
the tissue to regenerate.  I would have
to wear it while sleeping and not sure if
I could stay asleep with all that weight.


- Original Message -
Sent: Tuesday, December 14, 1999 7:08 PM
Subject: Re: CS>Need Help with Eye (retina)

> Have you tried a homeopathic doctor--they may or may not be able to help.
> know Arnica is good for bruises--but you would need to talk to a dr when
> comes to eyes.
> Susan
> In a message dated 12/14/1999 4:27:31 AM Eastern Standard Time,
> writes:
> << Has anyone used CS or heard of
>  anything else to cure Macular
>  Degeneration and also restore the
>  damaged retina?
>   >>

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Re: CS>Need Help with Eye (retina)

1999-12-14 Thread Charles King
On Tue, 14 Dec 1999 22:39:51 +0100, MT  wrote:

>i bought MSM as crystals and they don't seem to dissolve in water
>am I doing something wrong?
>or is it the wrong type?

Somethings not right.
They dissolve fine in water. At least up until it's a saturated solution. See
if using warm water helps.
Black holes are where God is dividing by zero

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Re: CS>Re: Nellie/Milk magnesium

1999-12-14 Thread D G
i,disagree chuck...
its a brand new 2nd leiutenant"


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Re: CS>LONG: Some Notes and a Few Questions on CS

1999-12-14 Thread add automation
December 14, 1999

Hello Ivan,

Thank  you  for  responding  to  my  post,  and  for  the  very nice

I don't  think  I was very clear in some areas,  and  would  like to
explore these issues in more detail.

I will focus on the key areas I am having trouble with. Please don't
feel I  am  being argumentative or disrespectful -  that  is  not my
intent. I  recognize you have been doing this for many years,  and I
am just  a beginner with a lot of questions. I very  much appreciate
your counsel.

But if  my observations and conclusions are correct, they may  be of
interest to others who are taking colloidal silver.

I will start in the middle of the original post:

>> Peter recommends  against using salt to speed up the  process. He
>> states this produces silver chloride, which is undesirable.

>> In fact, I test for silver ions by pouring an inch of liquid into
>> a small glass and adding a few grains of salt.

>> In a  few minutes, a beautiful pale blue/white  dispersion forms.
>> When I  put the glass in direct sunlight, the color  changes from
>> pale blue to a pale gray.

>> When I  repeat the same tests using plain distilled  water, there
>> is no change.

>> Here are the relevant equations:

>> From the dissociation of salt in water:

>> NaCl(s) + H2O ---> Na(+)(aq) + Cl(-)(aq)

>> A silver ion reacts with a chlorine ion to form silver chloride:

>> Ag(+)(aq) + Cl(-)(aq) ---> AgCl(s)

>> The silver chloride is insoluble in water and precipitates out as
>> a white solid.

> AgCl is soluble to a small concentration.

>> Silver chloride turns black when exposed to light:

>> 2Ag(+)Cl(-) + light ---> 2Ag + Cl[2](g)

>> So, I conclude the salt test shows the presence of silver ions. I
>> think adding  ammonia would dissolve the silver  chloride,  but I
>> haven't tried that experiment yet.

>> But everyone  seems to agree using salt to make  colloidal silver
>> is a  bad idea - it makes silver chloride. But  nobody  takes the
>> next step to balance the chemical equation.

>> What happens to the sodium ion?

>> The equation for adding metallic sodium to water is:

>> 2 Na(s) + 2 H2O ---> 2 NaOH(aq) + H2(g)

>> As far  as I can determine, the displaced sodium ion  reacts with
>> water to form sodium hydroxide.

> The sodium  is  already oxidised, and  further  oxidation requires
> more energy.  It  may  combine  with  the  extremely  small number
> hydroxile ions  in water. Apart from that it  remains  a spectator
> ion.

This disturbs  me, since sodium is such a reactive ion.  Since water
is continually  in  the  process of dissociation,  it  would  seem a
sodium ion  would have no problem picking up a hydroxyl ion  to form
sodium hydroxide.

I searched  the  web  for a way to test for  sodium  hydroxide  in a
solution. The  test  had to  be  simple,  inexpensive, reproducible,
foolproof, and unambiguous.

There is such a test. If aluminum is placed in a solution containing
sodium hydroxide, the sodium hydroxide dissolves the  aluminum oxide
that protects  the  bare aluminum. Water then acts as  an  acid that
eats the unprotected aluminum.

There is a very nice description with dramatic photos at

It was  not clear if this reaction would still occur  with  the weak
solution of sodium hydroxide I expected, but I decided to give  it a

I poured  about an inch of colloidal silver into a  glass  and added
salt. The  familiar  pale   blue/white  silver  chloride precipitate
appeared. I  then added a small piece of aluminum  foil,  about 1/4"

I made a control by adding the same amount of salt to  another glass
containing an inch of plain distilled water, and added another piece
of aluminum foil 1/4" square.

The next day, I removed the pieces of aluminum foil and  placed them
side-by-side on the table.

The difference  was dramatic. The aluminum foil  from  the colloidal
silver solution  was quite dull. The piece from the  distilled water
glass kept it's original brilliance.

I checked  again  later  in the day, and the  foil  from  the silver
colloid solution looked worse. It continued to degrade.

I concluded  there was sodium hydroxide in the glass  containing the
silver colloid.

Now, I realize this doesn't create the kind of smoke and flames that
make a powerful demonstration, but to me the result is clear.

If silver  ions  enter  our bloodstream,  they  immediately  come in
contact with the salt in our blood, and convert to silver chloride.

The sodium  ion that is released produces sodium  hydroxide,  a very
dangerous chemical.

>From the  Canadian Centre for Occupational Health &  Safety (CCOHS),
in the "Health Effects of Sodium Hydroxide", at

  "What happens  when sodium hydroxide solutions comes  into contact
  with my skin?"

  "Sodium hydroxide is extremely corrosive and is capable of causing

CS>Re: Carmen/good luck

1999-12-14 Thread Katarina Wittich
Hey Carmen,
I'll be thinking of yo on the 16th.
Hope it goes well.

>> Hi, folks,
>> I have been trying a few remedies, but I am sheduled to go into Hospital,
>> next Thursday the l6th for the operation.
>> I have been taking the remedy from Hulda Clarkes recipy, drink Epsom
> Salts,
>> throughout the day and then Olive Oil and Lemon Juice at night proceeding
>> with Apple Juice, but it is nearly impossible to get a bed in Hospital
> here
>> in Australia, so I think I have to go with it.
>> Thanks for all your wishes, and suggestions.
>> Carmen

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Re: CS>Re: Nellie/Milk

1999-12-14 Thread G&B Rogers
>very interesting.  i've been learning more and more about this.  not wanting
>to ingest SOY, i've been ordering rice dream (a brown rice drink) to use as a
>substitute for milk...butif you have any info on what healthy ways (food,
>drinks) to get calcium into finicky toddlers, i'd surely appreciate it!!
>i tried the "broccoli is a yummy little tree" trick and it didn't get me
>anywhere, LOL.

Hi Diane,
Have you tried the flavored Rice Dreams - vanilla, choc?  Smoothies with
the rice dream and calcium added orange juice are also nice, I throw in a
banana as well and a bit of honey for sweetness.

While this is a dairy product, my kids love the Stonyfield yogurts, which
can still be found in some flavors with juice sweetners.  They eat it for
dessert, and we mix it into cereal for breakfast.  I know I read somewhere
a long time ago that cow's milk cells are too large for human intestines to
break down properly which is why there are so many lactose intolerant
people.  But yogurt seems to go down easy, even when other milk products
might bother people.  I make smoothies with yogurt as well.

The broccoli tree never worked for my kids either .  And if you have to
load it with stuff just to make them eat (like cream or cheese sauce) than
it doesn't seem worth it.

There are a couple neat cookbooks I purchased a few years ago, don't know
if they are still available, but they are titled "Smart Cookies" (ISBN
0-937858-62-5) and "Smart Muffins" by Jane Kinderlehrer, who is/was the
food editor of Prevention Magazine, NewMarket Press, 18 East 49th Street,
NY, NY 10017.  Both contain recipes using whole grains, natural sweetners
and each recipe tells you what nutrients you're getting.For example,
nuts also provide calcium (almonds, cashews, pecans) as does coconut,
raisins, sunflower and sesame seeds,  oatmeal and cornmeal.  A favorite
snack in the house is "GORP" - Good Old Raisins and Peanuts, throw in some
coconut and even Cheerios or pretzels, and you've got a great high protein
portable snack.

Maybe I missed something, but why is soy not so great?


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Re: CS>stomach flu

1999-12-14 Thread Charles King
On Tue, 14 Dec 1999 08:40:29 -0800, Mary  wrote:

>Does CS help with stomach flu, I have had some killer stomach flu the past
>several days that is really going around here. 

Couldn't hoit!
I'd also try drugstore 3% (that's THREE percent) hydrogen peroxide in the ears.
And maybe lots of ascorbic acid orally.
Also, go to bed and stay there except for bathroom breaks and meals.
 I mean it, STAY THERE!!! Book, doze, sleep, whatever.
Cogito Ergo Spud--I think, therefore I yam

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Re: CS>Re: cade oil

1999-12-14 Thread Marshall Dudley
Gee, I don't know.  I would personally be a little afraid of ingesting anything
which is basically a tar product.  Lots of nasty stuff in it usually, which may
be great for killing pathogens topically, but internally is another matter.  I
would want to find a reference that indicates usage internally first, and I have
not seen that.

Marshall wrote:

> Marshall:
> yep those are some of the sites I found too - the question is - would it be
> safe to ingest?  The reason why - as a child (way to young to remember what
> the bottle looked like & my grandmother is dead) my grandmother would give us
> juniper tar aka Cade Oil for colds - chest colds especially - would kick it
> in the head - WOW - overnight - tasted like S$%T - but boy did it work.  So
> from those sites you listed - do you think a teaspoon on sugar (the way she
> used to give it to me) would kill me?
> Sure would like to try - apparently I am allergic to something in my condo
> and I obviously can't move . . .
> thanks in advance,
> jeannine
> --
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Re: CS>Containers for storing CS?

1999-12-14 Thread DIKMARI
Because of polyefinsulfate.

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CS>Re: High PPm question/ silver proteins

1999-12-14 Thread Katarina Wittich
Hi Fred and others -- this is getting me concerned about the Cs which I use
for my sinuses. It's made by Innovative Natural Products and says it's pure
electrocolloidal and says it is 500ppm -- I'm sure it's less than that - but
it's much more effective than my homemade for my sinuses -- probably because
it is much easier to get more of it up there with a stronger solution -- if
I wanted to get the same amount of my homemade up into my sinuses I'd have
to find a way to soak them rather than spray.

So is it impossible to make pure CS at high PPm's, like 50 or 60 which is
probably what this really is?

If so -- I maybe better stop using it -- but I hate to because it works so
Katarina (on the way out but still asking questions! If anyone answers this
-- could you email to me directly as well. Thanks.)

> Terence, I would say you are not taking colloidal silver
> but possibly silver protein, which is the only way to get
> over 30-40 PPM. DC produced Cs is difficult to make
> at over 20PPM due to crystallization and users inform
> me HVAC can not produce over 40PPM.
> Now, if you want to get technical, PPM is by weight so
> it could be a few lumps of silver in a bottle but then it
> would still be mis-labeled as that is not a colloid!
> It could be a solution of silver salts (not colloid) as then
> you could get many 100's of PPM. It could also be just
> mislabelled and why the FDA keeps bothering us!
> The problem I see with very strong (concentrated)
> medicines is the chance of mis-use or overdose!
> Do you take 1/30 the dose others use? More is
> not often better and a homeopath will say less is
> better!
> Treating your gut with an antibiotic should be for a
> short term, as you also kill off you natural flora. I
> would not trust 150PPM and suggest you try a "more
> normal" silver colloid and just take more  of it.
> We test free, as do others, if you want to check the
> TDS but only a lab test can tell you what is in it!

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CS>Re:blastocystis hominis =

1999-12-14 Thread DeathBH

I didn't know this parasite and candida were related!! dang it - I had this 
stuff 2 years ago - I was deathly ill for about 3 months but supposedly 
flagyl got rid of them !!  I bet they are still there!! Gonna get a stool 
test - that would at least partly explain why my candida won't go away . . . 
. hmmm  thanks


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Re: CS>Containers for storing CS?

1999-12-14 Thread DIKMARI
Ok, believe Fred.

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CS>Re: cade oil

1999-12-14 Thread DeathBH

yep those are some of the sites I found too - the question is - would it be 
safe to ingest?  The reason why - as a child (way to young to remember what 
the bottle looked like & my grandmother is dead) my grandmother would give us 
juniper tar aka Cade Oil for colds - chest colds especially - would kick it 
in the head - WOW - overnight - tasted like S$%T - but boy did it work.  So 
from those sites you listed - do you think a teaspoon on sugar (the way she 
used to give it to me) would kill me?

Sure would like to try - apparently I am allergic to something in my condo 
and I obviously can't move . . . 

thanks in advance,

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CS>Re: Happy Holidays and bye for now

1999-12-14 Thread Katarina Wittich
Hey everyone,

I'm going to sign off the list for a while. It's really hard for me to do
because you guys are a source of great pleasure, support and information,
but I spend too much time on the list every day -- and not enough on the
things I need to get done.

I'm starting a new project -- so for the next couple of months - until it is
finished  - I'm going to have to browse the list occasionally on the
archives for my fix -- but not read and reply every day.

Please feel free to email me personally at any time, because I will
certainly miss you all. I'm going to repost the CS Uses FAQ and my
suggestion would be that anyone who wants to repost it or add anything to
it at any time is welcome. Just change the date in the header so we will
know it's updated and email me a copy and I'll keep track of it.

I'll let you guys know what I find out from the doctor about his comments on
Argyria. And I'll probably hop back on with lots of questions when I finally
get around to using my meters.

But for now,
Happy Holidays and all my love to you all.


Ps. Leaving on Thursday for three weeks, so if you email privately and I
don't respond I'll get back to you when I get back.
And Vilik -- I took the Humatin -- just finshed -- and I don't think it
worked -- I'm still very gassy and bloated. I'll be tested again in a couple
of weeks and let you know what I find out then. However - this new doctor I
went to says theres a new drug that is very effective on Blast that is not
approved by the FDA yet but very non-toxic and he gets it from Canada - so
that may be the next try. It's called Tinidacole. So, still Blasto Girl, I'm

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CS>Re: Argyria/Marshall

1999-12-14 Thread Katarina Wittich

Hi Marshall, 

this is interesting -- I didn't know the high ppm cs was usually made wiht
chemicals -- my bottle of high ppm says made by the electro-colloidal method
- nothing added?

But I'll try to get more info from Dr. Gruen when I see him next. Again -- I
don't think this was a study -- just personal observations of a holistic
doctor who works with Aids patients and believes in the efficacy and safety
of cs as long as it is not taken in large amounts.
And I bet some of the aids patients might rather be blueish and alive


> Date: Thu, 09 Dec 1999 09:01:28 -0500
> From: Marshall Dudley 
> To:
> Subject: Re: CS>Argyria
> Message-ID: <>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
> Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
> I wouldn't be too hasty to draw any conclusions.  It is my understanding that
> for aids they are often using high PPM colloidal silver.  For the most part
> PPM CS must be made by chemical means, such as reduction of silver nitrate,
> silver chloride and so forth, and traces of the silver compounds are left in
> resulting product.  In that case I would EXPECT argyria, since it is know to
> caused by chemical compounds of silver.
> Lets make sure the product used in these studies is truely HVAC or LVDC CS
> before assuming it relates to what we are taking.
> Marshall

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1999-12-14 Thread Katarina Wittich
Hey Sharon -- that was a typo -- it's a stool test!! and yes, I've tested 
twice now with no candida - but many blastocystis always.
If I were you I would definitely get checked for parasites -- many people
with Candida also have Blastocystis.

> Date: Wed, 8 Dec 1999 22:35:38 -0500
> From: "Sharon L. House" 
> To:
> Subject: Re: CS>Re: Sharon/candida
> Message-Id: 
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
> Katarina,
> I'm not familiar with the stoll test. Could you please explain what this
> is? If you've had parasites confirmed with a test then who can argue with
> that, but if it was just the symptoms you mentioned, they can all be
> accounted for by the presence of candida. Did you also have a test that
> confirmed you no longer have candida? Please excuse the questions, but I'm
> not certain in my case whether my load of symptoms is mainly caused by
> candida or parasites. I had a fish tapeworm 25 years ago and thought I
> killed it off but I hear if you fail to get the head, it can reappear. I
> often wonder if that's not my problem today.
> Thanks,

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1999-12-14 Thread Katarina Wittich
Hi James,
The doctor's name is Dr. Hans Gruen, here in LA. It was my impression that
he was talking not about studies but about direct experience that he and his
colleagues have had. I have another appointment with him in January and I'll
try to ask him more then.


> Can we contact the doctor for the source of his data?
> James Osbourne Holmes

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Re: CS>Re: silver-digest Digest V99 #854

1999-12-14 Thread Sam Earle

If you're hypoglycemic, you should be on a low- to no-carb, high-protein,
high-fat diet, such as the Atkins diet. Otherwise, you are well on your way
to serious health trouble. Hypoglycemia is just another form of diabetes, a
polar opposite. Read his books, and save your health.


> > Can anyone give me some help on low blood sugar.  In the AM levels are
63 to
> >  73 an hour after breakfast.
> I was told to eat a protein snack at bedtime to help prevent morning low
> blood sugar. It does seem to help me.
> Nellie
> Christ, my all  <><
> --
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> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

RE: CS>nebulizer - no

1999-12-14 Thread James Osbourne, Holmes
Dig up Brooks Bradley's design.  8 buck airbrush, O2 tank and regulator. 
 Dynamite results.  Or, Proneb  brand nebulizer about 90 bux at the medical 
supply house.  Need script for nebulizer.  If you use bottled O2, need no 
electrical, which is for air compressor.
James Osbourne Holmes

-Original Message-
From:   Nutritional Intelligence Cooperative of North America 
Sent:   Monday, December 13, 1999 11:26 PM
Subject:Re: CS>nebulizer - no

i second that offer...  i would love to have a nebulizer

i wish someone would develop kits for the electrically illiterate...


-Original Message-
Date: Monday, December 13, 1999 9:28 PM
Subject: CS>nebulizer - no

>no I didn't try the nebulizer - i know you techies find this hard to
>but even with instructions as detailed as you guys give . . .. i'm afraid 
>hate directions and I am electronically challenged!!  Vit C I can handle;
>in pure form I can handle . ..  building a nebulizer - no way  . . . BUT I
>would be willing to send someone on the list $$ to build me one.
>yes McInturf is a neat guy - will help anyone he possibly can. . ..
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RE: CS>Need Help with Eye (retina)

1999-12-14 Thread James Osbourne, Holmes
Warm water.
James Osbourne Holmes

-Original Message-
From:   MT []
Sent:   Tuesday, December 14, 1999 2:40 PM
Subject:Re: CS>Need Help with Eye (retina)

At 21:54 14-12-1999 , you wrote:
>On Tue, 14 Dec 1999 01:25:28 -0800, "2001 TV  VCR"  wrote:
> >Has anyone used CS or heard of
> >anything else to cure Macular
> >Degeneration and also restore the
> >damaged retina?
>I have no idea if this would help or not (your decision).
>I've been using MSM drops in my eyes to increase garbage removal. Floaters 
>decreased significantly. My opthamologist was happy at my last examination.
>Now I've started using a concoction of distilled water, MSM, eyebright

i bought MSM as crystals and they don't seem to dissolve in water
am I doing something wrong?
or is it the wrong type?



>tincture, and CS, all mixed together as a eyewash.
>Seems to be improving (only been 4 days).
> Chuck
>Is the glass half empty, half full,
>  or twice as large as it needs to be?
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Re: CS>Re: silver-digest Digest V99 #854

1999-12-14 Thread BinsMom1
In a message dated 12/14/1999 6:40:17 AM Pacific Standard Time, writes:

> Can anyone give me some help on low blood sugar.  In the AM levels are 63 to
>  73 an hour after breakfast.
I was told to eat a protein snack at bedtime to help prevent morning low 
blood sugar. It does seem to help me.
Christ, my all  <><

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Re: CS>Re: Nellie/Milk magnesium

1999-12-14 Thread Mardicon8
In a message dated 12/14/99 3:51:42 PM Eastern Standard Time, writes:

<< Ha!
 Joel Wallach!
 Got a copy right here, didn't even have to get up.
Chuck >>

Hahahaathat's great!!  This list is just the best!!  What bunch!


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Re: CS>Need Help with Eye (retina)

1999-12-14 Thread MT

At 21:54 14-12-1999 , you wrote:

On Tue, 14 Dec 1999 01:25:28 -0800, "2001 TV  VCR"  wrote:

>Has anyone used CS or heard of
>anything else to cure Macular
>Degeneration and also restore the
>damaged retina?

I have no idea if this would help or not (your decision).
I've been using MSM drops in my eyes to increase garbage removal. Floaters 

decreased significantly. My opthamologist was happy at my last examination.
Now I've started using a concoction of distilled water, MSM, eyebright

i bought MSM as crystals and they don't seem to dissolve in water
am I doing something wrong?
or is it the wrong type?



tincture, and CS, all mixed together as a eyewash.
Seems to be improving (only been 4 days).
Is the glass half empty, half full,
 or twice as large as it needs to be?

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Re: CS>Need Help with Eye (retina)

1999-12-14 Thread Charles King
On Tue, 14 Dec 1999 08:04:33 -0700 (MST), (D G) wrote:

>what's briam macinturfs website?
>does he have a list?

Go to

High Voltage Electronics--life's a glitch, and then you fry 

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Re: CS>Need Help with Eye (retina)

1999-12-14 Thread Charles King
On Tue, 14 Dec 1999 01:25:28 -0800, "2001 TV  VCR"  wrote:

>Has anyone used CS or heard of 
>anything else to cure Macular 
>Degeneration and also restore the 
>damaged retina?

I have no idea if this would help or not (your decision).
I've been using MSM drops in my eyes to increase garbage removal. Floaters have
decreased significantly. My opthamologist was happy at my last examination.
Now I've started using a concoction of distilled water, MSM, eyebright
tincture, and CS, all mixed together as a eyewash.
Seems to be improving (only been 4 days).
Is the glass half empty, half full,
 or twice as large as it needs to be?

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Re: CS>Re: Nellie/Milk magnesium

1999-12-14 Thread Charles King
On Tue, 14 Dec 1999 07:45:37 EST, wrote:

>This prompts me to remember a cassette tape a neighbor of ours let us borrow. 
> It was called Dead Doctors Don't Lie. 
>It was all about the magnesium deficiency of most people.  There was more 
>info, too.  He also promotes sodium intake, but for ME, I know that does not 
>The tape has a lot of information and I'm straining to recall the man's name 
>who made it.  Argh!! Joel???

Joel Wallach!
Got a copy right here, didn't even have to get up.
The most dangerous thing in a combat zone is an officer with a map

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Re: CS>Was Milk/Nellie...Sonnes

1999-12-14 Thread EJohns9525
In a message dated 12/14/99 6:53:37 AM Central Standard Time, writes:

<< 99% Our Company Philosophies and Selling Points - Sonne's Organic Foods, 
 "Pronounced So-nay' .. meaning sun" " The Original and Still The Best " The 
 First In Colon Cleansing Products Company Philosophies and Selling Points 
 over 50 years we have owned and operated our own production facilities and 
 have quality.. 
 Wow  Thanks again, Edith.that was so easy!!  How many times can we 
 a websearch and get only ONE accurate response Is that a sign?  LOL
 Diane >>

I use their calcium and bentonite.  Right now am doing a cleanse with the
liquid bentonite and psyllium husk powder.  It is so much better than the
dry kind that looks and takes like dirt and is not constipating as the other 
tends to be
for me.

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Re: CS>Re: Pets and CS

1999-12-14 Thread Marshall Dudley
There is disagreement on whether or not CS will pass the BBB.  I don't see
how giving by IV would make a difference.  But be sure if IV is given the
proper salinity is used.


D G wrote:

> would IV cs pass the blood\brain barrier?
> Dennis
> --
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Re: CS>stomach flu

1999-12-14 Thread Marshall Dudley
It is fantastic.  Our family has had 100% success in getting rid of the flu in
2 hours or less with CS.


Mary wrote:

> Does CS help with stomach flu, I have had some killer stomach flu the past
> several days that is really going around here.
> --
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CS>stomach flu

1999-12-14 Thread Mary
Does CS help with stomach flu, I have had some killer stomach flu the past
several days that is really going around here. 

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Re: CS>Re: Pets and CS

1999-12-14 Thread D G
would IV cs pass the blood\brain barrier?


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Re: CS>Blood sugar

1999-12-14 Thread Marsha Hallett

> Can anyone give me some help on low blood sugar.  In the AM levels are 63
> 73 an hour after breakfast.
> Thanks,
> Teal

Dear Teal,
 That IS low!!! I read that it helps to eat something high protein just
before you go to bed, such as cheese, and that helps keep the sugar level up
until morning.
Hope this helps!

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Re: CS>Re: Pets and CS

1999-12-14 Thread Marshall Dudley wrote:

> .Hi,
> Question concerning using CS with pets.  I presently have a total of 20 cats
> in my home.  13 are my own plus I have 7 foster cats for Friends of Animals.
> With this many under one roof, when one comes down with something, it can
> spread quite quickly from one to the other.  With new cats coming in all the
> time, you never really know what can show up even with vet checks and safety
> procautions.  Is it safe to give them CS  daily in their drinking water?

We do.  About an ounce per quart or so of 5 ppm doesn't cause our cat any

> I
> have bowls of water down so that it is available to them at any time - thus,
> there is no way to really gauge how much intake each one is getting.

That is good.  Basically since the silver simple follows the water, they always
have a specific ppb in their blood stream.  For instance if you use one oz per
quart of 5 ppm silver then the water will have about 5/33 ppm or 150 ppb of
silver, and after a period of time the blood will have approximately 150 ppb of
silver as well.  This is much easier than weighing the cat then figuring out how
much to give depending on the weight several times a day.  Plus those that drink
more water, need more CS since they flush it out of their body quicker.  By
adding it to the water, it all comes our automatically without having to concern
yourself with their weight, and drinking habits.  Also it keeps the water bowl
free of bacteria and algae.

> Though,
> with it diluted in their water, I kind of doubt that they'd really be taking
> in too much.  I have tried it with them for two weeks now and believe it or
> not, I have not seen any hairballs being chucked up.  Plus, my one cat seems
> to be more perky and less crabby.  Maybe that's my imagination, but Ido know
> for sure that I've been hairball free for a few days.

That is interesting, I wonder what the connection would be with that.  Maybe
bacteria are forming a "glue" that is making the hair clump together.

> One other concern I
> had with them taking CS daily is the breakdown of good bacteria in their
> digestive system.  Any ideas?

This is a matter of quantity.  Since silver does not have significant mobility 
the intestines it's effectivess is greatly reduced.
Also most of the silver will already be absorbed into the blood stream before
reaching the intestines.  If there seems to be a problem, cut back.  My family
has been taking 1 oz. per 100 pounds per day for over a year with no intestinal

> I'm hoping I can continue as I have two cats
> that have eye infections that the vet says will be with them for life.  I
> have an antibiotic salve I have to put in when it flairs up.   CS gives me a
> lot of hope that it will clear up/help many things that aflict cats.

CS normally works great on eye infections.  Irrigate directly with 5 to 20 ppm

> Appreciate any feedback and experiences of others with pets and CS.
> Also - can Olive Leaf Extract be used with pets?

Sorry, know nothing of that.


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Re: CS>ever heard of Juniper Tar

1999-12-14 Thread Marshall Dudley
Apparently it is Oil of Cade according to this:

Oil of Cade (Juniper Tar) --Made by "destructive" distillation of the roots that
involves burning the wood, the resulting thick, smoky tar was once used for
infected wounds, eczema and skin parasites. Today, it provides foods with a
smoked flavor.


Nutritional Intelligence Cooperative of North America wrote:

> tar?
> -Original Message-
> From: 
> To: 
> Date: Monday, December 13, 1999 4:20 PM
> Subject: CS>ever heard of Juniper Tar
> >Gang:
> >anyone ever heard of this?  my grandmother gave it to me as a child?
> >
> >I did a search and found info on it, but it had MSD's attached to it - I
> >ordered some thru a pharmacy last year - can I safely take it?  anyone know
> >anything?
> >
> >thanks,
> >Jeannine
> >p.s. would really kick my asthma in the head if safe to take
> >
> >
> >--
> >The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
> >
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> >
> >To post, address your message to:
> >Silver-list archive:
> >List maintainer: Mike Devour 
> >
> >
> __
> NetZero - Defenders of the Free World
> Get your FREE Internet Access and Email at

Re: CS>Re: Nellie/Milk magnesium

1999-12-14 Thread Sharon L. House
>The tape has a lot of information and I'm straining to recall the man's name
>who made it.  Argh!! Joel???

Joel Wallach


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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>GrapeFRUIT seed extract

1999-12-14 Thread Marshall Dudley
Don't know about GSE, but we were putting up water for y2k yesterday and
adding 1 oz of 5 ppm CS per gallon.  One can also use hydrogen peroxide or
bleach (uggg.).


Vilik Rapheles wrote:

> Speaking of GSE, how many drops would it take to sterilize a
> gallon of water?
> ~^^V^^~
> --
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CS>VIT C - the tolerance is?

1999-12-14 Thread DeathBH
Wow - I had to get to 40,000 mg per day to get to the diarrhea stage - I 
would have never imagined that I was that deficient .. .others might want 
to try taking some . . . I take alot of supplements and for me to be this 
deficient is astounding.  Furthermore it seems to be giving me a helluva 
detox . . . I'm starting to feel great - per the Robert Cathcart site that 
Mr. Mitchell sent me to.

Later, (back to the bathroom)

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CS>A few more thoughts/questions

1999-12-14 Thread G&B Rogers
Hello again CS listers,

I read the site info with great interest, and have
been also benefiting from the experience and knowledge that you all have

Both Bob Beck's papers (  is the site I downloaded the
info from) and my purchased CS generator instructions talk about putting
the electrodes directly into liquid food substances, such as beverages and
soups to kill the bacteria and viruses, as well as using purified water for
external applications.

Lindemann's article at the elixa site also mentions how a pool that was
dumped with sewage was cleared of ecoli when silver electrodes were placed
in it.

1) From your experience, how effective is this direct placement method?
From what I've read from the elixa site, however, it seems to indicate that
a non-distilled water/liquid is more likely to produce too large particles
which can be both toxic and/or non-effective.

2) Also, Beck's site recommends using CS for laundry and household
disinfection.  For such applications, (such as laundry) making CS to fill a
washing machine is totally impractical.  Would making a concentrated, high
ppm CS then diluting it in the wash water be effective?

3) In general situations, which would be the preferred method - direct
placement of the electrodes into liquids other than distilled H20 or adding
a concentrated high ppm CS to non-distilled H20/liquids?

4) Any ideas for practical useage both for travelling (where water source
is questionable) or for household disinfection would be greatly

Thank you

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Re: CS>Need Help with Eye (retina)

1999-12-14 Thread D G
what's briam macinturfs website?
does he have a list?


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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>Re: silver-digest Digest V99 #854

1999-12-14 Thread TEAL COLLUM
Can anyone give me some help on low blood sugar.  In the AM levels are 63 to
73 an hour after breakfast.

-Original Message-
Date: Monday, December 13, 1999 8:53 PM
Subject: silver-digest Digest V99 #854

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Re: Nellie/Milk

1999-12-14 Thread Mardicon8
In a message dated 12/14/99 6:48:09 AM Eastern Standard Time, writes:

<< Diane,
 There is a product put out ny Sonnes called calphonite.  It is a blanced
 calcium-phosphorus liquid supplement with magnesium and manganese.
 Is reportedly one of the most assimilable types.
 Edith >>

Ah, that was my next point.  Another helpful poster mentioned the orange 
juice w/calcium.  However, I just question the bio-availability of various 
types of calcium. Having had kidney stones, calcium and related minerals 
are of high interest!  Don't want to make those a habit!  OUCH.

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CS>Was Milk/Nellie...Sonnes

1999-12-14 Thread Mardicon8
99% Our Company Philosophies and Selling Points - Sonne's Organic Foods, Inc. 
"Pronounced So-nay' .. meaning sun" " The Original and Still The Best " The 
First In Colon Cleansing Products Company Philosophies and Selling Points For 
over 50 years we have owned and operated our own production facilities and 
have quality.. 

Wow  Thanks again, Edith.that was so easy!!  How many times can we do 
a websearch and get only ONE accurate response Is that a sign?  LOL


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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>Re: Colloidal Silver : response to questions

1999-12-14 Thread fhlew
  Jim W [Rife-List, 08 December 1999] asked:

 < What kind of risk is in overdosing on colloidal 

> fhlew wrote:
> >  The only medical condition I am aware of is argyria, a bluish-grey
> > discolouration
> > of the skin on ingestion of silver compounds by a small percentage of the
> > idiosyncratic  population .  Ionic silver or metallic silver in distilled 
> > water
> > is not known to date to precipitate this condition. Listers from the
> > Silver-List will tell you anecdotally that they have been gulping down
> > Colloidal Silver  for umpteen years without  adverse complaints. I do not 
> > add
> > any salt or
> > substance to the home distilled water which I use for the generation of
> > Colloidal
> > Silver. I am more liberal with simple cases of respiratory tract infections 
> > .
> > But  I
> > will be very careful with chronic patients presenting with complications of
> > Liver,Heart, Kidneys. The patient may need more than just Colloidal Silver 
> > for
> > his or her management. The patient may require institutional treatment. 
> > Simple
> > laboratory tests for blood,urine and excretions with  radiological and
> > ultrasound
> > backup often help in screening patients from iatrogenic risks.
> >
> > With regards
> >  Lew
> >
> > wrote:
> >
> > > In a message dated 11/30/1999 8:10:30 AM Pacific Standard Time,
> > > writes:
> > >
> > > >  In my practice,I have been using Colloidal Silver very freely. 
> > > > I
> > > > have good
> > > >  results with the old and  the young for infections  particularly 
> > > > related
> > > to
> > > > the
> > > >  respiratory tract. The simple Colloidal Silver Generators, I purchased
> > > from
> > > > the US,
> > >
> > >   What kind of risk is in overdosing on Collodial silver ???
> > > Thanks for any info.
> > >
> > >  Jim W.

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Re: CS>Re: Nellie/Milk magnesium

1999-12-14 Thread Mardicon8
In a message dated 12/14/99 1:21:35 AM Eastern Standard Time, writes:

<< the importance of magnesium can not be over emphasized... >>

Yup..this is great info also.  (I love this list!!)

This prompts me to remember a cassette tape a neighbor of ours let us borrow. 
 It was called Dead Doctors Don't Lie. 
It was all about the magnesium deficiency of most people.  There was more 
info, too.  He also promotes sodium intake, but for ME, I know that does not 
The tape has a lot of information and I'm straining to recall the man's name 
who made it.  Argh!! Joel???

I am pretty sure there is info on the web about this...perhaps someone else 
on this list already knows.


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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Re: Nellie/Milk

1999-12-14 Thread EJohns9525
In a message dated 12/13/99 8:04:00 PM Central Standard Time, writes:

<< very interesting.  i've been learning more and more about this.  not 
 to ingest SOY, i've been ordering rice dream (a brown rice drink) to use as 
 substitute for milk...butif you have any info on what healthy ways 
 drinks) to get calcium into finicky toddlers, i'd surely appreciate it!!
 i tried the "broccoli is a yummy little tree" trick and it didn't get me 
 anywhere, LOL.

There is a product put out ny Sonnes called calphonite.  It is a blanced
calcium-phosphorus liquid supplement with magnesium and manganese.
Is reportedly one of the most assimilable types.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Need Help with Eye (retina)

1999-12-14 Thread Ivan Anderson
Hi Bil,

I have not heard of CS having any results in this area.
I suggest enzyme therapy would be useful in your case in clearing the
blood clot.

Vinpocetine may also be of use. (see earlier post 10th Dec.)

Also see Brooks Bradley's post :
CS>OT: Serendipitous Macular Degeneration Adjunctive Protocol - 9th
regarding good results with the administration human growth hormone
(HGH) precursors.

Further macular degeneration links:

Good luck

- Original Message -
From: 2001 TV VCR 
Sent: Tuesday, 14 December 1999 22:25
Subject: CS>Need Help with Eye (retina)

> Has anyone used CS or heard of
> anything else to cure Macular
> Degeneration and also restore the
> damaged retina?
> I have a condition similar to MD.  A few
> years ago I developed an occlusion of
> the central retinal vein (in other words
> a blood clot in the main vein leaving the
> eye) in my left eye.  This seems to have
> occured days after bumping my head
> very hard on a sliding glass door.
> UCLA opthomologists said that there is
> no treatment and that the condition would
> probably clear up and that my vision
> would be restored.  Well it just got worse,
> maybe because I live at 8,000 ft.
> I can still see about the same as a few
> years ago (very poorly - cannot see the
> letters on the eyechart).  Any advice on
> how to fix the retina (macular section
> badly damaged) would be very much
> appreciated.
> Bil

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>nebulizer - no

1999-12-14 Thread Ivan Anderson
Hello all,

You can buy nebulisers from medical supply outlets, but I believe in
the US you need to say they are for experimental use.

I use an air brush as per Brooks' protocol, usually with bottled
oxygen (which I have on hand). But occasionally I have needed to use
it where the bottle is impracticable, and have been using the aquarium
air pump that I use to generate ozone.

The pump I have is barely adequate at 4 litres per minute (50 gallons
per hour?) and 3 psi. I would like to double that. I found that the 6
mm silicon hose from the pump outlet is a push fit over the air brush
inlet and no further modification was required.

This is a very cost effective 'nebuliser' that anyone should be able
to assemble...


- Original Message -
From: Cindy Powell 
Sent: Tuesday, 14 December 1999 20:45
Subject: Re: CS>nebulizer - no

> There you go! Someone might could make a few dollars making us
> Count me in for one :o)
> -Original Message-
> From: Nutritional Intelligence Cooperative of North America
> To: 
> Date: Tuesday, December 14, 1999 12:40 AM
> Subject: Re: CS>nebulizer - no
> >i second that offer...  i would love to have a nebulizer
> >
> >i wish someone would develop kits for the electrically
> >
> >jd
> >
> >
> >-Original Message-
> >From: 
> >To: 
> >Date: Monday, December 13, 1999 9:28 PM
> >Subject: CS>nebulizer - no
> >
> >
> >>Chuck:
> >>
> >>no I didn't try the nebulizer - i know you techies find this hard
> >believe
> >>but even with instructions as detailed as you guys give . . .. i'm
> I
> >>hate directions and I am electronically challenged!!  Vit C I can
> >GSE
> >>in pure form I can handle . ..  building a nebulizer - no way  . .
> >>would be willing to send someone on the list $$ to build me one.
> >>
> >>yes McInturf is a neat guy - will help anyone he possibly can. .
> >>
> >>thanks,
> >>jeannine
> >>
> >>
> >>--
> >>The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal
> >>
> >>To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail
message to:
> >>  -or-
> >>with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.
> >>
> >>To post, address your message to:
> >>Silver-list archive:
> >>List maintainer: Mike Devour 
> >>
> >>
> >
> >
> >__
> >NetZero - Defenders of the Free World
> >Get your FREE Internet Access and Email at
> >
> >
> >

CS>Need Help with Eye (retina)

1999-12-14 Thread 2001 TV VCR
Has anyone used CS or heard of 
anything else to cure Macular 
Degeneration and also restore the 
damaged retina?

I have a condition similar to MD.  A few
years ago I developed an occlusion of
the central retinal vein (in other words
a blood clot in the main vein leaving the
eye) in my left eye.  This seems to have
occured days after bumping my head 
very hard on a sliding glass door.

UCLA opthomologists said that there is
no treatment and that the condition would
probably clear up and that my vision 
would be restored.  Well it just got worse,
maybe because I live at 8,000 ft.

I can still see about the same as a few 
years ago (very poorly - cannot see the
letters on the eyechart).  Any advice on
how to fix the retina (macular section 
badly damaged) would be very much


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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Re: LED's

1999-12-14 Thread 2001 TV VCR
Hi Gene,

Mouser Electronics is at:


- Original Message -
Sent: Monday, December 13, 1999 5:43 AM
Subject: Re: CS>Re: LED's

> In a message dated 12/12/99 10:11:02 PM Central Standard Time,
> writes:
> << Radio Shack only stocks a tiny
>  fraction of what you will find in a
>  good mail order catalog such as
>  Mouser Electronics.  They are
>  by far the best source that I have
>  ever seen for variety, low cost
>  and great service.
>   >>
> Is there a site for this company or what is the address of same?
> Gene Downey
> --
> The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
> To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:
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> To post, address your message to:
> Silver-list archive:
> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Re: LED's

1999-12-14 Thread 2001 TV VCR

I'm sure no expert on particle size.
Brooks said he had several CS
batches (all made using different
methods) tested and they all had
about the same size silver particles.

Others say that you must use cold
water and very low current (1mA)
for small particles.  I think that we
need Brooks to elaborate on his
findings.  Did the size possibly
increase days later?


- Original Message -
To: ; 
Sent: Monday, December 13, 1999 6:47 PM
Subject: CS>Re: LED's

> Hi Bil,
> I picked up some 15K resistors at Radio Shack today. I thought I would
> solder 2 of them in series. I'll have to dig through some old data books
> look for an active current limit circuit to use in the future. Any
> on optimal current limit for small particle size? I don't think the
> limiter on my power supply will go down to micro amps and that's where
> probably end up.
> Andy
>  Hi Andy,
>  To limit the current to 1mA when using
>  30VDC use a 27k resistor.  Of course
>  this will not give you 1mA from the start.
>  For that you will need a current regulator
>  circuit.
>  With this resistor the current will gradually
>  build up to 1mA just as it normally builds
>  up to 5mA, then 10 etc.  The LED is
>  really only needed for people that are not
>  using an ammeter.
>  Bil
>  - Original Message -
>  From: 
>  To: 
>  Sent: Monday, December 13, 1999 11:47 AM
>  Subject: Re: LED's
>  > Hi Bil,
>  >
>  > I was thinking I would want to limit the current to 1 ma max. I don't
>  > what good an LED would be for that? I was thinking of something more
>  > the lines of a 300K ohm resistor in series with 30 volts. It would most
>  > certainly take a lot longer but might guarantee minimal particle size.
>  What
>  > do you think?
>  >
>  > Andy
>  >
>  > In a message dated 12/12/1999 8:10:40 PM Pacific Standard Time,
>  > writes:
>  >
>  >  If you look in a good parts catalog
>  >  you will find that almost every LED
>  >  avail. does not contain a resistor,
>  >  etc.  And there are many dozens
>  >  to choose from.
>  >
>  >  If you have a current limit resistor
>  >  in series with an LED you can see
>  >  at a glance roughly how much
>  >  current is flowing.  You may want
>  >  to choose one of the ultrabright
>  >  LED's.
>  >
>  >  Radio Shack only stocks a tiny
>  >  fraction of what you will find in a
>  >  good mail order catalog such as
>  >  Mouser Electronics.  They are
>  >  by far the best source that I have
>  >  ever seen for variety, low cost
>  >  and great service.
>  >
>  >
>  >
>  >
>  >  - Original Message -
>  >  From: 
>  >  To: 
>  >  Sent: Sunday, December 12, 1999 7:13 PM
>  >  Subject: Re: CS>Intro and questions
>  >
>  >
>  >  > A lot of the LEDs on the market now have built in current limit,
>  flashers,
>  >  > etc. It seems to make more sense to me to use a current limiting
>  resistor
>  >  in
>  >  > series rather than a light bulb or an LED though. Any thoughts on
>  >  >
>  >  > Andy
>  >  >
>  >  > In a message dated 12/11/1999 8:02:02 PM Pacific Standard Time,
>  >  > writes:
>  >  >
>  >  >  All single LED's have a voltage rating of
>  >  >  approx. 2 volts DC (not 5 or 14V!).  The
>  >  >  max. current rating for most LED's is
>  >  >  around 20mA.  They will light up (not too
>  >  >  brightly) at 1mA or less and gradually
>  >  >  increase reaching full brightness as you
>  >  >  approach 10mA.
>  >  >
>  >  >  O.K. to use in series with ANY low voltage
>  >  >  DC circuit (up to 20mA).  Best to use a
>  >  >  current limiting resistor.  Otherwise the
>  >  >  LED will burn out right quick when the
>  >  >  silver wires touch (or get shorted by the
>  >  >  silver growth on the cathode).  Won't
>  >  >  happen if you limit current.
>  >  >
>  >  >  Bil
>  >  >
>  >  >
>  >  >  - Original Message -
>  >  >  From: G&B Rogers 
>  >  >  To: 
>  >  >  Sent: Saturday, December 11, 1999 7:41 AM
>  >  >  Subject: CS>Intro and questions
>  >  >
>  >  >
>  >  >  > Hello listers from a newbie,
>  >  >  > I bought a CS generator and after seeing how simple it is, have
>  tried
>  >  my
>  >  >  > hand at making some, hopefully to give to family for holiday
>  >  The
>  >  >  > version I am using is the one that comes from the Beck papers.
>  only
>  >  >  > difficulty is getting a 24 grain of wheat bulb.  I substituted a
>  v.
>  >  >  > green LED bulb on the first one I made, (as a similar LED bulb
>  used
>  >  on
>  >  >  > the generator I purchased - although it uses only a 9 v. battery)
>  but
>  >  it
>  >  >  > was quite difficult to see if the bulb was even lighting up.  The
>  flow
>  >  >  > through the silver wire electrode was somewhat slow, I thought it
>  would
>  >  >  > work "faster" with the 27 voltage of batteries soldered in series
>  than
>  >  the
>  >  >  > 9v powered purchased machine, but it didn't.
>  >  >  >
>  >  >  > My 

Re: CS>nebulizer - no

1999-12-14 Thread Cindy Powell
There you go! Someone might could make a few dollars making us nebulizers!
Count me in for one :o)
-Original Message-
From: Nutritional Intelligence Cooperative of North America

Date: Tuesday, December 14, 1999 12:40 AM
Subject: Re: CS>nebulizer - no

>i second that offer...  i would love to have a nebulizer
>i wish someone would develop kits for the electrically illiterate...
>-Original Message-
>Date: Monday, December 13, 1999 9:28 PM
>Subject: CS>nebulizer - no
>>no I didn't try the nebulizer - i know you techies find this hard to
>>but even with instructions as detailed as you guys give . . .. i'm afraid
>>hate directions and I am electronically challenged!!  Vit C I can handle;
>>in pure form I can handle . ..  building a nebulizer - no way  . . . BUT I
>>would be willing to send someone on the list $$ to build me one.
>>yes McInturf is a neat guy - will help anyone he possibly can. . ..
>>The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
>>To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:
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>>To post, address your message to:
>>Silver-list archive:
>>List maintainer: Mike Devour 
>NetZero - Defenders of the Free World
>Get your FREE Internet Access and Email at

Re: CS>Cures for Blepharaspasm and Distonia

1999-12-14 Thread Nutritional Intelligence Cooperative of North America
sounz like a real case for GHB & magnesium...  magnesium is a smooth muscle

ghb is also a powerful relaxant... one of the best products if prudently


-Original Message-
Date: Monday, December 13, 1999 10:32 PM
Subject: CS>Cures for Blepharaspasm and Distonia

>I met a wonderful woman who has Blepharaspasm which leads to blindness
>because the eyelids won't stay open.  She is being treated with monthly
>botulism injections around her eyes which temporarily keep the eyelids from
>closing.  She also has Distonia.  And on top of this, her husband has
>Fibromyalgia .  Does anyone know if CS, the zapper, olive leaf extract or
>anything else is effective for these problems.
>Thanks for any help you can provide!
>The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
>To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:
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>To post, address your message to:
>Silver-list archive:
>List maintainer: Mike Devour 

NetZero - Defenders of the Free World
Get your FREE Internet Access and Email at

Re: CS>nebulizer - no

1999-12-14 Thread Nutritional Intelligence Cooperative of North America
i second that offer...  i would love to have a nebulizer

i wish someone would develop kits for the electrically illiterate...


-Original Message-
Date: Monday, December 13, 1999 9:28 PM
Subject: CS>nebulizer - no

>no I didn't try the nebulizer - i know you techies find this hard to
>but even with instructions as detailed as you guys give . . .. i'm afraid I
>hate directions and I am electronically challenged!!  Vit C I can handle;
>in pure form I can handle . ..  building a nebulizer - no way  . . . BUT I
>would be willing to send someone on the list $$ to build me one.
>yes McInturf is a neat guy - will help anyone he possibly can. . ..
>The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
>To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:
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>with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.
>To post, address your message to:
>Silver-list archive:
>List maintainer: Mike Devour 

NetZero - Defenders of the Free World
Get your FREE Internet Access and Email at

Re: CS>Re: Nellie/Milk magnesium

1999-12-14 Thread Nutritional Intelligence Cooperative of North America
i would be much more concerned with getting magnesium into people.  the USA
has one of the highest per capita calcium intakes, and likewise, one of the
highest osteoporosis rates.

magnesium on the other hand has been systematically denied its rightful
place.  according to the experts on magnesium, and i am not speaking of
health food nuts, but academicians, ... the usa suffers anywhere from
200,000 to 800,000 deaths from magnesium deficiency annually, just in the
way of heart attacks alone (the experts range from 200k to 800k
none i read below 200k).. it is estimated that the magnesium deficiency
creates a $50 billion revenue source for the cardiac industry.calcium
channel blocker sales are in the neighborhood of $5billion and magnesium
is nature's best calcium channel blocker...

magnesium is a necessity for 3/4's of all enzymes in our body.vital for
ATP...,   red blood cell formation,  prevention of insulin
resistance prevention of calcium precipitation in the soft tissue
(kidney stones, bone spurs, hardening of the arteries,)

the importance of magnesium can not be over emphasized...

a true conspiracy..

(records of the AMA's involvement in suppressing Magnesium is available in
court house records and the AMA's own archives)


-Original Message-
Date: Monday, December 13, 1999 8:28 PM
Subject: Re: CS>Re: Nellie/Milk

>In a message dated 12/13/99 8:38:58 PM Eastern Standard Time,
> writes:
>very interesting.  i've been learning more and more about this.  not
>to ingest SOY, i've been ordering rice dream (a brown rice drink) to use as
>substitute for milk...butif you have any info on what healthy ways
>drinks) to get calcium into finicky toddlers, i'd surely appreciate it!!
>i tried the "broccoli is a yummy little tree" trick and it didn't get me
>anywhere, LOL.
>The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
>To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:
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>To post, address your message to:
>Silver-list archive:
>List maintainer: Mike Devour 

NetZero - Defenders of the Free World
Get your FREE Internet Access and Email at

CS>Re: Pets and CS

1999-12-14 Thread Blix07

Question concerning using CS with pets.  I presently have a total of 20 cats 
in my home.  13 are my own plus I have 7 foster cats for Friends of Animals.  
With this many under one roof, when one comes down with something, it can 
spread quite quickly from one to the other.  With new cats coming in all the 
time, you never really know what can show up even with vet checks and safety 
procautions.  Is it safe to give them CS  daily in their drinking water?  I 
have bowls of water down so that it is available to them at any time - thus, 
there is no way to really gauge how much intake each one is getting.  Though, 
with it diluted in their water, I kind of doubt that they'd really be taking 
in too much.  I have tried it with them for two weeks now and believe it or 
not, I have not seen any hairballs being chucked up.  Plus, my one cat seems 
to be more perky and less crabby.  Maybe that's my imagination, but Ido know 
for sure that I've been hairball free for a few days.  One other concern I 
had with them taking CS daily is the breakdown of good bacteria in their 
digestive system.  Any ideas?  I'm hoping I can continue as I have two cats 
that have eye infections that the vet says will be with them for life.  I 
have an antibiotic salve I have to put in when it flairs up.   CS gives me a 
lot of hope that it will clear up/help many things that aflict cats.  
Appreciate any feedback and experiences of others with pets and CS.

Also - can Olive Leaf Extract be used with pets?  

Thanks much.


The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:  -or-
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To post, address your message to:
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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>ever heard of Juniper Tar

1999-12-14 Thread Nutritional Intelligence Cooperative of North America

-Original Message-
Date: Monday, December 13, 1999 4:20 PM
Subject: CS>ever heard of Juniper Tar

>anyone ever heard of this?  my grandmother gave it to me as a child?
>I did a search and found info on it, but it had MSD's attached to it - I
>ordered some thru a pharmacy last year - can I safely take it?  anyone know
>p.s. would really kick my asthma in the head if safe to take
>The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
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>List maintainer: Mike Devour 

NetZero - Defenders of the Free World
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Re: CS>update - my asthma

1999-12-14 Thread Nutritional Intelligence Cooperative of North America
if you have not hit S.P. yet (saturation point)  then up the dose!  you
have to find out what your bowel tolerance is.  buy a kilo.  i would
recommend stockpiling some.

my record for a one 8 hour shift at work is 227 grams... that is 8ounces...
and i never hit S.P... although i could tell i was getting close.  my fever
was kept at a comfortable level, enough so that i could work without major
discomfort and still perform well (only one to run a health food store that

-Original Message-
Date: Monday, December 13, 1999 3:37 PM
Subject: CS>update - my asthma

>just by chance I ran into Brian McInturf at a local health food store this
>weekend; told him about my plight (which is better BTW - I took 40,000 mg
>Vit C Sat/30,000 on Sun - it is helping - still not to the diarrhea stage
>though - not even close)  and Brian said that resistant lung infections can
>be round worms - again back to zapping & hulda clark methods - h  -
>food for thought
>The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
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