Re: CS>Macular Degeneration

2012-05-05 Thread sol

 Hi, you didn't say whether you used the LEDs with eyes open or closed? 
And from what distance away from your eyes?

sol wrote:
The warning as I see it is like the warning don' look at the sun. If 
that was true I would have been blind years ago. I worked with 
the Navy safety officer and he allowed me to bring my 2 watt low level 
904nm laser into the office area as he decided the warning was similar 
to the sun warning. He did say don't shine it in your eyes. I try to 
use the 660nm red LEDs for my eyes. Better to ask V why he put the 
warning on the 880nm unit. I probably better stop using the 880nm or I 
could go blind.

In a message dated 5/5/2012 6:41:00 A.M. Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

My unit came with a warning NOT to use the
880 on/in eyes, so I am particularly interested how long to use
the 880,
and from what distance, and whether eyes were closed or open.

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
 Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions: 
List Owner: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Macular Degeneration

2012-05-05 Thread Jane MacRoss
Yes me too warned not to look at the 880nm unit - wondering how I could 
position it without looking!
  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Sunday, May 06, 2012 11:00 AM
  Subject: Re: CS>Macular Degeneration

  The warning as I see it is like the warning don' look at the sun. If that was 
true I would have been blind years ago. I worked with the Navy safety officer 
and he allowed me to bring my 2 watt low level 904nm laser into the office area 
as he decided the warning was similar to the sun warning. He did say don't 
shine it in your eyes. I try to use the 660nm red LEDs for my eyes. Better to 
ask V why he put the warning on the 880nm unit. I probably better stop using 
the 880nm or I could go blind.

  Clark's zapper and Rifes equipment are miles apart. Rife used 90 watts to 
power a plasma tube with an audio signal to create sidebands, where Clark used 
flashlight batteries for her zapper. Rifes work was lost because the court 
would not allow him to patent his kill frequencies, when they were directed to 
disclose them they did not disclose that sidebands had to be used. His work 
could not be duplicated until the sideband feature was again discovered.
  In a message dated 5/5/2012 6:41:00 A.M. Pacific Daylight Time, writes:
My unit came with a warning NOT to use the 
880 on/in eyes, so I am particularly interested how long to use the 880, 
and from what distance, and whether eyes were closed or open.

  No virus found in this message.
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  Version: 2012.0.1913 / Virus Database: 2425/4980 - Release Date: 05/05/12

CS>Testing PPM of ionic silver

2012-05-05 Thread Melly Bag
Monette M mentioned that ionic silver 20+ PPM is good to take when one is ill.  
How does one measure  ionic silver's ppm.  I have both PWT and TDS meters and i 
understand they measure colloidal silver's particles.

Re: CS>Macular Degeneration

2012-05-05 Thread Brickeyk
The warning as I see it is like the warning don' look at the sun. If that  
was true I would have been blind years ago. I worked with the Navy safety  
officer and he allowed me to bring my 2 watt low level 904nm laser  into the 
office area as he decided the warning was similar to the sun warning.  He 
did say don't shine it in your eyes. I try to use the 660nm red LEDs for my  
eyes. Better to ask V why he put the warning on the 880nm unit. I probably  
better stop using the 880nm or I could go blind.
Clark's zapper and Rifes equipment are miles apart. Rife used 90 watts to  
power a plasma tube with an audio signal to create sidebands, where Clark  
used flashlight batteries for her zapper. Rifes work was lost because  the 
court would not allow him to patent his kill frequencies, when they were  
directed to disclose them they did not disclose that sidebands had to be used.  
His work could not be duplicated until the sideband feature was again  
In a message dated 5/5/2012 6:41:00 A.M. Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

My unit  came with a warning NOT to use the 
880 on/in eyes, so I am particularly  interested how long to use the 880, 
and from what distance, and whether  eyes were closed or  open.

Re: CS>Macular Degeneration

2012-05-05 Thread Brickeyk
I didn't time how long but I would say 30 seconds to several minutes. I  
read that most accupuncture points can be triggered by treating each ear for  
only 30 seconds. My knee is still sore after knee replacement and most use 
of  the Leds are treating my knee.
In a message dated 5/4/2012 9:34:31 P.M. Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

Am interested in how long did you treat each eye with LEDs from V.   I have 
V's LEDs  too  660-850.  Am still trying to figure  out how to use it.  Am 
not so sure how many minutes to use on each  spot.

Re: CS>Making 100% colloidal EIS

2012-05-05 Thread Mike Monett
Dok Dallas  wrote:

[... snip crud]


There are two major Beck groups in Yahoo. Both seem to  have drifted
away from discussions on Zappers.

The Beck-n-stuff  group  with Tony Moody as moderator  hasn't  had a
post regarding  Zappers for quite some time. This group  has drifted
off into EMF shielding against smart meters and tDCS. Both  are very
unstable ground.  So  far the discussion on  tDCS  doesn't  seems to
realize that electrons cannot flow in an electrolyte.

The Beck-blood-electrification group with BG as the  moderator seems
to have  abandoned  Beck altogether and is now  into  cs,  H2O2, and
ozone. These are famous traps for the unwary.


There was  one very interesting  post  in Beck-blood-electrification
that no  one seems to have followed up on. I will copy  it  here for

Message #14394 of 14451

I'm new to electro medicine but I had 2 cases so far where  the pain
was greatly  mitigated  by  the  PEMF. One  woman,  80+  yo,  in the
hospital. We  got the unit into her room and she finally  got relief
from the pain and was able (and wanted) to leave. Another  woman who
had the  shingles  pain for 10 years came and did a  20  minute PEMF
treatment and  the  pain  greatly   subsided  for  4  days  and then
gradually started  to  return. She returned  for  another  20 minute




I have  had shingles twice. This post is very  interesting  and well
worth investigating further. But nobody seems to have noticed it.

As far  as  your  participation   in  these  groups,  your  posts in
Beck-blood-electrification were  similar to your post here  and drew
many complaints. This may have resulted in your being  expelled from
the group, since your last post was message 12291 on Sep 21, 2010:


Your last  post in the Beck-n-stuff group was message  43748  on Jul
29, 2011, titled "Making CS with a Silver Puppy Question"

In this  post   you   offered   to   divulge  secret  information on
"EIS/CSilver hide-outs". I think this is generally against  the open
discussion beliefs that most people practise in these forums.

You claim  to be a retired design engineer and claim  that  top LVDC
EIS generator  designers tend to guard their EOC circuits.  Then you
make the amazing statemt that

"EOC/(End-of-Cycle) circuits  using  constant-current,  measure Cell
Impedance/(value)  between   (2)   active   Silver electrodes...then
compare to  known set-point to get EOC~ For a  given (submerged/wet)
electrode surface-area and spacing, at a known-current there will be
a (specific)  measurable voltage-drop given across Cell  to estimate

I believe  you are just like most people who are  trying  to impress
others with meaningless babble. You are simply describing Ohm's Law.

The equation is

V = I * R

You will end up with a circuit that is very much like this:

However, this approach has serious limits. As I state at the end:

"The circuit would function as designed, but the basic concept has a
major flaw. Since the curve of cell voltage vs brew time flattens to
a plateau  near  the  end of the brew,  the  cutoff  threshold would
become critical. Small variations in the purity of  distilled water,
ambient temperature,  or  even vibrations  from  walking  across the
floor could  trigger the cutoff and terminate the  brew.  This could
cause significant  variations  in  ionic  strength,  or  perhaps the
threshold might  not  be reached and the  circuit  would  never shut

"This means  the threshold would have to be set  considerably higher
than the  plateau  voltage, which means  the  concentration  of ions
would be less than the maximum obtainable from the cs generator."

However, there is a far better way to do the job. Simply  invert the
equation and plot the conductance curve instead. Here is an example:

The significance  of this curve is it tells you  everything  that is
happening in the electrolysis process. You can detect contamination,
such as  silver  sulfide,  and the point  at  which  the conductance
plateaus and you need to terminate the brew.

However, this  will  require   a   small  microprocessor  to  do the
calculation and  curve fitting, and it can offer much  more detailed
information on the health of the cs generator and quality of  the cs
than was possible before.

I hope  to bring this to 

CS>Rife Technology

2012-05-05 Thread Craig Chamberlin

To all of the electronics folks,

I was privileged to have had an ongoing email exchange with Aubrey Scoon 
of the UK, back in 2001 - 2002.  During that time he had access to an 
original 1939 Beam Ray Machine and reversed engineered it. 

I used Rife/Bare machines, during this period, and they are a bit 
persnickity.  I no longer own any of them and have one of Bruce 
Stenulson's units, an older System 6c EM+ model.  At the time, this 
unit, seemed to produce much better results, in terms of treating my 
sister's breast cancer. No, it wasn't enough, but that isn't what this 
missive is about.

If you are one of the above mentioned electronics folks this is the link 
to a mirror of Aubrey Soon's site.  He died in 2009 at the age of 49 and 
withdrew from the Rife arena after doing this work.  He would never say why.

I have no interest in any debate about this subject and will not engage 
in any.  I simply offer this to those who may have in interest in this 
subject. Perhaps this is widely distributed information today, I don't know.

Kind regards,


Re: CS>Making 100% colloidal EIS

2012-05-05 Thread Mike Monett
  "Tony Moody"  wrote:

  > But that kind of circuit is a real pain (if not impossible) to get
  > reliable low current.



  The LM317 has a minimum load current of 3.5mA. This is far  too high
  for a  typical  cs  generator. It is  also  limited  to input/output
  voltage differential  of  40V  max.  This is  too  low  for  some cs
  generators and the LM317 will saturate at the start of the  brew. It
  will mess up the Faraday calculations.

  However,itis   trivial   to   getastable,  precision
  temperature-compensated constant   current   source   at microampere
  current levels.  All it takes is two resistors, a TL431, and  a high
  voltage npn transistor such as a 2N5550. The 2N5550 will take  up to
  160V, which is far more than most cs generators will need.

  I use  it  with excellent results. It  is  perfectly  stable without
  bypass capacitors and needs no compensation. The TL431  has internal
  compensation that  determines   the   open   loop   gain  margin and
  stability. The  load  is isolated from the loop since it  is  in the
  collector of the 2N5550, and anything you tack on the  output cannot
  affect the loop gain.

  The circuit  is  shown  in  Figure  29,  "Precision Constant-Current
  Sink", on page 18 of

  The equation is

  Rs = 2.5 / Ic


  Ic = desired cell current
  Rs = current setting resistor

  Note, the  current  source shown as  Figure  28,  "Precision Current
  Limiter", on page 17, won't work as a current source.

  The parts only cost a few pennies.

  Octopart will help you find vendors. Here is the 2N5550:

  Here is the TL431:



The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
  Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions: 
List Owner: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Making 100% colloidal EIS

2012-05-05 Thread Tony Moody
Hi Dok,

I'm with you on a lot of your post. Yes, Marshal is admirable in the science 
dept. and ability to
to discuss it.

The mm uses lm317 or derivatives usually , can't remember him using op amps, 
but he adds
a lot of compenstion circuits around for voltage and temp variation. Expensive 
overkill for our needs, my opinion. Have to admire what he knows tho. But that 
kind of circuit
is a real pain (if not impossible) to get reliable low current.

It is full moon and there is a lot of barking.

bg is also a good guy but I left there when i couldn't get through to him about 

Thanks for the headsup. Its very quiet on Becknstuff .You want to stir a bit 
there, will be
good. Not that I understand a lot of what you say; I'm not american and don't 
watch much TV.

Thats enough damage from me for one day.


On 5 May 2012 at 6:22, Dok Dallas wrote about :
Subject : Re: CS>Making 100% colloidal EIS

> Hi Tony,
> We sure were lucky this time, with having our (Sky) Marshall nearby, even
> if Sleeping? Yes, one sniff and Marshall made quick draw, on verbose
> shopping list, of Mike's rambling! I'm glad to see, HIJACK incident went
> without serious insult to SilverList members, except I heard later, some
> were complaining of MIkeGRAINE Headaches and smelling...old Mold?
> Looks like Mike D. is going to have to really get that damn [UNSUBSCRIBE]
> button fixed, or next time it might be a (full-blown) Zombie
> Attack...including return of the Bad-Histava? Before we blame technology,
> maybe Mike Lied (again) and never left List, like if Paranoid.
> I'm retired Engineer, not-real Doctor, but @^@ 
> and if that don't help
> understanding personality problems, we can still call for a Krampus? Over
> 50 years in Military & Aerospace Engineering... have run into many a
> Delusional EE. >From years of managing EE's, Mike's disruptive nature
> around others, is never...workable!  
> With EE background, I already challenged Saint Michael last Fall, for
> missing Information on how he was deriving measurements, etc. and I
> offered assistance.  I was then blocked from any further postings in 'HIS'
> Y-GrOpE and he sent me 3~4 emails which I  ignored ;~) For months, simply
> sat back patiently waiting, watching and laughing at Mike screwing-up.
> He did not know answer to Electro-Chemistry question I asked: name for
> Res. (I) regulator ckt. he used to control brew Cell current..?  Try~>
> Yes, Galvanostat/(Amprostat) are
> exactly the techniques Bob Beck used in his BE design and also not
> recognized/understood by Russ at SOTA, or the Lizard Guy in 6V
> Germ-killer. BTW, Saint Mike is now Persona-non-Grata in Lizard
> GrOpE...after posting on Chromium?
> Godzilla always was/is Dangerous to user with Iontophoresis pumping
> potentially Toxic Ion and while DC Zilla gets Germ Killer results, it
> pumps Bad (long term) Neuro Toxic, Cu Ions. Of all the so called Zapper
> technologies over years ( s ago, Doctors safely used almost exactly same
> DC currents, to then Treat rather than BURN patients...where now 150 years
> later Ignorant ZILLA users get 3rd-degree BURNS...which bG dismisses, as
> being only minor skin rash, that will eventually, go away?
> Saint Michael most likely has never read up on how Doctors safely used
> Medical currents, but give me until Sunday afternoon and I will post lost
> secrets URL, after Mike is sleeping?     I'll offer you a BIG clue... when
> pumping (Metallic) Cations, negative trod is always HUGE, Doctors fully
> understanding (+) & (-) trodes are not swappable, ZILLA users kept in
> Now in May 2012, Silver Cell is a (childish) JOKE, of plastic-board, hot
> glue, stolen straws, yet still we cannot Pin-Down source(s) of
> Contaminationnot seen, IN other...generators? Last I heard...thought
> it was Sulfur, escaping from Gel-Cell batteries in emergency lighting, but
> with years of fighting Mold Infestations and Herpes from girl friends Kid,
> WHO knows..?      In (real world) design Engineering, Mike would never
> have survived past 90-Daze Probation! 
> Not only did Saint Mike Hijack original Question, but he never even
> answered it, before he proceeded to run on and on, with his own error
> ridden agenda(s), posting his GrOpE Links. Tony, beware (as you are
> moderator) in [Beck-n-Stuff] Y-Group...I predict a Saint Mike, will likely
> try to start preaching about Deadly (chromium) IONS, if using Stainless
> Steel trode? Just remember, Robert Beck's Dr.Sci degrees are in
> Physics/(MSEE) and he understood, all ramifications...of using type 316-SS
> Electrodes with a (4-HZ) Biphasic ION Pump/Trap! If he dares to show up in
> any BECK groups...I will be glad to lecture...4-HZ/BiPhasic Trap.      
> As we all grow older, hopefully we won't Saint Mike? 
> Please Note: I started reply ten hours ago (at Truck Stop) actua

Re: CS>Macular Degeneration

2012-05-05 Thread devorahg99
V is always very helpful too...Debbie

Sent via my Samsung Replenish from Boost Mobile

Melly Bag  wrote:

>Am interested in how long did you treat each eye with LEDs from V.  I have V's 
>LEDs  too  660-850.  Am still trying to figure out how to use it.  Am not so 
>sure how many minutes to use on each spot.

Re: CS>Macular Degeneration

2012-05-05 Thread sol

Melly Bag wrote:

Am interested in how long did you treat each eye with LEDs from V.  I 
have V's LEDs  too  660-850.  Am still trying to figure out how to use 
it.  Am not so sure how many minutes to use on each spot.

I'd also like to know how far away from the eyes Brickey placed the 
LEDs, and with eyes open or closed? I was a bit surprised to see the 
infrared LED used with eyes. My unit came with a warning NOT to use the 
880 on/in eyes, so I am particularly interested how long to use the 880, 
and from what distance, and whether eyes were closed or open.


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
 Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions: 
List Owner: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Making 100% colloidal EIS

2012-05-05 Thread Dok Dallas
Hi Tony,

We sure were lucky this time, with having our (Sky) Marshall nearby, even if 
Yes, one sniff and Marshall made quick draw, on verbose shopping list, of 
Mike's rambling! 
I'm glad to see, HIJACK incident went without serious insult to SilverList 
members, except
I heard later, some were complaining of MIkeGRAINE Headaches and smelling...old 

Looks like Mike D. is going to have to really get that damn [UNSUBSCRIBE] 
button fixed,
or next time it might be a (full-blown) Zombie Attack...including return of the 
Before we blame technology, maybe Mike Lied (again) and never left List, like 
if Paranoid.

I'm retired Engineer, not-real Doctor, but @^@
and if that don't help understanding personality problems, we can still call 
for a Krampus?
Over 50 years in Military & Aerospace Engineering... have run into many a 
Delusional EE.
From years of managing EE's, Mike's disruptive nature around others, is 

With EE background, I already challenged Saint Michael last Fall, for missing 
on how he was deriving measurements, etc. and I offered assistance.  I was then 
from any further postings in 'HIS' Y-GrOpE and he sent me 3~4 emails which I  
ignored ;~)
For months, simply sat back patiently waiting, watching and laughing at Mike 

He did not know answer to Electro-Chemistry question I asked: name for Res. (I) 
ckt. he used to control brew Cell current..?  Try~>
Yes, Galvanostat/(Amprostat) are exactly the techniques Bob Beck used in his BE 
and also not recognized/understood by Russ at SOTA, or the Lizard Guy in 6V 
BTW, Saint Mike is now Persona-non-Grata in Lizard GrOpE...after posting on 

Godzilla always was/is Dangerous to user with Iontophoresis pumping potentially 
Toxic Ion
and while DC Zilla gets Germ Killer results, it pumps Bad (long term) Neuro 
Toxic, Cu Ions.
Of all the so called Zapper technologies over years (working, or not) only 

Back 150+ years ago, Doctors safely used almost exactly same DC currents, to 
then Treat
rather than BURN patients...where now 150 years later Ignorant ZILLA users get 
BURNS...which bG dismisses, as being only minor skin rash, that will 
eventually, go away?

Saint Michael most likely has never read up on how Doctors safely used Medical 
but give me until Sunday afternoon and I will post lost secrets URL, after Mike 
is sleeping?     
I'll offer you a BIG clue... when pumping (Metallic) Cations, negative trod is 
always HUGE,
Doctors fully understanding (+) & (-) trodes are not swappable, ZILLA users 
kept in DARK!

Now in May 2012, Silver Cell is a (childish) JOKE, of plastic-board, hot glue, 
stolen straws,
yet still we cannot Pin-Down source(s) of Contaminationnot seen, IN 
Last I heard...thought it was Sulfur, escaping from Gel-Cell batteries in 
emergency lighting,
but with years of fighting Mold Infestations and Herpes from girl friends Kid, 
WHO knows..?      
In (real world) design Engineering, Mike would never have survived past 90-Daze 

Not only did Saint Mike Hijack original Question, but he never even answered 
it, before he
proceeded to run on and on, with his own error ridden agenda(s), posting his 
GrOpE Links.
Tony, beware (as you are moderator) in [Beck-n-Stuff] Y-Group...I predict a 
Saint Mike, will
likely try to start preaching about Deadly (chromium) IONS, if using Stainless 
Steel trode?
Just remember, Robert Beck's Dr.Sci degrees are in Physics/(MSEE) and he 
all ramifications...of using type 316-SS Electrodes with a (4-HZ) Biphasic ION 
If he dares to show up in any BECK groups...I will be glad to 
lecture...4-HZ/BiPhasic Trap.       

As we all grow older, hopefully we won't Saint Mike?

Please Note: I started reply ten hours ago (at Truck Stop) actual Send Time got 
so now that I am back, live on-Internet...I see Saint Mike is still in here 
Not sure when, I'm on-line, but "My Time is worth far more, than huge 

2nd opinion
Dok Dallas

Upon first hearing possibility, of Saint MIKE...I was excited, about CANONIZING 
but when I offered to light Fuse, everyone laughed  Damn they don't use Gun 
(I know, this was where CKING normally puts a Tag Line, but I really wanted to 
post mine)

(OK, I know...CKING normally puts his TAG line here, but I just couldn't 
pass-up, posting)      

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
  Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions: 
List Owner: Mike Devou

Re: CS>Making 100% colloidal EIS

2012-05-05 Thread Sandee George
Good morning Jason so which one of the zapper type machines would you  
recommend ?

Attitude is everything !!

53 Year Old Mom Looks 33
The Stunning Results of Her Wrinkle Trick Has Botox Doctors Worried

Re: CS>Making 100% colloidal EIS

2012-05-05 Thread Mike Monett
Neville Munn  wrote:
>Many seem to quote wikipedia, I doubt this source is all that reliable.  I 
>certainly wouldn't quote from it as any form of authority on subject matters 
>such as these anyway, and I'm only a mug punter.
>Correct me if I'm wrong, but from all my readings about Rife his *personal* 
>researched material was destroyed, and his sidekicks attempted to duplicate 
>from memory did they not?  And I'm not exactly sure if *everything* he did was 
>documented?  Again from my readings, he failed to repeat his purported 
>successes after the ruination of him and the destruction of his material.

I did not invoke Rife. Jason did.

Wikipedia is far more accurate than the postings on this forum. Wikipedia
gives references. That rarely happens here.

Studies have shown Wikipedia is at least as accurate as Encyclopedia
Britannica. As in anything, you have to do your own research to verify the
facts. google is an excellent resource.

There is no need to invoke the destruction of Rife's equipment. The
references #5 and #8 in the Wikipedia rticle show the description of a
Zapper used to treat cancer based on Rife's design. It is similar to the
Zapper proposed by Clark, and would be equally incapable of doing anything
to reach or to harm bacteria. 

It would be impossible to destroy knowledge of such a simple device.

According to reference 8 in the Wikipedia article, "The device was invented
a century ago by Albert Abrams (1864-1924), an American physician who
became a millionaire and was branded by the American Medical Association
"the dean of gadget quacks"."

"His research was refined by a Californian pathologist, Raymond Royal Rife

If this device worked as claimed, there would have been no illness caused
by pathogens long before the start of WWII. There would be no need for the
discovery of penicillin and other antibiotics. Everyone would have one in
the home, and hospitals would be reduced to setting the occasional bone. We
would not have MRSA, and Lyme disease would not exist. There would be no

None of this has come to pass.



The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
  Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions: 
List Owner: Mike Devour