Dok Dallas <> wrote:

[... snip crud]


There are two major Beck groups in Yahoo. Both seem to  have drifted
away from discussions on Zappers.

The Beck-n-stuff  group  with Tony Moody as moderator  hasn't  had a
post regarding  Zappers for quite some time. This group  has drifted
off into EMF shielding against smart meters and tDCS. Both  are very
unstable ground.  So  far the discussion on  tDCS  doesn't  seems to
realize that electrons cannot flow in an electrolyte.

The Beck-blood-electrification group with BG as the  moderator seems
to have  abandoned  Beck altogether and is now  into  cs,  H2O2, and
ozone. These are famous traps for the unwary.


There was  one very interesting  post  in Beck-blood-electrification
that no  one seems to have followed up on. I will copy  it  here for

Message #14394 of 14451

I'm new to electro medicine but I had 2 cases so far where  the pain
was greatly  mitigated  by  the  PEMF. One  woman,  80+  yo,  in the
hospital. We  got the unit into her room and she finally  got relief
from the pain and was able (and wanted) to leave. Another  woman who
had the  shingles  pain for 10 years came and did a  20  minute PEMF
treatment and  the  pain  greatly   subsided  for  4  days  and then
gradually started  to  return. She returned  for  another  20 minute




I have  had shingles twice. This post is very  interesting  and well
worth investigating further. But nobody seems to have noticed it.

As far  as  your  participation   in  these  groups,  your  posts in
Beck-blood-electrification were  similar to your post here  and drew
many complaints. This may have resulted in your being  expelled from
the group, since your last post was message 12291 on Sep 21, 2010:


Your last  post in the Beck-n-stuff group was message  43748  on Jul
29, 2011, titled "Making CS with a Silver Puppy Question"

In this  post   you   offered   to   divulge  secret  information on
"EIS/CSilver hide-outs". I think this is generally against  the open
discussion beliefs that most people practise in these forums.

You claim  to be a retired design engineer and claim  that  top LVDC
EIS generator  designers tend to guard their EOC circuits.  Then you
make the amazing statemt that

"EOC/(End-of-Cycle) circuits  using  constant-current,  measure Cell
Impedance/(value)  between   (2)   active   Silver electrodes...then
compare to  known set-point to get EOC~ For a  given (submerged/wet)
electrode surface-area and spacing, at a known-current there will be
a (specific)  measurable voltage-drop given across Cell  to estimate

I believe  you are just like most people who are  trying  to impress
others with meaningless babble. You are simply describing Ohm's Law.

The equation is

V = I * R

You will end up with a circuit that is very much like this:

However, this approach has serious limits. As I state at the end:

"The circuit would function as designed, but the basic concept has a
major flaw. Since the curve of cell voltage vs brew time flattens to
a plateau  near  the  end of the brew,  the  cutoff  threshold would
become critical. Small variations in the purity of  distilled water,
ambient temperature,  or  even vibrations  from  walking  across the
floor could  trigger the cutoff and terminate the  brew.  This could
cause significant  variations  in  ionic  strength,  or  perhaps the
threshold might  not  be reached and the  circuit  would  never shut

"This means  the threshold would have to be set  considerably higher
than the  plateau  voltage, which means  the  concentration  of ions
would be less than the maximum obtainable from the cs generator."

However, there is a far better way to do the job. Simply  invert the
equation and plot the conductance curve instead. Here is an example:

The significance  of this curve is it tells you  everything  that is
happening in the electrolysis process. You can detect contamination,
such as  silver  sulfide,  and the point  at  which  the conductance
plateaus and you need to terminate the brew.

However, this  will  require   a   small  microprocessor  to  do the
calculation and  curve fitting, and it can offer much  more detailed
information on the health of the cs generator and quality of  the cs
than was possible before.

I hope  to bring this to market in the near future, but I  will post
free plans for a manual version you can make for very little cost.

In the meantime, any time you want to talk circuits and systems, let
me know.


Mike Monett

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