CS>arthritis and ppm count

2012-04-18 Thread Jared De la Torriente

 I must agreed with many  of your  points, but ill asure you i rarely take info 
from sale pitch as hard evidence.  most company that advertise their so called  
TEM pictures can only refered to silver particles not iones.. iones in the 
absent of water  oxidises , there for  will not show their true form in a 
picture. diferent aproche need to be taken.
can surely apreciated a well founded difference of point of view as yours, 
indeed the body internal fluids are both colloidal and ionic, iones+ can surely 
attach to other mineral traces and form new sustances such as chlorine, coper 
iones, and many more,  i have read many or most of the so call comercially 
available forms of silver,   silver salts, proteins, nitrates, sulfadine, and 
all the silver colliids ,wether ionic, hidrosol,
As you finely put it all  work... but  only differ from the time need it to  
take action and incapacited the pathogens... as you  also  put it in vitro in 
vivo studies are just being  done  or better yet   are being made public.
here in mexico our governet doesnt  put  such a hard resistence or bann on 
silver products or homepatic remedies, as the actutude of most 1st world 
country as  usa, europe or britain. many  many  essays, reseach,experiments are 
being done not only in mexico but other places that confirme the efectiveness 
of silver ions. i  dont just read  what google,ask,ping, yahoo results   comes 
up with, i  used COPERNINC AGENT PROFESIONAL, is a specific  topic and INTEREST 
WWW SEARCH ENGINE , you can set it to only  show results from universitites,  
health institues, goverment and more .any how this tool was  very help full in 
finding  information that sopports and clarifies what you may readily find on 
google or such places fill with their agenda and misinformation.
like you said  silver hidrosol is still a silver collid, TRUE but not quiet the 
same. is like saying  purified water is  as good as  spring water, not quiet 
the same but related.
i`m my own best guiny pig, forgive my english migh be a bit rusty, i must have 
done extensive reasearch for over 5 months and still reading before taking  CS, 
i just did not agreed with all the misinformation on the more comercial web 
sites regarding silver solution.
as you surely know, is the surface area covered , zeta potential of silver 
solutions, iones+, that can more rapidily work and  be excreded from the body, 
again this is  COLLIDAL CHEMISTRY literature from many parts, although i think 
that since  silver ions combine in the body and most of it is consume and 
axcreded out, that the remaining silverparticles thant cannot eassyly be 
excreded out can provide a remnant shield protection on the cells thay attach 
to. again only speculation from some light reading.
i have a family member that works in a university nearby , he has agreed to 
conduc test on  silver colloid, ionic silver, hidrosol silver, since i just 
dont fully believe the results of such  in vivo, in vitro  experiments 
comercially available on the  web, i can fully trust this family member to be 
objective at least in the spirit of true sciencie
ill happily share his findings on the groups. thank you the  thought 
stimulation..   namaste.


CS>arthritis and ppm count

2012-04-17 Thread Jared De la Torriente

ill like to share  a point i learned.  My grand ma and mother in law both have  
chronic fatige and artritis  for some time. both  have  show  pain relieve 
with taking ICS, more joint movility so  it most be  helping since all their 
regular  medication seem  to have  stop helping and  ther joint and movility 
was deteriorating. an as far as PPM, i done   much reasearch and popular 
believe is  now amongs  savy experts that is  the IONIC content on the colloid 
solution that does  wonders for curing not the PPM or  silver particle  
content, the  particle content does have  some mild anti bacterial efffects but 
its true strengh is the silver ions. a  5ppm silver colloid is more or less 80% 
silver colloid particles and 20% or less ionic silver.a  5ppm ionic/colloidal 
silver  is more or less 80% ionic and 20% silver colloid particles.  a  5ppm 
colloidal silver hidrosol is over 95% ionic and less than 5% silver colloid 
particles. another way of putting  you ll need to ingest much less ML of silver 
hidrosol at 5ppm, insted of ingesting highe amount ML of a 20+PPM silver 
colloid solution to get the same results. a lot much less is need to regain 
health. High 20+PPM silver solution means more silver particles witch may have 
to big of a size that can acumulated on the body, leading to a possible argiria 
look on the skin and  nails. still efective but more needs to be ingested.  
lower ppm  5-10PPM ionic or hidrosol are much better and more efective and much 
less needed to be ingested to get results. i recently fought off salmonelosis 
in 1.5 days taking power doses of  silver hidrosol home made at 8ppm infuse 
with 528 hz dna repair and accelerated  healing. hope this help you guys out. 

CS>sharing my findings on silver hydrosol

2012-04-13 Thread Jared De la Torriente

 im  very much interested in  collidal silver / ionic- hydrosol,
ill  like to share with your  what learned so far.
you problably started out like me, buying a simple generator, mine  was too 
simple, just silver wires and cables no dc power unit,
so far  my understanding base on what i read in many sites, silver list  help 
clear much of my doubts.
collidal silver: is mostly  silver particles and some silver ions... if  it 
turns yellow is   normal but it shows aglomeration and  becomes less efective, 
still good but not as  good as clear solutions. ionic silver:  is more silver 
iones than silver particles. more efective than colloidal silver, less needs to 
be  taken to heal.silver hydrosol : is the purest form of all silver 
solutions.. extreamly efective at lower ppm.  even less is needed to heal
 ppm, only account silver particles not  silver ions content. silver ion 
content is  what makes  it an antibiotic and much more, not the silver 
particles or ppm. does have some benefits to health but why settle for less
to make silver hydrosol  you only need to control  the  current or amps.. 
better put less than 1mA, this makes mostly silver ions and few silver 
particles small enought to pass throut all cels and does not acumulate over 
time as with high ppm colloidal silver products.
i bought a laboratory grade  dc power source with constant voltage and constant 
current and limit current option and digital multimeter to pin piont the 
current. i grab a  old hdd and took it apart for  its magnet and used and old 
pc  colling fan to make a magnetic stirrer, just need to buy and magnetic bar, 
saved me over 200 dls this way.
any how i also  bought a zapper and after making my silver hydrosol at 8ppm i 
connecet the  zaper and set it at 528hz  dna reperaing and rapid  healing.. 
this is  call oxysilver, they sell it on the weeb  look it up.   oxysilver.
am making 20ltrs in 6 days this way.  it sure  does take a lot of time but 
youll be making to purest most silver ions saturated solution. 2 days ago i 
got foof poisoning and this silver  hydrosol with 528hz frequency got rid of it 
in 1.5 days.. my wife was furious because thiks i give to much credit to silver 
hydrosol. she surely thinks differently today.
check out my vids, you can see all the things i used.
only silver wires,  destille water, dc power souerce, digital multi meter, 
magnetic stirr and a 20ltrs crystal jar and a profesional zapper 0hz to 
200,000hz. i invested in all about 600dls.. well invested it seems.
hope this is  usefull to you.


CS>Beck Zapper for Renal Support

2012-02-08 Thread Jared De la Torriente

joy,i read some literature about using  silver  hidrosol -- ionic silver to 
perform tratment of renal issue, they did it  by spraying bout 3 5 times a day 
a ionic silver solution directly into the rectum. this clerared the simptoms in 
matter  of days. ill happyly send all the literature i have on it if you like. 
just semd  me a  PV email. NAMASTE:

--Forwarded Message Attachment--
Date: Wed, 8 Feb 2012 06:56:19 +0200
From: 2wordsproduct...@gmail.com
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Subject: CS>Beck Zapper for Renal Support

Does anyone know if there's a protocol that would be beneficial for 
renal regeneration? If only to clean the blood, I am looking now for a 
zapper - Beck or other. If someone has a device in working order and 
would like to donate it to my friend, please let me know. We do not have 
much money to spare as most of it is going towards supplements and 
diagnostics, we both live on fixed incomes which is making finding a 
cure rather challenging. If at possible, perhaps we can barter. I can 
record an angelic chant of 3 Hebrew Psalms of your choice or if you 
prefer to allow me to choose that for you based on Kabbalistic 
assessment. All recordings are done from the Holy Land and are geared 
individually to the individual and the intent is only for the higher 
good and transformation of darkness into light.
If interested in this barter, please send me an email.
Thank you very much,
The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
  Rules and Instructions: http://www.silverlist.org
Off-Topic discussions: 
List Owner: Mike Devour mailto:mdev...@eskimo.com


CS>hello friends im new to the list.

2012-02-02 Thread Jared De la Torriente

 hello friends and new to the  silver list  group and would like to  share my 
findings on ionic silver.
i been  using it for almost a month and have had  great results in  flu, cold, 
respiratory infection, febers, dandruff,pimple remover, new castle, and bird 
infections, chronic fatige, water desinfectant, artitris, and will begin using 
it on a friend that has  hiv positive and another relative  with cancer,  will 
share our results ass soon as there are improvements.
well i started  as with many of  us. simple generator bought on mercado libre 
mexico,  just like  ebay in usa.
it came with a  tds reader, silver wire, aligator clip and a small handbook and 
helpfull literature to get started. my firt batch came at 19ppm very clear, 
little sediments, took over 3 days at 7vdc and current unlimited max at 250mA, 
on the cathode and  anode could see a the anode darkening and the cathode cover 
 with silver particles  but did not stirr the solution..
i begun to read more and more and decided i need a  way to stirr the solution 
and to have a more cuality grade instruments to better the final solution .
so i bought the following.
1lt kimble flask with rubber stopper.
took apart an old pc power source and took out to small colling  fan and took 
apart and old  HDD and took  out the magnets inside of  it and glue it to the 
fans, took a while to center the magnets .
bought a variable power source with regulated V and AMp  both with limiting 
options and fin and coarce option, no pulse frecuency, not yet any how.
also a boght a zapper  with varaible frequency range 1hz to 200,000hz that can 
give out both  rife and hula clarck espesific frequencias, still  waiting for 
this zapper but ill used it to treat whatever comes to mind that be apply to it 
but also to infuse my finish ionic silver  with the love frequency and  other 
healing frequency, very interestd in the results of using this type of 
sulution.. ill happyly share it all on this group.
i also experimented with multiple voltage  from  4 to 42vdc and found that at 
higher voltage intially take much lees time to get the conductivity going in 
the distille water but once a conductivy is reach it begins to make  a lot a 
lot more silver mud and silver  particles accumulated on the cathode . i have 
to state that no  stirring was used in 42vdc, might have  help out lowering 
aglomeration but did not further experimented with constant high voltage.
will give a try again and ill sahre my findings.
also in all my testing with different voltage a mA i have had solution very 
clear to clear to slight cloudy or turbit and small amounts of particles  
sediments. i always filter my finish solution with coffe grade filters  usually 
8to 10 filters put together but ill invest in some microfilters or membrane 
filters to see if  any improvements is presents in using different grade 
hope this is  usefull to some. as i found much  usefull info on this list.