Re: CSThanks to all on the List - 23 Oct

2008-10-24 Thread Faith Gagne

PS - I told Dee I would get back to her re the blue moons on my thumbs -
after only two weeks of oxygen therapy they have reduced in colour by 50%
- so thanks to her for suggesting this modality which I used to use for
years, and forgot about - revisiting is always a good deal 

Hi.  What is oxygen therapy?  Is this something the doctor helps you with? 
Thanks.  Faith G. 

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Re: CSThanks to all on the List - 23 Oct

2008-10-24 Thread Marshall Dudley

Faith Gagne wrote:

PS - I told Dee I would get back to her re the blue moons on my thumbs -
after only two weeks of oxygen therapy they have reduced in colour by 

- so thanks to her for suggesting this modality which I used to use for
years, and forgot about - revisiting is always a good deal 

Which oxyen therapy was used?


Hi.  What is oxygen therapy?  Is this something the doctor helps you 
with? Thanks.  Faith G.

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Re: CSThanks to all on the List - 23 Oct

2008-10-23 Thread Sandra George
Hi There Mike - this is the resend of the one I sent yesterday which got
bumped ??!!

Hi There Mike - I would like to personally thank you for keeping this
list together, so that those
of us who really enjoy searching for new and interesting things, which go
on around us on our
planet, can do so, on all levels.   So I would like to thank those who
suggested to me that I try and get a copy of - Cosmic Humanism and World
Unity, and then the Magazine Nexus - I really enjoyed the first and just
as I was finishing it, I thought now where am I going to find what has
filled the space between then and now -  what happens - up comes the
suggestion re Nexus - well I received the Sept/Oct issue yesterday and
avidly started reading it this morning and voila here is exactly what I
was looking for, now I can do some catching up on parts where there are
holes in my knowledge .
So my thanks and appreciation to all on this list.
Regards Sandee

Peace is easy . . . It is a mind set

PS - I told Dee I would get back to her re the blue moons on my thumbs -
after only two weeks of oxygen therapy they have reduced in colour by 50%
- so thanks to her for suggesting this modality which I used to use for
years, and forgot about - revisiting is always a good deal 

Click here to find the perfect picture with our powerful photo search features.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSThanks to ALL Benefits of Magnesium Oil

2008-05-03 Thread Geoecom

Thanks for the insight an help..
I have been dringing more water, and takeing
several things trying to get to the cause. I seem to have
symptons of GOUT. I have been eating a lot of Strawberrys, staying off red meat and
drinking juices. Breads and gluten . Uric acid may be high in my system, so I am
following along these lines untill I get my second round of CMO.
Changing from heat to cold is helping and I hope to find something to reduce
the lumps. JD has sent me a lot to work on and has been a great help.
Each of you who have responded ..are great and I really appreicate and value you
input. When one has a sudden flair up of finger pain ..I knew I could count on you folks.
I am learing so much on how to take responsability for ones health.
I know others reading will get alot out of this also.
Keep it up.
-Original Message- From: Sent: May 3, 2008 1:31 PM To: Subject: Re: CSBenefits of Magnesium Oil 

Another websiteis:
Health-and-wisdom, her M/O is so much cheeper ask for Joan she is the owner.
-- Original message from "S-Max" --  George,   Here is the link to their Magnesium products page. I should have included  this. I know you will really like the company and the products. These are  upstanding people and go out of their way to help. They also have a great  health newsletter.   Sasha--  The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.   Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:   To post, address your message to:   Address Off-Topic messages to:   The Silver Li! st and Off Topic List archives are currently down...   List maintainer: Mike Devour   

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CSThanks to All

2007-07-30 Thread Jonathan B. Britten
To all who responded with suggestions and comments about aid to Iraq, 
many thanks.

Rather than take up too much bandwidth on that topic, I'll make only 
one thanks,   and suggest that any further ideas -- especially more 
detailed ideas -- come to me directly.   Much obliged!

Incidentally, the designer of the solar stove that I hope can do double 
duty as  a water distiller is a fine gentleman by the name of Steven E. 
Jones, PhD, whom I count as a friend and courageous role model.   Jones 
has taken a bit of a beating for his outspoken truth-telling, but in 
time he will be vindicated, barring a total political breakdown in the 

I mention Jones here in part because he former employer, BYU (which 
fired him for his 9/11 research) also has some scholars who've done 
hard research on EIS.   The BYU research appeared several times in this 
list over the years.

Maybe it will turn out that a handful of LDS-members -- hard scientists 
all --- will create the stove/distiller/EIS device that will give poor 
people some of the most powerful health tools they'll ever have. (I'm 
not an LDS member so I'm not on a mission with this message!)

Thanks again.


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CSThanks to All, Energy at hand

2007-07-30 Thread CWFugitt

Morning JBB,

At 07:11 AM 7/30/2007, you wrote:
Rather than take up too much bandwidth on that topic, I'll make only one 
thanks,   and suggest that any further ideas -- especially more detailed 
ideas -- come to me directly.   Much obliged!

 Why do that ?  We have the OT list.

 I am sure many are interested in this, me included.

 Unless this project is secret, I would like to know more about the basic 

 I have studied solar collectors, solar cooking, and other phases of it 
for years.  I doubt seriously that he has any new principles, just slightly 
different combinations of such.

My friend just came back from a primitive country whereas he makes several 
trips per year.  Just when he started building the stoves there, the price 
of metal nearly doubled.

He told me about a water fall from 200 to 300 feet tall with a good flow 
rate. I told him he could borrow my book on water wheel design.  So, 
. he has the energy source at hand.

Sounds like the perfect place for a water wheel.

There is nothing new under the sun.


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List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSThanks to All, Energy at hand

2007-07-30 Thread Jonathan B. Britten

Hi, Wayne,

No secrets, so far as I know.  Dr. Jones is actually giving away the 
stoves, as he has in the past.

I'm trying to find someone who will distribute them.

Iraq is a a disaster that is just unbearable.Anyone who can help 
should.  Let's try!

I'll put some information on the OT list if anything would be of 

I have support for the distiller/EIS combination so we'll see how it 


On Monday, Jul 30, 2007, at 21:45 Asia/Tokyo, CWFugitt wrote:

Morning JBB,

At 07:11 AM 7/30/2007, you wrote:
Rather than take up too much bandwidth on that topic, I'll make 
only one thanks,   and suggest that any further ideas -- especially 
more detailed ideas -- come to me directly.   Much obliged!

 Why do that ?  We have the OT list.

 I am sure many are interested in this, me included.

 Unless this project is secret, I would like to know more about the 
basic design.

 I have studied solar collectors, solar cooking, and other phases of 
it for years.  I doubt seriously that he has any new principles, just 
slightly different combinations of such.

My friend just came back from a primitive country whereas he makes 
several trips per year.  Just when he started building the stoves 
there, the price of metal nearly doubled.

He told me about a water fall from 200 to 300 feet tall with a good 
flow rate. I told him he could borrow my book on water wheel design.  
So, . he has the energy source at hand.

Sounds like the perfect place for a water wheel.

There is nothing new under the sun.


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSThanks to All, Energy at hand

2007-07-30 Thread CWFugitt

Evening JBB,

At 10:31 PM 7/30/2007, you wrote:
No secrets, so far as I know.  Dr. Jones is actually giving away the 
stoves, as he has in the past.

   Great !

Thanks for all the information.

I'm trying to find someone who will distribute them.

  If my friends were going to that country, they would be interested.

Iraq is a a disaster that is just unbearable.Anyone who can help 
should.  Let's try!

   Yes, and the USA created it, to some degree.

I'll put some information on the OT list if anything would be of interest.

  Yes, please do.  I have always been interested in solar and solar cookers.

I have support for the distiller/EIS combination so we'll see how it goes.

Most people cannot imagine how powerful these devices can be.

Usually the design is relatively simple.  Sounds like he has combined some 
proven principles in a genius fashion.

Yes, put any links to information, pictures, and links to information about 
the man doing this also on the OT list.


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List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSThanks for all the h pylori help

2006-12-06 Thread Ode Coyote
This phenomenon was only brought to attention about 2 years ago and is 
still being looked into.

 My take:

  EIS / CS takes some time for the anions to find the ions and 
stabilize...about 24 to 48 hours.
Adding Peroxide too soon results in different reactions depending on how 
much was added.
No one that I know of has figured out exactly what reactions, when and with 
how much.

 Just made pre-stable  EIS /CS [Electrically Isolated Silver]:
 Dipping the tip of a toothpick in 3% H2O2 and swirling that around in a 
quart of CS makes it flash murky white.

 One drop or more makes it flash murky brown.
 Adding a lot more makes it go clear again but with a heavy TE.
Even more still eliminates the TE but doesn't increase conductivity beyond 
what adding H2O2 to plain water would.  [VERY small pure silver particles, 
too small to reflect/refract visible light frequencies?]
Only ions and anions conduct electricity, each very well, together as a 
stabilized ionic solution...not as well, which could account for 
conductivity drop as  EIS stabilizes.

 Upon looking into Alkaline water and the machines used to make it, it 
appears that the process is similar to making EIS, but the [whatever] ions 
and hydroxyl anions are kept apart by use of a membrane interface. Alkaline 
water is said to have a bitter flavor.

 To see if that's the case, I ran a quick and dirty experiment:

 Setup: Two tall narrow glass jiggers set side by side with distilled 
water in each and a loop of stainless steel welding rod between them to 
make an electrical connection.
 Placed the silver electrodes in a Silverpuppy generator, [DC output mode] 
each one in each jigger, not touching the stainless loop connector and ran 
the arrangement for a while.
 Removed everything, tasted the water.  One had metallic flavor, the other 
Added a drop H2O2 to each jigger, one flashed brown [silver ions], the 
other had no effect [no silver ions]
Conclusion:  Very fresh CS is made of Alkaline water and free silver ions. 
Alkaline water is water that is high in Hydroxyl radicals but doesn't have 
opposite charged ions to neutralize it. [??] Alkaline water supposedly 
oxygenates the blood and acts like a free radical scavenger. [As does, 
supposedly, Ozone  and Peroxide therapy, all of which have similar radical 
Oxygen dangle atoms...O1 vs the normal O2]

[Uh, that would be a laymans semi mis-understanding of the whole thing, 
right?  I ain't no medical expert. ]

Observation: [Try it and see if it hold true for you]  Take 2 OZ of very 
very fresh CS in the morning [before coffee] and sit still for a few 
minutes.  I feel an energetic 'awake' state akin to 3 cups of coffee, but 
without the jitters...something similar to huffing my Oxyacetylene torch 
with the flammable gas turned off.

 [Maybe it's just my imagination, but several others report the same thing ]

 Is very fresh EIS more both the silver ion and the 
Alkaline water sense?  I think so, not only by way of that experiment but 
for other reasons as well that span years of developing the EIS process 
that entailed making, watching, tasting and discarding  hundreds and 
hundreds of batches.
[At that time, no one but no one ..except maybe Trem [] 
who was doing the same thing as I found out years later...had any idea 
about what current density does while making CS.  I, as an ex 
electro-plater, knew it had to play a role in CS quality as it certainly 
does in getting a nice finish on metal without burning the edges and 
corners where metal ions tend to concentrate]

 During that period of time, my toenail fungus was going away...almost 
  Later, after I got the process where I wanted it, I no longer made and 
discarded batch after batch, used stabilized CS..and the fungus slowly 
grew back. [ vs growing very fast...and...being not as bad]

 Back to H2O2:
Stabilized CS with color: [Time does the job]
 Yellow CS clears with very small amounts [Oxide crystal nucleation 
theories pop up in conjunction with observing what H2O2 does to those 
silver oxide blackened electrodes, confirmed in a sideways manner by a 
Harvard study on CS and nucleation sites involving stray electrons and 
mirror deposits on glass containers suggesting me.. that trace metals 
in glass and the silicon dioxide combo acts as a bad capacitor/ solar cell 
of sorts. ]

 Yellow deposits on glass instantly vanishes on contact with H2O2.
 Purple and red CS goes colorless, but murky, suggesting the breakaway of 
crystal fractal arms that have no silver oxide nucleus.

 [I've never seen green CS ]

 Stabilized CS with no color:
 No effect, if enough H2O2 is added, TE vanishes, but conductivity 
doesn't return to the pre-stabilized degree indicating that even Silver 
Hydroxide crystals can be destroyed, releasing pure silver metallic 
particles that are so small as to be invisible and act similar to ions 
without being ions that will 

CSThanks for all the h pylori help

2006-12-04 Thread Roger Royal
Thanks to all of you who responded to my request for ideas and help.  I am 
incorporating most of your suggestions into my protocol.  I am drinking about 
an ounce every hour or as often as I can, keeping it seperate from food and 
other things.  I am using food grade H2O2, pepto, and cayenne.  (not all at 
once!).  I was very interested in the fulvic acid and I will get some of that 

One other question for youWhen I add a drop of H2O2 to my CS, sometimes it 
turns it crystal clear, and other times it turns it into a gray murky mess.  
Several others on curezone have had this happen, and no one seems to know why.  
Any ideas?

Thanks again SO MUCH for your help.  I will let you know how it goes.  


Roger and Lisa Royal

Re: CSThanks to all old cayote for recomending silvergen

2002-09-28 Thread Ode Coyote
  Gosh Trem...looks like I sold one for ya.


ken [The compe-lemen-tition]

At 11:58 PM 9/27/02 +0100, you wrote: 


I have ordered the SG6 from

Seems very good and I thank you for the recommedation to make my own CS. 

That's kind and very unselfish of you.

Hope to get it next week and over time see a life again.

Once again, thanks to EVERYONE who shared their experiences with Lyme  CS - they offer me some hope and light.

I am concentaring (christ I'm dislecsik) on health for now so won't be on the list for a while. 

If anybody wants to email me off list I'd like to keep in touch as I improve.

My email address is>



Attachment Converted: c:\eudora\attach\CSThanks to all  old cayote f.gif 

Attachment Converted: c:\eudora\attach\CSThanks to all  old cayote f1.gif 

-- The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:
To post, address your message to:
Silver-list archive:
List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CSThanks to all old cayote for recomending silvergen

2002-09-27 Thread Kevin Raggett

I have ordered the SG6 from

Seems very good and I thank you for the recommedation to make my own CS. 

That's kind and very unselfish of you.

Hope to get it next week and over time see a life again.

Once again, thanks to EVERYONE who shared their experiences with Lyme  CS -
they offer me some hope and light.

I am concentaring (christ I'm dislecsik) on health for now so won't be
on the list for a while. 

If anybody wants to email me off list I'd like to keep in touch as I improve

My email address is



RE: CSThanks to all old cayote for recomending silvergen

2002-09-27 Thread James Osbourne, Holmes
Good fortune to you.

James-Osbourne: Holmes
  -Original Message-
  From: Kevin Raggett []
  Sent: Friday, September 27, 2002 4:58 PM
  Subject: CSThanks to all  old cayote for recomending silvergen


I have ordered the SG6 from

Seems very good and I thank you for the recommedation to make my own

That's kind and very unselfish of you.

Hope to get it next week and over time see a life again.

Once again, thanks to EVERYONE who shared their experiences with
Lyme  CS - they offer me some hope and light.

I am concentaring (christ I'm dislecsik) on health for now so
won't be on the list for a while.

If anybody wants to email me off list I'd like to keep in touch as I

My email address is


