Re: Mamod engines

2000-12-15 Thread Trent Dowler

  I read somewhere (old "Live Steam" maybe) that everyone eventually ends up
with a plagued Mamod at some point, and ends up loving it for some reason or
another. I don't necessarily agree, but found it an interesting comment all the


RE: Mamod engines

2000-12-11 Thread Shyvers, Steve


Peter Jones' "Kissing Frogs" Mamod articles are a good introduction to what
is possible and what is recommended in the way of engineering for small,
simple locos.  His instructions on how to use a punch to make a hole smaller
later saved me from using a lot of bad language when an ambitious loco
project over-reached my machining skills.

One of Jones' Mamod episodes was in the first issue of SitG that I received
when I subscribed.  Not being very smart, I didn't think to look for a SitG
index online or anywhere else. Instead I started ordering SitG back issues
in batches of five or six until I had all of Jones' articles in hand. Of
course I also had a lot of SitG issues with a wealth of loco reviews, design
info, machine tool basics, and so forth.

The SitG back issues also introduced me, through steamup reports and written
articles, to many individuals in the hobby that I have since had the
pleasure to meet in person.

Re: Mamod engines

2000-12-10 Thread SaltyChief

In a message dated 00-12-09 22:26:17 EST, you write:

 Non Aster engines is my pot boiling Mamod where I built my own alcohol
 burner.  But it's designed to run without a blower. 
My nephew has a Mamod engine that he has never run.  I have only seen 
pictures in advertisememts.   As I understand they are fired by some kind of 
pellets?  Clark says his is a" pot boiling Mamod with a alcohol burner.  So,  
what is one of the Mamod engines worth in $$ and would it be worth having as 
anything more than a conversation piece.  They look a little puny to me.


Re: Mamod engines

2000-12-10 Thread Clark Lord

 My nephew has a Mamod engine that he has never run.  I have only seen
 pictures in advertisememts.   As I understand they are fired by some kind of
 pellets?  Clark says his is a" pot boiling Mamod with a alcohol burner.  So,
 what is one of the Mamod engines worth in $$ and would it be worth having as
 anything more than a conversation piece.  They look a little puny to me.

Well Salty I'm going to answer your question by showing you how to fish
and by this example actually feed you fish.

1.  Point your browser to  
2.  Type in 'Mamod Locomotive' in the Search window.  Leave off the '.
3.  Click on Google Search.
4.  Google will return 161 entries that have Mamod Locomotive in them.
5.  Five items down we find our friend Vance Bass's page listed.  
The Google search says:
Small-Scale Live Steam Manufacturers and Suppliers
... Diamond/Yesteryear also carry the Mamod locomotive. It's at the
bottom of the ladder
in terms of sophistication, and the engines were plagued with serious
6.  Now we have a hint of new information.  Vance's page says
Diamond/Yesteryear sells the Mamod locomotive.  So click on the
underlined reference in the Google search where it says: Small-Scale
Live Steam Manufacturers and Suppliers
7.  That takes us to Vance's page on Manufacturers and Suppliers.
8.  Scroll down in Vance's page until you get to the Diamond
Enterprises/Yesteryear Toys write-up.
9.  Click on the underlined Diamond Enterprises/Yesteryear Toys entry.
10. That takes us to the Yesteryear Toys  Books Inc. web page.
11. After checking out the various parts of their page we discover the
Yesteryear Toy Shop selection.  Click on that.
12. Now we are presented with more choices.  Click on the one called
13. The trains page gives us four Mamod train choices.  Since we are
talking about the engine only lets select the last one: Mamod Steam
Locomotive Kit Model 1402.
14. And at the bottom of that page we find the answer to your question 
"What is one of the Mamod engines worth in $$?"  Price: US$395.95 

It has taken me 45 minutes to write this answer.  It took less than 3
minutes to actually do what I have described above.  Yes, I do have a
DSL line from Sprint which downloads at 512K rate.  It might take a
little longer with your computer.  The point still remains that you have
the resources to answer your questions most of the time.  

I hope that this message encourages you and others to attempt to find
answers by using the power of your browser and's search

As for the last of your message about "and would it be worth having as
anything more than a conversation piece.  They look a little puny to
me.?" is subjective and each person has to make up their own mind.

My Mamod ran fine using the pellet fuel.  I'm sure with a alcohol or
butane burner they would be a fine runner.  Here again beauty is in the
eye of the beholder as we all know. You will find that the boxed train
sets are O gauge units and the Kit is available in O or 1 gauge.  My
Mamod came as a Gauge O engine.  I then purchased the re-gaugeing kit
and changed it to Gauge 1.

There you have it Salty Chief.  The fishing lesson is over.


See you at Diamondhead. 

Re: Mamod engines

2000-12-10 Thread SaltyChief

In a message dated 00-12-10 12:52:57 EST, you write:

 Well Salty I'm going to answer your question by showing you how to fish
 and by this example actually feed you fish. 
 Actually I have a catalog with the prices for Mamod steam products as 
well as other steam engines.  What I was asking for was opinions of the list 
members as to what they thought might be a fair dollar amount to offer my 
nephew and if they thought one would be worth owning.  I can't find peoples 
opinions with a search engine.
 Through your efforts and others on the list I am learning more and more 
all the time about using the browsers. I will give   
a try as the AOL search engine always gives me far more sites than I really 
want to look at.  It always takes me considerable effort to weed out all the 
sites that I do not want.  I will print out your reply and file it away for 
future reference.  Thank you for your ecucational efforts toward training 
this old goat.


Re: Mamod engines

2000-12-10 Thread SALTYCRABB

In a message dated 12/10/00 1:45:57 PM Central Standard Time, 

 What I was asking for was opinions of the list members as to what they 
thought might be a fair dollar amount to offer my ...  I can't find peoples 
opinions with a search engine. 

FWIW here is my 2 ยข worth...

If I was looking for a project -- I would be willing to pay about $100 for an 
unimproved Mamod as you described and still in potential working order (not 
boiled dry, though that was near to impossible with the pellets).

My second steam engine was a Mamod which had been converted, Americanized and 
greatly improved by an exceptional modeler in Colorado to be an 0-6-0 with an 
alcohol burner.  This engine ran right smartly and pulled a small train.  It 
got lots of good looks and compliments at my first big meeting in California 

OTOH, even if you only pay $100 for a "project" -- by the time you get all of 
the upgrades and details (not including specialty items) you could have 
bought a "Jane," a nice running little engine but still with some inherent 
weaknesses.  Still again, add another $100 or so and you can buy a very good, 
high quality used engine from a Roundhouse person who is selling off to buy 
even bigger toys like a SR24 or Aster.

Of course if money is no object you can throw $20,000 at trying to buy (most 
are hard to find even at that price) some really high end locomotives.  So we 
are back to the time vis-a-vis money equation.  Some people just want to run 
engines while others want to overcome the myriad challenges encounter in 
locomotives engineered inexpensively for the "beginner market."  Some folks 
want to build (from raw material, or kits or castings...) others want to fix.

Any engine is "worth" what the buyer and seller agree on at that particular 
time.  So, I restate MY OPINION ONLY -- if I was looking for a project (fill 
in the blank with your own definition) I would pay as much as $100 for the 
potential of a Mamod.

As an "old salt" you know the value of free advise and the value of free 

Jim Crabb
Seabrook (Houston), Texas

Re: Mamod engines

2000-12-10 Thread CYost42747

I guess I'm lucky I bought my first Mamod before Al Gore invented the 
I would have probably been talked out of it and missed out on a lot of fun.
I now own three of the wiggly little darlins in various state of running 
Jim Crabb has given you some good advice. Get rid of the pellets and get an 
Burner. Supher Springs can fix you up with a burner and a lot of other 
goodies to make a Mamod come alive. (Usual disclamer)
$100 sounds like a fair price For a Mamod today.
If you do pick up the Mamod, let me know and I would be happy to give you 
some ideas from my experience to make a good runner without costing an arm 
and a leg.
They are lots of fun and they do build character.

Re: Mamod engines

2000-12-10 Thread VR Bass

Peter Jones did a long series of articles in SitG several years back entitled 
"Kissing Frogs", on the subject of taking stock Mamods and making them 
good runners.  He gave instructions on clearing up all of their know weak 
spots.  You can look them all up in the SitG index, then see if back issues are 
available from SitG.  Index:


Vance Bass
Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA
Small-scale live steam resources: 

Re: Mamod engines

2000-12-10 Thread M. Paterson

Does it make sense to set up a series of "rooms" on a
server, one for Ruby, one for Mamods etc.  Where
individual improvements can be archived?  Point being
a new owner or potential owner could then access the
site and "learn."  This would reduce repeating
requests while providing a library that develops from
actual use.  I have been collecting Ruby messages for
the past year and have been edited by selection for my
interests. They would be available to anyone. Your
Ruby page is a fine example of what could be expanded
with the danger of becoming a major project.  If an
owner of a Mikado for example would monitor this arena
and then provide it for server archive, the same for a
Mamod etc. The site mgr would have the right to edit,
by selection any submittal otherwise the messages,
assuming no derogatory language would be left intact
with author etch. Am I stirring the pot?

--- VR Bass [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Peter Jones did a long series of articles in SitG
 several years back entitled 
 "Kissing Frogs", on the subject of taking stock
 Mamods and making them 
 good runners.  He gave instructions on clearing up
 all of their know weak 
 spots.  You can look them all up in the SitG index,
 then see if back issues are 
 available from SitG.  Index:
 Vance Bass
 Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA
 Small-scale live steam resources: 

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