Re: [biofuel] The Road To Coverup - In Bush We Trust? An Unnecessary War

2003-06-28 Thread Appal Energy

To be absolutely fair, I believe one has to read exactly what was said, at
least in several instances. It's called Poli-Speak. Easy enough to discern
if tuned in well. A bit like going to the town council meeting and hearing
promises that a matter will be "addressed."

Well, yeah (in my best "valley speak")! Like, ya' know, anyone can
address an envelope, but... like... will they ever put a stamp on it, much
less put it in the mailbox?

Words like "insignificant" rank right up there as well - all a matter of
who's opinion, who's sources, who's preferred outcome, who's loss, who's
gain. One corporation's part per billion is another commoner's death nail.

So, when Mr. Bush says "could," one has to examine if there is a
"possibility," not necessarily whether there is a "probability" or not.

When Mr. Bush speaks words like "if" or Rumsfeld says  "I'm confident" or
"We have sources...," etc, etc, almost ad infinitum, one has to read in all
the latitude that they write in for themselves.

I too can be as "confident" as I want in my "sources" that tell me that "if"
I sprinkle pixie dust on my parsnips that they will all turn into pumpkins.

Question is are those sources voices in my head, books of fables from the
children's section of the library, exiled Iraqis who have nothing to lose
and everything to gain from lieing, or a tidy little disinformation office
in the bowels of the White House propaganda machine whipping up lies and
pandering them as truth.

Same thing happens in commerce, where corporations hire labs and experts
whom they are reasonably confident will tell them whatever they want to
hear, so they can in turn make declaration and embellishment to the rest of
the world about this "documented" "data" without having lied or deceived, at
least upon superficial examination.

And do you wanna' know the truth? It's always "possible" that "if" I had a
softball sized chunk of refined plutonium, technically I too "could" have a
nuclear bomb by the end of the year.

Likely? Not. But I "could."

Of course if UN weapons inspectors were permitted to continue their regular
visits to my farm, it's rather doubtful that I "would" develop them even if
I had the desire or capability.

And you (or perhaps only I) really have to like the thought of a bunch of
"nuclear mujahideen" sitting around the table sipping tea and eating
crumpettes discussing "what if." Is one to suppose that nuclear physicists
are expected to discuss the latest Rolling Stone release?

Only in America is thinking a crime. Actually, probably not just in America,
but only America adjudicates such a crime by military invasion. (Doubtful
that Bush's contingency crew spends all its time discussing gardening tips
during executive level meetings, or that engineers at Los Alamos consume
endless hours discussing the latest Harry Potter release, much less the
tacticians at West Point laying down marathon sessions of Stratego.

But in the meantime? I'll continue to be "confident" that the moon is made
of swiss cheese (trusting upon my "sources," of course) and hope that
everyone else will continue to question all those "iffy" words that give the
worms what they apparently believe is enough room to wriggle, while at the
same time demanding examination of all those declarations of absolutes that
have proven to patent fabrications and lies.

Todd Swearingen

- Original Message -
Sent: Saturday, June 28, 2003 8:54 PM
Subject: Re: [biofuel] The Road To Coverup - In Bush We Trust? An
Unnecessary War

> I hadn't thought of it that way Todd.
>  When I read
> >  The Road To Coverup Is The Road To Ruin
> >   Robert C. Byrd is a Democratic Senator from West Virginia.
> >Editor's Note: The following remarks were delivered on the U.S.
Senate floor on June 24, 2003.
> >
>  I was also thinking about, impart, what Senator Byrd had said
elsewhere --
>  "President Bush also elaborated on claims of Iraq's nuclear program when
he said: "The evidence indicates that
>  Iraq is reconstituting its nuclear weapons program.  Saddam Hussein has
held numerous meetings with Iraqi
>  nuclear scientists, a group he calls his 'nuclear mujahideen' -- his
nuclear holy warriors If the Iraqi
>  regime is able to produce, buy or steal an amount of highly enriched
uranium a little larger than a single
>  softball, it could have a nuclear weapon in less than a year."
[Cincinnati Museum Center, Oct. 7, 2002, pg. 3-4]
>  This is the kind of

Re: [biofuel] The Road To Coverup - In Bush We Trust? An Unnecessary War

2003-06-28 Thread MH

 I hadn't thought of it that way Todd. 

 When I read 

>  The Road To Coverup Is The Road To Ruin  
>   Robert C. Byrd is a Democratic Senator from West Virginia.
>Editor's Note: The following remarks were delivered on the U.S. Senate 
> floor on June 24, 2003. 

 I was also thinking about, impart, what Senator Byrd had said elsewhere -- 

 "President Bush also elaborated on claims of Iraq's nuclear program when he 
said: "The evidence indicates that
 Iraq is reconstituting its nuclear weapons program.  Saddam Hussein has held 
numerous meetings with Iraqi
 nuclear scientists, a group he calls his 'nuclear mujahideen' -- his nuclear 
holy warriors If the Iraqi
 regime is able to produce, buy or steal an amount of highly enriched uranium a 
little larger than a single
 softball, it could have a nuclear weapon in less than a year."  [Cincinnati 
Museum Center, Oct. 7, 2002, pg. 3-4] 

 This is the kind of pumped up intelligence and outrageous rhetoric that were 
given to the American people to
 justify war with Iraq.  This is the same kind of hyped evidence that was given 
to Congress to sway its vote
 for war on Oct. 11, 2002." 

 And -- 

 "The President told the American people that we were compelled to go to war to 
secure our country from
 a grave threat.  Are we any safer today than we were on March 18, 2003?  Our 
nation has been committed
 to rebuilding a country ravaged by war and tyranny, and the cost of that task 
is being paid in blood and
 treasure every day." 

 Being within mixed company this (impart) reminded me of what the other side 
said about -- 

> An Unnecessary War 
>  Pat Buchanan [a two time candidate for the Republican U.S. presidential 
> nomination] 
>  June 4 2003 

 "Iraq, in retrospect, was no threat whatsoever to the United States.  We 
fought an unnecessary war,
 and now we must rebuild a nation at a rising cost in blood and treasure. 

 Before the war, many who opposed it argued that no matter the evil character 
of Saddam,
 Iraq had not attacked us, did not threaten us, did not want war with us, could 
not defeat us. 
 Why then were we about to invade Iraq?" 

 Mr. Buchanan went on to say -- 

 "Came the administration answer: Saddam has ties to al-Qaida.  He has an 
arsenal of weapons of
 mass destruction.  He is a year or so away from being able to build a nuclear 
bomb, and he will use
 these weapons on us or our allies, or give them to terrorists who will use 
them in the United States. 
 And these weapons will kill not just the 3,000 who perished on Sept. 11, but 
tens and even hundreds
 of thousands of innocent Americans. 
 Do you want to risk that?  Do you want to do nothing and risk a "mushroom 
cloud" in an American city? 
 Or do you want to remove this mortal threat, now? 
 So went the clinching argument for war."  [more] 

 This drew me back to think about what was posted in the beginning -- 

 "And yet, seven weeks after declaring victory in the war against Iraq,
 we have seen nary a shred of evidence to support his claims of
 grave dangers, chemical weapons, links to Al Qaeda or nuclear weapons." 
 [more - from] 

> The Road To Coverup Is The Road To Ruin  
>  Robert C. Byrd is a Democratic Senator from West Virginia.
>   Editor's Note: The following remarks were delivered on the U.S. Senate 
> floor on June 24, 2003. 

 I'd like to know why the U.S. coalition forces preemptive War On Iraq was 
 since it doesn't seem that WMD such as nuclear where the reason.  


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Re: [biofuel] The Road To Coverup - In Bush We Trust? An Unnecessary War

2003-06-28 Thread Appal Energy

It would appear that the ultra-conservative Buchanan is attempting to
deflect responsibility for the Iraq war and the disinformation stream that
led up to it upon Paul Wolfowitz and away from the president of the US.

That's one very extensive, elaborate and interesting conspiriacy theory
where everyone in the inner sanctum is either player or pawn and the
president is isolated from all fact and sound reason. The world is to
believe that these lower echelons are principled, ethical and "moral" enough
as to contrive an elaborate and extensive conspiracy network that will
exclude the president? ...for what? his own protection?..., yet
unscrupulous enough as to propigate mis- and dis-information that will lead
a nation to a military assault?

If this were true, that the president had no knowledge of the numerous
errors being represented as fact, it boldly declares that virtually everyone
involved in this conspiracy truly believes that George W. Bush is so
absolutely ignorant as to be swayed by anything that he is told -  having
not one saving thread of  intellect or discernment - an imbecile and the
moron that so many other international government appointees and electees
have stated he as being, whether in print or under breath.

I'm sorry, but it's a bit doubtful that even Mr. Bush is that ignorant and
equally as doubtful that such a complete conspiracy could be pulled off
without his knowledge or participation.

It is, however, far more likely that he and his entire adminsistration are
arrogant enough to think that they can manipulate an entire nation into
support of a war propped up by nothing more than fear, with the unmitigated
gall as to expect there to be no consequential fallout from their deception.

It is also a fair assessment that up to this point Ari Fleischer is just
about the only member of this administration that has an understanding of
where the truth will lead. Unfortunately the first time he exercises that
understanding in a demonstrable way is to remove his own skin from the daily
 flogging of public damnation that is inevitable as the truth unravels.

As for Mr. Buchanan's intent to deflect and derail? Since when has a leopard
ever lost its spots?

Todd Swearingen

>  An Unnecessary War
>   Pat Buchanan [a two time candidate for the Republican U.S. presidential
>   June 4 2003
>  What was America's real motive for attacking Iraq?  Was it oil?  Empire?
To make the Middle East
>  safe for Sharon?
>  That these questions are being asked, not only by America's critics, is
the fault of the
>  administration alone.  For its crucial argument as to why it had no
choice but to launch the
>  first preventive war in American history is collapsing like a sand castle
in a rising surf.
>  Iraq, in retrospect, was no threat whatsoever to the United States.  We
fought an unnecessary war,
>  and now we must rebuild a nation at a rising cost in blood and treasure.
>  Before the war, many who opposed it argued that no matter the evil
character of Saddam,
>  Iraq had not attacked us, did not threaten us, did not want war with us,
could not defeat us.
>  Why then were we about to invade Iraq?   [more]
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[biofuel] The Road To Coverup - In Bush We Trust? An Unnecessary War

2003-06-28 Thread MH

 The Road To Coverup Is The Road To Ruin  
  Robert C. Byrd is a Democratic Senator from West Virginia.
   Editor's Note: The following remarks were delivered on the U.S. Senate floor 
on June 24, 2003. 

 And yet, seven weeks after declaring victory in the war against Iraq,
 we have seen nary a shred of evidence to support his claims of
 grave dangers, chemical weapons, links to Al Qaeda or nuclear weapons. [more] 

 In Bush We Trust?  
  John Moyers is Editor-in-Chief of

 Opposition worthy of the name would push the GOP-controlled House and Senate 
 beyond the question of what the intelligence community knew about WMD, where 
it seems stalled. 

 Sen. Jay Rockefeller, the ranking Democrat on the Senate Intelligence 
Committee, could invoke
 committee rules that would allow his minority party to launch a full 
investigation.  But he won't
 -- reportedly for fear of being seen as partisan. 

 If this isn't the time for partisanship -- after all, we're talking about 
manipulations that
 led the nation into war -- when is?  Rockefeller's timidity is allowing 
committee Republicans
 to cover what looks more every day like a lie of literally global magnitude.  

 An Unnecessary War 
  Pat Buchanan [a two time candidate for the Republican U.S. presidential 
  June 4 2003

 What was America's real motive for attacking Iraq?  Was it oil?  Empire?  To 
make the Middle East
 safe for Sharon? 

 That these questions are being asked, not only by America's critics, is the 
fault of the
 administration alone.  For its crucial argument as to why it had no choice but 
to launch the
 first preventive war in American history is collapsing like a sand castle in a 
rising surf. 

 Iraq, in retrospect, was no threat whatsoever to the United States.  We fought 
an unnecessary war,
 and now we must rebuild a nation at a rising cost in blood and treasure. 

 Before the war, many who opposed it argued that no matter the evil character 
of Saddam,
 Iraq had not attacked us, did not threaten us, did not want war with us, could 
not defeat us. 
 Why then were we about to invade Iraq?   [more] 


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