[symfony-users] Re: PR7 Accessing config.yml parameters variables

2011-03-18 Thread Lideln

On 17 mar, 22:49, Christophe COEVOET s...@notk.org wrote:
 Le 17/03/2011 18:01, Lideln a crit : Hi,

  I'm trying to use Twig, and I would like to do a simple thing :
  Display the parameters.title value defined in my config.yml file.

  I found how to display http query parameters, but not config params
  (the class GlobalVariables does not contain a getParameters
  Should I add a getContainer function in GlobalVariables so that I
  can use then : app.container.parameters.title ?
  I find it weird to modify the core framework.

 Parameters are not intended to be available in the templates as most of
 them have nothing to do with the view. You can add global variables in
 the Twig config and using the parameter placeholder syntax allows to use
 parameters for this:

      # ... other Twig config
            my_param: %some.dic.param%
            pi: 3.14

Thank you ! I was wanting to display a default title that would be
configurable in app.yml (a file I created and imported into
Your solution is very good, thanks !

  Also, is there a var_dump function in Twig to debug variables ?
  Because it's quite hard to debug scripts.

 You can activate the debug extension which provide a debug tag. {% debug
 %} will dump all variables of the context and {% debug my_var %} will
 only dump the given variable.

      # ... other Twig config
      extensions: [twig.extension.debug] # you can add other ones in the
 array, like twig.extension.text

Here again, it is great ! Before posting here I googled everything and
I found the debug instruction, but I was not aware of the activation
in the config.yml.

Instead of asking around, is there a place where I can learn all those
things you kindly explained to me ?
I read the documentation at both the Twig and the Symfony 2 websites,
but I could not find those answers.

Thanks again !!


  Thank you,

 Christophe | Stof

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[symfony-users] Re: Symfony 2 Doctrine Database Schema imports

2011-03-18 Thread Lideln

First of all you need to configure your app properly (config.yml), for
example :
driver:   %database_driver%
host: %database_host%
dbname:   %database_name%
user: %database_user%
password: %database_password%
logging:  %kernel.debug%
auto_generate_proxy_classes: %kernel.debug%
YourBundle: ~

Then ou have to use, for example :
php app/console doctrine:mapping:import YourBundle yml

Although I noticed a bug, you have to fix
ImportMappingDoctrineCommand.php line 77.

After that, you need to use the console to generate entities and

Good luck

On 16 mar, 21:09, Kelvio Matias kelvio.mat...@gmail.com wrote:
 I'm working with Symfony 2 and possess a database already exists.
 I wonder how to create classes it from existing stock.

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[symfony-users] PR7 Strange ORM behavior

2011-03-18 Thread Lideln
Hi !

I am trying the database functionalities in PR7.
I am experiencing a strange ORM behavior.

Here is my code :
$qb = $this-get('doctrine.orm.entity_manager')-createQueryBuilder();
$aGalleries = $qb-select('g')-from('SWMainBundle:Gallery', 'g')-
where($qb-expr()-eq('g.active', 1))-getQuery()-execute();

It gave me 5 results (which is good), but all the results where
identical (identical to the first result).

If I use the DBAL instead, I get my proper 5 results.

Why is that ?

Thank you,

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[symfony-users] PR7 Accessing config.yml parameters variables

2011-03-17 Thread Lideln

I'm trying to use Twig, and I would like to do a simple thing :
Display the parameters.title value defined in my config.yml file.

I found how to display http query parameters, but not config params
(the class GlobalVariables does not contain a getParameters
Should I add a getContainer function in GlobalVariables so that I
can use then : app.container.parameters.title ?
I find it weird to modify the core framework.

Also, is there a var_dump function in Twig to debug variables ?
Because it's quite hard to debug scripts.

Thank you,

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[symfony-users] Re: Fatal errors (new xsd and class not found)

2011-03-15 Thread Lideln
Ok friends you can forget about it, I guess the version of the zip
file I downloaded was corrupted.
I downloaded it again (for the third time :) ) and now it works (with
small adjustments) !

Thanks for your answers anyway !

On 14 mar, 23:51, Alex Pilon alex.pi...@gmail.com wrote:
 Google translate the spanish?

 On Mon, Mar 14, 2011 at 03:58, Lideln lid...@gmail.com wrote:
  Nobody ? The only other case I found on google was spanish and I
  didn't understand a word of it :)

  Don't tell me I'm the only one to have the PR7 not working once
  downloaded and extracted ? :-/
  Any help from one of the developers would be appreciated so I can
  continue my coding.

  Thanks in advance,

  On 11 mar, 05:30, Lideln lid...@gmail.com wrote:

   I downloaded the PR7, and got a few fatal errors.

   On my project first, I updated the files from PR6 and I think I did
   not forget anything, but I get that error :
   Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'InvalidArgumentException' with
   message '[ERROR 1845] Element '{http://symfony.com/schema/dic/services}
   container': No matching global declaration available for the
   validation root. (in

   - line 5, column 0)' in C:\wamp\www\ratethestar\vendor\symfony\src
   \Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Loader\XmlFileLoader.php on
   line 396

   Then I tried to launch the AcmeDemo just to make sure I did not forget
   anything, and I got that error :
   Fatal error: Class 'Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Compiler
   \ResolveDefinitionTemplatesPass' not found in C:\wamp\www
   \Compiler\PassConfig.php on line 48

   Any ideas ?

   Thank you all

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 Alex Pilon
 (613) 608-1480

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[symfony-users] Re: Fatal errors (new xsd and class not found)

2011-03-14 Thread Lideln
Nobody ? The only other case I found on google was spanish and I
didn't understand a word of it :)

Don't tell me I'm the only one to have the PR7 not working once
downloaded and extracted ? :-/
Any help from one of the developers would be appreciated so I can
continue my coding.

Thanks in advance,

On 11 mar, 05:30, Lideln lid...@gmail.com wrote:

 I downloaded the PR7, and got a few fatal errors.

 On my project first, I updated the files from PR6 and I think I did
 not forget anything, but I get that error :
 Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'InvalidArgumentException' with
 message '[ERROR 1845] Element '{http://symfony.com/schema/dic/services}
 container': No matching global declaration available for the
 validation root. (in
 - line 5, column 0)' in C:\wamp\www\ratethestar\vendor\symfony\src
 \Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Loader\XmlFileLoader.php on
 line 396

 Then I tried to launch the AcmeDemo just to make sure I did not forget
 anything, and I got that error :
 Fatal error: Class 'Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Compiler
 \ResolveDefinitionTemplatesPass' not found in C:\wamp\www
 \Compiler\PassConfig.php on line 48

 Any ideas ?

 Thank you all

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[symfony-users] [PR7] Fatal errors (new xsd and class not found)

2011-03-11 Thread Lideln

I downloaded the PR7, and got a few fatal errors.

On my project first, I updated the files from PR6 and I think I did
not forget anything, but I get that error :
Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'InvalidArgumentException' with
message '[ERROR 1845] Element '{http://symfony.com/schema/dic/services}
container': No matching global declaration available for the
validation root. (in
- line 5, column 0)' in C:\wamp\www\ratethestar\vendor\symfony\src
\Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Loader\XmlFileLoader.php on
line 396

Then I tried to launch the AcmeDemo just to make sure I did not forget
anything, and I got that error :
Fatal error: Class 'Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Compiler
\ResolveDefinitionTemplatesPass' not found in C:\wamp\www
\Compiler\PassConfig.php on line 48

Any ideas ?

Thank you all

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[symfony-users] Re: Generating repositories

2011-03-05 Thread Lideln
Hi there !

Ok I succeeded in creating a Repository using your help, and using the
annotation type, and modifying the Entities by hand to prepend with
But it is not convenient, and moreover the generated entities are not
complete and are overwrited each time (and not merged, so I lose my

I'd rather stick with the yml generation.
I use :
php app/console doctrine:mapping:import MainBundle yml
Then :
php app/console doctrine:generate:entities MainBundle
And :
php app/console doctrine:generate:repositories MainBundle

But that last command is stubborn and keeps skipping my Entities. I
think I have to modify the generated yml files (Resources/config/
but I could not find tips either in Symfony or Doctrine online

If anyone knows how to modify my yml file in order not to be skipped
during the generate:repositories command, I would love that :)

Here is a sample generated yml file :
  type: entity
  table: member
  // and so on

Thanks to all !

On 24 fév, 20:30, olimination oliminat...@gmail.com wrote:

 I'm not an expert too, but I have managed to configure a working
 custom Repository class for my entity.
 My main problem was, that I have used a incorrect annotation like

  * @orm:Entity
  * @entity(repositoryClass=Laboda\LabodaAdminBundle\Entity
 class MyEntityName
 { ...

 The problem was that I have used only @entity(repositoryClass=...)
 instead of @orm:entity(repositoryClass...)

 And for a correct entity configuration you have to set an id or
 primary key field, something like that(in annotation form):

  * @orm:Entity
  * @orm:entity(repositoryClass=MyBundle\Entity
 class MyEntityName
      * @orm:Id
      * @orm:Column(type=integer)
      * @orm:GeneratedValue(strategy=IDENTITY)
     protected $id;


 On Feb 24, 8:13 pm, taidehuone taidehu...@gmail.com wrote:

  I'm no expert in any way but since I have working repositories I might as
  well drop a line or two on this.

  Personally I have never called the doctrine:generate:repositories task. I
  have created the repository files and entity files by hand so that the file
  structure looks like this. I don't know if this follows the best practices
  because I might be outdated on that, but it works with the latest master
  branch version of symfony 2.


  My Entity definition starts like this:

  namespace Warbler\AccountBundle\Entity;
  use Symfony\Component\Security\Core\User\AccountInterface;
  use Symfony\Component\Security\Core\User\AdvancedAccountInterface;

  class Account implements AdvancedAccountInterface


  And my Repository definition starts like this:

  namespace Warbler\AccountBundle\Entity;
  use Doctrine\ORM\EntityRepository;

  class AccountRepository extends EntityRepository


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[symfony-users] Re: Generating repositories

2011-02-24 Thread Lideln
Up !

This is quite blocking for me not to have the repositories.
Can please someone point me to the right direction ? I really tried
many and many configurations... Maybe I just missed the one that

Thanks a lot,

On 18 fév, 00:01, Lideln lid...@gmail.com wrote:

 I am trying to generate the repositories :
 php app/console doctrine:generate:repositoriesMainBundle

 But what I get is :
    SKIP no custom repository for Ratethestar\MainBundle\Entity\Entry
    SKIP no custom repository for Ratethestar\MainBundle\Entity\Member
    SKIP no custom repository for Ratethestar\MainBundle\Entity\Review

 I looked into the code, and the ClassMetadataInfo-

 customRepositoryClassName attribute is empty.

 What do I have to change for that attribute to be filled properly ? I
 tried to manually change my Entity class :

 namespace Ratethestar\MainBundle\Entity;

 use Symfony\Component\Security\Core\User\AccountInterface;

  * Ratethestar\MainBundle\Entity\Member
  * @Entity(repositoryClass=Ratethestar\MainBundle\Repository\Member)
  * @orm:Entity(repositoryClass=Ratethestar\MainBundle\Repository
 class Member implements AccountInterface

 Here is my config.yml :
         MainBundle: { type: yml }
             connection: default
                 MainBundle: { type: annotation }

 (when using type: yml, it did not change anything).
 Then I got the error :
 No identifier/primary key specified for Entity 'Ratethestar\MainBundle

 I do not feel like modifying my Entities by hand each time I generate
 Is there a way to fill all the info required bygenerate:repositories
 when generating my entities and then use the type: yml for 

 Thank you very much !

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[symfony-users] Re: EntityChoiceField : two issues

2011-02-24 Thread Lideln
Hi Christophe,

On 23 fév, 18:22, stof s...@notk.org wrote:
 On Wed, 23 Feb 2011 09:08:33 -0800 (PST), Lideln lid...@gmail.com wrote:
  Hi Carlos,

  Thank you for the answer !
  This is a good idea to use options to pass the EM, I will follow your
  advice !

 Using an option is the good way to give the em to the form. This is how it
 has to be passed to the EntityChoiceField so just add it as a required
 option in your own form class.

  Nevertheless, it would be easier to be able to access the EM globaly,
  with an utility class or whatever (and this is not restricted to the
  em, but it would be great to be able to access the container from
  anywhere and not only the view).

 The container cannot be accessed from the view.

What about $view-container ?

 The container will not be accessible globally as this is not its purpose.
 It is meant to inject dependencies in the services, not to give access to
 all services everywhere. an entity or a template should not have access to
 the container.

  I will wait to see if my two first bugs are fixed in the (hopefully
  upcoming) RC1 ! :)

  Thanks again,


 Christophe | Stof

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[symfony-users] Re: EntityChoiceField : two issues

2011-02-23 Thread Lideln
Hi Carlos,

Thank you for the answer !
This is a good idea to use options to pass the EM, I will follow your
advice !
Nevertheless, it would be easier to be able to access the EM globaly,
with an utility class or whatever (and this is not restricted to the
em, but it would be great to be able to access the container from
anywhere and not only the view).

I will wait to see if my two first bugs are fixed in the (hopefully
upcoming) RC1 ! :)

Thanks again,

On 21 fév, 12:32, Carlos Sánchez carloss...@gmail.com wrote:
 I've got no answer to your first question, it worked fine a couple of
 commits ago... it's continuosly changing.

 For the second point I pass the parameter in when creating the form in
 the controller

 $form = MyForm::create($this-get('form.context'), 'my_namet',
                                 array('em' = 

 and addOption/getOption  in the form class

 class MyForm extends Form
         public function configure()
                 $this-addOption('em'); -- might go in the constructor (not

                 $em = $this-getOption('em');


 Hope it helps!!

 On Feb 20, 10:16 pm, Lideln lid...@gmail.com wrote:


  I'm using the EntityChoiceField, and I encountered two issues :
  1) when modifying the querybuilder, the value in the html option tag
  is not the one corresponding to the label of the option tag
  2) I only get one single option tag in my select, whereas I have
  multiple rows in my db table, even when specifying the setMaxResults()

  Here is the call :
  $this-add(new EntityChoiceField('nationalité', array(
                                                      'property_path' = 
                                                      'em' = self::$oEM,
                                                      'class' = 
                                                      'property' = 'label',
                                                      'query_builder' = 


  Oh, last thing : how do you get the EM from a Form ? I had to create a
  static field and provide it with the EM before creating my form.

  Thank you all !

  PS : still can't generate repositories :'(

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[symfony-users] Re: DateField type error

2011-02-20 Thread Lideln
I digged a bit and got those results :

When using type = raw, and providing an associative array, it works !
(but not for validation)
When using type = string, I have to modify PropertyPath.php in
function readPropertyPath() :
else {
if (is_string($objectOrArray))
list($iYear, $iMonth, $iDay) = explode('-', 
$objectOrArray = array('year' = $iYear, 
'month' = $iMonth, 'day'
= $iDay);
But I guess this is not the place to fix, it must be in the
BirthdayField somewhere.

Anyway in both cases (I couldn't get it work with the DateTime type),
when submitting the form I get an array as value for this birthday
field (which is normal : 3 select box), but this array is never
translated and in the Date validator I get a null value for the

Any help appreciated here :)

Thx !

On 20 fév, 04:51, Dennis Jacobfeuerborn djacobfeuerb...@gmail.com
 Date and DateTime Fields exhibit some strange behavior for me as well as
 Hopefully I'll find some time tomorrow to dig deeper into the actual cause
 of this.

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[symfony-users] [Symfony2] EntityChoiceField : two issues

2011-02-20 Thread Lideln

I'm using the EntityChoiceField, and I encountered two issues :
1) when modifying the querybuilder, the value in the html option tag
is not the one corresponding to the label of the option tag
2) I only get one single option tag in my select, whereas I have
multiple rows in my db table, even when specifying the setMaxResults()

Here is the call :
$this-add(new EntityChoiceField('nationalité', array(

'property_path' = 

'em' = self::$oEM,

'class' = 

'property' = 'label',

'query_builder' = 


orderBy('n.label', 'ASC')-setMaxResults(100);



Oh, last thing : how do you get the EM from a Form ? I had to create a
static field and provide it with the EM before creating my form.

Thank you all !

PS : still can't generate repositories :'(

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[symfony-users] Re: [Symfony2] DateField type error

2011-02-19 Thread Lideln
Hi Bernhard,

Ok I'll try that, but in that case that does not explain why it
complains when I use the type=string parameter ?
Is there a fully functionnal example of the DateField and Date()
validator thing ?

On 18 fév, 14:22, Bernhard Schussek bschus...@gmail.com wrote:
 Hi Lideln,

 The @Date constraint checks for date strings with format -MM-DD.
 What you want is @AssertType(\DateTime). Maybe we have a naming
 issue here.


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[symfony-users] Re: symfony2 - access everything from Entity class

2011-02-18 Thread Lideln
Thank you Christophe, I tried to generate the repositories before but
it complained about nothing to do, therefore I worked on something

I will try what you told me tonight. Thank you !

On 17 fév, 15:22, Christophe COEVOET s...@notk.org wrote:
 Le 16/02/2011 23:00, Lideln a crit : Hi !

  I am experimenting the PR6, but I could not find how to access things
  from Entity just as you would do from Controller ($this-
  get('database_connection') or $this-
  get('doctrine.orm.entity_manager') and so on).
  It would be nice to place all static database queries inside the

 The right place for the queries is the EntityRepository, not the entity
 itself. Look at the Doctrine2 doc about custom 
  And also, I am willing to use my Member Entity as the Domain Object
  for the register page.

 Same here. Use your custom repository by implementing
 Symfony\Component\Security\Core\User\UserProviderInterface and use the
 Doctrine entity Provider as described 


 Christophe | Stof

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[symfony-users] [Symfony2] DateField type error

2011-02-18 Thread Lideln
Hi there,

I added a DateField to my form.
$this-add(new DateField('dateBirth', array('years' = range(date('Y')
- 100, date('Y') - 17;

1) If I do not specify the type (which is DateTime by default), I get
this error when submitting :
Expected argument of type string, object given (DateValidator.php line
My Domain Object :
 * @validation:Date()
 * @var date $dateBirth
private $dateBirth;
(ok, a workaround would be to not use validation, but that is lame ^^)

2) If I create my field with option type = 'string', I get this
error :
Fatal error: Call to a member function format() on a non-object in
Doctrine\DBAL\Types\DateType.php on line 44

I'm totally lost with this DateField thing... (see my other post about
the 'data' parameter with the default value).

Please, any help somewhere ? Point me to some tutorial or
documentation, and I will study it. But looking at the code, I humbly
think it is a bug of the framework.

What do you think ?

Kind regards,

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[symfony-users] [Symfony2] Generating repositories

2011-02-18 Thread Lideln

I am trying to generate the repositories :
php app/console doctrine:generate:repositories MainBundle

But what I get is :
   SKIP no custom repository for Ratethestar\MainBundle\Entity\Entry
   SKIP no custom repository for Ratethestar\MainBundle\Entity\Member
   SKIP no custom repository for Ratethestar\MainBundle\Entity\Review

I looked into the code, and the ClassMetadataInfo-
customRepositoryClassName attribute is empty.

What do I have to change for that attribute to be filled properly ? I
tried to manually change my Entity class :

namespace Ratethestar\MainBundle\Entity;

use Symfony\Component\Security\Core\User\AccountInterface;

 * Ratethestar\MainBundle\Entity\Member
 * @Entity(repositoryClass=Ratethestar\MainBundle\Repository\Member)
 * @orm:Entity(repositoryClass=Ratethestar\MainBundle\Repository
class Member implements AccountInterface

Here is my config.yml :
MainBundle: { type: yml }
connection: default
MainBundle: { type: annotation }

(when using type: yml, it did not change anything).
Then I got the error :
No identifier/primary key specified for Entity 'Ratethestar\MainBundle

I do not feel like modifying my Entities by hand each time I generate
Is there a way to fill all the info required by generate:repositories
when generating my entities and then use the type: yml for the
generate:repositories ?

Thank you very much !

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[symfony-users] symfony2 - access everything from Entity class

2011-02-17 Thread Lideln
Hi !

I am experimenting the PR6, but I could not find how to access things
from Entity just as you would do from Controller ($this-
get('database_connection') or $this-
get('doctrine.orm.entity_manager') and so on).

It would be nice to place all static database queries inside the

And also, I am willing to use my Member Entity as the Domain Object
for the register page.

Thank you all !

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[symfony-users] Re: Forms and validation

2011-02-17 Thread Lideln
Hi !

I fixed the issue by removing my lame ctor and passing the name
parameter to the create() factory instead as advised.

Thank you all !

On 16 fév, 10:51, Bernhard Schussek bschus...@gmail.com wrote:
 Oops, parentheses I mean.

 /** @validation:NotNull */
 /** @validation:NotNull() */

 both are valid.


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[symfony-users] Re: Form validation

2011-02-16 Thread Lideln

On 16 fév, 00:02, Christophe COEVOET s...@notk.org wrote:
 Le 15/02/2011 23:57, Lideln a crit :

  Since I cannot add new answers to the topic I created earlier (why
  that ?), I create a new one here with additionnal info.

  As I said, I followed the official tutorial to create a RegisterForm
  and using it to register new members.
  But I got stuck at the validation, because I got the error :
  The option validator is required for validating

  Here is my code, please can you tell me what I did wrong ?

       error_handler: null
       validation:    { enabled: true, annotations: true }

             $oRequest = new RegisterRequest();
             $oForm = RegisterForm::create($this-get('form.context'));

 You need to provide the name of the form here as a second argument. The
 doc of the master has been fixed for this point.


 Christophe | Stof

Hi Christophe,

Thanks for the answer !
Yes I have been told that (although my method seems to work as well).
Do you have any tips regarding the error I got ?

(I'm sorry I created another topic, if an admin car move it please ?)

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[symfony-users] Re: Forms and validation

2011-02-16 Thread Lideln

I did not understand the parent thing ?
Is there something wrong with my code ? I hope so, otherwise I would
not understand why I got this error :-/

On 16 fév, 00:27, Bernhard Schussek bschus...@gmail.com wrote:
  Correct syntax for annotation-validators is to use parents in the end:
  email(), NotBlank()...

 This is not true. You can leave away the parents just as well.


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[symfony-users] Re: Forms and validation

2011-02-16 Thread Lideln

On 16 fév, 00:27, Bernhard Schussek bschus...@gmail.com wrote:
  Correct syntax for annotation-validators is to use parents in the end:
  email(), NotBlank()...

 This is not true. You can leave away the parents just as well.


Sorry what do you guys mean by parents ?
Is there something wrong with my code ? But if there is not, why did I
get that strange error ?

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[symfony-users] [SF2] Forms and validation

2011-02-15 Thread Lideln
Hi there,

I have been experimenting with the PR6 lately.
Now I'm stuck with the forms and validation, and kinda need some tips.

I followed the official tutorial, and I succeeded in creating a form
and displaying it (but two minor things : I did not see an EmailField
in the code, and I could not find a way to specify the label).
Though, when it came to validation, I created a RegisterRequest with
annotations for validation, but when submitting the form, I got this
error :
The option validator is required for validating
Please note that I activated the validation in the config.yml

Thank you all (if you have a link to more up to date tutorials, I
would love to have it, thank you :) )


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[symfony-users] Re: Forms and validation

2011-02-15 Thread Lideln
Hi Nikita,

Yes I already discovered the missing name by myself and added a
__construct() in my RegisterForm class, that is calling
parent::__construct('register') and it works fine.
But the validators don't work, I got this strange error as if a
Validation instance does not exist in the context ($this-
get('form.context') ??).
Maybe I should make my RegisterRequest class extend some Validation
class ? Or am I missing some config.yml entries ?
I can give you my code this evening, I'm at the office right now.
Any help would be greatly appreciated (I have several questions
regarding sf2 but form validation will be enough for now ^^)

Kind regards,


On 15 fév, 17:23, Nikita Korotaev websir...@gmail.com wrote:
 There is no such thing like EmailField at the moment, I don't know why it's
 in docs. You should use textField and set Email validator instead.
 The form creation seem to be valid in docs, only missing the name parameter.
 Check this topic for more 


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[symfony-users] Re: Forms and validation

2011-02-15 Thread Lideln
Hi Nikita,

Thanks for the answer.
I had already discovered the form name parameter. Only I fixed it by
creating a ctor in my form and calling
The topic you kindly gave me did not help. I still have the  The
option validator is required for validating   error.
Just as if the validator was not existing in the context ($oForm =

Here is my code, is there anything wrong with it ?

$oRequest = new RegisterRequest();
$oForm = RegisterForm::create($this-get('form.context'));
$oForm-bind($this-get('request'), $oRequest);
if ($oForm-isValid())
echo 'Form valid !br /';

class RegisterForm extends Form
public function __construct()

protected function configure()
$this-add(new TextField('email', array('max_length' = 100)));
$this-add(new TextField('pseudo', array('max_length' = 18)));
$this-add(new PasswordField('password', array('max_length' =

[domain object]
class RegisterRequest
 * @validation:Email
 * @validation:MaxLength(100)
 * @validation:NotBlank
protected $email;

 * @validation:MaxLength(18)
 * @validation:NotBlank
protected $pseudo;

 * @validation:MaxLength(40)
 * @validation:NotBlank
protected $password;

  // getters and setters

error_handler: null
validation:{ enabled: true, annotations: true }

On 15 fév, 17:23, Nikita Korotaev websir...@gmail.com wrote:
 There is no such thing like EmailField at the moment, I don't know why it's
 in docs. You should use textField and set Email validator instead.
 The form creation seem to be valid in docs, only missing the name parameter.
 Check this topic for more 


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[symfony-users] Form validation

2011-02-15 Thread Lideln
Since I cannot add new answers to the topic I created earlier (why
that ?), I create a new one here with additionnal info.

As I said, I followed the official tutorial to create a RegisterForm
and using it to register new members.
But I got stuck at the validation, because I got the error :
The option validator is required for validating

Here is my code, please can you tell me what I did wrong ?

error_handler: null
validation:{ enabled: true, annotations: true }

$oRequest = new RegisterRequest();
$oForm = RegisterForm::create($this-get('form.context'));
$oForm-bind($this-get('request'), $oRequest);
if ($oForm-isValid())
echo 'Form valid !br /';

class RegisterForm extends Form
public function __construct()

protected function configure()
$this-add(new TextField('email', array('max_length' = 100)));
$this-add(new TextField('pseudo', array('max_length' = 18)));
$this-add(new PasswordField('password', array('max_length' =

[domain object]
class RegisterRequest
 * @validation:Email
 * @validation:MaxLength(100)
 * @validation:NotBlank
protected $email;

 * @validation:MaxLength(18)
 * @validation:NotBlank
protected $pseudo;

 * @validation:MaxLength(40)
 * @validation:NotBlank
protected $password;

// getters and setters

Thank you all, any help is welcome !

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[symfony-users] Re: [SF2] Tiny thoughts

2010-12-03 Thread Lideln
Hi Pablo,

Thanks for your answer !
I understand that point of view, and I agree with it too :)
I was just thinking of convenient ways of doing things, shortcuts if
you want.
For now I'll continue to learn Symfony2, but after that I'll do as you
advised me to : extend the classes in order to speed development a bit
with lots of shortcuts.

Thank you again !


On 1 déc, 00:48, Pablo Díez pablo...@gmail.com wrote:
 The answer for the three points is: that's the default way, but like one of
 the principles of Symfony2 is to be flexible, you can overwrite that
 behaviors with your own classes extending the Symfony2 classes and do it
 like you want.
 Although don't worry, really the default way is better than oneself think in
 the beginning!


 On Mon, Nov 29, 2010 at 7:22 PM, Lideln lid...@gmail.com wrote:
  Hi there,

  I just read the entire Symfony 2 quick tour. I found many useful and
  smart things, which are great !
  But I also wondered about a few (tiny) things, that are more about
  ease of use.
  Hope I get an answer here :)

  1) I'm sorry that we lost the ability to return nothing in the
  action (which would default to a specific template). Instead now, we
  have to write $this-render('HelloBundle:Hello:index', array('name'
  = $name));, which is long and useless. I think the SF1.4 way was
  quicker. (but I am definitely fond of the arguments-like new way of
  dealing parameters :) )

  2) Can't we define layouts in view.yml anymore ? Do we have to use ?
  php $view-extend('HelloBundle::layout') ? in every single view ?

  3) Is there a shortcut like $view-render('hello') (that would
  default the namespace to the current one, if not specified) ?

  These are just tiny thoughts (and other ones that were even tinier so
  I did not bother to write them), but as much as I find the SF2
  features awesome, I find it a bit more complex to use (but maybe it's
  also a question of habit).

  Thank you for your answers :)

  A humble SF user.

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  security at symfony-project.com

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 *Pablo Díez | @pablodip*
 MondonGO Lead Developerhttp://mondongo.es

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[symfony-users] Re: [SF2] Tiny thoughts

2010-12-03 Thread Lideln
Hi Fabien,

Thank you for your answers.
You are right that I don't know of all the tickets that were opened
for symfony1, and I should keep that in mind.
Regarding Symfony2, I was just giving my fresh (and, should I say
again, humble) feedback of a new user of Symfony2.
It's true that in Symfony2 some things are longer to write than
before, but that is just detail compared to the great new features it
I won't argue with you about that, because as you told me, this is for
the need of flexibility (although I still think that some shortcuts
are possible and would relieve developpers a bit).

I'm retrieving information all over the web in order to widen my
knownledge of Symfony2 (although I know it will change slightly) and
practise, as you advised me to, on a small project.

Just like so many people, I can't wait to get the stable release at
last !

I'm glad I can thank you in person for all the amazing work you did
with Symfony (among other things).
Thank you !

It's true that my small feedback was a point of detail compared to the
complexity of the framework.

Thanks from Paris,


On 1 déc, 07:52, Fabien Potencier fabien.potenc...@symfony-
project.com wrote:
 On 11/29/10 7:22 PM, Lideln wrote:

  Hi there,

  I just read the entire Symfony 2 quick tour. I found many useful and
  smart things, which are great !
  But I also wondered about a few (tiny) things, that are more about
  ease of use.
  Hope I get an answer here :)

 The answer: Explicit is always better than implicit. In symfony1, we
 have all kind of things that happen automagically. You know them and you
 know how they, but a newcomer can just scratch its head to understand
 what's going on. Futhermore, when you want to escape from the default
 behavior, it's a bit more complex; also because you now have a different
 way of doing things. Symfony2 basically solves these problems.

  1) I'm sorry that we lost the ability to return nothing in the
  action (which would default to a specific template). Instead now, we
  have to write $this-render('HelloBundle:Hello:index', array('name'
  =  $name));, which is long and useless. I think the SF1.4 way was
  quicker. (but I am definitely fond of the arguments-like new way of
  dealing parameters :) )

 Probably quicker to write but definitely less flexible. In Symfony2,
 there is only one way, and the one true way is as flexible as you might

  2) Can't we define layouts in view.yml anymore ? Do we have to use ?
  php $view-extend('HelloBundle::layout') ? in every single view ?

 The layout belongs to the template. So, it's much better now. Also, just
 have a look at all the problems we have we the default layout in
 symfony1 (and all the related tickets we just cannot solve easily). As
 before, there is now only one way to define a layout. It is much easier
 to learn and to master.

  3) Is there a shortcut like $view-render('hello') (that would
  default the namespace to the current one, if not specified) ?

 Again, in symfony1, the fact that a partial for instance tries to
 automatically determines the context falls apart pretty quickly (just
 try that with a partial used in two different modules).

  These are just tiny thoughts (and other ones that were even tinier so
  I did not bother to write them), but as much as I find the SF2
  features awesome, I find it a bit more complex to use (but maybe it's
  also a question of habit).

 When learning Symfony2, you need to put symfony1 aside and more
 importantly, you need to use Symfony2 for a small project to understand
 all the benefits of the new approach.

 Thanks for the feedback,
 Fabien Thank you for your answers :)

  A humble SF user.

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[symfony-users] [SF2] Tiny thoughts

2010-11-30 Thread Lideln
Hi there,

I just read the entire Symfony 2 quick tour. I found many useful and
smart things, which are great !
But I also wondered about a few (tiny) things, that are more about
ease of use.
Hope I get an answer here :)

1) I'm sorry that we lost the ability to return nothing in the
action (which would default to a specific template). Instead now, we
have to write $this-render('HelloBundle:Hello:index', array('name'
= $name));, which is long and useless. I think the SF1.4 way was
quicker. (but I am definitely fond of the arguments-like new way of
dealing parameters :) )

2) Can't we define layouts in view.yml anymore ? Do we have to use ?
php $view-extend('HelloBundle::layout') ? in every single view ?

3) Is there a shortcut like $view-render('hello') (that would
default the namespace to the current one, if not specified) ?

These are just tiny thoughts (and other ones that were even tinier so
I did not bother to write them), but as much as I find the SF2
features awesome, I find it a bit more complex to use (but maybe it's
also a question of habit).

Thank you for your answers :)

A humble SF user.

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