Re: [OSM-talk] Changeset messaging Notes feature question

2015-01-09 Thread Rovastar
Obviously I was not clear, I was talking about the left hand side panel that
opens when you hit add note.
It has about 5 lines of rambling red text there. Adding the duplicate
tickbox there would take up the screen real estate, the problem is the right
hand side (that is is very large in and many mobile browsers I cannot see
all of them)

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Re: [OSM-talk] Changeset messaging Notes feature question

2015-01-09 Thread Rovastar
Maybe a solution could be additionally displaying the map notes tickbox on
the add note side panel.

Showing if currently the map notes is on or not.
This will also stop someone, in theory, adding a note someone else has
already added as they are not aware there is a note there.

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Re: [Talk-GB] No more voting on mechanical edits

2014-12-19 Thread Rovastar

I idea that lets not fix things as it might be better to resurvey by hand
for rejecting it is not any part of DWG policy or standards. You should stop
pretending like it is.

It seems like you want to appease the people those they think there area is
mapped and need prompting to do any mapping. Notes answer is a cop out
answer. It fixes nothing of things that can actually be fixed.
We all know that a resurvey every few months of an average high street, etc
is likely going to show changes.
If these people want something to do and cannot think for themselves then I
can write a bot that will place a note say Please resurvey every if
nothing has changed in retail area greater then x in y months.

Also the it seems to me like it is pointless is no reason again for DWG to
reject this.
There are many things I could think are pointless that I do not map and I am
sure vice versa . 
If someone wants to map waste paper bins, benches, car park lanes, disabled
access, grass verges on traffic islands, etc you should not stop nor
discourage them.
If someone want to *fix* waste paper bins, benches, car park lanes, disabled
access, grass verges on traffic islands, etc you should not stop nor
discourage them.

Also the reason lets not do the mech edit because not all the info of that
type is in the database is *not* reason for DWG to reject it.
Let's me explain how this helps. If say the mapping as shop name is in
taginfo 33% A, 33% B, 33% C then what do we name it. Each of us on a whim
name it as we want or maybe have a more consistent name.
What is more useful? dozens of names or just 1 or 2?
We all know it is the same shop. I would be happy, and I imagine most be,
would be to get an indication of how best to map it.
Style and constancy is something we as a community should at least consider.
Rather than reject outright. 
There seem to be too much hippie commune attitude of free love and free
tagging here. It might work in small communities but when you have bigger
projects like this is now we need more co-ordination.
We do x in my patch, y in my patch, z in my patch. Again really how does
that help anyone? People only care about there only little bit of the map.
You travel 20 miles away and all the standards can be so different?

I was actually hoping you were going to give ideas of how the mechanical
edit could go ahead when you had suggestions alas not.

In the spirit of freedom of information what mechanical edit would you are
DWG in general actually approve? What have you approved?

I know a fair bit about the data now and understand the station issues, etc. 

For people I know know computers I am surprised how little you want to use
them to fix data issues.

I have said before about data issues. Post processing is needed in many
things but *first* if possible you should fix the data. That is all, as you
know, we are trying to do here. 
(I often in situations you were talking I imagine it was not possible to fix
the data here it is.)

I can quote examples til the cows come home about the bad data in the
database. Data that is came across it in you local patch you would fix
without question.

The real issue is some vocal people here don't want anyone editing in their
area - at all. Period. They are so self indulgent they think that the
project is not a community project at all it is *theirs*. Low and behold any
sort of community consensus about how the rest of the world/country does
things. They will just do it their way and ignore everyone else. They seem
jealous of others actually mapping stuff.

Oh as for OSM dinosaurs I see equally derogatory name-calling remarks all
the time from the same OSMers, lets take wikifiddlers, armchair mappers,
etc. Hell there is even that official looking graphic that some of you have
adopted on your userpages.

And you can do plenty from behind a computer keyboard, shops included. All
you need a little skill and work.

We can also talk about all this over the next pint. :-)



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Re: [Talk-GB] Suburbs in London/Brum - big edits

2014-11-21 Thread Rovastar

I am not a fan of reverting in general. Sure there are some mistakes here
but surely not even the most steadfast old timers here think that *all* of
these changes are wrong. Maybe *shrug* it is 50/50 here right/wrong.

And I disagree with the *only* way to deal with is to revert. You could
simply do no revert and change them individually. Not There is a mistake in
the changeset on my patch therefore it should all be reverted...imagine the
carnage if I started revert entire changesets where I found the tiniest of

Reverting and some of the over zealous initial comments here just sound like
this is my patch! how dare you change it I am perfect I have been doing
this for years!!1!!one!! and in our area we do this! we/I will change it
if it needs too not you!!

I think it is better and more welcoming to new users to not revert and if
the wiki is wrong to have clearer guidelines if required in our wiki.
That, like it or not, is what user do look at, especially new users.

I would argue that we need a more general UK guide to this rather than the
in my patch we do it this way/ our wiki is just a guide approach. Again
imagine if I started a whole new tagging scheme for highway= for my local
patch. To argue well it is my local patch I can do what I want just
wouldn't wash but that seems to be what we are doing here with the
city/suburb situation we have different areas of the country will have
different rules.

Going forward I think wikipedia provides a reasonably good guide if they are
area or a distinct town, villages, etc.

I urge all involved (and obviously not just anyone can change these only an
elite few) to look at all of these. I know some here, somewhat ironically,
don't like crowd sourced information like wiki(pedia) but many find it the
most useful and it is a public consensus nearly all of the time. It is what
I use for reference for tagging villages, etc up and down the country. If
wikipedia is wrong you know what you can do (change it! not f*** off).

Hayes, Hillingdon = town
Wimbledon, London = suburb, not a town
Sutton Coldfield, Brum= town that forms a suburb I would go with town.
Jewellery Quarter, Brum = not a village so suburb or suitable subset of.

The wikipedia approach is something that many people can understand and is
quotable and a reference point. Reference points are useful for
situations like this.
I would be curious for any major objections for this approach.
I would be very interested to so were any of those differ to what we
should do and I think individually each case would warrant further debate.

I think this would be better then a, IMHO, horrible one man band use
place=town for places with a sizeable retail centre random rule, etc.

I am not sure the on the ground rule applies here as much as you think. I
know it is banged on about as some sort of self preservation for some. But
remember we do not always do this despite what some may claim. For example,
all admin boundaries do not have the entire boundary line visable on the
A sign saying -- town centre isn't often good enough if more official
sources say that it is not.


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[OSM-talk] More DNS issues with (not resolving for me currently)

2013-08-16 Thread Rovastar
I am now getting DNS failed for 

I am in the UK using a Vodafone mobile dongle to connect.

nslookup gives

Server:  UnKnown

*** UnKnown can't find Server failed

Server:  UnKnown

Non-authoritative answer:
Addresses:  2001:630:12:500:219:bbff:fe39:8aba

My mobile EE is all ok.

I have tried a few other online sources I use to check DNS stuff (As I day
job for the past 14 years I am/have been a web hosting consultant) 
CA/ and that is ok.

But pingdoms online DNS check gives errors doesn't even resolve currently.
(that is historic try again to test fresh)

and DNSstuff gives errors in your SOA.|
but resolves.

Not all errors mean stuff is completely broken (you have to really
understand DNS and your setup to get the best understanding and some complex
large global corp DNS infrastuturces can do things in ways that confuse
online scanners IBM, etc) but it is for me and may be propagating around to

SOA errors often show something broken.

I would also a reduce your TTL you have been having (and still are)  to less
then the current 24 hours until you get to bottom of these issues otherwise
the lag on fixing and/or creating more issue will be problematic to solve.

I can give you a hand diagnosing if needed.

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Re: [OSM-talk] More DNS issues with (not resolving for me currently)

2013-08-16 Thread Rovastar
Sorry ignore some of my last mail some of these failed online tools only work
on top levels domains (it late *yawn* and I wasn't paying attention) rather
than subdomains.

Anyway I still get a lookup fail.

Maybe it is just my ISP.*shrug*

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Re: [Talk-GB] the brilliant and constantly improving Wikipedia of maps

2013-04-29 Thread Rovastar
Great however the OSM referenced has been shoehorned in there (not
complaining though), as the cartographers mentioned finding the new 2000ft
mountain just seemed to use Ordinance Surveynotably the wrong height
appears on OSM and not updated. :(

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Re: [OSM-talk] POI display on

2013-01-21 Thread Rovastar
What a great addition to the growing new tools/features to the OSM homepage.
Fantastic work. In fact I am using the beta as my main map now.

A couple of things.

A)I having problems when selecting any (large) area.
For example a stadium, park, shopping centre, hospital, school, etc where
they are amenity, etc as an area.

It often selects the smaller POIs inside/on top of the area but not the
actual area itself (so returning individual buildings, shops, streams,
playgrounds, etc). Often it will display nothing. Occasionally it will get a
hit the overall area but not very often and there seems to be no logic to

Is that because I am not hitting the actual nodes? Or maybe you are not
covering areas properly?

Even if I search in OSM for e.g. the shopping centre and it places the
pointer right in the middle of the area it often will not find anything.

Technically it is likely more difficult to get catch areas rather than nodes
but logically for the users you want to catch the areas. I imagine relations
as multiple ways of areas is even more complex to get a confirmed hit but
initially I am just talking about polygon areas 

B) wikipedia links. It has been said already but even then there is some
confusion. The recommended way for tagging wikipedia links is to use
wikipedia=language:page title and not wikipedia=

Here is our wiki page about wikipedia tagging -

As we have a lot of wikipedia links now it would be great to link directly
to the real pages.

e.g. Tag
wikipedia=en:St Paul's Cathedral
would resolve to:
But you will have to go some regex/Encoding to get this correct.

Anyway sorry if that sounded negative it is just to give feedback and not
headaches, keep up the good work. 

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Re: [Talk-GB] Postcode data

2013-01-13 Thread Rovastar
Postcodes don't have to assigned to buildings in OSM. In the last couple of
weeks I have not added any postcodes to buildings but I have added postcodes
to amenities as areas including stadiums, schools, hospitals and police
stations. None of these were buildings.
Once you have a plan here then remember to run it by the import mailing

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Re: [OSM-talk] Simple improvement(s) to

2013-01-09 Thread Rovastar
Firstly, I didn't expect so much conversation on this. I must say I never
really though about the closed nature vs open source of OSM conflict. 
And I am not a facebook user myself (I really dislike the walled garden idea
that is facebook) and only joined Twitter to see what it is about, I've not
used it.
(However I do sometimes read the info on facebook, search twitter and google
plus to see the latest OSM news. Just like I've been lurking and reading the
talk mailing lists for years and only joined for this.)

I was only thinking that a load of people use these social networks, we run
the facebook account, the Google Plus account and Twitter feed. A billion
plus all could spread the word of OSM more.
I didn't actually realise their is no YouTube channel. I just thought we had
one and that is why I mentioned it, to be honest. But an official channel it
would be great for tutorials and stuff but you can always use Vimeo or

And a bravo for Jonathan for getting this done and I am glad that it was
already thought of. And a big thank you for running these social networks
and spreading the word of OSM.
I would like to think even the biggest critics of these closed-silos would
appreciate the work you put in to keep the world informed. 

I look forward forward to seeing the mock up.



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[OSM-talk] Simple improvement(s) to

2013-01-08 Thread Rovastar
I joined the mailing list just to get involved in the OpenStreetMap Future
Look discussion and join in the fight but now it has turned into a love in.
:-) *hugs*

What about a easier more practical suggestion to improve!

My idea is simple can someone add modern social media networks logos/links
to the home page.

Nearly every site now has twitter, facebook, google plus, youtube channel,
etc links. We have these social media outlets lets tell people about them.

They could easily go under the Make a donation button as a 2x2 grid of
icons for the big 4 social networks.

I think this would improve the connectivity of the site to our other social
outlets. Give an official stamp of approval. Improve the social aspect of
it, increase numbers to these social channels. Help people find video
tutorial and spread the word of osm further.

I cannot see any harm in this it would take up very little screen real
estate and I think look a more professional cohesive community.

Now I do it is do-ocracy and technically very easy to do but for me but to
recreate the osm site and get access etc will take me forever. I am sure
someone with access could do this html change quicker and I can do some

.so what you think. +1 and -1's welcome.

(I also want routing, higher zoom levels (not only for the map detail but it
must be terrifying to newbies when the lowest zoom level before you click
edit could result in thousands of nodes on a half a mile square area when
they only want to name 1 street or add a pub), history tweaks (nice one
Pawel), social member to member features, extra mapnik map detail (lets
display rollercoasters (there are 'best of osm' detailed theme park but
major features missing :) ), skateboard parks, etc too), etc but this post
is not about that. ;)



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