Re[2]: filter problems and questions.

2000-09-21 Thread ztrader

On Thursday, September 21, 2000, 2:11:15 PM, you wrote:

KS> I'm not so sure that it's a good idea to add a rule for each and
KS> every spam address: there are simply to many addresses from which

True - I currently have a filtering list of 3081 addresses, and it
still misses some :-).


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Re[2]: filter problems and questions.

2000-09-20 Thread Krister Ekstrom

Hello A,

Wednesday, September 20, 2000, 4:47:55 AM, you wrote:

ACM> Just out of interest, how are you going about creating the spam filter
ACM> rules? To what string are you filtering to because spam artists rarely
ACM> ever send spam using the same name or from address. Creating filters to
ACM> these usually amounts to a futile exercise.

If i might go in here, one way to do it is to make a rule based on the
incoming  message  which  is considered as spam and uncheck the sender
and  recipient  boxes  and  check  the subject box. Another way that i
tried,  (it didn't work so well) was to filter a message where my name
wasn't  in  the  kludges  to  a  spam folder. For some reason, it just
caught one or two of say five... Oh well those spammers...

Best regards,
 Kristermailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re[2]: filter problems and questions.

2000-09-19 Thread jbelk

Thanks Curtis,

I'm  going  to  study  this some more.  After having to use this weird
text  editor  I'm  not  at all sure I'll stay with this program.  I've
never  seen  anything  so  clumsy  to  write  with...and  I  mean that
literally.   I  read  the  threads  on  this board concerning the text
editor  before I downloaded the program for trial.  I didn't know what
the   problem   was.   I  sure see it now.  I'm sure some folks really
like it, but I'm thankful I have a choice.
I'm  an  old guy that thinks the Logitech Marble track ball is part of
his  right hand.  Have mouse? Can do.  Took me 3 years to find Ctrl C,
Ctrl V.

Please refer to a previous post for my very simple needs in filters. I
thought  I  had  a  file  of filter strings I used for years in Forte'
Agent but I think they were deleted in the computer change last month.
 They consisted of unreadable, to me, code and expressions that includes
 a  list  of  words  used  most  by  get rich quick artist, multilevel
 marketing  schemes,  find  anything  idiots,  and whorehouses full of
 sailors and whole domains used by those kind of mailers.  Also were
 things like all CAPS, $$$, !!!,  and a thousand others.
I have some kind of total mental paralysis when it comes to
 regular  expressions.  Imagine a constantly looping shell game in your
 head  and  you  have an idea of how I feel.  After the third negative
 reversal,  if  three  conditions,  but not two others, are met on the
 second repetition...etc.I just go numb.

 I  think  it's going to depend on waiting for Agent to become capable
 of  multiple addresses, figuring out Eudora, or figuring out a way to
 use my "notepad" program in the BAT.  I hope its the later.


Tuesday, September 19, 2000, 8:47:55 PM, you wrote:

A> Hash: SHA1

A> On Tue, 19 Sep 2000 18:38:21 -0600, jbelk wrote:

Karin>>> Go to the Options tab and tick Continue Processing With Other
Karin>>> Folders.

A> I personally have never had reason to use this option.

j>> First, I've heard of this. It seems to not be the default but is
j>> necessary to make the filter work right.

A> No, it's not necessary to make a typical filter work right.

A> By default, each incoming message is checked to see if it matches a
A> filter rules string matching criteria. Each filter rule is checked
A> starting from the top of the filter list and working downwards. As soon
A> as a filter string match is found, the matching filters actions are
A> applied and no other subsequent filter is applied to the same message
A> after that. IOW's, by default, either a single or no filter rule will be
A> applied to a message.

A> Take for example you have a message that will be filtered by filters
A> rules 1 and 4 in the filter set below.

A> Filter rule 1
A> Filter rule 2
A> Filter rule 3
A> Filter rule 4

A> By default, once a match is made with filter rule 1, the message is no
A> longer matched with any other filters. You have to keep this in mind.
A> One of the reasons why a filter will not work is if the intended message
A> is being filtered out by a preceding filter who's string search matches
A> the message. The importance of the ordering of your filters now becomes
A> evident.

j>> I re-read the help files and didn't see it there. Should this box be
j>> checked on all filters? OR just all but the last one?

A> I don't use this check box at all.

A> This option basically instructs TB! that even though the message has been
A> matched to a particular filter rule, to continue matching it with the
A> other filters. This will only work if the initial filter rule did not
A> move the message to another folder.

j>> This sure is counter intuitive to my way of thinking. The FIRST
j>> filter I set up in any program is one that blocks the hundreds of
j>> spam messages that flood all email addys that have been around for a
j>> while.

A> If you're going to put that filter first, it has to be really specific
A> and not inadvertently filter out good mail. I'd advise you to put the
A> filters for legitimate and important e-mail first on the list and then
A> after that, put the spam filter/s in place.

j>> Is it a bug to add new filters at the bottom of the list??

A> I note that TB! does this through the quick filter method, although
A> there's an option to 'override existing filters' which places the filter
A> at the top of the list. It's risky to put the filter at the bottom of
A> the list because the intended messages have to not match any filter that
A> precedes that last filter in order for the last filter to work with the
A> intended messages.

j>> And what is the difference between the "!" and "Presence: No
j>> ?" Seems to me it's the same thing just more convoluted.

A> It just makes it more flexible. You can set your filter to be applied if
A> the defined string is found in the message or if it is not found in the
A> message.

A> Take for example, in my filter rules

Re[2]: filter problems and questions.

2000-09-19 Thread jbelk

Thank you Januk,

I'm a good bit more confused now than I was when I was really lost.
I  think  I understand that this program is WY more than I need to
write email and send a picture or text file every now and then.

I  explain technical nuances of fairly complicated mechanical devices
to Federal Court juries for a living and pride myself on being able to
make  them  understand  them.  But  now it's me that has that  'possum in the
headlights look'.

Please think simple and easy.  I only have three kinds of email:
1) email from people I know.
2) People I don't know.
3) People I don't want to know.

1)  Those  I know I separate into folders, Jokes, Patent info, etc..  Some
of  these  folders receive mail from one person with one email all the
way  to one box that receives mail from nearly 50 people using a total
of 150 or so return addresses.

2)  These  are  infrequently  people  in group one using still another
email  address, but more often are people or companies contacting me for
business or personal  stuff.   A  fair  amount  of  spam  gets  here  by
spam bot harvesting  from  usenet  post  and  unsecure  email  (Congress is the
worst).   From  this  folder  I  drag and drop into folders like Keep,
Information, Answer Later, etc.

3)  These  are  spam and obscure newsletters seldom read and sometimes
something  good that got caught by a filter.  Anything seen to be spam
is  promoted  to  "Delete  from  server",  which I see as the ultimate
filter.  I don't want to see it ever again. Many times these are whole

That's all I want to do.  Sort through the mail just exactly like I do
it with snail  mail.  I throw away the junk without opening it.  I don't
care how many  gazillion  dollars I've already won or how much toilet
paper cost.

The mail that is important like personal letters,
bills, and  really   bad threats of collection, etc. I sit this pile aside so I can
later  sit  and  read.or  hide.

The third batch is opened while standing  over the trash can...most of
it goes in.  When I recognize a  certain  signal  of  snail  spam (Is that cheap 
like an odd lack  of identifying address or postmark, it is soon promoted
to being thrown away in the first sorting.

I  tried  to  do  it  Eudora for a month and ask for the same help but
could never get my point across I guess.  Is this any better?


Tuesday, September 19, 2000, 8:03:46 PM, you wrote:

Januk> Hello Karin,

Januk> On  Tuesday, September 19, 2000  at  03:17:16 GMT +0200 (which was 6:17 PM
Januk> where I live) witnesses say Karin Spaink typed:

>> Yes, do check it on other filters as well. Having it
>> unchecked means that once this particular filter has been
>> invoked, TB stops filtering -- while you a\want it to go on
>> to the next mail and the next filter.

Januk> I think you may have misunderstood the "continue processing" option.
Januk> Let's say I have a really simple filter that marks all messages from
Januk> TBUDL with a flag or colour group, but *does not* move them.  If
Januk> "Continue Processing" is *not* checked, this message will not be
Januk> touched by any other filter.  But all messages will be checked by the
Januk> filters.

Januk> So, if you have
Januk> filter 1 <- has continue processing unchecked (doesn't move messages)
Januk> filter 2 <- has continue processing checked (doesn't move messages)
Januk> filter 3 <- doesn't matter

Januk> and

Januk> message 1
Januk> message 2

Januk> If message 1 meets the criteria for 1 and 3, only filter 1 will be
Januk> applied to message 1. If message 2 meets the criteria for 2 and 3,
Januk> then both filters 2 and 3 will be applied to message 2.

>> Imagine me telling you how to filter. I only downloaded TB
>> for evaluation purposes this Saturday ;-)

Januk> See how easy it really is to use?  :)

>> The History file in TB does part of the trick, and once you
>> have lemma's in the Address Book, TB _will_ autocomplete. I
>> think...

Januk> TB will not automatically auto-complete from the addressbook.  You have
Januk> to use a key combination, but it escapes me at the moment.
Januk> (Ctrl-+ maybe?)

>>> I  NEED  auto  correct  in  the  spell  checker becuase my fingers are
>>> ignorant adn always gets certain words wrong.  :-)

Januk> TB's autocorrect feature is a little different than what you're used
Januk> to in programs like MS Word.  In TB, if you type a word that is in the
Januk> auto correct dictionary (eg adn), the misspelled word will be
Januk> underlined with a square wave, as opposed to a triangular wave. Double
Januk> right-click on the misspelled word to replace with the correct word.
Januk> I personally like this better than Word style auto-correct.  It helps
Januk> when you want to misspell a word on purpose. (Like my examples above.)
Januk> It is a matter of taste, but I will admit that perhaps auto-correct is
Januk> a bit of a misnomer.

>>  People here are more lenient than they appear at
>> fir

Re[2]: filter problems and questions.

2000-09-19 Thread jbelk

Hey Karin,

Tuesday, September 19, 2000, 4:30:54 PM, you wrote:

Karin> If you'd have the third filter as number one, _everything_
Karin> that is not strict;y addressed to you will immediatel go to
Karin> Trash, and that you certainly don't want.

Judging by what I usually receive it wouldn't be a lick amiss.

Karin>Go to the Options tab and tick Continue Processing With
Karin> Other Folders.

First,  I've  heard  of  this.   It  seems to not be the default but is
necessary  to make the filter work right.  I re-read the help files and didn't see it 
Should  this box be checked on all filters?  OR just all but the last

Karin> Done. Now you have a basic filter that automatically moves
Karin> your TB mail to your TB folder.

It actually WORKS!

Karin> Do the same for other mailinglists that you are on (very
Karin> often they don't list _you_ in the To:  field, but use the
Karin> mailing list address), and *only then* add the filter that
Karin> makes everything that has NOT you in the To: field move to
Karin> trash:
Karin>String: !<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> (don't forget the !, it
Karin> means: not)
Karin>Location: Recipient
Karin>Presence: yes
Karin> And have those move to Trash.

This  sure  is  counter  intuitive  to  my way of thinking.  The FIRST
filter I set up in any program is one that blocks the hundreds of spam
messages that flood all email addys that have been around for a while.
Is it a bug to add new filters at the bottom of the list??
And   what  is the difference between the "!"  and "Presence:
No ?"
  Seems to me it's the same thing just more convoluted.

Karin> I'd very much advise you to carefully look at your Trash in
Karin> the following days, and when you find something that _is_
Karin> inded meant for you, make a new filter for that, or adjust
Karin> existing ones.

So  does  this  mean  every  time  a  new spam sneaks through existing
filters  I'll  have  to  create  a new filter for it, open the Sorting
Office/Filters and move the new filter somewhere else?  Is there a way
to just add the latest intruder to the existing spam filter?

>> Is there some kind of secret to this?

Karin> The big secret -- but it is not well-kept - is the order of
Karin> filters. You can move them up and down in the Filter Menus.
Karin> Try to fiddle a bit and watch the results.

It's  great  to  be part of this forum because I get suspicious if a 3
minute mail check cycle goes by without new mail.

A first weeks impression from a 7 year veteran of basic email:

I  HATE fixed fonts!!!  This is the first time I've been forced to use
them  and  I  vote  for letting my email look the way I want it to and
since I've never in my life written a text block or a table to email I
think I deserve it!  I like New Times Roman fonts.

I'd like to see auto complete for addresses.

I  NEED  auto  correct  in  the  spell  checker becuase my fingers are
ignorant adn always gets certain words wrong.  :-)

Filters should be simple questions:
   Do you want to File this message to a certain place?
   Delete  this  message  and  every  one like it?
   Delete them from the server too?

I  strongly  suggest  the writers look closely at Forte' Agent's
filter   structure.It's   simple   enough  for  even me to use.  I
admit I copied  and  pasted  the  complicated  filter strings from numerous
choices in the help files and posted on news groups and web pages.

Whoops..I'm  ranting  againThank you for the help.  I'll keep
working  on  filters  and  looking for a fixed font I can read without
smudging the monitor.


 jbelkmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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