Hey Karin,

Tuesday, September 19, 2000, 4:30:54 PM, you wrote:

Karin> If you'd have the third filter as number one, _everything_
Karin> that is not strict;y addressed to you will immediatel go to
Karin> Trash, and that you certainly don't want.

Judging by what I usually receive it wouldn't be a lick amiss.

Karin>    Go to the Options tab and tick Continue Processing With
Karin> Other Folders.

First,  I've  heard  of  this.   It  seems to not be the default but is
necessary  to make the filter work right.  I re-read the help files and didn't see it 
Should  this box be checked on all filters?  OR just all but the last

Karin> Done. Now you have a basic filter that automatically moves
Karin> your TB mail to your TB folder.

It actually WORKS!!!!!

Karin> Do the same for other mailinglists that you are on (very
Karin> often they don't list _you_ in the To:  field, but use the
Karin> mailing list address), and *only then* add the filter that
Karin> makes everything that has NOT you in the To: field move to
Karin> trash:
Karin>    String: !<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> (don't forget the !, it
Karin> means: not)
Karin>    Location: Recipient
Karin>    Presence: yes
Karin> And have those move to Trash.

This  sure  is  counter  intuitive  to  my way of thinking.  The FIRST
filter I set up in any program is one that blocks the hundreds of spam
messages that flood all email addys that have been around for a while.
    Is it a bug to add new filters at the bottom of the list??
And   what  is the difference between the "!<address>"  and "Presence:
No ?"
  Seems to me it's the same thing just more convoluted.

Karin> I'd very much advise you to carefully look at your Trash in
Karin> the following days, and when you find something that _is_
Karin> inded meant for you, make a new filter for that, or adjust
Karin> existing ones.

So  does  this  mean  every  time  a  new spam sneaks through existing
filters  I'll  have  to  create  a new filter for it, open the Sorting
Office/Filters and move the new filter somewhere else?  Is there a way
to just add the latest intruder to the existing spam filter?

>> Is there some kind of secret to this?

Karin> The big secret -- but it is not well-kept - is the order of
Karin> filters. You can move them up and down in the Filter Menus.
Karin> Try to fiddle a bit and watch the results.

It's  great  to  be part of this forum because I get suspicious if a 3
minute mail check cycle goes by without new mail.

A first weeks impression from a 7 year veteran of basic email:

I  HATE fixed fonts!!!  This is the first time I've been forced to use
them  and  I  vote  for letting my email look the way I want it to and
since I've never in my life written a text block or a table to email I
think I deserve it!  I like New Times Roman fonts.

I'd like to see auto complete for addresses.

I  NEED  auto  correct  in  the  spell  checker becuase my fingers are
ignorant adn always gets certain words wrong.  :-)

Filters should be simple questions:
   Do you want to File this message to a certain place?
   Delete  this  message  and  every  one like it?
   Delete them from the server too?

I  strongly  suggest  the writers look closely at Forte' Agent's
filter   structure.    It's   simple   enough  for  even me to use.  I
admit I copied  and  pasted  the  complicated  filter strings from numerous
choices in the help files and posted on news groups and web pages.

Whoops......I'm  ranting  again....Thank you for the help.  I'll keep
working  on  filters  and  looking for a fixed font I can read without
smudging the monitor.


 jbelk                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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