[tw] [TW5] Tip: Fresh TW5 on TiddlySpot - how to set it up quickly

2015-01-17 Thread Mat
Just a cool tip if you want TW5 on tiddlyspot:

Register a tiddlyspot account. 
Go to tiddlywiki.com/empty via chrome
Enter controlpanel > saving > fill in your tiddlyspot account info  + Save

Done! (No downloading to your computer first)

When we eventually get Drag'n Drop for links into TW, then you can follow 
up the above by setting a favicon (i.e the little icon showing at the tab) 

opening another tab in your browser and go to e.g images.google.com or 
similar to find an image
click+hold the image, drag up to your TW tab so your browser switches tab, 
and drop onto TW
import and rename it into * $:/favicon.ico*



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[tw] Re: [TW5] xlist — rewritten (!) and plenty more powerful now!

2015-01-17 Thread cmari
Hi Tobias,
This is really great and I especially like the potential for easy 
substitutions.  One odd thing I noticed: 
I followed your Installation instructions in an empty TW 5 file.  Then I 
dragged in all the tiddlers related to the tiddler called "Topics".  
However, in my file the first line on each of the tabs in "Topics" still 
All Publications  on Topics 
In your file, it says
All Publications  on Economics 
...  (or Business)

After some poking around, I realized that if I dragged in your version of 
then "Economics" or "Business" replaced the word "Topics".

But then I noticed that in the tiddler info dropdown, the "fields" 
information was wrong.  Instead of showing the current tiddler's fields 
(created and modified dates, lists, etc), the field information was the 
same for every tiddler:
   caption   {{$:/language/TiddlerInfo/Fields/Caption}}  tags  
$:/tags/TiddlerInfo  title


Any idea what's going on?


On Friday, January 16, 2015 at 5:45:24 AM UTC-8, Tobias Beer wrote:
> Ok, here's a (another) major update for *xlist*...
> http://xlist.tiddlyspot.com
> Now you can match and crosslist any combination of *fields* and *tags*, 
> see..
> http://xlist.tiddlyspot.com/#Variants
> Sorry for that, but to implement the above
> I had to do some fundamental rewiring, again.
> In other words, once again, the parameter order
> as well as available parameters have changed,
> so the new version is *incompatible* with the any one(s)!
> After a long night with mountains of macro code
> — only to be abandoned again — 
> I eventually realized that by introducing another filter parameter,
> I could remove three other parameters no longer needed
> and strip the macro code down to a neat minimum.
> Now you can use the following two filter parameters...
>- *filter* — to define a basic item filter
>- *groups* — to define a filter for the category groups
> Also there is now the *each* parameter
> which allows you to group by and match against
> categories derived form the discrete values of any field.
> Before there were the following parameters...
>- *filter* — to define a filter for the category groups — redefined to 
>- *field* — to specify a text-reference for a list field — removed
>- *match* — to specify a field to be matched — removed
>- *value* — to specify the value for the *match* field — removed
> So, for anyone who has already looked at it
> or started implementing anything with *xlist*,
> please take another close look at the documentation 
> and adapt your macro calls accordingly.
> Any future parameters shall come after existing ones.
> Promised!
> Best wishes, Tobias.

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[tw] Re: The Concept of Tags and Tagging

2015-01-17 Thread Mat
I must just say thank you for sharing your thought processes and reasoning 
on this most interesting, and important, topic.

Just so there is no misunderstanding; As you point out, nobody is stopping 
me from using tags anyway I want but this is of course about making TW as 
useful as possible.

Ok, it remains a fact that in the end we still have a few practical 
problems with the current design that isn't ideal for more careless tagging:

   - There will be tiddlers that are difficult to find, as exemplified by 
   the tiddler Tagging  and someone curious 
   about how to use tags and therefore searches "tags". Note that this is an 
   example of a carefully designed and tagged tiddler.  
   - If we delegate ad hoc tags to be part of the text, we have a problem 
   when the tiddler is not really common text. An image, a rendered list, a 
   transcluded text where we might not ahead know if certain words appear, 
   etc. A technical solution to insert tags in the content anyway compromises 
   the resulting impression (this is not a small matter) and to demand 
   attention to if tags really appear in the text, if there in deed is text, 
   compromises the workflow for sure.
   - If we, hypothetically, limted tag to only be parent-child 
   relationships then people who use tags as more arbitrary labels must learn 
   that it is not OK to tag freely. 

Overall, I think TW currently is designed for an unnecessarily late stage 
in the brains tought process, not quite letting us take advante of the 
brains associative nature before we structure stuff mentally. If we really 
want TW to be *designed* to fit around your brain 
 I say we should tap into this - because 
we can and it would make TW an even more creative work environment.

I don't think I have much more to say on it right now so will put on, um, 
keep on, my thinking hat.

BTW, this made me remeber an actual project I had to give up on because of 
*other* limitations in tagging (TWC at that time) and this time with very 
structured tagging! It's really a funny case so I will detail it soon. It 
would be fantastic if it turns out I was just approaching it the wrong way.

@Astrid and particularly Mario and Tobias - great hearing your reasoning!


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[tw] [TW5] Conditional table rows

2015-01-17 Thread Astrid Elocson

Here is a table with an optional middle row. (Change *text="y"* to 
*text="x"* to reveal it.)


*<$reveal default="x" type="match" 

But if you try this, you'll find that it generates ** around the middle row, and this ruins the table's 

The reveal widget will generate ** instead if it 
believes it's being parsed in block mode. But if I add blank lines, a  
element gets generated, and this ruins the layout in a different way.

Is it possible to make a row of a table conditional, and if so, how?

Incidentally, I think my use case for this would be satisfied by a new 
\ifdef pragma, as discussed here: 

– æ

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[tw] Re: draw overlay on top of image?

2015-01-17 Thread Mat
What an interesting problem! 

As noted elsewhere, I have some ideas about a tool in TW intended for quick 
mockup creation to illustrate things in TW. The idea is to use embedded 
images depicting TW specific elements such as "a blank button", "a generic 
tiddler" etc. It would be very valuable if it was possible to seemingly 
draw on these - but even better if it was possible to *write* on them. For 
example take a blank button and write "New tiddler" on it.

Do you (I guess I'm talking to Tobias now, but anyone please do reply) 
think this would be possible in TW? 

I'm thinking, maybe it is possible to set the background of the text field 
to be transparent? So if, as you indicate, one could put a text field in 
front of another then...

Maybe a special tiddler template containing two text fields, same size, and 
placed just next to eachothers... but instead one has another z-index and 
is offset with the length of it's width so it overlaps perfectly. I know it 
is possible with overlapping text like that because if you for instance 
open tiddler PageTemplate 
, you see this 
overlap effect in the sidebar head! What if we can *use* this to our 

A TW glass feature!

I can imagine a lot of possibilities opening if we could do this. Imagine 
an iframe that you could add annotations to, *on* it. 


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[tw] Re: The Concept of Tags and Tagging

2015-01-17 Thread Astrid Elocson
Regarding the parent–child relationship, notice how the core 
table-of-contents macro assumes that tags are pointers to parent tiddlers.

– æ

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[tw] [tw5] new plugin - media player

2015-01-17 Thread BJ
HI all,
I am writing a media player plugin and put up a demo at 


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[tw] Re: TW5 Color of Field Values

2015-01-17 Thread RickL
Great suggestions!  Some I almost understand, others are like a foreign 
language.  The more I learn here,the more there is to learn.  I will study 
then will have questions, so I hope you are up for it! ;)

On Friday, January 16, 2015 at 3:56:17 PM UTC-5, RickL wrote:
> I have a list of books to read. I order the books by: A - read now; B - 
> read next; C - read some day
> Each book is a tiddler, and each tiddler contains a field labeled "order" 
> with the value A, B, or C.
> I created a list of books in a new tiddler with the <$view 
> field="order"/> command to get a comprehensive reading list. This works 
> well. I can color the "order" with the @@color:red; @@ command so the 
> order stands out.
> My question: How can I get the order of the books to be even more evident 
> by coloring the A, B, or C differently. Red for A, Green for B, and Blue 
> for C for example.
> I think this would also be helpful in using TW as a task list.
> Hope this makes sense.
> Thanks
> Rick

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[tw] Re: TW5 Color of Field Values

2015-01-17 Thread RickL
The new book button simply brings up a tiddler template with predefined 
tags and fields to allow easy entry of a new book to add to my reading list.
The widget you mention is one I have not explored.  There is lots to learn 
here...next I need to review TB's last response below sounds like a 
better way to do things but I have to understand first! :)

On Friday, January 16, 2015 at 9:01:53 PM UTC-5, Birthe C wrote:
> Hi RickL,
> It looks great. I wonder how you use your New Book button? If you use 
> ActionSendMessageWidget, you can set the tags and fields you would use for 
> all your books.
> Birthe
> On Saturday, January 17, 2015 at 2:30:47 AM UTC+1, RickL wrote:
>> check thatI have it working now.Thanks!
>> On Friday, January 16, 2015 at 8:30:05 PM UTC-5, RickL wrote:
>>> If you say so...but I don't seed how
>>> On Friday, January 16, 2015 at 8:20:11 PM UTC-5, Tobias Beer wrote:

 Seems to work fine...
 with the above example.

 Best wishes, Tobias.


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[tw] Re: draw overlay on top of image?

2015-01-17 Thread Dave
thanks for the thoughtful reply.  

As usual, I'm always coming up with things that have yet to be invented, ha 

I'll play around with just editing a template image and saving directly for 
now, because in the workflow I'm imagining, it would have to pretty much be 
instantaneous as marking the sites treated would be real time while the 
patient was in the room and I wouldn't want to be fiddling around with 
extra files and applications.

I'm so slow at development, by the time I'm ready to use it, maybe someone 
will have made that already ;)

(p.s. sorry about the reposts, I thought my phone was just lagging in 
posting so I reposted a couple times)

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[tw] Re: How can the public add data to my tw?

2015-01-17 Thread Tobias Beer
Hi Mat,

As for polls you could use one of the abundant services that provide polls 
for embedding.
However, the actual poll data would surely not reside in your TiddlyWiki.
It would only show the results.

This approach is pretty the same for all other content that you wish your 
visitors to contribute.
You need some external service / server both storing and delivering that 
information on-demand.

Best wishes, Tobias. 

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[tw] Re: draw overlay on top of image?

2015-01-17 Thread Tobias Beer
Hi Dave,

> If I have a starting image (making sure it's as small as reasonably 
> possible) and I draw on it and save it maybe using the new tiddler's name, 
> does anyone know if that would actually use more file space than what I'm 
> talking about?

You'd go about it differently. Rather than renaming, use cloning. And yes, 
you'd duplicate that image, which is what you want anyway.

What would be really cool is if there was a way to overlay an exertnal 
image and the resulting semi-transparent overlay being smaller in its 
footprint ...as it should contain less information.

Perhaps there could be an almost pain-free workflow involving svg-editor 


   1. open svg-editor
   2. place your image in the background
   3. draw svg elements on top
   4. remove background
   5. save svg
   6. create image tiddler with (perhaps referring to an external image)
   7. use a to-be-created macro in another tiddler which overlays the svg 
   on top of the image with proper scaling

All this is a lot better than pixel-based editing, imho... not just for 

Best wishes, Tobias.

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[tw] Re: Search

2015-01-17 Thread Tobias Beer
Ok for you to attach it to a post here? Otherwise it's beertobias at that 
monster of a search engine's email service.

Best wishes, Tobias.

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[tw] Re: The Concept of Tags and Tagging

2015-01-17 Thread Tobias Beer
Hi Mat,

> 1) Conceptual confusion: TW does not, as far as I can tell, fulfill the 
> general perception of what tags are: Wikipedia article Tag 
> , and Wordpress on 
> Categories 
> vs Tags .

Interesting stuff, for sure. Please note, that there is no 1:1 relation to 
what wikipedia or wordpress subsume under the notion *tags*, i,e, things 
like meta-tags, and what a *tag* is and how it works in TiddlyWiki. Tags in 
TiddlyWiki are of a rather well defined nature and so I find them not at 
all to be congruent with the former ...and they don't have to be.

Considering static tiddlers, the question of "How do I model html 
meta-tags?" is indeed an important one and there could be an established 
consensus that anything defined with the prefix *meta--* will yield a meta 
tag in the static representation, e.g.

meta--keywords: foo bar baz {{!!tags}}

> 2) Compromises: There are several aspects of tags that a user might miss 
> out on if he cannot use words as tags. Differences in search behaviour from 
> if they were tags. And, again, compromising the text is not necessarily OK; 
> what should you do for a tiddler intended to depict Mona Lisa?

Feel free to use tags any way you want, and also fields, but be aware the 
If you don't like those implications, your head might just meet a 
and it's really nobody's fault or task to watch out for how you decide to 
move in TiddlyWiki.

3) Obstructed use case : Both the process Mario kindly details and Tobias' 
> parent=>child restrictions force a lot of analysis.

There is no need at all to premeditate on structure, it comes about... 

> I love thinking and I love logic structures, but there is simply a place 
> for ad hoc too, *particulary* in note taking tools and creative work.

Again, using tags as parents to a tiddler is not impinging on creativity. 
In fact, the opposite is true. The more well defined a basic toolset is, 
the easier it is to be truly creative. If "anything" is possible, 
creativity is meaningless... because everything is arbitrary. Cretivity 
comes about, imho, by making astounding use of the — sometimes incredibly 
scarce and limited — resources at hand.

If nothing else, it can work as a transitory phase *before* structuring.

Like everything in a wiki — or in real-life — tags are fluid, dynamic and 
emergent. Things are not set in stone just because one decides at some 
point to assign to that poor tiddler some heavyweight category called a 

(Compare to e.g formal braintstorming: analysis/evaluation/judgement is 
> directly detrimental in the initial stages and will simply *not* produce 
> good results.)

Brainstorming, too, has rules to it. You are playing freely, but without 
the boundaries set forth in the method. The idea of brainstorming is not 
"do whatever you want".

A tool designed for very structured tagging is probably more about 
> documentation than note taking. I just don't see why TW should be limited 
> in this respect.

I'd like to understand better why you keep on expressing that as a 
limitation. How exactly is it a limitation that is restricting you?

You are free to use tags in any way that make sense to *you*. If it works 
for you, great! However, the way you use tags has consequences. When that 
yields inconsistencies which wouldn't exist if you used a thing for what 
it's designed for, then it's not for tags to change their behavior. You 
wouldn't use a calculator as a scoop either, unless you wanted to make a 
one-time joke of it. 

TW perhaps being a tool more for documentation more than note taking,

I do not see how and why you distinguish the two. To me, it's literally the the 
same process: dump stuff from my brain so as to not juggle it around in my 
head alone.

> Just maybe there should, after all, be a theme specializing on a more 
> impromptu and careless workflow (TW jazz!) rather than the conscientious 
> current workflow.

It would surely be quite interesting to see what you'd invent there. I'm 
far from suggesting that experiments like that would be pointless. To the 
contrary. Structures and patterns emerge out of what first appeared as 
chaos. Sometimes, though, chaos is just that... a lot of noise, so always 
have some ear-plugs at hand. :D

ideally the input should be easy to refine (organize and structure) if the 
> preference for this arises

I can see how you can turn Mozart into Jazz, the other way around, not 
quite so much. Perhaps we've forgotten the art of that. To me, it's pretty 
clear that those masters and geniuses and their symphonies were reflecting 
more on patterns than chaos, patterns of scales, of rhythm, of harmony, of 
balance... patterns ...and creatively interpreting those.

Considering the dynamic nature of TW, we could have different page 
> templates, showing tools etc for the application at ha

[tw] Re: The Concept of Tags and Tagging

2015-01-17 Thread Tobias Beer
Hi Birthe,

I have put a summary of the above up here...

Tags-101 @ tb5 

Best wishes, Tobias.

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[tw] How can the public add data to my tw?

2015-01-17 Thread Mat
What ways would there be to enable the general public to add data to my 
public tw over the web? 

If I want others to be able to create and add tags, how could this be 
achived? Or, more limited, to add predefined tags?

I'm using the specific example of tagging but I'm assuming it's the same 
answer if it were how to enable, say, strarring sometthing, participating 
in polls and other stuff.


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Re: [tw] [TW5] Idea for a Hangouts TiddlyWiki

2015-01-17 Thread PMario
On Friday, January 16, 2015 at 10:32:49 PM UTC+1, RichShumaker wrote:
> I still have to get your first 20 done and that may take a bit.


> As an FYI, I have your Hang_Out versions unedited in Tiddlers, then I have 
> to strip " and make them ' to work with the Macros I am using.
> So there is duplication of data in my system.  

I'm creating the annotations with the editor of my pmario space. ... There 
is one simple reason, why I create them the way they are. ... So Jeremy has 
an easy copy paste the content to the youtube videos. 

I like your effort to expand the annotations and give them more content. So 
the information / ideas in the discussions are exposed to more people, that 
prefer reading over viewing!

I may turn your Tiddlers into Shadow Tiddlers(?) so they are removed from 
> the search cue to avoid doubling up.
> Oh and that would be after I finish them all.

IMO when we have better possibilities for multi user TWs, I think Tobias 
and I will merge our hangout space with your extended content TW. ... But 
at the moment I need something that I can use without any thinking. And a 
plain text editor is exactly that. ... 

Using the tab key to switch between input fields, using the mouse to open 
drop down menues, adding tags by clicking buttons, ... 
slows me down to much. As I said I try to watch the videos at 2x speed so I 
need to be fast :)

have fun!
keep on the nice work :)

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[tw] Re: draw overlay on top of image?

2015-01-17 Thread Dave
Just a thought: perhaps I'm wrong about the file size thing.

If I have a starting image (making sure it's as small as reasonably possible) 
and I draw on it and save it maybe using the new tiddler's name, does anyone 
know if that would actually use more file space than what I'm talking about?

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[tw] Re: draw overlay on top of image?

2015-01-17 Thread Dave
Just a thought: perhaps I'm wrong about the file size thing.

If I have a starting image (making sure it's as small as reasonably possible) 
and I draw on it and save it maybe using the new tiddler's name, does anyone 
know if that would actually use more file space than what I'm talking about?

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[tw] Re: draw overlay on top of image?

2015-01-17 Thread Dave
Just a thought: perhaps I'm wrong about the file size thing.

If I have a starting image (making sure it's as small as reasonably possible) 
and I draw on it and save it maybe using the new tiddler's name, does anyone 
know if that would actually use more file space than what I'm talking about?

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[tw] Re: Search

2015-01-17 Thread Alan Finger
Hi Tobias,

Thanks for the quick response. I did have the regex tiddler installed 
(guess I forgot to mention). I just tried your installation and am still 
seeing the same problem. Is there some way I can send you my test wiki?


On Saturday, January 17, 2015 at 4:08:35 AM UTC-5, Tobias Beer wrote:
> Hi Alan,
> Ah, now I see where the confusion is coming from.
> I've added an Installation section...
> Custom Search Tab Exact @ tb5 
> You were missing this tiddler...
> $:/.tb/ui/SearchResults/exact/regexp 
> Best wishes, Tobias.

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[tw] Re: The Concept of Tags and Tagging

2015-01-17 Thread Mat
Thank you guys!, you give some ideas that I will implement for my own TWs, 
thank you!

But I do think it is unfortunate to intentionally limit the system in this 
regard for at least three reasons:
1) Conceptual confusion: TW does not, as far as I can tell, fulfill the 
general perception of what tags are: Wikipedia article Tag 
, and Wordpress on Categories 
vs Tags .
2) Compromises: There are several aspects of tags that a user might miss 
out on if he cannot use his words as tags. Differences in search behaviour 
from if they were tags. And, again, compromising the text is not 
necessarily OK; what should you do for a tddler intended to depict Mona 
3) Obstructed use case : Both the process Mario kindly details and Tobias' 
parent=>child restrictions force a lot of analysis. I love thinking and I 
love logic structures, but there is simply a place for ad hoc too, 
*particulary* in note taking tools and creative work. If nothing else, it 
can work as a transitory phase *before* structuring. (Compare to e.g formal 
braintstorming: analysis/evaluation/judgement is directly detrimental in 
the initial stages and will simply *not* produce good results.) A tool 
designed for very structured tagging is probably more about documentation 
than note taking. I just don't see why TW should be limited in this respect.

Apropo this last point, TW perhaps being a tool more for documentation more 
than note taking, I've touched on this from some other angles, particulary 
the somewhat slow workflow for documenting things in TW (e.g tiddler 
creation). Just maybe there should, after all, be a theme specializing on a 
more impromptu and careless workflow (TW jazz!) rather than the 
conscientious current workflow. Or maybe "theme" is the wrong word... 
because ideally the input should be easy to refine (organize and structure) 
if the preference for this arises. ...Considering the dynamic nature of TW, 
we could have different page templates, showing tools etc for the 
application at hand. Maybe called different *modes*? "Swithin' over to 
note-taking mode." Is there a mechanism for switching page templates?


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[tw] Re: The Concept of Tags and Tagging

2015-01-17 Thread Birthe C
Very good advice on how to tag.
Lately I find that I am not systematic enough, planning too little before 
starting a new TW. One of the charms for TW for me has always been, I find 
myself with a mixture of data I need to collect somewhere and in a hurry. 
Only later on with a TW growing in size and when I have better time, I 
usually will get the data sorted and better tagged in several wiki's.

Thinking back in time I realise that it is also very much a question of 
habit,  how do we think and work spontaneously.
When I first started using TWc for sure I was not using tags to my 
advantage. For me the eyeopening moment came with using MPTW and wonderful 
tagglytagging. Not at the very first sight, but soon after. Two days later 
I had my very own cookbook with all my grandmothers and mothers old recipes 
in it. It is still working well today. I have added very little, tiddlers 
and tagglytagging makes all the work.

We often discuss how to make things easier for newbies, how to tag would 
benefit enormously with tagglytagging as in MPTW, your choices are 
visualised right before your eyes..and then more ;-)

I do not want to hide my tags.


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[tw] Re: draw overlay on top of image?

2015-01-17 Thread Tobias Beer
Hi Dave,

Currently that feature does not exist.
In general it may be possible.

There could either be a transparent gif,
preferably a png as an overlay on which to draw.

That would need some custom macro / widget, though...
and some experimenting as to creating a blank transparent image of a given 

At image tiddlers, rather than directly drawing over them
— which doesn't seem a very practical idea anyway —
you would have a "draw on me" type of button
creating another tiddler with the ability to draw on that overlay instead,
showing the related image below in a see-through manner.

I have created an issue here...


...maybe someone skilled with image files takes a shot at it.

Best wishes, Tobias.

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[tw] Re: Search

2015-01-17 Thread Tobias Beer
Hi Alan,

Ah, now I see where the confusion is coming from.

I've added an Installation section...
Custom Search Tab Exact @ tb5 

You were missing this tiddler...

Best wishes, Tobias.

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[tw] Re: TW5 Color of Field Values

2015-01-17 Thread Tobias Beer
Hi Rick,

In the sense of GTD, I prefer using prefixes for any GTD related tags,
e.g. *status* tags would be...

   - #reading
   - #next
   - #someday
   - #maybe

...all of which would tag themselves to *status*.
See: http://tbgtd.tiddlyspot.com (TWc)

Then you...

   - can more easily search for them simply by typing *#*
   - more easily spot them in the tag-bar
   - easily filter lists by iterating over all *status*-tags 
    or those with prefix 

Personally, I'd also use *A*, *B*, *C* as tags tagging to *order*, rather 
than fields.
That shows them at each book and you can click to get to the tiddler *order*
which could be an index of all books by order.

With TW5, you can also assign tag icons.

   - using *$:/TagManager* which you find in the tags tab
  - you can assign something like that ✓ icon 
  to each status
  - that way, you quickly spot a status tag
   - personally, I would use author names as tags and have them tag to 
  - so, you could do the same thing with *author*
  - I wish there was a generic person icon though, even though not used 
  by the core
With the all new xlist  you can easily create 
indexes, e.g.

   - all *filter:"[all[]]" *by *each:order*
   - All By Groups @ xlist 
  - all *filter:"[genre[non-fiction]]"* by 
  - (assuming you would start using tags for statuses)
  - Tagging Instead Of List Field @ xlist 
   - or using fields: *filter:"[genre[non-fiction]]"* by *each:read*
  - Match Field — Each Field Value @ xlist 

Best wishes, Tobias.

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