Re: [5.0] fileupload 1.0 RC 1 API breakage

2003-06-05 Thread Joe Germuska
At 7:38 -0500 6/4/03, Glenn Nielsen wrote:
Was this really necessary?  The email below went to both the commons-dev and
tomcat -dev lists.  If Remy was pointing the finger at anyone, it was at his
fellow Tomcat Developers.  Thats how I interpreted it.
Martin has been busting his tail trying to get FileUpload released so 
that Struts can make a full 1.1 release, and I'm sure he's just a 
little frustrated that other projects which have a dependency on the 
library aren't participating very much in the bug cleanup, or, 
apparently, the commons-dev mailing list where this was discussed 
thoroughly before the change happened.  In fact, Martin was reluctant 
to remove the deprecated methods completely, and other developers 
here on commons-dev pointed out that there is no guarantee of API in 
unreleased software.

When I read the message from Remy, I read it as a jab at FileUpload. 
And since Martin has basically been a one-man FileUpload team for 
several weeks (while being busy in his real life), he took it 
personally.  Rereading Remy's message, I can see why Glenn read it as 
being "spoken to" the tomcat-dev list, with commons-dev as more of a 
'cc'.  But that's not how I read it originally.

I'd think at least one committer on any major open-source project 
should be committed to monitoring the status of each library that 
project depends on -- if someone had been doing that, this would not 
have been a surprise.

Just a bystander...
Joe Germuska
"If nature worked that way, the universe would crash all the time." 
	--Jaron Lanier

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Re: [5.0] fileupload 1.0 RC 1 API breakage

2003-06-05 Thread David Graham
FileUpload.setRepositoryPath(String) and FileItem(String) were removed from 
the fileupload RC 1 release, which breaks the Tomcat 4.1.x and 5.0.x build. 
The first method has no apparent replacement (but I didn't try to dig 

This is clearly an unacceptable situation from the Tomcat perspective :-( 
I'm hoping there can be positive solutions to the problem ...
There is absolutely no API guarantee between beta releases.  Martin has 
posted several messages to commons-dev about the changes and has apparently 
even posted a patch for Tomcat.  Instead of complaining about one broken 
build you should be thanking Martin for being the sole developer on 



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Re: [5.0] fileupload 1.0 RC 1 API breakage

2003-06-05 Thread David Graham
One last note: IMO, as a rule (and esp in the commons), you should make 
every effort to avoid breaking the API between a beta and a final.
FileUpload did not go final, if went to RC1.  Changes between RCs and final 
could be considered inappropriate but not from beta to RC.

See the Release Types > Beta Releases section here:


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Re: [5.0] fileupload 1.0 RC 1 API breakage

2003-06-05 Thread Remy Maucherat
Glenn Nielsen wrote:
Martin Cooper wrote:

Get your own act together, Tomcat developers, before you start pointing
the finger at those of us who really try hard to maintain compatibility
across Jakarta projects.
Was this really necessary?  The email below went to both the commons-dev 
tomcat -dev lists.  If Remy was pointing the finger at anyone, it was at 
fellow Tomcat Developers.  Thats how I interpreted it.

We (tomcat devs) will fix use of FileUpload in Tomcat and move on, no 
big deal.
Sorry for the tone of the original email; I wasn't upset anyway, it was 
just a quickly drafted email this morning before leaving to work (having 
no access to my Apache email during the day).

BTW, I am not subscribed to commons-dev. I saw about the new Disk* 
classes browsing archives, but didn't do a parallel.

One last note: IMO, as a rule (and esp in the commons), you should make 
every effort to avoid breaking the API between a beta and a final.


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Re: [5.0] fileupload 1.0 RC 1 API breakage

2003-06-04 Thread Glenn Nielsen
Martin Cooper wrote:
I posted a patch to the Tomcat-Dev list yesterday which should fix this
problem. Apparently, nobody on the Tomcat-Dev list paid any attention to
my post. The methods in question have been deprecated for some time.
I have not seen the patch email on tomcat-dev.  Perhaps its in the moderator
queue.  BTW, use of FileUpload was implemented in Tomcat once there was a
Beta release of FileUpload. So the API must have changed since the Beta release.
I have gone out of my way to help FileUpload clients avoid exactly this
kind of issue. It really ticks me off to see this kind of message, when I
have gone to great lengths to make sure that the clients I know about are
made aware of the changes before they happen.
Thats great that you performed notifications to known clients.  :-) Somehow
Tomcat slipped through the cracks.  :-( I don't recall seeing anything about
this on the Tomcat list.  I wlll admit that I subscribe to commons-dev but
often don't keep up with messages related to the code bases there I am interested in.
Get your own act together, Tomcat developers, before you start pointing
the finger at those of us who really try hard to maintain compatibility
across Jakarta projects.
Was this really necessary?  The email below went to both the commons-dev and
tomcat -dev lists.  If Remy was pointing the finger at anyone, it was at his
fellow Tomcat Developers.  Thats how I interpreted it.
We (tomcat devs) will fix use of FileUpload in Tomcat and move on, no big deal.



Martin Cooper
On Wed, 4 Jun 2003, Remy Maucherat wrote:

FileUpload.setRepositoryPath(String) and FileItem(String) were removed
from the fileupload RC 1 release, which breaks the Tomcat 4.1.x and
5.0.x build. The first method has no apparent replacement (but I didn't
try to dig around).
This is clearly an unacceptable situation from the Tomcat perspective
:-( I'm hoping there can be positive solutions to the problem ...

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Re: [5.0] fileupload 1.0 RC 1 API breakage

2003-06-04 Thread Bill Barker
The attached works for me (against commons-fileupload HEAD).  I didn't do
anything about it since I wasn't sure which version of fileupload we were

- Original Message -
From: "Remy Maucherat" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Tomcat Developers List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; "Jakarta
Commons Developers List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, June 04, 2003 12:09 AM
Subject: [5.0] fileupload 1.0 RC 1 API breakage

> FileUpload.setRepositoryPath(String) and FileItem(String) were removed
> from the fileupload RC 1 release, which breaks the Tomcat 4.1.x and
> 5.0.x build. The first method has no apparent replacement (but I didn't
> try to dig around).
> This is clearly an unacceptable situation from the Tomcat perspective
> :-( I'm hoping there can be positive solutions to the problem ...
> Remy
> -
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--- Begin Message ---

I'm not set up to build Tomcat, so I can't verify these changes, but I've
attached a patch that should fix the Gump breakage.

Martin Cooper

"Craig McClanahan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> This email is autogenerated from the output from:
> Buildfile: build.xml
> flags:
> flags.display:
>  [echo] --- Build environment for Catalina ---
>  [echo] If ${property_name} is displayed, then the property is not
>  [echo] --- Build options ---
>  [echo] full.dist=${full.dist}
>  [echo] build.sysclasspath=only
>  [echo] compile.debug=${compile.debug}
>  [echo] compile.deprecation=${compile.deprecation}
>  [echo] compile.optimize=${compile.optimize}
>  [echo] --- Ant Flags ---
>  [echo]