Glenn Nielsen wrote:
Martin Cooper wrote:

Get your own act together, Tomcat developers, before you start pointing
the finger at those of us who really try hard to maintain compatibility
across Jakarta projects.

Was this really necessary? The email below went to both the commons-dev and
tomcat -dev lists. If Remy was pointing the finger at anyone, it was at his
fellow Tomcat Developers. Thats how I interpreted it.

We (tomcat devs) will fix use of FileUpload in Tomcat and move on, no big deal.

Sorry for the tone of the original email; I wasn't upset anyway, it was just a quickly drafted email this morning before leaving to work (having no access to my Apache email during the day).

BTW, I am not subscribed to commons-dev. I saw about the new Disk* classes browsing archives, but didn't do a parallel.

One last note: IMO, as a rule (and esp in the commons), you should make every effort to avoid breaking the API between a beta and a final.


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