Re: Topband: CY9C

2024-09-07 Thread WW3S
I'm still trying to wrap my head around the PTT for the amp.and 
imagine the duty cycle, that amp must be cooking !!!

73 (thanks for the N5J new one)

Jamie WW3S

-- Original Message --
To "Rudy Bakalov" 
Cc "Rudy Bakalov via Topband" 
Date 9/7/2024 9:14:33 PM
Subject Re: Topband: CY9C

As Jim points out: This is non-trivial.
I have not published the details as so far nobody has asked for them.

Indeed, it has to be a serious DXpedition to justify the effort needed.


On Sat, 7 Sep 2024 17:07:01 -0400 Rudy Bakalov  wrote:

Is this only for 160? Are the schematics published?
Rudy N2WQ

Sent using a tiny keyboard.  Please excuse brevity, typos, or inappropriate 

On Sep 7, 2024, at 4:59 PM, GEORGE WALLNER  wrote:

Info at

On Sat, 7 Sep 2024 14:17:45 -0400 Rudy Bakalov via Topband  wrote:

How does this work? IF this is indeed the case, this would be agreat solution 
for multi-op contest stations.

Rudy N2WQ

Sent using a tiny keyboard.  Please excuse brevity, typos, or inappropriate 

On Sep 7, 2024, at 2:01 PM, Jim Brown  wrote: 
George developed a sophisticated combining network that allowed the two best weak 
signal modes, CW andFT8, to operate simultaneously into the same TX antenna, and to 
use the same weak signal RX antennas, allowing them tobe active all night every 
night! The magnitude of this achievement technically is to realize that the two modes 
areworking within 20 kHz of each other, and listening within 10 kHz, and the CW 
station is running high power!

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Re: Topband: N5J on 160

2024-08-14 Thread Jamie WW3S
TU for the new one this morning !!! You were very solid on my RX loop 
antenna, peaking 569 at times, vy easy copy and vy easy to 
work.sorry for the dupe, but there was one particular W9 that keep 
calling on your freq. You answered him several times when he went split, 
but he never heard you I guess.once sunset hits JA, east coast NA 
doesnt have much of a chance, so my tip would be to get them prior to 
about 1000Z...

73 es tnx agn

-- Original Message --
Date 8/14/2024 4:49:30 PM
Subject Topband: N5J on 160

We have been improving our 160 m set up every day. We have added more ground 
wires that connect the TX antenna base to the water and have built a very 
effective RX antenna. Now we can comfortable hear most callers.
Last night we got on 160 first around 0530. There were a few NA, callers. Most 
had 100% QSB: going from 5 CPY to nothing in seconds. Got back on TB around 
0830. Signals were much steadier with a slow but continuous stream of NA 
callers. TS noise started up around 0900 and got steadily stronger all night. 
(This noise comes from T storms in the Solomons, Papua and Indonesia, reaching 
us after their SS. It gets progressively worse as the night progresses.

We are at the 1000 TB QSO mark. Given the fact the Aug is about the worst time 
of the year for 160, this is OK. There would be many more in the log if callers 
used better tactics:
1. Send your call twice. We need narrow filter settings because of the noise (we are on 
the Equator). Unless you are "tail-gating" it takes time for us to tune the RX 
to the caller's frequency. Often we only get the last few letters of the call ... and 
then wait. If we CQ again, another caller will jump in and the first caller will lose the 
Q. This happens a lot. If you are tail-gating -- calling on the last Q-s frequency -- 
once is enough!
2. There are callers who are not hearing us. We keep on replying with no 
result. Probably most people listening on our TX frq can hear this taking 
place. Sure, QSB and QRM will often make two or three attempts necessary. But 
there have been some to whom I have replied to dozens of times over many hours. 
They are just causing QRM and wasting their time as they will not make into the 
log by accident.
3. Insurance QSO-s are perfectly justified. But they make no sense the third, 
fourth -- and sometimes the sixth time. If we are not busy, a dupe call is 
welcome as it reassures us that the band is still open. But when there is a 
pile up, a third insurance Q just takes someone else's Q.
4. JA-s tend to have this habit (not all, TKS). It springs from good 
intentions, but... When calling they send their call only once. We often catch 
only part of it, just like in point 1. But once we reply with the correct call. 
they then come back sending their call three times. This gets us to the next 
5. The ideal sequence is: CQ N5J UP -- N4xx N4xx  --- N4xx 5NN -- 5NN TU -- TU. 
Sending the call ahead of the 5NN can create doubt under difficult RX 
conditions. Sending 5NN is really a confirmation that tells the operator that 
the callsign is correct. The TU further confirms that the QSO is good and can 
go into the log. Less is more!
6. For NA callers: JA callers have an all-water path to us and are often 
louder. They start coming in after 1000 Z, some with astonishingly strong 
signals. Plan you time accordingly: waiting for your SR-bump may not be worth 
it if it puts you in competition with stronger (and numerous) signals.
7. Actual signal reports are very welcome. (Even the 339 ones.) They help us 
adjust to the conditions.

We will keep coming on around 0500 for a short time -- there is a tiny chance 
of working EU. And then come on again around 0830 ahead of NA SR. During the 
next few nights we will also work FT8 F/H. It seems that SuperFox, which has 
been very effective on other bands, it not as good under poor conditions on TB. 
Hence F/H.

TKS for all the calls and GL,

On Wed, 14 Aug 2024 11:40:34 -0400 WW3S  wrote:

A couple of mornings ago, they were ESP, maybe 339 when sending UP, for maybe 
90 seconds or so…..this morning I got in the shack around 0900z and they were 
449/559 with peaks to 579 or so, I worked them easily with an inv l and 1000w 
or so from NW PA…..tu George and team for the new one !!! They were in there 
solid until my SR…..

Sent from my iPad

On Aug 14, 2024, at 10:57 AM, Ron Spencer via Topband  
Was listening last night (8/14) to N5J pound out CQs on 1828.5. Hats off to the 
folks operating for their patience and dedication to 160. The rate, at least 
while I was listening, was pretty low. Certainly not what most dxpeditions are 
after. But George and crew continue to spend quality time working hard to pull 
out Qs in this very noisy time for 160. THANK you to all the ops for 160 and 
all the other bands too. WELL DONE!!!
N4XD (portable 5

Re: Topband: N5J on 160

2024-08-14 Thread WW3S
A couple of mornings ago, they were ESP, maybe 339 when sending UP, for maybe 
90 seconds or so…..this morning I got in the shack around 0900z and they were 
449/559 with peaks to 579 or so, I worked them easily with an inv l and 1000w 
or so from NW PA…..tu George and team for the new one !!! They were in there 
solid until my SR…..

Sent from my iPad

> On Aug 14, 2024, at 10:57 AM, Ron Spencer via Topband 
>  wrote:
> Was listening last night (8/14) to N5J pound out CQs on 1828.5. Hats off to 
> the folks operating for their patience and dedication to 160. The rate, at 
> least while I was listening, was pretty low. Certainly not what most 
> dxpeditions are after. But George and crew continue to spend quality time 
> working hard to pull out Qs in this very noisy time for 160. THANK you to all 
> the ops for 160 and all the other bands too. WELL DONE!!!
> Ron
> N4XD (portable 5 in DM64 right now)
> Sent using
> _
> Searchable Archives: - Topband Reflector

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Re: Topband: N5J

2024-08-13 Thread WW3S

test, me thinks my account bounced

-- Original Message --

From "EUGENE GABRY via Topband" 
To "GEORGE WALLNER" ; "160" 

Date 8/10/2024 8:19:34 AM
Subject Re: Topband: N5J


Heard you this morning (08/10/24) about 45 minutes before local sunrise (10:15 
to ~10:45UTC) for about 30 minutes.
Noise floor here was running S3-S5 and you were right in that noise floor most 
of the time. Only a TX antenna, no RX
antenna. Although some would say my TX antenna is more of an RX antenna! 
Parallel inverted L wire tied to feed point
of 6BTV 25' vertical to knee, 107' horizontal heading SW. Tried a few times to 
call you but you were working mostly JA at the time.
I need to get up earlier for a better try! At least your signal was heard in 
Will try to stay up until 08:00 utc this time instead of relying on alarm to 
wake me!

73 and GL,
Gene, N9TF
Clarksville, TN

 On 08/09/2024 3:58 PM CDT GEORGE WALLNER  wrote:

 Generally, we go to 160 around 0500 until we run out of callers. We are
 trying for EU at that time, but NA is much appreciated too. Then we QSY to
 80 and come back to 160 around 0830 Z. Stay on 160 as long as we are working
 people but it has been slow the past two nights and we had to QSY to a more
 "productive" band. We come back to 160 one hour before our SR.
 GL and 73,


 On Fri, 9 Aug 2024 07:50:41 -0600 Mike Fatchett W0MU  wrote:
 >It doesn't appear that they made it back to 160.  Maybe today!
 >On 8/9/2024 2:31 AM, Steve Harrison wrote:
 >>He'll be back on 160m again soon (probly 08Z or so), for the east coastSR as 
well as the JA SS (although he may QSY down the band for the JAs).I heard one of the 
HL3s say something about being restricted to below1820, possibly from QRM, since I've 
worked HL5IVL on 1823.5.
 >>Steve, K0XP
 >>On 8/9/2024 1:18 AM, Mike Fatchett W0MU wrote:
 >>>The came on early and I nearly worked them but my KAT500 tuner was not
 >>>up to the task.  I did work them on 80cw easy.  I hope they show soon
 >>>on 160 again.
 >>>On 8/8/2024 4:22 PM, Ron Spencer via Topband wrote:
 George, thanks for the Q last night. I'm out in NM and have a verysmall 
set up. Inverted L and maybe 40', beverages to NE and SW (500'long) and just 500W.
 As you certainly heard, almost constant QRN. I have no idea how manytimes 
you may have come back to me but finally, enough of a breakwhere I heard you, clearly, for 
just long enough to make the Q.
 On this set up you were maybe S1 or 2. Great ears at your end.
 Thanks for putting Jarvis on the air!
 N4XD/5 DM64
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 >>> - Topband
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Re: Topband:

2024-02-19 Thread WW3S
The filters dont “exclude” callers, they do however sort them….either by signal 
strength, mileage ( based on grid square) , maybe continent…..
Sent from my iPad

> On Feb 19, 2024, at 5:11 PM, Wes Stewart via Topband  
> wrote:
>  It is unreasonable to assume all FT8 QSOs are with robots, however, many 
> are.  Technically, some "I" (my computer) makes are made with me not in 
> attendance.  When I can disable transmit and walk out to the kitchen to get 
> another beer and come back to see that my software has tuned my radio to the 
> Fox frequency and called him to complete the QSO, I think that's a "robot."
> And that is exactly why I do not submit WSJT contacts for DXCC credit.  If 
> others want to, that's between them and their ethics.  Why do I make the 
> contacts then? you may ask. Because one of my DX clubs has an internal 
> competition where certain expeditions are designated as targets for "band 
> slot Bingo", where we compete for the greatest number of slots worked.  You 
> can't win if you don't play.
> As to efficiency, I think FT8 wastes a lot of time.  Other modes, including 
> RTTY, are simply faster, although they require more operator skill on both 
> ends.  F/H is particularly bad in this regard.  You can call and call and 
> might actually be in the queue but not know it until you go to the kitchen 
> for that beer and come back and see that "you" made the contact.
> Another particularly distasteful thing about FT8 is that the DX can set 
> filters to exclude certain callers based on signal strength, distance, 
> country, etc. and the callers never know it.  I know there will be vehement 
> denial of this but I know it happens.
> WSJT will never replace RTTY.
>On Monday, February 19, 2024 at 12:56:59 PM MST, Jim Brown 
>  wrote:  
>> On 2/19/2024 7:27 AM, Saulius Zalnerauskas wrote:
>> Look's like this "Sherlock Holmes" not understand what CB0ZA Robot doing.
> It is unreasonable to assume that all FT8 QSOs are with robots. I know
> some of the very experienced CW ops who run FT8 on expeditions. WSJT-X
> software makes the mode quite time-efficient for expeditions. It's a
> replacement for RTTY, not CW.  
> _
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Re: Topband: E51D on 160 Tonight

2023-08-31 Thread WW3S
Geo, many thanks for the qsos, and sorry about the dupes, I got up about 
0915Z and by the time I got to the shack, there you were, pretty good 
copy , but deep qsb at times here in NW PA, just south of Lake Erie. I 
called a couple of times, and bang, I was pretty sure you came back to 
me, but I couldnt really believe it. I missed 160m last season , no 
antenna up, and when I realized I needed E51-N for a new one on topband, 
I threw an inverted L together yesterday and kinda/sorta got it in the 
air.the vertical section is fine, the horizontal part is a real 
mess. A friend mentioned on the reflector that he didnt think we 
completed the qso., so I called again, my apologies for the dupes, Other 
than the QSB, you had a very FB signal, thanks again for the new one on 

73, Jamie WW3S

-- Original Message --

To "Roger Parsons" ; "Roger Parsons via Topband" 

Date 8/30/2023 1:55:48 PM
Subject Re: Topband: E51D on 160 Tonight

Roger and Top-Banders,
Will start on TB at 0930 tonight. Note that I got local inverter-type noise 
that I have not been able to track down. Its center wanders between 1820 and 
1830, so I may be on 1810.5 or 1823.5 or 1832.5 or even higher. The radios are 
on a very small island (motu) with a long sand-spit. The TB/80 m antenna is at 
the end of the sand-spit, with salt-water all around, I have put chokes on the 
coax and the tuner control cables, and enough ferrites to sink the island, but 
I can't seem to be able to get rid of the noise.

Although we are in one of the most remote places on Earth, there is a solar 
farm at the village about a mile to the south. Maybe that's the source of the 
noise, and the price of progress...
GL and 73,

On Wed, 30 Aug 2023 12:34:39 + (UTC) Roger Parsons via Topband  wrote:

Very grateful for your efforts, George. Would appreciate it if you could manage 
to get on 160m earlier than 1100 - my sunrise is at 10.40!
Incidentally, you were a huge signal on 80m at that time today.

73 Roger
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Re: Topband: PLease!

2022-02-01 Thread WW3S

Me too……

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Topband: topband dinner at Dyaton/Xenia?

2022-01-26 Thread Jamie WW3S

any dinner events this year?
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Topband: CQ 160 logs public?

2022-01-01 Thread WW3S
Are the logs from the CQ 160 test made public? I couldnt find them on 
their website

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Re: Topband: 3Y0I

2021-12-15 Thread Jamie WW3S
this is the latest I posted December 1st on the Rebel DX 
facebook page, and subsequently published in many DX newsletters:

December 1 finally  borders are open in Fiji . We are free to go out / 
in after so many months.
Due the current ban travel to/from South Africa (omicron covid variant) 
we are monitoring situation regarding our Cape Town  to Bouvet trip. As 
soon as situation will be more clear we will update our schedule for 3y0

-- Original Message --
To: "Jim Monahan" 
Cc: "topband" 
Sent: 12/15/2021 7:35:54 AM
Subject: Re: Topband: 3Y0I

Hi Jim,

I google searched again for 3Y0I - and none of the announcements (Dec 1, Aug 19 
and Aug 18) on DX News and DX maps and other sites said anything about a Dec 
15, 2021 date.

The only place that I can find the information about a Dec. 15, 2021 date that 
you cite is from an an archived April 9th post on 425.

Can you provide the link to the information that you cited?

Bob, KQ2M

On 2021-12-13 19:45, Jim Monahan wrote:

The last indication of their departure date, updated through Aug., 19, 2021,
and except for their update of Dec., 1, 2021, in part, says:

Jim, K1PX

"From a Rebel perspective, the 3Y0J announcement does not change our
plans. December 15, 2021 is when we plan to leave Cape Town and again
head south into the Roaring Forties and Furious Fifties before
attempting a Bouvet landing. We absolutely know from experience how
volatile the seas around this most remote island are."

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Topband: magnetic loops, DXE vs Wellbrook

2021-11-02 Thread WW3S
I have used a DXE loop (formerly Pixel) for the last couple of seasons 
with fairly good success from my small lot. I was able to get a 
Wellbrook loop this year as well, and in testing, notice quite a 
difference between the two.the Wellbrook is very noisy compared to 
the DXE, and I'm wondering if I have it installed correctly. It seems 
pretty straight forward to hook up, but since I dont have the manual, 
wondering if there is anything maybe I overlooked.with the DXE, the 
band noise present on my inverted L just about completely disappears 
when I switch to the loop, but with the Wellbrook, I notice very little 
difference.any using a Wellbrook that could share some tips/notes?

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Re: Topband: Amp tripping SWR ** progress**

2021-10-29 Thread WW3S
yep,, did thatdoesnt trip until somewhere between 300 and 400 
watts.and the alarm is instant.I suspect what is happening, 
based on my sons observation, and his recording the soundis RF is 
telling the relays on the switch to switch, and the 160 probably goes 
openI inserted a barrel connector and all is wellexcept on stuck 
on 160.tomorrow, in between other projects, I think we will swap out 
all the control cables

-- Original Message --
From: "Adrian" 
To: "WW3S" ; "topBand List" 

Sent: 10/29/2021 8:42:08 PM
Subject: Re: Topband: Amp tripping SWR ** progress**

Sounds like you are still unsure, and that is a guess. You said the swr is 
1.4:1 , I guess this what the SPE shows with SPE in standby, and txcr keyed ?

If so when switched to operate, you should be able to gradually increase drive 
power form a very low level and raise until you see the output power

level where SPE indicated swr suddenly increases and trips the amp? Or is the 
alarm instant regardless low low drive is in low power profile.

Test in FT8 in ssb is one good way to go from 0 output & up using audio level 
adjustment modulating the drive.

The SPE can be controlled from a few watts output smoothly through to the point 
where issues occur.

If the swr holds good until a output power level point where it fails, then it 
provides more clues to the problem.

An instant swr trip to standby regardless of drive level however low or 0, is 
another issue.


On 30/10/21 09:54, WW3S wrote:

With the help of #1 son, during a lull in the monsoons, we isolated it to my 
KK1L 2x6 box, mounted on the outside of the house. Sounds like maybe some 
relays clicking and clacking, probably rfi coming thru the control cables, 
despite clamp on toroids everywhere and the cables wrapped numerous times thru 
double ferrite cores. I do have a couple of unused ports, I wonder if it will 
help if I terminate those with dummy loads?

Sent from my iPad
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Topband: Amp tripping SWR ** progress**

2021-10-29 Thread WW3S
With the help of #1 son, during a lull in the monsoons, we isolated it to my 
KK1L 2x6 box, mounted on the outside of the house. Sounds like maybe some 
relays clicking and clacking, probably rfi coming thru the control cables, 
despite clamp on toroids everywhere and the cables wrapped numerous times thru 
double ferrite cores. I do have a couple of unused ports, I wonder if it will 
help if I terminate those with dummy loads?

Sent from my iPad
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Re: Topband: FW: Re: amp tripping on 160

2021-10-29 Thread Jamie WW3S
someone mentioned arc/flash over..and that may be a problemI am 
using a different standoff on this tower than previously..using a 4' 
fiberglass mast the military surplus green fiberglass 
mast conductive at RF? It secured to the tower with deltec cable straps 
and has a stainless pulley at the end with the rope to pull the antenna 
up and down.

-- Original Message --
From: "FZ Bruce" 
To: "''" 
Sent: 10/29/2021 11:32:27 AM
Subject: Re: Topband: FW: Re: amp tripping on 160

To: "WW3S" Cc:
 Sent: Friday October 29 2021 11:16:58AM
 Subject: Re: Topband: amp tripping on 160

 The "L" needs grounds to be efficient when near the earth. Try some
radials to the coax shield connection at the "L" antenna end. Signal
should come up, as stray RF comes down.
 73 Bruce-K1FZ

- From: "WW3S"
 To: "FZ Bruce"
 Sent: Friday October 29 2021 11:05:55AM
 Subject: Re: Topband: amp tripping on 160

 I have toroids on all the cables….and even started pulling cables
out of the shack to see if it made a difference….im beginning to
wonder if the amp has a fault….

 Sent from my iPad

 > On Oct 29, 2021, at 10:57 AM, FZ Bruce  wrote:
 > It is likely RF traveling into the amp via multiple wires,
cables. Recommend you put RFI cores on the coax between the radio and
amp, and on the antenna coax near the amp.
 > ( also possible getting on power supply connections)
 > 73
 > Bruce-K1FZ
 > -
 > From: "WW3S"
 > To: ""
 > Cc:
 > Sent: Friday October 29 2021 10:44:39AM
 > Subject: Topband: amp tripping on 160
 > After two great nights of being able to receive, I am beyond
 > as I cannot transmitsomething happened recently, and I cannot
 > it out... I suspect its RFI, but not sure soon as I
 > on my Inverted L, my SPE 1.3KFA amp trips, saying SWRT exceeds
 > limits.yet the SWR displayed is 1.46 to 1new to me, but
 > new to this season is my tower which holds my Inverted was
 > of Rohn 25, with a Hazer, its now a Alumnatower 48', with a
 > wonderpole...but.that setup did work, as I worked S9OK and
 > 3DA0RU with itI added a second receiving loop in the front
yard, so
 > thought that was it, but I took those cables out from the shack and
 > still have a problemyesterday morning, I found the short piece
 > coax had a nick in it, from the mower I guess, so replaced it, and
 > shortened my L a bit to bring the SWR a bit further up the
 > tested yesterday morning and it was great, low , mid and high
 > even 1300 watts of RTTY, no failure, I tried several times during
 > day and all was great until darkness, and as soon as I keyed the
 > failureI pulled out what little I have left of my hair trying
 > figure this out..the wonderpole is grounded and I "assume" the
 > is grounded thru that..should I separately ground the tower?
 > so will complicate tilting it over, plus I only have copper
 > attachments, I thought I read where I shouldn't use dissimilar
 > metals.but willing to try anything to get my 160 TX ability
 > back...thoughts?
 > _
 > Searchable Archives:  [1] [2] [3]
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Re: Topband: amp tripping on 160

2021-10-29 Thread WW3S
I have toroids on all the cables….and even started pulling cables out of the 
shack to see if it made a difference….im beginning to wonder if the amp has a 

Sent from my iPad

> On Oct 29, 2021, at 10:57 AM, FZ Bruce  wrote:
> It is likely RF traveling into the amp via multiple wires, cables. Recommend 
> you put RFI cores on the coax between the radio and amp, and on the antenna 
> coax near the amp. 
> ( also possible getting on power supply connections)
> 73
> Bruce-K1FZ
> -----
> From: "WW3S" 
> To: ""
> Cc: 
> Sent: Friday October 29 2021 10:44:39AM
> Subject: Topband: amp tripping on 160
> After two great nights of being able to receive, I am beyond frustrated,
> as I cannot transmitsomething happened recently, and I cannot figure
> it out... I suspect its RFI, but not sure soon as I transmit
> on my Inverted L, my SPE 1.3KFA amp trips, saying SWRT exceeds
> limits.yet the SWR displayed is 1.46 to to me, but not
> new to this season is my tower which holds my Inverted was 50'
> of Rohn 25, with a Hazer, its now a Alumnatower 48', with a
> wonderpole...but.that setup did work, as I worked S9OK and
> 3DA0RU with itI added a second receiving loop in the front yard, so
> thought that was it, but I took those cables out from the shack and
> still have a problemyesterday morning, I found the short piece of
> coax had a nick in it, from the mower I guess, so replaced it, and
> shortened my L a bit to bring the SWR a bit further up the band.I
> tested yesterday morning and it was great, low , mid and high power,
> even 1300 watts of RTTY, no failure, I tried several times during the
> day and all was great until darkness, and as soon as I keyed the amp,
> failure.I pulled out what little I have left of my hair trying to
> figure this out..the wonderpole is grounded and I "assume" the tower
> is grounded thru that..should I separately ground the tower? Doing
> so will complicate tilting it over, plus I only have copper grounding
> attachments, I thought I read where I shouldn't use dissimilar
> metals.but willing to try anything to get my 160 TX ability
> back...thoughts?
> _
> Searchable Archives: - Topband Reflector
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Topband: amp tripping on 160

2021-10-29 Thread WW3S
After two great nights of being able to receive, I am beyond frustrated, 
as I cannot transmitsomething happened recently, and I cannot figure 
it out... I suspect its RFI, but not sure soon as I transmit 
on my Inverted L, my SPE 1.3KFA amp trips, saying SWRT exceeds 
limits.yet the SWR displayed is 1.46 to to me, but not 
new to this season is my tower which holds my Inverted was 50' 
of Rohn 25, with a Hazer, its now a Alumnatower 48', with a 
wonderpole...but.that setup did work, as I worked S9OK and 
3DA0RU with itI added a second receiving loop in the front yard, so 
thought that was it, but I took those cables out from the shack and 
still have a problem.yesterday morning, I found the short piece of 
coax had a nick in it, from the mower I guess, so replaced it, and 
shortened my L a bit to bring the SWR a bit further up the band.I 
tested yesterday morning and it was great, low , mid and high power, 
even 1300 watts of RTTY, no failure, I tried several times during the 
day and all was great until darkness, and as soon as I keyed the amp, 
failure.I pulled out what little I have left of my hair trying to 
figure this out..the wonderpole is grounded and I "assume" the tower 
is grounded thru that..should I separately ground the tower? Doing 
so will complicate tilting it over, plus I only have copper grounding 
attachments, I thought I read where I shouldn't use dissimilar 
metals.but willing to try anything to get my 160 TX ability 

Searchable Archives: - Topband Reflector

Topband: BevFlex-4X for sale

2021-10-19 Thread WW3S
used one season, this is the newer Unified Microsystems design.all 4 
component boxes, 285.00 shipped to US, paypal ok. direct to tnx, 73

Searchable Archives: - Topband Reflector

Topband: Anyone using a NCC-1 with 2 magnetic RX loops?

2021-10-16 Thread WW3S

Looking for tips if anyone is using one with 2 loops, like aWellbrook or 
similar…do the bandpass filter options for the NCC make much of a difference ?

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Topband: Modified Hytower article?

2021-05-09 Thread WW3S
While searching the Internetz, I have found a few references to modifying a 
Hytower ( stinger length?) for 80m and adding top loading to,work on 160 as 
well. I haven't been able to find the article though. Can anyone please point 
me in the right direction.

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Searchable Archives: - Topband Reflector

Topband: Hygain hytower on 160

2021-05-07 Thread WW3S
Seems like the base loading coil lc-160q is about worthless, especially with 
greater than 100 wattsanyone have direct experience with the other option , 
loading wire from near the top.any other options or mods to consider? 

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Re: Topband: CQ 160

2021-02-01 Thread WW3S
The only one I missed was NDonly Canadians missed were lab and NWT/hi

Sent from my iPad

> On Feb 1, 2021, at 4:35 PM, Mpridesti via Topband  
> wrote:
> Wes thanks for our Q
> Worked at least 2 NE, 2 SD, 4 KS, and 1 ND stations so they were there!  
> Heard one VE4 and no VE5.  Signals from that area were weak (spotlight). The 
> joy and excitement of top band!
> Regards,
> Mark, K1RX
>> On Feb 1, 2021, at 3:23 PM, Wes  wrote:
>> I noticed that too.  NE, KS, SD, ND all missing.  No one on or do we have a 
>> skip zone?
>> Wes  N7WS
 On 2/1/2021 5:15 AM, Artek Manuals wrote:
>>> Odd hole in the N. America prop� no ND, SD or VE5 all right together 
>>> geographically...h??? 
>> _
>> Searchable Archives: - Topband Reflector
> _
> Searchable Archives: - Topband Reflector

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Topband: US1Q Stew

2020-12-30 Thread Jamie WW3S
I see his log was moved from checklog to High powerI thought there 
were questions as to the operation, wasnt this same station DQed in the 
CQ contest?.

Searchable Archives: - Topband Reflector

Topband: standoff for inv L

2020-12-26 Thread WW3S
I lost my fiberglass pole that I use for a standoff for my inv L off my 
50' tower.second or third time in 12 years or so, victim of the 
recent ice/snow storm we just had.I've been using fiberglass to 
isolate it from the tower.but the wire for the antenna goes thru an 
insulator attached to a rope thru a pulley off the fiberglass 
arm.should I continue to go with fiberglass, or would metal be ok, 
since I have the rope and other insulator there

Searchable Archives: - Topband Reflector

Re: Topband: Good valve homebrew rig

2020-12-08 Thread WW3S
Eric lives about 15 miles from me, I’ve seen these in person, pictures can’t 
begin to tell the story !!!

Sent from my iPad

> On Dec 8, 2020, at 7:01 PM, Tim Shoppa  wrote:
> NO3M has done some truly top-notch work with tube transmitters and I've
> worked him using several of his "vintage homebrew" rigs on 160M.
> They are BEAUTIFUL !  Check out some pics:
> Tim N3QE
>> On Tue, Dec 8, 2020 at 4:02 PM Annas Alamudi 
>> wrote:
>> Hi!
>> I was wondering if anyone has a schematic for a good homebrew 160m CW
>> transceiver, using ideally valve instead of transistors.
>> Was hoping to build one during my next annual leave in February!
>> Thanks!
>> Annas
>> M0GQA
>> _
>> Searchable Archives: - Topband
>> Reflector
> _
> Searchable Archives: - Topband Reflector

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Re: Topband: FW: CQWW a bust this year

2020-12-01 Thread Jamie WW3S
You got the part about short distance correct.I live maybe 12-15 
miles from Eric, NO3M.I cant hear a fraction of the stuff he 
does...of course phased beverage arrays on ten acres vs my small 80x180 
lot in a subdivision makes a difference as well  I swear he can hear 
a cricket rub his legs together halfway around the world.Ive been 
somewhat successful using some EWE and a magnetic receiving loop, always 
trying to tinker and find something that worksIve just about 
squeezed every antenna I can in my lot (tower with 3L steppir, Hytower, 
2L phased array for 40 and Inv L off the tower for 160).so my rx 
antennas go into the front yard, much to my wifes and neighbors 
dismay..I may try a VE3DO loop instead of the EWE this year, no rx 
antennas up yet, and 12+ inches of snow today, plus more on the way 
means I may not have something up by the contest weekend.lifes too 
short to complain, try some small RX antennas, you may be surprised at 
the results.

-- Original Message --
From: "Bob Kile" 
To: "Topband" 
Sent: 12/1/2020 6:58:28 PM
Subject: Re: Topband: FW: CQWW a bust this year

Please, please, every year this so called SDR BS comes up. Maybe in some cases 
it is true, maybe not. All of the top performing trophy seeking stations must 
record their contacts during the contest. My feeling is that most of the big 
guns don't have time to screw around with SDR. It would make your brain swirl 
with the delay. It is not much different than being off by 3-6db on power 

So, rather than complain, spend as much time becoming a better operator , 
building a better station and accept the fact on Top Band a very short distance 
can make all the difference in the world of hearing them and working them.


73, Bob W7RH

-- W7RH DM35OJ

 “Small is the number of people who see with their eyes and think with their 
minds.” – Albert Einstein

Searchable Archives: - Topband Reflector

Searchable Archives: - Topband Reflector

Re: Topband: Wednesday CW DX Activity Night

2020-11-19 Thread WW3S
DXE magnetic loop here in NW PA,  great copy, with deep qso at timesI need 
to get my TX antenna back up.was yesterday there last night ?

Sent from my iPad

> On Nov 19, 2020, at 1:13 PM, Thomas Hoyer via Topband 
>  wrote:
> Would be interested in hearing (no pun intended) what type of antenna you, 
> or anyone heraing the 7q7, are using
> TomW3TA
> -Original Message-
> From: Salvatore ["Ted"] K2QMF 
> To: Guy Olinger K2AV ;
> Cc: Greg Chartrand via Topband 
> Sent: Thu, Nov 19, 2020 12:20 pm
> Subject: Re: Topband: Wednesday CW DX Activity Night
> The 7Q7 was 100% copy here on Long Island!!Tried for over an hour to work 
> him!!  No Luck...Ted  K2QMF
> On 11/19/2020 12:15:01 PM, Guy Olinger K2AV  wrote:I 
> heard the 7Q7 call sign here in NC exactly once, of course at the tippy
> top of a long QSB cycle, which then immediately dove into the noise not to
> be heard again in the 30 minutes
> before I had to go downstairs.
> 8’s and 9’s appeared to be hearing him. Go figure.
> 73, Guy K2AV
>> On Thu, Nov 19, 2020 at 10:44 AM Thomas Hoyer via Topband <
>>> wrote:
>> Observation from my little gun station in eastern PA is that propagation
>> seems to have moved more to the west of me, western PA, Ohio and further.
>> Whereas for the last two weeks or so I was hearing EU fairly well given my
>> S5 noise level which is quite for me.
>> Worked the KP2 and YL stations last night but as Roger alludes to some
>> deep QSB made it a couple try QSO.
>> That 7Q7 was drawing a lot of activity bit I could not hear him at all.
>> Seemed like stations to the west of me were hearing better.
>> TomW3TA
>> -Original Message-
>> From: Roger Kennedy 
>> To:
>> Sent: Thu, Nov 19, 2020 9:40 am
>> Subject: Topband: Wednesday CW DX Activity Night
>> Once again, lots of stations on the band last night from both sides of the
>> pond . . . good have such a nice turnout.
>> However, quite deep QSB on most signals, and propagation didn't seem as
>> good
>> as the night before (when I worked several stations right across to the
>> West
>> Coast).
>> Thanks once again to all that made the effort to come on 160 to have a few
>> QSOs . . . let's hope we can keep the DX CW activity going again next
>> Wednesday.
>> 73 Roger G3YRO
>> _
>> Searchable Archives: - Topband
>> Reflector
>> _
>> Searchable Archives: - Topband
>> Reflector
> -- 
> Sent via Gmail Mobile on my iPhone
> _
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> _
> Searchable Archives: - Topband Reflector

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Topband: qsl request for GU3WHN

2020-06-21 Thread WW3S
anyone know if the logs/qsls are available for GU3WHN? Sadly, it looks 
like Mike has gone silent key.

Searchable Archives: - Topband Reflector

Topband: logs for TG7/OH3JF

2020-06-21 Thread WW3S
Anyone know how to qsl this op from 2004? I tried Jukka, the qsl 
manager, but he doesnt have the logs now, and emails to Henry OH3JF have 
gone unanswered. Anyone know OH3JF for a better email address?

Searchable Archives: - Topband Reflector

Re: Topband: AA0RS result CQ160 SSB

2020-02-26 Thread WW3S
If you took some of that time and actually looked on, you would see 
the correct claimed score, complete with 55 states/provincesno jewelry 

Sent from my iPad

> On Feb 26, 2020, at 7:20 PM, W0MU Mike Fatchett  wrote:
> 3830 is not official results.
> You have too much time on your hands...Get another hobby  HI!
>> On 2/26/2020 12:47 PM, uy0zg wrote:
>> Hi
>> Unique result :
>> Total:  QSOs = 530  State/Prov = 7  Countries = 16  Total Score = 87,969
>> 530 QSOs. and all state / prov = 7
>> Is it possible ? Jewelry work ?
> _
> Searchable Archives: - Topband Reflector

Searchable Archives: - Topband Reflector

Topband: Bev flex high noise troubleshooting

2020-02-23 Thread WW3S
I noticed during the arrl contest my ewe configured bev flex seemed to have a 
higher than normal noise level. It’s gotten worse. I checked and rechecked all 
connections, and reterminated them. Still high noise. I assume my next step 
would be to check all the coax feed lines, what would be the best way to do 
that? Also open to any other troubleshooting tips

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Searchable Archives: - Topband Reflector

Re: Topband: 200 Amp low pass filter for power mains?

2020-01-24 Thread WW3S
“ I suspect you still have something energized in your house”

Been there, done thatin my case battery backup in the modem for the voip 
telephone, terrible square wave

Sent from my iPad

> On Jan 24, 2020, at 2:38 PM, Richard (Rick) Karlquist  
> wrote:
> On 1/24/2020 10:21 AM, Ron AE5E via Topband wrote:
>> I think a good share of noise on 160 for me is coming in on the power line.  
>> The ground mounted transformer is about 1000' feet away and serves other 
>> homes as well as mine.  The lines are all buried.  Where it entered the 
>> house I would like to try to suppress noise.
>> I can turn off all lights, appliances, furnace, pumps, etc but the noise is 
>> still significant.  If I drop the main breaker it is gone.  So that is why 
>> it seems to me it is on the line when it enters the house.
>> So thinking a 200 amp low pass filer before the breaker box might the a 
>> solution.  Maybe it just needs to be bypassed with capacitors, I am only 
>> speculating so far.
>> So lets hear if from Topband guys who have figured this out!
>> Ron, AE5E
>> _
> I suspect you still have something energized in your
> house.  Try this:  turn the main breaker off and then
> hold a pocket AM radio next to the energized mains
> listening for noise and then  compare to the "de-energized"
> lines in your house.  I am thinking you will hear
> no noise in either case.  If your theory was correct,
> you would hear noise on the mains coming in and
> nothing on the house wiring.
> In any event, a 200A RFI filter is a non-starter.
> If the noise is somehow on the mains coming in, you
> need to move your antenna away from your house wiring.
> Possibly listen on a loop antenna that you can locate
> in a corner of your yard, and then orient it to null
> the remaining noise.
> Rick N6RK
> _
> Searchable Archives: - Topband Reflector

Searchable Archives: - Topband Reflector

Topband: Hi Z 3 element array

2019-12-13 Thread WW3S
For sale, please contact me direct off list at for 

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Re: Topband: K9ay loop not performing

2019-12-10 Thread WW3S
You should probably look for a double pole, I’ve been told you need to open the 
shield as wellI’ve had similar interference on my hi z array. I’ve opted to 
go a different route 

Sent from my iPad

> On Dec 10, 2019, at 11:30 AM, N4ZR  wrote:
> Now that I've determined that my transmitting antenna must be disconnected, 
> in order for my K9AY loop to work successfully, can anyone tell me what sort 
> of ratings are required for the relay required to do this remotely?  I'm 
> assuming a vacuum relay, but in looking at the MGS4U list of available SPST 
> relays, there is a huge price range.  What sort of numbers should I be 
> looking for, given 1.5 KW and location at the base of a quarter-wave inverted 
> L.
> I also note that most of the relays listed have  26.5 volt coils.  Can anyone 
> recommend an inexpensive 24-26 volt supply that I can use?
> 73, Pete N4ZR
> Check out the Reverse Beacon Network
> at , now
> spotting RTTY activity worldwide.
> For spots, please use your favorite
> "retail" DX cluster.
> _
> Searchable Archives: - Topband Reflector

Searchable Archives: - Topband Reflector

Topband: for sale items ok on reflector?

2019-12-08 Thread Jamie WW3S

Are for sale postings allowed on this reflector?
Searchable Archives: - Topband Reflector

Re: Topband: Rx Antenna System

2019-11-22 Thread Jamie WW3S
NOTE: there is a slight difference between the current version at DXE, 
and the original.,the orginal has different connections points on 
the external box that installs to the antenna, the DXE version has one 
connection, and uses internal jumpers to select which type of antenna 
you are using.

-- Original Message --
From: "Charlie Young" 
To: "" ; "'Paul Mcl'" 
; "'William Hill'" 

Cc: "" 
Sent: 11/22/2019 11:56:13 AM
Subject: Re: Topband: Rx Antenna System

I have one of the Bevflex systems deployed as a short beverage.  I have also 
used it configured as a BOG.   Mine is the version that was marketed by JK 

It works as advertised.  Good f/b ratio.  There does not seem to be a reduction 
in output on the reverse direction.

The main advantage of it is placement of the feedpoint anywhere on the antenna, 
making it convenient to feed.  You can also change the transformer taps and 
configure it multiple ways, such as BOG, beverage, EWE etc.   I have not tried 
it configured as anything but a BOG and beverage.

I also have 7 other BOG antennas, using the KD9SV transformer, plus a HiZ 
triangle array.  The Bevflex holds its own with these antennas.   The triangle 
has the highest output, but at times is more susceptible to noise (power line). 
 Sometimes the triangle is best, at other times the BOG/Bevflex are the best, 
depending on condx.

I can’t keep beverages up in my woods and have given up.  The next time the 
Bevflex comes down, it will be reconfigured as a BOG again.

I have my rx antennas configured so that most of them can be combined (phased) 
through a DX Engineering NCC-1 box.  This works very well, and many times the 
performance is enhanced when BOG pairs are phased.

73 Charlie N8RR

Sent from Mail for Windows 10

From: tony.kaz--- via Topband
Sent: Friday, November 22, 2019 10:12 AM
To: 'Paul Mcl'; 'William 
Subject: Re: Topband: Rx Antenna System

Has anyone had experience with this system and have done a comparison to
other receive antennas? I have room to put up a BOG about 200' long at a
right angle and about 100' away from my present BOG. But it would be
difficult to get the feedline to either end of the wire. This system looks
like I can put the feed point near the center and get selection of either
direction. I can run RG6 stapled to the grass both for the feedline and for
the BOG.

By the way my present BOG is sometimes better than my Pennants and sometimes
the Pennants are better. Wish I had the room for a beverage.
N2TK, Tony

-Original Message-
From: Topband  On Behalf Of Paul Mcl
Sent: Friday, November 22, 2019 9:47 AM
To: William Hill 
Subject: Re: Topband: Rx Antenna System




On Fri, 22 Nov 2019 at 14:26, William Hill  wrote:

 Does anyone recall the vendor that sells the system that can be
 configured in several different ways such as a beverage or BOG or flag or


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Re: Topband: BevFlex-4X - RX antenna

2019-10-18 Thread WW3S
Configured how? I have the JK version, which looks very similar, except instead 
of internal jumpers, they have different external connecting points, depending 
on the configuration...I’ve used it on my small lot configured as an EWE, and 
worked a lot of dx I could never hear on the TX antenna...

Sent from my iPad

> On Oct 17, 2019, at 10:47 PM, Tim Duffy  wrote:
> Thinking about the Fall Stew coming up this Saturday, I will be trying out
> the BevFlex-4X that W9XT is now manufacturing.
> Here is the flyer:
>  x-4x.pdf>
> -4x.pdf
> And the BevFlex-4X details:
> 73
> Tim K3LR
> _
> Searchable Archives: - Topband Reflector

Searchable Archives: - Topband Reflector

Re: Topband: Blatant cheating using Remote Operation

2019-10-12 Thread WW3S
Good for you Rogeryou always hear about hams using remotes to work the dx, 
but they don’t usually say much when the dx uses a remote to hear them

Sent from my iPad

> On Oct 12, 2019, at 1:21 PM, Roger D Johnson  wrote:
> There is no way an organization such as the ARRL can prevent cheating in the 
> DXCC program. It has to depend on the honesty of the hams involved. Yes..some
> people will cheat but I can't see how they can derive any satisfaction from
> that.
> Last year I worked VU2GSM on Top Band. I heard rumors that Kanti used remote
> receiving locations and, when asked, he freely admitted it. He's in my log
> but I didn't claim credit for that contact.
> 73, Roger N1RJ
> _
> Searchable Archives: - Topband Reflector

Searchable Archives: - Topband Reflector

Re: Topband: Inverted L - newbie questions

2019-08-21 Thread WW3S
Where did you connect the analyzer? You want it as close as possible to the 
feed point, with as little length of coax jumper as possible. Even a 6 ft 
jumper can skew the results, been there done that

Sent from my iPad

> On Aug 21, 2019, at 12:36 PM, Jeff Blaine  wrote:
> An inverted L without radials is a random length wire and the measurements 
> are of no meaning until there is a ground system to make up the other half of 
> the antenna.
> But to Wes point, the 259 and big 160m antennas is a recipe for going nuts.  
> You don't even need a high powered BC station - even a low powered station a 
> pretty far distance away can cause the 259 to give results in error.  A VNA 
> or something like the Rig Expert are FAR more robust in this application.
> 73/jeff/ac0c
> alpha-charlie-zero-charlie
>> On 8/21/19 12:04 AM, Wes wrote:
>> How many high-powered BC stations do you have around?
>> Wes  N7WS
>>> On 8/21/2019 8:55 AM, N4ZR wrote:
>>> I just put up an inverted L, with a vertical length of about 60 feet, and a 
>>> total of 135 feet.  It is fed through 16 turns of RG-400 on a ferrite core 
>>> at the base. There are, as yet, no radials.
>>> Because I was impatient to see what was going on, I grounded the shield to 
>>> a single copper-plated ground rod and connected my MFJ259B. I expected a 
>>> high R value, and I got one - 112-122 ohms. But surprisingly (to me), 
>>> lowest SWR was at 2.070 MHz, and X remained at zero over quite a wide range 
>>> - all the way down to about 1.7 MHz.
>>> Is this all to be expected?  I plan to put down at least minimum radials in 
>>> the next few days, and would expect the R value to drop as I do so. Am I 
>>> off-base?
>> _
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> _
> Searchable Archives: - Topband Reflector

Searchable Archives: - Topband Reflector

Re: Topband: RFI on TB

2019-07-25 Thread WW3S
How are you using this on the L ? NO on receive, then apply voltage to close it 
on TX ? When open , does the L float or go to ground?

Sent from my iPad

> On Jul 25, 2019, at 8:36 AM, FZ Bruce  wrote:
> Mark
> Although I am using the RF Parts relay on transmit verticals they work
> great. They are 12 volt DC coils and are marked so on the relay. I
> test checked mine with a little 9 volt battery and pulls great.In the
> advertisement blog it says " Rated coil voltage VDC: 26.5 " This is an
> advertising error. 
> [1]
> 73Bruce-k1fz
>-From: "Mark K3MSB" 
> Cc: "Rob Atkinson", "TopBand List", "Guy Olinger K2AV"
> Sent: Thursday July 25 2019 7:59:32AM
> Subject: Re: Topband: RFI on TB
> I’d be interested in hear about this also. I’ve always used ground
> radials for my INV-L but this year I’d like to try an FCP.
> I’ve read that the INV-L as well as the FCP need to be floated
> during
> receive, which means two relays at the INV-L.
> 73 Mark K3MSB
> On Thu, Jul 25, 2019, 4:11 AM CUTTER DAVID via Topband <
>> wrote:
>> Guy
>> Slightly OT, but how do you deal with re-radiation from your
> inverted L?
>> I'm about to erect one of your inverted L on FCP and my rx loops
> are about
>> 50m away in the other corner of the field. Is that far enough?
>> David G3UNA/G6CP
>>> On 24 July 2019 at 07:13 Guy Olinger K2AV  wrote:
>>> I gotta agree with Rob. An inverted L aerial wire will hear ALL
> the noise
>>> that is around. Mine sure does. RX antenna will help enormously
> if there
>> is
>>> a place to put one that does not get the noise second hand off
> the L. Not
>>> enough room? A bit complicated, but "repeated" noise off the L
> can be
>> dealt
>>> with.
>>> The worst noises around here heard on my L were all repaired by
> the power
>>> company. The nastiest noise was very hard to find, I actually
> never
>> "found"
>>> it by looking for it. Noise turned out to be from a bad splice in
> an
>>> underground 13 kV cable going from the 13 kV delta overhead out
> on US 64
>> to
>>> the transformer for my eastern neighbor and next house over. It
> would
>> come
>>> and go with extended cold weather, but never would correlate to
> sunlight
>> or
>>> darkness. I would hear it next to my transformer walking around
> with my
>>> battery K2 and a rubber ducky. It would never locate to up on a
> pole
>> (only
>>> power noise that didn't).
>>> Finally the splice hard-arced, exploding the fuse up on the pole
> for the
>>> neighbor's 13 kV feed, and taking those two houses off the grid.
> The
>> noise
>>> went away with the cannon shot noise. Blessed quiet on 160 and
> 80. I had
>>> put up with that for almost four years.
>>> In the end, Duke Energy completely reran his AND my buried 13kV
> lines,
>> and
>>> replaced his transformer. 35 years in the ground, 35 year old
> cable
>> design
>>> and materials, and deficient in THEIR opinion. Was really fun to
> watch
>> them
>>> use this super-neat burrowing setup that went right UNDER the
> woods and
>> the
>>> creek (whole other story). Now I can hear the lesser noises on my
> L from
>>> all over Apex and Cary :>) Need RX antenna for sure. That way I
> don't
>> have
>>> to listen to the Cary, NC noise (NE) at the same time as the
> generally
>>> closer and louder Apex, NC noise (S, SE).
>>> 73, Guy K2AV
>>> On Tue, Jul 23, 2019 at 9:37 AM Rob Atkinson 
>> wrote:
> Over past few months, I have picked up an S5-S7 noise
> signature on
>> my TB
> L antenna with K2AV FCP system.
 I would not use an inverted L for receiving. Unusable for rx at
> my
 QTH but FB for transmitting.
 Searchable Archives: [2] -
> Topband
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> _
> Searchable Archives: - Topband Reflector

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Re: Topband: AM interference on 1840

2019-05-20 Thread Jamie WW3S

has anyone made the ITU/IARU aware ?

-- Original Message --
From: "Jorge Diez - CX6VM" 
To: "Herbert Schoenbohm" 
Cc: "TopBand List" ;
Sent: 5/20/2019 11:54:17 AM
Subject: Re: Topband: AM interference on 1840

I think HK authorities must do something with this.  Local radio Clubs must


de virus.


El lun., 20 may. 2019 a las 12:47, Herbert Schoenbohm (<>) escribió:

 Interference from them makes 1840 useless for me.  Since they don't
 respond to my emails maybe WSJT-X could assign 1844 or 1848 to 160 in their
 next release.

 Herb Schoenbohm, KV4FZ

 On Mon, May 20, 2019 at 11:21 AM Jorge Diez - CX6VM 


 do you notice a second harmonic on 1840?  It´s very strong

 I determined that is from LA VOZ DEL PUEBLO 920 AM, in Colombia

 I sent them an email with no answer yet.

 Maybe if they receive many emails will take care about that and ask the
 technic to solve it, what do you think?


 de virus.
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Topband: Dinner ticket available

2019-05-16 Thread WW3S
Not going to make Dayton this year, sudden illness preventing me from 
goinganybody need a ticket for Friday’s topband dinnerit’s for the beef 

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Searchable Archives: - Topband Reflector

Re: Topband: NA activity CW topband ....................

2019-04-13 Thread Jamie WW3S

Sad to report the Green Hornet, Bob W3GH is a silent key.,...

-- Original Message --
From: "uy0zg" 
Cc: "Topband" 
Sent: 4/13/2019 10:34:36 AM
Subject: Re: Topband: NA activity CW topband 

Hi Joel

I'm curious to hear American stations in April.

At least east.

This season I did not have a QSOs with many - K1FZ, K1GUN, K1HTV, KA1J, N2MF, 
N4IS, W1MK, W3GH, WX3B +
and many, many others

Nick, UY0ZG писал 2019-04-13 16:38:

Greetings Nick,

With spring here in the south I have begun taking down all of my  RX
antennas in preparation for hay cutting in the fields plus the severe
lightning we have from spring and summer storms pretty much destroys
the RX antenna components if left out through summer. The QRN/noise
level is high on the TX antenna so my focus has moved to other

I'm sure that's probably the case with a few other "regulars" on the
band as well.

73 Joel W5ZN

On 2019-04-13 03:31, uy0zg wrote:


What happened ?

One NV3N from all over America.

No electricity?

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Topband: Fw: Re[2]: VI9NI

2019-04-10 Thread Jamie WW3S

I was one of the lucky ones this morning (not east coast, but not midwest 
eitherI'm due north of K3LR, almost in Lake Erie, almost in Ohio !!!)I 
checked the spots as soon as I got up, not much going on, then saw Dave's 
spot.hurried down to the basement shack (do I get extra points for wearing 
nothing but boxer briefs?!?) turned everything onnada.It was just prior 
to 6 am, my local sunrise about 6:48.listened and listened for 30 minutes 
or more, then I started to hear pings...deep qsb and loud qrn, thought I lost 
them, then bam, there he was cqing, gud copytwo calls later he was in the 
log !!! after we worked, he got louder and louder, good copy for about 8-10 
minutes or so, and then at sunrise, bam, nothingthose magical minutes, 
worth getting up early for !!!

-- Original Message --
From: "David Olean" 
To: "Chortek, Robert L." ; "" 

Sent: 4/10/2019 10:10:56 AM
Subject: Re: Topband: VI9NI

I would echo ur comments, Bob. I had to scrape the XYL's car windows early this 
morning, as we have had two days of snow and ice. So after finishing the ice 
removal, I went and checked 160 M before sunrise. The band was a tad noisy and 
I started CQing on 1822 and went on for awhile with no answers.  AA1K was 
calling CQ as well. I even tuned up to the FT-8 segment to see who and what was 
going on.  Back to calling CQ on CW on 1822.5 and VI9NI answered my CQ.  I 
almost fell over. We exchanged reports and a few FBs then they went up to 
1825.5. I stayed on 1822 and then VK6VZ in Perth showed up right after! Both 
stations peaked up really loud. VI9NI hit S9 for a few minutes and was good 
copy for about 15 minutes after my sunrise at 10:11UT. All this with the K 
index at four! Nothing heard on northern paths.  No JAs and no HL5IVL.  VK6VZ 
was good copy on a skewed path aimed west. Normal direct path is about 330 
degrees for me and thru the AU belt.

A number of us East Coast stations worked VI9NI and many midwestern stations 
made the grade. They must have had fun on Norfolk Island!


Dave K1WHS

On 4/10/2019 1:24 PM, Chortek, Robert L. wrote:

VK9NI had a very nice signal on the West Coast today and lots of stations made 
it into the log on 160.

Very good propagation this morning.



Sent from my iPhone
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Re: Topband: XR0ZRC?

2019-03-26 Thread WW3S
Point is, why not try 160 in early morning, prior to their sunrise...

Sent from my iPad

> On Mar 26, 2019, at 12:18 PM, Tree  wrote:
> They were on 80 and 160 at the same time last night.
> Tree
>> On Tue, Mar 26, 2019 at 9:17 AM WW3S  wrote:
>> I’m not sure why they won’t try 160 closer to their sunrise.every 
>> morning they are on 80, and lately have been begging, with good signals, and 
>> seem to hear ok on 80, but their rate is slow due to not many 
>> calling.why not try 160 then, rather than 80 ?!?!?!
>> Sent from my iPad
>> > On Mar 26, 2019, at 10:00 AM, David Olean  wrote:
>> > 
>> > I am a bit puzzled by XR0ZRC.  I thought they were going to have a major 
>> > effort on 80 and 160, but so far I have heard from little to none from 
>> > them on 160. (I am not on 80 M) Last night, 26th UTC, I did hear them but 
>> > their signal was quite weak and the heavy QRN was making copy almost 
>> > impossible. I think this was the first time I heard them.  It was hard for 
>> > me to copy much of anything between static crashes.  On other days, I saw 
>> > many spots from hams showing that they are on 160M but I hear nil and a 
>> > check on the Reverse Beacon Network shows no spots for them. (?)  
>> > (Pirates?) Last night, a few stations mentioned that XR0ZRC was loud in 
>> > the SE. VA2WA, who is a couple hundred miles north of me, said something 
>> > like "booming " to describe their signal last night. Not sure of the 
>> > strength required for "booming", but it must be similar to "wall to wall, 
>> > and treetop tall".  At my shack I could not tell who they were working 
>> > between  the static crashes! I copied fragments between crashes. I know my 
>> > receiving setup is working. Just a few hours later near my sunrise I 
>> > worked VK6 and JA from here in Maine.
>> > 
>> > I have read a few notes on DX sites (many days old) explaining that they 
>> > are plagued by high noise levels and have poor internet accessibility. I 
>> > understand that, but I am still concerned that I almost never hear them 
>> > QRV on 160. Maybe it is just my turn to be in the barrel? I just wonder 
>> > what is going on. I am curious. I hope no one takes this as a complaint 
>> > about a DXpedition. It is not.
>> > 
>> > My task for the day is to lay out another RX wire for 140 degrees and 
>> > Bouvet! Unfortunately, all of my wooden stakes with insulators attached to 
>> > them are stored in a shed and the ice around it is so thick, deep, and 
>> > hard, that I cannot get to them!
>> > 
>> > 
>> > Dave K1WHS
>> > 
>> > _
>> > Searchable Archives: - Topband Reflector
>> _
>> Searchable Archives: - Topband Reflector
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Re: Topband: XR0ZRC?

2019-03-26 Thread WW3S
I’m not sure why they won’t try 160 closer to their sunrise.every morning 
they are on 80, and lately have been begging, with good signals, and seem to 
hear ok on 80, but their rate is slow due to not many calling.why not try 
160 then, rather than 80 ?!?!?!

Sent from my iPad

> On Mar 26, 2019, at 10:00 AM, David Olean  wrote:
> I am a bit puzzled by XR0ZRC.  I thought they were going to have a major 
> effort on 80 and 160, but so far I have heard from little to none from them 
> on 160. (I am not on 80 M) Last night, 26th UTC, I did hear them but their 
> signal was quite weak and the heavy QRN was making copy almost impossible. I 
> think this was the first time I heard them.  It was hard for me to copy much 
> of anything between static crashes.  On other days, I saw many spots from 
> hams showing that they are on 160M but I hear nil and a check on the Reverse 
> Beacon Network shows no spots for them. (?)  (Pirates?) Last night, a few 
> stations mentioned that XR0ZRC was loud in the SE. VA2WA, who is a couple 
> hundred miles north of me, said something like "booming " to describe their 
> signal last night. Not sure of the strength required for "booming", but it 
> must be similar to "wall to wall, and treetop tall".  At my shack I could not 
> tell who they were working between  the static crashes! I copied fragments 
> between crashes. I know my receiving setup is working. Just a few hours later 
> near my sunrise I worked VK6 and JA from here in Maine.
> I have read a few notes on DX sites (many days old) explaining that they are 
> plagued by high noise levels and have poor internet accessibility. I 
> understand that, but I am still concerned that I almost never hear them QRV 
> on 160. Maybe it is just my turn to be in the barrel? I just wonder what is 
> going on. I am curious. I hope no one takes this as a complaint about a 
> DXpedition. It is not.
> My task for the day is to lay out another RX wire for 140 degrees and Bouvet! 
> Unfortunately, all of my wooden stakes with insulators attached to them are 
> stored in a shed and the ice around it is so thick, deep, and hard, that I 
> cannot get to them!
> Dave K1WHS
> _
> Searchable Archives: - Topband Reflector

Searchable Archives: - Topband Reflector

Re: Topband: ARRL DX contest

2019-02-17 Thread WW3S
I moved to 160 the last 30 minutes and wow !!! Loud, very loud signals from 
EUarmchair copy on most

Sent from my iPad

> On Feb 17, 2019, at 6:59 PM, Tim Shoppa  wrote:
> Wow, I thought the first night was FANTASTIC on 160M. But the last hour on
> Sunday was CRAZY. Especially northern Europe sounded like it was in my
> backyard. Scandinavian stations just booming in, rest of Europe doing great
> too!
> Tim N3QE
>> On Sat, Feb 16, 2019 at 10:50 AM W7RH  wrote:
>> Greetings All,
>> Spotty openings to Europe from the SW with one surprise contact LZ2WO
>> just before sunset. Otherwise 1 G4, and a few EA stations. Also Q5 at
>> Sunset was IK2CLB with no QSO.
>> After 0300 no further EU DX worked. The band went downhill rapidly. Off
>> to bed. In the morning only a few JA and RT0C were worked.
>> Regarding V84SAA. Comments on the reflector were not cool. If you are
>> going to work one in the contest then work them all as a multiplier is
>> just that. Sorry if it's a dupe. However at my Sunrise you were doing
>> contest exchanges. IMHO
>> 73
>> Bob, W7RH
>> --
>> W7RH DM35os
>> "It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has exceeded our
>> humanity." - Albert Einstein
>> _
>> Searchable Archives: - Topband
>> Reflector
> _
> Searchable Archives: - Topband Reflector

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Topband: Rx splinter

2019-02-01 Thread WW3S
What’s the best way to split one rx antenna between 2 transceivers?

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Re: Topband: JA's came in droves today on 160

2019-02-01 Thread Jamie WW3S
I like the boating reference.I myself use fishing.theres all 
kinds of fishing.salt water, freshwater, etcsome guys like to 
just fish on the weekend (ragchewers?), maybe just fish with old friends 
or family once in a while..some folks like to tie their own flies ( 
homebrewers?)some folks like big fish on lite lines 
(qrpers?)some folks like trout in the streams, some like bass in the 
lake.some are "pro" fisherman, big rigs, enormous HP motors, all the 
fancy gadgets (contesters?), some catch and release, some fish to 
eat...but in the end, its all fishing, and they dont bitch about 
each other.

-- Original Message --
To: "" 
Sent: 2/1/2019 10:11:31 AM
Subject: Re: Topband: JA's came in droves today on 160

Terry makes the crucial point: FT8 (and the likes) should be in a different 
class. Other hobbies do that: sailboats don't race against power boats, etc.
I don't think that there is much point arguing whether FT8 is Amateur Radio or 
not. It is. I don't care for it, but I have been involved with enough FT8 
efforts to see that it has many aspects of what we call Amateur Radio. FT8 has 
its place by attracting a different cohort of operators. It is also true that 
it requires less effort, but that suits some people just fine. (Many FT8 
operators watch movies, are on the Internet, etc., while working FT8.)
It is lamentable that often when the CW segment is empty, the FT8 segment is 
busy. But that is not the fault of the FT8 operators. Regardless, CW is alive 
and well: witness the CQ160 CW contest. It was super busy (most of the time) 
and far more exciting than FT8 ever will be.


On Thu, 31 Jan 2019 13:59:06 -0800 (PST)
 terry burge  wrote:


Or to put it, just what I think. Paul's description of how WSPR and FT8 can/is 
automatic points out what a lot of us object to. It would not be bad IF they 
had a separate class for DXCC for the digital modes just because it can be like 
'shooting fish in a barrel'. Some of us have work over 40 years to build a 
great DXCC total. Now FT8 comes along and apparently you can do it in a few 
weeks. We are at the bottom of the sunspot cycle but when it gets good see how 
long it takes to get a DXCC with FT8. People who have been around for a few 
cycles know the 'work the world with a wet noodle' expression can be valid up 
on 10 meters. So imagine what FT8 can do. Can that be compared to working them 
yourself by hand with CW or phone?

It just should not be considered when competing with CW or SSB. It is too easy. 
And automating contacts just threatens to destroy the whole basis of DXCC and 
perhaps DX'ing. Make a different class for the digital modes on DXCC at try to 
keep the challenge in ham radio.
That's my feeling anyhow.

On January 31, 2019 at 1:37 PM MICHAEL ST ANGELO  wrote:

I don't understand why there is such uproar for FT-8 while some of those people 
use DX Spotting while operating. Both are computer assisted applications. we've 
been doing spotting for years.
It's up to the user. I prefer CW but may use FT-8 in he future. The genie is 
out of the bottle; you can't put it back in

My $0.02

Mike N2MS
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Topband: Failed bulkhead connector

2019-01-27 Thread WW3S
Had a great start to the 160 contest, about 90 qsos the first hour, running 
about 1200 w to my inverted L.took a short break to grab a bite to eat, 
first transmission after that tripped the swr protection in the amplong 
story short, after attempting to fix it in the dark, Saturday morning I found 
the bulkhead connector on my radial plate failedeven though reception was 
just fine, I couldn’t transmit, I think it failed open...replacing the 
connector brought everything back to may have been a cheap 
connector , bought a few at Dayton ( won’t make that mistake again).what is 
it that causes them to fail? The insulation ? 

Sent from my iPad
Searchable Archives: - Topband Reflector

Re: Topband: Inverted L improvements - Part 3 (now with data)

2019-01-23 Thread Jamie WW3S
Todd, don’t get discouraged and don’t let lot size fool youI'm in a 
subdivision, 80x180 ft lot, with a 50ft tower, hygain hytower for 75/80m 
(also works as a second radio antenna), and 2L 40m phased inv l 
is suspended off the top of the towerI never modeled it, I just know it 
works.DXCC on 160 with low that I added an amp, I'm up to 
140+ worked.the secret on 160 is receiving, which really hampers 
me.forgot the modeling for a minute, did you try the reverse beacon 
thing I mentioned a few days ago.that will tell you if you are getting 
out or not.btw, my L is 135 ft (at least it was when it started, I lost 
a few feet due to some weather related issues)..about 50 ft vertical, 
then the rest  mostly horizontal to a tall tree in the woods

-Original Message- 
From: Todd Goins

Sent: Wednesday, January 23, 2019 4:09 PM
To: ;
Subject: Re: Topband: Inverted L improvements - Part 3 (now with data)

Both Merv and Guy are correct here. Perhaps this antenna doesn't ever
have a chance at being any good due to the suburban area and lot size
that I'm constrained by.

Within a 250ft radius (huge!) there is as follows: 80m dipole, 40m
dipole, 30m dipole, 20m dipole, 15m dipole, 20m yagi, and the original
43' tall T antenna for 160m and its radial system. Also, the house is
easily within 250ft.  Most certainly the radial systems, although not
physically connected to each other, are let's say "mingling".

So perhaps this tall wire was doomed from the outset? I was so
encouraged that the 43' T worked so well for what it was and the small
amount of effort it took to get converted to 160m that maybe a taller
version would be substantially better. That's how this saga started.
Maybe the real answer after time/effort/money expended and all of your
advise is that it isn't going to get any better in my environment?

At this point the best path forward may be to just remove the tall
wire and reroute all of the new radials (over 2000ft) to the original
43' T's radial plate and with any luck make it play better as a

Todd - NR7RR

Way back some where around the original posting did he not say he had
2 160 antennas up and they are close to each other?  a short vertical and
this antenna?   If so what is the short vertical doing,  is it floating or
grounded or hooked to the ground system yet,  what is its status?
Would make all the difference in the world if the short 160 vertical is
any where around yet.

73 Merv K9FD

* Have to pay attention to everything he is reporting. He added a feedpoint

*>* choke per K9YC at the same time. Which may, depending on the physical
*>* connections at his feedpoint, have removed the feedline shield as an
*>* alternate “radial” in parallel with the increasing but still not full 

*>* radial system.
*>>* That indicates that his ground characteristics could be well into the
*>* “poor” end of the range where ground radial deficiencies are multiplied 

*>* emphasized.
*>>* His SWR bandwidth narrowed slightly. Leaving a strong possibility that
*>* there was an improvement in desired radiated pattern.
*>>* There remains the question of every conductor in a 250 foot radius,
*>* including a tower? There remains the question of large dielectric masses
*>* close by.
*>>* 73, Guy K2AV

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Re: Topband: Inverted L improvements - Part 3 (now with data)

2019-01-21 Thread Jamie WW3S
did you try transmitting with it, and see if any skimmers pick you up? just 
try sending test de urcall and check the RBN network, see how you are 
getting out

-Original Message- 
From: Todd Goins

Sent: Monday, January 21, 2019 8:45 PM
Subject: Re: Topband: Inverted L improvements - Part 3 (now with data)


Per many people's recommendations I added 800ft of radials today. That is 8
x 100ft each.  It made a difference on the analyzer which I'll summarize
below. It was dark when I finished but here are a few data points. I think
it is better. The wide SWR curve still bothers me but the resistance is
coming up.

This is also using the new K9YC cookbook choke with 18 turns of RG400
around a 2.4" type 31 toroid.

The values are Freq, SWR, R, X, Z

1810  1.43  42.0  -14.5  44.5
1820  1.31  43.2  -10.7  44.5
1830  1.21  44.1  -6.7   44.7
1840  1.13  45.0  -2.5   45.1
1850  1.10  45.9  1.7   45.9
1860  1.14  47.0  5.7  47.3
1870  1.23  48.0  10.1  49.1
1880  1.34  49.1  14.7  51.2

Any thoughts?  The 160 CW contest is only 4 days away, I don't have a lot
more time to make changes but I could run a "few" more radials...

Todd - NR7RR
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Topband: anyone phasing rx loops?

2019-01-20 Thread Jamie WW3S
Anyone phasing two loops like Pixel/DXE/Wellbrook with a DXE NCC phasing box? 
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Re: Topband: Inverted L improvements - Part 3

2019-01-16 Thread Jamie WW3S

I read recently, maybe on this forum, that 32 ft radials were "long enough" if 
thats all you could get.I thought they needed to be longer as well, mine 
for my inv L are 132 ft long, but "bent" to keep them in my lot size.when 
we were talking about the feedpoint impedance of my L, thats when someone 
suggested that more radials 32 ft long, would be better than fewer radials that 
were longer

Mike, get rid of the 15' cable, try to measure the impedance with as short a 
piece of coax as possible, as close to the feedpoint as possible.thats what 
got me recently...ideal impedance will be mid to upper 30 ohmsI think 
theoretical is 32 ohms or so, add a few ohms for the ground.the more 
radials you add, the lower it will get

- Original Message -
From: "Mike Smith VE9AA" 
Sent: Wednesday, January 16, 2019 7:32:09 PM
Subject: Re: Topband: Inverted L improvements - Part 3

Hi Todd and thanks for answering so quickly.


I am no expert. (I'm an Electronics Engineering Technologist and a ham for
40+ yrs,fwiw)

I won't debate the exact numbers on that table by K3LC referenced by K9YC,
(they are experts) but I will tell

you that it makes me go "hmmm" (as in a mild doubting tone)


A 42' radial on 160m is only something like 1/12th of a wavelength long.
(pretty short)

AM Broadcasters talk about the point of diminishing returns for on-ground
radials being

around 120 (or is it 240?) for full sized 1/4wl radials.  That would be the
equivalent of ~15,240feet on 160m.

You've laid out aprox 1260feet of wire (give or take).so aprox 1/12th or
.08% of optimum.


It's just not a lot of wire for a 160m antenna.  I have 2x 160m antennas
here.  One with about 7500' of wire on/in the ground and another with 2
raised radials (tuned, raised, 1/4wl each) and I can tell you the one with
7500' of wire under it always works better in true A/B comparisons. Not by a
lot, but it's noticeable. 


I can't imagine you're anywhere' s near optimum.


I know "tone" doesn't come across in emails and postings, so I am not saying
this all in a sarcastic or snarky tone.  Just as a "matter of fact" type


With what you've described, it's probably as good as you'll get if you have
a typical small city lot and average soil.  You could play around with
chicken wire, tying your pool and well casing, fence, metal garden shed and
neighbours dog-run ,in to give you just as much conductive material under
the antenna as humanly possible or you can accept the limitations of a small


Personally, I don't give up easy..if it were me, I'd buy another couple
thousand feet of wire and put it down.


Something is just not right.


I'll let the *REAL* experts chime in, but my experience (such as it is),
tells me you're warming the ground or there's something else going on we
aren't yet aware of. (ginormous metal bldg. next door, hi).


GL with it Todd.  I hope there is an epiphany~!




Mike VE9AA


  Hi Mike,


Yes, it is a space issue. The presentation I was referring to is where it has a table the

references a paper by K3LC that has "Optimum Use of Wire On/In Ground Over

Average Soil" and it lists 12 radials at 42' each to essentially use a 500'

spool of wire. I had more wire than that but not much more room. I could

run out a few wires in few directions to about 100' if that might help.  I

did use the antenna for a couple of evenings with only 12 radials and

yesterday I tacked on the additional 18.


That is why that decision was made.


I didn't think that SWR curve was good at all. But another guy just emailed

me and said that the BCB filter is probably messing up those readings and

they aren't accurate.  I can take SWR readings from my radio (in the shack)

with the filter not in line. Maybe that will show different values but it

will be attached to a 150' long piece of coax after the choke.



Todd - NR7RR




Mike, Coreen & Corey

Keswick Ridge, NB


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Re: Topband: choke/bleeder resistor on RXvertical?

2018-12-19 Thread Jamie WW3S

thanks, makes sense.thats why I asked 
- Original Message -

From: "Chuck Dietz"  
To: "Jamie WW3S"  
Cc: "Topband"  
Sent: Wednesday, December 19, 2018 1:29:40 PM 
Subject: Re: Topband: choke/bleeder resistor on RXvertical? 

The choke bleeds off static charges that accumulate on the vertical. While I 
have witnessed noise from huge static charging to a 32 foot vertical mounted on 
the roof of the engineering building at Texas Tech in West Texas, the choke 
does not bleed off “noise”. Noise is radio frequency emissions from noise 
sources which can be local or distant. 

Chuck W5PR 

On Wed, Dec 19, 2018 at 12:19 PM Jamie WW3S < > wrote: 

Since verticals are know to be "noisy" on receive, and a fix is a rf choke or 
bleeder resistor to ground, anyone try that on short verticals used for receive 
only to quiet some noise? 
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Topband: choke/bleeder resistor on RXvertical?

2018-12-19 Thread Jamie WW3S
Since verticals are know to be "noisy" on receive, and a fix is a rf choke or 
bleeder resistor to ground, anyone try that on short verticals used for receive 
only to quiet some noise? 
Searchable Archives: - Topband Reflector

Re: Topband: Pasternack PL259

2018-12-05 Thread WW3S
Are the installation instructions anywhere?

Sent from my iPad

> On Dec 5, 2018, at 4:52 PM, James Lee  wrote:
> The Pasternack offerings are pretty expensive, especially given that no 
> silver is present!  They are listed at about 11 bucks each unless I misread 
> the data; I will try a couple of them with RG213.
> Sad to hear ths rumour that there may be a threading problem when using these 
> and attaching to amps or rigs?
> Jiim
> NK7B
> _
> Searchable Archives: - Topband Reflector

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Re: Topband: Fwd: [yccc] Hi z receive antennas

2018-11-30 Thread Jamie WW3S

I've had much more success with the bev flex, configured as a EWE, than a HI-Z 
3 element array, however, every users experience may be different, depending on 
local noise and other factors. 

- Original Message -
From: "Steven Jobes via Topband" 
Sent: Friday, November 30, 2018 10:44:43 AM
Subject: Topband: Fwd: [yccc] Hi z receive antennas

-Original Message-
From: Steve via Groups.Io 
To: yccc 
Cc: yccc 
Sent: Wed, Nov 28, 2018 8:51 pm
Subject: [yccc] Hi z receive antennas

Hi I am seeking information from anyone with experience with hi z arrays. I am 
considering either the hi z two element array or the Jk antenna bev-flex 
beverage system. They both can fill my needs as my property has limitations 
headed northeast. And both will give me directivity towards Europe. Thanks for 
any advice,

73 ,
Steve Jobes 

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Re: Topband: Fwd: Re: Drone and pulley

2018-11-27 Thread WW3S
There are some amazing drone videos on K3LR website

Sent from my iPad

> On Nov 27, 2018, at 5:11 PM, terry burge  wrote:
> Interesting about the drones. I want to get one or maybe have someone who 
> runs them take a video of my tower and place. High quality video that is. If 
> you ever watch youtube/Andrew Caramata doing his property 
> management/excavation stuff you will be amazed by how long his video are and 
> the distances he flies with his drone. He even has a video where he takes it 
> apart and does a repair on the camera mount system to get it to run smoothly. 
> I'm a real fan of this youtube videos about the arborist/tree climbing 
> pruning and tree removing (don't know exactly what to call it). Ace Tree out 
> of VK land has some awesome videos. I could use someone around here like that 
> but the one quote I got was over $1000.
> With the drone I would think if you can come up with a mechanism to release 
> the rope/fish line you could use a fishing weight about 1 to 1.5 oz and run 
> you line over a tree and drop it. That would keep you from tangling up your 
> drone coming down again. 
> Most of all they really can do some tremendous video with the drone!
> Terry
> KI7M
>> -- Original Message --
>> From: Mike Waters 
>> To: Tree ,
>> Date: November 27, 2018 at 1:21 PM
>> Subject: Re: Topband: Drone and pulley
>> Oooh! Thanks! I didn't think of that.
>> 73, Mike
>>> On Tue, Nov 27, 2018, 2:43 PM Tree  wrote:
>>> Trying to picture how you bring a line down from the top of a tree with a
>>> drone...  without it getting snagged.  Guess you need a weight of some kind
>>> to pull the rope down and away from the propellers.
>>> Tree N6TR
>> _
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Re: Topband: Which compromise receiving antenna

2018-11-26 Thread WW3S
I have the jk version, was using it as a ewe, which worked ok, recently 
converted it to a bog, about 200 ft long, easy to build, seems to work , worked 
a bunch this weekend which I could not hear on my inv l.understand the 
signals are puny, but the noise is non existent.

Sent from my iPad

> On Nov 26, 2018, at 10:48 AM,  
>  wrote:
> Pete:
> I'm using RG6 for my beverages. They are switched, bidirectional.
> Performance seems to be equivalent to a single wire beverage. They can also
> be deployed as a BOG. RG6 is cheap, and I built my own transformers and
> switches. If you suspect a problem, they can be checked out with an ohm
> meter. Not sure why these have not caught on as folks continue to struggle
> with ladderline and WD1. JK Antenna offers a commercial version as well.
> 73
> Gregg
> -Original Message, and-
> From: Topband  On Behalf Of
> Sent: Tuesday, November 6, 2018 1:47 PM
> To: topband reflector 
> Subject: Re: Topband: Which compromise receiving antenna
> Hi Pete, 
> The bad news is that 215 feet is not long enough to produce good performance
> from a Beverage. It will work for a BOG, but that's not your best choice. 
> Could you install two or three short verticals over a total length of
> 120 feet? The YCCC three element array is a superb choice if you can. The
> Hi-Z arrays are also worthy of consideration. 
> .pdf 
> 73
> Frank
> W3LPL 
> - Original Message -
> From: "N4ZR" 
> To: "topband reflector" 
> Sent: Tuesday, November 6, 2018 3:40:07 PM
> Subject: Topband: Which compromise receiving antenna 
> I've just spent a very educational hour with Google Earth looking at my
> Beverage options for 160M. On a 45/225 azimuth I can only get about 215
> feet. Is that even worth doing with a conventional Beverage? What about a
> BOG? Because of my lot layout I will need to use a reversible 2-wire
> Beverage with the NE end right outside my shack. Don't know if the KD9SV
> reversing transformers will work for a BOG. 
> My other reasonable receiving option is a K9AY loop or similar. 
> Transmitting antenna will be an inverted L, with vertical section probably
> no more than 60 feet. I'd like to finish my 160M DXCC this winter if
> possible 
> -- 
> 73, Pete N4ZR
> Check out the Reverse Beacon Network
> at , now
> spotting RTTY activity worldwide. 
> For spots, please use your favorite
> "retail" DX cluster. 
> _
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Re: Topband: Impedance of inv l?

2018-11-18 Thread Jamie WW3S
several have asked how I am measuring the impedance.I'm using an AA-230, 
and am all the ALL PARAMS setting.the 230 defaults to a series model, is 
that what I want, don’t see how to change it to parallel. I think the symbol 
for impedance is |Z|, correct?

-Original Message- 
From: F Z_Bruce

Sent: Sunday, November 18, 2018 3:20 PM
To: ; Topband
Subject: Re: Topband: Impedance of inv l?

The far end is high impedance voltage, and has minimum  horizontal 
current radiation.  The inverted L is a good trade off signal vs 
available height.  Not an expensive antenna to build. 

On Sun, 18 Nov 2018 12:31:38 -0700, Wes Stewart wrote:

That also drives up the current in the horizontal wire with attendant 

horizontal radiation.

I chose for a couple of reason to do the opposite; shorten the wire to make 
feedpoint capacitive and use a shunt inductor to get a 50-ohm match.  

really doesn't improve the 2:1 VSWR, that I consider acceptable, however.

Wes  N7WS

On 11/18/2018 8:55 AM, F Z_Bruce wrote:
> That sounds about right. As you put a good ground system under it, that 
value will come down, and the efficiency will come up.

> Many add extra antenna wire that pushes the current up the wire, this 
also raises  the impedance, hopefully to near 50 ohms with the right 
> A capacitor (variable, then fixed) in series at the feed point can 
cancel the added inductance.

> 73
> Bruce-k1fz
> On Sun, 18 Nov 2018 10:41:36 -0500, WW3S wrote:
> What should the Z be for a 1/4 wave inv l, with the radials attached to 
a radial plate? Mine seems to be 60 ohms or so

> Sent from my iPad
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Re: Topband: Impedance of inv l?

2018-11-18 Thread Jamie WW3S
well, I THOUGHT I had a good ground.16 radials I think, 1/4 I 
thought I'd see around 30-35 ohms impedance.not sure what to think 
now.I was going to get either a balun and unun at the feed point, was going 
be someone else's statement that there inv l was around 22 ohms, glad I 
measured mine before I ordered one 

- Original Message -

From: "F Z_Bruce"  
To:, "Topband"  
Sent: Sunday, November 18, 2018 10:55:47 AM 
Subject: Re: Topband: Impedance of inv l? 

That sounds about right. As you put a good ground system under it, that value 
will come down, and the efficiency will come up. 

Many add extra antenna wire that pushes the current up the wire, this also 
raises the impedance, hopefully to near 50 ohms with the right length. 
A capacitor (variable, then fixed) in series at the feed point can cancel the 
added inductance. 


On Sun, 18 Nov 2018 10:41:36 -0500, WW3S wrote: 

What should the Z be for a 1/4 wave inv l, with the radials attached to a 
radial plate? Mine seems to be 60 ohms or so 

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Topband: Impedance of inv l?

2018-11-18 Thread WW3S
What should the Z be for a 1/4 wave inv l, with the radials attached to a 
radial plate? Mine seems to be 60 ohms or so

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Re: Topband: ARRL DXCC - 160 Meters

2018-11-17 Thread WW3S
He could upload under a previous call

Sent from my iPad

> On Nov 17, 2018, at 8:37 AM, Clive GM3POI  wrote:
> There have been no uploads for OK1YQ therefore it all has to be cards. 73
> Clive GM3POI
> -Original Message-
> From: Topband [] On Behalf Of
> Sent: 17 November 2018 13:29
> To:; 'topband'
> Subject: Re: Topband: ARRL DXCC - 160 Meters
> Hi Joel
> I have the same impression as Bill mentioned. 160m paper QSL requires a card
> checker, however LOTW confirmation does not have the same process, no QSO or
> QSL check at all. We've seen 160m " QSO's"  on Club Log  and subsequent
> confirmation on LOTW on plain day light.
> 73's
> JC
> N4IS
> -Original Message-
> From: Topband  On Behalf Of
> Sent: Saturday, November 17, 2018 8:12 AM
> To: topband 
> Subject: Re: Topband: ARRL DXCC - 160 Meters
> Folks - I'm not exactly understanding the LoTW comments on this thread. 
> If it is referring to the LoTW screen shot totals listed by OK1RD on his
> website then that is the combined totals in his DXCC record, not the totals
> confirmed solely via LoTW so a "hack" has not necessarily occurred.
> Regardless, there is convincing evidence some bogus QSL cards were reviewed
> and accepted by a DXCC card checker somewhere and then entered into his DXCC
> record!
> 73 Joel W5ZN
> On 2018-11-17 05:29, Bill Tippett wrote:
 Doesn't say much for the DXCC checking process either.  73 Clive 
>> Guys this was probably done by OK1RD to embarrass ARRL/DXCC, in 
>> retaliation
>> for ARRL (correctly) removing his bogus listing over 10 years ago.  He
>> probably found a way to hack LOTW and no human monitored the result.  
>> I'm
>> sure they will correct the listing but it does raise some serious 
>> issues
>> about the security of their system.
>> 73,  Bill  W4ZV
>> _
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Re: Topband: ARRL DXCC - 160 Meters

2018-11-16 Thread WW3S
Call sign not found in qrz.maybe a silent key?

Sent from my iPad

> On Nov 16, 2018, at 6:28 PM, wrote:
> Hi J.C.,
> I have not worked this station on 160 meters or on 2 meter EME (or on any 
> band).
> 73 Joel W5ZN
>> On 2018-11-16 13:32, wrote:
>> I never heard him on any band but he must be very active on EME
>> ARRL DXCC - 2 Meters -151 OK1YQ
>> 73's JC
>> N4IS
>> -Original Message-
>> From: Topband  On Behalf Of uy0zg
>> Sent: Friday, November 16, 2018 1:41 PM
>> To:
>> Subject: Topband: ARRL DXCC - 160 Meters
>> ARRL DXCC - 160 Meters -339 OK1YQ .
>> Who is it ??
>> uto,-12,848
> _
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Re: Topband: 40m array as RX antenna

2018-11-14 Thread WW3S
I have 2x6 switch at the tower, that the inv l feeds thru, choosing a different 
antenna makes no difference in the noise level, but I suspect there is more to 
detuning it than just disconnecting it.

Sent from my iPad

> On Nov 14, 2018, at 4:00 PM,   wrote:
> If you want your vertical RX array to work, it is necessary to detune your
> TX antenna, and any other vertical structure above 1/8 wave high, even it is
> 300 ft away. 160m one wave length is 480ft long, don't full yourself.
> -Original Message-----
> From: Topband  On Behalf Of Jamie WW3S
> Sent: Wednesday, November 14, 2018 2:10 PM
> To: topband 
> Subject: Topband: 40m array as RX antenna
> I'm plagued with local noise, I live in a sub division, and have a small
> loet (80x180), 2 yrs ago, I tried a reversible EWE and had pretty good
> sucess with it, last year I tried a HI-Z 3L, and wasnt really any better
> than the EWE. I put the EWE up again this season, and its so-so, but have
> discovered that my 2 ele 40m phased verticals work great as a RC
> antenna.there is literraly no noise on this.signal are weak, but as
> this noise is S0, I can hear just about everything (OK I couldnt hear the FR
> last night but I heard a bunch of EU calling him)..wondering why the
> noise is so lowoh this array compared to my other antennas, and if thats a
> clue as to what may be wrong (if anything) with the 160 inv l
> is S9 noise level, and my EWE is about S3. 
> _
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Topband: 40m array as RX antenna

2018-11-14 Thread Jamie WW3S
I'm plagued with local noise, I live in a sub division, and have a small loet 
(80x180), 2 yrs ago, I tried a reversible EWE and had pretty good sucess with 
it, last year I tried a HI-Z 3L, and wasnt really any better than the EWE. I 
put the EWE up again this season, and its so-so, but have discovered that my 2 
ele 40m phased verticals work great as a RC antenna.there is literraly no 
noise on this.signal are weak, but as this noise is S0, I can hear just 
about everything (OK I couldnt hear the FR last night but I heard a bunch of EU 
calling him)..wondering why the noise is so lowoh this array compared to my 
other antennas, and if thats a clue as to what may be wrong (if anything) with 
the 160 inv l is S9 noise level, and my EWE is about S3. 
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Topband: Anyone using a slinky RX antenna?

2018-11-12 Thread WW3S
Forgot I had some older, large diameter slinky’s, anyone using them for an 
receive antenna ?

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Re: Topband: making a bev seem longer

2018-08-06 Thread WW3S
I put a 3 ele hi z array up last fall, and it's not worth a tinkers damat 
least to me.may be some local noiseit certainly has directivity, at 
least on the bcb, so so on 80, but on 160, which was my primary interest, never 
worked well, never better than my reversible ewe, which is probably going back 
up this fall

Sent from my iPad

> On Aug 6, 2018, at 6:20 PM, Tim Childers K9CQ  wrote:
> I have been using the Hi-Z 3 element at 50 foot spacing that Lee designed. I 
> can tell you that the results for me were amazing and it gives you 6 
> directions.  It works quite well on 40, 80 and 160.  You can also find them 
> at DX Engineering.
> Tim, K9CQ
> -Original Message- From:
> Sent: Monday, August 6, 2018 4:32 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: Topband: making a bev seem longer
> First let me apologize if you get this e-mail twice as I have been having
> problems with
> Hi JC,
>  Not all vertical arrays are mono band. A well built 4-square on a 60 foot
> per side can do a stellar job on 160, 80, and 40 meters while extending well
> down into the broadcast band. The 3 element as well as the 4-square based 8
> element on an 85 foot diameter circle will do the same thing.
> Lee   K7TJR
> ---
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Re: Topband: FT8 Tonight

2018-07-19 Thread WW3S
If you are decoding them they are not "just listening".

Sent from my iPad

> On Jul 19, 2018, at 6:02 PM, CT1EKD  wrote:
> You can find  DH5CW/ DP0GVN Matthias  at the ON4KST chat, he as a modest 
> antenna for TX.
> Check with him, and ask him to reply to you. 
> Pedro - CT1EKD
> Citando W0MU Mike Fatchett :
>> Once again being decoded at DP0GVN  -15db.  No contact is it appear they are 
>> just listening.
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> _
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Re: Topband: Beverage selector switch via IP

2018-07-09 Thread WW3S
I think Green Heron has them

Sent from my iPad

> On Jul 9, 2018, at 7:22 PM, Herbert Schoenbohm  
> wrote:
> Looked all over for one of these so my Beverages could be selected remotely
> via an IP address.  Is there such a device marketed anywhere?
> Herb, KV4FZ
> _
> Topband Reflector Archives -

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Re: Topband: Straws in the Wind ....A 160m Dx'ing Sea Change is Upon us!

2018-03-30 Thread Jamie WW3S
actually happening as we speak ( or type)..Jupiter Research Foundation 
has an unmanned boat type drone searching the pacific for humpback whales, 
and the drone has a solar powered ham transceiver on board, passing out FT8 
contacts as it motors around the pacificlast I looked made a little over 
1100 qsos.from some pretty rare grid squares 

-Original Message- 
From: Anthony Scandurra

Sent: Friday, March 30, 2018 2:21 PM
Subject: Re: Topband: Straws in the Wind A 160m Dx'ing Sea Change is 
Upon us!

"Maybe someday there will be unmanned solar-powered stations on remote DX

This was actually proposed at the 2017 IDXC in Visalia by a well-known and
prolific DXpeditioner.  I was the only person in the room who stood up with
a dissenting opinion about it.  However, I did have several people come up
to me after the presentation was over to tell me they agreed with me.

Reducing the human element ruins the accomplishment, in my opinion.  I
think many others agree with that sentiment.

I am all for technological advancement, but, for instance, when SSB
supplanted AM, the human element was not reduced.

Digital mode proponents will say that there is still a human element to the
process (despite what some naysayers have proclaimed), and I agree.
However, the REDUCTION of the human element reduces the FUN part of it.
One can argue that you cannot copy RTTY without electronic means, either.
That does not fully compare with how the JT modes work. The JT modes, more
than any others, reduce the human's role in the QSO.  When was the last
time a mechanical RTTY machine responded back without it's human pushing
the green keys?

73, Tony K4QE

On Fri, Mar 30, 2018 at 1:51 PM, Brian Pease 

When 90% of band activity is taking place in ~1% of the available
bandwidth, it gets one's attention, doesn't it.
Personally, I have always considered DXpedition, and especially contest,
CW exchanges to be a bit silly, with nearly everyone getting a 5NN signal
report.  With today's technology I think eventually a computer will be
able  sort out a CW pileup nearly as well as a human, and do it 24/7 while
perhaps giving more accurate signal reports.  Maybe someday there will be
unmanned solar-powered stations on remote DX entities.  It is certainly
much easier than self-driving cars, which should be sorted out in a few

On 3/30/2018 1:02 PM, Ed Sawyer wrote:

My thoughts on FT8:

-  How is it actually a Q from our normal perspective?  The
Jeff made on the fact that 2 operators (on both sides of the circuit)
see evidence of each other for 20 minutes before the "computers" finally
made the connection - is proof that the operator is not making the QSO.

-  There is a floating robot in the Pacific making FT8 QSOs with
people right now - unattended.

-  3Z9DX has stated that they will leave an FT8 station going 

(which means unattended) on T31.

-  Are these what we want to count as QSOs?  What about in
- FT8 is already infiltrating VHF contests.  Should they be considered
contest Qs - while you sleep?

-  I agree with Jeff and others that for people that that 
topband a PTA to operate and/or are not CW operators - 160M looks like 

perfect place to drop a robot and go concentrate on something else.  But
isn't this a slippery slope?  What about 10M/12M since the sunspots are
Or 80M because the static crashes in the tropics are terrible - etc.
you know it the whole DXpedition is an FT8 robot while the "crew" is
lounging about the pool with the XYL/YLs.

-  If we continue to facilitate such nonsense, they we deserve
we get in my opinion.  If we decide that the band counter is so important
don't care how we have to get it, then its time to look in the mirror

-  On the other hand, maybe some people are happier with the
computer doing the heavy lifting of digging out the QSO.  Personally,
me out of that list.

Ed  N1UR

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Re: Topband: WKYW on 1810kc

2018-01-10 Thread Jamie WW3S
S9+ here in NW PA, just south of Lake Erieat least I can hear something 
with my 3L rx array

-Original Message- 
From: Lloyd - N9LB

Sent: Wednesday, January 10, 2018 6:06 PM
To: 'topband'
Subject: Re: Topband: WKYW on 1810kc

Yes, hearing them at my QTH on my SE Beverage, carrier running 15 to 25 dB
above my noise floor.

Lloyd - N9LB  near Madison, WI grid EN52HV

-Original Message-
From: Topband [] On Behalf Of Bill
Sent: Wednesday, January 10, 2018 5:00 PM
To: topband 
Subject: Topband: WKYW on 1810kc

Is anyone copying a AMBC stn around 1810kc. They are 30db over S9 here. The
sig was cutting in and out but for last few mins. has been on full time. Did
hear them mention '1490' and Frankfort KY. Web info comes back to WKYW.
Heard them yesterday as well.
Tnx de Bill K4JYS
Near Smithfield, NC
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Re: Topband: Bev-Flex 4 Beverage system

2017-04-13 Thread Jamie WW3S
I also bought one this yeardeployed it as an EWE, as that’s all the room 
I have, small lot in a order to work them you need to 
hear them, and once I put that up, I could hear !!! first put up as EU/VK-ZL 
and worked several in the DX contest, but when the african dxpedetions were 
on, moved it to due east/west., and worked all of them, S01, etc.front 
to back is remarkable on 160, it works ok on 80, (mine was 10ft high and 38 
ft long) but really rocks on 160 , and really cuts down the line 
noise/static I normally hear on my transmit Inv L

-Original Message- 
From: Charlie Young

Sent: Thursday, April 13, 2017 7:48 PM
To: Ned Mountain ;
Subject: Re: Topband: Bev-Flex 4 Beverage system

I deployed the JK Bevflex 4 for this winter Topband season.   First 
deployment was as a BOG, over a rock cliff. This particular location was not 
conducive to any BOG, so I changed the configuration to a beverage.   I was 
very pleased with the way the beverage configuration performed.  It was 
oriented NE/SW.   Although this initial configuration was short, just over 
300', the Bevflex 4 compared quite favorably with a conventional 600' NE 
oriented beverage.   These antennas were spaced far enough apart to phase 
through my DXE NCC=1 box, and the dual antennas worked quite well.

The front to back ratio was quite excellent on the Bevflex 4, much better 
than my last attempt at deploying a bi-directional beverage.  There was no 
detectable difference in the output level of the antenna in either 
direction.  The feature of being able to feed it at any point in the antenna 
is very convenient.

Next season I will deploy the Bevflex 4 in a different location E/W 
oriented, and it will be about 600' long.

Regarding the original question, beverage performance over down sloping 
terrain, I have had excellent results with beverages and BOGs running down 
slope. I agree with K3BU's assessment of the downslope effect.

73 Charlie N8RR

From: Topband  on behalf of Ned Mountain 

Sent: Thursday, April 13, 2017 6:35 PM
Subject: Topband: Bev-Flex 4 Beverage system

I have already received several e mails since my posting.  The data sheets
and specs are on the JK antenna website.  (

Here is a link to a video presentation I did some time back to one of the
local clubs regarding the system.


An Improved Beverage Antenna
Ned Mountain




Ned Mountain

770 823 4205 (M)

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Topband: pressure treated wood for RX ant supports?

2017-01-22 Thread Jamie WW3S
I was thinking of using 4x4 as a support for the vertical ends of an 
EWE.would the wood have any effect ?
Topband Reflector Archives -

Re: Topband: Stew

2016-03-13 Thread WW3S
whats does sending AH mean? 

> On 3/13/2016 9:23:07 AM, william radice ( wrote:
> >  Spent a total of 4 hours in the SP. Activity, at least from here in 
> east TN, was lower than previous. The logger got to the point where it 
> said "dupe, dupe, dupe"constantly.
> DX would just appear out of nowhere...Italy, Germany, Venezuela.
>   This morning I caught a VK6 working a K1 and tried to tail end. The 
> guy would not give up the Fx for a second to let me work the DX. I sent 
> AH, and he sent ?, I sent AH, and he sent ? Guess he didn't get it. I 
> was dialed up to 2kw at that moment so I know he heard me, but he was 
> not going to standby. The "gentleman's band" huh?
> _
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Re: Topband: The Remote question

2015-07-12 Thread WW3S
is there a length limit on microphone cords, or key cords? Because for several 
remote stations, thats what you are talking about.I’m currently in Leesburg 
VA, over 300 miles from home.but I still operated MY station on and off 
this weekend, with MY antennas, MY power supplies, MY technology and MY sweat 
equity in putting it all together.while I didnt work any 160, or any new 
DXCC entities, so what if I did? Its still my primary station location, with 
the same antennas I use everyday, and the same transceiver to generate and 
receive RFonly difference is my mic and headset cable is about 340 miles 
73, Jamie WW3S

> On 7/12/2015 8:56:26 PM, Hardy Landskov ( wrote:
> > Why don't we have the drivers of the Indy 500 operate their cars with
> joysticks in the stands or somewhere far, far away? Same thing as remote,
> right? This is not my radio
> My 2 cents.
> 73 Hardy N7RT
> -Original Message-
> From: Topband [] On Behalf Of Cecil
> Sent: Sunday, July 12, 2015 5:20 PM
> To: W0MU
> Cc:
> Subject: Re: Topband: The Remote question
> Well for one thing your $100,000 station doesn't magically appear anywhere
> in the country just by selecting a new location on the computer screen
> because where it's located at the moment ain't getting the job donebig
> difference!
> I don't have any problem with remote ham radio for general ham radio
> activities...want to get on the air and rag chew, operate to keep up with
> your buddies from the nursing home, run a net from your
> condo...great...knock yourself out...I don't think any one who takes issue
> with Remote Ham Radio and systems like it would have any problems with that
> use of it at all...
> I object as many do to bringing it into the competitive aspects of the hobby
> and expecting to compete against it with a traditional Amateur Station
> implementationand I have no issue with that if its use is
Topband Reflector Archives -

Re: Topband: Remote Radio operation

2015-01-30 Thread WW3S
if everything (radio, antenna) were in one location, but the op was somewhere 
else..I dont see the problem, just like a super long 10,000+ mile cord 
between the cw key and radio.its when the receiver is in EU and the TX in 
the Caribbean (or vice versa) that it becomes a “wrong”...either by the rules, 
ethics, moral, guidelines, whatever you chose to call it.

> On 1/30/2015 4:10:15 PM, Herbert Schoenbohm ( wrote:
> > Oddly enough I was working with the North Korean UN ambassador to get an 
> internet TX/RX package on the top floor off that 1500 foot hotel in 
> downtown Pyongyang with a radio sport "rental" for radio clubs all over 
> the world to participate in providing operators from their own country 
> who would never have to leave home.  It was going to be a small self 
> contained 20 meter 100 watt CW only package using Remote Rig and a Icom 
> 7100 with a short feedline to a 20 meter GP. It would have been setup to 
> be operated by clubs on a shared basis with whatever "rental" funds 
> accrued going to a radio club  in the PRNK. I thought it was a god idea 
> until the ambassador disappeared. Would there be any objection to an 
> operation like this even though the ops could be anywhere as long as the 
> complete station was in North Korea? In fact why is there such a big 
> deal on where physically the operator is situated?  The biggest obstacle 
> would have been getting a permit for the equipment and a call sign from 
> the government.
> Herb Schoenbohm, KV4FZ
> On 1/30/2015 4:41 PM, K1FZ-Bruce wrote:
> >
> > Could someone in the future, set up a internet controlled remote in an 
> > extremely rare country?
Topband Reflector Archives -

Re: Topband: Stew Perry - aftermath

2014-12-28 Thread WW3S
if you cant hear them, how would you ever know if they came back to you? 

> On 12/28/2014 7:43:16 PM, Ray Benny ( wrote:
> > Not True!
> Some stations wait around to listen for someone to will call them after a
> QSO. Believe me, calling blind does work at times...
> I wouldn't do it if there were other stations calling or if it would cause
> unnecessary QRM!
> Ray
> On Sun, Dec 28, 2014 at 5:32 PM, WW3S  wrote:
> > Calling blind ?!?!?! One of the first rules, if you cant hear ‘em, dont
> > call ‘em.
> >
> > > On 12/28/2014 7:25:25 PM, Ray Benny ( wrote:
> > > > Alex,
> > >
> > > I went to the freq that you were spotted but never heard you. I called
> > > blind several times, maybe you heard me, but nothing heard from you. Have
> > > heard and worked you previously with fair signals.
> > >
> > > Condx were very poor.
> > >
> > > Ray,
> > > N6VR
> > >
> > > On Sun, Dec 28, 2014 at 3:30 PM, Jim Brown 
> > > wrote:
> > >
> > > > On Sun,12/28/2014 1:48 PM, ALEXEY OGORODOV wrote:
> > > >
> > > >> On the bright side - first time ever in HC land, I heard DX signals
> > on TB
> > > >> 2 hours before my SS -
Topband Reflector Archives -

Re: Topband: Stew Perry - aftermath

2014-12-28 Thread WW3S
Calling blind ?!?!?! One of the first rules, if you cant hear ‘em, dont call 

> On 12/28/2014 7:25:25 PM, Ray Benny ( wrote:
> > Alex,
> I went to the freq that you were spotted but never heard you. I called
> blind several times, maybe you heard me, but nothing heard from you. Have
> heard and worked you previously with fair signals.
> Condx were very poor.
> Ray,
> N6VR
> On Sun, Dec 28, 2014 at 3:30 PM, Jim Brown 
> wrote:
> > On Sun,12/28/2014 1:48 PM, ALEXEY OGORODOV wrote:
> >
> >> On the bright side - first time ever in HC land, I heard DX signals on TB
> >> 2 hours before my SS - W2GD, NP2X, YV1DIG.
> >>
> >
> > Yes, but generally not workable for (at least) two reasons. First, they're
> > listening to EU. Second, we hear them here (CA) for the same reason you do
> > -- lower noise levels before the band opens more with darkenss. During
> > those hours I regularly hear big stations from the east coast but cannot
> > work them, even with 1.5kW and decent antennas.
> >
> > 73, Jim K9YC
> >
> > _
> > Topband Reflector Archives -
> >
> _
> Topband Reflector Archives -
> -
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Re: Topband: [TowerTalk] PL-2569's where to buy ?

2012-02-26 Thread WW3S
Can't beat RadioWare aka Radio Bookstore

On 2/26/2012 7:27:25 PM, wrote:
> On 2/26/2012 3:50 PM, wrote:
> > I usually get them at hamfests.  The best way to do it is by  group
> > purchase, several DXers, contesters or club buying a couple  of hundred
> will always
> > get the price down less than two  bucks.
> >
> > Bill K4XS/KH7XS
> >
> >
> >
> > Whats a good source for Amphenol PL-
> 259's ? I see DX Engineering has
> > PL-259's , but , it doesn't give the manufacturer.
> Call them and ask for a price on Amphenols.
> 73
> Roger (K8RI)
> >
> > TIA
> >
> > Dan  N8DCJ
> > ___
> > UR RST IS ... ...  ..9 QSB QSB - hw? BK
> > ___
> >
> >
> >
> > ___
> > TowerTalk mailing list
> >
> >
> ___
> ___
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Re: Topband: ICE Replacements

2011-10-17 Thread WW3S
when Jay and I talked at Dayton, he was just waiting for the dust to settle 
after Mike's passing to see what the new company was and wasn't going to 
doJay thought his group would pick up whatever the new group didn't, 
including the 419 bandpass filters

On 10/17/2011 4:27:07 PM, wrote:
> Jay, WXØB, of Array Solutions tells me that they are very close to
> introducing products to replace some of the ICE designs no longer
> available.
> The ICE 196 RF limiter and the 197 that adds a lightening
> arrestor, have been redesigned to use Mini-Circuits RF transformers that
> virtually eliminate the insertion losses that were present in the original
> design.
> ICE 302 and 303 coax surge arrestor redesigns should be available soon.
> And they're re-engineering the low cost bandpass filters, and BCB filters.
> Watch the Array Solutions website for details and availability.
> 73 - Steve WB6RSE
> ___
> UR RST IS ... ... ..9 QSB QSB - hw? BK
> -
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> Checked by AVG -
> Version: 2012.0.1831 / Virus Database: 2090/4557 - Release Date: 10/17/11

UR RST IS ... ... ..9 QSB QSB - hw? BK