[twitter-dev] Re: My oAuth / jQuery app stopped working

2010-03-02 Thread Patrick
Logic error in jQuery. My bad.

On Mar 2, 8:57 am, Patrick  wrote:
> The app I'm developing stopped working.  It stopped working first on
> Linux Firefox and Windows IE and FF - and then (one day later) it
> stopped working on my Nokia N97.  The base PHP works fine, but the
> ajax jQuery calls (which I see via Firebug) do not update with with
> tweets anymore.
> I changed the servicing URL fromhttp://twitter.comtohttp://api.twitter.com/1
> and then things started to break. Switched back tohttp://twitter.com
> and it started to work again, but then broke down again.
> It seems to be an oAuth issue, or my IP or app was temporarily banned
> somehow, or maybe I need to set the user agent?  Now it doesn't even
> work on localhost (but did until recently).  I have backups, and they
> don't work either.
> My app is here:http://tweetaloha.com/php/tweetpk/index.php
> As a simple client, it can be used for blog sites for a dedicated
> display of featured tweets; and I want to add formal logon and many
> other user features very soon.
> Please let me know if you need any further input or code.

[twitter-dev] Suddenly can't authenticate via 3rd party apps

2010-03-02 Thread TJ Luoma
Is something weird going on with the API this morning?

Tweetie 2 on the iPhone & Tweetie on the Mac both said they "couldn't
authenticate" me.

I logged into the website with the same username/password that I've been using.

But I still can't authenticate via the commandline either:

$ curl --location --referer ";auto" -D - -s --netrc
HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized
Date: Tue, 02 Mar 2010 14:08:39 GMT
Server: hi
Status: 401 Unauthorized
WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm="Twitter API"
X-Runtime: 0.00163
Content-Type: application/xml; charset=utf-8
Content-Length: 154
Cache-Control: no-cache, max-age=1800
Set-Cookie: guest_id=1267538919429; path=/
domain=.twitter.com; path=/
Expires: Tue, 02 Mar 2010 14:38:39 GMT
Vary: Accept-Encoding
Connection: close

  Could not authenticate you.

[twitter-dev] Cassandra vs. other "non-SQL" databases - what were the decision factors?

2010-03-02 Thread M. Edward (Ed) Borasky
I don't know if I've seen this anywhere on the web - my apologies if
you've posted something, or if this is something you don't want to
disclose. I see that Twitter has gone with Cassandra as a "non-SQL"
database, and I'm wondering if there are any blog posts on the
decision process - why was Cassandra chosen over, say CouchDB, MongoDB
or some of the other fairly well known persistence mechanisms? I
suspect I know the answer relative to a traditional RDBMS -
performance and scalability - but I see advocates for various open-
source databases of the non-SQL variety in friendly and sometimes not-
so-friendly competition and the "Cassandra advocates" don't seem to be
very vocal. So - why Cassandra?

Re: [twitter-dev] Cassandra vs. other "non-SQL" databases - what were the decision factors?

2010-03-02 Thread Raffi Krikorian
On Tue, Mar 2, 2010 at 7:10 AM, M. Edward (Ed) Borasky wrote:

> I don't know if I've seen this anywhere on the web - my apologies if
> you've posted something, or if this is something you don't want to
> disclose. I see that Twitter has gone with Cassandra as a "non-SQL"
> database, and I'm wondering if there are any blog posts on the
> decision process - why was Cassandra chosen over, say CouchDB, MongoDB
> or some of the other fairly well known persistence mechanisms? I
> suspect I know the answer relative to a traditional RDBMS -
> performance and scalability - but I see advocates for various open-
> source databases of the non-SQL variety in friendly and sometimes not-
> so-friendly competition and the "Cassandra advocates" don't seem to be
> very vocal. So - why Cassandra?

Raffi Krikorian
Twitter Platform Team

Re: [twitter-dev] Cassandra vs. other "non-SQL" databases - what were the decision factors?

2010-03-02 Thread Raffi Krikorian
from @rk - our head of storage


I don't know if I've seen this anywhere on the web - my apologies if
>> you've posted something, or if this is something you don't want to
>> disclose. I see that Twitter has gone with Cassandra as a "non-SQL"
>> database, and I'm wondering if there are any blog posts on the
>> decision process - why was Cassandra chosen over, say CouchDB, MongoDB
>> or some of the other fairly well known persistence mechanisms? I
>> suspect I know the answer relative to a traditional RDBMS -
>> performance and scalability - but I see advocates for various open-
>> source databases of the non-SQL variety in friendly and sometimes not-
>> so-friendly competition and the "Cassandra advocates" don't seem to be
>> very vocal. So - why Cassandra?
> --
> Raffi Krikorian
> Twitter Platform Team
> http://twitter.com/raffi

Raffi Krikorian
Twitter Platform Team

[twitter-dev] Re: A PubSubHubbub hub for Twitter

2010-03-02 Thread Julien
Andrew, it's not so much about making a "simpler" API, but making it
standard : having the same API to get content from 6A blogs, Tumblr's
blogs, media sites, social networks... is much easier than
implementing one for each service out there.

After a small day of poll, here are some results :

Do you currently use the Twitter Streaming API?
Yes 18  53%
No  16  47%

Would you use a Twitter PubSubHubbub hub if it was available?
Yes 33  97%
No  1   3%

Have you already implemented PubSubHubbub?
Yes 24  71%
No  10  29%

Obviously, 34 is _not_ a big enough number that I think we have a
representative panel of respondant, but we also have "big" names in
here, (including some who have access in the firehose), which makes me
think that PubSubHubbub should be a viable option for Twitter.

If you read this, please take some take to respond :


Thanks all.



On Mar 1, 9:02 pm, Andrew Badera  wrote:
> But how much simpler does it need to be? The streaming API is dead
> simple. I implemented what seems to be a full client with delete,
> limit and backoff in parts of two working days. Honestly I think it
> took me longer to write a working PubSubHubbub subscriber client than
> it did a Twitter Streaming API client.
> It would be nice if the world was full of free data and universal
> standards, but if it ain't broke, and it's already invested in, why
> fix it?
> ∞ Andy Badera
> ∞ +1 518-641-1280 Google Voice
> ∞ This email is: [ ] bloggable [x] ask first [ ] private
> ∞ Google me:http://www.google.com/search?q=andrew%20badera
> On Mon, Mar 1, 2010 at 8:44 PM, Julien  wrote:
> > Ed,
> > On Mar 1, 5:23 pm, "M. Edward (Ed) Borasky"  wrote:
> >> In light of today's announcement, I'm not sure what the benefits of a
> >> "middleman" would be.
> >>http://blog.twitter.com/2010/03/enabling-rush-of-innovation.html
> >> Can you clarify
> >> a. How much it would cost me to get Twitter data from you via
> >> PubSubHubbub vs. getting the feeds directly from Twitter?
> > Free, obviously... as with the use of any hub we host!
> >> b. What benefits there are to acquiring Twitter data via PubSubHubbub
> >> over direct access?
> > Much simpler to deal with than a specific streaming Twitter API,
> > specifically if your app has already implemented the protocol for
> > Identica, Buzz, Tumblr, sixapart, posterous, google reader... it's all
> > about "standards".
> >> On Mar 1, 3:08 pm, Julien  wrote:
> >> > Ola!
> >> > I know this s some kind of recurring topic for this mailing list. I
> >> > know all the heat around it, but I think that Twitter's new strategy
> >> > concerning their firehose is a good occasion to push them to implement
> >> > the PubSubHubbub protocol.
> >> > Superfeedr makes RSS feeds realtime. We host hubs for several big
> >> > publishers, including Tumblr, Posterous, HuffingtonPost, Gawker and
> >> > several others.
> >> > We want to make one for Twitter. Help us assessing the need and
> >> > convince Twitter they need one (hosted by us or even them, if they'd
> >> > rather go down that route) :
> >> >http://bit.ly/hub4twitter
> >> > Any comment/suggestion is more than welcome.

[twitter-dev] OAuth authentication support "JSONP"?

2010-03-02 Thread firestoke

I am using pure javascript to do OAuth authentication flow. I already
successfully generate oauth_signature via HMAC-SHA1. And I send
request to Twitter Request Token URL (http://twitter.com/oauth/
request_token), it responses correct oauth_token & oauth_token_secret

But my question is, all authentication flow MUST be doing on a WEB
page, and I CAN'T using server side to send a http request to get a
request token. So, I must using AJAX call to achieve this purpose. But
AJAX request can't cross domain, so the only choice is using JSONP

Unfortunately, Twitter seems doesn't accept a CALLBACK parameter (e.g.
callback=jsonp1234) to pass the result string via calling passed
javascript function. Is that possible Twitter official support this
feature, please?

BTW, I am using jQuery v1.3.2 as my main develop framework library.
about "JSONP", please reference: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/JSON#JSONP

many thanks! :)


[twitter-dev] Re: Introduce yourself!

2010-03-02 Thread IanQuigley
Hi all

Ian Quigley - asp.net C# developer, working on an Open Source Twitter
web client http://www.twipler.com

Built on top of TweetSharp, it provides HTML templating allowing users
to change their layout and style completely. Being Open Source means
anybody can add functionality to the web client or use the code to
deploy their own instance, or build a new project.

@ianquigley, @twipler

Re: [twitter-dev] Re: Using multiple whitelisted IP's to fetch data of a single user without break

2010-03-02 Thread Rushikesh Bhanage
Hey Leo,

I am still finding solution, please let me know if you get this.


On Tue, Mar 2, 2010 at 5:35 AM, LeoAlmighty  wrote:

> I think you need to setup a proxy server and toggle the outgoing API
> calls across the multiple IPs. I'm trying to do the same thing right
> now but haven't figured out the specifics yet.
> If anyone has done this, would appreciate instructions.
> On Feb 11, 7:07 am, Rushikesh Bhanage  wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > We are building a twitter application which fetches lot of follower data
> of
> > particular user. Some users consume around 80,000 calls to complete the
> > task. So how can we use 4-5 whitelisted ip's to perform single task
> without
> > break. Is this possible? If so, how?
> > Eagerly looking for help from your side.
> >
> > Thank you.
> > Rushikesh!

[twitter-dev] Re: What would you have liked to have known when you started?

2010-03-02 Thread Berto
The OAuth option instead of beginning with Basic Auth.  Transitioning
from that was a little messy, but once things were up and running, it
was so much nicer than having to use Basic Auth.

On Feb 28, 4:11 pm, Abraham Williams <4bra...@gmail.com> wrote:
> What tip, trick, or tidbit of information do you wish you had known when you
> started working with the Twitter API?
> If I had known about the 3,200 status pagination limit I would have started
> archiving my timeline back then and have a personal searchable index of all
> my posts now.
> What about you?
> Abraham
> --
> Abraham Williams | Community Advocate |http://abrah.am
> TwitterOAuth |http://github.com/abraham/twitteroauth
> This email is: [ ] shareable [x] ask first [ ] private.

[twitter-dev] Re: OAuth implemented, but still not seeing the "from [App]" in tweets

2010-03-02 Thread Manu
My Bad, there was a bug in the way I was creating the base string for
signature after I get the access token. Fixed it and now it works

Thanks a lot, Abraham for your time.

On Feb 25, 11:18 am, Manu  wrote:
> I'll probably try one last time over the weekend and if still cant
> crack it, will send a mail with the details.
> Thanks,
> -Manu.
> On Feb 25, 2:41 am, Abraham Williams <4bra...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > If you are still having this issue and have double checked that the statuses
> > are actually getting posted with your consumer key then you should probably
> > email a...@twitter.com with as much detail as you can.
> > Abraham
> > On Sun, Feb 21, 2010 at 21:50, Manu  wrote:
> > > Hi Abraham,
> > >     Yes, it should be automatic according to twitter api
> > > documentation, but it is not in my case. :(
> > > I'm still trying to figure out if I'm missing something/doing
> > > something wrong. So I double checked now.
> > > 1. My Twitter test account's 'connections' settings page shows my app
> > > having read and write access.
> > > 2. My statuses/update function uses only my app's oAuth consumer key
> > > and the obtained access_token/secret values to update the status on
> > > the test account.
> > > 3. Using the above function, I'm able to post status to the above
> > > account. even tried giving a 'source=' param, but that resulted in
> > > "from web".
> > > One possible area to look at would be my app settings under
> > > twitter.com/apps. There, I haven't checked the "Use Twitter for login"
> > > option. Is this necessary to see the "from [MyApp]" under the source?
> > > Status updated using oAuth, but still showing "from API":
> > >http://twitter.com/gochebo/status/9436736272
> > > Thanks in Advance,
> > > -Manu.
> > > On Feb 22, 12:39 am, Abraham Williams <4bra...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > > > It should be automatic.
> > > > Abraham
> > > > On Sun, Feb 21, 2010 at 09:42, Manu  wrote:
> > > > > Hi All,
> > > > >       I've put together some javascript code for twitter's OAuth
> > > > > implementation, and gave read and write permissions to my app from a
> > > > > test account. After getting the access token and token secret, I tried
> > > > > posting a sample tweet signed as per OAuth, The message does get
> > > > > posted on the test account's timeline, but I'm still seeing "From API"
> > > > > under it and not "From [MyApp]". Is there a parameter I'm missing
> > > > > here? from the update url? Any help to get this resolved is highly
> > > > > appreciated.
> > > > > Thanks,
> > > > > -Manu.
> > > > --
> > > > Abraham Williams | Community Advocate |http://abrah.am
> > > > Project | Out Loud |http://outloud.labs.poseurtech.com
> > > > This email is: [ ] shareable [x] ask first [ ] private.
> > > > Sent from Seattle, WA, United States
> > --
> > Abraham Williams | Community Advocate |http://abrah.am
> > Project | Out Loud |http://outloud.labs.poseurtech.com
> > This email is: [ ] shareable [x] ask first [ ] private.
> > Sent from Seattle, WA, United States

Re: [twitter-dev] Re: xAuth

2010-03-02 Thread Isaiah Carew

Try passing in nil as the token.  The access token request should be similar to 
how you used to perform the request token request.

The best explanation (and they one that helped me) is from Steve Reynolds:  


On Mar 1, 2010, at 1:26 PM, Berto wrote:

> Hey Isaiah,
> What do you mean by "default token"?  I'm working on getting xAuth
> implemented, but I seem to get a 401 even though I received an email I
> was approved.  I've tried using a token I get from request_token
> (which from your reply, doesn't seem like I need to be doing) and not
> passing a token at all.
> On Feb 27, 1:45 pm, Isaiah Carew  wrote:
>> i did manage to get xauth working this morning thanks to @SteveReynolds.  
>> the big epiphany (Steve's, not mine) was that there is no token exchange at 
>> all.  in fact you don't even seem to need to acquire a request token ever.  
>> you simply jump directly to the auth token request and pass in your default 
>> token.
>> it seems to make sense to me now, it was just a leap that i didn't make on 
>> my own.
>> i just thought i'd post this in case anyone else out there is stuck too.
>> when it's a bit more cleaned up, i'll post my results to github.
>> isaiahhttp://twitter.com/isaiah
>> On Feb 27, 2010, at 9:37 AM, Aral Balkan wrote:
>>> Like a n00b, I didn't include the id of my app in my original support 
>>> request (I hadn't registered it since I wasn't using oAuth previously) and 
>>> so it looks like I've missed the initial boat :( Got a message back asking 
>>> for my app id so I registered Feathers and got back to the ticket but 
>>> apparently the Twitter helpdesk/zendesk is down (http://help.twitter.com) 
>>> so not sure if my ticket was updated.
>>> Would really appreciate it if anyone can look into the ticket (Ticket 
>>> #863920)
>>> Thanks :)
>>> Aral
>>> On Sat, Feb 27, 2010 at 6:47 AM, Isaiah Carew  wrote:
>>> So, I received the xAuth green light.  Yeah!!!
>>> Unfortunately, the email was not very detailed about which app was enabled 
>>> (I have 3).  (and for the record I was very detailed in my request about 
>>> which one I was requesting access for).

[twitter-dev] Re: Suddenly can't authenticate via 3rd party apps

2010-03-02 Thread TJ Luoma
I did some further investigating and discovered that

curl --location --referer ";auto" -D - -s --netrc

works fine but

curl --location --referer ";auto" -D - -s --netrc


(I still can't use Tweetie on the Mac or iPhone.)

Headers of each reproduced below:

$ curl --location --referer ";auto" -D - -s --netrc

HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized
Date: Tue, 02 Mar 2010 16:37:15 GMT
Server: hi
Status: 401 Unauthorized
WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm="Twitter API"
X-Runtime: 0.00307
Content-Type: application/xml; charset=utf-8
Content-Length: 154
Cache-Control: no-cache, max-age=1800
Set-Cookie: guest_id=1267547834998; path=/
domain=.twitter.com; path=/
Expires: Tue, 02 Mar 2010 17:07:13 GMT
Vary: Accept-Encoding
Connection: close

  Could not authenticate you.

$ curl --location --referer ";auto" -D - -s --netrc

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Date: Tue, 02 Mar 2010 16:37:04 GMT
Server: hi
Status: 200 OK
X-Transaction: 1267547824-13464-26726
ETag: "0a11cb52548d01603901042ed8792fa6"
Last-Modified: Tue, 02 Mar 2010 16:37:04 GMT
X-Runtime: 0.08553
Content-Type: application/xml; charset=utf-8
Content-Length: 2095
Pragma: no-cache
X-Revision: DEV
Expires: Tue, 31 Mar 1981 05:00:00 GMT
Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate, pre-check=0, post-check=0
Set-Cookie: guest_id=1267547824009; path=/
Set-Cookie: lang=en; path=/
domain=.twitter.com; path=/
Vary: Accept-Encoding
Connection: close

{I removed the rest since it seemed superfluous, but it gave me all
the right information}

Re: [twitter-dev] Developer Preview: upcoming geo features (a.k.a "A place is not just a latitude and a longitude - it has a name")

2010-03-02 Thread Raffi Krikorian
unclear, but we'll definitely message out to the list as we make more of our
datasets available.

On Mon, Mar 1, 2010 at 10:15 PM, M. Edward (Ed) Borasky

> Awesome! That is a big step forward! How soon do you think this will be
> rolled out to a couple of obvious places - Haiti and Chile? I've got a lot
> of friends in the disaster response and the mapping communities that are
> working hard to map places via mobiles, and there are as a result huge and
> free as in freedom databases you can access.
> --
> M. Edward (Ed) Borasky
> borasky-research.net/m-edward-ed-borasky/
> "A mathematician is a device for turning coffee into theorems." ~ Paul
> Erd?s
> Quoting Raffi Krikorian :
>  hi all.
>> i wanted to give you all a heads up on some big changes we're making to
>> our
>> geo-tagging API.  right now, you can post a status update along with a
>> latitude and longitude pair -- what we've jokingly referred to as
>> "geo-tweeting", is actually just a status update with a "where" in the
>> form
>> of a coordinate attached to it.  we're about to add a whole new layer of
>> context to that status update.
>> our goal is to provide a few more options to API developers (and the users
>> they are servicing) through this contextual information.  people, we find,
>> inherently want to talk about a "place".  a place, for a lot of people,
>> has
>> a name and is not a latitude and longitude pair.  (37.78215, -122.40060),
>> for example, doesn't mean a lot to a lot of people -- but, "San Francisco,
>> CA, USA" does.  we're also trying to help users who aren't comfortable
>> annotating their tweets with their exact coordinates, but, instead, are
>> really happy to say what city, or even neighborhood, they are in.
>>  annotating your place with a name does that too.
>> once our new additions to our geo infrastructure comes into place,
>> geo-tweets will get richer data.  for example, a status object may look
>> like
>> the following (abbreviated):
>> {
>>  "id":9505317221,
>>  ...
>>  "coordinates": {
>>"coordinates": [-122.40060, 37.78215]
>>  },
>>  "place": {
>>"country":"United States",
>>"full_name":"SoMa, San Francisco",
>>"bounding_box": {
>>  "type":"Polygon",
>>  "coordinates": [
>>  [ -122.42284884, 37.76893497 ],
>>  [ -122.3964, 37.76893497 ],
>>  [ -122.3964, 37.78752897 ],
>>  [ -122.42284884, 37.78752897 ]
>>  ]
>>  },
>>  ...
>>  "text":"Wherever you go, there you are."
>> }
>> here you'll see a new place attribute that gives the contextual location
>> of
>> the geo-tweet itself.  in these cases, you'll have rich, and
>> human-readable,
>> information about where this tweet has come from -- in this case, SoMa,
>> San
>> Francisco.  the geo object, for the time being, is still there, so you
>> don't
>> have to worry about backwards compatibility. it will soon be deprecated,
>> however and please plan for that.  we're also introducing a
>> coordinatesobject which has the added bonus that, when in JSON, it is
>> properly GeoJSON
>> encoded with the longitude before latitude.
>> to support this these changes we've added a few endpoints:
>> https://apiwiki.twitter.com/Twitter-REST-API-Method%3A-GET-geo-reverse_geocode
>> https://apiwiki.twitter.com/Twitter-REST-API-Method%3A-GET-geo-ID
>> you can call geo/reverse_geocode with a latitude and longitude, and it
>> will
>> return an array of places that you can use to annotate your tweet with.
>>  each place that is returned will have a unique ID that you can use, as
>> well
>> as a displayable name, and even a geographical bounding box that you can
>> use
>> for display on a map.  if you want more details, then hit the
>> geo/idendpoint where, if available, and if you're interested, you can
>> retrieve a
>> more detailed geometry for more accurate map drawing.  we've also updated
>> the statuses/update documentation (
>> https://apiwiki.twitter.com/Twitter-REST-API-Method%3A-statuses%C2%A0update
>> )
>> to indicate how to pass that place ID with your status update.
>> for this first pass, we're only going live with United States-centric
>> data,
>> but that will quickly be expanded geographically as we work out the kinks
>> in
>> our system.  there are definitely some nuances that i'm missing in this
>> e-mail, a few things are still in flux, but we're rapidly documenting this
>> on our wiki, and we hope to be going live with it quite soon.  as always,
>> if
>> you have any questions, just find us at @twitterapi, or drop us an e-mail.
>> --
>> Raffi Krikorian
>> Twitter Platform Team
>> http://twitter.com/raffi

Raffi Krikorian
Twitter Platform Team

[twitter-dev] Re: Developer Preview: upcoming geo features (a.k.a "A place is not just a latitude and a longitude - it has a name")

2010-03-02 Thread Raffi Krikorian
as a follow up to this, if you want to see a fully formed example in the
wild, then just grab http://twitter.com/statuses/show/9882866425.xml.

have fun!

On Mon, Mar 1, 2010 at 5:44 PM, Raffi Krikorian  wrote:

> hi all.
> i wanted to give you all a heads up on some big changes we're making to our
> geo-tagging API.  right now, you can post a status update along with a
> latitude and longitude pair -- what we've jokingly referred to as
> "geo-tweeting", is actually just a status update with a "where" in the form
> of a coordinate attached to it.  we're about to add a whole new layer of
> context to that status update.
> our goal is to provide a few more options to API developers (and the users
> they are servicing) through this contextual information.  people, we find,
> inherently want to talk about a "place".  a place, for a lot of people, has
> a name and is not a latitude and longitude pair.  (37.78215, -122.40060),
> for example, doesn't mean a lot to a lot of people -- but, "San Francisco,
> CA, USA" does.  we're also trying to help users who aren't comfortable
> annotating their tweets with their exact coordinates, but, instead, are
> really happy to say what city, or even neighborhood, they are in.
>  annotating your place with a name does that too.
> once our new additions to our geo infrastructure comes into place,
> geo-tweets will get richer data.  for example, a status object may look like
> the following (abbreviated):
> {
>   "id":9505317221,
>   ...
>   "coordinates": {
> "type":"Point",
> "coordinates": [-122.40060, 37.78215]
>   },
>   "place": {
> "country":"United States",
> "country_code":"US",
> "full_name":"SoMa, San Francisco",
> "name":"SoMa",
> "place_type":"neighborhood",
> "bounding_box": {
>   "type":"Polygon",
>   "coordinates": [
> [
>   [ -122.42284884, 37.76893497 ],
>   [ -122.3964, 37.76893497 ],
>   [ -122.3964, 37.78752897 ],
>   [ -122.42284884, 37.78752897 ]
> ]
>   ]
> },
> "id":"7695dd2ec2f86f2b",
> "url":"/1/geo/id/7695dd2ec2f86f2b.json"
>   },
>   ...
>   "text":"Wherever you go, there you are."
> }
> here you'll see a new place attribute that gives the contextual location
> of the geo-tweet itself.  in these cases, you'll have rich, and
> human-readable, information about where this tweet has come from -- in this
> case, SoMa, San Francisco.  the geo object, for the time being, is still
> there, so you don't have to worry about backwards compatibility. it will
> soon be deprecated, however and please plan for that.  we're also
> introducing a coordinates object which has the added bonus that, when in
> JSON, it is properly GeoJSON encoded with the longitude before latitude.
> to support this these changes we've added a few endpoints:
> https://apiwiki.twitter.com/Twitter-REST-API-Method%3A-GET-geo-reverse_geocode
> https://apiwiki.twitter.com/Twitter-REST-API-Method%3A-GET-geo-ID
> you can call geo/reverse_geocode with a latitude and longitude, and it
> will return an array of places that you can use to annotate your tweet with.
>  each place that is returned will have a unique ID that you can use, as well
> as a displayable name, and even a geographical bounding box that you can use
> for display on a map.  if you want more details, then hit the geo/idendpoint 
> where, if available, and if you're interested, you can retrieve a
> more detailed geometry for more accurate map drawing.  we've also updated
> the statuses/update documentation (
> https://apiwiki.twitter.com/Twitter-REST-API-Method%3A-statuses%C2%A0update)
> to indicate how to pass that place ID with your status update.
> for this first pass, we're only going live with United States-centric data,
> but that will quickly be expanded geographically as we work out the kinks in
> our system.  there are definitely some nuances that i'm missing in this
> e-mail, a few things are still in flux, but we're rapidly documenting this
> on our wiki, and we hope to be going live with it quite soon.  as always, if
> you have any questions, just find us at @twitterapi, or drop us an e-mail.
> --
> Raffi Krikorian
> Twitter Platform Team
> http://twitter.com/raffi

Raffi Krikorian
Twitter Platform Team

Re: [twitter-dev] Re: Developer Preview: upcoming geo features (a.k.a "A place is not just a latitude and a longitude - it has a name")

2010-03-02 Thread Raffi Krikorian
at day one, there won't be a WOEID ID match on this endpoint -- it is on our
list, however, and we will get to it.

On Tue, Mar 2, 2010 at 2:32 AM, Dominik Schwind  wrote:

> This is awesome!
> And please tell me you'll be using the WoeIDs for that.
> Dominik
> On Mar 2, 2:44 am, Raffi Krikorian  wrote:
> > hi all.
> >
> > i wanted to give you all a heads up on some big changes we're making to
> our
> > geo-tagging API.  right now, you can post a status update along with a
> > latitude and longitude pair -- what we've jokingly referred to as
> > "geo-tweeting", is actually just a status update with a "where" in the
> form
> > of a coordinate attached to it.  we're about to add a whole new layer of
> > context to that status update.
> >
> > our goal is to provide a few more options to API developers (and the
> users
> > they are servicing) through this contextual information.  people, we
> find,
> > inherently want to talk about a "place".  a place, for a lot of people,
> has
> > a name and is not a latitude and longitude pair.  (37.78215, -122.40060),
> > for example, doesn't mean a lot to a lot of people -- but, "San
> Francisco,
> > CA, USA" does.  we're also trying to help users who aren't comfortable
> > annotating their tweets with their exact coordinates, but, instead, are
> > really happy to say what city, or even neighborhood, they are in.
> >  annotating your place with a name does that too.
> >
> > once our new additions to our geo infrastructure comes into place,
> > geo-tweets will get richer data.  for example, a status object may look
> like
> > the following (abbreviated):
> >
> > {
> >   "id":9505317221,
> >   ...
> >   "coordinates": {
> > "type":"Point",
> > "coordinates": [-122.40060, 37.78215]
> >   },
> >   "place": {
> > "country":"United States",
> > "country_code":"US",
> > "full_name":"SoMa, San Francisco",
> > "name":"SoMa",
> > "place_type":"neighborhood",
> > "bounding_box": {
> >   "type":"Polygon",
> >   "coordinates": [
> > [
> >   [ -122.42284884, 37.76893497 ],
> >   [ -122.3964, 37.76893497 ],
> >   [ -122.3964, 37.78752897 ],
> >   [ -122.42284884, 37.78752897 ]
> > ]
> >   ]
> > },
> > "id":"7695dd2ec2f86f2b",
> > "url":"/1/geo/id/7695dd2ec2f86f2b.json"
> >   },
> >   ...
> >   "text":"Wherever you go, there you are."
> >
> > }
> >
> > here you'll see a new place attribute that gives the contextual location
> of
> > the geo-tweet itself.  in these cases, you'll have rich, and
> human-readable,
> > information about where this tweet has come from -- in this case, SoMa,
> San
> > Francisco.  the geo object, for the time being, is still there, so you
> don't
> > have to worry about backwards compatibility. it will soon be deprecated,
> > however and please plan for that.  we're also introducing a
> > coordinatesobject which has the added bonus that, when in JSON, it is
> > properly GeoJSON
> > encoded with the longitude before latitude.
> >
> > to support this these changes we've added a few endpoints:
> >
> >
> https://apiwiki.twitter.com/Twitter-REST-API-Method%3A-GET-geo-revers...https://apiwiki.twitter.com/Twitter-REST-API-Method%3A-GET-geo-ID
> >
> > you can call geo/reverse_geocode with a latitude and longitude, and it
> will
> > return an array of places that you can use to annotate your tweet with.
> >  each place that is returned will have a unique ID that you can use, as
> well
> > as a displayable name, and even a geographical bounding box that you can
> use
> > for display on a map.  if you want more details, then hit the
> > geo/idendpoint where, if available, and if you're interested, you can
> > retrieve a
> > more detailed geometry for more accurate map drawing.  we've also updated
> > the statuses/update documentation (
> https://apiwiki.twitter.com/Twitter-REST-API-Method%3A-statuses%C2%A0...)
> > to indicate how to pass that place ID with your status update.
> >
> > for this first pass, we're only going live with United States-centric
> data,
> > but that will quickly be expanded geographically as we work out the kinks
> in
> > our system.  there are definitely some nuances that i'm missing in this
> > e-mail, a few things are still in flux, but we're rapidly documenting
> this
> > on our wiki, and we hope to be going live with it quite soon.  as always,
> if
> > you have any questions, just find us at @twitterapi, or drop us an
> e-mail.
> >
> > --
> > Raffi Krikorian
> > Twitter Platform Teamhttp://twitter.com/raffi

Raffi Krikorian
Twitter Platform Team

Re: [twitter-dev] Re: Developer Preview: upcoming geo features (a.k.a "A place is not just a latitude and a longitude - it has a name")

2010-03-02 Thread Ed Costello
Calls to http://api.twitter.com/1/geo/id/7695dd2ec2f86f2b.xml return JSON,
while appending any other extension (.html, .raffi, etc) return a 1 byte 403
error (0x20).  Since XML isn't supported according to the wiki docs, maybe
return 403 for .xml as well?

-ed costello
@epc / +13474080372

Re: [twitter-dev] OAuth authentication support "JSONP"?

2010-03-02 Thread Harshad RJ
On Tue, Mar 2, 2010 at 2:04 PM, firestoke  wrote:

> Unfortunately, Twitter seems doesn't accept a CALLBACK parameter (e.g.
> callback=jsonp1234) to pass the result string via calling passed
> javascript function. Is that possible Twitter official support this
> feature, please?
As the developer of a web-based Twitter client, I can assure you that it
does accept the callback parameter. You need to sign it, however, with the
OAuth key. This means that you can't use the regular jQuery getJSON() helper
function. You will need to roll your own.

Harshad RJ

Re: [twitter-dev] Re: Developer Preview: upcoming geo features (a.k.a "A place is not just a latitude and a longitude - it has a name")

2010-03-02 Thread Raffi Krikorian
yup - thanks for catching that.  only JSON is supported, and we'll track
down why the others are returning anything.

On Tue, Mar 2, 2010 at 10:30 AM, Ed Costello  wrote:

> Calls to http://api.twitter.com/1/geo/id/7695dd2ec2f86f2b.xml return JSON,
> while appending any other extension (.html, .raffi, etc) return a 1 byte 403
> error (0x20).  Since XML isn't supported according to the wiki docs, maybe
> return 403 for .xml as well?
> --
> -ed costello
> @epc / +13474080372

Raffi Krikorian
Twitter Platform Team

[twitter-dev] OAuth Rate Limit Increase - Not seeing it

2010-03-02 Thread eclipsed4utoo
I thought that the OAuth Rate Limit went up to 350?  I am still
getting 150.

Here is the returned XML from my request to


I am using OAuth and using the new "version" of the REST API.  What
else do I need to do?

[twitter-dev] Re: question regarding API FAQ: reclaim inactive username

2010-03-02 Thread Anil Chawla
Hi Ryan & Raffi,
I hope this is a not a dead issue. I totally understand you have
higher priorities, but I am curious to know if the team has since
reviewed the process. Is registering a US trademark still the only
avenue we have for getting an unused/inactive username for our apps?
It is great if you still plan to review... I'm just wondering if we
should all keep holding our breath for a more reasonable option.

Thanks so much,

On Feb 11, 9:04 pm, Ryan Sarver  wrote:
> Aral,
> Thanks for the thorough follow up. First of all we definitely care and we
> try to show that as opposed to just saying it. The @username issue is a
> really sticky one for us for a number of reasons. With that being said, I'm
> going to meet with our team internally to review the process and see if we
> can come up with better answers to your questions and see if we can improve
> the process at all.
> We want to support our developers the best way we can so we're totally open
> to fixing the process if it's broken.
> Best, Ryan
> On Thu, Feb 11, 2010 at 1:38 PM, Aral Balkan  wrote:
> > Hi Ryan,
> > My greatest issue with all this is that you appear to have a form response.
> > Currently, you're just not handling account transfers at all. And that's the
> > same policy for general users (of which you have gazillions) and developers
> > (of which you have an order of magnitude or two less).
> > The account I am asking about has not tweeted since 2007.
> > It is not a request asking you to favor one person over another. It is a
> > request to favor a new Twitter application over an account that hasn't been
> > used in three years.
> > If a human being looked at it, the decision would be clear and would
> > probably take 1/10th the time to execute than all these emails have taken.
> > My suggestion: expire accounts that haven't been used in over 12 months and
> > don't have to deal with it.
> > If that's too harsh, at least handle *trademark* requests. My app's name
> > _is_ a trademark even if it isn't a _registered_ trademark. Forcing me to
> > register my trademark (can I register it in the UK, where I live, or do I
> > have to get a US registered trademark?) just adds more financial
> > responsibility on my shoulders.
> > I put in a trademark request as per the link Raffi gave but I haven't heard
> > anything back – not even an automated response saying you guys received the
> > email.
> > On the whole, I just feel unloved because I've put a lot of time and effort
> > into an app that I feel will make Twitter a bit more fun and I don't feel
> > that the request to have the Twitter account with my app's name – one that
> > hasn't been used in three years – is an unrealistic request to make.
> > Let's say my app is called Dodo. I'm just sad that I am going to launch
> > with the Twitter account @dodo or even @dodoapp – because both are taken and
> > unused - but that I'm going to launch with @dodo_app.
> > That you guys don't see this is a problem makes me think that you don't
> > care.
> > All the best,
> > Aral
> > On Thu, Feb 11, 2010 at 8:24 PM, Ryan Sarver  wrote:
> >> Aral,
> >> I'm not sure where you get the idea that we don't care about developers
> >> and that humans aren't involved in the process. Raffi and the rest of the
> >> platform team actively respond to emails from developers at all hours of 
> >> the
> >> day on both weekdays and weekends.
> >> As for the issue of handing over @usernames we need to have a rational and
> >> scalable approach to doing so. We can't just hand it out to one person
> >> because we like them more than another user. So if there is a dispute over 
> >> a
> >> username we need to follow a standard procedure. We obviously love our
> >> developers and work really hard to support them in all the ways that we 
> >> can,
> >> but there needs to be some process that works across the board. If you have
> >> a constructive suggestion on how that can be done other than just badgering
> >> the people trying to help you, then by all means work with us on it and we
> >> are totally open to coming up with a better solution. But to date, this is
> >> the best solution we have that scales to the number and complexity of the
> >> requests that we receive.
> >> I've always stated that we are open to criticism and feedback on how we
> >> can improve, but we ask that it be done constructively.
> >> Ryan
> >> On Thu, Feb 11, 2010 at 7:45 AM, Aral Balkan wrote:
> >>> Ah, so Twitter wants to see a *registered* trademark number?
> >>> (As an aside: why do you hate your developers, Twitter?) :)
> >>> The thing is, a trademark does not _have to be_ registered to be a
> >>> trademark. Products get trademark protection automatically.
> >>> I guess if I don't hear back, I'll have the IP law firm I use to write a
> >>> letter first. Cheaper than getting a registered trademark.
> >>> Of course, the best thing would be for a _human being_ at Twitter to say:
> >>

Re: [twitter-dev] Developer Preview: upcoming geo features (a.k.a "A place is not just a latitude and a longitude - it has a name")

2010-03-02 Thread M. Edward (Ed) Borasky
I can put out a call on the "CrisisMapper" and other lists I'm on if  
Twitter needs help getting such databases - I just got into this game  
in mid-January and don't know what all is available.

M. Edward (Ed) Borasky

"A mathematician is a device for turning coffee into theorems." ~ Paul Erd?s

Quoting Raffi Krikorian :

unclear, but we'll definitely message out to the list as we make more of our
datasets available.

On Mon, Mar 1, 2010 at 10:15 PM, M. Edward (Ed) Borasky

Awesome! That is a big step forward! How soon do you think this will be
rolled out to a couple of obvious places - Haiti and Chile? I've got a lot
of friends in the disaster response and the mapping communities that are
working hard to map places via mobiles, and there are as a result huge and
free as in freedom databases you can access.
M. Edward (Ed) Borasky

"A mathematician is a device for turning coffee into theorems." ~ Paul

Quoting Raffi Krikorian :

 hi all.

i wanted to give you all a heads up on some big changes we're making to
geo-tagging API.  right now, you can post a status update along with a
latitude and longitude pair -- what we've jokingly referred to as
"geo-tweeting", is actually just a status update with a "where" in the
of a coordinate attached to it.  we're about to add a whole new layer of
context to that status update.

our goal is to provide a few more options to API developers (and the users
they are servicing) through this contextual information.  people, we find,
inherently want to talk about a "place".  a place, for a lot of people,
a name and is not a latitude and longitude pair.  (37.78215, -122.40060),
for example, doesn't mean a lot to a lot of people -- but, "San Francisco,
CA, USA" does.  we're also trying to help users who aren't comfortable
annotating their tweets with their exact coordinates, but, instead, are
really happy to say what city, or even neighborhood, they are in.
 annotating your place with a name does that too.

once our new additions to our geo infrastructure comes into place,
geo-tweets will get richer data.  for example, a status object may look
the following (abbreviated):

 "coordinates": {
   "coordinates": [-122.40060, 37.78215]
 "place": {
   "country":"United States",
   "full_name":"SoMa, San Francisco",
   "bounding_box": {
 "coordinates": [
 [ -122.42284884, 37.76893497 ],
 [ -122.3964, 37.76893497 ],
 [ -122.3964, 37.78752897 ],
 [ -122.42284884, 37.78752897 ]
 "text":"Wherever you go, there you are."

here you'll see a new place attribute that gives the contextual location
the geo-tweet itself.  in these cases, you'll have rich, and
information about where this tweet has come from -- in this case, SoMa,
Francisco.  the geo object, for the time being, is still there, so you
have to worry about backwards compatibility. it will soon be deprecated,
however and please plan for that.  we're also introducing a
coordinatesobject which has the added bonus that, when in JSON, it is

properly GeoJSON
encoded with the longitude before latitude.

to support this these changes we've added a few endpoints:


you can call geo/reverse_geocode with a latitude and longitude, and it
return an array of places that you can use to annotate your tweet with.
 each place that is returned will have a unique ID that you can use, as
as a displayable name, and even a geographical bounding box that you can
for display on a map.  if you want more details, then hit the
geo/idendpoint where, if available, and if you're interested, you can

retrieve a
more detailed geometry for more accurate map drawing.  we've also updated
the statuses/update documentation (

to indicate how to pass that place ID with your status update.

for this first pass, we're only going live with United States-centric
but that will quickly be expanded geographically as we work out the kinks
our system.  there are definitely some nuances that i'm missing in this
e-mail, a few things are still in flux, but we're rapidly documenting this
on our wiki, and we hope to be going live with it quite soon.  as always,
you have any questions, just find us at @twitterapi, or drop us an e-mail.

Raffi Krikorian
Twitter Platform Team

Raffi Krikorian
Twitter Platform Team

[twitter-dev] forcing api.twitter.com resources - tomorrow

2010-03-02 Thread Raffi Krikorian
hi all.

tomorrow we're going to put an operational change in place that will force
all traffic that is addressed to http://api.twitter.com to go to instances
that are specifically serving api.twitter.com code.  what does this mean for
you?  if you're only using documented api.twitter.com methods (and not
calling any undocumented methods that have been designed to support
twitter.com), then this means absolutely nothing to you :P

just giving a heads up - we'll be actively monitoring the list and we'll try
to be in IRC when it happens in case there are any hiccups.

Raffi Krikorian
Twitter Platform Team

[twitter-dev] Perl Net::Twitter - support for new geo location features

2010-03-02 Thread Marc Mims
In response the announcement of new upcoming geo features [1], I've
released a new verison of Perl Net::Twitter two new methods:

- reverse_geocode
- geo_id

The "update" method has been updated to include new parameters:

- place_id
- display_coordinates

The new version will be available soon at CPAN mirror near you. [2]




[2] http://search.cpan.org/~mmims/Net-Twitter-3.11008/

Re: [twitter-dev] forcing api.twitter.com resources - tomorrow

2010-03-02 Thread Ryan Alford
Does OAuth go to the api.twitter.com?  The API documentation still has the 4
OAuth methods going to twitter.com.






On Tue, Mar 2, 2010 at 3:31 PM, Raffi Krikorian  wrote:

> hi all.
> tomorrow we're going to put an operational change in place that will force
> all traffic that is addressed to http://api.twitter.com to go to instances
> that are specifically serving api.twitter.com code.  what does this mean
> for you?  if you're only using documented api.twitter.com methods (and not
> calling any undocumented methods that have been designed to support
> twitter.com), then this means absolutely nothing to you :P
> just giving a heads up - we'll be actively monitoring the list and we'll
> try to be in IRC when it happens in case there are any hiccups.
> --
> Raffi Krikorian
> Twitter Platform Team
> http://twitter.com/raffi

[twitter-dev] Search API rate limit & IP address question

2010-03-02 Thread eys
Hello there! I have two questions:

First, I received an approval for whitelisting for my server's IP
address (as in, the IP number that I see when I log onto my webhosting
account). I'm currently building my application in Flash using AS3 and
after I've tested my project a few times, I'll get this error:

"Error #2032: Stream Error...[my search request]"

I assume this is rate limiting in action? I read on this discussion
board that whitelisting doesn't affect Search API. Does this mean I
will always be limited to some arbitrary (unpublished) search limit?

Then, I noticed the IP address used for the GET request is the IP
address of the computer I'm using, NOT the IP address of my web
server. How is this happening even though I'm using a proxy installed
on my web server? Shouldn't the call be made from the server, not the

Thank you. I'm pretty new at developing applications, so any help or
advice is greatly appreciated!

[twitter-dev] Re: xAuth

2010-03-02 Thread Berto
At first I thought this might be because HttpURLConnection wasn't
handling SSL, but then I switched over to HttpPost (this code is in
Java) which I know will handle SSL and I'm still getting a 401.  I'm
doing everything the same as with oauth, except passing the request
token (I'm not even getting a request token any more) and I'm passing
the x_auth_* parameters as regular parameters in the POST body.  The
three x_auth_* parameters are my only parameters and the normal OAuth
header is in the "Authorization" field.  I'm POSTing to the new access
URL as specified in the xAuth docs with no success .

Thoughts anyone?  I feel like such a noob asking for so much help with
oAuth/xAuth :\.

On Mar 2, 9:43 am, Isaiah Carew  wrote:
> Try passing in nil as the token.  The access token request should be similar 
> to how you used to perform the request token request.
> The best explanation (and they one that helped me) is from Steve Reynolds:  
> http://ke-we.net/7u
> isaiahhttp://twitter.com/isaiah
> On Mar 1, 2010, at 1:26 PM, Berto wrote:
> > Hey Isaiah,
> > What do you mean by "default token"?  I'm working on getting xAuth
> > implemented, but I seem to get a 401 even though I received an email I
> > was approved.  I've tried using a token I get from request_token
> > (which from your reply, doesn't seem like I need to be doing) and not
> > passing a token at all.
> > On Feb 27, 1:45 pm, Isaiah Carew  wrote:
> >> i did manage to get xauth working this morning thanks to @SteveReynolds.  
> >> the big epiphany (Steve's, not mine) was that there is no token exchange 
> >> at all.  in fact you don't even seem to need to acquire a request token 
> >> ever.  you simply jump directly to the auth token request and pass in your 
> >> default token.
> >> it seems to make sense to me now, it was just a leap that i didn't make on 
> >> my own.
> >> i just thought i'd post this in case anyone else out there is stuck too.
> >> when it's a bit more cleaned up, i'll post my results to github.
> >> isaiahhttp://twitter.com/isaiah
> >> On Feb 27, 2010, at 9:37 AM, Aral Balkan wrote:
> >>> Like a n00b, I didn't include the id of my app in my original support 
> >>> request (I hadn't registered it since I wasn't using oAuth previously) 
> >>> and so it looks like I've missed the initial boat :( Got a message back 
> >>> asking for my app id so I registered Feathers and got back to the ticket 
> >>> but apparently the Twitter helpdesk/zendesk is down 
> >>> (http://help.twitter.com) so not sure if my ticket was updated.
> >>> Would really appreciate it if anyone can look into the ticket (Ticket 
> >>> #863920)
> >>> Thanks :)
> >>> Aral
> >>> On Sat, Feb 27, 2010 at 6:47 AM, Isaiah Carew  wrote:
> >>> So, I received the xAuth green light.  Yeah!!!
> >>> Unfortunately, the email was not very detailed about which app was 
> >>> enabled (I have 3).  (and for the record I was very detailed in my 
> >>> request about which one I was requesting access for).
> >>> 

[twitter-dev] Need help with the streaming API syntax....specifically how to point to the track text file without using curl

2010-03-02 Thread Mad Euchre
This is the VB code I would use to start any http stream

request = DirectCast(WebRequest.Create("http://
stream.twitter.com/1/statuses/filter.json - name:pw"), HttpWebRequest)
request.Credentials = New NetworkCredential("name", "pw")
' Get response
response = DirectCast(request.GetResponse(),

' Get the response stream into a reader
reader = New StreamReader(response.GetResponseStream())

The streaming api documentation says to create a file called track.txt
and add text similar to this without the quotes.   "track=peter, paul,

Then use curl @track.txt http://stream.twitter.com/1/statuses/filter.json
- name:pw

I can't believe I have to shell out to DOS and run the curl command

My direct question is how do others incorportate the @track.txt in the
VB.Net web request?

Maybe something like this?

http://stream.twitter.com/1/statuses/filter.json - name:pw?


[twitter-dev] Re: forcing api.twitter.com resources - tomorrow

2010-03-02 Thread Dewald Pretorius

Can you please clarify how and/or if OAuth will be affected.

My OAuth token and authorize requests also go to twitter.com, not

On Mar 2, 4:35 pm, Ryan Alford  wrote:
> Does OAuth go to the api.twitter.com?  The API documentation still has the 4
> OAuth methods going to twitter.com.
> http://apiwiki.twitter.com/Twitter-REST-API-Method:-oauth-request_token
> http://apiwiki.twitter.com/Twitter-REST-API-Method:-oauth-authorize
> http://apiwiki.twitter.com/Twitter-REST-API-Method:-oauth-authenticate
> http://apiwiki.twitter.com/Twitter-REST-API-Method:-oauth-access_token
> Ryan
> On Tue, Mar 2, 2010 at 3:31 PM, Raffi Krikorian  wrote:
> > hi all.
> > tomorrow we're going to put an operational change in place that will force
> > all traffic that is addressed tohttp://api.twitter.comto go to instances
> > that are specifically serving api.twitter.com code.  what does this mean
> > for you?  if you're only using documented api.twitter.com methods (and not
> > calling any undocumented methods that have been designed to support
> > twitter.com), then this means absolutely nothing to you :P
> > just giving a heads up - we'll be actively monitoring the list and we'll
> > try to be in IRC when it happens in case there are any hiccups.
> > --
> > Raffi Krikorian
> > Twitter Platform Team
> >http://twitter.com/raffi

Re: [twitter-dev] Re: xAuth

2010-03-02 Thread Marc Mims
* Berto  [100302 13:28]:
> At first I thought this might be because HttpURLConnection wasn't
> handling SSL, but then I switched over to HttpPost (this code is in
> Java) which I know will handle SSL and I'm still getting a 401.  I'm
> doing everything the same as with oauth, except passing the request
> token (I'm not even getting a request token any more) and I'm passing
> the x_auth_* parameters as regular parameters in the POST body.  The
> three x_auth_* parameters are my only parameters and the normal OAuth
> header is in the "Authorization" field.  I'm POSTing to the new access
> URL as specified in the xAuth docs with no success .
> Thoughts anyone?  I feel like such a noob asking for so much help with
> oAuth/xAuth :\.

I have successfully implemented xAuth in the Perl Net::Twitter library.
Here's what a Net::Twitter generated xAuth request looks like:

User-Agent: Net::Twitter/3.11008 (Perl)
X-Twitter-Client: Perl Net::Twitter
X-Twitter-Client-URL: http://search.cpan.org/dist/Net-Twitter/
X-Twitter-Client-Version: 3.11008

For this example, I used:

   consumer_key= 'CONSUMER_KEY'
   consumer_secret = 'CONSUMER_SECRET'
   x_auth_username = 'fred'
   x_auth_secret   = 'secret'

Hope this helps.


Re: [twitter-dev] Re: forcing api.twitter.com resources - tomorrow

2010-03-02 Thread Raffi Krikorian
anything going to twitter.com (and not api.twitter.com), will stick with

On Tue, Mar 2, 2010 at 1:23 PM, Dewald Pretorius wrote:

> Raffi,
> Can you please clarify how and/or if OAuth will be affected.
> My OAuth token and authorize requests also go to twitter.com, not
> api.twitter.com.
> On Mar 2, 4:35 pm, Ryan Alford  wrote:
> > Does OAuth go to the api.twitter.com?  The API documentation still has
> the 4
> > OAuth methods going to twitter.com.
> >
> > http://apiwiki.twitter.com/Twitter-REST-API-Method:-oauth-request_token
> >  >http://apiwiki.twitter.com/Twitter-REST-API-Method:-oauth-authorize
> > 
> http://apiwiki.twitter.com/Twitter-REST-API-Method:-oauth-authenticate
> > 
> http://apiwiki.twitter.com/Twitter-REST-API-Method:-oauth-access_token
> >
> >  >Ryan
> >
> > On Tue, Mar 2, 2010 at 3:31 PM, Raffi Krikorian 
> wrote:
> > > hi all.
> >
> > > tomorrow we're going to put an operational change in place that will
> force
> > > all traffic that is addressed tohttp://api.twitter.comto go to
> instances
> > > that are specifically serving api.twitter.com code.  what does this
> mean
> > > for you?  if you're only using documented api.twitter.com methods (and
> not
> > > calling any undocumented methods that have been designed to support
> > > twitter.com), then this means absolutely nothing to you :P
> >
> > > just giving a heads up - we'll be actively monitoring the list and
> we'll
> > > try to be in IRC when it happens in case there are any hiccups.
> >
> > > --
> > > Raffi Krikorian
> > > Twitter Platform Team
> > >http://twitter.com/raffi

Raffi Krikorian
Twitter Platform Team

Re: [twitter-dev] Re: forcing api.twitter.com resources - tomorrow

2010-03-02 Thread Ryan Alford
So the OAuth methods have not been moved to api.twitter.com?  If not, then
what is going to happen when those OAuth requests go to twitter.com?  Are
they going to be blocked?


On Tue, Mar 2, 2010 at 5:03 PM, Raffi Krikorian  wrote:

> anything going to twitter.com (and not api.twitter.com), will stick with
> twitter.com.
> On Tue, Mar 2, 2010 at 1:23 PM, Dewald Pretorius 
> wrote:
>> Raffi,
>> Can you please clarify how and/or if OAuth will be affected.
>> My OAuth token and authorize requests also go to twitter.com, not
>> api.twitter.com.
>> On Mar 2, 4:35 pm, Ryan Alford  wrote:
>> > Does OAuth go to the api.twitter.com?  The API documentation still has
>> the 4
>> > OAuth methods going to twitter.com.
>> >
>> > http://apiwiki.twitter.com/Twitter-REST-API-Method:-oauth-request_token
>> > <
>> http://apiwiki.twitter.com/Twitter-REST-API-Method:-oauth-request_token>
>> http://apiwiki.twitter.com/Twitter-REST-API-Method:-oauth-authorize
>> > 
>> http://apiwiki.twitter.com/Twitter-REST-API-Method:-oauth-authenticate
>> > > >http://apiwiki.twitter.com/Twitter-REST-API-Method:-oauth-access_token
>> >
>> > > >Ryan
>> >
>> > On Tue, Mar 2, 2010 at 3:31 PM, Raffi Krikorian 
>> wrote:
>> > > hi all.
>> >
>> > > tomorrow we're going to put an operational change in place that will
>> force
>> > > all traffic that is addressed tohttp://api.twitter.comto go to
>> instances
>> > > that are specifically serving api.twitter.com code.  what does this
>> mean
>> > > for you?  if you're only using documented api.twitter.com methods
>> (and not
>> > > calling any undocumented methods that have been designed to support
>> > > twitter.com), then this means absolutely nothing to you :P
>> >
>> > > just giving a heads up - we'll be actively monitoring the list and
>> we'll
>> > > try to be in IRC when it happens in case there are any hiccups.
>> >
>> > > --
>> > > Raffi Krikorian
>> > > Twitter Platform Team
>> > >http://twitter.com/raffi
> --
> Raffi Krikorian
> Twitter Platform Team
> http://twitter.com/raffi

Re: [twitter-dev] Need help with the streaming API syntax....specifically how to point to the track text file without using curl

2010-03-02 Thread John Kalucki
The text file approach only applies to POST parameters set from the curl
command, and in no other case.

When creating an HTTP client from within a program, you should be able to
configure the POST parameters via method calls. If you can't, it's a pretty
worthless HTTP library. Each client library is different, check your docs.

-John Kalucki
Infrastructure, Twitter Inc.

On Tue, Mar 2, 2010 at 12:42 PM, Mad Euchre  wrote:

> This is the VB code I would use to start any http stream
>request = DirectCast(WebRequest.Create("http://
> stream.twitter.com/1/statuses/filter.json - name:pw"), HttpWebRequest)
>request.Credentials = New NetworkCredential("name", "pw")
>' Get response
>response = DirectCast(request.GetResponse(),
> HttpWebResponse)
>' Get the response stream into a reader
>reader = New StreamReader(response.GetResponseStream())
> The streaming api documentation says to create a file called track.txt
> and add text similar to this without the quotes.   "track=peter, paul,
> mary"
> Then use curl @track.txt http://stream.twitter.com/1/statuses/filter.json
> - name:pw
> I can't believe I have to shell out to DOS and run the curl command
> line.
> My direct question is how do others incorportate the @track.txt in the
> VB.Net web request?
> Maybe something like this?
> http://stream.twitter.com/1/statuses/filter.json - name:pw?
> track.txt
> Thanks

Re: [twitter-dev] Search API rate limit & IP address question

2010-03-02 Thread Charles A. Lopez
On 2 March 2010 14:05, eys  wrote:

> Hello there! I have two questions:
> First, I received an approval for whitelisting for my server's IP
> address (as in, the IP number that I see when I log onto my webhosting
> account). I'm currently building my application in Flash using AS3 and
> after I've tested my project a few times, I'll get this error:
> "Error #2032: Stream Error...[my search request]"
> I assume this is rate limiting in action?

If this were true then sometimes your request works and other times it
doesn't. Is that the case?

> I read on this discussion
> board that whitelisting doesn't affect Search API. Does this mean I
> will always be limited to some arbitrary (unpublished) search limit?
> Then, I noticed the IP address used for the GET request is the IP
> address of the computer I'm using, NOT the IP address of my web
> server. How is this happening even though I'm using a proxy installed
> on my web server? Shouldn't the call be made from the server, not the
> computer?
There are multiple requests happening here. I assume the following, which
may or may not be correct:

- From your browser you call your app
- Your app runs some call through the twitter API
- Twitter servers process the call and send it back to your app
- Your app returns processed code back to your browser

>From the above processes your IP address is passed through by the Twitter
API to the twitter service.

I'd suggest try running your request from a completely different network and
see what happens.

> Thank you. I'm pretty new at developing applications, so any help or
> advice is greatly appreciated!

Charles A. Lopez

What's your vision for your organization?
What's your biggest challenge?

Let's talk.
(IBM Partner)

[twitter-dev] Re: forcing api.twitter.com resources - tomorrow

2010-03-02 Thread Dewald Pretorius

There appears to be ground for confusion here. I'm sure some folks are
still sending some API calls to twitter.com.

Could you please put up a page that explains which calls *must* go to
api.twitter.com, and after tomorrow won't work on twitter.com? And
vice versa, which calls must go to twitter.com, and won't work on

On Mar 2, 6:03 pm, Raffi Krikorian  wrote:
> anything going to twitter.com (and not api.twitter.com), will stick with
> twitter.com.
> On Tue, Mar 2, 2010 at 1:23 PM, Dewald Pretorius 
> wrote:
> > Raffi,
> > Can you please clarify how and/or if OAuth will be affected.
> > My OAuth token and authorize requests also go to twitter.com, not
> > api.twitter.com.
> > On Mar 2, 4:35 pm, Ryan Alford  wrote:
> > > Does OAuth go to the api.twitter.com?  The API documentation still has
> > the 4
> > > OAuth methods going to twitter.com.
> > >http://apiwiki.twitter.com/Twitter-REST-API-Method:-oauth-request_token
> > >  > >http://apiwiki.twitter.com/Twitter-REST-API-Method:-oauth-authorize
> > > 
> >http://apiwiki.twitter.com/Twitter-REST-API-Method:-oauth-authenticate
> > > 
> >http://apiwiki.twitter.com/Twitter-REST-API-Method:-oauth-access_token
> > >  > >Ryan
> > > On Tue, Mar 2, 2010 at 3:31 PM, Raffi Krikorian 
> > wrote:
> > > > hi all.
> > > > tomorrow we're going to put an operational change in place that will
> > force
> > > > all traffic that is addressed tohttp://api.twitter.comtogo to
> > instances
> > > > that are specifically serving api.twitter.com code.  what does this
> > mean
> > > > for you?  if you're only using documented api.twitter.com methods (and
> > not
> > > > calling any undocumented methods that have been designed to support
> > > > twitter.com), then this means absolutely nothing to you :P
> > > > just giving a heads up - we'll be actively monitoring the list and
> > we'll
> > > > try to be in IRC when it happens in case there are any hiccups.
> > > > --
> > > > Raffi Krikorian
> > > > Twitter Platform Team
> > > >http://twitter.com/raffi
> --
> Raffi Krikorian
> Twitter Platform Teamhttp://twitter.com/raffi

[twitter-dev] Re: Introduce yourself!

2010-03-02 Thread jmathai
Author of twitter-async which is a PHP library (oauth / basic) that
supports asynchronous calls to Twitter's API.

Also, founder of PubliciTweet but have since sold that.

twitter-async: http://github.com/jmathai/twitter-async

Re: [twitter-dev] Re: forcing api.twitter.com resources - tomorrow

2010-03-02 Thread Brian Smith

Dewald Pretorius wrote:


There appears to be ground for confusion here. I'm sure some folks are
still sending some API calls to twitter.com.

Could you please put up a page that explains which calls *must* go to
api.twitter.com, and after tomorrow won't work on twitter.com? And
vice versa, which calls must go to twitter.com, and won't work on

Here is my understanding:

Right now, you might be able to access resources through api.twitter.com 
that aren't part of the official public API. Starting tomorrow, 
api.twitter.com will only implement the official, public API. If you 
rely on resources that aren't in the official public API, and you are 
accessing them through api.twitter.com, your program will probably stop 
working tomorrow.

If you are only using the published API through api.twitter.com, or you 
are accessing resources through the twitter.com domain, this change 
doesn't affect you (AFAICT), but, you should change your code to use 
http[s]://api.twitter.com/1/ instead of http[s]://twitter.com/ as the 
base URI at your earliest convenience, as Twitter said a few months ago.

Since the OAuth resources are documented as being on twitter.com (not 
api.twitter.com), you should be accessing them through twitter.com (not 
api.twitter.com), even though you should be accessing the Twitter API 
through api.twitter.com.


- Brian (@BRIAN_)

Re: [twitter-dev] Re: forcing api.twitter.com resources - tomorrow

2010-03-02 Thread TJ Luoma
On Tue, Mar 2, 2010 at 6:03 PM, Dewald Pretorius  wrote:
> There appears to be ground for confusion here. I'm sure some folks are
> still sending some API calls to twitter.com.

I'm not even sure what Twitter is talking about. The initial post in
this thread was completely vague.

This is fairly troublesome, considering that:

$ curl --location --referer ";auto" -D - -s --netrc

fails but

$ curl --location --referer ";auto" -D - -s --netrc

works fine (as I mentioned earlier in another thread).

I don't know why, but it's been doing it all day.

I wonder how much other stuff is going to break tomorrow.


[twitter-dev] Bad ID - suspended - banned

2010-03-02 Thread EastSideDev
If I get an HTTP response 404 (users/show for example), will I always
get the same error code ['error']='Bad ID'? or are there different
codes to tell me if this user has been suspended, banned, etc.?

Re: [twitter-dev] Re: forcing api.twitter.com resources - tomorrow

2010-03-02 Thread Marc Mims
* TJ Luoma  [100302 15:58]:
> I'm not even sure what Twitter is talking about. The initial post in
> this thread was completely vague.
> This is fairly troublesome, considering that:
> $ curl --location --referer ";auto" -D - -s --netrc
> "http://api.twitter.com/1/account/verify_credentials.xml";
> fails but
> $ curl --location --referer ";auto" -D - -s --netrc
> "http://twitter.com/account/verify_credentials.xml";
> works fine (as I mentioned earlier in another thread).
> I don't know why, but it's been doing it all day.
> I wonder how much other stuff is going to break tomorrow.

Both of those curl commands work for me.  Perhaps you have a .netrc
entry for twitter.com but not for api.twitter.com?


Re: [twitter-dev] Re: forcing api.twitter.com resources - tomorrow

2010-03-02 Thread TJ Luoma
On Tue, Mar 2, 2010 at 8:25 PM, Marc Mims  wrote:
> Both of those curl commands work for me.  Perhaps you have a .netrc
> entry for twitter.com but not for api.twitter.com?

Argh. I thought it would match *.twitter.com AND that curl would
complain if I used --netrc but it didn't find a matching host :-/

Ok, so now I just need to know why Tweetie on the Mac and iPhone keep
telling me that I'm using the wrong password when I know I'm not.


Re: [twitter-dev] Re: forcing api.twitter.com resources - tomorrow

2010-03-02 Thread Raffi Krikorian
brian - this is exactly my understanding as well.  we'll be putting a bunch
more eyes on this.

On Tue, Mar 2, 2010 at 3:51 PM, Brian Smith  wrote:

> Dewald Pretorius wrote:
>> Raffi,
>> There appears to be ground for confusion here. I'm sure some folks are
>> still sending some API calls to twitter.com.
>> Could you please put up a page that explains which calls *must* go to
>> api.twitter.com, and after tomorrow won't work on twitter.com? And
>> vice versa, which calls must go to twitter.com, and won't work on
>> api.twitter.com.
> Here is my understanding:
> Right now, you might be able to access resources through api.twitter.comthat 
> aren't part of the official public API. Starting tomorrow,
> api.twitter.com will only implement the official, public API. If you rely
> on resources that aren't in the official public API, and you are accessing
> them through api.twitter.com, your program will probably stop working
> tomorrow.
> If you are only using the published API through api.twitter.com, or you
> are accessing resources through the twitter.com domain, this change
> doesn't affect you (AFAICT), but, you should change your code to use
> http[s]://api.twitter.com/1/ instead of http[s]://twitter.com/ as the base
> URI at your earliest convenience, as Twitter said a few months ago.
> Since the OAuth resources are documented as being on twitter.com (not
> api.twitter.com), you should be accessing them through twitter.com (not
> api.twitter.com), even though you should be accessing the Twitter API
> through api.twitter.com.
> Correct?
> - Brian (@BRIAN_)

Raffi Krikorian
Twitter Platform Team

[twitter-dev] Re: Introduce yourself!

2010-03-02 Thread Arnaud Meunier
Hello folks,

My name is Arnaud Meunier and I'm a Paris-based Twitter Developer &
Web Entrepreneur. I built http://twitoaster.com a real-time (thanks to
the streaming API) conversation threading service / client helping
people and businesses to improve and optimize the way they communicate
with their Twitter followers.

I signed up for Chirp, and I hope to meet many of you there!

All the best,

On Feb 19, 9:20 pm, Abraham Williams <4bra...@gmail.com> wrote:
> We have not had an introductions thread in a long time (or ever that I could
> find) so I'm starting one. Don't forget to add an answer to the tools thread
> [1](Gmail link [2]) as well.
> I'm Abraham Williams, I've been working with the Twitter API and this group
> since early 2008. I do mostly freelance Drupal and Twitter API integration
> and personal projects. I love seeing the creative projects developers build
> or integrate with the API and look forward to meeting many of you at Chirp.
> TwitterOAuth [3] the first PHP library to support OAuth is built and
> maintained by me, and will hopefully see a new release soon. I also built a
> fun Chrome extension [4] that integrates common friends and followers into
> Twitter profiles.
> The feature I would most like added to the API is a conversation method to
> get replies to a specific status.
> So. Who are you, what do you do, what have you built, and what feature do
> you most want to see added?
> @Abraham
> [1]http://groups.google.com/group/twitter-development-talk/browse_thread...
> [2]https://mail.google.com/mail/#inbox/12680cd0fa59011e
> [3]https://chrome.google.com/extensions/detail/npdjhmblakdjfnnajeomfbogo...
> [4]http://code.google.com/p/twitter-api/issues/detail?id=142
> --
> Abraham Williams | Community Advocate |http://abrah.am
> Project | Out Loud |http://outloud.labs.poseurtech.com
> This email is: [ ] shareable [x] ask first [ ] private.
> Sent from Seattle, WA, United States

[twitter-dev] Data rates from yesterday's meeting?

2010-03-02 Thread M. Edward (Ed) Borasky
I'm looking at the tweet chat from yesterday's meeting. I see these

1. Firehose is 8 MB/sec.
2. Gardenhose is 15% of Firehose
3. Spritzer is 5% of Firehose

A little math gives Gardenhose at 1.2 MB/sec and Spritzer at 400 KB/
sec. I'm currently connected to "sample", which I am assuming is
"Spritzer." The peak rate I've seen in about 1.5 weeks is 38000 bytes
per second. So - is "8 MB/sec." 8 megaBytes per second, or is it only
8 megabits = 1 megaByte per second???

[twitter-dev] OAuth rate limit question

2010-03-02 Thread Ben Novakovic

I have been reading about twitter api limits lately as a lot of my
users are exhausting their 150reqs/h on a fairly regular basis. I came
across the following post and noticed that if users login with OAuth,
they are given 350 reqs/hr.


This was fair enough as you guys are trying to make twitter more
secure (good work!); so we set about implementing OAuth on our client.
We completed the implementation today, but fail to see the 350 reqs/
hr. We are still being limited by the 150 reqs/hr. I was just
wondering whether there was something special we needed to do to get
our req limits up to 350 for those users who login to our client with

Just to give you some background info, the client is a mobile web
based client and all requests to twitter are made on our server on
behalf of our users. If they are logged in with OAuth, the appropriate
OAuth details are also handed through as part of the request.

We know they are using OAuth as our 'updated via xxx' changes with
using OAuth.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!


Re: [twitter-dev] OAuth rate limit question

2010-03-02 Thread Raffi Krikorian
are you connecting via oauth to api.twitter.com?  if so, then please take a
look at the rate limit headers and let me know what you see?

On Tue, Mar 2, 2010 at 10:48 PM, Ben Novakovic wrote:

> Hi,
> I have been reading about twitter api limits lately as a lot of my
> users are exhausting their 150reqs/h on a fairly regular basis. I came
> across the following post and noticed that if users login with OAuth,
> they are given 350 reqs/hr.
> http://groups.google.com/group/twitter-development-talk/msg/b09f2a3324728d89?pli=1
> This was fair enough as you guys are trying to make twitter more
> secure (good work!); so we set about implementing OAuth on our client.
> We completed the implementation today, but fail to see the 350 reqs/
> hr. We are still being limited by the 150 reqs/hr. I was just
> wondering whether there was something special we needed to do to get
> our req limits up to 350 for those users who login to our client with
> OAuth.
> Just to give you some background info, the client is a mobile web
> based client and all requests to twitter are made on our server on
> behalf of our users. If they are logged in with OAuth, the appropriate
> OAuth details are also handed through as part of the request.
> We know they are using OAuth as our 'updated via xxx' changes with
> using OAuth.
> Any help would be greatly appreciated!
> Thanks!
> Ben

Raffi Krikorian
Twitter Platform Team

[twitter-dev] users/search endpoint (namesearch) back online

2010-03-02 Thread Raffi Krikorian
please let us know if you all have problems using it.

Raffi Krikorian
Twitter Platform Team

[twitter-dev] Re: OAuth rate limit question

2010-03-02 Thread Ben Novakovic
Awesome! thanks very much!

We were still using twitter.com rather than the new api.twitter.com

Thanks again!


On Mar 3, 5:26 pm, Raffi Krikorian  wrote:
> are you connecting via oauth to api.twitter.com?  if so, then please take a
> look at the rate limit headers and let me know what you see?
> On Tue, Mar 2, 2010 at 10:48 PM, Ben Novakovic wrote:
> > Hi,
> > I have been reading about twitter api limits lately as a lot of my
> > users are exhausting their 150reqs/h on a fairly regular basis. I came
> > across the following post and noticed that if users login with OAuth,
> > they are given 350 reqs/hr.
> >http://groups.google.com/group/twitter-development-talk/msg/b09f2a332...
> > This was fair enough as you guys are trying to make twitter more
> > secure (good work!); so we set about implementing OAuth on our client.
> > We completed the implementation today, but fail to see the 350 reqs/
> > hr. We are still being limited by the 150 reqs/hr. I was just
> > wondering whether there was something special we needed to do to get
> > our req limits up to 350 for those users who login to our client with
> > OAuth.
> > Just to give you some background info, the client is a mobile web
> > based client and all requests to twitter are made on our server on
> > behalf of our users. If they are logged in with OAuth, the appropriate
> > OAuth details are also handed through as part of the request.
> > We know they are using OAuth as our 'updated via xxx' changes with
> > using OAuth.
> > Any help would be greatly appreciated!
> > Thanks!
> > Ben
> --
> Raffi Krikorian
> Twitter Platform Teamhttp://twitter.com/raffi