Re: [ubuntu-art] Ubuntu DVD Packaging Artwork - Getting Close to Final

2011-02-16 Thread Pumpkin Lord
A bit of color depth is now added. So it's a bit darker overall now. I
think it looks more dynamic now, compared to last one. And a little
bit of noise effect is now added for those who requested it. :) But
it's only temporary playing. I think I will remove it in final
version. :)

Here it is:

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Re: [ubuntu-art] Ubuntu DVD Packaging Artwork - Getting Close to Final

2011-02-16 Thread Pumpkin Lord
I waited for someone to notice that small live CD addon. Cause I'm
burning all Linux ISOs to DVDs too. So actually there is no big point
in that, except I wanted it to be more officialish, cause Ubuntu
ISOs are always a CD releases (except alternative DVD edition which is
very rarely used I think), not like recent Linux Mint for example. And
when I'm printing this stuff for myself, I'm always putting live DVD
or simply 32-bit. I think it will be removed from the final version,
and maybe replaced with live DVD or 32-bit, or with nothing at

About placement, it is placed exactly on the upper virtual edge, like
side Ubuntu logo, and back tab. And on the right side, it is lined
with main title tab edge too, so if someone have some suggestion where
to place it, I'm open for it. To me this current placement seems

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Re: [ubuntu-art] Ubuntu DVD Packaging Artwork - Getting Close to Final

2011-02-16 Thread Pumpkin Lord
Thanks for suggestions.

I will play with things you suggested, to see how it's gonna turn out.
About this Live CD thing, maybe it is better to remove it completely.
Content area will look more coherent, that's for sure. Somehow, it's
leftover from some old buggy OSs, to have that little 32-bit mark,
or something, on the upper right corner, so i gues I should get rid of
it. :)

About back icons, that is something I'm not finished (and satisfied)
with yet. I wanted to use some Ubuntu pictograms, with some taglines
added below, but I have no idea which ones would make sense to be
placed on a cover, not to look totally out of place and illogical.

Some suggestions maybe...?

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Re: [ubuntu-art] Ubuntu DVD Packaging Artwork - Getting Close to Final

2011-02-15 Thread Pumpkin Lord
 I've attached a comparison of your current linux word and the same word
 with manual kerning, so you can decide for yourself if you need manual
 kerning or not.

So I guess I will have to play with manual kerning then. At least with
those bigger fonts in titles. Thanks for suggestion. I never had a
nerves to play any deeply with kernings. :)

And about adding noise, well, I don't know. I'm using noise effect
almost exclusively when gradient banding make me to. Otherwise, very
rarely. I wanted to keep this as clean as possible. No gradients, no
shadows, no special effects. Only the flat layers.

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Re: [ubuntu-art] Ubuntu DVD Packaging Artwork

2011-02-11 Thread Pumpkin Lord
@Thorsten step by step in short.

- Setting ubuntu in bold is much more effective to me, and it looks
totally contrary from what you said, much more polisfed and
sensitive. Should I say that I played a lot with standard Ubuntu
font, and I wasn't satisfied at all, at least considering title font.
And about respecting visual identity. I guess then that I'm totally
irrespective cause I used bold instead standard font. :) I never
wanted to make my cover looks like an official sleeve rip-off.
Othervise this topic would be pointless, as well as a DVD cover

- About wide tracking... The best I can tell you is that I respect
your opinion. To me it's effective as it could be. Also I should
mention that I played with warious characters spacing. About kerning,
I dont's see anything that wrong, or misplaced.

- I agree that bulleting with a centered text is not that great
choice. That is the part of cover I'm still not satisfied with.

- The big Ubuntu box is not perfectly lined with side boxes, because I
lined the right live CD text with upper edge (guideline I set for
myself). So I wanted to make all 4 sides of cover layers to have
proportional distance from edge (you can check it).

Anyway, thanks for the feedback. I alredy changed some stuff after
this version you reviewed, and I will change few more before I release
a complete pack on spreadubuntu, and deviantart. I think this artwork
sum up everything I think about your feedback:

Cheers my friend.

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Re: [ubuntu-art] Ubuntu DVD Packaging Artwork

2011-02-11 Thread Pumpkin Lord
And to add that I checked your blog before. I respect your work
highly. Don't want to transform this topic into flaming war. :)

Keep up with great work, anyway.

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Re: [ubuntu-art] Ubuntu DVD Packaging Artwork

2011-02-11 Thread Pumpkin Lord
@Thorsten - I didn't want to insult you, but I see that you feel that
way unfortunately. It was a bit of joke.

And yes, I would feel better, if there was some IMO, here nad there,
especially if someone is criticizing you in strictly negative way. But
ofcourse it's not an obligation. :) I see you're damn sure about
your opinion, as you added at the end, so I can only say that I
respect it.

And really, you took this joke with artwork seriously. The last thing
I want is to insult anyone.

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Re: [ubuntu-art] Ubuntu DVD Packaging Artwork

2011-02-11 Thread Pumpkin Lord
@Thorsten and Angus - Sorry guys if that turned out like that, but it
wasn't meant to be any rude or arrogant. If that was the case, then I
wouldn't be trying to answer all aspects of Thorsten's mail step by
step. I would just paste that famous statement, it's just your
opinion, and that's it. After all, we're all here to learn and listen
and take critics, positive or negative. That's how we learn.

Cheers, and peace.

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Re: [ubuntu-art] Ubuntu DVD Packaging Artwork

2011-02-11 Thread Pumpkin Lord
And if you'll feel better, I'm already fixing some things you
mentioned, about the font, and back bullet tips misplacing. ;)

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Re: [ubuntu-art] Ubuntu DVD Packaging Artwork

2011-02-11 Thread Pumpkin Lord
Thanks Angus.

I'm currently fixing some small things so I expect you'll be around
here today to give me some feedback. :)

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Re: [ubuntu-art] Ubuntu DVD Packaging Artwork - Getting Close to Final

2011-02-11 Thread Pumpkin Lord
New fixes applied. Back info text is now nicely aligned and not
floating around. Some small changes on side tab are applied too.
Considering optical vs metric font kerning mantioned before, optical
didn't provide any notable improvements.

Here is the result:
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Re: [ubuntu-art] Ubuntu DVD Packaging Artwork

2011-02-10 Thread Pumpkin Lord
I made some small modifications on my last addition. Some color
changes, and now with more pictogram-alike look. Maybe a bit more
official-ish feel...

Here it is:
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Re: [ubuntu-art] Ubuntu DVD Packaging Artwork

2011-02-10 Thread Pumpkin Lord
Ofcourse you can suggest anything you like. That's why we're here, right. ;)

And now, did you mean something like this?

I must say that I also considered leaving only white overlays, like on
Ubuntu official CD sleeves, but I wanted to include this Ubuntu orange
somehow, cause it appears everywhere, from Ubuntu website, to Ubuntu

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Re: [ubuntu-art] Ubuntu DVD Packaging Artwork

2011-02-10 Thread Pumpkin Lord
This is the best I managed to do with back info text. It's a bit hard
to make it look more coherent cause the right colon contains much more
text. And when I change the line spacing on left colon then it looks
more outplaced, than it's with normal formatting. So i added one line
in left colon, and I edited the right one to make it more even. Also I
made some small changes on side tab and icons, so how does it look
now, some feedback would be nice.

There it is:

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Re: [ubuntu-art] Ubuntu DVD Packaging Artwork

2011-02-10 Thread Pumpkin Lord
So I guess I should stick with this one for now. :)

This is what next full pack will contains after some useful suggestions here.

- Two versions of this universal cover in standard PNG, 32-bit and 64-bit.
- Two versions of CD/DVD labels also.
- One psd version of CD/DVD label, so that anyone can add actual
release version number if want.
- One cover without front TUX sticker, and in addition I will add a
psd stickers that you can edit on your own, like putting the version
number on it, and then pasting it on a cover, if you want a cover to
contains a current edition mark.

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Re: [ubuntu-art] Ubuntu DVD Packaging Artwork

2011-02-07 Thread Pumpkin Lord
Ok, here's the deal.

@Thirukumaran K - I'm not sure that some organic shapes would fit
nicely in a design of this kind, with minimalistic and /as sleek as it
could be/ approach. I was experimenting with a lot of patterns,
textures, and different shapes to fill the background with, but I
didn't like how it turned out to be, every time. :/ But I will
continue my work on Ubuntu DVD covering, that's for sure. We want a
perfect Ubuntu DVD cover, right? :)

@Angus - I guess you don't like this cover at all, right? :) Just
kidding. Well, maybe the Gnome and the Linux kernel logos are not that
relevant to just Ubuntu concretely, but they are very relevant as
Linux iconography, and probably they are most known and recognised
Linux related logos. So considering fact that I tried to make
universal DVD cover, I wanted to add some visual identity of Linux
itself, not just Ubuntu. And for many people, especially ones not that
involved in Linux world, Ubuntu = Linux. And being honest, Ubuntu
actually IS the most relevant Linux represent today, so why not adding
some Linux iconography on Ubuntu cover.
As for the visualy identity with Ubuntu webside... I never wanted my
covers to look like part of some Canonical DVD Cover Contest, but
I'm trying to keep my work within official Cannonical/Ubuntu color
palette at least, and ofcourse official logos, and font. But yes, I
was trying to do something more similar to Ubuntu website, just before
I finished this last one. But I'm not satisfied, and it needs more
It's here:

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Re: [ubuntu-art] Ubuntu DVD Packaging Artwork

2011-02-07 Thread Pumpkin Lord
Haha, maybe I should put GNU/Linux based open source OS on that
sticker, to let Richard sleep nicely. :)
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Re: [ubuntu-art] Ubuntu DVD Packaging Artwork

2011-02-07 Thread Pumpkin Lord
Ofcourse, I will keep developing Ubuntu DVD covers in the future, but
I just wanted to make something that will last for a longer time,
without having to change the DVD cover every six months. Why not
having one DVD cover, and just changing the DVD labels when new
version is out. :)
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Re: [ubuntu-art] Ubuntu DVD Packaging Artwork

2011-02-07 Thread Pumpkin Lord
@Tulio - I have it in psd format only, cause I'm still using
Photoshop, and I will upload it on SpreadUbuntu so I will send you a

@Angus - It is quite hard to achieve timeless design, that will look
fresh and actual, today, and after x years. That's why I said before
that if we're gonna make timeless cover, we should avoid current
Ubuntu visual identity, like official website look or actual artwork
(official Ubuntu CD sleeves). Cause it will change over years for
sure. Color palette and Ubuntu font are the only things I think we
should stick with. The rest should be free will.

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Re: [ubuntu-art] Ubuntu DVD Packaging Artwork

2011-02-07 Thread Pumpkin Lord
A lot of offtopic posts here... :) Someone said that at least colours
should be changed from release to release. I agree, but I'm more
familiar with idea to create a special, different cover, for each LTS
release, and to keep cover for rolling releases, with maybe just some
color palette adjusments.

Considering this Ps vs GIMP topic that you started, I'm using
Photoshop for almost 10 years, and I really want to master GIMP with
all of it's powers, but I'm still not even close to what can I achieve
with Photoshop. Maybe I just can't get used to new workspace, and
different rules. But to be honest, it's hard to believe that GIMP will
ever beat Ps, and it should not beat it at all. many people will be
satisfied with what GIMP could do.
And you can not compare Ps with Inkscape, it's not same category of
software, but somebody already said that. You can compare Adobe
Illustrator with Inkscape, or Ps with GIMP.

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Re: [ubuntu-art] Ubuntu DVD Packaging Artwork

2011-02-06 Thread Pumpkin Lord
I just fnished a new cover package for Ubuntu. This time I made it
universal, without version numbers, in a purpose of a long time
packaging, with just changing the CDs/DVDs with actual release every 6

Here is the preview:

And here is the link:
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