Re: Stop the madness

2009-11-18 Thread Christopher Lees
On Wed, 2009-11-18 at 22:24 +, patrick wrote:
> Dear madam, sir,
> The fact that I'm using Ubuntu since version 6.06 is only a detail. But 
> where is Ubuntu going today?
> I'm willing to beg to the programmers: please test your software!!

They do test their software, but the fact is that their testing is
limited to hardware that they actually own, and software that they
actually use.

This is where you come in. You see, you likely have a unique hardware
and software combination. If you can test late alpha and beta releases
and report bugs, the developers can find out what doesn't work for you.

It's no coincidence that the people who tested Karmic when it was in
development are mostly quite happy with the system. I am.

>  Try 
> to listen to your users!! It's nice to have the latest technology inside 
> a distribution but what do I say to newbies when basic keywords like 
> stability simply aren't there anymore? Now when there's finally a gab in 
> the market to hurt Microsoft Ubuntu delivers Koala: alpha drivers, 
> crashing applications, and so on and so on.

We're always hurting Microsoft.

Software doesn't become stable through just being around; it becomes
stable through people using it, reporting bugs and contributing patches.
In this day and age, nothing really matures until some time after it
gets packaged for Ubuntu.

Think of the bigger picture as well. The next Ubuntu release is an LTS,
supported for 3 years on the desktop and 5 years on the server. If
Karmic was a conservative, behind-the-times release, then Lucid would be
too - and if there's one thing you don't want in a product that will be
around for 3 years, it's to be totally obsolete even before release.
Karmic includes a lot of new stuff, so it can be stabilised through
active use in time for Lucid. Lucid will not be a ground-breaking
release, but a competitively modern distribution that will last the test
of time.

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Re: Insufficiencies in Karmic's battery behavior

2009-11-18 Thread Dylan McCall
> Karmic's adoption of DeviceKit-Power and the latest Gnome-Power-Manager has
> changed the way the GUI reports remaining battery time.

Possibly relevant to this discussion is a widely "me tooed' bug report
on the battery time estimate flat out not happening in Karmic:

To keep the thoughts flowing, I have a question: Is there a
performance / power efficiency gain from not querying the battery as
frequently as gnome-power-manager used to?


Dylan McCall

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Insufficiencies in Karmic's battery behavior

2009-11-18 Thread Caleb Marcus
Karmic's adoption of DeviceKit-Power and the latest Gnome-Power-Manager has
changed the way the GUI reports remaining battery time. The old method built
a profile of how long, on average, it took for each percentage point of the
battery to be depleted. From that, it could estimate fairly accurately,
given the user's average use pattern, how long the battery would last. This
was a huge step up from the old way of reporting the battery remaining time
reported by the BIOS, which didn't take battery charge/discharge profiles
into account and relied on current power draw measurements, leading to
unstable results. Now, we've gone back. We do profile the battery in terms
of how far off it is from the BIOS-reported remaining time, but this brings
us back to the problem with traditional BIOS-reported remaining times: the
reported time remaining can change drastically based on current usage. While
adapting to what the user seems to be doing can be a good thing, this method
leads to things like 3-minute YouTube videos or slightly long compression
operations causing a large drop in estimated battery time when in fact it
really won't have much of an impact in the long run, and the estimated time
goes back up immediately after the operation is over.

In my experience, the Jaunty behavior of profiling the battery and ignoring
brief spikes in power usage produced a much more useful, accurate estimation
of the remaining battery life. The current behavior leads to an almost
completely useless metric -- I've attached two screenshots taken during
normal usage that illustrate fairly vividly the problem with Karmic's
behavior: a) the estimated time should always go down, never go up, and b)
it should be a smooth line. Note that in the screenshots, the line goes up
and down, in one case dropping down by an entire hour and then going back
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Here lies the responsiblity

2009-11-18 Thread George Farris
Well we've certainly seen a few problems with Karmic.  I have reports
from new or upgrading users of crashing applications etc.

So here is what I see as the major problem.

Ubuntu has had such good success that to many people, Ubuntu and Linux
are one and the same thing.  Ubuntu = Linux and Linux = Ubuntu.

Canonical now has the responsibility, yes let me say that again,
"Canonical has a responsibility", to the entire Linux world, to be very
careful with what they put out.  Now I have no problem with releasing
Karmic but please, for all the rest of us, including other distributions
and companies that have worked hard over many years to promote Linux,

Karmic has some great stuff in it and I applaud the developers but it
has done nothing good for Linux on the desktop in the eyes of new and
upgrading users not to mention the media.

Canonical, you have the power, accept responsibility.

Save the usable releases to well debugged versions.  Make this crystal
clear to all the media as well.


George Farris
Vancouver Island University

"As Open Source continues to explode, and as we continue to see such huge
growth and success as it spreads across the world and into different
industries, we all need to remember that the raw ingredients that make
this happen are enthusiastic, smart, decent people, and I for one feel
privileged to spend every day with these people."  Jono Bacon

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patch for fakeroot faked.c

2009-11-18 Thread your name
we have discovered a fakeroot deadlock, and we've attached a
source-patch that solves the problem at our site.

the outward manifestation is that *faked* & the client (in our case,
usually "*chown -R ...*") appear to be deadlocked, with faked hanging at
listen() and the client hanging at read().

adding some debug-output (and writing to /dev/shm/ to cut down on the
timing differences), we discovered that some of the writes from the
client that were not full-length "*struct fake_msg*" buffers were being
accepted as such.

this would corrupt the stream, and everything later in the stream would
be off.

the cascading problem would be that process_msg() would get values for
functions to call that were out of bounds and skip them entirely.  the
final result would be that the client would finish sending messages for
which it expected replies, and faked would have thrown all of its
messages away as invalid, and go back to listening for more.

the attached patch, when applied, should be pretty self-explanatory:  if
the size of the buffer read is not of the appropriate size, then
continue back to the top of the loop and get just enough more from the
read to fill the buffer.

this solves the problem for us.

let us know if you need any further details, or what we might do in
order to help properly get this patch into a place where it can be

++ kirk beitz

--- fakeroot/faked.c.orig	2007-10-07 17:25:31.0 -0700
+++ fakeroot/faked.c	2009-11-18 13:49:50.0 -0800
@@ -753,6 +753,8 @@ void process_msg(struct fake_msg *buf){
   f= buf->id;
   if (f <= highest_funcid)
 func_arr[f]((struct fake_msg*)buf);
+  else
+fprintf(stderr, "FAKEROOT:  ? process_msg() called w/invalid funcid==%d ?\n", f);
@@ -953,11 +955,16 @@ static long int read_intarg(char **argv)
 static int get_fakem(struct fake_msg *buf)
+  size_t readlen = sizeof(struct fake_msg);
+  uint8_t* readbuf = (uint8_t*)buf;
   while (1) {
-ssize_t len;
+ssize_t len = read(comm_sd, readbuf, readlen);
-len = read(comm_sd, buf, sizeof (struct fake_msg));
-if (len > 0)
+if (debug)
+  fprintf(stderr, "FAKEROOT: get_fakem(): read(%d, 0x%xp, %d ): len == %d\n",
+	  comm_sd, readbuf, readlen, len);
+if ((readlen-=len) == 0)
 if (len == 0)
@@ -966,6 +973,11 @@ static int get_fakem(struct fake_msg *bu
 if (errno == EINTR)
+if (len > 0) {
+  readbuf += len;
+  continue;

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Re: Stop the madness

2009-11-18 Thread Joao Pinto
On Wed, Nov 18, 2009 at 3:29 PM, Markus Hitter  wrote:

> Am 17.11.2009 um 12:19 schrieb patrick:
> > Give a distribution the time to mature, listen to your big chief, even
> > when it's for only time only: 1 distribution a year will bring quality
> > software instead of buggy software like it is now !!
> I had some thoughts on this as well and came to the conclusion, the
> base system and applications should be decoupled. Currently, the
> major reason to upgrade to the latest is for getting recent versions
> of applications.
> Right now I'd be glad if I could run e.g. the latest VLC or AbiWord
> on last year's Ubuntu (Hardy). Hardy worked so well with my hardware
> while Jaunty asks me to do 5 minutes of manual tweaking until all
> subsystems are running. After each boot!
> Of course, I could compile packages manually from upstream sources,
> and I have to for some packages as the distributed one is broken or
> removed intentionally (kqemu). But that's not the intention of using
> a distribution, after all.
> There are some buddies providing PPA's across Ubuntu releases for
> popular applications and I appreciate that very much. Perhaps it's
> possible to extend that path and allow users to run modern
> applications on a matured base system (kernel, drivers, blank
> desktop, admin controls).
> Markus
> - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
> Dipl. Ing. Markus Hitter
I totally agree with you, standalone apps should not follow the same stable
release updates policy as core packages like the kernel or "system"
Wether we like it or not, this is something that works well on Windows, you
can easily get the latest app version, if something breaks you more easily
identify that the problem was with that particular upgrade, if it's too
serious you just re-install the previous version.
On Ubuntu you need to wait 6 months to get the new application, if you find
a problem  you can't easily identify the root cause beause a lot more was
changed that could impact the app, installing the previous version is not

This is a serious problem, and the main motivation for the getdeb project,
we provide current applications for the current release.

Youd also have the ubuntu-backports project, but as far I can see they have
a limited scoped.

Best regards,

João Luís Marques Pinto
GetDeb Team Leader
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Re: Stop the madness

2009-11-18 Thread Derek Broughton
patrick wrote:

> Dear madam, sir,

I wonder about the wisdom of even trying to respond to an email that starts 
that way...

> Give a distribution the time to mature, listen to your big chief, even
> when it's for only time only: 1 distribution a year will bring quality
> software instead of buggy software like it is now !!

What on Earth could lead anyone to think so?  One annual release would 
possibly mean one fewer chaotic period each year, but there would be no 
likelihood of fewer bugs in the ultimately released product.

> I think that what Ubuntu programmers or Ubuntu in general are working
> for them selves,

Of course they are!  That's the cornerstone of FLOSS development.  People 
work _for themselves_ on software that they want.  There's nothing like 
enlightened self-interest.

> Please don't start to use the Microsoft phrase: the problems will be
> solved in the next version!! Koala doesn't do anything good to Linux in
> general. Stop the ego's within the developers club , listen to the
> users!! Deliver quality,

I believe you have the problem _exactly_ backwards.  Egos are good for 
FLOSS.  It takes someone with ego to start a project.  It takes ego to fork 
a project (not always good, but certainly not always bad).  It takes a 
healthy dose of ego to devote _free_ time to doing something "right" - for 
other users - than to do it "well enough" for your own purposes.

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Re: Stop the madness

2009-11-18 Thread Shentino
Personally, I was ecstatic to try out Kernel Mode Setting.

I was very happy with it...until I found out that it absolutely butchered
the VGA console.  Finding out that vgacon was not supported broke my heart.

However, these decisions seem to have been made by the graphics guys up at
high-on-the-geek-totem-pole positions on grounds of conflict.

Seeing as I'm not prepared to give up my text-mode console, I promptly
disabled mode-setting once I found out that there was absolutely no way
around it.

Ok, now that my off the side rant is taken care of...

What about going the gentoo route and just having endless updates?  What
would be the merits/disadvantages in that case?

I'll be happy to admit, perhaps with a tinge of shame, that even 6 months is
too long.  Whenever a new release comes out I am always antsy and want it
badly.  I guess you could call it asynchronous development, where version
numbers levitate smoothly as new versions from upstream prove their worth.

Just as an aside...if gentoo's customizability were combined with ubuntu's
stellar package management and user friendliness I would consider it the
perfect distro.

On Wed, Nov 18, 2009 at 7:29 AM, Markus Hitter  wrote:

> Am 17.11.2009 um 12:19 schrieb patrick:
> > Give a distribution the time to mature, listen to your big chief, even
> > when it's for only time only: 1 distribution a year will bring quality
> > software instead of buggy software like it is now !!
> I had some thoughts on this as well and came to the conclusion, the
> base system and applications should be decoupled. Currently, the
> major reason to upgrade to the latest is for getting recent versions
> of applications.
> Right now I'd be glad if I could run e.g. the latest VLC or AbiWord
> on last year's Ubuntu (Hardy). Hardy worked so well with my hardware
> while Jaunty asks me to do 5 minutes of manual tweaking until all
> subsystems are running. After each boot!
> Of course, I could compile packages manually from upstream sources,
> and I have to for some packages as the distributed one is broken or
> removed intentionally (kqemu). But that's not the intention of using
> a distribution, after all.
> There are some buddies providing PPA's across Ubuntu releases for
> popular applications and I appreciate that very much. Perhaps it's
> possible to extend that path and allow users to run modern
> applications on a matured base system (kernel, drivers, blank
> desktop, admin controls).
> Markus
> - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
> Dipl. Ing. Markus Hitter
> --
> Ubuntu-devel-discuss mailing list
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Re: Stop the madness

2009-11-18 Thread Markus Hitter

Am 17.11.2009 um 12:19 schrieb patrick:

> Give a distribution the time to mature, listen to your big chief, even
> when it's for only time only: 1 distribution a year will bring quality
> software instead of buggy software like it is now !!

I had some thoughts on this as well and came to the conclusion, the  
base system and applications should be decoupled. Currently, the  
major reason to upgrade to the latest is for getting recent versions  
of applications.

Right now I'd be glad if I could run e.g. the latest VLC or AbiWord  
on last year's Ubuntu (Hardy). Hardy worked so well with my hardware  
while Jaunty asks me to do 5 minutes of manual tweaking until all  
subsystems are running. After each boot!

Of course, I could compile packages manually from upstream sources,  
and I have to for some packages as the distributed one is broken or  
removed intentionally (kqemu). But that's not the intention of using  
a distribution, after all.

There are some buddies providing PPA's across Ubuntu releases for  
popular applications and I appreciate that very much. Perhaps it's  
possible to extend that path and allow users to run modern  
applications on a matured base system (kernel, drivers, blank  
desktop, admin controls).


- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Dipl. Ing. Markus Hitter

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Re: Launchpad Bug Filing Changes for Ubuntu + reporter's thoughts

2009-11-18 Thread André Pirard

On 2009-09-15 19:53,  Brian Murray wrote :

Hello everybody,

As a part of the Increase Apport Adoption specification[1] we are going
to kick off an experiment and redirect all of Ubuntu's /+filebug links
in Launchpad to This
change has been tested on already and will be
landing shortly on*).

If you review the specification and the documentation bug reporters will
be redirected to, you will notice that we spent a lot of time and energy
on ensuring that we improve the quality of bugs when they are reported.
The time many of us spend on triaging very incomplete bugs is not
sustainable given the volume of bug reports. Having reporters use
ubuntu-bug (apport more specifically) to report bugs will reduce many of
these problems for us.


Before trying to improve the quality of bug reports, I would wonder what 
happens to bugs that are perfectly reported already.

Among many, an example of a developer's dream of a report is : Bug 
#233990 .
Instead of simply forwarding it to development, instead of these 
possibly asking the reporter for one more detail and/or test, and 
instead of its being a thing done, I was asked "What is a bare 
linefeed?", "Where is it?" (in the message file I uploaded), "What 
happens if you erase your config?" and "What happens if you pull your 
socks off before sending?".

Every answer is in the message file.
After 1.5 year, the report is said to be incomplete, marked for 
expiration 47 days ago, the bug is still well alive, and, of course, the 
reporter is frustrated and less a reporter.

Even more so because many sites implement OpenID server but not client, 
a plain user cannot conceivably subscribe to tens of upstream sites and 
learn their specifics each time.  Ubuntu's specialized people should 
cope with those administrative details, each in their specialized field, 
so that Launchpad be the single interface through which the user can 
dialog with the developer (or the other way round if you prefer :-))
Automatic peering(1) of messages between local and upstream case would 
do wonders.
When that's not feasible, and if OpenID client were implemented in 
Launchpad, it would be easier for a developer to subscribe to Launchpad 
than for Ubuntu users to go there.
Because any Ubuntu user meeting a problem can use Launchpad as a means 
of direct workaround and promise(2), it's better to have the problems 
documented in Launchpad than to have fed-up-with-it reporters go to 
other places directly.

It's a silent thanks how many times hunting for any Linux information 
lands on the word Ubuntu.  What you all are doing is amazing and it's my 
pleasure to [try to] be helpful.

Thanks for your attention too.


Text optimized for 17 to 190 characters wide display.

(1) Never trust spelling checkers, I've had to add a "r" :-)
(2) Many times my answer to "there are more bugs than in Window" was 
"maybe, but look how fast you find the solution".  Once, Microsoft had 
changed their so-called MSN server's behavior 3 days before to pest the 
world and some Ubuntu had found hours later than an alternative plugin 
for Pidgin was cocking a snook.

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fsl-atlases et al

2009-11-18 Thread Mike.lifeguard
Hash: SHA1


For Karmic, fsl-atlases is recommended by fsl, however there is no
installation candidate. Can you please remove this recommends as there
is no such package? I think the atlases are now part of fsl package --
but do check that prior to changing this.

Double-checking the other fsl-* packages would be nice too, I don't know
what's going on, but apt-cache show fsl-possum-data and others return
nothing, despite these being listed as suggests.

- -Mike
Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)


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Stop the madness

2009-11-18 Thread patrick
Dear madam, sir,

The fact that I'm using Ubuntu since version 6.06 is only a detail. But 
where is Ubuntu going today?

I'm willing to beg to the programmers: please test your software!! Try 
to listen to your users!! It's nice to have the latest technology inside 
a distribution but what do I say to newbies when basic keywords like 
stability simply aren't there anymore? Now when there's finally a gab in 
the market to hurt Microsoft Ubuntu delivers Koala: alpha drivers, 
crashing applications, and so on and so on.

Give a distribution the time to mature, listen to your big chief, even 
when it's for only time only: 1 distribution a year will bring quality 
software instead of buggy software like it is now !! You might see me as 
an idiot who thinks that this mail might change anything but remember 
that idiot's like are the promoters on the field.

I think that what Ubuntu programmers or Ubuntu in general are working 
for them selves, something like a DJ who is playing his  music for 
himself without he/she looking to the public where the music suppose to 
play for  . Eventually the public will run away.

Please don't start to use the Microsoft phrase: the problems will be 
solved in the next version!! Koala doesn't do anything good to Linux in 
general. Stop the ego's within the developers club , listen to the 
users!! Deliver quality,


Patrick Everix

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