Re: [ubuntu-in] Intro- Abhinav Upadhyay

2011-03-10 Thread Pratul Kalia
On Thu, Mar 10, 2011 at 5:14 PM, Abhinav Upadhyay
> Ok Pratul. I will make sure not do that again. I still have few things to do
> in life :-D

Don't we all, don't we all... :-)

dum vivimus, vivamus
pratul == lut4rp

ubuntu-in mailing list

Re: [ubuntu-in] Intro- Abhinav Upadhyay

2011-03-10 Thread Pratul Kalia
On Thu, Mar 10, 2011 at 4:44 PM, Abhinav Upadhyay
> Hi Pratul Sir,
>   Yes, I am attending OSSCamp Lucknow. In fact I am one of
> the organizers :-) . I am very excited to know that you are coming. It would
> great to learn from you.

If you call me sir again, I'll stab you the moment I meet you.
I'm Pratul, not Pratul sir :P

dum vivimus, vivamus
pratul == lut4rp

ubuntu-in mailing list

Re: [ubuntu-in] Intro- Abhinav Upadhyay

2011-03-10 Thread Pratul Kalia
[ snipped ]

On Thu, Mar 10, 2011 at 4:06 PM, Abhinav Upadhyay
> Hi Everyone,
>     My name is Abhinav Upadhyay and I am a final year
> engineering student from Lucknow. I have been Ubuntu for about 4 years now.
> I really love it and promote it wholeheartedly wherever I can.

There is going to be an OSScamp in Lucknow on 26-27th March. Will you
be attending?
I will be coming, most probably. Would be great to meet you!

(This also goes for everyone else on the list who are located around
Lucknow. The event URL is


dum vivimus, vivamus
pratul == lut4rp

ubuntu-in mailing list

Re: [ubuntu-in] Time to look inwards.

2011-02-21 Thread Pratul Kalia
On Tue, Feb 22, 2011 at 10:50 AM, stereotactic  wrote:
> Can anyone name ANY project, managed solely by Indians and being featured on
> the popular sites as "must have"? It is a collaborative effort, no doubt,
> but why do we see ourselves working on existing ideas? Slave labor anyone?

Hmm, I doubt any real FOSS project will be managed by people from just
one country :-)
But yes, if I change your question to "Name a famous FOSS project
started by Indian(s)", I can name two that come to my mind right away:
Anjuta (the C/C++ IDE) and GNUSim8085 (the 8085 emulator).

dum vivimus, vivamus
pratul == lut4rp

ubuntu-in mailing list

Re: [ubuntu-in] Shutting down the forums

2011-01-08 Thread Pratul Kalia

On 08/01/11 9:53 PM, Mehul Ved wrote:

On Sat, Jan 8, 2011 at 6:56 PM, Narendra Diwate

On Fri, Jan 7, 2011 at 11:45 PM, Pratul Kalia  wrote:
Didn't understand properly. You meant close down or some

Not That's owned by Canonical if I am correct.
He's speaking about

Yes, of course I meant :-)

dum vivimus, vivamus
pratul == lut4rp

ubuntu-in mailing list

[ubuntu-in] Shutting down the forums

2011-01-07 Thread Pratul Kalia

Hello there!

As per the recent discussions we have had on the IRC channel, it has 
come to light that the forums are mostly a spam hotbed and are not 
helping the community in any way. The community mostly interacts on the 
mailing list and the IRC channel.

This has led us to the decision that we should close the forums. Since 
there is nothing archive-worthy on the forums, I'm going to take a 
backup of the database (just in case) and take them down.

If anyone has any point to make, you have time till 9th Jan 2359 hrs IST.


dum vivimus, vivamus
pratul == lut4rp

ubuntu-in mailing list

Re: [ubuntu-in] C++IDE for Ubuntu

2010-09-25 Thread Pratul Kalia
On 26/09/10 11:43 AM, Ravi Kumar wrote:
> Really, TC3 isn't the stupid... The technology and progress then was not
> such that you can compare it to one available now. I admire the TC3 and
> these were the things which let you make something better and improved.

Eh. Maybe for the time 15 years ago, but not for 2010. Nothing admirable 
or sensible in using it now.

Its a shame that 90% colleges across India *still* use it to teach C/C++ 
programming. That's 90% of our CS workforce learning a 15 year old 
programming standard, and they don't even realize it.

dum vivimus, vivamus
pratul == lut4rp

ubuntu-in mailing list

Re: [ubuntu-in] Urgent - What is the Correct Ubuntu for an Atom Desktop

2010-09-10 Thread Pratul Kalia
On 10/09/10 1:36 PM, Ramnarayan.K wrote:
> Hi
> Can anyone advice on what is the correct Ubuntu version that should /
> can be installed on an Atom Processor Desktop

The standard version. Atom is x86.

dum vivimus, vivamus
pratul == lut4rp

ubuntu-in mailing list

Re: [ubuntu-in] Redesign the Ubuntu India website

2010-09-04 Thread Pratul Kalia
On 04/09/10 5:44 PM, Ravi Kumar wrote:
> Apart from these, why not we should get it on Django. There are many
> cool developers here, who would love to devote their skills for a nobel
> cause.

Hmm. We already have the mediawiki system running fine, wouldn't do us 
very good to migrate all of that to a custom Django app, unless there 
was a *strong* reason.

dum vivimus, vivamus
pratul == lut4rp

ubuntu-in mailing list

Re: [ubuntu-in] Redesign the Ubuntu India website

2010-09-04 Thread Pratul Kalia
On 04/09/10 4:19 PM, Nitesh Mistry wrote:
> On Sat, Sep 04, 2010 at 09:36:39AM +0530, Nigel Babu wrote:
>> For saneness, I would suggest having a project on Launchpad and using
>> bzr to sync up, this would a better way to share your efforts and
>> others can help out too
> Following the discussion on the redesign and development of our LoCo
> website, I have setup a project [0] and team [1] on launchpad for its
> hosting needs. It also has a mailing list [2] to continue this
> discussion in greater detail.

I'm not sure we should split out the discussions to a separate list. 
Lets keep all activity to one list (this one), makes it easier for 
everyone to contribute.

The code however, should be fine in launchpad or elsewhere. Personally, 
I prefer git, but that's just me :P

dum vivimus, vivamus
pratul == lut4rp

ubuntu-in mailing list

Re: [ubuntu-in] Redesign the Ubuntu India website

2010-09-04 Thread Pratul Kalia
On 04/09/10 2:02 PM, Maitraya Bhattacharyya wrote:
> First we discuss the design. Then we start writing the code.

Of course. I suggest people with GIMP/Inkscape/foobar skills do some 
mockups of the new designs. Code will come at a much much later stage :)

dum vivimus, vivamus
pratul == lut4rp

ubuntu-in mailing list

Re: [ubuntu-in] Redesign the Ubuntu India website

2010-09-04 Thread Pratul Kalia
On 04/09/10 1:07 PM, Nitesh Mistry wrote:
> Can we have the existing code put up somewhere like launchpad and start
> building on it?

I'll write a mail to Narinder asking if he's fine with open sourcing the 
current bbpress theme.

dum vivimus, vivamus
pratul == lut4rp

ubuntu-in mailing list

Re: [ubuntu-in] Redesign the Ubuntu India website

2010-09-04 Thread Pratul Kalia
On 03/09/10 9:12 PM, Maitraya Bhattacharyya wrote:
> Hey Guys,
> How about redesigning the Ubuntu India website in accordance with the
> new Ubuntu design guidelines... If you guys want it we can do it
> together, starting with our coulour paletter, new logo. etc etc.

Sorry I'm contributing a little late here, but I'm with a GPRS 
connection right now, so replies will be slow.

It's great to see a redesign initiative in accordance with the new color 
scheme and UI of Ubuntu. I had led the forum redesign the last time, the 
awesome theme you see on right now was done by 
Narinder. (Are you still on list, Narinder?)

I have a couple of thoughts about this initiative. Essentially, we need 
2 things: a theme for the Mediawiki installation and a theme for the 
bbpress forum installation.
- Since our bbpress custom theme, I've had requests from other Ubuntu 
communities asking for our forum theme. I realize it would have been 
much easier for them, if the theme was in a git/hg/bzr repository somewhere.
- The Mediawiki theme will need to be tested really well, because the 
wiki is our main LoCo "face". This new theme should also be in an open 
source repo somewhere.

Unfortunately, I can't help with the redesign *itself* this time, but if 
there is any related thing I can assist with, I'll be sure to chip in. 
Of course, I'll keep an eye on all the redesign threads.

Great going folks!

dum vivimus, vivamus
pratul == lut4rp

ubuntu-in mailing list

Re: [ubuntu-in] Drupal distribution

2010-08-15 Thread Pratul Kalia
On 15/08/10 4:31 PM, Alok Singh Mahor wrote:
> Is there any drupal distribution that comes with rich HTML editor like
> fckeditor?

You don't need a distribution for that. Why not just install FCKeditor 
in any Drupal instance?

dum vivimus, vivamus
pratul == lut4rp

ubuntu-in mailing list

Re: [ubuntu-in] Opening a Ubuntu Project in Delhi College of Engineering

2009-12-23 Thread Pratul Kalia
On Tue, Dec 22, 2009 at 1:00 AM, ankit babbar  wrote:
> Hello
> Do you have any idea how can open a project in association with Ubuntu in
> our college?

What kind of association? As far as I know, Ubuntu does no formal
associations in colleges. You yourself can take the initiative and
make a Linux Users Group and help each other out. For everything else,
there's a whole world wide web out there :)


dum vivimus, vivamus
pratul == lut4rp

ubuntu-in mailing list

[ubuntu-in] Fresh new design for the forums

2009-08-08 Thread Pratul Kalia
Hi everyone

I've just updated the design on our forums here - This design has been specifically done
for us by community member, Narinder Pal Singh. I think he's done an
awesome job on every part of the design and the forums look amazing
now! :-)


dum vivimus, vivamus
pratul == lut4rp

ubuntu-in mailing list

Re: [ubuntu-in] How to do dual boot install of Ubuntu on Mac

2009-06-22 Thread Pratul Kalia
On Mon, Jun 22, 2009 at 5:28 PM, Lokesh Chauhan wrote:
> Why can't you sue them?? Take them to court about being biased and not
> respecting you feeling.

Bah, sue them and get what? Tell them to sell Linux pre-loaded
laptops? There are barely any models in the market that do that and
those are not the ones that come under Education discounts. He'll only
get hackled by the college authorities if he does that.

You can find numerous guides on the web for dual booting with OS X
( but if you want to use
Linux, I don't recommend you get a Mac. The hardware is quite weird
and is built to be used with Mac OS. You will have small/big issues
that will keep nagging you :-) Instead, get a Windows machine, format
and use with Linux. Whee!

> On the other hand why do u need to install ubuntu when you are having MacOsX
> which is simply awsome.

Even though such statements usually attract flame wars (which I have a
lot of interest in ;-), I'll give my opinion here anyway. I've been
using OS X for almost a year now (before using Ubuntu for almost 4
years) and I find Ubuntu far easier and fun to use than Mac OS. Even
though the UI of Mac OS is quite good, there are other kinks in the OS
(and general ones that closed-source OS' usually have) that simply
don't exist in Ubuntu or other Linux distros.

My 2 bytes :-)

dum vivimus, vivamus
pratul == lut4rp

ubuntu-in mailing list

Re: [ubuntu-in] Need some help -reg

2009-06-05 Thread Pratul Kalia

On Fri, Jun 5, 2009 at 1:59 AM, Anurag Jain wrote:
> This is Anurag Jain from SASTRA University and I'm a regular college
> going student.
> I've been using UBUNTU right from my first year, approximately 2 years and I 
> am
> very much interested in contributing to the open source world. We have an open
> source community "GNU/LINUX open source @ SASTRA (GLOSS)" , which aims
> at making the students to get to know various open source technologies
> and making them to
> contribute to this vast world.

Um, I don't know why I'm increasingly seeing this happen but its not
Its GNU/Linux and Ubuntu :-) Linux is not an acronym, nor is Ubuntu.
GNU is a recursive acronym for "GNU is Not Unix".


dum vivimus, vivamus
pratul == lut4rp

ubuntu-in mailing list

[ubuntu-in] Issues with the forum.

2009-03-12 Thread Pratul Kalia
We should have known this isn't going to be easy :P

There are some email configuration issues, so the forums will not be
accessible for a while. Please wait till I fix things up.

The inconvenience is (not) regretted

dum vivimus, vivamus
pratul == lut4rp

ubuntu-in mailing list

Re: [ubuntu-in] Forums back up, new design!

2009-03-12 Thread Pratul Kalia
On Thu, Mar 12, 2009 at 6:47 PM, Fabian Enos  wrote:
> On 3/12/09, Pratul Kalia  wrote:
>> We lost the previous user data that was on SMF, since we kept getting
>> random attacks on the site even though the SMF versions were kept
>> updated regularly.
> Were there no backups??
> --
> ubuntu-in mailing list

Yes, there were. But its pointess to restore that since we were having
problems with SMF itself.


dum vivimus, vivamus
pratul == lut4rp

ubuntu-in mailing list

[ubuntu-in] Forums back up, new design!

2009-03-12 Thread Pratul Kalia
Hey everyone

The forums are back up again on !
We lost the previous user data that was on SMF, since we kept getting
random attacks on the site even though the SMF versions were kept
updated regularly. So, this time we've gone with another forum system
called bbPress. bbPress is by the same people who make WordPress, so I
am assured its quite safe and stable. Also, as I find, the codebase is
very simple, efficient and clean. There is a significant improvement
in the performance of the site. I assure everyone that such a thing
(losing our data) will not happen again.

On the bright side, we also have a new design for the forum! The
design was put together by Ajinkya is just *one* day, and he's done a
great job of making them look very Ubuntu-ish. Thanks for the work,
Ajinkya! :-) Constructive comments are welcome.


dum vivimus, vivamus
pratul == lut4rp

ubuntu-in mailing list

Re: [ubuntu-in] Some questions regarding Kubuntu

2009-02-21 Thread Pratul Kalia
On Sun, Feb 22, 2009 at 10:58 AM, Ramnarayan.K  wrote:
> Because i would like to try the KDE environment and am not sure how to
> get it going - like in other distro's where one can install multiple
> environments

As with other distros, you can also install multiple desktop
environments in Ubuntu. Simply install the requisite KDE3 or KDE4
packages from the repository, and then when you login, you can choose
what session to run (Gnome or KDE or any other) from your login menu.

See for a guide (hasn't been
updated to the latest version of Ubuntu but the process is the same.)
No need of a dual-boot.


dum vivimus, vivamus
pratul == lut4rp

ubuntu-in mailing list

[ubuntu-in] Forums will be down for a week

2009-01-21 Thread Pratul Kalia
Hello list

The Ubuntu India forums will be down for a week, till I change
webhosts. My older host wasn't really up to the mark so I am shifting
to a new one. The process shouldn't take more than a week, so we'll be
back up new and improved soon!

"the inconvenience is regretted"

 - OSScamp Pantnagar, 30 Jan - 1 Feb, 2009
 -, 20 - 21 February, 2009
dum vivimus, vivamus.

ubuntu-in mailing list

Re: [ubuntu-in] Ubuntu-IN Hosting Issues

2008-12-23 Thread Pratul Kalia
On Tue, Dec 23, 2008 at 7:46 PM, Baishampayan Ghose
> The webhost is We have a share of VPS from them. The specs
> are here -
> We got into a very early beta program where the price / share was USD
> 7.5 per month. Now they are out of beta and the price for us will be
> USD 14 per month from Jan (which is still low compared to other
> similar hosts).

If we are considering a VPS, then how about Slicehost? Their prices
are slightly lower and they too have good service.


 - OSScamp Pantnagar, 30 Jan - 1 Feb, 2009
 -, 20 - 21 February, 2009
dum vivimus, vivamus.

ubuntu-in mailing list

Re: [ubuntu-in] Using Ubuntu to reset wincedows expee password

2008-12-16 Thread Pratul Kalia
On Tue, Dec 16, 2008 at 9:10 PM, Easwar Hariharan  wrote:
> and of course you can use Windows XP,instead of Wincedows expee,IMHO,that
> kind of joke which played on the name of the OS has long passed it's expiry
> date,something like 1980's??

+1 Easwer.

Let's focus on what we can do to improve on our strengths, than the
competition's weakness :-)


 - OSScamp Pantnagar, 30 Jan - 1 Feb, 2009
 -, 20 - 21 February, 2009
dum vivimus, vivamus.

ubuntu-in mailing list

Re: [ubuntu-in] History Created : First MOTU from India!!!!

2008-11-29 Thread Pratul Kalia
> Aanjhan R wrote:
>> Hello All,
>> We have a very very good news now! Now there is a Master of the
>> Universe from India. Yes! I am extremely happy to inform this list
>> that Onkar has become a MOTU[1]. Hip Hip Hurray
>> Keep it going Onkar a.k.a slytherin.
>> [1]
>> Regards
> This is indeed a proud moment, congratulations from the bottom on my
> heart. Now, who's next? ;)


cheers Slytherin! Let's party at Freed if we all are coming there?

lut4rp :-)

Incoming! 2009, 20-21 February.
dum vivimus, vivamus.

ubuntu-in mailing list

Re: [ubuntu-in] size of folders

2008-11-19 Thread Pratul Kalia
On Wed, Nov 19, 2008 at 8:20 PM, Moz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Is there a command line or GUI utility in Ubuntu (I run Gutsy 7.10),
> to display size of folders on a specific device? On $indows there is
> something like TreeSize.

You can use the 'du' command from a terminal.


Incoming! 2009, 20-21 February.
dum vivimus, vivamus.

ubuntu-in mailing list

Re: [ubuntu-in] Touchscreen working on HP tx1000 series tablet with Intrepid 32bit

2008-11-18 Thread Pratul Kalia
On Tue, Nov 18, 2008 at 7:19 PM, 74yrs old <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello,
> please clarify whether touchscreen will work on TFT monitor of Desktop and
> if so how?

If you mean a normal TFT monitor, of course not :-)
This needs a touchscreen monitor to work. It is special hardware.


Incoming! 2009, 20-21 February.
dum vivimus, vivamus.

ubuntu-in mailing list

Re: [ubuntu-in] Great BarCamp yesterday in Delhi

2008-10-13 Thread Pratul Kalia
/me goes red in the face.

Thanks a lot for the kind words, it was awesome meeting you as well
:-) Although, if a large cheerful guy with an oppositely sized
micro-laptop, that too running Ubuntu with Compiz, comes and talks
about an alternative to Windows, I see why it isn't tough to get the
attention of everyone.

Here's to a even better Ubuntu community in and out of India! Yaay!


I check email only twice a day, please use IM if urgent.
lut4rp = malloc(sizeof(pratul))
dum vivimus, vivamus.

ubuntu-in mailing list

Re: [ubuntu-in] Dell and ubuntu!

2008-09-01 Thread Pratul Kalia
On Mon, Sep 1, 2008 at 2:59 PM, Niraj Sahay <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> If I understand following blog post correctly then it means that Dell
>> Vostro laptop will be available with Ubuntu in India soon.

People, check the Dell India site correctly. 2 Vostro models are
*already* available with Ubuntu pre-loaded.


I check email only twice a day, please use IM if urgent.
lut4rp = malloc(sizeof(pratul))
dum vivimus, vivamus.

ubuntu-in mailing list

[ubuntu-in] [ANN] OSScamp Delhi, Sept 2008

2008-08-29 Thread Pratul Kalia
Hello everyone

 * Welcome to OSScamp Delhi September 2008!

OSScamp is India's biggest 'unconference' on open source. Every few
months geeks and geeks-to-be come together in this celebration of open
technology. The latest edition of OSScamp Delhi has been fixed for
September 27th and 28th, 2008.

OSScamp Delhi is a community of 200+ geeks coming from a variety of
domains, not limited to technology or open source alone. We are a
community of young and vibrant enthusiasts that sets us apart from
every other conference in the country. At OSScamp Delhi, you'll find
what we call "planned chaos" (It's an unconference after all!). Even
though there are no structures, no rules, yet we share a common
philosophy – to contribute to each other, so that everyone gains; and
that is what we do at every camp.

Come join us at OSScamp this September in Delhi, and let us click
buttons and punch keys together! Register for the event at and yes, it
wouldn't hurt if you could get us some sponsors :-D


I check email only twice a day, please use IM if urgent.
lut4rp = malloc(sizeof(pratul))
dum vivimus, vivamus.

ubuntu-in mailing list

Re: [ubuntu-in] Bug in Prism or firefox in Ubuntu

2008-08-26 Thread Pratul Kalia
On Tue, Aug 26, 2008 at 10:09 PM, mallikarjun arjun
> I think there is a bug in prism or firefox, I use in ubuntu so i dont know
> weather it is only in ubuntu or also in some other distro.
> The bug is like this:
> When i open a link in prism it opens 2 or 3 same links in firefox.
> Has anybody experienced this?

Yes, I have experienced it as well! File a bug report, I suggest.


I check email only twice a day, please use IM if urgent.
lut4rp = malloc(sizeof(pratul))
dum vivimus, vivamus.

ubuntu-in mailing list

Re: [ubuntu-in] [ANN] Changes to the Ubuntu India Wiki

2008-08-22 Thread Pratul Kalia


I check email only twice a day, please use IM if urgent.
lut4rp = malloc(sizeof(pratul))
dum vivimus, vivamus.

ubuntu-in mailing list

Re: [ubuntu-in] [ANNOUNCEMENT] Ubuntu India Site moved

2008-08-05 Thread Pratul Kalia
Awesome! I hope my theme will be ready in a while too.
Some points of note I want to put:

1. How come working? That domain is ours too? :-P
2. Can we do some CNAME change, so that forum is accessible from The TechJugaad URL is kinda weird.
3. Yaay!


I check email only twice a day, please use IM if urgent.
lut4rp = malloc(sizeof(pratul))
dum vivimus, vivamus.

ubuntu-in mailing list