Re: [UC] Deception by greenwashing - Now Politics too?

2009-10-01 Thread Craigsolve
In a message dated 10/1/2009 11:18:54 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, writes:

... like  those Town Hall cranks yelping about socialism and death panels. 
(Kind of an  old PR trick: keep repeating the inflamatory buzzwords about 
your opponents,  as Newt Gingrich did in the 1990s.) 

I take great umbrage with you painting our popular conservative movement  
with Pigment of Glenn.
You, as one of this list's most notorious lefties, have stooped to a  new 
gagging low, heretofore only achievable with the forced ingestion of  Skippy 
peanut butter liberally dusted with powder of urea nitrogen  and flakes of 
potassium chloride.
However, I thought you might be interested in Tim Dickinson's effort to  
discredit salt-of-the-earth conservatives by suggesting their opposition to  
Obamacare is a game-plan orchestrated in part by organizations with ties to  
former Big Tobacco operatives. It appears in Rolling Stone 
(  I  think 
you will enjoy it.
While the Left seems to blame so many difficulties on Corporations,  they 
most certainly are the difference between man living in the Stone Age and  
the Age of Obama. We will all have to make the best of bad times.

Re: [UC] Important info for Clark P. dogs - MSDS Info

2009-10-01 Thread Craigsolve
In a message dated 10/1/2009 8:14:34 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, writes:

...  after going to Clark park when the unknown poison was dumped  ...

You seem to be sacrificing a fair -Right To Know issue for disruptive  
A simple request to inspect the MSDS sheets (material safety data  sheets) 
of the products used in Clark Park would have been appropriate,  effective, 
and very hard to deny.
The MSDS sheets should be furnished to UCD by the said contractor and made  
available for public inspection. A log of application of products is most  
likely maintained and also should be made available for public  inspection.
A reasonable means of publicizing the grounds maintenance protocol can be  
developed. This could include a publicly accessible schedule of time and  
nature of chemicals applications. Should UCD also be contracting for the  
application of chemicals in other public spaces, perhaps they too could be  
I appreciate you raising a concern about the chemicals issue. While you are 
 concerned about the dogs, Kimm about the kids, I don't want them dusting 
the BBQ  chicken and produce.
I am copying this email to Dexter Bryant for appropriate distribution  
within UCD and it contractors' organizations. For the sake of disclosure, I  
believe Dexter was part of the project management team for one of my 
contractors  when I was at the Science Center.
I am confident UCD will research the issues you have raised and conduct  
their grounds maintenance in accordance with all applicable laws, ordinances,  
and regulations.
Should you want to develop and present an organic alternative for grounds  
maintenance, I am confident many interested members of the community and 
users  of Clark Park will give it a fair review.

Re: [UC] Deception by greenwashing

2009-10-01 Thread Brian Siano
On Thu, Oct 1, 2009 at 8:40 PM, Glenn moyer  wrote:

> Neighbors,
> I imagine you all noted that UCD and FOCP immediately tried to silence our
> discussion of clark park poison with "greenwashing."  They didn't know the
> name of the poison or even the company, but just launched into bull... "It's
> organic and safe; it's safe and organic.  Everyone shut up because Glenn is
> paranoid."

>When I discover the exact name of the Clark park poison, I'll research the
specific "product" and report back to you.

This is strange. At 5:30 today, Frank Chance emailed Glenn a data sheet on
the fertilizer used in the park, and I got a cc.. It's called GreenGro, it's
made by a company called Synatek, and it's basically 19% urea nitrogen and
2% potassium chloride. That's pretty standard for a fertiizer. (According to
the spec sheet, ingestion causes "mild stomach discomfort.")

Yet here we are at 8:40 pm, and Glenn is promising to report back when he
"discovers the exact name." But he's evidently spent those three hours
dredging up complaints about this TruGreen company-- _three hours_ after
getting information with the name of the fertilizer, and the fact that it's
made by someone else entirely.

It's now 11 p.m., and Glenn has not mentioned receiving Frank's email.

Are we surprised? I'm not. Glenn's history is to try to find _some_ issue to
get people angry at the Friends of Clark Park. It doesn't matter _what_ it
is. One month it's our 'secret plans' to rebuild parts of the park. Another
month, our survey on flea markets is Something Sinister. Reciting claims of
corporate rule and dandelion murder haven't inspired people to really to
Glenn's cause, whatever it really is.

But Glenn seems to have found a button to press. He's been screaming about
"poison" right off the bat, like those Town Hall cranks yelping about
socialism and death panels. (Kind of an old PR trick: keep repeating the
inflamatory buzzwords about your opponents, as Newt Gingrich did in the
1990s.) He's made vague, unverifiable claims that the grass is now a
"strange color," and somehow, the absence of dandelions is connected with
this; I'm surprised he hasn't cited local psychics that the park's aura
is out of alignment.

Oh, I have to mention something that's very disturbing. Glenn has made wild
and unsupported claims that "millions of gallons" of "poisons" are being
dumped in the park, as a "corporate" effort to promote "neo-Victorian"
values. I have not seen anyone demand that he support these claims with
anything like proof. But when Tony tries to answer these wild accusations--
and we're researching the issue, trust me-- suddenly the people who
swallowed Glenn's dishonest bile are demanding "facts and data." Well, we're
trying, but they take time to assemble: Glenn has the luxury of throwing
whatever he wants onto the list, relevant, documented, or not.

This is sadly typical of the angry, bullying tone that's chased a lot of
reasonable people away from this mailing list.

[UC] Deception by greenwashing

2009-10-01 Thread Glenn moyer

I imagine you all noted that UCD and FOCP immediately tried to silence our 
discussion of clark park poison with "greenwashing."  They didn't know the name 
of the poison or even the company, but just launched into bull... "It's organic 
and safe; it's safe and organic.  Everyone shut up because Glenn is paranoid."

Here is a good testimonial about greenwashing with the organic claim.  Note 
that this individual also reports having a human physical reaction.  The 
complaints about harming dogs are plentiful.  (Trugreen has some 3 million 
contracts).  Do you see why the accumulated damage is threatening the 
Chesapeake and other water sheds?

Titled: Trugreen Lies and Poisons

My neighbors use TruGreen. Their lawn looks dead. Mine is green. I don't use a 
lawn service or lawn chemicals. My soil is the same as theirs. The point is 
that TruGreen tells my neighbors that the chemicals are safe and 
"organic-based," which to me means the base can be organic with anything added 
to it. TruGreen came a month ago and sprayed *** and grub killer on my 
neighbors' lawn in 40 mile an hour winds in advance of a big rain storm. Not 
surprisingly, the spraying didn't work because what chemicals didn't get blown 
all over the neighborhood got washed down the storm drain. A month later they 
are here again. My tongue is burning and I have a headache so I assume TruGreen 
is Spraying a generous dose. The man who sprayed wore only rubber gloves for 
protection and no mask or protective clothing. His pants were wet to the knees 
with lawn chemicals. It is supposed to rain for the next five days so he will 
be back again in a month when my neighbors complain that the grubs and weeds 
remain. Why do my neighbors, also my friends, place their fear of weeds and 
grubs and love for their lawn ahead of the environment and their friends' and 
neighbors' health? They do it because TruGreen sales people have told them that 
their products are safe and organic based and will dissipate within 48 hours. 
My neighbors don't seem to get that dissipate means to go into the air for all 
of us to breathe. Grr. I hate TruGreen. Agressive sales and deceptive 

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[UC] Important info for Clark P. dogs

2009-10-01 Thread Glenn moyer
Dear neighbors,

Please look at some of these complaints about the company that puts unknown 
agents on Clark Park.  Please tell your vet if your dog got sick after going to 
Clark park when the unknown poison was dumped.  In the second complaint, notice 
how the unknown poison killed nearby plants.

When I discover the exact name of the Clark park poison, I'll research the 
specific "product" and report back to you.

DIANE of EAGAN, MN September 29, 2009

TRU GREEN visits were always to be on Fridays since I'm home. I keep the 
backyard gate locked so they wouldn't come in unexpectly since I have 2 dogs. 
On Wednesday evening, I arrived home to find Trugreen's poison sign on my front 
grass. I called to ask why they came and received a message from the technician 
that he had jumped the fence. That evening, one of my dogs got violently sick. 
They are both very friendly and if he did spray the backyard, the dogs would 
have been by his side while he was applying poison. 

I feel this is very intrusive, that he would of jumped the gate in the first 
place, 2nd they were there on the wrong day, and if he did apply the poison as 
he said he did, he did it even though he saw the dogs there. When I mentioned 
this to Trugreen and told them they are no longer welcome on my property, I was 
just told they'd take care of it. I assume that means they won't be at my house 
again which I hope is true.

Read more:

CD of Akron, OH August 21, 2009

I have not had Chemlawn treat my yard for about 4 years. I fired them because 
they killed a row of lilac trees and several perennials (and still had weeds) - 
I had had enough after that. But now my neigbor uses them and with the last two 
applications to her yard, I have a decades-old Rose of Sharon tree dying and 
also an equally old hybiscus which is also dying. They are close to the 
property line and I noticed the last time they sprayed my neighbor's yard on a 
windy day. I had the Rose of Sharon moved three years ago to make room for a 
barn and have nursed it like a child to ensure it's survival. This year it 
is/was loaded with flowers, but now it is curling up like a hand crippled with 
arthritis. I am just sick about this and have been awake since 4 a.m. this 
morning worrying about it. I will be contacting Chemlawn when I get home from 
work today, though I do not expect them to be sympathetic since I'm not a 
paying customer...just a disgruntaled former customer they will never get 
another time from - I would rather weeds take over first

Read more:

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[UC] Important info for Clark P. dogs

2009-10-01 Thread Glenn moyer
Dear neighbors,

Please look at some of these complaints about the company that puts unknown 
agents on Clark Park.  Please tell your vet if your dog got sick after going to 
Clark park when the unknown poison was dumped.  In the second complaint, notice 
how the unknown poison killed nearby plants.

When I discover the exact name of the Clark park poison, I'll research the 
specific "product" and report back to you.

DIANE of EAGAN, MN September 29, 2009

TRU GREEN visits were always to be on Fridays since I'm home. I keep the 
backyard gate locked so they wouldn't come in unexpectly since I have 2 dogs. 
On Wednesday evening, I arrived home to find Trugreen's poison sign on my front 
grass. I called to ask why they came and received a message from the technician 
that he had jumped the fence. That evening, one of my dogs got violently sick. 
They are both very friendly and if he did spray the backyard, the dogs would 
have been by his side while he was applying poison. 

I feel this is very intrusive, that he would of jumped the gate in the first 
place, 2nd they were there on the wrong day, and if he did apply the poison as 
he said he did, he did it even though he saw the dogs there. When I mentioned 
this to Trugreen and told them they are no longer welcome on my property, I was 
just told they'd take care of it. I assume that means they won't be at my house 
again which I hope is true.

Read more:

CD of Akron, OH August 21, 2009

I have not had Chemlawn treat my yard for about 4 years. I fired them because 
they killed a row of lilac trees and several perennials (and still had weeds) - 
I had had enough after that. But now my neigbor uses them and with the last two 
applications to her yard, I have a decades-old Rose of Sharon tree dying and 
also an equally old hybiscus which is also dying. They are close to the 
property line and I noticed the last time they sprayed my neighbor's yard on a 
windy day. I had the Rose of Sharon moved three years ago to make room for a 
barn and have nursed it like a child to ensure it's survival. This year it 
is/was loaded with flowers, but now it is curling up like a hand crippled with 
arthritis. I am just sick about this and have been awake since 4 a.m. this 
morning worrying about it. I will be contacting Chemlawn when I get home from 
work today, though I do not expect them to be sympathetic since I'm not a 
paying customer...just a disgruntaled former customer they will never get 
another time from - I would rather weeds take over first

Read more:

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Re: [UC] Where have the dandelions gone

2009-10-01 Thread Anthony West
You raise an important legal point, Glenn: if fertilizer is good for 
plants in general but bad for dandelions in particular, is it a 
violation of the civil rights of dandelion-worshipers to have dandelions 
killed by fertilizing them on public property?

I'd be surprised if there is much case law on this subject. The closest 
issue I can think of, is the concern that Hindu cattle-worshipers may 
feel about the raising of beef cattle for slaughter on vast portions of 
the Western range. Does it violate the rights of Hindu citizens to have 
cows that are raised on a public range slaughtered?

I don't know. But UC-list is read by many reputable lawyers. What is 
their opinion on this question? I defer.

Until this question is settled, it might be wise for West Philadelphia 
dandelion-worshipers to grow a supply sufficient for sacramental 
purposes on their own property. I doubt they can succeed in ordering the 
City of Philadelphia to grow dandelions for them. Owners of multiple 
properties should be able to generate enough dandelions for their 
personal needs.

-- Tony West

Glenn moyer wrote:

Why did the dandelions die out at the same time the "fertilizer" was 
introduced?  That question remains to be addressed.  How did the grass and dandelion in 
the poor soil survive prior to UCD salvation?  Were the whores, drug addicts and gang 
members fertilizing the park when we weren't looking?

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Re: [UC] Ammonia in liquid

2009-10-01 Thread Anthony West

Thanks for the research, Glenn. That's useful information.

-- Tony West

Glenn moyer wrote:

The name of the corporation is TruGreen,  (I found one of the 
signs).  The name of the exact product continues to be a secret.  I didn't get 
through the entire web site, but I couldn't find more potential ingredients at 
this point.  It's just the typical corporate marketing bull...

This was the only thing of any relevance which I have found.  It seems the squirrels will only die if the experts use it at high concentrations.  It's rated "practically non-toxic."  Hahaha  

TruGreen does not manufacture the products we use in lawn care, but the 
products we purchase generally contain the same active ingredients as found in 
products sold at retail garden stores and hardware stores.

Furthermore, the toxic potential of any substance is a function of dose or 
concentration. The spray applications most commonly made by TruGreen are dilute 
aqueous solutions of fertilizer and pesticides consisting of approximately 92 
percent water, 7.5 percent fertilizer and 0.5 percent or less of pesticide. 
However, approximately 50 percent of our applications consist of dry granular 
formulations of lawn care products similar to those available at retail stores.

Twelve combinations of materials most regularly used by TruGreen in lawn, tree 
and shrub care were tested for oral acute toxicity in rodents using 
concentrations similar to those that are in the spray application. The term 
LD50 represents the dose that is lethal to 50% of the rodent test group. Eleven 
of the applications had an LD50 value greater than 20,000 mg/kg and one had an 
LD50 of 18,100 mg/kg.

What's more, a scale used for rating the toxicity of chemicals from Clinical 
Toxicology of Commercial Products, Gosselin, Smith and Hodge: Williams and 
Wilkins, Baltimore, 1984 indicated the test results for liquid mixtures diluted 
for use in TruGreen ChemLawn programs can be rated as Practically Non-Toxic.

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2009-10-01 Thread Frank
All Makes Electric, 143 S 13th Street will replace it for you while  
you wait. It costs about $3. I love this guy.


On Oct 1, 2009, at 08:14 AM, wrote:

Good Morning Neighbors:

Does anyone have a suggestion where I can get the battery  
replaced in my wrist watch. You can buy one at a lot of places but  
it is difficult to find someone who will install it for you.


John Valentino

[UC] ? Fairmount Soccer Association 2002 and 2003 - Medals

2009-10-01 Thread

I recently purchased a Wooden Box of games at a Porch Sale advertised on one of 
the UC lists.

When we went to play our first game we noticed 3 medals among the game pieces 
for the
   Fairmount Soccer Association
Senior Division - 2002
Senior Division - 2003
Indoor - 2003
If you want them back, or if anyone else has interest in them, please let me 
I'll be happy to deliver them.
If I weren't having a "Senior" week, I might be able to remember the person who 
sold me the Game box.

Elizabeth Campion
210 W. Rittenhouse Square, Suite 406
Phila, PA 19103
215-790-5653 Desk & Voicemail
215-880-2930 Cell & Emergency
215-546-9781 Shared office Fax

campio...@juno,com  or for Rental questions
Link to Photos of available Listings and public, 'social' photos:  
To check out all PFR and Multiple Listed Properties and 
to review CONSUMER NOTICE, link to
Your referral is a welcome compliment.
All the best in 2009 and beyond!

Medical Assisting Careers
Become certified as a Medical Assistant. Get info and Apply Today!

[UC] Thanks to real FOCP expert

2009-10-01 Thread Glenn moyer

A real expert with the FOCP sent this out to the FOCP board in response to that 
letter to me, which Brian posted.  I thanked him.

This is the kind of a real honest communication that this community needs to 
DEMAND from these civic associations.  Clearly, Tony and UCD have no idea what 
they are putting on the park.  As long as it counts as money spent marketing 
the neighborhood, they don't really care what this company sprays on the park.

I don't think Moon landscaping even had anything to do with this.  It looks to 
me like it was subcontracted to this separate Trugreen company.  

The idiots are in charge of the idiot factory, in charge of our public park!

>From the real FOCP expert (I didn't ask permission to identify him on the 
>public list, so I will not do so)-

"That's an interesting interpretation of the natural history of Clark 
Park's soil stratigraphy.

There are several negative aspects of using surface applied products on 
such a compacted surface.  With fertilizers on the surface they further 
encourage shallow roots.  Products on a compacted surface mostly are 
carried off by surface water rather than percolate into the soil. This 
stuff often high in nitrogen ends up in the sewer.  Not quite so 
terrible for the streams and rivers if the material is strictly lime and 
potash.  However that is not usually what is meant by 'organic 
fertilzer".  Finally, when a mowing program that reduces the grass to 1" 
or less is combined with a surface fertilizer program, the taller 
grasses lose most of their green leaf length, get 'burned' and generally 
results in weaker plants.

As far as direct contact goes, the signs presumably went up when it was 
'unsafe' for dogs and kids to play.  Now the question is: Is it now dry 
enough, or is it not?  The person who was in charge of applying it, 
whatever it is, presumably also has a follow up responsibilty to take 
them down when it is supposed to be safe.  This is creating a lot of 
confusion and worry."

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[UC-Announce] Blessing of the Animals at St. Francis de Sales

2009-10-01 Thread frbyers

Hi, Everyone,

 This Sunday, October 4, is the feastday of St. Francis of Assisi, the 
friend of all of God's creatures.? Come celebrate by having your pet(s) blessed 
at 12:30 pm at St. Francis de Sales Church, 47th & Springfield Ave.? Please 
keep your dog leashed.? For more information, call 215-222-2255.

? Fran

[UC] Where have the dandelions gone

2009-10-01 Thread Glenn moyer
Why did the dandelions die out at the same time the "fertilizer" was 
introduced?  That question remains to be addressed.  How did the grass and 
dandelion in the poor soil survive prior to UCD salvation?  Were the whores, 
drug addicts and gang members fertilizing the park when we weren't looking?

Where have all the dandelions gone
Long time passing
Where have all the dandelions gone
Long time ago
Where have all the dandelions gone
The anointed killed them every one
When will they ever learn
When will they ever learn

Where have all the fishes gone
Long time passing
Where have all the fishes gone
Long time ago
Where have all the fishes gone
The district dumped nitrogen on everyone
When will consumers learn
When will consumers learn

Where have all the amphibians gone
Long time passing
Where have all the amphibians gone
Long time ago
Where have all the amphibians gone
Poisoned with corporate shit in everyone
When will consumers learn
When will consumers learn...

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[UC] Ammonia in liquid

2009-10-01 Thread Glenn moyer

I received an e-mail from an FOCP official.  

The message corroborated my assertion that a liquid was used on Clark park. I 
requested the names of all organic and non-organic products which are used 
throughout the year(but I don't expect an answer). It's unconfirmed, but the 
official wrote something like, one wouldn't want ammonia on the dog.  So that's 
the first indication of the first ingredient, which I can report.  He mentioned 
also nitrogen, which I believe, is the ingredient in fertilizer that has become 
a huge problem from fertilizer in the waterways.  (We can all check this out)

So if this UCD director orders Moon employees to stop using the small signs, 
we've identified that ammonia will be on the liquid you,the kids, and the dog 
may be contacting when you encounter this "treatment."   

The name of the corporation is TruGreen,  (I found one of the 
signs).  The name of the exact product continues to be a secret.  I didn't get 
through the entire web site, but I couldn't find more potential ingredients at 
this point.  It's just the typical corporate marketing bull...

This was the only thing of any relevance which I have found.  It seems the 
squirrels will only die if the experts use it at high concentrations.  It's 
rated "practically non-toxic."  Hahaha  

TruGreen does not manufacture the products we use in lawn care, but the 
products we purchase generally contain the same active ingredients as found in 
products sold at retail garden stores and hardware stores.

Furthermore, the toxic potential of any substance is a function of dose or 
concentration. The spray applications most commonly made by TruGreen are dilute 
aqueous solutions of fertilizer and pesticides consisting of approximately 92 
percent water, 7.5 percent fertilizer and 0.5 percent or less of pesticide. 
However, approximately 50 percent of our applications consist of dry granular 
formulations of lawn care products similar to those available at retail stores.

Twelve combinations of materials most regularly used by TruGreen in lawn, tree 
and shrub care were tested for oral acute toxicity in rodents using 
concentrations similar to those that are in the spray application. The term 
LD50 represents the dose that is lethal to 50% of the rodent test group. Eleven 
of the applications had an LD50 value greater than 20,000 mg/kg and one had an 
LD50 of 18,100 mg/kg.

What's more, a scale used for rating the toxicity of chemicals from Clinical 
Toxicology of Commercial Products, Gosselin, Smith and Hodge: Williams and 
Wilkins, Baltimore, 1984 indicated the test results for liquid mixtures diluted 
for use in TruGreen ChemLawn programs can be rated as Practically Non-Toxic.

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[UC] Fwd: Fertilizer and Leaf Cleanup November 14

2009-10-01 Thread Brian Siano

(Forwarded from Frank Chance, President, Friends of Clark Park)


Just wanted to confirm with you that what was sprayed in the park on 
Tuesday was organic fertilizer.  There were no poisons involved.  The 
warning signs were small because there is little danger.  You would not 
want your dog licking, or rolling in the fertilizer when wet, and coming 
home smelling of ammonia, but once the spray is absorbed into the plants 
and soil it is of no danger to mammals at all.  

The reason we need such fertilizer is that the soil of Clark Park 
consists of nutrient-poor clay (the foundation level of the original 
wetlands) and landfill (placed there between 1865 and 1895).  Even grass 
is poorly supported by this soil, and the conditions are made worse by 
overuse--specifically by large groups of people gathering in the park 
when the soil is wet.  That causes it to compact, and the resulting 
anaerobic conditions prevent the natural decomposition of organic 
materials in the soil into nutrients the plants can use.  So, in order 
to keep the grass green and the trees healthy, we need to add nitrogen 
and other nutrients.  

On a related topic, I understand your suggestion about leaf blowers, and 
in fact initiated a conversation with UCD about leaf cleanup last month. 
Instead of Moon Landscaping, the leaves this year will be removed with 
volunteer efforts.  I hope you will join us on Saturday, November 14, 
when, with the help of such partner organizations as Pennsylvania 
Horticultural Society, UC Green, Boy Scouts of America, and the HMS 
School, we will gather the leaves for recycling.   We are exploring 
options for recycling them within the park, to keep the nutrients on 
hand, but the volume will probably be so large that we take most of the 
leaves to the Fairmount Park Recycling Center, where they will be slowly 
converted into organic mulch.   This volunteer effort will require a 
good deal of community support, and I hope you will not only join us but 
encourage all your friends to come to the park that day and work 
together to avoid the problems you noted last year. 

Thank you for your continued vigilance about Clark Park.  Unfortunately, 
when you present things in a flamboyant and accusatory manner, we tend 
to become defensive, which is probably not the reaction you want.  Like 
my French Bulldog, I respond better to requests than to commands, and 
better to suggestions than to shouted demands.  

Please feel free to pass this along to the PFSNI or other listserves 
that could help us with the cleanup on November 14. 

Frank L. Chance
Friends of Clark Park 

Re: [UC] Sunshine, was Poison alert, Clark Park Who payed for this?

2009-10-01 Thread Glenn moyer
Siano writes:

>That reminds me. The next Private Secret Setting Meeting for the Friends 
>of Clark Park will be on October 21, at Rosenberg Hall at USP, starting 
>at 7 p.m.
>We'll be electing officers, so keep this a Double Secret.

>From the PA Sunshine Act-

(a) Findings – The General Assembly finds that the right of the public to be 
present at all meetings of agencies and to witness the deliberation, policy 
formulation and decision making of agencies is vital to the enhancement and 
proper functioning of the democratic process and that secrecy in public affairs 
undermines the faith of the public in government and the public's effectiveness 
in fulfilling its role in a democratic society.
(b) Declarations – The General Assembly hereby declares it to be the public 
policy of this Commonwealth to insure the right of its citizens to have notice 
of and the right to attend all meetings of agencies at which any agency 
business is discussed or acted upon as provided in this act.


Very few naive people continue to consider the public marketing presentations 
from FOCP/UCD to be "meetings."  Many of us openly use the more pejorative 
description, dog and pony show.  (But I love the authoritative tone you use in 
your announcements)

FOCP/UCD have continuously refused to publicly publish the time, date ,and 
location of the real policy deliberation meetings.  This has been the policy 
since the first secret, "master plan revitalization committee."  It is the 
"planning committee" of FOCP and the "zoning committee" of SHCA, and the UCD 
committee meetings that are relevant to the people of this neighborhood.  

Who wants to waste their time with your pathetic tightly controlled dog and 
pony shows?  Are the one minute slots for thanking FOCP and UCD really 
participation of either residents or FOCP members?  Does any policy 
deliberation take place at your dog and pony shows?

You show me the public notices announcing the time, date, and location of the 
planning committee meetings, and I will stop making fun of you cats for the 
continuous attempt to deceive people into believing that dog and pony shows are 
the same as policy deliberation meetings!

Hahaha-you cats really think that we are all idiots!

Not fooled,
Glenn aka the leftist paranoid wanker  

-Original Message-
>From: Brian Siano 
>Sent: Sep 30, 2009 9:57 AM
>To: univcity serv 
>Subject: Re: [UC] Poison alert, Clark Park Who payed for this?
>Glenn moyer wrote:
>> The only answer we will get to your questions has been given by Tony West, 
>> UCD committeeman.  If you give FOCP money, maybe just maybe, they will allow 
>> you to ask your question to them in a private secret setting.  What actually 
>> happens is that you will be badly treated if you actually meet with them for 
>> a private "coffee meeting."
>That reminds me. The next Private Secret Setting Meeting for the Friends 
>of Clark Park will be on October 21, at Rosenberg Hall at USP, starting 
>at 7 p.m.
>We'll be electing officers, so keep this a Double Secret.
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Re: [UC] Poison alert, Clark Park Who payed for this?

2009-10-01 Thread Glenn moyer
laid down on the park is a granular organic 
>fertilizer that contains no herbicides or pesticides. "We have always 
>been very clear with Moon that we don't want anything like that used in 
>the park," said Bergheiser.

Neighbors, I explained to KC not to ever expect a straight answer from UCD! 

Does everyone notice what is conspicuously missing from this cleaner safer 
message?  What is the name of the product???  (Hahaha-Dexter checked the 
"organic" ingredients but forgot the name, which would allow us to verify the 
safety claims in the literature.)

Also, the Moon worker is being Fentonized in this false answer.  He was driving 
a contraption that sprays a liquid out the front, which has been discussed on 
this list before.  The worker placed the plaque on Baltimore, which accompanies 
the liquid product, and it tells people to stay off the grass until dry. (Now 
the product warning is dismissed and UCD is going to order that even this 
completely inadequate 2" x 2" warning won't be used to frighten us.)

Lew, from FOCP, also described this liquid a few years ago on the list.  Lew 
explained that he confronted a Moon worker.  The worker told Lew, it was "safe 
enough to drink"  When Lew asked him to take a swig, the worker declined. 

Do folks remember that story? It's the same warning plaque and the same liquid 
as that time.

UCD has treated us like idiots with its crap many times before.  Everyone 
should take the time and look for dandelions in Clark Park!  Were the 
dandelions wiped out by the swine flu?  (Dandelion are the hardy edible plants 
with yellow flowers.  Considered weeds, dandelions have been a primary target 
for weed killing agents used for decades on suburban lawns.  Poison is the 
honest word to describe these chemicals, no matter how much the corporations 
use words like "organic" and "safe" in their marketing.)

UCD could have told us what chemicals are used and at what times of year 
different chemicals are used, if they had any intention of being honest!  
(Manufactured fertilizers also pollute the water ways.  I believe, that it is 
the fertilizers that have been linked to dead zones in water systems like the 
Chesapeake.)  If one of the liquids placed on Clark park is a fertilizer, I 
doubt that many unsuspecting Clark park visitors want the liquid on their kids 
and dogs!

This evasive condescending answer to the legitimate concerns, expressed by many 
of us over the course of several years, is classic UCD.  We still don't know 
anything other than that we are "cleaner and safer".  UCD experts have 
everything under control, and we shouldn't worry our pretty little heads.  
Anyone like Glenn, who questions the secret liquid, is a paranoid wanker just 
as Tony has said for years!

Please check the park and see for yourselves that the dandelions have been 
wiped out by these secret chemicals!  This UCD answer should be considered, and 
it should finally convince folks about the total lack of credibility and 
condescending arrogance of UCD, as it dismisses the people of this 

Very sincerely,

-Original Message-
>From: Anthony West 
>Sent: Sep 30, 2009 4:43 PM
>To: univcity serv 
>Subject: Re: [UC] Poison alert, Clark Park Who payed for this?
>I talked with UCD Executive Director Matt Bergheiser, who in turn 
>checked with his Director of Operations Dexter Bryant. Bryant told him 
>what Moon Site Mgmt. laid down on the park is a granular organic 
>fertilizer that contains no herbicides or pesticides. "We have always 
>been very clear with Moon that we don't want anything like that used in 
>the park," said Bergheiser.
>Why the signs, then? "We suspect it's a kind of historical accident," 
>Bergheiser said. They may be part of the Moon grounds crew's standard 
>toolkit. In general, having laid down material like this, groundskeepers 
>want it to rest undisturbed for a while and encourage the public not to 
>trample across it. After even a light rain like this morning's, it 
>should have settled enough, though. Bergheiser said no one should be 
>concerned about safety issues in contacting the material now, or in 
>disturbing its efficacy now. The job is done.
>"We apologize if these signs were misleading or scary," said Bergheiser, 
>"and we will work with the contractor to avoid this sort of mistake in 
>the future."
>-- Tony West
>Kimm Tynan wrote:
>>> I don't think it's nonsense, Tony.  In this day and age, chemical
>>> fertilizers and pesticides are pretty widely viewed as pretty backwards.
>>> Given Mayor Nutter's emphasis on being green, I think the issue of what
>>> chemicals are being pumped into Clark and other parks is an entirely valid
>>> one for public discussion - not just for safety of kids and pets but for
>>> broader ecological reasons.  And there's no need to be defensive -  I don't
>>> think anyone is accusing Moon Site Management of being evil people.  That
>>> doesn't mean folks can't raise issues


2009-10-01 Thread JValentRN
Good Morning Neighbors:
Does anyone have a suggestion where I can get  the battery replaced in 
my wrist watch. You can buy one at a lot of places  but it is difficult to 
find someone who will install it for you.
John Valentino