[UC] Blue cross changes to junk insurance

2009-12-22 Thread Glenn moyer
I just got a letter from Blue Cross.  They are ending their Personal Choice 
Plan and converting to junk insurance by the end of Feb.  

The death panels swing into action fast!  Those of us who pay for our own 
insurance will be the first to be attacked.  These organized crime companies 
all act together because they are shielded from anti-trust; your horrifying 
letters will be coming soon.  Of course, this demolition of benefits does not 
have premium reductions.

With a new mandatory $5000 deductible, this will eliminate all preventive 
screening and will translate into many new deaths among those insured 
previously.  (They now list a separate company to handle medical "savings 

Because the data is hidden by insurance companies, we do not know the actual 
number of deaths among the under-insured like the 45,000 uninsured deaths per 
year.  I believe the mortality rates of those with junk insurance exceeds the 
death rate of the uninsured.  (I believe the working poor fail to get important 
screenings at higher rates than the uninsured.)

I and many others will be put at new risk for medical bankruptcy with the 
reductions in percentages covered.  I assume forcing people into a new wave of 
shopping for new insurance among the hyena companies will be part of a method 
to circumvent any new rules on pre-existing conditions.  (These death panels 
also add a "managed care model" to deny coverage to "out of network" 
facilities.  If something happens when you are away from home, they will only 
cover up to 50% after the fact).

The betrayal by the corporate democrats and their grand charade has thrown a 
new cohort of Americans into risks for bankruptcy and death!  The death 
companies rationing of care, in favor of profits, is the opposite to best 
medical practices. Those visits under $5000 are the very doctor visits that 
prevent serious and chronic disease! When once preventable illnesses of the 
bankrupted are dumped on the government the costs will be astronomical. 

All insurance companies are known to use punishment tactics.  This will be 
blamed on the American peoples' desire for reform.  But they have denied us 
reform and created a health insurance bailout.  We are going to be told by 
cable news that we are being punished for the very desire for health care 

Totally fucked small business person,

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[UC] Democrats big lie on filibuster

2009-12-22 Thread Glenn moyer

This filibuster game in the senate came from the health insurance lobby which 
controls both parties!  If the Republicans shut down the government by refusing 
a genuine policy debate, who would be defeated in the next elections

Why do the democrats all of a sudden need immediate success with a super 
majority or face destruction???  It's a big huge lie!

Single payer health care is supported by the majority of Americans who voted 
for the democrats.  A "robust public option" or medicare buy in, is supported 
by an overwhelming majority of the people.

Think about this lie about bipartisanship and polarization of America!  This 
dance on cable news around the need for a super majority allows both corporate 
wings to appeal to their party base winning!!  This charade is meant to 
manipulate and polarize the people into these Republican or Democrat camps, 
while the insurance companies get a big windfall as they tighten the death vice!

Give these fucking democrat leaders one message!  The super majority is a big 
lie and the people will realize that it is corporate business as usual.


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Re: [UC] Blue cross changes to junk insurance

2009-12-22 Thread krfapt
In a message dated 12/22/2009 9:14:46 A.M. Eastern Standard Time,  
glen...@earthlink.net writes:

I just  got a letter from Blue Cross.  They are ending their Personal 
Choice Plan  and converting to junk insurance by the end of Feb.  
Being an old coot, I'm on Medicare (which increased the amount they  
withhold from my social security payment, but not by too much).
I was on Blue Cross' Keystone 65 -- a so-called "Medicare Advantage Plan."  
Some years they charged me $30 per month for this, some it was $15 per 
month,  some it was free ... go figure!
Anyway, this year they discontinued it and instead offered something much  
more expensive (on top of what's already deducted from Social Security).
I looked around and decided to switch to an Aetna Medicare Advantage. Also  
free as long as I was willing to fork over a little more in co-payments.
Anyway, Aetna looked pretty good all around, so I'd suggest you look at  
their website and see if they have something that's reasonable for 
self-employed  young whippersnappers, too.

Alan  Krigman
KRF Management, ICON/Information Concepts Inc
211 S 45th St,  Philadelphia PA 19104-2918
215-349-6500, fax 215-349-6502
krf...@aol.com  or _al.krig...@krf.icodat.com_ 

PS: I am not employed by, nor receive any commissions from, Aetna. And I  
won't be starting with them until 1/1/10 so, for all I know, they may be very 
 tight with their "referrals" when something come up that's beyond my 
primary  care physician (who, incidentally, is the same person I had with 
Keystone  65).

[UC] Purpose of this list?

2009-12-22 Thread GeorgiaBSR
I have recently joined this list to get information about University City  
and concerns about living here.  However it seems to be being  used as a 
platform for individuals personal political beliefs and  prejudices.  I am 
confused.  Is this really the purpose of this  list?

[UC] Snitching

2009-12-22 Thread Frank
A friend of mine in the neighborhood will be testifying in DC about the 
snitching phenomenon.


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Re: [UC] Purpose of this list?

2009-12-22 Thread Frank
It's a platform for some, informational for others. In that way it reflects the 
neighborhood and its residents. This area has traditionally been a little 
"crunchy," so some political observations are to be expected, I think. As on 
any mailing list, users eventually learn who they enjoy reading and who to 

On Dec 22, 2009, at 11:01 AM, georgia...@aol.com wrote:

> Hi,
> I have recently joined this list to get information about University City and 
> concerns about living here.  However it seems to be being used as a platform 
> for individuals personal political beliefs and prejudices.  I am confused.  
> Is this really the purpose of this list?
> Georgia

RE: [UC] Purpose of this list?

2009-12-22 Thread Karen Allen

Whatever purpose this listserv originally had, it has transitioned into being 
University City's version of Hyde Park Speaker's Corner, where anyone can climb 
atop a soapbox and speak his or her mind; a neighborhood sounding board, for 
good or for ill. I admit that this listserv can be tough sometimes, but that 
reflects the different personalities who live in the neighborhood, and the 
various issues that have arisen.


Since I became a member in 2004, this list has communicated about national 
topics such as: terrorism, the war in Iraq/Afganistan, Bush, Obama, the 2004 
and 2008 elections; local issues like: crime alerts, lost pets, job 
opportunities, public schools, zoning, property taxes, local history; 
contentious issues like community association politics, the role of the 
University of Penn in this community, and its efforts to advance often 
unpopular taxation and development issues; and cultural issues like theaters, 
new restaurants, etc. And yes, it also communicates the political opinions of 
community members. 


I have a number of sources of information that I read or watch every day for 
national, political and regional news. For neighborhood news, I read this and 
other listservs as regularly as I watch MSNBC and Channel 10, or read Newsweek, 
the Daily News or  Philadelphia Weekly.  


From: georgia...@aol.com
Date: Tue, 22 Dec 2009 11:01:45 -0500
Subject: [UC] Purpose of this list?
To: univcity@list.purple.com

I have recently joined this list to get information about University City and 
concerns about living here.  However it seems to be being used as a platform 
for individuals personal political beliefs and prejudices.  I am confused.  Is 
this really the purpose of this list?

Re: [UC] Blue cross changes to junk insurance

2009-12-22 Thread missthin
Hi all

This insurance mess just keeps getting worse and worse.  Kind of like the
bill passed to "help" consumers with credit cards and limitations that could
be put on interest rates, etc.  Well they gave the CC companies how long
before it kicks in? and in the meantime most people with CC are getting
letters announcing that their interest rates are jumping anywhere from 5% to
20% above what they were.

Now the insurance companies are doing the scramble to make sure they get
every penny they can squeeze out of us.  The "healthcare reform" as it
stands right now I don't believe is going to help any of us, whether you're
self-employed, a small (especially) business owner, employees (I know one
person who's rate is going up about 25% in January), the disabled and
retired.  We are all going to lose under this "reform", just like the last
administration's medicare "reform" hurt so many.  High beginning of the year
deductibles, the lovely "donut hole", doctors opting to not take on new
medicare patients or even stop accepting medicare because of the already low
reimbursement - which promises to become even lower under the new "reform",
same with hospitals.

Not that insurance companies do a great job of reimbursement.  I think
that's why doctors and hospitals charge so much.  They are kind of
overcharging in hopes of getting something reasonable to allow them to
continue to stay in practice.

I can't believe BC is discontinuing the Personal Choice for you!  That's
already, if not "cadillac", then pretty darn close and the premiums on that
are really high.

I have Keystone 65 HMO (and medicare, got to have to part B to get
supplemental or "advantage" plans).  My HMO is going up in January along
with all co-pays and deductibles.

I had Aetna (medicare HMO) and was not really happy with them.  YMMV!  Of
course at this point I'm not sure many of us are happy with our insurance
and having the insurance company, not you and your doctor, decide what's
going to be covered or allowed.  Went through fighting them over seeing a
Cardiologist and having needed tests done.

Glen, I hope you can find some sort of affordable, without deductibles
through the roof insurance.


On Tue, Dec 22, 2009 at 10:07 AM,  wrote:

>  In a message dated 12/22/2009 9:14:46 A.M. Eastern Standard Time,
> glen...@earthlink.net writes:
> I just got a letter from Blue Cross.  They are ending their Personal Choice
> Plan and converting to junk insurance by the end of Feb.
> Being an old coot, I'm on Medicare (which increased the amount they
> withhold from my social security payment, but not by too much).
> I was on Blue Cross' Keystone 65 -- a so-called "Medicare Advantage Plan."
> Some years they charged me $30 per month for this, some it was $15 per
> month, some it was free ... go figure!
> Anyway, this year they discontinued it and instead offered something much
> more expensive (on top of what's already deducted from Social Security).
> I looked around and decided to switch to an Aetna Medicare Advantage. Also
> free as long as I was willing to fork over a little more in co-payments.
> Anyway, Aetna looked pretty good all around, so I'd suggest you look at
> their website and see if they have something that's reasonable for
> self-employed young whippersnappers, too.
> Alan Krigman
> KRF Management, ICON/Information Concepts Inc
> 211 S 45th St, Philadelphia PA 19104-2918
> 215-349-6500, fax 215-349-6502
> krf...@aol.com or al.krig...@krf.icodat.com
> PS: I am not employed by, nor receive any commissions from, Aetna. And I
> won't be starting with them until 1/1/10 so, for all I know, they may be
> very tight with their "referrals" when something come up that's beyond my
> primary care physician (who, incidentally, is the same person I had with
> Keystone 65).

Re: [UC] Purpose of this list?

2009-12-22 Thread missthin
Hi Georgia!

Nice to meet you :)

Um, this listserve is many things to many people.

As Karen eloquently put it, it can be a "soapbox", it can be silly, it can
be frustrating, it can denigrate into personal attacks - yeah, it's happened
more than once.  But it also does serve a purpose in people living in this
area getting to know things that are going on.  If there's a rash of
robberies, or potential scam artists (the security alarm thing where people
were going door to door)), car break-ins, car and property damage, lost and
found pets, general neighborhood announcements, all kinds of things.

So just hang in there!  You'll learn who you want to read and who you don't;
what you want to read and what you don't and just use the Delete button as

Otherwise, hope you find the list helpful, informative and at least
sometimes fun.


On Tue, Dec 22, 2009 at 12:21 PM, Karen Allen  wrote:

>  Whatever purpose this listserv originally had, it has transitioned into
> being University City's version of Hyde Park Speaker's Corner, where anyone
> can climb atop a soapbox and speak his or her mind; a neighborhood sounding
> board, for good or for ill. I admit that this listserv can be tough
> sometimes, but that reflects the different personalities who live in the
> neighborhood, and the various issues that have arisen.
> Since I became a member in 2004, this list has communicated about national
> topics such as: terrorism, the war in Iraq/Afganistan, Bush, Obama, the 2004
> and 2008 elections; local issues like: crime alerts, lost pets, job
> opportunities, public schools, zoning, property taxes, local history;
> contentious issues like community association politics, the role of the
> University of Penn in this community, and its efforts to advance
> often unpopular taxation and development issues; and cultural issues like
> theaters, new restaurants, etc. And yes, it also communicates the political
> opinions of community members.
> I have a number of sources of information that I read or watch every day
> for national, political and regional news. For neighborhood news, I read
> this and other listservs as regularly as I watch MSNBC and Channel 10, or
> read Newsweek, the Daily News or  Philadelphia Weekly.
> --
> From: georgia...@aol.com
> Date: Tue, 22 Dec 2009 11:01:45 -0500
> Subject: [UC] Purpose of this list?
> To: univcity@list.purple.com
> Hi,
> I have recently joined this list to get information about University City
> and concerns about living here.  However it seems to be being used as a
> platform for individuals personal political beliefs and prejudices.  I am
> confused.  Is this really the purpose of this list?
> Georgia

Re: [UC] Purpose of this list?

2009-12-22 Thread Wilma de Soto
Dear Georgia,

Welcome to the University City Listserv, which came from the Spruce Hill

We accept anyone and everyone who is a member of this community and listen
to and tolerate all opinions which is the hallmark of a diverse, educated
urban community.

Diverse opinions, neighborhood announcements, community issues and all types
of political discourse with regard to the creation of our portion of West
Philadelphia, now known as University City, in addition to everything else
Karen stated so eloquently.

All opinions, announcements, discussions and news are welcome here.

One might read discussions that might rankle one¹s version of this community
or even be completely diametrically opposed to one¹s vision of this

No matter.

We discuss anything and everything germane to this community past, present
and future.  We are one of the few communities in this city who has done
this and still continues to do so and we are proud of this.


Wilma de Soto

On 12/22/09 12:21 PM, "Karen Allen"  wrote:

> Whatever purpose this listserv originally had, it has transitioned into being
> University City's version of Hyde Park Speaker's Corner, where anyone can
> climb atop a soapbox and speak his or her mind; a neighborhood sounding board,
> for good or for ill. I admit that this listserv can be tough sometimes, but
> that reflects the different personalities who live in the neighborhood, and
> the various issues that have arisen.
> Since I became a member in 2004, this list has communicated about national
> topics such as: terrorism, the war in Iraq/Afganistan, Bush, Obama, the 2004
> and 2008 elections; local issues like: crime alerts, lost pets, job
> opportunities, public schools, zoning, property taxes, local history;
> contentious issues like community association politics, the role of the
> University of Penn in this community, and its efforts to advance often
> unpopular taxation and development issues; and cultural issues like theaters,
> new restaurants, etc. And yes, it also communicates the political opinions of
> community members.
> I have a number of sources of information that I read or watch every day for
> national, political and regional news. For neighborhood news, I read this and
> other listservs as regularly as I watch MSNBC and Channel 10, or read
> Newsweek, the Daily News or  Philadelphia Weekly.
> From: georgia...@aol.com
> Date: Tue, 22 Dec 2009 11:01:45 -0500
> Subject: [UC] Purpose of this list?
> To: univcity@list.purple.com
> Hi,
> I have recently joined this list to get information about University City and
> concerns about living here.  However it seems to be being used as a platform
> for individuals personal political beliefs and prejudices.  I am confused.  Is
> this really the purpose of this list?
> Georgia

Re: [UC] Purpose of this list?

2009-12-22 Thread Anthony West

Hi Georgia,

Most of the neighborhood discussions you are looking for are found on 
UCNeighbors (ucneighb...@lists.asc.upenn.edu). That list was founded a 
few years ago to avoid unending and undisciplined rants about political 
views, especially when they turn into personal denunciations of 
individual neighbors. Since UC-list is unmoderated, it has no mechanism 
to screen out deranged or trouble-making posts; this is a fact its 
readers must get used to -- or unsubscribe from.

For amiable interactions about neighborhood shops, services and events; 
cheerful banter; and even deeper discussions about current events as 
they affect our neighborhood -- most neighbors are now more comfortable 
opening such subjects on UCNeighbors. That's because it is moderated by 
a well-known and respected neighbor, Kyle Cassidy, who personally 
guarantees to filter content lightly if needed, to keep discussions civil.

It has never, in fact, been needed, I believe. But it's the difference 
between a bar with a bouncer (or at least a phone you can call 911 from) 
and a bar without either. Over time, you tend to get a different traffic 
at the two establishments.

Hundreds of people subscribe to both lists. But UCNeighbors appears to 
be stronger and more "neighborly", in the sense I think you intend, now.

-- Tony West

I have recently joined this list to get information about University 
City and concerns about living here.  However it seems to be being 
used as a platform for individuals personal political beliefs and 
prejudices.  I am confused.  Is this really the purpose of this list?


Re: [UC] Purpose of this list?

2009-12-22 Thread craigsolve
-Original Message-
From: Wilma de Soto 
To: Karen Allen ; UnivCity listserv 

Sent: Tue, Dec 22, 2009 6:33 pm
Subject: Re: [UC] Purpose of this list?

Dear Georgia,

Welcome to the University City Listserv, which came from the Spruce Hill 

We accept anyone and everyone who is a member of this community and listen to 
and tolerate all opinions 

Ahemmm, Wilma,
What happened to Sam after he had tea with you at the GreenLine? A Chilean 
disappearance come North? Or, when Krigman invites a recalcitrant to meet him 
behind Lil Nell at 2:00 AM to experience UC as a living learning lab or is it 
MIT bench-work?
And, it is a place where you may be playfully -politically incorrect.
Feliz Navidad







And may the blessings of this Christmas be with you throughout the New Year!



Re: [UC] Purpose of this list?

2009-12-22 Thread Wilma de Soto
If you speak of Sam Nicolary, actually we had coffee together and a VERY
good time and talk together.

We kept our promise and he¹s cool with me in as far as I know.  What Andy
Diller may have done Sam to him after that, I cannot say. ³Sam, wherever you
are I hope Andy has done right by you.²

As for Krigman, Lord only knows.

Craig, YOU of ALL people know I am ANYTHING but playfully politically
correct, as I have no reason to be.  Political correctness was never an
invention or contrivance of people like me contrary to mainstream
perception. Rather by those who are uncomfortable in the presence of people
like me.  I cannot help it if they have been impaled upon their own sword
and wish to blame me for it.;)

Craig, I wish you and yours a Happy Christmas and a Healthy and Prosperous
New Year!

Fondest regards,


On 12/22/09 7:01 PM, "craigso...@aol.com"  wrote:

> -Original Message-
> From: Wilma de Soto 
> To: Karen Allen ; UnivCity listserv
> Sent: Tue, Dec 22, 2009 6:33 pm
> Subject: Re: [UC] Purpose of this list?
>> Dear Georgia,
>> Welcome to the University City Listserv, which came from the Spruce Hill
>> Listserv.
>> We accept anyone and everyone who is a member of this community and listen to
>> and tolerate all opinions
> __
> Ahemmm, Wilma,
> What happened to Sam after he had tea with you at the GreenLine? A Chilean
> disappearance come North? Or, when Krigman invites a recalcitrant to meet him
> behind Lil Nell at 2:00 AM to experience UC as a living learning lab or is it
> MIT bench-work?
> And, it is a place where you may be playfully -politically incorrect.
> Feliz Navidad
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xMtuVP8Mj4o
> And may the blessings of this Christmas be with you throughout the New Year!
> Ciao,
> Craig

[UC] found: hats,gloves,scarves in Clark Park

2009-12-22 Thread Linda Lee

from craigslist:
(don't respond to me; respond to the email below)
Found winter hats, gloves, scarves in Clark Park (Clark Park, West  

Date: 2009-12-22, 5:09PM EST
Reply to: comm-wga6n-1521681...@craigslist.org [Errors when replying  
to ads?]

hey, my friend and i picked up a whole bunch of winter stuff left in  
the dog bowl at clark park. if you're missing anything, e-mail me.

[UC] re: Purpose of this listserve

2009-12-22 Thread GeorgiaBSR
Wow!  I guess, like everything else, it all depends on who is doing  the 
"talking".  I am touched by the friendliness and the concern many  people have 
shown, and I will take their advice about learning who to listen to,  and 
who, not...just as in all of life.  Silly me, not to have understood  that in 
the first place.
I will also check into the alternate listserve. (as some people have  
suggested)..one just can't get too much information about the world in which 
"Thank you" to everyone who responded. What an  amazing neighborhood this 
is to live in!

[UC-Announce] Christmas Eve Midnight Mass

2009-12-22 Thread frbyers
Hi, All,

  Don't forget to include in your busy schedule this time of year a
visit to St. Francis de Sales Church, 47th and Springfield Ave., at 11
pm on Christmas Eve for a concert of Christmas music with choir and
brass, leading up to Midnight Mass (also with choir, organ and brass).
It will be a moving and memorable experience.   All are invited,
regardless of faith tradition.

 Merry Christmas!


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see .
You may post announcements to this list, but this list attempts to
prevent discussion.  Please use univcity to discuss messages on this
list.  Subscribers of univcity receive all mail to this list.