Re: [ANN] JavaPolis 2005 Quickie Monday 12th December 2005

2005-12-24 Thread Peter A. Pilgrim

Peter A. Pilgrim wrote:


I know I should have said this much earlier than this, but
I will be giving a 15 minute presentations on Struts and Beyond
at JavaPolis 2005, Tomorrow. Please feel welcome to join me
if you are attending.

Now, hopefully this terrible cold, I have now, will go away
and leave me alone!

FYI: I have uploaded my presentation slides and MP3 rehearsal to my blog

All Struts Users and Developer worldwide from JAVAWUG

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Happy New
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Peter Pilgrim
   __ _ _ _
  / //__  // ___// ___/   +  Serverside Java
 / /___/ // /__ / /__ +  Struts
/ // ___// ___// ___/ +  Expresso Committer
 __/ // /__ / /__ / /__   +  Independent Contractor
/___///////   +  Intrinsic Motivation
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Re: [OT] JavaWebParts and Struts / Ajax integration

2005-12-23 Thread Peter A. Pilgrim

Frank W. Zammetti wrote:
Sorry to not reply sooner Peter... my web host has been under a major 
DoS attack today, my mail just came back up a minute or so ago.

Well that ok because I am now official on holiday (vacation ;-)

Pilgrim, Peter wrote:

Hi Frank et Al

I am not sure if the latest 1.0 current version of JavaWebPart
actually distributes the right libraries.
If looks like ``javawebparts_core.jar'' has the wrong base dir.

It contains strangs paths that look incorrect e.g 

I would have thought it should have been `


Those paths actually *are* correct... a few releases back we rolled in 
some Commons code so that there would be no external dependencies 
(except for Commons Logging, which we left external to try and alleviate 
any classloaded issues that might arise).  To do this, the packages were 
modified so that org/apache/commons/* is under javawebparts/core.

Ok that makes sense then. Maybe when people switch Maven 2 then this
dependency issues can be worked out.

In order to build the type suggestion, what are the correct jars
to include. I thought it was ``javawebparts_core.jar'' and 
``javawebparts_taglibs.jar''. Now I get a strange deployment
error like Error: Could not load asds: 
weblogic.servlet.jsp.JspException: (line 6): Error in using tag 
library uri='/tags/javawebparts_ajaxtags.tld' prefix='ajax': cannot 
find tag class: 'javawebparts.taglib.ajaxtags.AjaxEventTag'

I downloaded the 1.0 beta release version. I found that the binary
release included *.class in the javawebparts_taglib.jar file.
Also, I checked the javawebparts_core.jar file. This was fine.

I think there is problem with the `make_jars' in the ant build. I found
that running that ant target (re-)created all the jars, but the 
`javawebparts_taglib.jar' contained only the TLD and Weird.

That's right, only the core (which is always required) and the taglib 
jars should be required.

Yes I had a look at the cookbook examples (both of them). I deployed
them both to Weblogic and there both worked no problem at all. I think
I had to manually create a WAR files for both examples using `jar'.

I'm confused though... are you trying to build the cookbook apps or the 
sample app, or your own app?  It *looks* like a simple classpath issue, 
the taglib jar doesn't look to be found by Weblogic.  You can also take 
a look in your server logs... Every class in JWP does a dependency check 
at classload and will report via System.err any dependencies (outside 
the JDK) that it can't find.  I actually burned myself a week or so ago 
trying to use the Chain implementation and forgot to include the code 
JAR, and for a few hours my webapp was just silently not starting up, no 
errors or anything.  I finally figured it out (D'oh!) and decided *that* 
wasn't going to happen again :)


I am trying to add javawebparts to the current Struts project for my 
client at work. I am truying add to auto completion (Google Suggest) for
a couple administration screen in the application. I followed the 
instructions in the JavaDoc for the taglib. Unfortunately I could not 
deploy the application to Weblogic because somehow the taglibs were not 
being found. Somehow the project does not find the Javawebparts classes 
at all. I tried various things yesterday like playing around with the 
URI. Making sure that it was maps a taglib in the web.xml. I checked the 
build WAR that both libraries javawebparts_{taglib,core}.jar were being 
included in WEB-INF/lib.

Away from work I think this is classpath issue of some time. I bet
I have to set up the libraries in EAR as well, because of something
I found unusual in WebLogic 8.1 that my client uses. In Weblogic
that EAR classloader takes precedence over the WAR classloader.
So if there is class dependency in javawebparts that requires
a JAR loaded in the EAR classloader, then it fail of course.

The other weird thing, at work I use MyEclipse 4.0 and Eclipse 3.1 and
MyEclipse could not recognise the  or  custom 
tags and it flagged them as unknown tags. The Struts tags are unknown.

This should have been a big clue to me, that something was wrong.
MyEclipse is normally very good at picking up any custom TLD. However it 
just underlinedin yellow any  tags. Crap, I dont know what is 
wrong until I get back to work in January 2006.

Frank, Could you check your distribution release is correct in the 
meantime? Could you write a very simple HOWTO and how to incorporate

AjaxTags with Struts?

Peter Pilgrim
   __ _ _ _
  / //__  // ___// ___/   +  Serverside Java
 / /___/ // /__ / /__ +  Struts
/ // ___// ___// ___/ +  Expresso Committer
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/___///////   +  Intrinsic Motivation
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[ANN] JavaPolis 2005 Quickie Monday 12th December 2005

2005-12-11 Thread Peter A. Pilgrim


I know I should have said this much earlier than this, but
I will be giving a 15 minute presentations on Struts and Beyond
at JavaPolis 2005, Tomorrow. Please feel welcome to join me
if you are attending.

Now, hopefully this terrible cold, I have now, will go away
and leave me alone!

Peter Pilgrim
   __ _ _ _
  / //__  // ___// ___/   +  Serverside Java
 / /___/ // /__ / /__ +  Struts
/ // ___// ___// ___/ +  Expresso Committer
 __/ // /__ / /__ / /__   +  Independent Contractor
/___///////   +  Intrinsic Motivation
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[OT] Maven dependencies Commercial

2005-09-24 Thread Peter A. Pilgrim

I am getting into Maven using Struts and the OReilly "A Developer Notebook" 

One thing I am clueless about is how to tell Maven about a build that is not
in a repository like



How do tell Maven about ``commercial'' dependencies? Have any of you guys (and 
already done this in your professional development lives?


Peter Pilgrim
   __ _ _ _
  / //__  // ___// ___/   +  Serverside Java
 / /___/ // /__ / /__ +  Struts
/ // ___// ___// ___/ +  Expresso Committer
 __/ // /__ / /__ / /__   +  Independent Contractor
/___///////   +  Intrinsic Motivation
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RE: ANN: Struts / JSF London Networking BOF IX

2005-05-07 Thread Peter A. Pilgrim
This is just a Reminder.
Pilgrim, Peter wrote:
> I would like to formally announce that ``The Struts-JSF London Networking''
> group is holding the ninth meet-up event on Monday 9th May 2005
> at Oracle office in the city of London at ``18:45''
> The meeting will take place in a room with Audio/Visual facilities
> between 6:45-8:30 pm. Afterwords members we would all like to th
> find an eatery for a bit to eat.
> The address is:
>Oracle City Of London
>One South Place
>EC2M 2RB.
> Here is some relevant travel information
> By Underground: -
> Moorgate: Take the Moorgate East exit, turn right, one block to South 
> Bank: Take the Northern line to Moorgate.
> Liverpool Street:Take the Broadgate exit, turn right onto South Place
> Map:
> The venue has kindly been organised by Duncan Mills.
Everyone is invited! Please send mail to Duncan dot Mills at oracle dot com
to reserve your place and visitor security pass if you can attend.
Duncan Mills will revise his introduction in JSF briefly and then present
Shale Framework. Afterwards we discuss the design and architecture of a
Struts JSF web application to replace the site, which is going
commercial; charging organiser and there by group member from May 16th.
Peter Pilgrim
   __ _ _ _
  / //__  // ___// ___/   +  Serverside Java
 / /___/ // /__ / /__ +  Struts
/ // ___// ___// ___/ +  Expresso Committer
 __/ // /__ / /__ / /__   +  Independent Contractor
/___///////   +  Intrinsic Motivation
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[ANN] Bridgetown 0.9.2 Beta Release

2005-03-29 Thread Peter A. Pilgrim
Yet another IoC container / AOP framework hybrid written and programmed by
experience J2EE developer / architect.

Latest new features :

* AOP Service Assembler default implementation
* Lumber Jacque virtual transaction service management architecture
* Support for JTA virtual transaction service management
  ( initial support for WebLogic Server 8.1 )
* Support for Expresso Framework
* Support for Hibernate OR/M transaction
* Transaction properties, propogation, and AOP integration
* Pointcut and Joinpoint XML configuration
* Convenience advice classes for method interceptor
* Method injection
* Constructor injection

For more info surf to
Download from

Thanks for your time.
This is Peter Pilgrim. Out

Peter Pilgrim
   __ _ _ _
  / //__  // ___// ___/   +  Serverside Java
 / /___/ // /__ / /__ +  Struts
/ // ___// ___// ___/ +  Expresso Committer
 __/ // /__ / /__ / /__   +  Independent Contractor
/___///////   +  Intrinsic Motivation
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Re: [OT] Struts Networking / BOF IV / Friday / October 22 @ 19: 3 0 / Restaurant / The Furnace

2004-10-25 Thread Peter A. Pilgrim
Pilgrim, Peter wrote:
> Hi
> Please see intermixed
The BOF IV took place at The Furnace restuarant
The following people are attending so far:
Peter Pilgrim
Alan Mehio
Thomas Pluempe
Tim Penhey
Charles Cordingley
Marco Mistroni
Niall Pemberton
Allister Snedon
Apologies for Absence
Christopher Marsh-Bourdon
Topics Discussed
(*) IoC Frameworks, principles of inversion of-control Why? How?
(*) Eclipse Development environment working with My Eclipse
(*) Hani Suleiman Bile Blog, various other Blogs on
(*) Future of Struts Development, wishlist to simplify the design.
i.e ActionForm should have bean an Java interface.
In JSF there is a managed bean.
Niall discussed a wrapper to make any bean an action form.
(*) Why is Struts Chain not a simple interface and implementation
of the chain of responsibility pattern? Why does it have
to have portlets and servlets built into the package?
(*) Why does it take so long to get a Struts Release out of the door?
(*) What is exactly in Struts 1.2.4 release?
(*) Political angles between Struts and Java Server Faces?
(*) Postgres Database 8 availability for Windows Env
Subscribe to window postgres sql hacker list instead of
general announcements.
(*) Why is postgres better than Mysql for ACID transactions?
(*) Why is MysSQL ISAM tables faster than anything else
out there (for non-TX stuff).
(*) WebLogic Server, difficult of debugging EJBs thereof
(*) The difficult of getting approval from business  leaders,
who sanction the library version for a whole enterprises.
The classic statement: "If it is not a FCS version, then
you cannot use that JAR in our company X.".
(*) Related to the above, avoid polluting the dependencies
of different JARs, just so that such dependencies between
essential libraries cannot be minimised. Some organisation
have to explain every dependency and class in a JAR. Why is
it required? What it is? Where is it exactly been used?
Did I miss everything?
 F E E D  B A C K  S H E E T
I'd like to thanks all the participants that attendeded last Friday night.
I think it was a great and successful night. Can you grant me a favour
and fill out a feed back sheet so we can improve this event?
F1: What did you really want to discuss at the Networking?
Your personal comment here
Would you like to have an agenda of discussion for all meetings?
[ ] Yes
[ ] No
F2: What do you prefer Public Bar or Restuarant?
[ ] Pub
[ ] Restaurant
[ ] Other, your personal venue suggestion [ ]
F3: Which night of the week is best for you?
[ ] Monday
[ ] Wednesday
[ ] Friday
Other night [   ]
F4: Was the networking usefully for you? What is helpful
that you learnt something new>
[ ] Fantastico
[ ] Rather useful
[ ] Not quite so useful for me
[ ] It was a waste of time
F5: Is the size of the event good enough for you?
[ ] Yes
[ ] No
F6: Did you meet and circulate to the other networkers?
[ ] Yes
[ ] Somewhat
[ ] No
F7: Do you have any suggestions for improvement
F8: Are you interested in Xmas BOF V 2004 (early December)?
[ ] Yes
[ ] No
Would you like to take part in November quick meet up or just
leave it for the Xmas BOF?
[ ] Yes
[ ] No
Website Details
Just me killing four birds with one stone. This is me. Out!
Peter Pilgrim
   __ _ _ _
  / //__  // ___// ___/   +  Serverside Java
 / /___/ // /__ / /__ +  Struts
/ // ___// ___// ___/ +  Expresso Committer
 __/ // /__ / /__ / /__   +  Independent Contractor
/___///////   +  Intrinsic Motivation
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