Re: pre-populating form fields when called in edit mode.

2005-12-27 Thread Frank W. Zammetti

Paul Benedict wrote:

But that of course doesn't make the list persist. Most frameworks heavily rely 
on the user session
and I am now a strong believer that's the better way of doing things. 

Just as a relevant side-note...

I suggest working in a distributed environment for a while and see if 
your belief persists (pun intended) :)

Session replication, especially when your session object grows larger, 
as they obviously will tend to in a session-heavy framework, becomes 
more and more of a concern.  I seem to remember IBM recommending 
something like a 32k maximum for session, although I'm not sure how 
accurate my memory is, the point remains that they are recommending a 
value that is pretty easy to blow past without much effort.

The concern is obviously not as big when your on a single box, but even 
then you need to think about session persistence, if active, which will 
still incur a penalty for a larger session.

I think request scope still has a definite place in the world.  This 
relatively recent movement to heavy session usage still has its own set 
of problems.  OF course, everyone is trying to make the web more fat 
client-like, me included, and that's mostly where this drive towards 
session comes from.

It's interesting to me that a fairly short while ago, the use of session 
for anything other than *very* simple things was a pretty highly 
discouraged practice... I remember Microsoft used to say you should 
almost *never* use session (or worse, application scope), everything 
should be request-based.  Now, I don't think *that* extreme is the right 
answer, but it has been a complete 180 (I guess MS isn't the best 
example, but your heard very similar recommendations from the Java camp 
as well).


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Re: pre-populating form fields when called in edit mode.

2005-12-27 Thread Rick R

Vikrama Sanjeeva wrote:
 Having separate Actions for insert, update and delete is better. 

Why? Do you make separate DAO objects? ie UpdateDao, InsertDao, 
RetrieveDao? I'm guessing you don't. So, it would help if you backed up 
your claim that separate Actions are better than a Dispatch action 
instead of just claiming it's better.

Your approch for making SetUpAction is right, but it's better to make separate
JSP's instead of writing if-else logic for headers and other related

So you would rather duplicate JSPs to make basically identical Edit and 
Insert pages except for a simple header and possibly a different button? 
Please explain how in the world that is better.

I'm hoping it's just a language barrier that is making you appear so 
dogmatic in your claims. You might choose to do things differently but 
it would help if you gave some reasons why you make such bold claims 
about things being better.


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Re: pre-populating form fields when called in edit mode.

2005-12-27 Thread Vikrama Sanjeeva

 Well, i said better due to sake of simplicity. Keeping all the logic in
Dispactch action seems complex to me. And right now I've implemented more or
less same technique (not exactly Dispatch action) and the code is bit
complex to me.  Again for JSP's, I don't want to make code complex by
putting if-else logic. But it depends how much you have to write if-else? If
it is couple of conditions and more resusability,  then I would prefer it

 Regarding the word better, I would suggest don't take it serious. I
said better w.r.t me. This is not any claim in support of separate
actions. However, being a junior developer, I'm always looking for effecient
and recommended development approaches by senior developer's community.


On 12/28/05, Rick R [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Vikrama Sanjeeva wrote:
   Having separate Actions for insert, update and delete is better.

 Why? Do you make separate DAO objects? ie UpdateDao, InsertDao,
 RetrieveDao? I'm guessing you don't. So, it would help if you backed up
 your claim that separate Actions are better than a Dispatch action
 instead of just claiming it's better.

  Your approch for making SetUpAction is right, but it's better to make
  JSP's instead of writing if-else logic for headers and other related

 So you would rather duplicate JSPs to make basically identical Edit and
 Insert pages except for a simple header and possibly a different button?
 Please explain how in the world that is better.

 I'm hoping it's just a language barrier that is making you appear so
 dogmatic in your claims. You might choose to do things differently but
 it would help if you gave some reasons why you make such bold claims
 about things being better.


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Re: pre-populating form fields when called in edit mode.

2005-12-26 Thread Rick Reumann
I'm going to have a good lesson that will show exactly what you want, but
until then, if you want a quick preview of the Action class, put it here:

You are following an example where I showed using a separate Action for each
behaviour whereas the link above shows a DispatchAction. It's just a short
cut for putting related tasks in one action versus using separate actions.
Regardless, though, let's assume your separate Action approach which is just

I typically would make a SetUpAction that you would call before you
forwarded to the JSP page where you would be editing the form. So let's
assume you went to edit the Employee from a link you clicked on, the process
would be...

1) Click on link, passing something like an employeeID
2) link submits to your SetUpAction
3) In SetUpAction it checks the Request to see if an employeeID was passed
to it. If ti was, you go database get your Employee object (EmployeeDTO
following your old example) and then you can use BeanUtils like you did
BeanUtils.copyProperties(yourForm, employeeDTO ); Foward success brings you
to the employeForm.jsp page.
4) employeeForm is now all set up with the employee information and clicking
'submit' would bring you to an UpdateEmployeeAction to do the actual update
(just like you did for the InsertEmployeeAction).

You can easily reuse the form for doing both inserts and updates.
Typically you'll have to do a little bti of logic for some of the verbage to
decide what to display (ie is header Insert Employee or Update
Employee). You can base your logic to decide what to display on various
things (in this case it could be as simple as looking for an employeeID ..
if you have one then you know you are doing an update... if you don't than
you are doing an insert, but of course there are plenty of other ways to do
it as well.

On 12/25/05, Vikrama Sanjeeva [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 Here is the sequence:

 1: User fill up's employeeForm.jsp which have multiple text fields,
 buttons, text area's and dropdowns.
 2: On pressing Submit button in employeeForm.jsp,
 is called which  do the following:

 2.1) BeanUtils.copyProperties( employeeDTO, employeeForm)
 2.2) DataBaseService.insertEmployee (employeeDTO)
 2.3) return mapping.findForward(success);

 Now, I want to call same employeeForm.jsp in editable mode, such that
 all the fields (text fields, radio buttons, text area's and dropdowns) are
 pre-populated. What approaches are there to achieve this? I'm looking
 a way which uses same  BeanUtils.copyProperties() and copy the employeeDTO
 to employeeForm (Bean). Something like this:

   When user click's Edit Employee Form link, an action
 (EditEmployeeAction) will be called. Which will do the following:

 1. Fetch the employee information from database in employeeDTO.
 2. Get the handle of EmployeeForm (ActionForm), lets say employeeForm
 3. BeanUtils.copyProperties(employeeForm, employeeDTO)
 4. return mapping.findForward(editMode);

   I'm not sure whether this approach will work or not? And whether I have
 make seprate JSP's for 1st time fill up (employeeForm.jsp) and edit mode (
 employeeFormEdit.jsp). If this the case, then I guess, I've to make  (ActionForm) as well.

   It will be great if anybody could help me here.

 Thanks in advance.



Re: pre-populating form fields when called in edit mode.

2005-12-26 Thread Michael Jouravlev
If you treat inserts like updates, things get much easier. When you
show employee in edit mode, just pull his data from database into
BO/DTO and show it. When you add new employee, create a new empty
BO/DTO first. Then show it just like you would do it in edit mode. If
user clicks Save, insert data. If user cancels, just dispose the
object, this is it.

Michael J.

On 12/25/05, Vikrama Sanjeeva [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 Here is the sequence:

 1: User fill up's employeeForm.jsp which have multiple text fields,
 buttons, text area's and dropdowns.
 2: On pressing Submit button in employeeForm.jsp,
 is called which  do the following:

 2.1) BeanUtils.copyProperties( employeeDTO, employeeForm)
 2.2) DataBaseService.insertEmployee (employeeDTO)
 2.3) return mapping.findForward(success);

 Now, I want to call same employeeForm.jsp in editable mode, such that
 all the fields (text fields, radio buttons, text area's and dropdowns) are
 pre-populated. What approaches are there to achieve this? I'm looking
 a way which uses same  BeanUtils.copyProperties() and copy the employeeDTO
 to employeeForm (Bean). Something like this:

   When user click's Edit Employee Form link, an action
 (EditEmployeeAction) will be called. Which will do the following:

 1. Fetch the employee information from database in employeeDTO.
 2. Get the handle of EmployeeForm (ActionForm), lets say employeeForm
 3. BeanUtils.copyProperties(employeeForm, employeeDTO)
 4. return mapping.findForward(editMode);

   I'm not sure whether this approach will work or not? And whether I have
 make seprate JSP's for 1st time fill up (employeeForm.jsp) and edit mode (
 employeeFormEdit.jsp). If this the case, then I guess, I've to make  (ActionForm) as well.

   It will be great if anybody could help me here.

 Thanks in advance.


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Re: pre-populating form fields when called in edit mode.

2005-12-26 Thread Paul Benedict
I am going to ask a related question... so take your best shot :-) 

I have an edit form in which I have to load a list from the database. The list 
is actually based
on locale. What's the best solution here? I am using real action forms - not 
that dynafluff stuff
;) Is it to simply make my form session scope and attach the list to my form?


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Re: pre-populating form fields when called in edit mode.

2005-12-26 Thread Rick Reumann
I would use the Request for such a List and wouldn't even bother putting it
in the ActionForm (unless of course the list is something the user is
actually editing, then yes, you'd add that List as an ActionForm property).
I try to keep my ActionForm with 'only' properties that the user can edit -
nothing more. So for example if you were displaying a list of favorite cars
for the user to pick from I would just put that list in the Request and the
selectedCar would be the property you would concern youself with in the
ActionForm. (If you are worried about performance, I'd put the performance
concerns on the backend.. let the back end take care of any list caching.)

On 12/26/05, Paul Benedict [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I am going to ask a related question... so take your best shot :-)

 I have an edit form in which I have to load a list from the database. The
 list is actually based
 on locale. What's the best solution here? I am using real action forms -
 not that dynafluff stuff
 ;) Is it to simply make my form session scope and attach the list to my


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Re: pre-populating form fields when called in edit mode.

2005-12-26 Thread Paul Benedict
I would use the Request for such a List and wouldn't even bother putting it 
in the ActionForm 

But that of course doesn't make the list persist. Most frameworks heavily rely 
on the user session
and I am now a strong believer that's the better way of doing things. I wonder 
if allowing the
developer to be concerned with page/request/session/application scope creates a 
whole problem in
itself; this problem is so unique to Struts and JSP development, but not a 
thought with Tapestry
or JSF. 

If I remember correctly, I know you promoted a solution of using the validate() 
method of
containing those populated lists. That's on the right track but I think a 
misuse of the validate()
method. Thankfully it's corrected by Struts 2.0/Webwork by a prepare() method 
that is called
before executing mostly everything else. I would like to see this ported into 
1.3 because with the
ComposableRequestProcessor, you can slam in any cool customization into the 
processing chain!

I try to keep my ActionForm with 'only' properties that the user can edit - 
nothing more. 

Ah! You and I really chatted this up a year ago. I was gung-ho for this 
method, but no longer.
I was a very die hard proponent of this but I could only go so far with it; the 
problem was it
made no logical sense to contain some data in the form (which was then put into 
the request) and
then some data in the request. Both end up in the request, so why separate the 
two? It did not
allow me to encapsulate my data --- and it created a very difficult nightmare 
to track down which
request attributes were appropriate for a given form. So in response, I 
concluded this method was
good up to a point, but everything in the action form suited more complex cases.

This is my opinion based on experience. Sometimes I just have to travel down 
the road far enough
to see how far the solution will take me -- some solutions are 20 gallon cars, 
others 30, 50. What
seemed like a good solution back then turned out to be the best at that time; 
now I think
everything in the form is a better performing car.


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Re: pre-populating form fields when called in edit mode.

2005-12-26 Thread Michael Jouravlev
I guess it is not surprising that I would do a completely orthogonal thing ;-)

ActionForm is an I/O buffer, it aggregates BO/DTO + lists/options for
selectboxes + error messages for the aggregated BO. BO exposes
properties that are editable and persistable. BO does not care about
option lists because actual BO or database row contains only one
value. BO is a nested property within session-scoped ActionForm.
Whenever error is made and page is reloaded, or a user just navigates
a page, it displays BO in its current state and associated messages.

ActionForm should be removed from session manually, this is the price
to pay. I thought about automating this, but Hubert pointed out that a
user can open several browser windows for one app, so I gave up on

Storing list in the session (session-scoped ActionForm,
poteito-potahto) also helps in case the option list itself was changed
down on the business/persistent level, so a new instance in request
would not match previous one, and current selection would get screwed

Actually, if the option list is changed very rarely, I'd put it into
app context. If it is changed more frequently, then into session
scope, to isolate user session from potential changes.


On 12/26/05, Rick Reumann [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I would use the Request for such a List and wouldn't even bother putting it
 in the ActionForm (unless of course the list is something the user is
 actually editing, then yes, you'd add that List as an ActionForm property).
 I try to keep my ActionForm with 'only' properties that the user can edit -
 nothing more. So for example if you were displaying a list of favorite cars
 for the user to pick from I would just put that list in the Request and the
 selectedCar would be the property you would concern youself with in the
 ActionForm. (If you are worried about performance, I'd put the performance
 concerns on the backend.. let the back end take care of any list caching.)

 On 12/26/05, Paul Benedict [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I am going to ask a related question... so take your best shot :-)
  I have an edit form in which I have to load a list from the database. The
  list is actually based
  on locale. What's the best solution here? I am using real action forms -
  not that dynafluff stuff
  ;) Is it to simply make my form session scope and attach the list to my

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Re: pre-populating form fields when called in edit mode.

2005-12-26 Thread Paul Benedict
ActionForm should be removed from session manually, this is the price to pay. 
I thought about
automating this, but Hubert pointed out that a user can open several browser 
windows for one app,
so I gave up on this.

One of the biggest concerns I had too was that using the session means only one 
form can exist per
session. So if the user had multiple windows open, it would completely mess 
things up. So I was
for 2 years against making any forms in the session -- until Tapestry woke me 
up =) 

It is now my opinion that any complex web app form will have BO, DTOs, and 
lists all together.
This merits only ONE of these being editable at once. Got multiple windows 
open? Sorry user, but
you're not going to be able to use my app. Spring Framework's Web Flow is an 
excellent plugin for
these situations; it allows multiple flows until the first one wins.

I just had to accept the fact that until Struts allows forms to exist on a 
per-view basis, the
best a complex app can do is limit one form to the session. Simple forms can be 
request based, but
anything editable (and worthwhile to the customer) definitely has to be session.


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Re: pre-populating form fields when called in edit mode.

2005-12-26 Thread Rick Reumann
On 12/26/05, Paul Benedict [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I would use the Request for such a List and wouldn't even bother putting
 it in the ActionForm

 But that of course doesn't make the list persist. Most frameworks heavily
 rely on the user session
 and I am now a strong believer that's the better way of doing things.

I think it depends on the kind of list and each person may have their own
preference. For example, I personally would reather persist on the backend
with iBATIS or hibernate vs just stuffing things in the Session. For
example, what if it's just one form that needs the list and the user only
hits the form one time during the whole time using the site? You've now just
just stuff a list in Session scope for what gain? If it's a list that
actually will *never* change than put in Application scope. I don't see the
point of putting most lists in Session scope. For struts apps most people
end up stuffing lists in Session scope so that if validation fails their
lists persists on the page. I don't call the validate method manually so I
don't run into this problem. Also remember we are talking about lists
here. Don't think I'm against the Session (if you do a mailing list search
you'll see I love the Session maybe too much:)

If I remember correctly, I know you promoted a solution of using the
 validate() method of
 containing those populated lists. That's on the right track but I think a
 misuse of the validate()

Actually you are remembering incorrectly:) I'm assuming you are referring to
this article, but there
I stated exactly the OPPOSITE - that you SHOULD NOT use the validate method
for setting up those lists. I said I do validation manually. I did show
how you can simply call the form's validate method manually (even though I
don't even go that far in my own apps), but I never mentioned it's a good
idea to set up lists in your validate method.

Thankfully it's corrected by Struts 2.0/Webwork by a prepare() method that
 is called
 before executing mostly everything else.

JSF is great at handling all of this as well so don't leave JSF out.

I try to keep my ActionForm with 'only' properties that the user can edit -
 nothing more.

 Ah! You and I really chatted this up a year ago. I was gung-ho for
 this method, but no longer.
 I was a very die hard proponent of this but I could only go so far with
 it; the problem was it
 made no logical sense to contain some data in the form (which was then put
 into the request) and
 then some data in the request. Both end up in the request, so why separate
 the two? It did not
 allow me to encapsulate my data --- and it created a very difficult
 nightmare to track down which
 request attributes were appropriate for a given form. So in response, I
 concluded this method was
 good up to a point, but everything in the action form suited more complex

Well think about it this way, JSF has it right in that it eliminates the
need for an ActionForm. It let's you use your regular Value objects which I
think is great (I hate the Struts ActionForm:).  JSF gets around the Lists
problem, though, by taking a whole different model approach which has been
talked about enough on the list here but I do like how JSF handles this.
(That being said, there are some things I have found frustrating using
JSF(MyFaces) so I'm not ready to jump ship yet.)

 seemed like a good solution back then turned out to be the best at that
 time; now I think
 everything in the form is a better performing car.

I only have one  prep method in my Action so anything that needs to get
setup in a form goes in that one place and can be called from the other
dispatch methods in the Action. I like the approach since it is easy to
maintain. I don't really see what putting the Lists in your ActionForm gains
you? You are still going to have to populate them from method calls to other
backend objects. Even then, I would think you'd want to use a prep method
for that as well since you might need to prep those lists in your form from
several dispatch methods. I'm not so sure how doing...  form.setSomeList(list)
gains you anything over request.setAttribute(Constants.SOME_LIST, someList
); especially if both types of setting is done from a centralized place in
your Action. Then again, I'm of course not saying it's bad or wrong to put
the stuff in the ActionForm (I even like approaches where nest  your value
object in the ActionForm). Overall though, I'm just not a fan of having to
be stuck using ActionForms in the first place, so I try to avoid as much
dependency on them as possible (I really do like the managed bean approach
of JSF which handles this stuff so nicely).


Re: pre-populating form fields when called in edit mode.

2005-12-26 Thread Vikrama Sanjeeva

 Having separate Actions for insert, update and delete is better. Your
approch for making SetUpAction is right, but it's better to make separate
JSP's instead of writing if-else logic for headers and other related

Note: When u'r done with lesson, please sent in this group. Thank you.

On 12/27/05, Rick Reumann [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I'm going to have a good lesson that will show exactly what you want, but
 until then, if you want a quick preview of the Action class, put it here:

 You are following an example where I showed using a separate Action for
 behaviour whereas the link above shows a DispatchAction. It's just a short
 cut for putting related tasks in one action versus using separate actions.
 Regardless, though, let's assume your separate Action approach which is

 I typically would make a SetUpAction that you would call before you
 forwarded to the JSP page where you would be editing the form. So let's
 assume you went to edit the Employee from a link you clicked on, the
 would be...

 1) Click on link, passing something like an employeeID
 2) link submits to your SetUpAction
 3) In SetUpAction it checks the Request to see if an employeeID was
 to it. If ti was, you go database get your Employee object (EmployeeDTO
 following your old example) and then you can use BeanUtils like you did
 BeanUtils.copyProperties(yourForm, employeeDTO ); Foward success brings
 to the employeForm.jsp page.
 4) employeeForm is now all set up with the employee information and
 'submit' would bring you to an UpdateEmployeeAction to do the actual
 (just like you did for the InsertEmployeeAction).

 You can easily reuse the form for doing both inserts and updates.
 Typically you'll have to do a little bti of logic for some of the verbage
 decide what to display (ie is header Insert Employee or Update
 Employee). You can base your logic to decide what to display on various
 things (in this case it could be as simple as looking for an employeeID
 if you have one then you know you are doing an update... if you don't than
 you are doing an insert, but of course there are plenty of other ways to
 it as well.

 On 12/25/05, Vikrama Sanjeeva [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Here is the sequence:
  1: User fill up's employeeForm.jsp which have multiple text fields,
  buttons, text area's and dropdowns.
  2: On pressing Submit button in employeeForm.jsp,
  is called which  do the following:
  2.1) BeanUtils.copyProperties( employeeDTO, employeeForm)
  2.2) DataBaseService.insertEmployee (employeeDTO)
  2.3) return mapping.findForward(success);
  Now, I want to call same employeeForm.jsp in editable mode, such
  all the fields (text fields, radio buttons, text area's and dropdowns)
  pre-populated. What approaches are there to achieve this? I'm looking
  a way which uses same  BeanUtils.copyProperties() and copy the
  to employeeForm (Bean). Something like this:
When user click's Edit Employee Form link, an action
  (EditEmployeeAction) will be called. Which will do the following:
  1. Fetch the employee information from database in employeeDTO.
  2. Get the handle of EmployeeForm (ActionForm), lets say
  3. BeanUtils.copyProperties(employeeForm, employeeDTO)
  4. return mapping.findForward(editMode);
I'm not sure whether this approach will work or not? And whether I
  make seprate JSP's for 1st time fill up (employeeForm.jsp) and edit mode
  employeeFormEdit.jsp). If this the case, then I guess, I've to make  (ActionForm) as well.
It will be great if anybody could help me here.
  Thanks in advance.


pre-populating form fields when called in edit mode.

2005-12-25 Thread Vikrama Sanjeeva

Here is the sequence:

1: User fill up's employeeForm.jsp which have multiple text fields, radio
buttons, text area's and dropdowns.
2: On pressing Submit button in employeeForm.jsp, InsertEmployeeAction
is called which  do the following:

 2.1) BeanUtils.copyProperties( employeeDTO, employeeForm)
 2.2) DataBaseService.insertEmployee (employeeDTO)
 2.3) return mapping.findForward(success);

 Now, I want to call same employeeForm.jsp in editable mode, such that
all the fields (text fields, radio buttons, text area's and dropdowns) are
pre-populated. What approaches are there to achieve this? I'm looking for
a way which uses same  BeanUtils.copyProperties() and copy the employeeDTO
to employeeForm (Bean). Something like this:

  When user click's Edit Employee Form link, an action
(EditEmployeeAction) will be called. Which will do the following:

1. Fetch the employee information from database in employeeDTO.
2. Get the handle of EmployeeForm (ActionForm), lets say employeeForm
3. BeanUtils.copyProperties(employeeForm, employeeDTO)
4. return mapping.findForward(editMode);

  I'm not sure whether this approach will work or not? And whether I have to
make seprate JSP's for 1st time fill up (employeeForm.jsp) and edit mode (
employeeFormEdit.jsp). If this the case, then I guess, I've to make  (ActionForm) as well.

  It will be great if anybody could help me here.

Thanks in advance.
