Self-inflicted wounds again.

2023-11-13 Thread Joseph Kessselman
Had generation of the multi-module distribution binary zipfile working 

Came back today to find I had apparently stepped on it before pushing. 
Sigh. OK, I should be able to reproduce this, right?

Unfortunately, no. I'm missing something obvious again.

In context, currently broken as checked in:

Current error message is

[ERROR] Failed to execute goal 
(distro-assembly) on project distribution: Error reading assemblies: 
Error reading descriptor at: src/assembly/bin.xml: Unrecognised tag: 
'useAllReactorProjects' (position: START_TAG seen ...\n 
... @15:30)  -> [Help 1]

The bin.xml file mentioned currently contains something that is based 
directly off the multi-module assembly instructions, just changing which 
modules are included. Or at least that's the intent.";







And the POM invoking this is likewise based pretty directly on the example:";


















I'm undoubtedly looking right past my error. Which foot am I shooting 
off this time?

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Re: maven-assembly-plugin, bin example is giving me trouble

2023-11-11 Thread Joseph Kessselman
Duh. Just noticed that the FAQ explicitly mentions creating a child 
module just to achieve this sequencing in multi-module projects. Mea 
culpa, mea maxima culpa... I'd have hoped something could be done with 
phase and target, but if not, not.

On 11/11/2023 11:44 AM, Joseph Kessselman wrote:
(which currently has the binary assembly commented out).

Dependency order... Well, I'm currently running the assembly at the top 
level, which would presumably mean it has to run after packaging of the 
contained modules. I suppose I could try moving it down to the module at 
the farthest end of the current dependency chain, or even into a new 
module which exists just to depend on everything else, but that feels 
like I'm solving the wrong problem; "give me an assembly for the whole 
project" is conceptually a top-level operation and I'd expect to invoke 
it from the root module.

On 11/10/2023 10:54 PM, Alexander Kriegisch wrote:

Tried making my top-level module dependent on all the others

Don't! That does not make any logical sense.

Checked in on xalan-java branch xalan-java-mvn-refactored

Please always provide a link. I have no idea where to find your project.
To you, that might be obvious. to others, it is not.

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Re: Can the jar plugin respect .gitignore?

2023-11-11 Thread Joseph Kessselman

On 11/11/2023 11:44 AM, Greg Chabala wrote:

Use the sourceReleaseAssemblyDescriptor of maven-assembly-plugin:

Thanks; hadn't seen that one. Definitely a fan of not reinventing wheels.

Can that be configured to write the archives to a specific directory? 
I've been trying to simulate the Ant build/ directory, for backward
compatibility... I can copy the archives there after they've been built, 
of course, if I can get the phase sequencing right.

Is there an equivalent standard configuration for Apache binary release?

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Re: maven-assembly-plugin, bin example is giving me trouble

2023-11-11 Thread Joseph Kessselman
(which currently has the binary assembly commented out).

Dependency order... Well, I'm currently running the assembly at the top 
level, which would presumably mean it has to run after packaging of the 
contained modules. I suppose I could try moving it down to the module at 
the farthest end of the current dependency chain, or even into a new 
module which exists just to depend on everything else, but that feels 
like I'm solving the wrong problem; "give me an assembly for the whole 
project" is conceptually a top-level operation and I'd expect to invoke 
it from the root module.

On 11/10/2023 10:54 PM, Alexander Kriegisch wrote:

Tried making my top-level module dependent on all the others

Don't! That does not make any logical sense.

Checked in on xalan-java branch xalan-java-mvn-refactored

Please always provide a link. I have no idea where to find your project.
To you, that might be obvious. to others, it is not.

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Re: maven-assembly-plugin, bin example is giving me trouble

2023-11-10 Thread Joseph Kessselman
Tried making my top-level module dependent on all the others so the 
assembly invoked there would run last. Unfortunately, it seems the 
dependencies are inherited to all the children, and Maven complains 
about dependencies upon self.

I presume there's an obvious idiom that I just haven't yet beaten into 
my head.

Checked in on xalan-java branch xalan-java-mvn-refactored with bin 
assembly commented out, if anyone wants to see it in context.

On 11/10/2023 9:37 PM, Joseph Kessselman wrote:

Oh. I probably forgot to set dependencies. Checking.

On 11/10/2023 9:35 PM, Joseph Kessselman wrote:
I'm trying to adapt the examples given at to work with my 
multi-module project.

Source was mostly easy -- I copied the  into a file, 
tweaked its excludes (still wish it picked up the .gitinclude 
automagically), and it worked. I'd still like to change which 
directory the resulting archive files were written to, but that's a 
nitpick; maybe I can copy 'em to the "ant simulation" build/ directory 

But binary is giving me a bit more trouble. This is working for 
others, so I presume it's another case of my just not understanding 
the idiom well enough.

All I did was add one more  to reference
src/assembly/bin.xml, and dropped there a copy of the 
taken from the page, modified to output to tar.gz and zip. I changed the
s to reference my artifacts, and ran mvn package again.

Maven objects to my first child module:

 > [ERROR] Failed to execute goal 
(make-assembly) on project xalan-project: Failed to create assembly: 
Artifact: xalan:serializer:jar:2.7.3 (included by module) does not 
have an artifact with a file. Please ensure the package phase is run 
before the assembly is generated. -> [Help 1]

This confuses me. There is indeed a file there,
serializer/target/serializer-2.7.3.jar, which xalan:xalan seems to 
successfully use as the artifact for further compilation. Why isn't

maven-assembly-plugin finding and using it?

If I take out the  section entirely (trying to rely on 
defaults), I get the same error message.

Does a  assembly need to be put on a later phase? Or a 
different execution?

Any advice would bemore than welcome...!

In my pom.xml, last plugin before :


And my bin.xml:";




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Re: maven-assembly-plugin, bin example is giving me trouble

2023-11-10 Thread Joseph Kessselman

Oh. I probably forgot to set dependencies. Checking.

On 11/10/2023 9:35 PM, Joseph Kessselman wrote:
I'm trying to adapt the examples given at to work with my 
multi-module project.

Source was mostly easy -- I copied the  into a file, tweaked 
its excludes (still wish it picked up the .gitinclude automagically), 
and it worked. I'd still like to change which directory the resulting 
archive files were written to, but that's a nitpick; maybe I can copy 
'em to the "ant simulation" build/ directory afterward.

But binary is giving me a bit more trouble. This is working for others, 
so I presume it's another case of my just not understanding the idiom 
well enough.

All I did was add one more  to reference
src/assembly/bin.xml, and dropped there a copy of the 
taken from the page, modified to output to tar.gz and zip. I changed the
s to reference my artifacts, and ran mvn package again.

Maven objects to my first child module:

 > [ERROR] Failed to execute goal 
(make-assembly) on project xalan-project: Failed to create assembly: 
Artifact: xalan:serializer:jar:2.7.3 (included by module) does not have 
an artifact with a file. Please ensure the package phase is run before 
the assembly is generated. -> [Help 1]

This confuses me. There is indeed a file there,
serializer/target/serializer-2.7.3.jar, which xalan:xalan seems to 
successfully use as the artifact for further compilation. Why isn't

maven-assembly-plugin finding and using it?

If I take out the  section entirely (trying to rely on 
defaults), I get the same error message.

Does a  assembly need to be put on a later phase? Or a 
different execution?

Any advice would bemore than welcome...!

In my pom.xml, last plugin before :


And my bin.xml:";




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maven-assembly-plugin, bin example is giving me trouble

2023-11-10 Thread Joseph Kessselman
I'm trying to adapt the examples given at to work with my 
multi-module project.

Source was mostly easy -- I copied the  into a file, tweaked 
its excludes (still wish it picked up the .gitinclude automagically), 
and it worked. I'd still like to change which directory the resulting 
archive files were written to, but that's a nitpick; maybe I can copy 
'em to the "ant simulation" build/ directory afterward.

But binary is giving me a bit more trouble. This is working for others, 
so I presume it's another case of my just not understanding the idiom 
well enough.

All I did was add one more  to reference
src/assembly/bin.xml, and dropped there a copy of the 
taken from the page, modified to output to tar.gz and zip. I changed the
s to reference my artifacts, and ran mvn package again.

Maven objects to my first child module:

> [ERROR] Failed to execute goal 
(make-assembly) on project xalan-project: Failed to create assembly: 
Artifact: xalan:serializer:jar:2.7.3 (included by module) does not have 
an artifact with a file. Please ensure the package phase is run before 
the assembly is generated. -> [Help 1]

This confuses me. There is indeed a file there,
serializer/target/serializer-2.7.3.jar, which xalan:xalan seems to 
successfully use as the artifact for further compilation. Why isn't

maven-assembly-plugin finding and using it?

If I take out the  section entirely (trying to rely on 
defaults), I get the same error message.

Does a  assembly need to be put on a later phase? Or a 
different execution?

Any advice would bemore than welcome...!

In my pom.xml, last plugin before :







And my bin.xml:";






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Re: Can the jar plugin respect .gitignore?

2023-11-10 Thread Joseph Kessselman

... Actually, correction -- not the jar plugin, the assembly plugin. (sigh)

On 11/10/2023 1:42 PM, Joseph Kessselman wrote:
(Or, equivalently be told to take exclude list from a file in .gitignore 
syntax and then be told .gitignore was that file.)

If not, I'd consider that worth adding.

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Can the jar plugin respect .gitignore?

2023-11-10 Thread Joseph Kessselman
(Or, equivalently be told to take exclude list from a file in .gitignore 
syntax and then be told .gitignore was that file.)

If not, I'd consider that worth adding.

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Keeping java's version in sync with project's version

2023-11-08 Thread Joseph Kessselman
For obvious reasons, if would be nice if the -version option on my 
project automatically reported the version I'd set in the pom.xml rather 
than my trying to synchronize the two manually.

The best approaches I've found so far are in
... but there's a note that at least one of them doesn't work in all 
classloaders, or in openjdk.

I'm willing to have the pom write this into a file that the Java code 
would query, if that's what it takes to have a portable solution, but 
I'm not sure what the best way to express that would be.

There must be an established Best Practices solution for this, right?

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Re: Multi-module build, emulating Ant build...

2023-11-06 Thread Joseph Kessselman

Right. Copypaste of the plugin doesn't work because Maven is declarative.

One instance of exec-maven-plugin with multiple s, each 
having its own ID (since the default is to collide) and its own set of 
arguments, appears to be what's intended.

Unfortunately only the first  seems to be running.

Undoubtedly a Maven-beginner error, misunderstanding some bit of idiom, 
but I haven't yet flailed my way to a solution.

I've opened this as an Issue, mostly because I think it's worth 
explicitly adding an example of this sort to the documentation to help 
other novices. That is, assuming that what I want to do is possible. 
Which it should be, right?

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Re: Multi-module build, emulating Ant build...

2023-11-06 Thread Joseph Kessselman
(To clarify: Reason I'm asking is that the example of exec:java puts all 
the parameters in  rather than in , and I'm 
not clear on whether I can have  for multiple runs, or
move the arguments into the , or something else to avoid 
repeating quite so much boilerplate.)

On 11/6/2023 7:14 PM, Joseph Kessselman wrote:
Turns out Stylebook does have a front-end driver that I don't have 
source for, so I'm just invoking it via exec:java for now. I'll clean up 
later. At least it gets rid of the platform-specific script and puts the 
pom in charge of everything.

Quick question re exec-maven-plugin: Is it possible for one instance of 
the plugin to run multiple executions, or should I just rely on copypasta?

On 11/4/2023 7:53 PM, Joseph Kessselman wrote:
1) For backward compatibility with the prior Ant build (and with the 
test framework's assumptions about where compiled code will land), I 
have my maven build creating ./build/ in the top-level directory and 
copying the jarfiles from the individual modules up to that using 
maven-dependency-plugin. It would probably be a good thing to copy the 
modules' *-sources.jar files there too, but I haven't found a syntax 
which will do that without also copying all the dependencies' 
sources.jar files. Any tips?

2) Some of Xalan's older documentation was written in stylebook. I'm 
currently handling that by running a post-build script (.sh or .bat) 
to execute the org.apache.stylebook.StyleBook class several times with 
appropriate arguments. It'd be more elegant to invoke that from the 
pom, of course, for clarity and portability... but I haven't yet 
gotten the exec plugin to Do The Right Thing. The needed command is 
something like (in Linux syntax):

java -cp 
stylebook/stylebook-1.0-b3_xalan-2.jar:tools/xalan2jdoc.jar:serializer/target/classes:xalan/target/classes org.apache.stylebook.StyleBook loaderConfig=sbk:/style/loaderdesign.xml targetDirectory=./target/site/design/ ./stylebook/sources/xalandesign.xml ./stylebook/style

... where of course the */target/classes are the compiled sub-modules 
and could just as easily be the generated jarfiles and referenced as 
maven artifacts (right?).

Might be possible to use the ant-stylebook plugin instead, but that 
seems to be deprecated, not well documented, and have CVEs against 
it... which last probably apply to my local copy too, admittedly.

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Re: Multi-module build, emulating Ant build...

2023-11-06 Thread Joseph Kessselman
Turns out Stylebook does have a front-end driver that I don't have 
source for, so I'm just invoking it via exec:java for now. I'll clean up 
later. At least it gets rid of the platform-specific script and puts the 
pom in charge of everything.

Quick question re exec-maven-plugin: Is it possible for one instance of 
the plugin to run multiple executions, or should I just rely on copypasta?

On 11/4/2023 7:53 PM, Joseph Kessselman wrote:
1) For backward compatibility with the prior Ant build (and with the 
test framework's assumptions about where compiled code will land), I 
have my maven build creating ./build/ in the top-level directory and 
copying the jarfiles from the individual modules up to that using 
maven-dependency-plugin. It would probably be a good thing to copy the 
modules' *-sources.jar files there too, but I haven't found a syntax 
which will do that without also copying all the dependencies' 
sources.jar files. Any tips?

2) Some of Xalan's older documentation was written in stylebook. I'm 
currently handling that by running a post-build script (.sh or .bat) to 
execute the org.apache.stylebook.StyleBook class several times with 
appropriate arguments. It'd be more elegant to invoke that from the pom, 
of course, for clarity and portability... but I haven't yet gotten the 
exec plugin to Do The Right Thing. The needed command is something like 
(in Linux syntax):

java -cp 
stylebook/stylebook-1.0-b3_xalan-2.jar:tools/xalan2jdoc.jar:serializer/target/classes:xalan/target/classes org.apache.stylebook.StyleBook loaderConfig=sbk:/style/loaderdesign.xml targetDirectory=./target/site/design/ ./stylebook/sources/xalandesign.xml ./stylebook/style

... where of course the */target/classes are the compiled sub-modules 
and could just as easily be the generated jarfiles and referenced as 
maven artifacts (right?).

Might be possible to use the ant-stylebook plugin instead, but that 
seems to be deprecated, not well documented, and have CVEs against it... 
which last probably apply to my local copy too, admittedly.

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Multi-module build, emulating Ant build...

2023-11-04 Thread Joseph Kessselman
1) For backward compatibility with the prior Ant build (and with the 
test framework's assumptions about where compiled code will land), I 
have my maven build creating ./build/ in the top-level directory and 
copying the jarfiles from the individual modules up to that using 
maven-dependency-plugin. It would probably be a good thing to copy the 
modules' *-sources.jar files there too, but I haven't found a syntax 
which will do that without also copying all the dependencies' 
sources.jar files. Any tips?

2) Some of Xalan's older documentation was written in stylebook. I'm 
currently handling that by running a post-build script (.sh or .bat) to 
execute the org.apache.stylebook.StyleBook class several times with 
appropriate arguments. It'd be more elegant to invoke that from the pom, 
of course, for clarity and portability... but I haven't yet gotten the 
exec plugin to Do The Right Thing. The needed command is something like 
(in Linux syntax):

java -cp 
org.apache.stylebook.StyleBook loaderConfig=sbk:/style/loaderdesign.xml 
./stylebook/sources/xalandesign.xml ./stylebook/style

... where of course the */target/classes are the compiled sub-modules 
and could just as easily be the generated jarfiles and referenced as 
maven artifacts (right?).

Might be possible to use the ant-stylebook plugin instead, but that 
seems to be deprecated, not well documented, and have CVEs against it... 
which last probably apply to my local copy too, admittedly.

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Feedback sought

2023-10-14 Thread Joseph Kessselman
I've just issued a pull request proposing that the Apache Xalan-Java 
project cut over from Ant-based to Maven-based build.

This is the first time I'm working with Maven, and I'm *sure* I have 
done things that are bad form. If anyone has time and energy to glance 
at it and sanity-check that I haven't made too much of a mess, that 
would be tremendously appreciated.

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Re: "First time caller..." javadoc taglet dependencies?

2023-10-04 Thread Joseph Kessselman

Oh. Duh.


On 10/3/2023 10:04 PM, Alexander Kriegisch wrote:

Hi Joseph.

I think you uncovered a bug in Maven Javadoc Plugin. I just created on your behalf.

As a workaround for the non-functioning 'tagletpath' option, I recommend
to separately publish the taglet library as a Maven artifact, which then
you can refer to using the 'tagletArtifact' option. The hypothetical
workaround to just use a system-scoped dependency and refer to that in
'tagletArtifact', is not working either. So, until this will have been
fixed, your options are very limited.

Because I was looking at the two simple taglet classes in your JAR
anyway from my IDE when analysing your problem, in the attached ZIP
archive is the decompiled source code for both classes, just in case you
do not have the sources anymore and want to recreate the JAR as a
separate artifact. I hope that the mailing list does not strip off


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"First time caller..." javadoc taglet dependencies?

2023-10-03 Thread Joseph Kessselman
Hi, folks. I'm in the process of trying to port the Apache Xalan build 
from Ant to Maven. It's close to usable, but I'm still struggling with a 
few odd corners.

One of the odder corners: The Xalan documentation uses a javadoc taglet, 
@xsl.usage, to indicate whether a method is intended only for internal 
use despite having to be public for cross-package references. This is 
working fine in one of the two modules of this project, but in the other 
I get:

[ERROR] javadoc: error - Error - Exception 
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException thrown while trying to register Taglet 
error: unknown tag: xsl.usage

Not a very helpful error message Trying to probe at this, the best 
guess I have is that the taglet code has a dependency on another 
jarfile, specifically tools.jar (or equivalent). None of my POMs 
explicitly reference tools.jar, but it's possible that one module is 
acquiring it as an indirect dependency while the other isn't.

My question is whether this diagnosis is likely to be vaguely correct, 
if not how to get a more useful error message out of the javadoc 
invocation, and if so how to make tools.jar available to the taglet in a 
moderately portable manner. I've been trying various fragments from 
Stack Overflow and haven't found one that worked for me yet, hence the 
question here.

The overall porting attempt is checked in as if you want to look at 
the configuration as it currently stands, with this problem as yet unsolved.

Thanks in advance. "If it was easy, they wouldn't need _us_."

(If anyone is foolish enough to want to glance over the pom.xml files 
for this build and sanity-check them for massive volations of Maven 
idiom or horrible misunderstandings of Maven use, I'd greatly appreciate 
it. I haven't previously written a Maven configuration and a lot of this 
has been guesswork based on how many other build systems have behaved.)

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