SA plugins includes/excludes

2008-06-13 Thread Ms.Engineer
I just setup a server  2 days ago and had one active domain running in it. 

I still get tons of spams, the hit rate was well below 10%. Out of every 10
spams, less than 1 was tagged in average.

My score to tag is 5, 8 to delete


Now I focus my customizations on plugins which I hope can enhance the chance
of catching spams.

The followings are my plugins list, I wonder if there are any plugin which I
should include/exclude to make my SA work better.


Is there other technic that works well with/without SA which also greatly
reduce spams?


;; /etc/mail/spamassassin/v310.pre


loadplugin Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::Pyzor

#loadplugin Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::Razor2

#loadplugin Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::SpamCop

loadplugin Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::AWL

loadplugin Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::AutoLearnThreshold

#loadplugin Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::TextCat

#loadplugin Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::AccessDB

loadplugin Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::WhiteListSubject

loadplugin Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::DomainKeys

loadplugin Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::MIMEHeader

loadplugin Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::ReplaceTags


;; /etc/mail/spamassassin/v320.pre


loadplugin Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::Check

loadplugin Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::HTTPSMismatch

loadplugin Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::URIDetail

# loadplugin Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::Shortcircuit

loadplugin Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::Bayes

loadplugin Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::BodyEval

loadplugin Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::DNSEval

loadplugin Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::HTMLEval

loadplugin Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::HeaderEval

loadplugin Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::MIMEEval

loadplugin Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::RelayEval

loadplugin Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::URIEval

loadplugin Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::WLBLEval

loadplugin Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::VBounce

# loadplugin Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::Rule2XSBody

# loadplugin Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::ASN

loadplugin Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::ImageInfo

Re: make SA remove X-Spam-Flag

2008-06-13 Thread Matt Kettler

Arvid Ephraim Picciani wrote:

just 10 minutes ago i received a false positive. First i was confused then i 
figured that my SA setup didn't actually flag it, but the senders SA.
So, how could i tell SA to remove any X-Spam flags in case the mail has been 
identified as non spam?
SpamAssasin removes all X-Spam-* headers when processing. Are you using 
an integration tool that does its own markups instead of letting SA add 
them (ie: MailScanner, mimedefang, etc?)

Re: trusted_networks

2008-06-13 Thread Matt Kettler

John Hardin wrote:

On Thu, 12 Jun 2008, Matus UHLAR - fantomas wrote:

You may put other servers, not under your control, to 
trusted_networks, if you trust them not to originate spam.


Matus, I believe that assertion is incorrect...

Actually, that's not incorrect. You have to consider the ALL_TRUSTED 
rule here.

hosts in trusted_networks primarily need to be trusted to not forge 
headers, but they also need to be trusted not to originate spam, as any 
message that has only touched trusted hosts will match the ALL_TRUSTED rule.

Also be sure to realize there's a big difference between "originating" 
spam and "relaying it to your network".

Re: spamassassin horribly low scores?

2008-06-13 Thread Matt Kettler

archaic0 wrote:

I put SA on my server and have had it running for a while now (couple
months).  I have been training it with ham and spam this whold time time and
am probably up to a couple hundred messages of ham and a couple thousand
messages of spam.

What I am seeing is a TON of email that is obvious spam (to me) get scored
and fail several checks, but the scores are so insanely low that it still
gets through.  One message in particular might fail 4 or 5 spam checks, but
each only adds .1 or .2 to the score for a total of .8 or something.

Each of these checks are obvious spam to me, like enhancement and drugs and
the like.  I've been adjusting the scores to straight up 10 for the checks
as I see them, but so far I'm up to 20 or so checks that I've modified and I
just see this to be a never ending battle.

What would be GREAT is a global switch for things like AM_DOCTOR, and
MEDS_OK.  By setting those two things to no, then if the system would bump
up every single check that relates to medicine or medical things to like a
4.0 score then that would solve 99% of my issues.

Why do these checks carry such low scores?  I mean I understand being
cautious, but for an erectile fail to score .2???  On what planet does that
make sense?  

Erm, the human one?

Actually, that is a real, valid answer here, if you'll allow me to 
explain a moment.

The first thing to realize about spamassassin is that the rules aren't 
scored individually. They aren't. You can't look at one rule, and 
determine a good score for it, alone, by itself, and expect it to work 
well with hundreds of other rules that were each scored individually. 
You need to consider how the rules interact with each other.

I don't have the exact data in front of me. But usually when you see a 
"really good" spam rule with a low score, it's low because in the 
mass-check it nearly always fired coincidentally with another rule, but 
that rule fired off on less of the nonspam email. So, SA picked the 
better of the two to throw its weight behind.

In the case of DRUGS_ERECTILE, it's got a noticable non-zero false 
positive rate, actualy 0.7% of email it hit was nonspam. This happens 
because some people have personal email accounts, which may contain 
jokes, even a short ribbing from a friend about you needing it, or 
medical discussions which may mention any of these drugs in a non-spam 
context. And in the SpamAssassin world, 1 false positive is as bad as 
100 false negatives. Your threshold of pain may be different, but that's 
how the ruleset is tuned.

Also consider SpamAssassin has to be designed with a broad userbase in 
mind, from the guy swapping off-color jokes with his friends, to a rigid 
business environment. It's not perfect for every situation, but does 
surprisingly well.

Regardless it would be interesting to see some samples of some 
troublesome spam that's not being hit. We might be able to offer some 
suggestions for how to handle them that is less risky than jacking 
scores up.

The system would have to fail on 20 levels as well as having a
very low total threshold to cause issues with that low of a score.

Can't locate Log/ - Additional note

2008-06-13 Thread Chris
One item of interest that I forgot. The below is from a message I posted to 
the Razor list back on the 4th of June:

I have the razor plug-in enabled and razor-admin -v reports the version to be:

Razor Agents 2.84, protocol version 3

If I go and disable the razor plug-in and stop and start spamassassin I still 
see the above:

# Razor2 - perform Razor2 message checks.
# Razor2 is disabled here because it is not available for unlimited free
# use.  It is currently free for personal use, subject to capacity
# constraints.  See the Cloudmark SpamNet Service Policy for more details.
# loadplugin Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::Razor2

Using a test message that with Razor enabled it received this score:

 1.5 RAZOR2_CF_RANGE_E8_51_100 Razor2 gives engine 8 confidence level
                            above 50%
                            [cf: 100]
 0.5 RAZOR2_CHECK           Listed in Razor2 (
 0.5 RAZOR2_CF_RANGE_51_100 Razor2 gives confidence level above 50%
                            [cf: 100]

After disabling the razor plugin there are no razor checks performed:

 1.2 INVALID_DATE           Invalid Date: header (not RFC 2822)
 2.9 DATE_SPAMWARE_Y2K      Date header uses unusual Y2K formatting
 3.2 FROM_LOCAL_NOVOWEL     From: localpart has series of non-vowel letters
 4.2 MSGID_SPAM_CAPS        Spam tool Message-Id: (caps variant)
 1.0 FREEMAIL_FROM          From-address is freemail domain
-0.0 NO_RELAYS              Informational: message was not relayed via SMTP
 1.4 DATE_IN_FUTURE_96_XX   Date: is 96 hours or more after Received: date
 2.0 FREEMAIL_REPLYTO       Different freemail address found in Reply-To or 
                             than From
 2.3 FORGED_YAHOO_RCVD      'From' does not match 'Received' headers
-6.4 BAYES_00               BODY: Bayesian spam probability is 0 to 1%
                            [score: 0.]
 0.0 HTML_MESSAGE           BODY: HTML included in message
-0.0 DCC_CHECK_NEGATIVE     Not listed in DCC
                            [cpollock 1117; Body=2 Fuz1=2 Fuz2=2]
 1.7 SARE_SPEC_ROLEX        Rolex watch spam
 1.0 SAGREY                 Adds 1.0 to spam from first-time senders

I did this to ensure that I had in fact disabled razor checks in SA. Again 
stopping and starting SA I get the same output with the plug-in disabled:

Jun  4 18:02:13 localhost spamd[7788]: spamd: server killed by SIGTERM, 
shutting down 
Jun  4 18:02:13 localhost spamassassin: spamd shutdown succeeded
Jun  4 18:02:15 localhost spamd[9483]: logger: removing stderr method 
Jun  4 18:02:15 localhost spamassassin: spamd startup succeeded
Jun  4 18:02:19 localhost spamd[9488]: Can't locate Log/ in @INC (@INC 
contains: /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.5/i386-linux-thread-multi 
/usr/lib/perl5/5.8.5/i386-linux-thread-multi /usr/lib/perl5/5.8.5 
/usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl) at (eval 1355) line 2. 
Jun  4 18:02:19 localhost spamd[9488]: Can't locate Log/ in @INC (@INC 
contains: /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.5/i386-linux-thread-multi 
/usr/lib/perl5/5.8.5/i386-linux-thread-multi /usr/lib/perl5/5.8.5 
/usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl) at (eval 1355) line 2. 
Jun  4 18:02:19 localhost spamd[9488]: BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at 
(eval 1355) line 2. 

I forgot to include this in the original message but I feel it's important to 
state that whether the Razor plug-in is enabled or not I get the same output 
when stopping at starting SA.

KeyID 0xE372A7DA98E6705C

Description: PGP signature

Can't locate Log/ in @INC

2008-06-13 Thread Chris
I sent a post with the above subject about a week and a half ago and Justin 
Mason stated that its apparently a Razor problem. I sent the same post to the 
Razor list and received 'no' replies. I don't doubt Justin at all, however, 
with no replies from the Razor list I'm turning back to the SA list in the 
hopes that someone could give me a clue on what to check. Neither SA or Razor 
appear to be affected in any way at all, I guess it's just annoying to see 
this everytime I stop and start SA. The below is from when I ran SA-Update 
after upgrading to 3.2.5 awhile ago.

Jun 13 19:36:25 localhost spamassassin: spamd startup succeeded
Jun 13 19:36:28 localhost spamd[3256]: Can't locate Log/ in @INC (@INC 
lib /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.5/i386-linux-thread-multi 
/usr/lib/perl5/5.8.5/i386-linux-thread-multi /usr/lib/perl5/5.8.5 
/usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl) at (eval 1365) line 2. 
Jun 13 19:36:28 localhost spamd[3256]: Can't locate Log/ in @INC (@INC 
lib /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.5/i386-linux-thread-multi 
/usr/lib/perl5/5.8.5/i386-linux-thread-multi /usr/lib/perl5/5.8.5 
/usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl) at (eval 1365) line 2. 
Jun 13 19:36:28 localhost spamd[3256]: BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at 
(eval 1365) line 2. 

I will try posting the above again to the Razor list and see if I get any 


KeyID 0xE372A7DA98E6705C

Description: PGP signature

Re: trusted_networks

2008-06-13 Thread Chris
On Friday 13 June 2008 7:09 pm, Jari Fredriksson wrote:
> >Thank you, now my trusted_networks line looks like this:
> >
> >trusted_networks 192.168/16
> >
> >Is that correct? Do I need the 192.168/16 entry?
> I don't have it, my 10/8 lan network.. in my trusted.
> I think your can throw it away.

Thanks, I'll discard it then, appreciate the help. 


KeyID 0xE372A7DA98E6705C

Description: PGP signature

Re: trusted_networks

2008-06-13 Thread Jari Fredriksson
>Thank you, now my trusted_networks line looks like this:
>trusted_networks 192.168/16
>Is that correct? Do I need the 192.168/16 entry?

I don't have it, my 10/8 lan network.. in my trusted.

I think your can throw it away.

Re: trusted_networks

2008-06-13 Thread Chris
On Friday 13 June 2008 11:56 am, Jari Fredriksson wrote:

> >Should I put the IP for on the
> > trusted_networks line? That comes out to be I also had this
> > as internal_networks internal_networks, is that correct?
> Yes, if that is your ISP's mx receiving mail
> sent to you.
> I did
> $ host -t mx
> and it said
> mail is handled by 10
> $ host
> has address
> $ host
> has address
> I don't understand what is this "mailrelay", it might be the sending
> server, but that mx host "smtp" at least should be trusted.
> Better to put those both to your trusted_networks, I guess.

Thank you, now my trusted_networks line looks like this:

trusted_networks 192.168/16

Is that correct? Do I need the 192.168/16 entry?

KeyID 0xE372A7DA98E6705C

Description: PGP signature

Re: MailChannles SPAMMING List Members?

2008-06-13 Thread Ken Simpson

On 12-Jun-08, at 9:41 PM, mouss wrote:
if it really came from them, it's probably an isolated/unsupported  
initiative from a "marketer gone crazy".

report the problem to their abuse team (or anyone in their tech  
team). In all companies I worked for, I've seen few guys coming up  
with bad "good ideas/initiatives". Most of the time, these were  
stopped during internal discussions, but sometimes such initiatives  
were only discovered later thanks to a complaint. so do complain,  
but provide evidence (message with full headers).

Hi Dave, Mouss, and others,

I can confirm that this is an instance of a "marketer gone crazy,"  
rather than a spam campaign:

 - Desmond found Dave's name when he was looking for people in the  
EDUCAUSE group who know about email.

 - Dave's email address was taken from Mary Baldwin College's staff  
directory ( 
namesearch.asp). It was not taken from the SA mailing list.

 - The message to Dave was a one-to-one correspondence - it was not  
part of a bulk mail-out.


Ken Simpson

MailChannels - Reliable Email Delivery
604 685 7488 tel

Re: can we make AWL ignore mail from self to self?

2008-06-13 Thread Jo Rhett
You've presented good logic for acceping mail from self to self.   
But you haven't explained by using the AWL for mail from self to  
self is better than not having it.

On Jun 2, 2008, at 4:02 AM, Jonas Eckerman wrote:
Because it can help discriminate between spam and ham addressed from  
self to self. Heres an example:

StupidWebService send self->self addressed ham from relay

EvilSpammer send self->self addressed spam from relay (wich,  
unfortunately, belongs to a big ISP so the relay doesn'ät get  

One day StupidWebService send a ham that triggered a bunch of  
positive hits (including BAYES_99). Since mail from [EMAIL PROTECTED] has a  
negative score in the AWL, the mail gets though all right.

One day EvilSpammer manages to send a mail that doesnät hit any  
positive rules, but does hit BAYES_00. Since [EMAIL PROTECTED] has a high  
positive score in the AWL, the mail still gets flagged as spam.

If the AWL ignore mail from self->self, the two mails in the above  
example would have been misclassified.

Indeed.  I submit you are right.

FYI: I still haven't had another misclassification since the first, so  
I'm beginning to think that this was a lark.

Jo Rhett
Net Consonance : consonant endings by net philanthropy, open source  
and other randomness

spamassassin horribly low scores?

2008-06-13 Thread archaic0

I put SA on my server and have had it running for a while now (couple
months).  I have been training it with ham and spam this whold time time and
am probably up to a couple hundred messages of ham and a couple thousand
messages of spam.

What I am seeing is a TON of email that is obvious spam (to me) get scored
and fail several checks, but the scores are so insanely low that it still
gets through.  One message in particular might fail 4 or 5 spam checks, but
each only adds .1 or .2 to the score for a total of .8 or something.

Each of these checks are obvious spam to me, like enhancement and drugs and
the like.  I've been adjusting the scores to straight up 10 for the checks
as I see them, but so far I'm up to 20 or so checks that I've modified and I
just see this to be a never ending battle.

What would be GREAT is a global switch for things like AM_DOCTOR, and
MEDS_OK.  By setting those two things to no, then if the system would bump
up every single check that relates to medicine or medical things to like a
4.0 score then that would solve 99% of my issues.

Why do these checks carry such low scores?  I mean I understand being
cautious, but for an erectile fail to score .2???  On what planet does that
make sense?  The system would have to fail on 20 levels as well as having a
very low total threshold to cause issues with that low of a score.

View this message in context:
Sent from the SpamAssassin - Users mailing list archive at

Re: problem with spam report--could it be a bug?

2008-06-13 Thread SM

Hi Amy,
At 10:45 12-06-2008, Amy Marcott wrote:
I was told by Kintera, our email service, to email this address 
regarding a problem I'm having with my spam score report. A report

Usually, it's up to your email service provider to deal with such questions.

is generated with each test email we send to ourselves via Kintera. 
The report lists things that may trigger high spam scores. I was 
given the report below for an email newsletter I send every month 
(I've never had a problem before) and have an unusually high score 
because, presumably, of the word Rolex. That word does not appear 
anywhere in the coding of my message. I've even removed all 
instances of the word "role" and "watch" but nothing changes the 
score. Am I misinterpreting the report or could there be a bug in 
the spamassassin software that is generating incorrect results?

If you are not an end-user, post a link to the message including full 
headers and the spam score report.

If it was a bug in the SpamAssassin software, it can be fixed.  That 
doesn't mean that it will solve your problem unless your email 
service provider and the receiving ends update their software to 
include the bug fix.


Re: trusted_networks

2008-06-13 Thread Jari Fredriksson

>Hmm, I'm on DSL, so, should I place my IP in trusted_networks?

No. Your IP address does not relay mail to you.

>instance, I did have this "trusted_networks 192.168/16",
>however, looking at the received line of the post I initally made, my IP is

trusted_networks is assumed to have *mail servers* relaying mail to you. Not 
each and every client machine in your ISP's address space. Not yours, nor your 

>The received line also shows this:
>Received: from [] ([] helo=[])
>by (envelope-from 
>Should I put the IP for on the trusted_networks
>line? That comes out to be I also had this as internal_networks
>internal_networks, is that correct?

Yes, if that is your ISP's mx receiving mail sent 
to you.

I did 

$ host -t mx

and it said mail is handled by 10

$ host has address

$ host has address

I don't understand what is this "mailrelay", it might be the sending server, 
but that mx host "smtp" at least should be trusted.

Better to put those both to your trusted_networks, I guess.

Re: HELP!! spamassasssin killing my server

2008-06-13 Thread Matthias Leisi

Matus UHLAR - fantomas schrieb:

On 12.06.08 18:51, Matthias Leisi wrote:
On the company mailserver, we take a very conservative approach, and 
only Spamhaus SBL+XBL are used at the MTA level. 

you should switch to ZEN in such case, SBL+XBL is obsolete now.

We use a local feed, so querying SBL and XBL separately is not an issue. 
For some obscure non-technical reason, we can currently not switch to 
anything else (nor do we really need to, since queries only run local).

-- Matthias

Re: Spam getting scored but not tagged -- redux

2008-06-13 Thread Chris St. Pierre

In v310.pre, we had this:

loadplugin Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::Pyzor

...amongst many other loadplugin lines.  Through trial-and-error, I've
determined that commenting out the Pyzor line (along with the pyzor
config lines in solves the problem.

Unfortunately, I really _liked_ Pyzor, and would like to be able to
run it.  Thoughts?

Chris St. Pierre
Unix Systems Administrator
Nebraska Wesleyan University

On Fri, 13 Jun 2008, Chris St. Pierre wrote:

On Fri, 13 Jun 2008, Matus UHLAR - fantomas wrote:

How do you use spamassassin, from procmail/maildrop? milter?

I call it from Postfix thusly:


smtpd_recipient_restrictions =
  check_recipient_access hash:/etc/postfix/spamassassin


# only filter email *to* our domain, not from it
nebrwesleyan.eduFILTER   spamassassin:


spamassassin unix - n   n   -   -   pipe
   user=spamd argv=/usr/bin/spamc -u spamd -e
   /usr/sbin/sendmail -oi -f ${sender} ${recipient}

Chris St. Pierre
Unix Systems Administrator
Nebraska Wesleyan University

Re: problem with spam report--could it be a bug?

2008-06-13 Thread Matus UHLAR - fantomas
On 12.06.08 13:45, Amy Marcott wrote:
> I was told by Kintera, our email service, to email this address regarding a
> problem I'm having with my spam score report. A report is generated with each
> test email we send to ourselves via Kintera. The report lists things that may
> trigger high spam scores. I was given the report below for an email 
> newsletter I
> send every month (I've never had a problem before) and have an unusually high
> score because, presumably, of the word Rolex. That word does not appear 
> anywhere
> in the coding of my message. I've even removed all instances of the word 
> "role"
> and "watch" but nothing changes the score. Am I misinterpreting the report or
> could there be a bug in the spamassassin software that is generating incorrect
> results?

could you please upload the raw message somewhere?

Matus UHLAR - fantomas, [EMAIL PROTECTED] ;
Warning: I wish NOT to receive e-mail advertising to this address.
Varovanie: na tuto adresu chcem NEDOSTAVAT akukolvek reklamnu postu.
I feel like I'm diagonally parked in a parallel universe. 

Re: problem with spam report--could it be a bug?

2008-06-13 Thread Greg Troxel
  I was told by Kintera, our email service, to email this address
  regarding a problem I'm having with my spam score report. A report is
  generated with each test email we send to ourselves via Kintera. The
  report lists things that may trigger high spam scores. I was given the
  report below for an email newsletter I send every month (I've never
  had a problem before) and have an unusually high score because,
  presumably, of the word Rolex. That word does not appear anywhere in
  the coding of my message. I've even removed all instances of the word
  "role" and "watch" but nothing changes the score. Am I misinterpreting
  the report or could there be a bug in the spamassassin software that
  is generating incorrect results?

Your test message seems to be html, so you should be looking at the raw
html with a text editor (such as emacs), rather than in some html
renderer or editor.  It's possible that the offending word rolex is
somehow in the html source but not rendered.  It is also possible that
there is a bug in the SA rule and that it's falsing.

The rule is FRT_ROLEX, which is defined as:


ifplugin Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::ReplaceTags
body FRT_ROLEX  /\b(?!rolex)/i
describe FRT_ROLEX  ReplaceTags: Rolex

So it may be detecting a set of html tags which looks like an attempte
to spell out rolex.


Your spam score is: 4.5 points

  -1.4 ALL_TRUSTEDPassed through trusted hosts only via SMTP
   3.1 FRT_ROLEX  BODY: ReplaceTags: Rolex
   1.2 US_DOLLARS_3   BODY: Mentions millions of $ ($NN,NNN,NNN.NN)
   0.0 HTML_MESSAGE   BODY: HTML included in message
   1.7 MIME_HTML_ONLY BODY: Message only has text/html MIME parts

The ALL_TRUSTED rule is firing for kintera's test, but that means that
the message was only handled by trustworthy senders.  So it will likely
not fire when the mail arrives, and thus your score is higher than you

The mail is probably only in html, rather than being
multipart/alternative with the same content in plain text.  Fixing that
problem would help.  (I use to get some newsletters from MIT Alumni
Association, but unsubscribed because they were html only.)

Without you posting the draft mail, or somehow making it available, I do
not expect that anyone will be able to help you beyond advice like the

In your case (being at MIT) I would recommend that you call SIPB and ask
for help.

problem with spam report--could it be a bug?

2008-06-13 Thread Amy Marcott
I was told by Kintera, our email service, to email this address regarding a
problem I'm having with my spam score report. A report is generated with each
test email we send to ourselves via Kintera. The report lists things that may
trigger high spam scores. I was given the report below for an email newsletter I
send every month (I've never had a problem before) and have an unusually high
score because, presumably, of the word Rolex. That word does not appear anywhere
in the coding of my message. I've even removed all instances of the word "role"
and "watch" but nothing changes the score. Am I misinterpreting the report or
could there be a bug in the spamassassin software that is generating incorrect


Thank you for any guidance you can provide.


Sincerely, Amy Marcott


The report below identifies areas of your eMail that might trigger spam

blocking software for your recipients by simulating the process typically

used by most ISPs.  If an ISP identifies this mail as spam, it could cause

your recipient not to receive your mailing.


As a guideline, a score of 2.2 or lower should be received successfully

in most cases (Yahoo typically blocks items with a score of 2.3 or higher,

and Hotmail will block scores of 2.4 or higher.)  For the highest success

rate, a score of 2.0 or lower is recommended.


*NOTE: The scores above do not reflect any guarantee of mail delivery or

acceptance by email providers. They are provided only as general guidelines.

Information on current spam scores is available on ISP websites or for

more information on SpamAssassin visit:


 Score Summary 


Your spam score is: 4.5 points


Score Details:

 pts rule name  description

 -- --

-1.4 ALL_TRUSTEDPassed through trusted hosts only via SMTP

 3.1 FRT_ROLEX  BODY: ReplaceTags: Rolex

 1.2 US_DOLLARS_3   BODY: Mentions millions of $ ($NN,NNN,NNN.NN)

 0.0 HTML_MESSAGE   BODY: HTML included in message

 1.7 MIME_HTML_ONLY BODY: Message only has text/html MIME parts


The original message was not completely plain text, and may be unsafe to

open with some email clients; in particular, it may contain a virus,

or confirm that your address can receive spam.  If you wish to view

it, it may be safer to save it to a file and open it with an editor.





Amy Marcott
Web Writer/Editor
MIT Alumni Association
201 Vassar Street
Building W59-200
Cambridge, MA 02139-4307


Re: sa-update failed, dns: query failed: => no nameservers

2008-06-13 Thread Justin Mason

I suspect Net::DNS cannot parse "nameserver localhost".  Try




Vinogratzky writes:
> I thought so, too. But
> ---8<---
> ; <<>> DiG 9.3.4 <<>> ANY
> ;; global options:  printcmd
> ;; Got answer:
> ;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NOERROR, id: 8343
> ;; flags: qr rd ra; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 1, AUTHORITY: 5, ADDITIONAL: 5
> ;  ANY
> 3553 IN TXT "667074"
>   3553IN  NS
>   3553IN  NS
>   3553IN  NS
>   3553IN  NS
>   3553IN  NS
>  IN  A
>  IN  A
>  IN  A
>   59617   IN  A
>  172111  IN  A
> ;; Query time: 3 msec
> ;; SERVER:
> ;; WHEN: Fri Jun 13 16:35:00 2008
> ;; MSG SIZE  rcvd: 263
> ---8<---
> dig definitely works.
> cat /etc/resolv.conf
> ---8<---
> search site
> #nameserver
> nameserver localhost
> ---8<---
> It is my own nameserver.
> very perplex.
> Chris
> On Thu, Jun 12, 2008 at 12:01:55PM -0400, Theo Van Dinter wrote:
> > My guess is that your assertion that DNS is working is false.
> > 
> > :)
> > 
> > What does "dig ANY" return for you?  Ought to
> > be a TXT record and then numerous NS records for
> > 
> > Perhaps your resolv.conf has multiple nameservers and the first one is 
> > having
> > issues?
> > 
> > Are you using someone else's DNS server which may be manipulating the 
> > results?
> > 
> > Are you going through a firewall or DNS proxy which may not allow or
> > mishandles certain requests?
> > 
> > Have you run tcpdump/etc and watched the traffic to see what's going on?
> > 
> > 
> > On Thu, Jun 12, 2008 at 08:25:06AM +0200, Vinogratzky wrote:
> > > Nobody has a hint?
> > > 
> > > Chris
> > > 
> > > On Mo, Jun 02, 2008 at 04:56:25 +0200, Vinogratzky wrote:
> > > > Hi,
> > > > 
> > > > i have a installation of spamassassin with postfix and amavis.
> > > > sa-update brings up an error:
> > > > "dns: query failed: => no nameservers"
> > > > which is strange. DNS is working.
> > > > 
> > > > Here is the -D output:
> > > > ---8<---
> > > > [3496] dbg: logger: adding facilities: all
> > > > [3496] dbg: logger: logging level is DBG
> > > > [3496] dbg: generic: SpamAssassin version 3.2.3
> > > > [3496] dbg: config: score set 0 chosen.
> > > > [3496] dbg: dns: no ipv6
> > > > [3496] dbg: dns: is Net::DNS::Resolver available? yes
> > > > [3496] dbg: dns: Net::DNS version: 0.59
> > > > [3496] dbg: generic: sa-update version svn540384
> > > > [3496] dbg: generic: using update directory: 
> > > > /var/lib/spamassassin/3.002003
> > > > [3496] dbg: diag: perl platform: 5.008008 linux
> > > > [3496] dbg: diag: module installed: Digest::SHA1, version 2.11
> > > > [3496] dbg: diag: module installed: HTML::Parser, version 3.55
> > > > [3496] dbg: diag: module installed: Net::DNS, version 0.59
> > > > [3496] dbg: diag: module installed: MIME::Base64, version 3.07
> > > > [3496] dbg: diag: module installed: DB_File, version 1.814
> > > > [3496] dbg: diag: module installed: Net::SMTP, version 2.29
> > > > [3496] dbg: diag: module not installed: Mail::SPF ('require' failed)
> > > > [3496] dbg: diag: module installed: Mail::SPF::Query, version 1.999001
> > > > [3496] dbg: diag: module not installed: IP::Country::Fast ('require' 
> > > > failed)
> > > > [3496] dbg: diag: module not installed: Razor2::Client::Agent 
> > > > ('require' failed)
> > > > [3496] dbg: diag: module not installed: Net::Ident ('require' failed)
> > > > [3496] dbg: diag: module not installed: IO::Socket::INET6 ('require' 
> > > > failed)
> > > > [3496] dbg: diag: module not installed: IO::Socket::SSL ('require' 
> > > > failed)
> > > > [3496] dbg: diag: module installed: Compress::Zlib, version 1.42
> > > > [3496] dbg: diag: module installed: Time::HiRes, version 1.86
> > > > [3496] dbg: diag: module not installed: Mail::DomainKeys ('require' 
> > > > failed)
> > > > [3496] dbg: diag: module not installed: Mail::DKIM ('require' failed)
> > > > [3496] dbg: diag: module not installed: DBI ('require' failed)
> > > > [3496] dbg: diag: module installed: Getopt::Long, version 2.35
> > > > [3496] dbg: diag: module installed: LWP::UserAgent, version 2.033
> > > > [3496] dbg: diag: module installed: HTTP::Date, version 1.47
> > > > [3496] dbg: dia

Re: sa-update failed, dns: query failed: => no nameservers

2008-06-13 Thread Vinogratzky
I thought so, too. But
; <<>> DiG 9.3.4 <<>> ANY
;; global options:  printcmd
;; Got answer:
;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NOERROR, id: 8343
;; flags: qr rd ra; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 1, AUTHORITY: 5, ADDITIONAL: 5

;  ANY

;; ANSWER SECTION: 3553 IN TXT "667074"

;; AUTHORITY SECTION:   3553IN  NS   3553IN  NS   3553IN  NS   3553IN  NS   3553IN  NS

;; ADDITIONAL SECTION:  IN  A  IN  A  IN  A   59617   IN  A  172111  IN  A

;; Query time: 3 msec
;; WHEN: Fri Jun 13 16:35:00 2008
;; MSG SIZE  rcvd: 263
dig definitely works.

cat /etc/resolv.conf
search site
nameserver localhost
It is my own nameserver.

very perplex.

On Thu, Jun 12, 2008 at 12:01:55PM -0400, Theo Van Dinter wrote:
> My guess is that your assertion that DNS is working is false.
> :)
> What does "dig ANY" return for you?  Ought to
> be a TXT record and then numerous NS records for
> Perhaps your resolv.conf has multiple nameservers and the first one is having
> issues?
> Are you using someone else's DNS server which may be manipulating the results?
> Are you going through a firewall or DNS proxy which may not allow or
> mishandles certain requests?
> Have you run tcpdump/etc and watched the traffic to see what's going on?
> On Thu, Jun 12, 2008 at 08:25:06AM +0200, Vinogratzky wrote:
> > Nobody has a hint?
> > 
> > Chris
> > 
> > On Mo, Jun 02, 2008 at 04:56:25 +0200, Vinogratzky wrote:
> > > Hi,
> > > 
> > > i have a installation of spamassassin with postfix and amavis.
> > > sa-update brings up an error:
> > > "dns: query failed: => no nameservers"
> > > which is strange. DNS is working.
> > > 
> > > Here is the -D output:
> > > ---8<---
> > > [3496] dbg: logger: adding facilities: all
> > > [3496] dbg: logger: logging level is DBG
> > > [3496] dbg: generic: SpamAssassin version 3.2.3
> > > [3496] dbg: config: score set 0 chosen.
> > > [3496] dbg: dns: no ipv6
> > > [3496] dbg: dns: is Net::DNS::Resolver available? yes
> > > [3496] dbg: dns: Net::DNS version: 0.59
> > > [3496] dbg: generic: sa-update version svn540384
> > > [3496] dbg: generic: using update directory: 
> > > /var/lib/spamassassin/3.002003
> > > [3496] dbg: diag: perl platform: 5.008008 linux
> > > [3496] dbg: diag: module installed: Digest::SHA1, version 2.11
> > > [3496] dbg: diag: module installed: HTML::Parser, version 3.55
> > > [3496] dbg: diag: module installed: Net::DNS, version 0.59
> > > [3496] dbg: diag: module installed: MIME::Base64, version 3.07
> > > [3496] dbg: diag: module installed: DB_File, version 1.814
> > > [3496] dbg: diag: module installed: Net::SMTP, version 2.29
> > > [3496] dbg: diag: module not installed: Mail::SPF ('require' failed)
> > > [3496] dbg: diag: module installed: Mail::SPF::Query, version 1.999001
> > > [3496] dbg: diag: module not installed: IP::Country::Fast ('require' 
> > > failed)
> > > [3496] dbg: diag: module not installed: Razor2::Client::Agent ('require' 
> > > failed)
> > > [3496] dbg: diag: module not installed: Net::Ident ('require' failed)
> > > [3496] dbg: diag: module not installed: IO::Socket::INET6 ('require' 
> > > failed)
> > > [3496] dbg: diag: module not installed: IO::Socket::SSL ('require' failed)
> > > [3496] dbg: diag: module installed: Compress::Zlib, version 1.42
> > > [3496] dbg: diag: module installed: Time::HiRes, version 1.86
> > > [3496] dbg: diag: module not installed: Mail::DomainKeys ('require' 
> > > failed)
> > > [3496] dbg: diag: module not installed: Mail::DKIM ('require' failed)
> > > [3496] dbg: diag: module not installed: DBI ('require' failed)
> > > [3496] dbg: diag: module installed: Getopt::Long, version 2.35
> > > [3496] dbg: diag: module installed: LWP::UserAgent, version 2.033
> > > [3496] dbg: diag: module installed: HTTP::Date, version 1.47
> > > [3496] dbg: diag: module installed: Archive::Tar, version 1.30
> > > [3496] dbg: diag: module installed: IO::Zlib, version 1.04
> > > [3496] dbg: diag: module not installed: Encode::Detect ('require' failed)
> > > [3496] dbg: gpg: Searching for 'gpg'
> > > [3496] dbg: util: current PATH is:
> > > /usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/root/bin:/root/bin
> > > [3496] d

Re: Spam getting scored but not tagged -- redux

2008-06-13 Thread Chris St. Pierre

On Fri, 13 Jun 2008, Matus UHLAR - fantomas wrote:

How do you use spamassassin, from procmail/maildrop? milter?

I call it from Postfix thusly:


smtpd_recipient_restrictions =
   check_recipient_access hash:/etc/postfix/spamassassin


# only filter email *to* our domain, not from it
nebrwesleyan.eduFILTER   spamassassin:


spamassassin unix - n   n   -   -   pipe
user=spamd argv=/usr/bin/spamc -u spamd -e
/usr/sbin/sendmail -oi -f ${sender} ${recipient}

Chris St. Pierre
Unix Systems Administrator
Nebraska Wesleyan University

Re: Spam getting scored but not tagged -- redux

2008-06-13 Thread Matus UHLAR - fantomas
On 12.06.08 16:22, Chris St. Pierre wrote:
> About a year ago, I started this thread:
> I kind of forgot about the issue, but it's cropping up again; we're
> now on 3.2.4, and still having the problem.  New logs:

How do you use spamassassin, from procmail/maildrop? milter?

Matus UHLAR - fantomas, [EMAIL PROTECTED] ;
Warning: I wish NOT to receive e-mail advertising to this address.
Varovanie: na tuto adresu chcem NEDOSTAVAT akukolvek reklamnu postu.
42.7 percent of all statistics are made up on the spot. 

Re: Spam getting scored but not tagged -- redux

2008-06-13 Thread Chris St. Pierre

For what it's worth, this appears to be happening on _every_ message
that comes through.  In other words, no spam at all is getting tagged,
and we're running on RBLs, etc., alone.  So I'd appreciate any and all
suggestions. :)


Chris St. Pierre
Unix Systems Administrator
Nebraska Wesleyan University

On Thu, 12 Jun 2008, Chris St. Pierre wrote:

About a year ago, I started this thread:[EMAIL 

I kind of forgot about the issue, but it's cropping up again; we're
now on 3.2.4, and still having the problem.  New logs:

Jun 12 08:04:02 vostok spamd[1299]: spamd: setuid to spamd succeeded
Jun 12 08:04:02 vostok spamd[1299]: spamd: processing message 
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> for spamd:402
Jun 12 08:04:04 vostok spamd[18567]: spamd: identified spam (16.0/5.0) for 
spamd:402 in 1.7 seconds, 1982 bytes.
Jun 12 08:04:06 vostok spamd[18567]: spamd: result: Y 16 - 
scantime=1.7,size=1982,user=spamd,uid=402,required_score=5.0,rhost=localhost.localdomain,raddr=,rport=35145,mid=<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,bayes=1.00,autolearn=no
Jun 12 08:04:06 vostok spamd[18567]: spamd: accidental fork: 18567 != 1299 at 
/usr/bin/spamd line 1645.
Jun 12 08:04:08 vostok spamd[1299]: spamd: identified spam (16.2/5.0) for 
spamd:402 in 5.3 seconds, 1982 bytes.
Jun 12 08:04:08 vostok spamd[1299]: spamd: result: Y 16 - 
scantime=5.3,size=1982,user=spamd,uid=402,required_score=5.0,rhost=localhost.localdomain,raddr=,rport=35145,mid=<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,bayes=1.00,autolearn=no
Jun 12 08:04:08 vostok spamd[1299]: spamd: connection from 
localhost.localdomain [] at port 35155

Jun 12 08:04:08 vostok spamd[1299]: spamd: setuid to spamd succeeded
Jun 12 08:04:08 vostok spamd[1299]: spamd: processing message 
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> for spamd:402

Any other ideas?  Thanks!

Chris St. Pierre
Unix Systems Administrator
Nebraska Wesleyan University

Re: trusted_networks

2008-06-13 Thread Matus UHLAR - fantomas
> On Thursday 12 June 2008 2:16 am, Matus UHLAR - fantomas wrote:
> > you should put at least your MX backups into trusted_networks AND
> > internal_networks, if there are any. You may put other servers, not under
> > your control, to trusted_networks, if you trust them not to originate spam.
> >
> > trusted_networks and internal_networks are used to define borders for
> > checking SPF, blacklists and other network stuff. For example, most
> > blacklists are checked on last external relay which means your mailserver
> > or MX backup

On 12.06.08 18:00, Chris wrote:
> Hmm, I'm on DSL, so, should I place my IP in trusted_networks? If so, how 
> would I go about that since being a dynamic IP it changes every so often. For 
> instance, I did have this "trusted_networks 192.168/16", 
> however, looking at the received line of the post I initally made, my IP is 
> now The received line also shows this:
> Received: from [] ([] helo=[])
> by (envelope-from 

Do you relay incoming mail to yourself through your external IP? Why?

> Should I put the IP for on the
> trusted_networks line? That comes out to be I also had this
> as internal_networks internal_networks, is that correct?

I would be careful about that and not to trust whole ISP's dyamic IP range.
(Yes, as an ISP I have to do that until we enforce SMTP authentication from
dynamic ranges).

Matus UHLAR - fantomas, [EMAIL PROTECTED] ;
Warning: I wish NOT to receive e-mail advertising to this address.
Varovanie: na tuto adresu chcem NEDOSTAVAT akukolvek reklamnu postu.
I just got lost in thought. It was unfamiliar territory. 

Re: trusted_networks

2008-06-13 Thread Matus UHLAR - fantomas
On 12.06.08 10:25, John Hardin wrote:
> On Thu, 12 Jun 2008, Matus UHLAR - fantomas wrote:
> >You may put other servers, not under your control, to trusted_networks, 
> >if you trust them not to originate spam.
> ^
> Matus, I believe that assertion is incorrect...

Yes, it is. I was searching for best wording and it appeared already

"trusted" means "does not forge headers" when talking about trusted_networks
Matus UHLAR - fantomas, [EMAIL PROTECTED] ;
Warning: I wish NOT to receive e-mail advertising to this address.
Varovanie: na tuto adresu chcem NEDOSTAVAT akukolvek reklamnu postu.
On the other hand, you have different fingers. 

Re: HELP!! spamassasssin killing my server

2008-06-13 Thread Matus UHLAR - fantomas
On 12.06.08 18:51, Matthias Leisi wrote:
> On the company mailserver, we take a very conservative approach, and 
> only Spamhaus SBL+XBL are used at the MTA level. 

you should switch to ZEN in such case, SBL+XBL is obsolete now.

Matus UHLAR - fantomas, [EMAIL PROTECTED] ;
Warning: I wish NOT to receive e-mail advertising to this address.
Varovanie: na tuto adresu chcem NEDOSTAVAT akukolvek reklamnu postu.
"They say when you play that M$ CD backward you can hear satanic messages."
"That's nothing. If you play it forward it will install Windows."

Re: not scanning

2008-06-13 Thread Matus UHLAR - fantomas
On 12.06.08 23:15, nitin joshi wrote:
>  I am using spamassassin as a spam filtering tool with
> sendmail. Spamassassin is filtering at MDA level with procmail. No other
> filtering or scaning tool attached with sendmail or at any other level.

maybe the header come from sender or some intermediate relay.
SA does not use such header...
Matus UHLAR - fantomas, [EMAIL PROTECTED] ;
Warning: I wish NOT to receive e-mail advertising to this address.
Varovanie: na tuto adresu chcem NEDOSTAVAT akukolvek reklamnu postu.
Save the whales. Collect the whole set.

Re: Enable emails sent from localhost

2008-06-13 Thread Arvid Ephraim Picciani
On Friday 13 June 2008 12:39:39 you wrote:

> can't you tell spamassassin to only check incoming mails, not outgoing
> mails? 

SA doesnt have "outgoing" and "incomming".  thats your MTA. 
Besides SA does already HAVE a rule for mails sent from yourself.
ALL_TRUSTED  should trigger on those mails.
That doesn't completly eliminate spam checking of course, so if your mail gets 
scored very high, it is still flagged as spam. 

best regards
Arvid Ephraim Picciani

Re: Enable emails sent from localhost

2008-06-13 Thread Arvid Ephraim Picciani
On Friday 13 June 2008 12:00:18 Rob van der Linde wrote:
> I know that mail sent from localhost is ok, because I created the PHP
> scripts myself. 

Well... no.  If SA says they're not ok, then they're not ok.

You can "fix" your MTA to not pass outgoing mails to SA, 
but neither can you "fix" SA, nor can you "fix" other peoples SA.
best regards
Arvid Ephraim Picciani

Enable emails sent from localhost

2008-06-13 Thread Rob van der Linde
I've noticed just today that PHP has not been sending any mail at all
anymore if spamassassin is enabled. (I'm running it on Ubuntu Hardy,
through citadel, but everything is working fine there). I had a look
at /var/log/mail.log and it appears to be blocking the emails, marking
them as spam.

Is there a way I can tell spamassassin to stop blocking from localhost?
I know that mail sent from localhost is ok, because I created the PHP
scripts myself. I want to create a rule that says "everything sent from
localhost is ok, don't bother checking these".

I've temporary had to disable spamassassin until I can get this
resolved. Any help would be much appreciated.

Description: This is a digitally signed message part