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2005-06-08 Thread notify
Posted by Orin Kerr:
Unusual Motive For Computer Hacking:

   The Drudge Report links to a story of an [1]arrest in an important
   arrest computer hacking case in London:

   A London man described as the "world's biggest computer hacker"
 has been arrested.
   Gary McKinnon, 39, was seized by the Met's extradition unit at
 his Wood Green home.
   The unemployed former computer engineer is accused of causing the
 US government $1billion of damage by breaking into its most secure
 computers at the Pentagon and Nasa. He is likely to be extradited
 to America to face eight counts of computer crime in 14 states and
 could be jailed for 70 years.

   Why did he do it, you wonder? According to his friends,

   [McKinnon] was desperate to prove that the Americans had mounted
 a huge cover-up to deny his belief that aliens had visited earth.
   Andrew Edwards, who has known McKinnon since their days together
 at Highgate Wood comprehensive, said in 2002: "Gary told me all he
 was doing was looking for proof of a cover-up over UFOs.
   "He's been interested in UFOs for some time and believes the
 Americans are holding back information - although he didn't find
 any proof."

   Maybe he just didn't look hard enough.



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2005-06-08 Thread notify
Posted by Orin Kerr:
Bill O'Reilly Cancelled For Lack of Interest:

   No, not his show; [1]his week-long Caribbean cruise. The story's
   clever ending:

 "I'm very, very disappointed," said liberal political comedian Al
 Franken. "My wife and I had made it our vacation, and we really had
 been looking forward to the cruise and hearing Bill O'Reilly talk
 about the American values all while sailing the high seas."

   Thanks to [2]Punch & Judy for the link.


   1. http://www.nydailynews.com/news/gossip/story/316836p-271032c.html
   2. http://www.xanga.com/home.aspx?user=judithemily

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2005-06-08 Thread notify
Posted by Orin Kerr:
Still Outrageous:

   [1]Mark Kleiman has an update in the disturbing case about the four
   white men in Linden Texas who brutally beat a retarded
   African-American man and received only light sentences. Fortunately,
   the [2]Chicago Tribune is on the case.



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2005-06-08 Thread notify
Posted by http://www1.law.ucla.edu/~sander/";>Rick Sander 
Systemic Analysis of Affirmative Action in American Law Schools:  Responding to 
the Critics

   Although my article on affirmative action appeared in the Stanford Law
   Review less than five months ago, a legion of critics has sprung into
   print, publishing rebuttals with very non-ivory-tower speed. By my
   (probably incomplete) count, eleven articles entirely devoted to
   âdebunkingâ Systemic Analysis have been published or accepted for
   publication in legal or education journals, and dozens of more
   informal critiques have appeared in the media and a variety of

   Through most of this period, Iâve tried to focus on taking the
   criticisms to heart â understanding the arguments, looking closely at
   the evidence, and trying to separate the wheat from the chaff. I am
   publishing a lengthy response to critics in the May issue of the
   Stanford Law Review (which probably wonât be out for another four
   weeks) and a shorter response in the June issue of the Yale Law
   Journal (which should be out in two or three weeks). These responses
   tend to be pretty technical and very detailed. What I would like to do
   in this space, for the next couple of weeks, is something more
   informal and, I hope, more interactive.

   So starting Friday, June 10th in this space, I will examine seriatim
   the fallout and controversies that followed in the wake of Systemic
   Analysis. I will leave an open comments section at the end of each
   post, and on the following workday Iâll both cover a new topic and
   address significant questions raised in the last dayâs comments. If
   any of the major critics or commentators on the article is willing,
   Iâd love to arrange an on-line debate on this or any other site. My
   goal is to have a substantive, issue-driven discussion that goes into
   some depth while avoiding arcane terminology.

   In the first column this Friday, I will discuss a new data source
   which no one, including myself, had looked at before Systemic Analysis
   was published, and which provides the most definitive test yet devised
   for the arguments Iâve advanced about racial preferences.

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2005-06-08 Thread notify
Posted by Orin Kerr:
Janice Rogers Brown

   has been [1]confirmed by a vote of 56-43. It will be interesting to
   see how the fiery rhetoric of [2]her speeches fits with the DC
   Circuit's docket; can you decry the collectivist Kleptocracy in a
   [3]FERC opinion? Time will tell.


   1. http://www.cnn.com/2005/POLITICS/06/08/senate.judges.ap/index.html
   2. http://www.communityrights.org/PDFs/8-12-00IFJ.pdf
   3. http://www.ferc.gov/

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2005-06-08 Thread notify
Posted by Eugene Volokh:
I Am Glad To Live in a Country

   in which the President does not say things like:

 Let us stop drinking from the enchanted waters of Lethe, which
 strike with amnesia those who want to quench their thirst, and let
 us dare to taste those 'fresh waters that run from the Lake of
 Memory' -- as the words say on the golden bars of the disciples of
 Orpheus, that bard of metamorphosis and of ascending reincarnation.

   ([1]The Telegraph (U.K.), quoting the new French Prime Minister,
   Dominique de Villepin; thanks to [2]Best of the Web for the pointer.)

   In fact, maybe that should be our reaction any time President Bush is
   mocked for misspeaking: "Hey, at least it's not 'Let us stop drinking
   from the enchanted waters of Lethe . . . .'"


   2. http://www.opinionjournal.com/best/

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2005-06-08 Thread notify
Posted by Eugene Volokh:
NPR Stations in the Same Market Running the Same Programs at the Same Time:

   I like listening to All Things Considered and other NPR shows; I'm not
   wild about their political bias, but I like their tone and style.
   Another example of cultural affinity trumping political affinity, I

   But here's my question: In L.A., two radio stations (KCRW and KPCC)
   both carry All Things Considered, but they generally carry it at the
   same time. That means that if there's a story on one station that
   bores me, I can't just switch to the other station, since the other
   station is generally carrying exactly the same story at the same time.

   Now of course neither station wants to give up the optimal time slot
   -- but why doesn't one station (perhaps the one that has fewer
   listeners and thus more of an incentive to try to get some) play the
   segments in a different order? Unless I'm mistaken, the NPR news feed
   is 2 hours long. Why doesn't the less popular station play the second
   hour first and the first hour second, and thus suck in the other
   station's listeners who want to switch away from some boring story?
   And if they're above mere listener-grubbing, why don't they just
   provide such an alternative as a public service?

   Is there some technical or contractual twist that I'm missing? (I
   don't think there's any antitrust problem, because there'd be no need
   to have any agreement between the two stations; either station can do
   this unilaterally.) Please respond in the comments.

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2005-06-08 Thread notify
Posted by Eugene Volokh:
http://www.sctnomination.com/blog/";>The Supreme Court Nomination 

   This is the blog put up by Goldstein & Howe, a major Supreme Court
   litigation boutique and the operator of [1]SCOTUSblog. My question:
   How influential is the blog likely to be during the Supreme Court
   nomination season?

   My conjecture: Very. I don't know how many hits it will get, but I
   suspect that:
1. Most journalists who are covering the debates, and politicos
   involved in the debates, will check it routinely, and will be
   influenced to some extent by what is written there.
2. People who want to influence the debate will dearly love to get
   their points picked up by the G&H bloggers.
3. As with all editors and reporters, the bloggers will occasionally
   have opportunities to influence the process, for instance by
   deciding what to stress, what things to cover more than other
   things, what to investigate further, when to post certain things,
   and so on; it will be up to the G&H people to decide whether they
   want to use the opportunities, and how much.

   Of course, this raises another point: What other Supreme Court
   Nomination Blogs will there be out there? And how will they persuade
   reporters and politicos to read them, as well as the G&H blog?


   1. http://www.scotusblog.com/movabletype/

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2005-06-08 Thread notify
Posted by Todd Zywicki:
Mike Greve on the "Constitution In Exile":

   Must reading, as always, [1]here. The abstract:

 Liberal academics and newspapers have proclaimed that the Rehnquist
 Court and conservative intellectuals are attempting to resurrect a
 pre-New Deal âConstitution in Exile.â This absurd campaign
 illustrates the intellectual impoverishment of what now passes for
 âprogressiveâ constitutional thought. Still, liberals are right in
 suggesting that conservatives may not have thought as sharply and
 constructively about constitutionalism as they should. This Outlook
 discusses the liberal constitutional project. The next Outlook will
 outline a conservative response.


   1. http://www.aei.org/publications/filter.all,pubID.22622/pub_detail.asp

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2005-06-08 Thread notify
Posted by David Bernstein:
Law Review Summer Submissions:

   I am just about finished with an article I plan to submit to law
   reviews. The conventional wisdom is that if one finishes an article
   during the Summer, it's better to wait until mid-August to send it out
   to law reviews, because many law reviews shut down for the Summer. The
   counter-argument is that with so many law professors submitting
   articles in August that they wrote during Summer break, it's better to
   submit an article earlier, when editors for law reviews that are
   functioning can give submissions more attention.

   So, is the conventional wisdom correct? Do most law reviews shut down
   (at least in terms of excepting new articles) during the Summer? Is it
   possible to get expedited review during the Summer? I've opened

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2005-06-08 Thread notify
Posted by Randy Barnett:
Many Thanks to Friends and VC Readers:  

   I want to thank all my friends from around the country, and Volokh
   Conspiracy readers, for their many emails expressing support and words
   of encouragement to me following the Supreme Court's disappointing
   decision on Monday in Gonzales v. Raich. I have also taken solace in
   the outpouring of disapproval for the Court's decision from every
   ideological quarter of the blogosphere.
   As you can imagine, after investing over two years litigating this
   case in the District Court and Court of Appeasls, and almost the
   entirety of my fall semester preparing for three moot courts and oral
   argument, Monday was a pretty tough day. All these expressions of
   support, which I have yet to individually acknowledge, really did
   help--as did the clarity and potency of the dissenting opinions by
   Justices O'Connor and Thomas. I was grateful as well that Chief
   Justice Rehnquist, the author of the opinions in Lopez and Morrison on
   which our arguments were based, completely endorsed our reading of
   those cases by joining Justice O'Connor's cogent opinion that adopted
   our arguments in their entirety. This was not what experienced court
   watchers expected from him. Perhaps it is worth noting that the three
   justices who did not ask me any questions in oral argument ultimately
   sided with us.
   When the decision came down, I was in the middle of six hours of
   lectures on Contracts at NYU for [1]LawPReview. I used my hour for
   lunch to skim the opinion and participate in a telephonic press
   conference with 50 reporters. Then I had to return to the classroom to
   teach contract law. The students were very understanding of the fact
   that I was probably not quite the same teacher as I had been for the
   first 2 hours of the day. After that, I faced a several hour delay
   returning to Boston due to thunderstorms at LaGuardia. My parents
   arrived from out of town to visit hours before my return to Boston, so
   I am now preoccupied with spending time with them.
   For all these reasons, I have been too drained and distracted to blog
   on the decision, and it continues to be difficult to write about it
   dispassionately. Today, however, I did manage to pen some brief
   comments that I expect will appear on National Review Online tomorrow.
   When they do, I will link to them here and, perhaps, add some
   additional thoughts. In the meantime, thanks to everyone who wrote to
   me or who blogged their support. It really meant a lot.


   1. http://www.lawpreview.com/LP_2002/Edited/index.html

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2005-06-08 Thread notify
Posted by Orin Kerr:
Blogging Can Change Your Life:

   [1]Daniel Solove reflects on his first month as a blogger.


   1. http://prawfsblawg.blogs.com/prawfsblawg/2005/06/how_blogging_ch.html

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2005-06-08 Thread notify
Posted by Eugene Volokh:
Karns Elementary School Students Barred from Discussing a Certain Subject 
During Recess:

   A 10-year-old student and his friends were barred from engaging in a
   certain kind of speech during recess at Karns Primary School. The
   recess in that school, I'm told, is about 30 minutes long, and
   students are generally allowed to play, sit and read, talk, and do
   lots of other things. But this student and his friends were barred
   from engaging in one particular kind of speech. What is this speech
   that a Kentucky school has decided must be banned?
1. Wearing black armbands to protest the war.
2. Displaying a confederate flag.
3. Discussing the Wiccan neo-pagan religion.
4. Wearing insignia that depicted firearms.
5. Something else.

   And the answer is . . . #5, specifically discussing the Bible. Those
   are the charges levied in [1]a lawsuit filed by the student's parents
   (see [2]the Complaint here). The Principal's letter to parents
   specifically says that "children could not have a Bible study class"
   -- which apparently includes an informal group of a few kids sitting
   around and talking in the schoolyard -- during recess; I have seen a
   copy of it myself.

   I've long been appalled by the willingness of government officials to
   discriminate against religious speech this way. It's true that under
   the Court's Establishment Clause caselaw the government generally may
   not itself engage in religious speech (especially in K-12 schools),
   nor may it give preferential treatment to religious speech. But this
   ban on government preferences for religious speech doesn't require or
   authorize discrimination against private religious speech. Such
   discrimination is itself unconstitutional; it violates the Free Speech
   Clause, and in my view the Establishment Clause and Free Exercise
   Clause as well (though that's less clear than the Free Speech Clause

   Here, the students were trying to talk religion on their own, in a
   time and place in which students were perfectly free to talk about
   other subjects (sports, television, politics, and so on). This wasn't
   an organized class activity. (School officials naturally are entitled
   to more control over speech in such activities, for a variety of
   reasons.) Any students who weren't interested in talking or hearing
   about the subject were free not to talk or hear about it. There was,
   to my knowledge, no evidence that the speech would cause material
   disruption. And ten-year-olds are perfectly capable of distinguishing
   what their classmates say on their own from what the school is saying
   or endorsing as true, and the speech in this instance was clearly on
   the "classmates say on their own" side of the line.

   Unless there's something seriously missing from the news story and the
   Principal's letter, there seems to me to be no justification for this,
   except an assumption that "separation of church and state" (a rather
   misleading phrase) requires the state to suppress speech by students,
   who are clearly not the "state." The Supreme Court has repeatedly
   rejected this assumption, for over two decades in education generally,
   and over a decade as to K-12 education in particular; and so have
   lower courts. It bothers me that so many school officials still
   haven't gotten the message, and continue to violate students' First
   Amendment rights.


   2. http://www.telladf.org/UserDocs/WhitsonComplaint.pdf

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2005-06-08 Thread notify
Posted by Jim Lindgren:
So What Percentage of America are White Christians?--

   The latest Howard Dean flap is over his [1]claim that Republicans are
   "[2]pretty much a white, Christian party."

   Since about 63% of the adult public in the US are white Christians, it
   would not be surprising if at least the majority in any party were
   white Christians. Here is the breakdown of white Christians in the
   2004 General Social Survey:

   41% Strong Democrats. 52% Other Democrats. 52% Independents, Leaning
   Dem. 57% Independents. 78% Independents, Leaning Repub. 78% Other
   Republicans. 89% Strong Republicans. 57% Other Party.

   So about 84% of Republicans are white Christians, compared to about
   47% of Democrats. Neither party is a good cross-section of the
   American public.


   2. http://www.startribune.com/stories/587/5446013.html

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2005-06-08 Thread notify
Posted by Orin Kerr:
Who Wants to Draft Judge Prado?:

   Both [1]How Appealing and [2]SCOTUSblog provide links today to a new
   website, [3]www.DraftPrado.org, that claims to be part of an
   "independent grassroots campaign" to encourage President Bush to
   nominate Fifth Circuit Judge Ed Prado to the Supreme Court.

 A Supreme Court Justice for All Americans
 Imagine a Supreme Court nominee with a mainstream approach to the
 law who has earned the respect of both Republicans and Democrats.
 Imagine a nominee for the Supreme Court of unquestioned stature
 with decades of judicial experience.
 Stop imagining...
 Meet Judge Ed Prado.

 The idea that some average Americans might come together to push a
   little-known judge for a seat on the Supreme Court is pretty
   interesting, so I figured I would look into it and see who is behind
   the campaign. The campaign's website states that it is being run by
   people who, "[i]n an era of intense partisanship, . . . believe the
   time is right to come together around a highly qualified consensus
   nominee." It lists a few names in particular: Arkadi Gerney, Marc
   Laitin, and Tim Cullen.
 I googled Arkadi, Marc, and Tim to see if I could find out more
   about who they are. [4]It turns out that Arkadi, Marc and Tim have
   together led at least three other campaigns in the last two years, the
   goals of which might give you a little perspective on this latest
   independent effort:

 [5]Run Against Bush: A Movement to Defeat George W. Bush in 2004
 Launched late 2003, the Run Against Bush campaign raised over
 $450,000 in small donations from over 11,000 runners across the
 [6]The KerryConnector
 Started in July 2003, the Kerry Connector was an online grassroots
 meeting and house-party tool that was partially integrated into the
 Kerry campaign website in October 2004 and was a model for the John
 Kerry Volunteer Center (www.volunteer.johnkerry.com/) that
 premiered in June, 2004.
 [7]Concerts for Kerry / Concerts for Change
 Launched in March 2004, the Concerts effort raised more than
 $370,000 to support John Kerry from 16,000 concertgoers at events
 around the country.


   1. http://legalaffairs.org/howappealing/060805.html#003449
   3. http://www.draftprado.org/
   4. http://cgl-group.com/taxonomy/term/13
   5. http://www.runagainstbush.org/
   6. http://cgl-group.com/node/9
   7. http://cgl-group.com/node/7

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