Re: [XFree86] Using a joystick with XFree86 under Linux?

2005-01-13 Thread Aivils Stoss
>Has anyone had any success in using a joystick/gamepad under X version
>4.3 on Linux?

Please take a look into my program XKE

That program is capable send relative and absolute axis
movement to X


XFree86 mailing list

Re: [XFree86] Virtual Terminal & dual X Problems Please Help

2004-02-23 Thread Aivils . Stoss
>I have been trying to get two different xsessions running on the same VT.
>am running Slacware 9.0, kernel 2.4.20, and .XFree86 Version 4.3.0.
>Currently each X that I kick off default to the next available VT. And if
>try to force the xsession to use the same vt of the other, I receive this
>_XSERVTransSocketINETCreateListener: ...SocketCreateListener() failed
>_XSERVTransMakeAllCOTSServerListeners: server already running
>Fatal server error:
>Cannot establish any listening sockets - Make sure an X server isn't
>already running
>What I would like to do is have one Xsessions that runs a windows manager
>with mouse, keyboard, and touchscreen for inputs and the other xsession
>with no windows manager and only a touchscreen for input. I don't want
>mouse and keyboard ability on the second Xsession so there is no stealing
>of inputs and the touchscreens ability are independent from one another.

For first sesion
$ startx -- :0 -layout first vt7
For second sesion
$ startx -- :1 -layout second vt8

Linux kernel allow only one current VT. If You switch to vt7 , then second
X server do pause while vt8 become active. Your different input devices
are defined in "first" or "second" server layout section, file

Both servers must start gdm, or You can start 2nd X server from xterm
inside 1st X server.

Aivils Stoss

XFree86 mailing list

Re: [XFree86] 2xVoodoo3/Banshe causes crash.

2004-02-18 Thread Aivils . Stoss
>Hi, people. I'm trying to get a dualhead-configuration up and running
>with two Voodoo3/Banshee cards, one is made by Creative and is a PCI-
>card and the other is a 3DFX AGP-card with tv-out, the MB is a Abit
>BX6 rev 2.0 and I think I have tried altering almost every BIOS-
>settings I could find. I've followed every HOWTO and tips I could find
>but it still won't work. Just a couple of seconds after I try to start
>X the box stops responding. The most "fun" part is that X-server
>crashes the box before any logfile is written.

1) Remove "glx", "GLcore" modules from Your XF86Config.
if will not help
2) Disable DRI support in the Linux kernel. That mean moving file
/lib/modules/2.4.XX/kernel/drivers/char/tdfx.o where You want, to
prevent loading.

Aivils Stoss

XFree86 mailing list

Re: [XFree86] nvidia and ut2003 - wrong refresh rates

2004-02-12 Thread Aivils . Stoss
>I'm trying to run ut2003 under linux with an nvidia driver, but
>everytime I start the game it switches to 800x600 @ 56 Hz, altough my
>monitor does support 1024x768 @ 85 Hz, and 800x600 @ 100 Hz (which I
>can not set up under X, because it alway switches to [EMAIL PROTECTED] Hz, but
>this doesn't matter now). So anyone else experiencing this strange
>refresh rate with nvidia driver while gaming? How could this be fixed?
>In my console, when running ut2003, I also get these messages:

Please check out file:
and edit monitor Vertical refresh line
VertRefresh 59-87
After editing:
VertRefresh 84-87
which means only refresh betwin 84 in 87 Hz.
Unfortunately i do not know how to change refresh on fly, which
feature is supported by XFree86.

>Xlib:  extension "XiG-SUNDRY-NONSTANDARD" missing on display ":0.0".
>Xlib:  extension "XiG-SUNDRY-NONSTANDARD" missing on display ":0.0".
>Xlib:  extension "XiG-SUNDRY-NONSTANDARD" missing on display ":0.0".

Aivils Stoss

XFree86 mailing list

Re: [XFree86] about multiple desktops

2004-02-12 Thread Aivils . Stoss
> Hello all
> I want to know that providing multiple desktops is the
> feature of X server or it is of window manager.

About radical changes You can read here:

I think multiple desktops equals multiple local users.
You can build station with 4 monitors-keyboards-mice,
which runs under Linux-XFree86.

Aivils Stoss

XFree86 mailing list

Re: [XFree86] multiple problems getting dual terminals working

2004-01-14 Thread Aivils Stoss
>I would like to have 2 terminals in my office, one on my desk facing me
>and one on another desk facing whoever comes into my office.  I would like
>to have 2 completely seperate and independant sets of keyboard, monitor,
>and mouse, which preferably would each be running a seperate X server.

That is not so easy. Please read some suggestions

and , which 2.6.0 kernel can run two separate fb-dev
consoles on Your G450 , each with independ keyboard.

Aivils Stoss

XFree86 mailing list

Re: [XFree86] multiple problems getting dual terminals working

2004-01-14 Thread Aivils Stoss
>I would like to have 2 terminals in my office, one on my desk facing me
>and one on another desk facing whoever comes into my office.  I would like
>to have 2 completely seperate and independant sets of keyboard, monitor,
>and mouse, which preferably would each be running a seperate X server.

That is not so easy. Please read some suggestions

and , which 2.6.0 kernel is capable to run two separate
fb-dev consoles on Your matrox g450, each console with independ

Aivils Stoss

XFree86 mailing list

Re: [XFree86] hiding pointer and/or moving it off screen

2003-12-24 Thread Aivils Stoss
>> I run presentations on an X server. The pointer, which
>> isn't connected to anything(I don't have a mouse for
>> it), sits in the middle of the screen. I have been
>> able to use 'xsetroot' to make it transparent so it
>> doesn't show.
>> But some programs I use will change the pointer to an
>> arrow when they are under the pointer. Then of course
>> it shows.
>> I know a little bit of python (don't know C), and have
>> been able to use python-xlib to move the pointer
>> around on the screen, but I can't move it off the
>> screen.
>> Python-xlib allows functions of the C Xlib library to
>> be called from python.
>> After looking through a large part of python-xlib's
>> code that pertains to pointers, I don't think it is
>> python-xlib that is preventing me from moving the
>> pointer off the screen.
>> Is there a way that I can get X to move the pointer
>> off the screen or prevent programs from changing the
>> pointer's cursor?
>  The pointer cannot be moved offscreen and you cannot
>prevent apps from installing their own cursors.  The
>only way to ensure the cursor never shows is to hack
>the X-server so all cursors are transparent.

Resolution 512x384 and Virtual 1280x1024 moves
cursor out of screen without any hack. That is
arithmetic only. Any apps don't show cursor.

I don't know how large can be "Virtual" resolution.
1x1 ?

Aivils Stoss

XFree86 mailing list

Re: [XFree86] alternate keyboard device?

2003-12-23 Thread Aivils Stoss
>It seems XFree-4.3.0 ignores "Device" option within keyboard section,
>instead uses keyboard from VT. How to make X open another keyboard device?

One parameter of xf86 works nice - vtXX , where XX is number of TTY device
I use that parameter in association with some hacks:

Anyway if You use another device for keyboard, then xf86 is TTY depended
allways open TTY device.

Aivils Stoss

XFree86 mailing list

Re: [XFree86] multimedia key in X

2003-12-23 Thread Aivils Stoss
>I am using "IBM Rapid Access II keyboard" with X-4.3.0.

I have not "IBM" ware, but USB keyboards (Microsoft,Logitech)
have two real keyboard devices. One device for normal keys
and second for multimedia keys. Linux kernel 2.6.XX already
know how to work multimedia keys and serve via
/dev/input/eventXX device files. Check out evtest.c
Unfortunately XFree86 do not know how to work event device file.

>I guess I can use multimedia key (like a internet, volume etc...) with
>some configuration.  Am I right?
>I'm trying to find information for this subject, but I still haven't
>get the right one.
>Does anyone know this? any website, document?

Aivils Stoss

XFree86 mailing list

Re: [XFree86] question about the XKB

2003-12-01 Thread Aivils Stoss
>I'm using two keyboard with single X.  As far as I know, xkb extension
>controls keyboard events. It also maintains status of keyboard.
>(modifier, Locking.. etc)

You should do donkey work. Group all global variables and make it
locale attached on screen , window and so on.

>If I use two keyboard at the same time in single X, modifiers key events
>affect the other keyboard's status.  Am I right?

I don't know.

Aivils Stoss

XFree86 mailing list

Re: [XFree86] two independent keyboards in a X.

2003-11-25 Thread Aivils Stoss
>I'm trying to implement two independent USB keyboards in a X. Normal
>keys are working as I expected, but I found some problems with
>modified keys (shift, alt, ctrl).
>If I use a modified key in one keyboard, it affects the other
>keyboard's action.
>Caps_lock, Num_lock are working correctly tough.
>Does anyone have experience on this subject?  Related web-site?

My experiments allude to subject

If You realy add second keyboard, then You must find
happy owners of matrox g550. Mostly second head remains unused.
But with independ keyboard second head become lovable.

If You are linux user, then You should stop implement device,
but use linux kernel event interface. Then Your work become
more abstract and device independ. You can use any secondary
keyboard, PS/2 keyboard to. Two PS/2 keyboards works nice under

Aivils Stoss

XFree86 mailing list

Re: [XFree86] VGA console on screen 0, X on screen 1???

2003-11-25 Thread Aivils Stoss
>We're building a cluster with a bunch of dual DVI nVidia cards. The
>first port on each card is plugged into a KVM. The second port is
>plugged into a stereo projector. Our system guys want to retain the
>VGA console on the KVM port--no X.

Impossible. xf86 blocks VGA output until run.

>At the same time we want to run X
>on the projector. The kbd/mouse can stay with the console--we don't
>need them on the X port (output only renderer).
>I've figured out how to start X on both ports (or Screens in X
>jargon). I also have succeeded in starting X on Screen 1 (the
>projector) by running the startx command on the console. It startx X
>on Screen 1 OK, but blanks the console until X exits.
>Does anyone know the XF86Config magic to make this work?

Your system guys should use two screens of xf86, very well explained
in the nVidia readme. Start programms on second screen with
command line parameter
$ xterm -display :0.1
Here unnecessary is Xinerama or nVidia specific "TwinView", which
unify two independ screens of xf86 into large virtual one.

Aivils Stoss

XFree86 mailing list

Re: [XFree86] SiS315 Dual Head separate x servers/WMs

2003-11-05 Thread Aivils Stoss
>Im trying to do the following setup.
>Running a KDM session on CRT1 on my regular monitor while tty2
>autologins and start a x session on CRT2/TV and running fvwm and
>autostarting MythTv (Video recording software).

To start multiple local X servers current You need separate
video adapters, excluded matrox g550. matrox g550 creates 2
framebuffer devices /dev/fb/0 and /dev/fb/1 . You can run
1st xf86 on fb/0 and 2nd on fb/1.
According Tomas Winischhofer sisfb support only one /dev/fb/0.

>Maby it could be possible to run it as dual head in "Normal" mode but is
>it then possible to start different window managers.

Seems, no. I don't know what is "Normal".

>It might be possible to run it in xinerama but i'm unsure on how the
>keyboard would be handled.

IMHO You must use Xinerama and place border less TV app on one
corner of desktop CRT1+CRT2.

>I don't need any keyboard for the CRT2 session as all input is done with
>Would this be possible at all, with --prefbusid patches or do i need a
>second graphics card + --prefbusid patches.

prefbusid is useless without linux kernel patch. It changes xf86
PCI scape. One xf86 uses only one video adapter un do not touch another
video adapters. Normal xf86 search all video adapters and disable all
further enable only necessary one or more adapters and so stop
any already running xf86.

Normal linux allow single current TTY. kernel patch allow multiple
current TTY. With single current TTY only one xf86 is active.

Remember, when You start 2nd xf86, then You cannot access 2nd desktop
direct from 1st xf86!

Aivils Stoss

XFree86 mailing list

Re: [XFree86] Dual head 2 screens quick question

2003-10-31 Thread Aivils Stoss
>You can't quite do everything you want with the current architecture of
>xfree86.  You can have multiple pointing devices and keyboards, but
>they cannot be bound to a specific head currently.
>This hack will get you what you want:

Tricky code works under linux-2.6.0-test9 on matrox G550.

>I have dual head system on sis315. I've switched Xinerama off to have 2
>"independent" screens. I get that OK, but have question:

None evidence about sis!
No guaranty sisfb both /dev/fb/0 /dev/fb/1 are independ enough.

Aivils Stoss

XFree86 mailing list

Re: [XFree86] missing characters when switching from X to virtual consoles

2003-10-28 Thread Aivils Stoss
>I tried "reset" and it cleared the screen, but the missing characters
>problem continued.
>Does anyone know a solution for this?

blind type after text mode blind login:
consolechars -d

or multiple times Ctrl-Alt-Fx, Ctrl-F7, Ctrl-Alt-Fx

Unfortunately i don't know cause :(

Aivils Stoss

XFree86 mailing list

Re: [XFree86] About keyboard

2003-10-22 Thread Aivils Stoss
>I want to start X server  without keyboard,how could i do?

Read out this and apply patch witch removes TTY dependency under Linux.

Aivils Stoss

XFree86 mailing list

Re: [XFree86] xev ignores some keypresses

2003-10-21 Thread Aivils Stoss
>But we're not getting any traction on the mailing list with this problem

>I was hoping someone more knowledgeable would have commented by now.   I
>find it _impossible_ that other people are not having this problem, as I
>seriously doubt I'm the only guy with a newer Logitech keyboard running
>XFree86.  You can't GET a keyboard nowadays without these extra buttons on

If You use Linux, then problem is kernel related. Almost Logitech keyboards
uses two USB interfaces : 1st as normal keyboard and 2nd as multimedia
I think 2.4 ingnore multimedia keypress and do not send keycodes to TTY.
Instead You can read multimedia keypress from event interface.
So 1st normal keyboard from /dev/input/event0 and 2nd multimedia from
Current xf86 ingnore event interface. I know only one site
XFree86 input from linux event interface by Zephian E. Hull.
This code allow use /dev/input/eventXX as mouse and keyboard, but do not
catch multimedia keys, because them have different eventXX device file.

IMHO code, which read multimedia keypress from /dev/input/eventXX and
push into XFree86 events, does not exist :(

Aivils Stoss

XFree86 mailing list

Re: [XFree86] two monitors/kbds/mice

2003-10-15 Thread Aivils Stoss
>I want to allow my brother to use the computer from his room.
>I was thinking of adding a second graphics card but would this solve the

You can read docs here:

Remember, monitor and usb cables has very restricted length and
longer cables are costly.

Aivils Stoss

XFree86 mailing list

Re: [XFree86] Mouse restrictions under dual-head config

2003-10-09 Thread Aivils Stoss
>Thank you. That was actually what I had in mind (and I had discovered
>that earlier). It's just that it feels like kind of a hack to do so. I
>would have thought that there would be a "real" way of doing it, if
>you see what I mean.
>Oh, and by the way. What I would _really_ want, is to run two
>different X servers on the same time, but the current VT
>implementation seems to prevent that. I've heard of some kernel patch
>or something coming along to fix that. Does anyone know something
>about this, and in that case, does it work with a dual-headed card
>like mine or do I need two seperate cards in that case?

You can read some about

xf86 folk has troubles enough with single X server!
linux kernel folk has troubles enough with single current tty!

At least it works for me and some funs.
My solution is for two separate cards. Kernel patch allow multiple
current tty. X parameter vtXX allow choose right tty. Range of
ttys may be bounded with separate keyboards. Works with unpatched
xf86 binaries (tested Mandrake9.1,Suse8.2).

Aivils Stoss

XFree86 mailing list

Re: [XFree86] dual-head - dual-user question

2003-10-06 Thread Aivils Stoss
>   Can XFree86, with any known graphics hardware configuration, handle two
>separate users running two separate XFree desktops on the same PC? These
>users would log in separately, but share machine resources. ssh is not an

Yes. You should use unofficial patches.

>   The best solution, in my mind, would be if a single dual-head graphics
>adapter could be used such that one user is on one monitor and the other
>user is on a second monitor.

Will not work in my end!

>   Less compelling, but still acceptable in my specific case, would be a
>second graphics adapter, PCI-based, that displayed the second desktop.

Dual-user works for me since APR-2002 and triple user since SEP-2002. This
mean 1 AGP and 2 PCI video adapters. Also 2 PS/2 keyboards, 1 USB keyboard,
2 serial mice, 1 USB mice.
This system runs with Nvidia video adapters only and Nvidia closed source
drivers. This one allow run two GLX applications (like Quake3) run
Linux already can serve multiple sound cards. So I use 3 sound cards.

Each user has X server, sound device. Each user has video adapter,
mouse, sound card.

Cheap full independ second (triple) head.
CPU power utilization.

Unfortunately applying the kernel patch and system set up is not easy task.
GLX performace is not wery good if 3 instances of Quake3 run simultaneous.
User's workplace must be placed near each, because cables are short.
Some video adapters are enemy by default and will not run simultaneous.

>   Is anything like this possible? Can the two monitors be considered as
>completely separate displays by XFree?

Yep. I have success report about system with 4 concurent X servers (Inet
or similar).

>   If it matters, I had intended to run Gentoo Linux if I can.

You can use any distro.

Aivils Stoss

XFree86 mailing list

Re: [XFree86] XFree starts multiple instances on different tty's

2003-10-01 Thread Aivils Stoss
>As the subject states i've been experiencing an issue with Xfree with
>GDM starting on a number of different tty's, for some reason gdm thinks
>there's allready an X server running on 0: how can i fix this ?

GDM automatic add parameter :0 or :1 if You specify multiple servers
in gdm.conf.

You may read some docs:

Aivils Stoss

XFree86 mailing list

Re: [XFree86] "Xig-Sundry-Nonstandard"

2003-09-01 Thread Aivils Stoss
>When trying to play unreal tournament 2003 I recieve this error message:
>Xlib:  extension "XiG-SUNDRY-NONSTANDARD" missing on display ":0.0".
>OpenGL renderer relies on DXTC/S3TC support.

This is not error.

Aivils Stoss

XFree86 mailing list

Re: [XFree86] Re: 2 X servers on linux

2003-08-27 Thread Aivils Stoss
>The Linux console only allows one current tty.  When you switch
>away from the X server, it relinquishes the display and restores
>text mode, it no longer has access to the display until you
>switch back.  When you switch to the other server, it has
>It doesn't matter if these are 2 individual video cards or not,
>as there can only be one current tty.
>The 2.6.x kernel has features to get past this limitation,
>however I don't believe the marriage of the kernel and X server
>is quite ready yet for this to actually work.  Someone else can
>comment on that or not.
>There is an ugly hack somewhere on the net which IIRC hacks both
>the kernel and X server to allow a kludged solution to do this,
>but it is just that, a "works for the guy who hacked it together"
>kludge until something more proper is ready for regular usage.
>I don't remember what it is called, but either someone else
>reading this will know what I'm talking about and post a URL, or
>you can probably find it without much effort on google.

I remeber URL of ugly hack

Here is a kernel patch which allow more than one current tty. tty1-tty64 is
splited to
separate ranges tty1-tty7, tty8-15 and so on. Any tty range might be
bounded with
separate keyboard.

Usage of unpatched xf86 allowed.

Check out links for others hacks.

My kinsfolk use it over one year, when my PC go to unpersonalized.

Aivils Stoss

XFree86 mailing list

Re: [XFree86] Glide

2003-08-15 Thread Aivils . Stoss
>The problem now is first that I do not have Glide and donĀ“t know how or
>where to get it without pay (unfortunately that is very important at the
Donot try it install, but simple extract only (mc).
I believe has similar content.

XFree86 mailing list

Re: [XFree86] Glide

2003-08-04 Thread Aivils . Stoss
>Linux-ix86-glibc21. So I have downloaded the appropriate 12 files from
>your server and tried
>to install it on my PC. While doing so the installation script told me
>that I need Glide installed
>and stopped the installation process. Now my first question is: Has
>anything gone wrong with
>the installation or do I really need Glide? And second: If I really do
>need Glide how can I get

Seems files from compiled with Glide support. This mean works via Glide (may be).
A bit newer redhat distros has Glide in install CD's.
To go around the ban simple extract from Glide3-*.rpm necessary
libglide*.so with mc(midnight commander) help.
Grab Glide3-*.rpm from nearest ftp which contains redhat distros.
Of course this is unserious hint :)
Sometimes zero lenght files diddle install scripts.
If You use RH6.2 today , then You need diddle.

Aivils Stoss

XFree86 mailing list

Re: [XFree86] NVIDIA problem

2003-07-31 Thread Aivils . Stoss
>I have a NVIDIA graphic card which i know just that it's a GEFORCE 4
>64MO, my machine run on woody debia linux OS with 2.4.18 kernel.
>I read the NVIDIA installation mini-howto and I procced exactly as it's
>described in the mini-howto, but I can't start the XServer crash.
>I join the XFree86 log file.

compiled for 4.0.2, module version = 1.0.2880

Your nvidia driver is to old. Dowload recent from


XFree86 mailing list

Re: [XFree86] s3virge under 4.1.0 burns my monitor

2003-06-17 Thread Aivils . Stoss
>Under XF86_SVGA I had no problems but trying XFree86 to get (some)
>acceleration it all works fine until I try to change resolution. Then 3
>transistors die: the final transistor, the line driver and one FET in the
>source (I hope I translated this well enough for an electronics specialist
>understand). I'm guessing it's something about timings. Probably the svga
>driver waits a while before applying the new settings and the s3virge
>I only have one question: is it my monitor or is it software?

Old monitors has poorly protection against vertical refresh changes.
During mode switch small moment video adapter do not output any electric
sync signal and Your monitor die.

Aivils Stoss

XFree86 mailing list

Re: [XFree86] Irq's and dual heads

2003-06-03 Thread Aivils . Stoss
>I am trying to get a dual head HP Netserver LH-II working under RH 7.1
>a couple of ati cards.  The on board video has been diabled.  I've never
>this before so I have some very basic questions.  I think I would need
>cards to have an interrupt setup and working.  My second video card is
>to use int 11 which is used by my audio card.  Is there a way to force the
>software to poll instead of interrupt so the confilict will make no
>difference?  If not is there a way to control which intr an ATI Xpert98
>card will use?  Thanks for any help.  BB

I can only comment. i use 3 videocards und 3 soundcards without troubles.
If You cannot start it, then is very hard help You remotely. Oft works
"try again" method. In my system i never do irq analysing.

Aivils Stoss

XFree86 mailing list

Re: [XFree86] XFree86 4.3.0 binary; cannot execute binary file

2003-03-25 Thread Aivils . Stoss
>it's the first time I want to install XFree86 on my own, because I want to
>find out how things  works in X.
>I use SuSE8.1 Linux on a Pentium1 machine. I have the minimal Installation
>SuSE8.1 without X.
>I take the binary version of XFree86 4.3.0. I download the to
>out, what version of XFree86 I need for my machine; I   execute it on my
>machine; the message told me to use the binary version of
>I download all the binaries told in the install file (only the necassary
>files) from the ftp Server and the  Linux-ix86-glibc22 directory.
>Then I want to execute the installation with   sh Xinstall   , but I was
>that extract don't work proper. So I download the source of extract,
>it and then run the script   sh Xinstall.shagain. Now all the files
>extracted and copied in my fllesystem. But if I want to execute any binary
>the /usr/X11R6/bin directory I am told: i.e.
>- bash:  xf86config:  cannot execute binary file
>What went wrong ? Don't the binaries work for Pentium1 machines ? Do I
have to
>download the sources and then compile all sources for my pentium machine ?
>Possible wrong kernel settings ?
>Any help is welcome. Thanks a lot in advance!

You nothing do wrong. xf86 4.3.0 compiled under redhat8.0 and are
with other distro. Recompile all from scratch :)


XFree86 mailing list

Re: [XFree86] [Bug 8] support multiple concurrent servers/users on one machine

2003-03-19 Thread Aivils . Stoss
>Before this can be supported it really requires the OS to provide some
>functionality in a _sane_ and non-hackish manner IMHO.  There are various
>"hacks" out there to accomplish this functionality, but they're just that,
>ugly hacks.  While these ugly hacks may provide useful functionality to
>some people out there, none of them solve the problem in a sane or correct
>way, and thus are unlikely to be included in any official kernel (Linux or
>otherwise) IMHO.
>Without the proper OS kernel support to allow multi-seat, it wont be clear
>what XFree86 enhancements/modifications will be needed (if any) until that
>OS support is present in the given OSs.  The developmental 2.5.x Linux
>kernel series should have the required functionality.
>Has anyone experimented with Linux 2.5.x and XFree86 4.3.0 to attempt to
>up multi-seat?  That would be a starting point anyway.  I'm not sure if
>of the BSDs have the needed functionality or not or if it is planned, but
>perhaps Anholt could comment on that.

I do a experiments. I provide "smart/ugly hacks". Results in

IMHO xf86 folks should not support supicious projects. My is one of
thousand Linux kernel pathes.
Nobody can test these all.

Ofcourse CPU speed now is powerfull. In the my end I run old games ("Return
to castle wolfenstein")
in the triple screens, whith separate sound. This fact impress only
funs/hackers. Office users should
wait some years or use commercial software (5-head) under MS-Windows
provided by chinese sellers.

Aivils Stoss

XFree86 mailing list

Re: [XFree86] Re: RedHat 8.0(2.4.18-24.8.0) X Windows configuration problem.

2003-02-25 Thread Aivils . Stoss
>I have checked lsmod,
>I don't see any nvidia or NVdriver, whatsoever.
>I have updated the Redhat to 2.4.18-24.8.0.
>but there is no improvement yet.
>How can I load nvidia module since there is no driver in the system?
>I can see other drivers like riva, sis, matrox, aty under
>I have downloaded

This contain source only. Find
unarchive possible tarball here. cd source_dir
make and enjoy.
Typicaly You should download
NVIDIA_kernel-1.0-4191.rh80.i386.rpm or similar,
which contain precompiled nvidia.o module for redhat8.0

After successfuly instalation You can see

Aivils Stoss

XFree86 mailing list

Re: [XFree86] Help!!!

2003-02-25 Thread Aivils . Stoss
>I'm using a VMWare (this is a virtual maschine). Could you help me with
>that. I have pentium 4, 1.8 GHz, VideoCard nVIDIA GFORCE 2 MX, 128MB RAM,
>Monitor Sony E250. The attachment is my XFree86 log file.

If You run Linux inside vmware under unknow OS, then use "vmware" video
driver for xf86.
I run winnt under vmware and vmware under xf86 and xf86 under Linux.
So I install special video drivers for winnt.

Aivils Stoss

XFree86 mailing list

Re:[XFree86] A few different versions on one system?

2003-02-21 Thread Aivils . Stoss
>Can I have a few XFree versions on my linux? Is it as simple as having a
>few different /usr/X11R6_ver_x directories? I havent concluded much from
>docs nor makefile...
>If yes, how can I choose which version to run? I dont have any xdm, I
>start X by startx...
$ man startx
$ startx -- /path/to/may/weird/XFree/bin/Xserver parameters

Aivils Stoss

XFree86 mailing list


2003-02-14 Thread Aivils . Stoss
>Hi all
>Does anyone please know anything about the problems with
>XFree86 and this card?
>Some feedback would be appreciated .

Daily anybody point to
Grab ia32 linux drivers if You under linux and enjoy.
Works for me long time flawless, bugless and so on.

Aivils Stoss

XFree86 mailing list

Re: [XFree86] Multihead monitor maximum limit

2003-02-11 Thread Aivils . Stoss
I have not tried !
Aivils Stoss

m> cc: 
Sent by:   Subject: [XFree86] Multihead monitor 
maximum limit
Please respond 
to xfree86 

Hi all,

I wonder how many VGA adapter that XFree86 server  can handle to use multi
head monitor? I've already tried 4 and it work!.. I  wanna try more than 4
but my motherboard only have 4 PCI :((.
I see on the website there is industrial PC  backplane which has 18 PCI, is
it possible if I use all 18 PCI with 18 VGA  cards? Does anyone have tried

FYI, windows 2000 can support until 10 VGA and  windows 98 until 8 VGA

Best Regards,


Inalix, PT
Jl. Cikini Raya 60 ii, Central Cikini  Building 5th floor
Jakarta 10330

Phone: 62-21-3918672
Mobile:  62-815-9256801

XFree86 mailing list

Re: [XFree86] Gainward GeForce 4 Ultra/650-8XAGP Ti4200

2003-02-11 Thread Aivils . Stoss
>I have a Gainward GeForce 4 Ultra/650-8X AGP Ti4200 card running on an
>P4S8X motherboard.
>I can get the card working at 800x600 256col on the vesa driver but I'm
>struggling with anything else.
>I think this card is almost identical to the MSI equivalent but I haven't
>tried these drivers yet.
>Has anyone got this card working under RedHat8.0?

You should grab IA32 linux drivers from

Aivils Stoss

XFree86 mailing list

Re: [XFree86] Help.....Can't enable 3d Acceleration on Redhat 8.0 viaVooDoo 5 5500 card

2003-02-10 Thread Aivils . Stoss
>I thought the solution was to load Glide 3 drivers, but they are not
available for download.  ( At least at the >urls I've seen ) Is there
another way?

Most simplest way is install first Voodoo5 then install redhat8.0.
At least may redhat automaticaly recognize my Voodoo3 and set up
Glide3 and libGL. Install Glide3*rpm from Your redhat CD's.
After install check out symbolic link:
>ls -l /usr/lib/ ->

In Your case all /usr/lib/glide3* should be linked with
/usr/lib/ == glide for voodoo5

Aivils Stoss

XFree86 mailing list

Re: [XFree86] NVidia Geforce on Debian Woody Display Problems

2003-01-31 Thread Aivils . Stoss
>I get really bad display problems, as lines of text will seem
>to shift back and forth, right to left.  Alternating lines with shift in
>the opposite direction.  I have my HorizSync and VertRefresh set
>correctly. I have no idea why it is doing this, or even how to start
>diagnosing the problem.  I would really appreciate any suggestions.

Try set lower VertRefresh 56-72 - this is TV screen mode.
You should see nice stable blinking screen.
If with lower VertRefresh all runs, try parse /var/log/XFree86.0.log
which mode is wrong . Here You can see
(**) NVIDIA(0): Default mode "1024x768"  blah, blah blah

Try Ctrl-Alt-+ , find good mode.

Aivils Stoss

XFree86 mailing list

Re: [XFree86] Xinerama using "nv" driver vs "nvidia"

2003-01-30 Thread Aivils . Stoss
>I just recently acquired a GeForce 4 MX440 card made by Asus.  Its a
>dual head card with 2 DVI ports and a third connector for video capture.
>I would like to use the nv driver developed by the XFree86 project.
>The nv driver appears to be more stable than the NVidia driver, and from
>what I can tell moves faster as well.

I long time use Nvidia closed source drivers. Works stable for me.
IMHO only 0.9 nvidia drivers causes oopes und segfault.
I have 3 nvidia cards in my box , but I never use Xinerama.
Instead I run multiple X terminals (
Under so weird project "nvidia" driver run stable.
All terminals have GLX hardware acceleration.

Aivils Stoss

XFree86 mailing list

Re: [XFree86] Simultaneously active X servers

2003-01-30 Thread Aivils . Stoss
Hi, Frederik
 You can check out my mutiple locale X servers solution:
Inside my site You can find another solutions
Aivils Stoss


Fredrik Tolf   


Sent by: Subject: [XFree86] Simultaneously 
active X servers




2003.01.30 06:01   

Please respond to  




Hi all!

I have my computer set up with two video cards, and they're both working
perfectly well (except the nVidia one, because of those drivers, but it
of works).
However, what I'd like to know is if it is possible to run two XFree86
at the same time, ie. having both active without activating the VT's. I'd
like to have both cards on seperate displays and only display status
information on one of them, while using the primary one actively.
I haven't checked, but I guess that there are null input drivers available.
However, as you surely know, the server turns the board off when its VT
selected. That I naturally want to prevent, but I have found no option, so
I'm guessing it's either not currently possible or very undocumented.
In case you need to know, I'm running version

Fredrik Tolf
XFree86 mailing list

XFree86 mailing list

Re: Re: [XFree86] Problems with 3-D gaming on Redhat 7.2

2003-01-30 Thread Aivils . Stoss
 Best cost NVIDIA TNT2 M64 PCI - runs all games from tuxracer to
Also costly is NVIDIA GeForce4 MX 420 PCI from Creative.

Sent by:   cc: 
xfree86-admin@XSubject: Re: Re: [XFree86] Problems 
with 3-D gaming on Redhat 7.2 
Please respond 
to xfree86 

Is there any workaround for this?  I am willing to turn off my onboard
video card and get another one that is Linux supported.   It would have to
be a PCI card.  What may complicate things is that the motherboard has an
on-board AGPSo I'm not sure how that will work...There is no AGP slot
on my motherboard.

Any insights?

---Original Message---
From: Ian Romanick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: 01/29/03 07:12 AM
Subject: Re: [XFree86] Problems with 3-D gaming on Redhat 7.2

> Laura West wrote:
> 2.  I am using Red Hat 7.2 and upgraded it to the latest kernel,
> along with the latest version of xfree86.  Trident Cyberblade is the
> driver xfree86 chooses to be the best driver.

There is no hardware accelerated 3D driver available for this card for
Linux.  The game runs slowly because it is using software rendering.

XFree86 mailing list
XFree86 mailing list

XFree86 mailing list

Re: [XFree86] multihead with multiple mice and keyboards?

2003-01-28 Thread Aivils . Stoss
>On Thu, 23 Jan 2003, Steve Sobel wrote:
>> Does anyone know how to do this?
>> I am planning on buying a machine to install some flavor of linux (maybe
>> red hat for simplicity's sake, but recommendations of better packages
>> are welcome!) with XFree86, and hoping to be able to have multiple
>> monitors, mice, and keyboards at once.
>> I've read little blips via google searches, but I can't seem to find
>> anything conclusive about whether this is possible.
>If you mean independant users, Miguel Freitas has hacked XFree86
>to for 2 users.
>If you want a cleaner solution with independent keyboards, I've
>heard that the Linux 2.5 kernel supports more than one
>Keyboard/screen/mouse for different VT consoles, giving a
>multi-suer machine in console mode.
>If you run
>XFree86 vtXX
>then X will run on VT number XX, so with this kernel it should run on
>whichever console you wish.
I maintain a 2.4.xx kernel patch witch allow bind right VT with right
keyboard. You may have multiple keyboards

Aivils Stoss

XFree86 mailing list

Re: [XFree86] prevent virtual console switching ?

2003-01-28 Thread Aivils . Stoss
malaba_bibilow> (I noticed in the archive that people wanting
malaba_bibilow> to run 2 X server with 2mouse + 2keyboard + 2monitor
malaba_bibilow> to share computer ressource run into
malaba_bibilow> many problems including this one.
malaba_bibilow> No real solution found).

Hi Malaba
 I use my own solution 8 months. You can check out

Multiple locale X servers works flawless.

Text mode virutal consoles will not work, because two XFree will
handle with VGA - VGA allways is blocked.

I need help from XFree-folks, to create a nicer XFree patch,
which solve PCI-handling troubles , when multiple XFree run
inside one box.

Aivils Stoss

XFree86 mailing list

[XFree86] Re: GeForce 4 and Red Hat Linux 7.2 problem

2003-01-21 Thread Aivils . Stoss
>The system has an Abit KX7-333 mainboard and a GeForce 4 MX 440 video
card. It runs Windows 98SE with no problem. I >added Red Hat Linux 7.2 on
another partition so I can dual boot. However, it always comes up in text
mode. I used >Xconfigurator but could not get any GeForce modes to work. I
downloaded and installed >NVIDIA_kernel-1.0-2880.rh72up.athlon.rpm and
NVIDIA_GLX-1.0-2880.i386.rpm and changed the XFConfig-4 file but still >get
only text mode on boot. I attached the XFConfig-4 and XFree86.log files so
you could take a look at them. I >would appreciate any suggestions.
inside Your XFree86.log
(EE) NVIDIA(0): Failed to initialize the NVdriver kernel module!
(EE) NVIDIA(0):  *** Aborting ***

Seems You have troble with kernel module.
Try> /sbin/modprobe -v NVdriver
if will not work, then download NVIDIA_kernel-1.0-2880.tar.gz and compile
kernel module manualy.


XFree86 mailing list