Spotty has a couple of relevant settings that may impact the experience
you can choose up to 320kbps OGG as bitrate/compression this is very
good considering that ogg may be better than mp3.
It is also possible to turn volume normalisation on/off per player ,this
can impact the perceived loud
For some reason I prefer Spotty over Spotify via CCA or Airplay. The
sound is more "relaxed, fun"...hard to explain, can't put my finger
on it..
SB Touch optical to Hegel H90, Boston Acoustics A2
Spare SB3
AirPlay Bridge to Audio Pro A10
SB BOOM @work, AUX, Squeezelite-x connected to h
As a long-term LMS user and Tidal subscriber, I have been streaming
Tidal for a while now using first the ickstream plugin and more recently
the official tidal plugin (v1.2). I have also been following the
development of the spotty plugin with interest and last week decided to
give it a first-han