Problems with CFGRAPH accuracy

2002-09-30 Thread Rebecca _Becky_ Brewer
Hi all, I'm having this fun problem with a CFGRAPH tag in CF 5 that's driving me a bit crazy this morning. My code is calculating the sales average for the users' state vs. the national sales average for the same time period, and assigning these to local variables named #salesAvg# and #allSalesA

Problems with CFGRAPH accuracy

2002-09-30 Thread Rebecca _Becky_ Brewer
Hi all, I'm having this fun problem with a CFGRAPH tag in CF 5 that's driving me a bit crazy this morning. My code is calculating the sales average for the users' state vs. the national sales average for the same time period, and assigning these to local variables named #salesAvg# and #allSalesA

[no subject]

2002-09-30 Thread Rebecca _Becky_ Brewer
Hi all, I'm having this fun problem with a CFGRAPH tag in CF 5 that's driving me a bit crazy this morning. My code is calculating the sales average for the users' state vs. the national sales average for the same time period, and assigning these to local variables named #salesAvg# and #allSalesA

(JOB) CF Developer Openings in Alexandria, VA

2002-08-21 Thread Rebecca _Becky_ Brewer
Hi all, Just passing along a couple of openings at my company. I'm *not* involved in the hiring process for these positions, so please follow the directions below to apply. Also, feel free to pass this along to friends and colleagues who may be interested. Thank you! ~Becky *