Re: Re: Strptime issues

2003-11-06 Thread rickmeasham
Flavio S. Glock [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: How about to extend the 'to_datetime' method, instead of creating a new one: if ($dti-can_be_datetime) { $dti = $dti-to_datetime } Sounds good .. and it's as simple as using DateTime-today as the base, which may well

Re: Re: Re: Strptime issues

2003-11-04 Thread rickmeasham
[EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: sub has_time { $_[0]-has{'hour', 'minute'} } Maybe should be: sub has_time { return 1 if ($_[0]-has('hour', 'minute') and not $_[0]-has('nanosecond')); return 1 if ($_[0]-has('hour', 'minute', 'second')) return 0 } Which only

Re: Re: Strptime issues

2003-11-03 Thread rickmeasham
David Hood [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Perhaps you should return only the information that is given, in an iso 8601 compliant format, so for November 2003 you could simply return 2003-11. The Nah, that's not going to happen. The entire point of the module is to get a DateTime object.

Re: [RFC] DateTime::Bundle::Minimal and DateTime::Bundle::Basic

2003-10-22 Thread rickmeasham
Dave Rolsky schreef: DateTime, it will tell you that you need these prereqs anyway. Eugene van der Pijll [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: The first few versions of Bundle::DateTime left out those prereqs. As a result, the bundle was difficult to install for the first time: A good

Re: Re: FW: DateTime questions...

2003-10-18 Thread rickmeasham
Matt Wright [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Yes, I noticed this too, but there seemed to be quite a few problems besides just the compiler issue. The Makefile came out very screwy as well, with a lot of missing single quotes, variables without any = signs after them, etc. I

Re: Re: Olson - Microsoft mappings

2003-09-24 Thread rickmeasham
Michael Fair [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: For instance, So what's the time in Ireland? Do you use Europe/Dublin or Europe/Belfast? What's the difference? Do you expect the end user to know that Dublin and Belfast are in Ireland before they can see the time in Ireland? This is a bit of a beef I

Re: RE: figuring out the number of sundays in a given year

2003-09-21 Thread rickmeasham
Jerry Wilcox [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: I'm not sure about the count in a year, but I frequently need to determine how many of a given day of the week fall in a given month of the year, or, more precisely, given that today is Saturday, September 20, I need to figure out whether today is the

Re: Re: [rfc] HiRes

2003-08-02 Thread rickmeasham
Dave Rolsky [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: I take it back. I thought we'd have now() and hires_now(). I think having nanosecond at 0 makes sense to most people. Hang on, before we go any further and before code exists can I point out that we should have high_res_now() or now_high_res() or