trail horse gelding wanted

2014-02-06 Thread DMTFarms FjordFarm
This message is from: DMTFarms FjordFarm A long time friend (25 + years) is looking for a good trail horse, gelding preferred. He has had a trail mule before, and his wife's arab/morgan cross just died at 28. He keeps his horse's for their lifetime, and his wife is just as passionate

orthoflex saddle

2013-06-20 Thread DMTFarms FjordFarm
This message is from: DMTFarms FjordFarm Just had to chime in about orthoflex saddles fitting fjords. My husband bought an orthoflex saddle that fit him, and it fit 3 of our fjords excellently. However he now has a Foxtrotter, and it fit's him abysmally, So he went with a custom made s

saddle fit

2013-06-16 Thread DMTFarms FjordFarm
This message is from: DMTFarms FjordFarm I had tried 8 or so saddles to fit my mare after she had matured. The saddles that used to fit, just didn't. We were going to get custom saddles for the horses and us when I found the Bob Marshal Treeless saddles. A friend at work let me borrow

Another Loose Fjord Horse Story

2013-04-13 Thread DMTFarms FjordFarm
This message is from: DMTFarms FjordFarm This one could have had such a different ending, but it's funny none the less, because it ended up okay. Years ago, in the early 1990's when we had our two first fjords, my husband would leave for work at 4:45 am. While he was traveling t

As we honor our veterans, this one must be included

2011-11-16 Thread DMTFarms FjordFarm
This message is from: DMTFarms FjordFarm My sister sent me this. You do need to watch the Youtube video. Incredibly impressive. The first snow fell here in Wenatchee, WA. (Upper Middle part of state) My fjord mare was a dirt/mud bag when I went out this afternoon. She had so much fun

Harnesses and Things for sale

2011-08-06 Thread DMTFarms FjordFarm
This message is from: DMTFarms FjordFarm I normally lurk, and thoroughly enjoy it. I've moved to Wenatchee, WA and have been able to trail ride for hours from my barn driveway. My friend and I go out at least 2 hours most days. I come back sore, but my fjord girl just loves it. We

Looking for that perfect horse

2011-05-18 Thread DMTFarms FjordFarm
This message is from: DMTFarms FjordFarm I am mostly a lurker on the list, only posting once or twice a year. My husband has been relocated to Wenatchee, WA (dry side) and I still live with my fjord girl on the wet side. I give private therapy lessons to two students with the diagosis of

Sad news

2011-03-09 Thread DMTFarms FjordFarm
This message is from: DMTFarms FjordFarm I just found out today that a dear friend and fjord horse enthusiast has died. Peg (Blackstone) Knutsen passed away from complications from lung cancer. She had been diagnosed in October, and died this week. A memorial and celebration of her life will

Sad news

2011-03-09 Thread DMTFarms FjordFarm
This message is from: DMTFarms FjordFarm I just found out today that a dear friend and fjord horse enthusiast has died. Peg (Blackstone) Knutsen passed away from complications from lung cancer. She had been diagnosed in October, and died this week. A memorial and celebration of her life will

Bees on the trail

2009-08-20 Thread DMTFarms FjordFarm
This message is from: DMTFarms FjordFarm I have a wonderful fjord mare, 8 years old, who has been my therapy horse for disabled students for almost 4 years. One student prefers to trail ride, so we have an awesome 1600 acres adjacent to where I board Honey and her brother Rex. Last year we