[IslamCity] The Seven Lives of a Madrassah part 2

2006-06-20 Thread saiyed shahbazi
Place, Concord, CA 94521. Dr. Nazeer Ahmed is a thinker, author, writer, legislator and an academician. Professionally he is an Engineer and holds several Patents in Engineering. He is the author of several books; prominent among them is "Islam in Global History."  saiye

[IslamCity] Why the Taliban appeal to Pakistani youth.

2006-06-19 Thread saiyed shahbazi
Why the Taliban appeal to Pakistani youth. The tribal system that once grounded young people no longer provides enough opportunities. PESHAWAR, PAKISTAN – Imran Gul would like to see a better future for the tribal youth of his corner of Pakistan, but most days he only sees military helicopter

[IslamCity] The Prophet Muhammad�s Sandal

2006-06-19 Thread saiyed shahbazi
The Prophet Muhammad’s Sandal There is not a civilization that has loved and celebrated its leader as Islamic civilization has loved and celebrated its Prophet, our master Muhammad (Allah bless him and give him peace). Love is the strongest of all human attachments, and is the greatest thi

[IslamCity] kidnapping civilians defy the Islamic code of ethics

2006-06-16 Thread saiyed shahbazi
Anyone who is familiar with the Koran and the traditions of the prophet Muhammad knows that kidnapping civilians and harming them is absolutely prohibited. Those who do kidnap civilians defy the Islamic code of ethics. This ethos applies to every kidnapped civilian, including Jill Carroll, the

[IslamCity] Helping young Muslims not to hate

2006-06-15 Thread saiyed shahbazi
Helping young Muslims not to hateOne youth group teaches that all great faiths share non-violent values. By Rushworth M. Kidder CAMDEN, MAINE - The day that Ontario police foiled a bombing plot by 17 mostly young Canadians of South Asian descent, and before Al Qaeda leader Abu Musab al-Zarqa

[IslamCity] Mogadishu Islamists ban World Cup, spark protests

2006-06-14 Thread saiyed shahbazi
Mogadishu Islamists ban World Cup, spark protests By Mohamed Ali Bile MOGADISHU (Reuters) - Islamist militiamen shot in the air to disperse hundreds of Somalis protesting early on Saturday against moves by sharia courts to stop them watching the World Cup in the capital Mogadishu, residents sa

[IslamCity] Is The Death Of al-Zarqawi Really Good?

2006-06-13 Thread saiyed shahbazi
To most people, the death of Abu Musab al-Zarqawi is a good thing. The means the US military employed, however, in terminating him should raise questions in everyone's minds - especially since it appears that six other people, including a woman and child, were killed in the attack.Although claim

[IslamCity] Indonesia's City of Soul Mourns By Irfan Yusuf

2006-06-13 Thread saiyed shahbazi
oul.Irfan Yusuf is a lawyer and writer based in Sydney, Australia. He is also an occasional lecturer at the School of Politics at Sydney's Macquarie University. He can be contacted at [EMAIL PROTECTED]saiyed shahbazi __._,_.___ ***

[IslamCity] What If Jews Destroyed Mosques?

2006-06-13 Thread saiyed shahbazi
Imagine if Jewish settlers in the Gaza Strip destroyed two dozen mosques. There would be mass rallies in front of Israeli embassies around the world, and in America organizations like CAIR and MPAC would issue righteous condemnations calling on the American government to restrain Israel. However

[IslamCity] Power In Numbers

2006-06-13 Thread saiyed shahbazi
daily life. saiyed shahbazi __._,_.___ *** {Invite (mankind, O Muhammad ) to the Way of your Lord (i.e. Islam) with wisdom (i.e. with the Divine Inspiration and the Qur'an) and fair preaching, and argue with them in a w

[IslamCity] Pakistan�s varsity enrolment among world�s lowest

2006-06-12 Thread saiyed shahbazi
Pakistan’s varsity enrolment among world’s lowest Monday, June 05, 2006 By Shahzad Malik ISLAMABAD: Pakistan is ranked amongst the lowest in the world in higher education enrolment, with just 2.9 percent of students enrolled in universities in 2005. According to the Economic Survey of Paki

[IslamCity] What Are The Requirements To Reflect Over the Qur'an?

2006-06-12 Thread saiyed shahbazi
You know, it's funny. I have been told, several times, that I am "not qualified" to make the statements I make about various verses and passages of the Qur'an. I am "not qualified" to do so. Why? What are the qualifications to read the Qur'an? What credentials do I need to possess to make me a "

[IslamCity] sunni path course

2006-06-12 Thread saiyed shahbazi
li al-Jifri's on SunniPath Courses "SunniPath has been unparalleled in its professionalism, academic qualifications, technological aptitude, and most importantly, relevance to the cultural context that characterizes the lives of the majority of Muslims in the West."Hadia Mubar

[IslamCity] Abu Musab al-Zarqawi killed

2006-06-09 Thread saiyed shahbazi
  Iraqi PM: Abu Musab al-Zarqawi killedAP - 4 minutes ago BAGHDAD, Iraq - Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, the al-Qaida-linked militant who led a bloody campaign of suicide bombings, kidnappings and hostage beheadings in Iraq, has been killed in a U.S. air raid north of Baghdad, Iraq's prime mi

[IslamCity] Conservative Reform In Contemporary Western Islamic Thought: Tariq Ramadan, A Case Study

2006-06-06 Thread saiyed shahbazi
iq Ramadan? Suivi d’un entretien avec Tariq Ramadan. Paris. www.tariqramadan.com [1] He had 8 months of private lessons in Islamic law given by Shaikh Dr. Ali Jum'a who is now Grand Mufti of Egypt,

[IslamCity] Five Futures for Muslims

2006-06-06 Thread saiyed shahbazi
ional, like father, like son. i.e., religion becomes one choice among many. 20. For an excellent articulation of this, see Johan Galtung, Globalization for Peace and Development. www.transcend.org. August 2004.(I would like to thank Bob Adams, Lewis Grow and Ivana Milojevic for extensive comments

[IslamCity] Graves of Prophets and some imp islamic personalities

2006-06-06 Thread saiyed shahbazi
ukhari (r.a.)'s Tomb Abel Bin Adam (a.s.)'s Tomb (first muder victim in the world) saiyed shahbazi __._,_.___ *** {Invite (mankind, O Muhammad ) to the Way of your Lord (i.e. Islam) with wisdom (i.e. with th

[IslamCity] Are We Really Supposed To Hate Non-Muslims? (Part II)

2006-06-02 Thread saiyed shahbazi
As we discussed last time, those who are bent on promoting the "Doctrine of Hatred" cite verse 60:4 and the example of Prophet Abraham (pbuh). Yet, it is clear that this understanding is not valid when the verse is examined in its proper context. Thus, again, I can say truthfully that there is n

[IslamCity] Bangladesh Minister's wife runs fake private university

2006-06-01 Thread saiyed shahbazi
this fake university has cheated hundreds of local students by giving them fake certificates. - INS + Asian Tribune - Source URL:http://www.asiantribune.com/index.php?q=node/255 saiyed shahbazi *** {Invite (mankind, O M

[IslamCity] Forsake religious parties

2006-06-01 Thread saiyed shahbazi
me sects." Al-Qur'an 30:30. "And be not as those who divided and differed among themselves after the clear proofs had come to them." Al-Qur'an 3:105. "And do not dispute (with one another) lest you lose courage and your strength depart." Al-Qur'an 8:46. 2. A-Qu

[IslamCity] Failed State? Yes, but for other reasons.

2006-06-01 Thread saiyed shahbazi
Failed State? Yes, but for other reasons. By abid ullah jan Published: May 21, 2006   usharraf regime is feeling jittery since the American journal Foreign Policy has put Pakistan in the top ten failing states. Peter Preston called Pakistan a basket case in the Guardian

[IslamCity] The Religious Roots of Conflict :Russia and Chechnya

2006-05-28 Thread saiyed shahbazi
chen war became as elusive as the Sufi orders themselves. In this tired battle of wills between Moscow and the Chechen Muslims, Boris Yeltsin and the Russian Federation rank as their weakest opponents yet. ---

[IslamCity] Science says Adam & Hawa existed...

2006-05-28 Thread saiyed shahbazi
ty to "forgive and overlook and cover up their (women's) faults)" (S. 64:14) and not "treat them with harshness... on the contrary, live with them on the footing of kindness and equity" (S. 4:19). Nevertheless, these Qur'anic injunctions are not to be abuse by wo

[IslamCity] Exposition of the Way in which Young Children should be Disciplined

2006-05-23 Thread saiyed shahbazi
The home town of Sahl was located in Khuzestan in south-western Iran. Cf. J. H. Kramers, art. 'Tustar', in EI, IV. 393-5. 8. Ar. faraq, a large measure of grain, variously defined. (Cf. Lane, 2385.)  saiyed shahbazi *

[IslamCity] Classical education

2006-05-09 Thread saiyed shahbazi
Classical education depends on a three-part process of training the mind. The early years of school are spent in absorbing facts, systematically laying the foundations for advanced study. In the middle grades, students learn to think through arguments. In the high school years, they learn to exp

[IslamCity] Our heritage at stake

2006-05-09 Thread saiyed shahbazi
written of the many problems afflicting the Islamic world. But these things need to be said out loud and often.  According to Mirza Beg, if you want to protest against the destruction of historical sites in Makkah, you can log on to the following website: www.petitiononline.com/rasul/petition.ht

[IslamCity] A hadith

2006-05-09 Thread saiyed shahbazi
be able to harm you except with something which Allah had written for you. The pens have been lifted and the pages are dry."[at-Tirmidhi]saiyed shahbazi *** {Invite (mankind, O Muhammad ) to the Way of your Lord (i.e

[IslamCity] "Accept Only The Truth"

2006-05-02 Thread saiyed shahbazi
Mu`âdh Bin Jabal:Companion of the Prophet "Accept Only The Truth" Idris al-Khawlâni narrated that Mu`âdh Bin Jabal Allah be pleased with him, said in one of his sermons: "Coming your way are awful trials were money will be aplenty, and the Qur'an will be read by the believer as well by the hy

[IslamCity] Correcting others correctly(hanafi fiqh group)

2006-04-30 Thread saiyed shahbazi
Correcting others correctly: I had a fight with a Muslim girl in my classAnswered by Wajihah Gregor When my two Muslim friends and I were at school, friend #1 took out a bag of Skittles which is known to contain gelatin. She offered them to me and I refused. When friend #2 took some, I warned h

[IslamCity] Personal Integrity - The first step towards a better world -

2006-04-30 Thread saiyed shahbazi
r that fashions do change, beauty fades, wealth becomes depleted, friends and fame come and go; but of lasting value are acts that emanate from sincere hearts, acts that reflect integrity and good character. saiyed shahbazi ***

[IslamCity] Seize the Moment by Sadullah Khan

2006-04-30 Thread saiyed shahbazi
ay] So, half the difficulty of a task is overcome by initiating action. The ancient ones advised, “well begun is half done”. We are commanded in the Qur’an to æÇáÊäÙÑ äÝÓ ãÇ ÞÏãÊ áÛÏ carefully consider what we are sending forth/doing for our future. So, make t

[IslamCity] Going out with one's spouse to restaurants, museums, and the like

2006-04-27 Thread saiyed shahbazi
Going out with one's spouse to restaurants, museums, and the like Answered by Ustadha Zaynab Ansari http://qa.sunnipath.com/issue_view.asp?HD=7&ID=9438&CATE=3600      is it permissible to go and eat food at a restaurant where there is no segregation of men and women? for example, if i

[IslamCity] Changing my American Birth Name to an Islamic Name

2006-04-25 Thread saiyed shahbazi
d, "Name your son 'Abdur-Rahman." [Bukhari, Volume 8, Book 73, Number 205] Whatever decision you make, it's important that it comes from your own conviction. Please see this related article on SunniPath: Should I c

[IslamCity] Paying zakat from a non-Muslim's bequest

2006-04-25 Thread saiyed shahbazi
uslim thereby owns it, so if it reaches nisab [the amount upon which zakat is payable] and a year passes upon him owning it, it is obligatory for him to pay zakat on it.  saiyed shahbazi *** {Invite (mankind, O Muhammad

[IslamCity] Are Christians Mushrik (Polytheists) or Kaafir (Rejecters)?

2006-04-25 Thread saiyed shahbazi
the above explanation, in my opinion, the Christians should not be called "Mushrik" or "Kaafir". We may say that Christians ascribe to polytheistic beliefs but should not call them polytheists, as the Qur'an  has not called them polytheists. Likewise, we can call them &qu

[IslamCity] The Neglect of the Fiqh of Priorities Among many Muslims by Yusuf Qaradawi

2006-04-25 Thread saiyed shahbazi
e irredeemable, for with every new time there is a new duty and a new task demanded by Allah"! saiyed shahbazi *** {Invite (mankind, O Muhammad ) to the Way of your Lord (i.e. Islam) with wisdom (i.e. with the Divine In

[IslamCity] The History of the Caliphate

2006-04-24 Thread saiyed shahbazi
Question:   Didn’t the Muslim caliphate or khilâfah end in 1342 AH/1924 CE, when Turkey abolished the office? Didn’t the khilâfah have a continuous existence up to that point?   Answer: These questions are two-sided, as they deal with fiqh and with history. The fiqh of the khilâfah i

[IslamCity] In Search of the Prophet

2006-04-20 Thread saiyed shahbazi
O Prophet of Allah, where shall I find the source of my adoration for you? I have memorized hundreds of your sayings since my youth, taught your seerah (example) to numerous students, grown a beard, used the miswaaq, sang and proudly taught others odes (qasidahs) in praise of you. But I did not

[IslamCity] The Intermediary of Shirk.

2006-04-20 Thread saiyed shahbazi
From the Mafaheem of Sayyid ibn Alawi   Many people falter in their understanding of the reality of intermediaries, and haphazardly rush to the judgement that any intermediary is Shirk, and that he who takes an intermediary, whatever the fashion, has associated partners with Allah, and that hi

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