Hi Tab, All - can you Tab, or someone else, commit to processing the
comments and bugs for the Workers LCWD?
Given Hixie's bug list [1], perhaps we shouldn't wait for him.
[1] http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-webapps/2011AprJun/0385.html
On Apr/28/2011 1:35 PM, ext Arthur Barst
On Thu, 28 Apr 2011, Arthur Barstow wrote:
> Hixie - what normative changes have been made in the ED [WW-ED] (since
> the LC was published) that would affect an implementation based on the
> March 10 LC?
No idea, I don't track changes at the level of individual W3C specs for
these technologi
Hixie, All,
April 21 was the comment deadline for the March 10 LCWD of the Web
Workers spec [WW-LC].
Since that LC was published, I noted 2 set of comments and 2 new bugs:
* Adrian Bateman; 9-Mar-2011
* Travis Leithead;