AW: Write Behind data safety guarantees II

2016-09-14 Thread Christian Reiniger
endet: Dienstag, 13. September 2016 21:00 An: Betreff: Re: Write Behind data safety guarantees II Hi, In current implementation write-behind store can lose writes even if only one nodes fails. This can be improved by adding backup queues [1], but it's not implemented yet.

Re: Write Behind data safety guarantees II

2016-09-13 Thread vkulichenko
also lost). Only synchronous write-through can guarantee that there are no data loss. [1] -Val -- View this message in context: Sent fro

Re: Write Behind data safety guarantees II

2016-09-13 Thread Jörn Franke
You can have also the case both nodes crash ... The bottom line is that a write loss can occur in any system. I am always surprised to hear even senior consultants saying that in a high reliability database no write loss can occur or the risk is low (think about the human factor! Eg an admin acc

Write Behind data safety guarantees II

2016-09-13 Thread Christian Reiniger
Hi, I've been trying to find information on cache persistence write behind behavior that might lead to entries not being written to the persistent store. Most notably: what happens in the following scenario: * Cache 'cache' has two backup copies on nodes A and B respectively and is c