Hey Gordon,
Thank you very much! That should give me a great start on this task.
As for the 'shutdown' command, that's actually exactly what I was thinking
too. I'm thinking about running a receiver process on the broker machine.
When it receives a message that says "shutdown" from an authenticat
+1 - Qpid C++ (qpid-cpp-0.30.tar.gz)
Qpid Java (qpid-java-0.30.tar.gz)
Qpid Java QMF tools (qpid-java-qmf-tools-0.30.tar.gz)
+1 - Qpid Python (qpid-python-0.30.tar.gz)
+1 - Qpid QMF (qpid-qmf-0.30.tar.gz)
+1 - Qpid tests (qpid-tests-0.30.tar.gz)
+1 - Qpid tools (qpid-tools-0.30.tar
+1 - Qpid C++ (qpid-cpp-0.30.tar.gz)
- Qpid Java (qpid-java-0.30.tar.gz)
- Qpid Java QMF tools (qpid-java-qmf-tools-0.30.tar.gz)
- Qpid Python (qpid-python-0.30.tar.gz)
- Qpid QMF (qpid-qmf-0.30.tar.gz)
- Qpid tests (qpid-tests-0.30.tar.gz)
- Qpid tools (qpid-tools-0.30.tar
I tested a subset, see below.
Testing on Centos 6 x86_64 VM, built and installed, then ran a series of
Openstack oslo.messaging tests using the installed components.
- Original Message -
> From: "Justin Ross"
> To: users@qpid.apache.org
> Sent: Tuesday, September 16, 2014 3:12:22 PM
> S
I think "invoke" is an unintuitive name there. It's not "invoking the
request" or "invoking the client". Invoke usually implies a named piece of
application logic. I think in this case
I checked this in on the examples branch.
r1626029 | aconway | 2014-09-18 13:11:12 -0400 (Thu, 18 Sep 2014) | 7
NO-JIRA: Added tutorial/sync_client.py to demonstrate a synchronous
request-response client.
This client
Just promoting git in general.
- Original Message -
> From: "Robbie Gemmell"
> To: users@qpid.apache.org
> Sent: Tuesday, September 16, 2014 12:35:09 PM
> Subject: [VOTE] Migrate the repo for the new JMS client work to use Git
> Hello all,
> I mentioned this briefly in a previou
On Tue, Sep 16, 2014 at 12:35 PM, Robbie Gemmell
> Please cast your votes. Even if you don't intend to work on the code in
> question, please vote or at least contribute your thoughts to any
> discussion that pops up. I will tally the votes after this point on Friday,
> i.e. 72hrs.
+ 1 bizillion
Jack and Jimmy cast your votes.
-Original Message-
From: Steve Huston [mailto:shus...@riverace.com]
Sent: Thursday, September 18, 2014 11:13 AM
To: users@qpid.apache.org
Subject: RE: [VOTE] Migrate the repo for the new JMS client work to use Git
> -Original Messag
> -Original Message-
> From: Robbie Gemmell [mailto:robbie.gemm...@gmail.com]
> Sent: Tuesday, September 16, 2014 12:35 PM
> To: users@qpid.apache.org
> Subject: [VOTE] Migrate the repo for the new JMS client work to use Git
> Hello all,
> I mentioned this briefly in a previous th
On 18 September 2014 10:38, Gordon Sim wrote:
> On 09/18/2014 10:07 AM, Robbie Gemmell wrote:
>> On 17 September 2014 09:25, Gordon Sim wrote:
>> On 09/16/2014 05:35 PM, Robbie Gemmell wrote:
>>> Hello all,
I mentioned this briefly in a previous thread, and have decided just
On 09/18/2014 10:07 AM, Robbie Gemmell wrote:
On 17 September 2014 09:25, Gordon Sim wrote:
On 09/16/2014 05:35 PM, Robbie Gemmell wrote:
Hello all,
I mentioned this briefly in a previous thread, and have decided just to
call a vote on the subject. I would like to migrate the repo for the n
Hello Fraser and thanks for an exhaustive answer.
There are still some foggy parts in this behavior for me, but let me clarify
firstly some parts which were not explained clearly from my side:
* we are connecting to the C++ Qpid broker
* we are really using asynchronous mechanism from Java QMF AP
On 09/17/2014 10:43 PM, Nathan Kunkee wrote:
On 09/15/2014 03:35 PM, Nathan Kunkee wrote:
Hi all,
I'm trying to get QPID JCA adapter, Glassfish, and RabbitMQ to work
together. At this point, I believe that the Destination is not recreated
correctly from the initial Queue when creating a Message
On 09/17/2014 10:16 AM, Erik Aschenbrenner wrote:
Hi Qpid-Devs,
when can we expect the release of Qpid 0.30?
A release candidate has been produced and a vote on the artefacts has
been initiated. Unless there are any blocking issues identified at this
stage it should not be too long to get th
On 17 September 2014 09:25, Gordon Sim wrote:
> On 09/16/2014 05:35 PM, Robbie Gemmell wrote:
>> Hello all,
>> I mentioned this briefly in a previous thread, and have decided just to
>> call a vote on the subject. I would like to migrate the repo for the new
>> JMS client work to use Git rat
Adding my fairly obvious +1 explicitly, as I always forget to do it in the
initial mail.
On 16 September 2014 17:35, Robbie Gemmell wrote:
> Hello all,
> I mentioned this briefly in a previous thread, and have decided just to
> call a vote on the subject. I would like to migrate the re
On 09/18/2014 12:56 AM, Spencer.Doak wrote:
I'm faced with a bit of an issue. For an application I'm working on, I'm in
need of several abilities:
1. Create, destroy, and clear queues on an exchange.
2. Create and destroy exchanges on a broker.
3. Fetch a list of all existing connections
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