Re: dojo dialog to populate portion of form and submit

2007-06-01 Thread Paul Stanton
Fair enough, it was a pretty jumbled structure and as a result difficult to describe. Unfortunately I've moved on with my form separation method (as you describe how you use dialog forms) which works well enough. Essentially I had form some form elements/ link onclick=async:load data

Re: dojo dialog to populate portion of form and submit

2007-06-01 Thread Steve Shucker
The dojo dialog control moves the rendered dialog around in the DOM so it's just inside the closing /body tag. They do this so it's in a known place and they can make some assumptions about (lack of) nesting when it renders. However, this effectively moves it outside any forms. Use firebug

Re: dojo dialog to populate portion of form and submit

2007-05-31 Thread Miguel Angel Hernández
The trick is that the dialog its always inside the Form, as a hidden part of the dom i,e: visibility='hidden': div id=ognl:contenedorId jwcid=@Any style=position:absolute;visibility:hidden;z-index: 555 span jwcid=@RenderBody/ /div Whenever I need such dialog to show(and render or

Re: dojo dialog to populate portion of form and submit

2007-05-31 Thread Paul Stanton
Ok, but I need to populate the form content with ajax. I could edit 1 of 50 elements, and i don't want to load in all of the editable data until it's selected. The problem as I see it is less that the dialog is shown/hidden, but that the form components are essentially detached from the page's

Re: dojo dialog to populate portion of form and submit

2007-05-31 Thread Jesse Kuhnert
I can't really piece together what you are doing vs. what is not working as expected but the Dialog component essentially does nothing other than wrap a block of html. Tapestry does maintain form state during ajax requests - so if that's not happening then something is wrong. It's possible that

Re: dojo dialog to populate portion of form and submit

2007-05-30 Thread Paul Stanton
I've just tried a javascript writeback hack (trying to keep it tapestry-ish, yet it's a hack for sure) basically, the dialog's form elements are Any's so they populate correctly, but don't submit to tapestry. then when the submit button is clicked they Any's values are sucked into some hidden

Re: dojo dialog to populate portion of form and submit

2007-05-30 Thread Miguel Angel Hernández
Hi Paul I've been in a very similar situation(but in tap4 with tacos) you're in. To solve it I decided to implement my own Dialog component which can be contained inside a form, and this worked fine for me. I've controlled the show and hide issue with Javascript and css. So the component its

dojo dialog to populate portion of form and submit

2007-05-29 Thread Paul Stanton
4.1.1 Firstly, I'm pretty sure what I'm trying to do is not possible, so read on with that in mind. My border component defines my form. This is necessary because I have a tabbed structure where the tabs are LinkSubmit's and need to be associated with a Form. My page has part of the form