Re: [313] Race and Techno Annoyance

2001-04-03 Thread Scott Brandon
In response to KDJ quotes from Charles Prince...

It takes a bit to get me to post, but here goes...  I'm so sick of this
Black/White thing...  Race is race, and music is music...  The two are in
some ways intertwined but a piece of music is it's own entity, sentient and
soveriegn...  Yes the founding fathers of techno were black, and deserve a
great deal of respect for their accomplishment... I love KDJ's music...  But
I can't help but be bothered that this stereotype, and reverse racism is
being carried on   To say that to understand soul music you have to be
black, because that's who it was made by and intended for, is like to say
that to understand Christianity you have to be Jewish, because that's who it
was made by and initially intended for (Just an anology)...  The whole thing
sucks  Ideas are Ideas...  Techno is an Idea...  or if you look at it
Jeff Mill's way, it's beyond an Idea...

Isn't techno constantly refered to as 'future music'???  What about a future
that is void of a separation between races???  It seems that actually many
people are still living in the past... I'm of white skin color &  I love
techno and house  I FEEL techno, and house in my soul...  All of
it...  From the hard to the deep (actually more on the deep side)...   Who's
to say who can and can't feel certain music just because of race, color, or
creed???   I may not have lived Curtis Mayfield's life, and neither did
anyone else on this planet, but I can ***FEEL*** his music...  I can feel
what he's talking about, what he's expressing through his music, and his
voice...  The same with Marvin Gaye or Chic, it's the beauty of the human
ability to empathize...  I would never tell Alan Oldham that because he's
not white he can't appreciate My Bloody Valentine or Shoegazer music (which
he loves and respects), or tell Jeff Mills he couldn't do Final Cut because
industrial was a white thing... This is because I refuse to lump sentient
human entities into catagories!!!  Music has no color...  It's like a white
guy getting pissed that Carl Craig remixed 'Moskow Diskow' or 'Problemes De
Amore' because they were "white musics", or to say that giorgio moroder had
no soul.  Pretty Rediculous Right???  What was techno?? Who and who
stuck in an elevator with a drum machine???  I think you see where I'm
going   It seems sometimes that for a group of people who spend alot of
time trying to hide their identities or remain 'underground' once it comes
to race it seems everyone's talking, and it's not about all their

The truth is when it comes to the ***ART*** of making music from the soul,
every soul speaks an individual language and who is anyone to interpret that
message for anyone  Or to tell anyone what they can or can't feel???
That's just irrational judgementalism.   Let's just get back to talking
about the music we love and not who can and can't love and feel it.

My 2 cents...

- sb
One Ear to the Ground Communications (Coming Soon!!)

- Original Message -
From: "Jongsma, K.J." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, April 03, 2001 5:35 AM
Subject: RE: [313] Good artist steals?

> > one of my fav music quotes is
> >
> > "Sad in the 20th century, in the 1990s, we still have to go
> > thru the same bullshit
> > route that other artists had to go to get acceptance. If it
> > wasnt for the independents,
> > if it wasnt for the small little cities, and the few little
> > ghetto guys trying to make music,
> > it would of never happened. Some of these guys will never
> > make a dime. Some of
> > these guys will be poor and die alone. But in the process
> > theve been the true rengrades.
> > And the true rebel always walks alone anyway."
> >
> > which i !think! is Derrick May sampled (from a tv doc) on E-Z
> > Rollers - "Retro" on Moving Shadow. Though
> > Ive never had this confirmed, could anyone shed any light on this.
> That's Derrick May sampled from the last episode of 'Dancing in the
> from the BBC.
> -
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> For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [313] Race and Techno Annoyance

2001-04-03 Thread Nick Walsh
Forget it Scott... Half the list has tried explaining
your point before... Do they listen? Noo... It's
like, after thousands of years of civilisation there
are still wars and famine and disease... A person is
clever but people are stupid... f**k 'em, don't bother
complaining... I wonder if there are any half caste
kids on the list? My cousin's are half caste but they
act like they are black... Some act like they are
white... Because it's weird to be trapped between two

The reason people are so xenophobic in my country is
because people from other nations can come along and
get what they want because people are too scared to
tell them if they do wrong. As soon as a NATIVE,
ABORIGINAL english person (oops almost said "man"
there:) cries out about it, their chastised for being
racist... Just forget it... Say anything about race
and colour and people get shirty about it straight
away as if it belongs to them... Well, this is a big
f**k you to all you closed minded b***ards out there.
Welcome to the 21st century... Another 100 years of
death and hatred ahead I bet... Why can't people just
put up with it, hey? It's only bl***y music for
Christ's sake...

Later suckers,

--- Scott Brandon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> In response to KDJ quotes from Charles Prince...
> OK,
> It takes a bit to get me to post, but here goes... 
> I'm so sick of this
> Black/White thing...  Race is race, and music is
> music...  The two are in
> some ways intertwined but a piece of music is it's
> own entity, sentient and
> soveriegn...  Yes the founding fathers of techno
> were black, and deserve a
> great deal of respect for their accomplishment... I
> love KDJ's music...  But
> I can't help but be bothered that this stereotype,
> and reverse racism is
> being carried on   To say that to understand
> soul music you have to be
> black, because that's who it was made by and
> intended for, is like to say
> that to understand Christianity you have to be
> Jewish, because that's who it
> was made by and initially intended for (Just an
> anology)...  The whole thing
> sucks  Ideas are Ideas...  Techno is an Idea... 
> or if you look at it
> Jeff Mill's way, it's beyond an Idea...
> Isn't techno constantly refered to as 'future
> music'???  What about a future
> that is void of a separation between races???  It
> seems that actually many
> people are still living in the past... I'm of white
> skin color &  I love
> techno and house  I FEEL techno, and
> house in my soul...  All of
> it...  From the hard to the deep (actually more on
> the deep side)...   Who's
> to say who can and can't feel certain music just
> because of race, color, or
> creed???   I may not have lived Curtis Mayfield's
> life, and neither did
> anyone else on this planet, but I can ***FEEL*** his
> music...  I can feel
> what he's talking about, what he's expressing
> through his music, and his
> voice...  The same with Marvin Gaye or Chic, it's
> the beauty of the human
> ability to empathize...  I would never tell Alan
> Oldham that because he's
> not white he can't appreciate My Bloody Valentine or
> Shoegazer music (which
> he loves and respects), or tell Jeff Mills he
> couldn't do Final Cut because
> industrial was a white thing... This is because I
> refuse to lump sentient
> human entities into catagories!!!  Music has no
> color...  It's like a white
> guy getting pissed that Carl Craig remixed 'Moskow
> Diskow' or 'Problemes De
> Amore' because they were "white musics", or to say
> that giorgio moroder had
> no soul.  Pretty Rediculous Right???  What was
> techno?? Who and who
> stuck in an elevator with a drum machine???  I think
> you see where I'm
> going   It seems sometimes that for a group of
> people who spend alot of
> time trying to hide their identities or remain
> 'underground' once it comes
> to race it seems everyone's talking, and it's not
> about all their
> influences
> The truth is when it comes to the ***ART*** of
> making music from the soul,
> every soul speaks an individual language and who is
> anyone to interpret that
> message for anyone  Or to tell anyone what they
> can or can't feel???
> That's just irrational judgementalism.   Let's
> just get back to talking
> about the music we love and not who can and can't
> love and feel it.
> My 2 cents...
> - sb
> One Ear to the Ground Communications
> (Coming Soon!!)
> - Original Message -
> From: "Jongsma, K.J." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: <>
> Sent: Tuesday, April 03, 2001 5:35 AM
> Subject: RE: [313] Good artist steals?
> >
> >
> > > one of my fav music quotes is
> > >
> > > "Sad in the 20th century, in the 1990s, we still
> have to go
> > > thru the same bullshit
> > > route that other artists had to go to get
> acceptance. If it
> > > wasnt for the independents,
> > > if it wasnt for the small little cities, and the
> few little
> > > ghett

Re: [313] Race and Techno Annoyance

2001-04-03 Thread Kyle J Dupuy

ahhh.  i see it is time for the bi-weekly techno / race debate.

RE: [313] Race and Techno Annoyance

2001-04-03 Thread alex
what you say?!

all your race are belong to us

[flip the scrip and down pitch the speed]

>-Original Message-
>From: Kyle J Dupuy [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Sent: Tuesday, April 03, 2001 10:28 PM
>Subject: Re: [313] Race and Techno Annoyance
>ahhh.  i see it is time for the bi-weekly techno / race debate.
>To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

RE: [313] Race and Techno Annoyance

2001-04-03 Thread kharris
_and_ you entirely give away your level of priveledge by putting the words 
race and "annoyance" together in your subject line..we're so sorry our 
race/gender/etc. etc. etc. ANNOYS you in that you are forced to confront it 
sometimes but it has much more devastating effects on US..and we can't just 
escape it..put it in a box and declare "my work zone has nothing to do with 
this, it is a free and SENTIENT(?) area" ..and you really can't either though 
you can choose to stick your head back in the sand and ignore it..



Re: [313] Race and Techno Annoyance

2001-04-03 Thread Phonopsia
I've said it before, I'll say it again. You will probably not change
anyone's views on race through email, particularly on a list this big, and
especially when things get as heated as they've become. We are a very
diverse list - racially, and geographically. Race problems manifest
themselves differently in every society. Within each society we all have
different degrees of exposure to, and sympathy for victims of racial
injustice - and we all outgrow engrained racism at a different pace. All we
can do is make our case and hope some of it sticks. But I implore you not to
belabor your point in a global public forum. People become defensive when
they perceive their views on race are threatened - especially in public. I
think this might be what Nick is getting at, although I can't say I endorse
his approach.

You are more likely to bring someone around to your perspective if you take
the time to foster an open discussion offline than by citing rhetorically
charged quotes in a global public forum. If your goal is to piss people off
that don't understand where you're coming from, keep on spewing heated
rhetoric. If your goal is to educate, persuade, and (God forbid) learn, then
find out why you disagree and start a discussion - offline.

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Re: [313] Race and Techno Annoyance

2001-04-03 Thread TIMOTHY JOHNSON
Ok let's see past the colors.  Obviously it doesn't matter anyways.  We can't 
see what color each other is over the netwaves.  That is one of the beauties of 
the internet.  If you ask me, race is not a problem.  Sure it would be great if 
we were all the same color, but we're not.  Music as well as the internet is a 
beauty in life that sees thru the colors and blends the culture.  Let's 
concentrate on the good things: music, uninhibited conversation, fine foods, 
comfort, and did Imention music?  Yeah techno music--my personal favorite.  

-Keep it real, don't let the real keep you-

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Re: [313] Race and Techno Annoyance

2001-04-03 Thread Nick Walsh

> You are more likely to bring someone around to your
> perspective if you take
> the time to foster an open discussion offline than
> by citing rhetorically
> charged quotes in a global public forum. If your
> goal is to piss people off
> that don't understand where you're coming from, keep
> on spewing heated
> rhetoric. If your goal is to educate, persuade, and
> (God forbid) learn, then
> find out why you disagree and start a discussion -
> offline.

Yeah, totally... Like I said, we've been through the
race stuff before... Every few months we do it
again... I think I bemoaned it last time in fact, I
said this would happen didn't I? Who cares... Why
don't we start a new list???... 313RaceFlames... We
could argue forever, I mean no one wants to find an

No smilie this time,

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Re: [313] Race and Techno Annoyance

2001-04-03 Thread seth ...
"But I can't help but be bothered that this stereotype, and reverse racism 
is being carried on  "

nothing 'reverse' about it, it's racism pure and simple...

this is the same type of argument which was used for years to suggest black 
people were 'tribal' and, in colonialist eyes, less worthy of education / 
investment and basically only good for plantations.

I'm not denying there's a political argument to be had about race in music; 
more specifically, about the treatment of black art by the industry (which I 
believe Derek May was referring to). But  before any of this bullsh*t 
carries on, please ask yourselves:
what your reaction would be if it was the white Europeans on this list who 
were bitching about the use of Trans Europe Express by Afrika Bambaataa?'

This argument is coming up far too often these days...

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FWD: RE: [313] Race and Techno Annoyance

2001-04-03 Thread kharris
Later suckers,

> I can't help but be bothered that this stereotype,
> and reverse racism is
> being carried on

nothing makes me want to heave up fetid piles of putrid puke more than the 
phrase "reverse racism"...

*rolls eyes*
