4D Write Freeze document and Freeze selection not working in v16?

2018-08-14 Thread JOHN BAUGHMAN via 4D_Tech
Before I call TS, could someone please check to see it Freeze document and 
Freeze selection works for them in v16R6.

After upgrading from v15 to v16, selecting these from the 4D Write menu bar has 
no affect. References remain intact.



John Baughman
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E-Mail in 4D

2018-08-14 Thread Jody Bevan via 4D_Tech
The last time I wrote an E-Mail client with 4D was circuit 4D v11 and into v12. 
It worked great. I left the programming world for a break for 2 years, and then 
got back in.

Now I am using 16R6, and will likely move into the v17. releases for a product 
I am working on.
From my review today, and lurking over the last several months, it looks like 
not much has changed within 4D to dramatically change from what I did back 
then. It does sound like the likes of google mail has done some changes that 
will likely cause me some grief.

For those of you that kept in the game, and advancing is this your take on it?

Jody Bevan
Argus Productions Inc. 
+1 587-487-6120

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Re: SVG IDs in Listbox Cells

2018-08-14 Thread Keisuke Miyako via 4D_Tech
the SVG component commands are essentially DOM wrappers,
it feels like an overkill to parse the XML just to get a handle on the xml:id.

(don't forget to close/clear the reference $svg. alternatively you could use 
the "own" option)

maybe you could have an invisible or size 0 picture object on the same form,
copy the cell element, call SVG SET ATTRIBUTE on that object, and then copy 
back the picture.
that way you can work with the rendering tree and avoid parsing the XML every 

2018/08/14 23:52、Keith Culotta via 4D_Tech 

$svg:=SVG_Open_picture (agRM_Graph{1})
$ref:=SVG_Find_ID ($svg;"Value1")
SVG_SET_ATTRIBUTES ($ref;"fill-opacity";"1";"stroke-opacity";"1")
agRM_Graph{1}:=SVG_Export_to_picture ($svg)

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Re: Some Older PCs Unable to run 4D Client in 64 bit

2018-08-14 Thread James Brown via 4D_Tech
See the thread on this list with subject, "V17 client crash on open”.

We just moved from version 15.5 to 17.0 and had this issue with a 2007 iMac. I 
spent ages trying to find out why it wouldn’t open. Then the iNug (Tim) came to 
the rescue - it was not until 2008 that iMacs had the Intel chips with the 
SSE4,1 instruction set.

So our user has a nice new iMac and all is good!

I’d say you need to upgrade your Dell.


> On 15 Aug 2018, at 2:44 am, Dave Nasralla via 4D_Tech <4d_tech@lists.4d.com 
> > wrote:
> Hi All,
> Just wondering if anyone else has run into this. We have a older Dell
> PC - Optiplex 745 - purchased in 2008. It is currently running Windows
> 10 64bit. We were experiencing crashes (very predictable) with certain
> button clicks which ran fairly benign code when I moved to a 64bit
> Windows client (v17). Very consistent.
> When I dropped back to 32 bit, the issues went away. Other (more
> current) machines are fine.
> Is there a chipset issue with older PCs that might cause this? I
> remember an earlier post where an old Mac mini with a current OS can't
> run the current 4D.
> Any thoughts on this?
> Thanks,
> dave
> -- 
> David Nasralla
> Clean Air Engineering
> **
> 4D Internet Users Group (4D iNUG)
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Re: SVG IDs in Listbox Cells

2018-08-14 Thread Keisuke Miyako via 4D_Tech
the command


should be useful to place a picture object exactly over a listbox cell.


but there might be negative sides effects,
such as the mouse roll button not working above a picture cell.

2018/08/14 23:12、John J Foster via 4D_Tech 
I was thinking of something more dynamic (and a bit more work).

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Re: SVG IDs in Listbox Cells

2018-08-14 Thread John J Foster via 4D_Tech
Hi Cannon,

Yep, that’s what I was thinking. Just need a bit of scaffolding. Just needs to 
be handle indirectly and not in the cell.

And what then what Keith said should make it able to manipulate the DOM and 
then do whatever you need.

I thought the idea was doable.



> It is actually _almost_ doable. With some math it is possible to figure out 
> where the cursor is over a particular picture cell and "SVG Find element ID 
> by coordinates” works in this context. For example:
>   $tID:=SVG Find element ID by coordinates(agRM_Graph{1};$x;$y)
> returns the ID the mouse is over.
> The part that does not work is the command SVG SET ATTRIBUTE. For example:
>   SVG SET 
> ATTRIBUTE(agRM_Graph{1};"Value1";"fill-opacity";"1";"stroke-opacity";"1”)
> does not work. This kills an idea I was _really_ hoping would work. Sigh.
> I find it interesting that SVG Find element ID by coordinates works and SVG 
> SET ATTRIBUTE doesn’t work in this context. It seems logical to me that 
> either they would both work or neither would work in this context.

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Re: V17 and Edit menu (Copy)

2018-08-14 Thread Jeffrey Kain via 4D_Tech
Well, this is what it turned out to be. I had fixed a bunch of these places but 
I missed a small handful. I didn't report the issue either since it was such a 
simple little fix, but other developers converting to v17 should definitely be 
aware of this one.

Thanks all,


> On Aug 14, 2018, at 2:39 PM, Dave Nasralla via 4D_Tech <4d_tech@lists.4d.com> 
> wrote:
> I first ran across this with v16R6, but in conversations with other
> developers, not everyone was running into the same issue, so I didn't
> report it as a bug (or take the time to isolate and repeat). In my
> case, the commands were being called from a component (Foundation
> v5.7).

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Zoom box removal + window title icon placement

2018-08-14 Thread Keith Goebel via 4D_Tech
Hi all.
Playing with 4D v17.0 HF1 Win...

1) Zoom box removal
Is there a 4D command that will remove the zoom box stuff from a window already 

2) Window title bar icon
Is there a 4D command that will insert an icon into the left end of a window 
title bar? (window already open)

I know these can be done with Win32API but just wondering if there are native 
equivalents now.
TIA, Keith
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Re: ORDA, 4D v17 & Training

2018-08-14 Thread Donna GALLIS via 4D_Tech
Hello everyone,

This is my first submission, so please forgive me if the format is wrong or 
does not fit the topic.  I’m the Field Marketing Manager for 4D, North America.

I want to let everyone know we are hosting another 4D Essentials Training in 
October.  For those developers who want to speed up their new talent’s learning 
curve in 4D, this is a great opportunity to do so.  In addition, there will 
also be a dedicated amount of time spent discussing ORDA and of course, 4D’s 
newest version v17.
Please contact 4D Sales at 1 800-785-3303.  Have a great day!

Thank you,
Donna Gallis

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RE: Some Older PCs Unable to run 4D Client in 64 bit

2018-08-14 Thread Timothy Penner via 4D_Tech
The chipset must support SSE4,1 in order to run 64 bit versions of 4D.
This requirement has existed for a while and is on the certification matrix of 
v14, 15, and 16:
(1) Instruction set SSE 4.1 must be available if using 64-bit 4D applications. 
SSE 4.1 exists in most Intel CPU’s starting 2008.
For details see: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SSE4

I know you said you bought the machine in 2008 but maybe it doesn’t actually 
support the CPU instruction set, you can check your actual machine with a 
program called CPU-Z by CPUID or you can look up the CPU online to see if it 
should include the instruction set.

According to this:
^ It looks like the Optiplex 745 used cPU's from 2006:


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Re: V17 and Edit menu (Copy)

2018-08-14 Thread Dave Nasralla via 4D_Tech
I first ran across this with v16R6, but in conversations with other
developers, not everyone was running into the same issue, so I didn't
report it as a bug (or take the time to isolate and repeat). In my
case, the commands were being called from a component (Foundation

Good luck,


On Tue, Aug 14, 2018 at 11:12 AM, Jeffrey Kain via 4D_Tech
<4d_tech@lists.4d.com> wrote:
> Thanks for the tip - I ran across this too and had already changed all of 
> those.  I'm going to double-check though.
>> On Aug 14, 2018, at 11:53 AM, Dave Nasralla via 4D_Tech 
>> <4d_tech@lists.4d.com> wrote:
>> Yes I have seen this. The first thing I would look at is the command:
>> SET MENU ITEM PROPERTY(<>Fnd_Menu_FileMenu_t;-1;Associated standard
>> action;ak quit)
>> The old constants need to be updated to the new ones (eg. ak quit) . I
>> found if I "touched" a method with the old constants, they no longer
>> worked and failed..
> **
> 4D Internet Users Group (4D iNUG)
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> **

David Nasralla
Clean Air Engineering
4D Internet Users Group (4D iNUG)
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Re: Some Older PCs Unable to run 4D Client in 64 bit

2018-08-14 Thread Jeffrey Kain via 4D_Tech
It might have been on forums.4d.com - you need to have a certain level of 
chipset for 64-bit. Some level of SSE support is required. I think it's 

> On Aug 14, 2018, at 12:44 PM, Dave Nasralla via 4D_Tech 
> <4d_tech@lists.4d.com> wrote:
> Just wondering if anyone else has run into this. We have a older Dell
> PC - Optiplex 745 - purchased in 2008. It is currently running Windows
> 10 64bit. We were experiencing crashes (very predictable) with certain
> button clicks which ran fairly benign code when I moved to a 64bit
> Windows client (v17). Very consistent.
> When I dropped back to 32 bit, the issues went away. Other (more
> current) machines are fine.
> Is there a chipset issue with older PCs that might cause this? I
> remember an earlier post where an old Mac mini with a current OS can't
> run the current 4D.

4D Internet Users Group (4D iNUG)
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Re: V17 and Edit menu (Copy)

2018-08-14 Thread Jeffrey Kain via 4D_Tech
Thanks for the tip - I ran across this too and had already changed all of 
those.  I'm going to double-check though.

> On Aug 14, 2018, at 11:53 AM, Dave Nasralla via 4D_Tech 
> <4d_tech@lists.4d.com> wrote:
> Yes I have seen this. The first thing I would look at is the command:
> SET MENU ITEM PROPERTY(<>Fnd_Menu_FileMenu_t;-1;Associated standard
> action;ak quit)
> The old constants need to be updated to the new ones (eg. ak quit) . I
> found if I "touched" a method with the old constants, they no longer
> worked and failed..

4D Internet Users Group (4D iNUG)
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Some Older PCs Unable to run 4D Client in 64 bit

2018-08-14 Thread Dave Nasralla via 4D_Tech
Hi All,

Just wondering if anyone else has run into this. We have a older Dell
PC - Optiplex 745 - purchased in 2008. It is currently running Windows
10 64bit. We were experiencing crashes (very predictable) with certain
button clicks which ran fairly benign code when I moved to a 64bit
Windows client (v17). Very consistent.

When I dropped back to 32 bit, the issues went away. Other (more
current) machines are fine.

Is there a chipset issue with older PCs that might cause this? I
remember an earlier post where an old Mac mini with a current OS can't
run the current 4D.

Any thoughts on this?



David Nasralla
Clean Air Engineering
4D Internet Users Group (4D iNUG)
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RE: v17.0 HF1 Bug Fix delayed process not waking fix

2018-08-14 Thread Timothy Penner via 4D_Tech
Hi Tim,

> ACI0098368 A delayed processes do not wake up if paused and then resumed: 
> it stays in pause mode.

The same bug fix is also in the following v16.x nightly build:
Version : 16.3
Change : 225762


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Re: V17 and Edit menu (Copy)

2018-08-14 Thread Dave Nasralla via 4D_Tech
Yes I have seen this. The first thing I would look at is the command:
SET MENU ITEM PROPERTY(<>Fnd_Menu_FileMenu_t;-1;Associated standard
action;ak quit)

The old constants need to be updated to the new ones (eg. ak quit) . I
found if I "touched" a method with the old constants, they no longer
worked and failed..


On Fri, Aug 10, 2018 at 6:27 AM, Jeffrey Kain via 4D_Tech
<4d_tech@lists.4d.com> wrote:
> What we are seeing is a lot more obvious - in the application mode the Copy 
> menu item just becomes permanently disabled after awhile.
> We haven't found a pattern yet - it could well be something in our own code — 
> but we haven’t changed our menu handling code in a long time.
>> On Aug 9, 2018, at 1:12 PM, Keith Culotta via 4D_Tech <4d_tech@lists.4d.com> 
>> wrote:
>> I just had an instance (v17 Mac) where "command C" and "command V" to copy 
>> and paste some form objects between two forms had no effect.  It worked when 
>> I used the menus with the mouse.  That also seems to have cured the problem. 
>>  This happens on such rare occasions that I've been blaming my keyboard 
>> (which hasn't had this problem in other apps).
>> Keith
> **
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David Nasralla
Clean Air Engineering
4D Internet Users Group (4D iNUG)
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Re: SVG IDs in Listbox Cells

2018-08-14 Thread Cannon Smith via 4D_Tech
Hi Keith,

I just tried a little test and, yes, it does seem to work. I’ll play with this 
some more and see if all the parts will come together.


Synergy Farm Solutions Inc.
Hill Spring, AB Canada

> On Aug 14, 2018, at 8:52 AM, Keith Culotta via 4D_Tech <4d_tech@lists.4d.com> 
> wrote:
> $svg:=SVG_Open_picture (agRM_Graph{1})
> $ref:=SVG_Find_ID ($svg;"Value1")
> SVG_SET_ATTRIBUTES ($ref;"fill-opacity";"1";"stroke-opacity";"1")
> agRM_Graph{1}:=SVG_Export_to_picture ($svg)

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Re: SVG IDs in Listbox Cells

2018-08-14 Thread Keith Culotta via 4D_Tech
Can you then

$svg:=SVG_Open_picture (agRM_Graph{1})
$ref:=SVG_Find_ID ($svg;"Value1")
SVG_SET_ATTRIBUTES ($ref;"fill-opacity";"1";"stroke-opacity";"1")
agRM_Graph{1}:=SVG_Export_to_picture ($svg)


Keith - CDI

> On Aug 14, 2018, at 9:40 AM, Cannon Smith via 4D_Tech <4d_tech@lists.4d.com> 
> wrote:
> Thanks for everyone who commented on this.
> It is actually _almost_ doable. With some math it is possible to figure out 
> where the cursor is over a particular picture cell and "SVG Find element ID 
> by coordinates” works in this context. For example:
>   $tID:=SVG Find element ID by coordinates(agRM_Graph{1};$x;$y)
> returns the ID the mouse is over.
> The part that does not work is the command SVG SET ATTRIBUTE. For example:
>   SVG SET 
> ATTRIBUTE(agRM_Graph{1};"Value1";"fill-opacity";"1";"stroke-opacity";"1”)
> does not work. This kills an idea I was _really_ hoping would work. Sigh.
> I find it interesting that SVG Find element ID by coordinates works and SVG 
> SET ATTRIBUTE doesn’t work in this context. It seems logical to me that 
> either they would both work or neither would work in this context.
> --
> Cannon.Smith
> Synergy Farm Solutions Inc.
> Hill Spring, AB Canada
> 403-626-3236
>> On Aug 13, 2018, at 4:14 PM, Keisuke Miyako via 4D_Tech 
>> <4d_tech@lists.4d.com> wrote:
>> moreover, commands such as SVG GET/SET ATTRIBUTES,
>> which are closely associated with ID based SVG manipulation,
>> requires an object name or variable,
>> but a cell inside a listbox are not accessible that way.
> **
> 4D Internet Users Group (4D iNUG)
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> **

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Re: SVG IDs in Listbox Cells

2018-08-14 Thread Cannon Smith via 4D_Tech
Thanks for everyone who commented on this.

It is actually _almost_ doable. With some math it is possible to figure out 
where the cursor is over a particular picture cell and "SVG Find element ID by 
coordinates” works in this context. For example:

$tID:=SVG Find element ID by coordinates(agRM_Graph{1};$x;$y)

returns the ID the mouse is over.

The part that does not work is the command SVG SET ATTRIBUTE. For example:


does not work. This kills an idea I was _really_ hoping would work. Sigh.

I find it interesting that SVG Find element ID by coordinates works and SVG SET 
ATTRIBUTE doesn’t work in this context. It seems logical to me that either they 
would both work or neither would work in this context.

Synergy Farm Solutions Inc.
Hill Spring, AB Canada

> On Aug 13, 2018, at 4:14 PM, Keisuke Miyako via 4D_Tech 
> <4d_tech@lists.4d.com> wrote:
> moreover, commands such as SVG GET/SET ATTRIBUTES,
> which are closely associated with ID based SVG manipulation,
> requires an object name or variable,
> but a cell inside a listbox are not accessible that way.

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Re: SVG IDs in Listbox Cells

2018-08-14 Thread John J Foster via 4D_Tech
Hi Miyako,

I was thinking of something more dynamic (and a bit more work).

But if anyone would know it would be El Miyako.


> the corroboration between form events (mouse, move, enter, leave, click, 
> double click) and SVG elements,
> as well as automatic update of MOUSEX and MOUSEY system variables,
> are unique to picture objects.
> one can display pictures (SVG or not) in a listbox cell,
> but I do not think dynamic features are supported in that context.

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Google Translate API

2018-08-14 Thread Pat Bensky via 4D_Tech
Anybody used the Google Translate API to dynamically do translations in
their 4D db?

CatBase - Top Dog in Data Publishing
tel: +44 (0) 207 118 7889
w: http://www.catbase.com
skype: pat.bensky
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