Re: [9fans] sad commentary

2008-07-01 Thread bblochl

Federico G. Benavento wrote:

Plan 9 is not for end users.  Plan 9 is for programmers.

That has a very long beard! Isn`t programming without endusers just like 


Re: [9fans] sad commentary

2008-07-01 Thread Eris Discordia

it seems like you are avoiding the point on purpose.

No purpose I'm aware of :-)

i don't think you can pick up a kernel with tweezers and make
a bunch of abstract statements about it.  and so i think the fact
that unicode may be used anywhere a character is expected in plan9
does have a lot to do with the system's functionality.

Unicode is mainly about being able to represent "human" written word. Its 
availability is no use if the data being passed around will be just fine as 
an octet stream. To my meager understanding, there's a classification of a 
computer system's functions that puts "encoding text" along with 
"representing text" and into the realm of "applications" and not "systems." 
Hence my claim that UTF-8 adds not to "OS functions," while it may improve 
"application functionality."

what do you base this claim on?  i'm pretty sure that the fonts
distributed with the system are enough to support japanese, greek,
and russian, to name only the ones i can think of quickly

I asked for clarification on the point and said that I may be mistaken. 
Though, I'm still not sure I'll be able to successfully view a Russian web 
page. Do you think that's feasible? What about Hebrew, Arabic, or Persian?

there is not.  perhaps this is something you could contribute.

Spare me. I'm no "hacker," I want to Get My Personal Job Done (tm). In 
fact, that was my main point; lowlifes like me will use your system if it 
can Get Their Job Done (tm) or they'll migrate to another system that can. 
They won't bother coding.

--On Monday, June 30, 2008 6:56 PM -0400 erik quanstrom 

The fact the UTF-8 was first "implemented" on Plan 9 has nothing to do
with  Plan 9's funtionality as an OS.

it seems like you are avoiding the point on purpose.

i don't think you can pick up a kernel with tweezers and make
a bunch of abstract statements about it.  and so i think the fact
that unicode may be used anywhere a character is expected in plan9
does have a lot to do with the system's functionality.

If the availability of UTF-8 is an advantage, the absence of a single
Unicode font in the system useful for non-Latin languages is a very
strong  disadvantage.

what do you base this claim on?  i'm pretty sure that the fonts
distributed with the system are enough to support japanese, greek,
and russian, to name only the ones i can think of quickly

and i am certain that code2000 and cyberbit which are available
on sources provide some of the best unicode coverage for free fonts.
they're not great fonts nor do they have total coverage, but no
fonts do.

I even doubt there's a "simple" way of inputting, say, Hebrew
or Arabic in Plan 9. It'll be kind of you to clarify that point for me
if  I'm mistaken.

there is not.  perhaps this is something you could contribute.

- erik

Re: [9fans] sad commentary

2008-07-01 Thread andrey mirtchovski
My sad commentary is that for whatever reason plan9 keeps attracting
those who like to "talk, talk, talk", and not those who like to "code,
code, code".

Re: [9fans] sad commentary

2008-07-01 Thread John Stalker
Maybe this is a troll, but I'll answer anyway.

I would say 1, 2, 3, and 5 benefit from using plan9.
4 and 7 don't notice much whether they are using plan9.
6 aren't likely to get to use plan9, though their jobs
would be a lot easier if they could use acid (the
debugger, not the recreational substance).

> Which types of programmers?
> 1. Casual programmers, e.g. an admin who finds out a few lines of code 
> could lighten their burden
> 2. Programmers in need of a dirty-but-quick solution, e.g. a prototype
> 3. Hobby programmers, i.e. those who learn out of curiosity and aren't 
> "forced" to remain loyal to a specific system's quirks and general edginess
> 4. Reluctant programmers, i.e. those who aren't programmers per se but need 
> to write one program in the course of solving another--probably 
> non-computerish--problem
> 5. Ueberprogrammers, e.g. those who write one new OS in each circadian cycle
> 6. Plain vanilla programmers, i.e. people whose "job" revolves around 
> programming computers most of whom have to develop codebases of their 
> predecessors and are stuck with whatever the original designers thought was 
> best be it a Plan 9 "mod" or whatever
> 7. Abstract computer science programmers, i.e. those who want to test and 
> profile right here right now that brand new hybrid of stack, trie, and 
> tuatara they've thought up
> If Plan 9 is really an OS only for people of types (5) and (6), and some of 
> (2), well then my statement is true that "Plan 9 is a 'niche' OS." No one 
> should wonder why it isn't more widely used or even remembered in less 
> "elite" circles.

Personally, I never wondered.  But I don't really care either.

John Stalker
School of Mathematics
Trinity College Dublin
tel +353 1 896 1983
fax +353 1 896 2282

Re: [9fans] sad commentary

2008-07-01 Thread Eris Discordia

You clearly have a very particular, narrow idea of what a "user" is, and
a very muddy idea of how research works.

Could be, but you sayign it amounts to ad hominem, right?

a very muddy idea of how research works. Obviously getting an optical
jukebox isn't practical for Joe Public sitting in his flat, but it makes
great sense for lots of users in larger settings. Perhaps more to the

Joe Public? Not even a SOHO affair or a startup will have a jukebox. Not 
even a normal university campus will have one (though, CS/CE/EE "labs" may 
be exceptions). It's not worth the effort and the price. Magnetic (e.g. 
hard disk), solid-state (e.g. NAND Flash), and "conventional" optical (e.g. 
a CD/DVD-R in a drive or at most a duplicator machine) is so "cheap" no one 
will think of using a jukebox.

By the way, that's only an "example" of how far fetched the Plan 9 paradigm 
is to the normal user--who "isn't" Joe Public for the most part.

Put another way: the topic under research wasn't "how do we provide the
backup functionality people are asking for?", but "how would having daily
dumps change the way you work? would that be useful?". It's a less
product- oriented set of questions, but produces more fundamental results.

// Plan 9 seems to be a "niche" OS, as I pointed out before.

That may well be true, or at least that it isn't mainstream and
mass-market. That's never been its objective, and I'm sorry if you wasted
your time based on misunderstanding that.

Fine with me. Did those "fundamental" results end in "visible" results that 
people could enjoy? If yes, then no need to complain about "people" not 
recognizing your system; if no, revise your goals or don't complain about 
the lack of recognition. Those who "can" appreciate fundamental results are 
already doing so, e.g. Russ Cox and a handful of other top-notch CS people 
in a handful of top-notch universities. My "open letter" was written from a 
lowlife's standpoint.

// UTF-8 in an English-only "user" paradigm is only extravagance.

We've got enough folks around here who use something other than English
as their primary language with their computer that this complaing falls
down. You're right that there's more research to be done here, such as on
right-to-left input methods and composing characters, but that's far from
the same thing.

Are your non-English-speaking people capable of doing their research paper 
in some localized TeX/troff/groff/[some other typesetting software] 
version, or writing an email in their native tongue? Or reading their 
non-English non-Latin email? Or properly indexing their set of non-English 
documents using a simple search? "Without innocence, the cross is only 
idol." Without applications "features" are only burden.

If the UI model doesn't work for you, well, that's a shame, I guess. Based
on the bash love from earlier posts, I'm going to hazard a guess that your
complaints are largely based on the old keyboard vs. mouse argument. I
doubt hauling out the old references would be convincing once you've
already made up your mind.

On the contrary, while I do like using keyboard I'm very much a "polymath." 
Mouses are very good input devices for certain applications. The way the 
mouse is used--or "abused"--in rio and acme poses a problem. It is the 
"easy way out" to attribute that to my--probably Windows-doped--taste. 
There "is" a least common denominator that accommodates the basics of all 
tastes, and "that" is lacking in rio.

Window decorations (as they're called in X-speak) are not "mere 
decorations," they're useful. The two button (+/- wheel) mouse is prevalent 
because for most people only the index and middle finger are robust enough. 
The ring finger is never on par with them, except of course with the 
unnecessary adjustment Plan 9 users seem to go through. Assigning the 
middle finger to both second and third buttons is another solution which is 
equally uncomfortable.

Microsoft certainly has put a lot of money into researching human 
interfacing and the outcome is free for all to get and implement. Don't 
think for a moment that because it's Microsoft it has to be taken lightly. 
Hundreds of small rounded corners have made the Windows GUI experience a 
much better experience than that of "any" alternative GUI.

--On Monday, June 30, 2008 7:07 PM -0400 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

// Systems research? Did you actually "research" how a normal user used
their  // computer? Did you even try to guess how a normal user used
their system?  // Did you do that and end up with a technical manual
whose prime example for  // backup strategy involves a "Jukebox?"

You clearly have a very particular, narrow idea of what a "user" is, and
a very muddy idea of how research works. Obviously getting an optical
jukebox isn't practical for Joe Public sitting in his flat, but it makes
great sense for lots of users in larger settings. Perhaps more to the
point, experience with fs(4) led pretty directly to the current

Re: [9fans] sad commentary

2008-07-01 Thread Eris Discordia

I still don't get your point.

And does your "point" include these "For Dummies" books?

1. Alan Simpson - Visual Web Developer 2005 Express Edition For Dummies
2. Allen Wyatt - Cleaning Windows XP For Dummies
3. Barry Burd - Beginning Programming With Java For Dummies
4. Bill Sempf - Visual Basic 2005 For Dummies.pdf
5. Damon Dean And Andy Cowitt - Macromedia Studio 8 All-In-One Desk 
Reference For Dummies

6. Dee-Ann LeBlanc - Linux For Dummies
7. Frederic Jones - Digital Photography, Just The Steps For Dummies
8. Steve Holzner - Ajax For Dummies
9. Kevin Beaver - Hacking For Dummies
10. Janine Warner - Dreamweaver 8 For Dummies

Does Dreamweaver 8 sound like a piece of "very complex," "organically 
developed" software, "and" lacking "a central design idea?"

"For Dummies" books are essentially non sequiturs arising from marketing 
schemes. RTFM is really the way to go, but you need to have an "incentive," 
a "promise," to RTFM. Obviously, sometimes the incentive is replaced by a 
compelling to obey company/university/institution policies.

--On Monday, June 30, 2008 4:11 PM -0700 Skip Tavakkolian 

By the way, I provided a description of my person to avoid "dummy"
labels.  I may well be a "dummy" in your league but that doesn't mean
I'm unable of  reading a normal technical manual. I can do and have done
that, on Linux,  FreeBSD, and Plan 9.

you've missed my point.  most of the dummies books on software try
to explain how to deal with very complex, organically developed
systems that lack any central design idea.  the fact that it requires
the reader to admit to being a dummy to buy the book is telling

Re: [9fans] sad commentary

2008-07-01 Thread Eris Discordia

Having said that, but for web browsing, I'm quite
happy using Plan 9 as an end user that mostly writes code, slides, and
docs and reads mail. I mean, I use it not just to modify it. This does not
mean I cannot use others as well.

It's fine, if you're fine with it ;-) Do you ever visit any AJAX enabled 
websites? Do you consider AJAX a superfluous technology? Do you switch to 
your "other OS" machine--or reboot your current machine--if and when you 
visit GMail's pages (at least to enable IMAP access for the first time)? 
What's your opinion on good ol' non-standard CSS? Won't you ever want to 
use one of these new "content delivery" systems, such as Microsoft 
Silverlight or Adobe Flash?

Do you sometimes need to write an XML document? Do you need to validate it? 
Do you need to transform it? Are you going to write or port each and every 
application you need for doing so?

All these could "theoretically" become "supported" (that's different from 
being "included") in an OS if it manages to gather enough public momentum. 
Without that you can do only your "serious" stuff which excludes quite some 
of the "good" stuff. Public momentum comes from providing "the public" with 
enough incentive so that a small portion of that public actually writes 
what the rest will need.

Incidentally, I find it a bit hypocritical to do "research" (read: find out 
how a system can Get New Jobs Done (tm)) on a system but turn to another 
whenever one actually needs to Get Something Done (tm).

--On Tuesday, July 01, 2008 1:17 AM +0200 Francisco J Ballesteros 

Many of the ideas have been/will be applied to other
systems, and that will affects end users as well. It's just that there's
no need to use the same system for doing research and for, say,
browsing the web.

Having said that, but for web browsing, I'm quite
happy using Plan 9 as an end user that mostly writes code, slides, and
docs and reads mail. I mean, I use it not just to modify it. This does not
mean I cannot use others as well.

Re: [9fans] sad commentary

2008-07-01 Thread Eris Discordia
I have "never" done "any" kernel programming or any "major" programming. I 
thought I said that on my original post. That line was to be taken 
tongue-in-cheek. It meant that I, as a user, shouldn't need to actually 
"read code" to appreciate what Plan 9 has to offer.

--On Monday, June 30, 2008 8:23 PM -0300 Iruata Souza <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

On Mon, Jun 30, 2008 at 6:20 PM, Eris Discordia

Barring a "mystical" bond with its exquisite kernel, of course.

it seems you have done much kernel programming, eh?


Re: [9fans] sad commentary

2008-07-01 Thread Francisco J Ballesteros
You have not read even a single word before replying.
I said I do use Plan 9 for all the things that have to be done
for my daily work.

Enough of this rant, time to write some code.

On Tue, Jul 1, 2008 at 10:25 AM, Eris Discordia
>> Having said that, but for web browsing, I'm quite
>> happy using Plan 9 as an end user that mostly writes code, slides, and
>> docs and reads mail. I mean, I use it not just to modify it. This does not
>> mean I cannot use others as well.
> It's fine, if you're fine with it ;-) Do you ever visit any AJAX enabled
> websites? Do you consider AJAX a superfluous technology? Do you switch to
> your "other OS" machine--or reboot your current machine--if and when you
> visit GMail's pages (at least to enable IMAP access for the first time)?
> What's your opinion on good ol' non-standard CSS? Won't you ever want to use
> one of these new "content delivery" systems, such as Microsoft Silverlight
> or Adobe Flash?
> Do you sometimes need to write an XML document? Do you need to validate it?
> Do you need to transform it? Are you going to write or port each and every
> application you need for doing so?
> All these could "theoretically" become "supported" (that's different from
> being "included") in an OS if it manages to gather enough public momentum.
> Without that you can do only your "serious" stuff which excludes quite some
> of the "good" stuff. Public momentum comes from providing "the public" with
> enough incentive so that a small portion of that public actually writes what
> the rest will need.
> Incidentally, I find it a bit hypocritical to do "research" (read: find out
> how a system can Get New Jobs Done (tm)) on a system but turn to another
> whenever one actually needs to Get Something Done (tm).
> --On Tuesday, July 01, 2008 1:17 AM +0200 Francisco J Ballesteros
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Many of the ideas have been/will be applied to other
>> systems, and that will affects end users as well. It's just that there's
>> no need to use the same system for doing research and for, say,
>> browsing the web.
>> Having said that, but for web browsing, I'm quite
>> happy using Plan 9 as an end user that mostly writes code, slides, and
>> docs and reads mail. I mean, I use it not just to modify it. This does not
>> mean I cannot use others as well.

Re: [9fans] sad commentary

2008-07-01 Thread Eris Discordia
You've misread me. I'm far from understanding which facilities Plan 9 
provides for "ron minnich," the CS/CE person. I should be able of finding 
facilities it provides for "me," the lowlife. Or I'd dump it as an option 
for Getting My Job Done (tm), as did many before me. No public recognition 
of Plan 9 lies in that direction.

In passing, I may actually be able to figure out how to cope with your 
"challenge." That wouldn't change Plan 9's status as a "niche" OS, however. 
I happen to know that Plan 9 presents a network transparent environment, so 
trying out a C compiler at shouldn't be any harder than 
trying it out at the local machine which is incidentally much harder to 
grasp "conceptually" than the same task performed on FreeBSD because 
network transparency involves additional layers of abstraction whether you 
admit it or not. A stand-alone Plan 9 system amounts in conceptual 
complexity "for the user" to at least three interconnected machines. Very 
little has been done to cover that.

--On Monday, June 30, 2008 5:22 PM -0700 ron minnich <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

On Mon, Jun 30, 2008 at 2:20 PM, Eris Discordia

Not a very kind comment. Though, it is possible that it's true.

What was there for me to understand about Plan 9 that I did not? Barring
a "mystical" bond with its exquisite kernel, of course.

Let's pretend I want to try out the C compilers at i want to see what they do, maybe differently
than my local ones do.

How do you do that?


Re: [9fans] sad commentary

2008-07-01 Thread Eris Discordia
9fans is 99 out of 100 times all "code, code, code." You can ignore me as 
an irrelevancy and read the other 99/100 posts. Good luck deep diving.

--On Tuesday, July 01, 2008 1:23 AM -0600 andrey mirtchovski 

My sad commentary is that for whatever reason plan9 keeps attracting
those who like to "talk, talk, talk", and not those who like to "code,
code, code".

Re: [9fans] 9vx

2008-07-01 Thread erik quanstrom
>> I added devsd and wrote an sd loopback yesterday afternoon.
>> It worked pretty well except that when I ran fdisk, 
>> /dev/sd00/data disappeared.  I was going to debug that
>> before saying anything.
> Here's the fix for the fdisk problem:
> /sys/src/cmd/disk/prep/edit.c:503,508 - edit.c:503,509
>   for(i=0; inctlpart; i++) {
>   p = edit->ctlpart[i];
> + if(strncmp(p->ctlname, "data", 5) != 0)
>   if(p->changed)
>   if(fprint(ctlfd, "delpart %s\n", p->ctlname)<0) {
>   fprint(2, "delpart failed: %s: %r\n", p->ctlname);

i don't think this is the right solution.

as geoff pointed out, fdisk shouldn't be deleteing the parent
partition or any partitions that lie outside its parent partition.

obviously prep has a similar problem.

- erik

Re: [9fans] sad commentary

2008-07-01 Thread Federico G. Benavento
> That has a very long beard! Isn`t programming without endusers just like 
> wanking?

how is that related to Plan 9 being for programmers?

Federico G. Benavento

Re: [9fans] sad commentary

2008-07-01 Thread Stefan Groß

Most people just want to use a
computer, not learn all about it (just as they want to drive
a car and not look under the hood).

Using things that you don't understand is suspicious, but I agree that 
most people do it, they sit in their Windows and don't know what they're 
doing. And there are a lot of problems rising from that. That's ok for 
me, so I have a lot of work to do, but in fact it's a direct consequence 
from the "user-orientated" design of Windows Explorer and Mac-OS Aqua 
and KDE, and, to a lesser extend, GNOME: these environments use a lot of 
abstraction to present the Computer like something that understands you, 
so you feel like home - at the same time, and as an inevitable spin-off, 
this hides the computers real functioning. And that may be good to sell 
these things, it may even be good to make a lot of money with cheap and 
uneducated workforce that sits in front of these things, but it's not a 
good approach to make a computer operative, that means a good OS. The 
popular approach is not about making the Computer operative for the 
people (and they know it, just read some science-fiction from the 
70ties, or watch some movies about ai going evil - "HAL" from 2001 is 
the interface Windows still dreams of), it's exactly the other way 
round: it's an approach to make the people serve the computer. And 
that's what they do all day long in the offices around the world. And 
that doesn't come from what the people want, it's because they need to 
pay the rent and have nothing to sell but their lifetime. Plan9 can't do 
anything about that, but it is the better OS.

philosophic regards, Stefan

Re: [9fans] sad commentary

2008-07-01 Thread Federico G. Benavento

stop trolling and sending apples to the parties you're not invited.

Federico G. Benavento

(sent with opera 9.5 via linuxemu+equis)

Re: [9fans] sad commentary

2008-07-01 Thread Andrés Domínguez
2008/7/1 Federico G. Benavento <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> eris,
> stop trolling and sending apples to the parties you're not invited.

Eris _Discordia_, good nick for a troll:

discordia: f discord


Re: [9fans] sad commentary

2008-07-01 Thread John Waters
Not to mention quoting ESR is not going to win you any friends
anywhere, except for ESR's house...

On Mon, Jun 30, 2008 at 11:01 PM, ron minnich <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> well, Eris, it is quite possible that you're right. It is also
> possible that you never quite got it.
> Or both are possible.
> ron

Re: [9fans] sad commentary

2008-07-01 Thread hiro
Haha, sarcasm at it's finest.
Eris, you are my hero.


Re: [9fans] 9vx

2008-07-01 Thread Russ Cox
> Here's the fix for the fdisk problem:
> /sys/src/cmd/disk/prep/edit.c:503,508 - edit.c:503,509
>   for(i=0; inctlpart; i++) {
>   p = edit->ctlpart[i];
> + if(strncmp(p->ctlname, "data", 5) != 0)
>   if(p->changed)
>   if(fprint(ctlfd, "delpart %s\n", p->ctlname)<0) {
>   fprint(2, "delpart failed: %s: %r\n", p->ctlname);

That would work, but one wonders why
the normal kernel doesn't have this problem.


Re: [9fans] double sleep

2008-07-01 Thread Russ Cox
> OK, it is hard to get this to repeat, and I lost it last time. But
> after running venti a while
> and doing a venti copy with vx32 as the dst I eventually get a double
> sleep in the
> io kproc.
> I'll try to get it to fail again :-)

Please run with -A so that if it happens again
you can attach gdb and run "thread apply all where 20"


Re: [9fans] plan 9 newbie guide

2008-07-01 Thread Brantley Coile
Michael is a very smart man with a great sense of language, 
sophisticated knowledge of computer science, but he was totally 
ignorant of Plan 9.  That fact allowed him to record what he was 
learning.  As time went by he was quickly loosing a sense of what he 
needed to know, becoming instead more knowledgeable of Plan 9.  You 
and I can't expand his paper.  We know too much.  We should let 
Michael own the paper.

Uriel wrote:

There have been similar efforts in the past, but this one is *really*
nice. Concise, clear and covers basic stuff but fast enough.

Do you have the troff source available? That would make it easier for
people to expand it further. Also I would be happy to host an html
version at if that is OK with you.

Thanks, peace and best wishes


On Mon, Jun 30, 2008 at 11:46 PM, erik quanstrom <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

this guide was writen at coraid by michael covington.
the document proclaims itself to be:

   This is a quick-start guide to the  user interface of the
   Plan 9 operating system based on my own experiences getting
   started at Coraid.
   This is not a technical guide to Plan 9.  This is only a "guide
   for the perplexed" for those who are using Plan 9 for the first time.

a temporary home for this document is here:

- erik

Re: [9fans] sad commentary

2008-07-01 Thread ron minnich
On Mon, Jun 30, 2008 at 11:53 PM, bblochl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> That has a very long beard! Isn`t programming without endusers just like
> wanking?

If I had a dime for every time I've heard this ...

First time I heard it was about Unix, ca. 1976.

Usually I hear it from grouchy old guys. One of them fought the demise
of punched cards and paper tape with great bitterness.

I'm going to assume you're joking.


Re: [9fans] sad commentary

2008-07-01 Thread ron minnich
On Tue, Jul 1, 2008 at 1:42 AM, Eris Discordia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> You've misread me. I'm far from understanding which facilities Plan 9
> provides for "ron minnich," the CS/CE person.
>> Let's pretend I want to try out the C compilers at
>> i want to see what they do, maybe differently
>> than my local ones do.
>> How do you do that?
>> ron

In other words, you didn't even bother to learn that trivial bit. You
remind me of guys in the 70s who just couldn't figure out "this Unacks
stuff". They just didn't get pipes, and they knew that they were
useless to the average user, who really needed files with Hollerith
card images in them. Unix did not look like what they were used to, so
they just "knew" it had no value.

I knew a guy once who we delivered a Sun to. "What's this windowing
bullshit?" he asked me. He put the mouse in a drawer, this in spite of
the fact that Sun text mode at the time ran at 1200 baud. Nope, too
hard to learn.

Learn and adapt, or die.  No other choices .


Re: [9fans] tip 9vx segfault on Ubuntu in Xen

2008-07-01 Thread Russ Cox
> I have Ubuntu on a VPS (on Xen) and I'd like to install a Plan 9
> server using 9vx. 9vx tip compiles, but segfaults after the "256M
> memory" line (as does the precompiled binary, in the same place). I am
> tunneling to local X11 on OS X 10.5.3.
> I don't know how to debug this properly, but here is gdb output
> similar to what I saw in another report.

The seg faults are normal.  9vx handles them and continues.
To run under gdb you need to say

handle SIGSEGV noprint nostop

so that gdb will let it keep going.  

What behavior did you see when you weren't running under gdb?
If it was a panic, better to set a break point at panic.


Re: [9fans] double sleep

2008-07-01 Thread ron minnich
Thread 8 (Thread -1759208560 (LWP 2898)):
#0  0xb7f2e424 in __kernel_vsyscall ()
#1  0x4e6f7a43 in poll () from /lib/
#2  0x4117fa99 in ?? () from /usr/lib/
#3  0x4117fe7f in _XRead () from /usr/lib/
#4  0x411816bb in _XReadEvents () from /usr/lib/
#5  0x4116a7ab in XNextEvent () from /usr/lib/
#6  0x080a08d9 in _xproc (v=0x0) at 9vx/x11/x11-kernel.c:108
#7  0x08056c1b in linkproc () at 9vx/trap.c:484
#8  0x in ?? ()

Thread 7 (Thread -1768916080 (LWP 2899)):
#0  0x4e701723 in __call_pselect6 () from /lib/
#1  0x4e6fa723 in pselect () from /lib/
#2  0x0805611a in timerkproc (v=0x0) at 9vx/time.c:187
#3  0x08056c1b in linkproc () at 9vx/trap.c:484
#4  0x in ?? ()

Thread 6 (Thread -1778623600 (LWP 2900)):
#0  0xb7f2e424 in __kernel_vsyscall ()
#1  0x4e7d7206 in pthread_cond_wait@@GLIBC_2.3.2 () from /lib/
#2  0x080534d2 in runproc () at 9vx/sched.c:237
#3  0x0808df2b in sched () at 9vx/a/proc.c:165
#4  0x080523f1 in squidboy (v=0x828e248) at 9vx/main.c:723
#5  0x4e7d344b in start_thread () from /lib/
#6  0x4e70180e in clone () from /lib/

Thread 5 (Thread -1792275568 (LWP 2901)):
#0  0xb7f2e424 in __kernel_vsyscall ()
#1  0x4e7d7206 in pthread_cond_wait@@GLIBC_2.3.2 () from /lib/
#2  0x080534d2 in runproc () at 9vx/sched.c:237
#3  0x0808df2b in sched () at 9vx/a/proc.c:165
#4  0x080523f1 in squidboy (v=0x829f930) at 9vx/main.c:723
#5  0x4e7d344b in start_thread () from /lib/
#6  0x4e70180e in clone () from /lib/

Thread 4 (Thread -1808557168 (LWP 2902)):
#0  0xb7f2e424 in __kernel_vsyscall ()
#1  0x4e7da008 in accept () from /lib/
#2  0x0804f227 in so_accept (fd=35, raddr=0x96105f64,
rport=0x96105f6a) at 9vx/devip-posix.c:102
#3  0x0804e3c2 in ipopen (c=0x82e0b38, omode=2) at 9vx/devip.c:303
#4  0x08050b6b in kserve (kc=0x93239b50) at 9vx/kprocdev.c:98
#5  0x0805155a in kserver (v=0x827d788) at 9vx/kprocdev.c:155
#6  0x08056c1b in linkproc () at 9vx/trap.c:484
#7  0x in ?? ()

Thread 3 (Thread -1832952944 (LWP 2903)):
#0  0xb7f2e424 in __kernel_vsyscall ()
#1  0x4e7da008 in accept () from /lib/
#2  0x0804f227 in so_accept (fd=37, raddr=0x930f8f64,
rport=0x930f8f6a) at 9vx/devip-posix.c:102
#3  0x0804e3c2 in ipopen (c=0x82ee158, omode=2) at 9vx/devip.c:303
#4  0x08050b6b in kserve (kc=0x915a7b50) at 9vx/kprocdev.c:98
#5  0x0805155a in kserver (v=0x82c6810) at 9vx/kprocdev.c:155
#6  0x08056c1b in linkproc () at 9vx/trap.c:484
#7  0x in ?? ()

Thread 2 (Thread -1846604912 (LWP 2904)):
#0  0xb7f2e424 in __kernel_vsyscall ()
#1  0x4e7d7206 in pthread_cond_wait@@GLIBC_2.3.2 () from /lib/
#2  0x080534d2 in runproc () at 9vx/sched.c:237
#3  0x0808df2b in sched () at 9vx/a/proc.c:165
#4  0x080523f1 in squidboy (v=0x82e6040) at 9vx/main.c:723
#5  0x4e7d344b in start_thread () from /lib/
#6  0x4e70180e in clone () from /lib/

Thread 1 (Thread -1208953152 (LWP 2897)):
#0  0xb7f2e424 in __kernel_vsyscall ()
#1  0x4e7d7206 in pthread_cond_wait@@GLIBC_2.3.2 () from /lib/
#2  0x08053646 in idlehands () at 9vx/sched.c:237
#3  0x0808cc06 in _runproc () at 9vx/a/proc.c:542
#4  0x0805343a in runproc () at 9vx/sched.c:118
#5  0x0808df2b in sched () at 9vx/a/proc.c:165
#6  0x0805277b in main (argc=, argv=) at 9vx/main.c:202
#0  0xb7f2e424 in __kernel_vsyscall ()

It died quickly this time.



Re: [9fans] sad commentary

2008-07-01 Thread john

> Window decorations (as they're called in X-speak) are not "mere 
> decorations," they're useful. The two button (+/- wheel) mouse is prevalent 
> because for most people only the index and middle finger are robust enough. 
> The ring finger is never on par with them, except of course with the 
> unnecessary adjustment Plan 9 users seem to go through. Assigning the 
> middle finger to both second and third buttons is another solution which is 
> equally uncomfortable.

Somebody call the X guys and tell them that they've been using too
many buttons for 20 years and THAT'S why their system has failed.


Re: [9fans] sad commentary

2008-07-01 Thread Eric Van Hensbergen
On Tue, Jul 1, 2008 at 1:47 AM, Eris Discordia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Plan 9 is not for end users.  Plan 9 is for programmers.

Maybe more appropriate in your case - Plan 9 is not for Windows sys admins.

Please describe the process of accessing an audio device on a computer
across the room with windows and describe how you can do it from the


Re: [9fans] 9vx

2008-07-01 Thread erik quanstrom
>> Here's the fix for the fdisk problem:
>> /sys/src/cmd/disk/prep/edit.c:503,508 - edit.c:503,509
>>   */
>>  for(i=0; inctlpart; i++) {
>>  p = edit->ctlpart[i];
>> +if(strncmp(p->ctlname, "data", 5) != 0)
>>  if(p->changed)
>>  if(fprint(ctlfd, "delpart %s\n", p->ctlname)<0) {
>>  fprint(2, "delpart failed: %s: %r\n", p->ctlname);

on second read, with this approach, i would think that strcmp() not
strncmp should be used.

> That would work, but one wonders why
> the normal kernel doesn't have this problem.

this must be a quirk of the interaction between
devsd and fdisk.  by hand data does disappear:

; lc
9fatctl datanvram   plan9   raw
; for(i in 9fat data nvram plan9 data)echo delpart $i>ctl
; lc
ctl raw

by the way, be very careful with this before
applying this patch:

; diff -c /sys/src/9/port/devsd.c /n/dump/2008/0701/sys/src/9/port/devsd.c
/sys/src/9/port/devsd.c:147,153 - 
pp = unit->part;
for(i = 0; i < unit->npart; i++){
-   if(pp->name)
if(strcmp(name, pp->name) == 0)

this is required because npart is set to the number
of partitions allocated.  the names never-set partitions
might be 0.  otherwise "delpart missingpart>/dev/sdXX/ctl"
will be a noisy and somewhat gratituous synonym for
"echo reboot>/dev/reboot".

- erik

Re: [9fans] sad commentary

2008-07-01 Thread john
> On Tue, Jul 1, 2008 at 1:47 AM, Eris Discordia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> Plan 9 is not for end users.  Plan 9 is for programmers.
> Maybe more appropriate in your case - Plan 9 is not for Windows sys admins.
> Please describe the process of accessing an audio device on a computer
> across the room with windows and describe how you can do it from the
> shell...

Eric, I don't know what this "audio" thing you CS/CE type researchers
are using but us lowlifes just need Firefox and Excel before we can
use Plan 9.  I'm afraid that until you can provide those, Joe Public
will never use Plan 9 and it will be forever doomed to run only on
supercomputers and storage systems and in research settings.

John "Bob Dobbs" Floren

Re: [9fans] sad commentary

2008-07-01 Thread David Leimbach
>The question is what new function Plan 9, as an OS, defines for
> the end user.
> Plan 9 is not for end users.  Plan 9 is for programmers.

I think I just heard the sound of a nail being struck on the head.

I do find myself wanting Lisp, Scheme, and Haskell and all my other weird
programming toys for Plan 9 too.  I believe Haskell and Scheme are handled,
but has there ever been a Common Lisp implementation for it?   Perhaps I
should look into a port of SBCL or something.


> -rob

Re: [9fans] sad commentary

2008-07-01 Thread john
>>The question is what new function Plan 9, as an OS, defines for
>> the end user.
>> Plan 9 is not for end users.  Plan 9 is for programmers.
> I think I just heard the sound of a nail being struck on the head.
> I do find myself wanting Lisp, Scheme, and Haskell and all my other weird
> programming toys for Plan 9 too.  I believe Haskell and Scheme are handled,
> but has there ever been a Common Lisp implementation for it?   Perhaps I
> should look into a port of SBCL or something.
> Dave

Yes please! I know I'd use it.


Re: [9fans] sad commentary

2008-07-01 Thread David Leimbach
On Tue, Jul 1, 2008 at 2:21 AM, Federico G. Benavento <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> > That has a very long beard! Isn`t programming without endusers just like
> > wanking?
> how is that related to Plan 9 being for programmers?

I don't even think it's a fair comparison.  All an end user is is the target
audience of a system.  It's not like the programs being written aren't being
used.  They're being used by the ultimate end users of Plan 9 which happen
to be other programmers.


> --
> Federico G. Benavento

Re: [9fans] tip 9vx segfault on Ubuntu in Xen

2008-07-01 Thread Tom Lieber
On Tue, Jul 1, 2008 at 9:00 AM, Russ Cox <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> I have Ubuntu on a VPS (on Xen) and I'd like to install a Plan 9
>> server using 9vx. 9vx tip compiles, but segfaults after the "256M
>> memory" line (as does the precompiled binary, in the same place). I am
>> tunneling to local X11 on OS X 10.5.3.
>> I don't know how to debug this properly, but here is gdb output
>> similar to what I saw in another report.
> The seg faults are normal.  9vx handles them and continues.
> To run under gdb you need to say
>handle SIGSEGV noprint nostop
> so that gdb will let it keep going.
> What behavior did you see when you weren't running under gdb?
> If it was a panic, better to set a break point at panic.

No panic: the window appears and two lines print (the command-line
arguments and the memory readout), then everything stops. When I use
-X, the lines of assembly stop.

This looks useless, but if I pause in gdb the backtrace is:

#0  0xe410 in __kernel_vsyscall ()
#1  0x401f6647 in poll () from /lib/tls/i686/cmov/
#2  0x40061839 in ?? () from /usr/lib/
#3  0x08272970 in ?? ()
#4  0x0001 in ?? ()
#5  0x in ?? ()
#6  0x40111b2c in ?? () from /usr/lib/
#7  0x082723c0 in ?? ()
#8  0x40111b2c in ?? () from /usr/lib/
#9  0x082723c0 in ?? ()
#10 0x in ?? ()

If I press keys, though, I get output like this, so I guess it's not
completely frozen:

memdraw 827b780 [4 57] [13 68] 8269da8 [1879113727 -613566757] 8269e60 [918 2]
memdraw 827b780 [13 57] [22 68] 8269da8 [1879113727 -613566757] 8269e60 [918 2]
memdraw 827b780 [22 60] [31 68] 8269da8 [1879113727 -613566757] 8269e60 [873 5]

It never does anything as long as I wait, though.

Tom Lieber

Re: [9fans] sad commentary

2008-07-01 Thread cummij
> lowlifes like me will use your system if it 
> can Get Their Job Done (tm) or they'll migrate to another system that can. 
> They won't bother coding.

then migrate, already ...


Re: [9fans] sad commentary

2008-07-01 Thread John Waters
I have always felt guilty about wanting Common LISP on Plan 9; but I
am not entirely sure why.

On Tue, Jul 1, 2008 at 4:35 PM, David Leimbach <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>The question is what new function Plan 9, as an OS, defines for
>> the end user.
>> Plan 9 is not for end users.  Plan 9 is for programmers.
> I think I just heard the sound of a nail being struck on the head.
> I do find myself wanting Lisp, Scheme, and Haskell and all my other weird
> programming toys for Plan 9 too.  I believe Haskell and Scheme are handled,
> but has there ever been a Common Lisp implementation for it?   Perhaps I
> should look into a port of SBCL or something.
> Dave
>> -rob

Re: [9fans] sad commentary

2008-07-01 Thread David Leimbach
On Tue, Jul 1, 2008 at 6:59 AM, John Waters <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I have always felt guilty about wanting Common LISP on Plan 9; but I
> am not entirely sure why.
> John

Eh, there's lots of code for Common Lisp out there that'd be nice to run on
Plan 9 in my opinion.  I don't think we're alone in our feelings :-).

A lot of time Unix and Lisp have seem a bit at odds... I think there's been
papers written on the topic even.


> On Tue, Jul 1, 2008 at 4:35 PM, David Leimbach <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >>
> >>The question is what new function Plan 9, as an OS, defines for
> >> the end user.
> >> Plan 9 is not for end users.  Plan 9 is for programmers.
> >
> > I think I just heard the sound of a nail being struck on the head.
> >
> > I do find myself wanting Lisp, Scheme, and Haskell and all my other weird
> > programming toys for Plan 9 too.  I believe Haskell and Scheme are
> handled,
> > but has there ever been a Common Lisp implementation for it?   Perhaps I
> > should look into a port of SBCL or something.
> > Dave
> >>
> >> -rob
> >>
> >
> >

[9fans] cpu working for anyone on 9vx?

2008-07-01 Thread David Leimbach
I deleted the /net/cs file... ran /ndb/cs, started factotum, and finally
tried to cpu to a remote host, and it appears to be stuck.
I tried to cp a file from sources yesterday, and *that* also appeared to get

Anyone else having this kind of trouble with .11?


Re: [9fans] sad commentary

2008-07-01 Thread hiro
I am not even a programmer. I'm using plan9 and inferno because the
systems are so simple and flexible, that I only have to use two-liner
shell scripts for my tasks.

Re: [9fans] tip 9vx segfault on Ubuntu in Xen

2008-07-01 Thread Russ Cox
> No panic: the window appears and two lines print (the command-line
> arguments and the memory readout), then everything stops. When I use
> -X, the lines of assembly stop.

When it stops, then can should attach gdb by
looking up the pid in ps and running

gdb 9vx pid
thread apply all where 20

That's usually safer than running 9vx under
gdb from the start.  9vx is a multithreaded
program, so it would help to know what the
other threads are doing, not just the X11 thread.


Re: [9fans] sad commentary

2008-07-01 Thread ron minnich
On Tue, Jul 1, 2008 at 7:06 AM,  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> lowlifes like me will use your system if it
>> can Get Their Job Done (tm) or they'll migrate to another system that can.
>> They won't bother coding.
> then migrate, already ...

he's having more fun trolling.


Re: [9fans] 9vx

2008-07-01 Thread Russ Cox
> this must be a quirk of the interaction between
> devsd and fdisk.  by hand data does disappear:
>   ; lc
>   9fatctl datanvram   plan9   raw
>   ; for(i in 9fat data nvram plan9 data)echo delpart $i>ctl
>   ; lc
>   ctl raw

You are allowed to delete the data partition.
The problem is that fdisk should not be trying to.
Since it doesn't do that on native Plan 9, there
must be some aspect of devsd that is not behaving
the same way under 9vx that it does under Plan 9.
The bug is in devsd, though you'll probably have to
add prints to fdisk to find it.

Plan 9:

glenda# disk/fdisk -p /dev/sdC0/data
part linux 63 58589055
part plan9 58589055 241248105


% bind '#Z' /n/unix
% echo loop rw /n/unix/dev/sda >/dev/sdctl
% disk/fdisk -p /dev/sd00/data
delpart data
part linux 63 476230860
part linuxswap 476230923 488392065

That's running on a different disk but the same
fdisk binary (the one from sources as of today,
dated May 10).


Re: [9fans] cpu working for anyone on 9vx?

2008-07-01 Thread Russ Cox
> I deleted the /net/cs file... ran /ndb/cs, started factotum, and finally
> tried to cpu to a remote host, and it appears to be stuck.
> I tried to cp a file from sources yesterday, and *that* also appeared to get
> stuck.
> Anyone else having this kind of trouble with .11?

This kind of thing happened on OS X with the .11 binaries.
I think it is fixed in .12.


[9fans] vx32, 9vx 0.12

2008-07-01 Thread Russ Cox
There are new sources and binaries in the usual places.

If you missed the announcement before, there is now
a Mercurial repository at

The OS X code seems to have stabilized, and it doesn't
require X11 anymore.  I think there are OS X bugs tickled
by having signals flying all over the place: I've seen both
pthread_cond_wait and pipe read miss the corresponding
pthread_cond_signal or pipe write.  If someone who is
knowledgeable wants to take a look, see 9vx/sched.c.
I've worked around the bugs, so you shouldn't see hangs
anymore.  You might see the occasional 1-second hiccup.


Re: [9fans] plan 9 newbie guide

2008-07-01 Thread Uriel
Good point and agreed.


On Tue, Jul 1, 2008 at 2:31 PM, Brantley Coile <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Michael is a very smart man with a great sense of language, sophisticated
> knowledge of computer science, but he was totally ignorant of Plan 9.  That
> fact allowed him to record what he was learning.  As time went by he was
> quickly loosing a sense of what he needed to know, becoming instead more
> knowledgeable of Plan 9.  You and I can't expand his paper.  We know too
> much.  We should let Michael own the paper.
> Uriel wrote:
>> There have been similar efforts in the past, but this one is *really*
>> nice. Concise, clear and covers basic stuff but fast enough.
>> Do you have the troff source available? That would make it easier for
>> people to expand it further. Also I would be happy to host an html
>> version at if that is OK with you.
>> Thanks, peace and best wishes
>> uriel
>> On Mon, Jun 30, 2008 at 11:46 PM, erik quanstrom <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> wrote:
>>> this guide was writen at coraid by michael covington.
>>> the document proclaims itself to be:
>>>   This is a quick-start guide to the  user interface of the
>>>   Plan 9 operating system based on my own experiences getting
>>>   started at Coraid.
>>>   [...]
>>>   This is not a technical guide to Plan 9.  This is only a "guide
>>>   for the perplexed" for those who are using Plan 9 for the first
>>> time.
>>> a temporary home for this document is here:
>>> - erik

Re: [9fans] cpu working for anyone on 9vx?

2008-07-01 Thread David Leimbach
On Tue, Jul 1, 2008 at 7:48 AM, Russ Cox <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> > I deleted the /net/cs file... ran /ndb/cs, started factotum, and finally
> > tried to cpu to a remote host, and it appears to be stuck.
> > I tried to cp a file from sources yesterday, and *that* also appeared to
> get
> > stuck.
> >
> > Anyone else having this kind of trouble with .11?
> This kind of thing happened on OS X with the .11 binaries.
> I think it is fixed in .12.
> Russ

I'll try as soon as I can again today.  Thanks!

Re: [9fans] tip 9vx segfault on Ubuntu in Xen

2008-07-01 Thread Tom Lieber
On Tue, Jul 1, 2008 at 10:13 AM, Russ Cox <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> When it stops, then can should attach gdb by
> looking up the pid in ps and running
>gdb 9vx pid
>thread apply all where 20
> That's usually safer than running 9vx under
> gdb from the start.  9vx is a multithreaded
> program, so it would help to know what the
> other threads are doing, not just the X11 thread.

Attaching doesn't seem to work in this case:

Attaching to program: /home/tom/vx32/src/9vx/9vx, process 20840
/build/buildd/gdb-6.6.dfsg/gdb/linux-nat.c:1026: internal-error:
linux_nat_attach: Assertion `pid == GET_PID (inferior_ptid) &&
WIFSTOPPED (status) && WSTOPSIG (status) == SIGSTOP' failed.
A problem internal to GDB has been detected

Searching for this error yielded an e-mail saying, "When Xorg hangs
inside a signal handler, gdb is unable to attach to it." And "thread
apply all where 20" has no output.

However, if I run it from within gdb with -F, and ignoring SIGSEGV I get this:

Thread 4 (Thread 1654795152 (LWP 20864)):
#0  0xe410 in __kernel_vsyscall ()
#1  0x4011e676 in pthread_cond_wait@@GLIBC_2.3.2 () from
#2  0x08053990 in runproc () at 9vx/sched.c:237
#3  0x0808f1cb in sched () at 9vx/a/proc.c:165
#4  0x08052842 in squidboy (v=0x828e8d0) at 9vx/main.c:723
#5  0x4011a46b in start_thread () from /lib/tls/i686/cmov/
#6  0x4020073e in clone () from /lib/tls/i686/cmov/

Thread 3 (Thread 1645087632 (LWP 20863)):
#0  0xe410 in __kernel_vsyscall ()
#1  0x4012237a in do_sigwait () from /lib/tls/i686/cmov/
#2  0x4012241f in sigwait () from /lib/tls/i686/cmov/
#3  0x0805675d in timerkproc (v=0x0) at 9vx/time.c:168
#4  0x0805723b in linkproc () at 9vx/trap.c:484
#5  0x in ?? ()

Thread 2 (Thread 1635380112 (LWP 20862)):
#0  0xe410 in __kernel_vsyscall ()
#1  0x401f6647 in poll () from /lib/tls/i686/cmov/
#2  0x40061839 in ?? () from /usr/lib/
#3  0x08272970 in ?? ()
#4  0x0001 in ?? ()
#5  0x in ?? ()
#6  0x4006a67f in _X11TransWrite () from /usr/lib/
#7  0x40061c2f in _XRead () from /usr/lib/
#8  0x4006347b in _XReadEvents () from /usr/lib/
#9  0x4004f6eb in XNextEvent () from /usr/lib/
#10 0x080a1f37 in _xproc (v=0x0) at 9vx/x11/x11-kernel.c:141
#11 0x0805723b in linkproc () at 9vx/trap.c:484
#12 0x in ?? ()

Thread 1 (Thread 1076381360 (LWP 20859)):
#0  sigsegv (signo=11, info=0x8254eac, v=0x8254f2c) at 9vx/main.c:500
#2  sigsegv (signo=11, info=0x825522c, v=0x82552ac) at 9vx/main.c:500
#4  sigsegv (signo=11, info=0x82555ac, v=0x825562c) at 9vx/main.c:500
#6  sigsegv (signo=11, info=0x825592c, v=0x82559ac) at 9vx/main.c:500
#8  sigsegv (signo=11, info=0x8255cac, v=0x8255d2c) at 9vx/main.c:500
#10 sigsegv (signo=11, info=0x825602c, v=0x82560ac) at 9vx/main.c:500
#12 sigsegv (signo=11, info=0x82563ac, v=0x825642c) at 9vx/main.c:500
#14 sigsegv (signo=11, info=0x825672c, v=0x82567ac) at 9vx/main.c:500
#16 sigsegv (signo=11, info=0x8256aac, v=0x8256b2c) at 9vx/main.c:500
#18 sigsegv (signo=11, info=0x8256e2c, v=0x8256eac) at 9vx/main.c:500
(More stack frames follow...)
#0  0xe410 in __kernel_vsyscall ()

Is the last one legitimate?

Tom Lieber

Re: [9fans] /lib/font fonts in troff

2008-07-01 Thread Russ Cox
> Hello. I found a few fonts from /lib/font (Courier, for aesthetic  
> reasons, and erik's vera, for its complete Unicode conformance) that  
> I'd like to make available to troff. Is there any way to do this? I'll  
> name the files myself (Other-Courier and Bitstream-Vera, perhaps).  

Courier is already available in troff.
It is mounted by default as CW in position 5.
Look in /sys/lib/troff/font/devutf for others.

Trying to use fonts from /lib/font/bit is not
a very good idea -- they will look crummy on
paper since they are just low-resolution bitmap
fonts.  You need to find Type 1 or TrueType or
OpenType versions.

In p9p, $PLAN9/dist/troff contains tools for 
creating the relevant troff font descriptions for
new font files.  I'll warn you right now that it
is very unlikely the script is going to work out
of the box for you--it was more just a record
of what I put together than something I expected
other people to use--so you're going to have to
figure it out.  It also contains an rm command 
at the top that you might want to look at before
you run it.

The script there generated the files in 


The Deja Vu fonts are Bitstream Vera with
additions, so perhaps you could get by with
just copying the relevant files from p9p
and not bothering trying to generate new
font files.  It's a bit of a black art.


P. S.  I don't know what font is in /lib/font/bit/courier,
but it's not exactly Courier.  The A is missing the top serif
and the @ is much squarer than the usual Courier.

Re: [9fans] sad commentary

2008-07-01 Thread Uriel
On Tue, Jul 1, 2008 at 11:21 AM, Federico G. Benavento
>> That has a very long beard! Isn`t programming without endusers just like
>> wanking?
> how is that related to Plan 9 being for programmers?

That means that Plan 9 is like porn for hackers.


Re: [9fans] sad commentary

2008-07-01 Thread michael block
On Mon, Jun 30, 2008 at 4:45 PM, Eris Discordia
> --On Monday, June 30, 2008 3:11 PM -0500 michael block
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> On Mon, Jun 30, 2008 at 2:12 PM, Eris Discordia
>> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> Fossil/Venti, however brilliant it may look like to the code junkie, does
>>> not offer anything for me but added complexity.
>> i'm using p9p venti on linux, and it's been a total breeze to
>> configure and administer. the utility of hist and yesterday in my
>> opinion far outweigh the couple megabytes of memory that venti needs
>> to be running all the time (i run it on my desktop machine, not a
>> dedicated file server). i'm curious to know what backup system you're
>> using that is simpler than venti. my interest in plan 9, inferno,
>> octopus, &c stems mainly from my using venti for backups and finding
>> it to be far better that anything unix had to offer. so it you really
>> do have a backup system simpler and more robust than venti, i'd love
>> to try it out
>> --
>> i apologize in advance if gmail has in anyway mutilated this messege.
>> stay beautiful!
> A very effective "backup" method for work on your "desktop:"
> 1. Organize your "creative work" when you "create" them, plan beforehand
> 2. Copy/synchronize the collection to an external hard disk and/or a
> solid-state storage device which you detach from your "desktop" computer
> after you turn it off, repeat this step depending on how heavily you modify
> the work, automate using cron (or Task Scheduler if you're on Windows)
> 3. Copy the entire collection to optical media every once in a while, store
> the copy in a safe place

venti eliminates step one and simplifies step two.

> b. If your data happens to be quite a lot of source code it should be stored
> in a version control system which may provide its own backup measures.

venti /is/ a version control system. it's practicly the same thing as
git, but with sealed arenas

> With (now almost obsolete) RCS backing up
> should be as simple as tarring one or more directories. CVS and/or SVN
> shouldn't pose any harder problems.

backing up with venti is as simple as letting a cron job run

michael khayyam ravenhurst

i apologize in advance if gmail has in anyway mutilated this messege.
stay beautiful!

Re: [9fans] vx32, 9vx 0.12

2008-07-01 Thread David Leimbach
On Tue, Jul 1, 2008 at 7:53 AM, Russ Cox <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> There are new sources and binaries in the usual places.
> If you missed the announcement before, there is now
> a Mercurial repository at
> The OS X code seems to have stabilized, and it doesn't
> require X11 anymore.  I think there are OS X bugs tickled
> by having signals flying all over the place: I've seen both
> pthread_cond_wait and pipe read miss the corresponding
> pthread_cond_signal or pipe write.  If someone who is
> knowledgeable wants to take a look, see 9vx/sched.c.
> I've worked around the bugs, so you shouldn't see hangs
> anymore.  You might see the occasional 1-second hiccup.
> Russ
Got this... still seems a little slow here and there on cpu and cp, but they

Also I ran ssh2 without factotum and got a crash... not sure if that's
expected or not.

247 ssh2: unhandled fault va=0 [110] eip=bee1b
cpu0: registers for ssh2 247
  AX   BX 001339C1  CX   DX 000FF2F2
  SI   DI   BP 

Re: [9fans] vx32, 9vx 0.12

2008-07-01 Thread David Leimbach
On Tue, Jul 1, 2008 at 9:06 AM, David Leimbach <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Tue, Jul 1, 2008 at 7:53 AM, Russ Cox <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> There are new sources and binaries in the usual places.
>> If you missed the announcement before, there is now
>> a Mercurial repository at
>> The OS X code seems to have stabilized, and it doesn't
>> require X11 anymore.  I think there are OS X bugs tickled
>> by having signals flying all over the place: I've seen both
>> pthread_cond_wait and pipe read miss the corresponding
>> pthread_cond_signal or pipe write.  If someone who is
>> knowledgeable wants to take a look, see 9vx/sched.c.
>> I've worked around the bugs, so you shouldn't see hangs
>> anymore.  You might see the occasional 1-second hiccup.
>> Russ
> Got this... still seems a little slow here and there on cpu and cp, but
> they complete.
> Also I ran ssh2 without factotum and got a crash... not sure if that's
> expected or not.
> 247 ssh2: unhandled fault va=0 [110] eip=bee1b
> cpu0: registers for ssh2 247
>   AX   BX 001339C1  CX   DX 000FF2F2
>   SI   DI   BP 

Also just noticed this on my Terminal where I launched 9vx:

[8:28] dave(mt64):..p/9vx-0.12 %> ./9vx.OSX
247 ssh2 fault 0 no segment
258 ssh2 fault 0 no segment


Re: [9fans] vx32, 9vx 0.12

2008-07-01 Thread Bakul Shah
On OSX 9vx consistently sigsegv panics if you quickly resize
its window a few times, particluarly before it finishes
repainting.  This doesn't happen (or is hard to trigger) when
rio is not up.

Running it under gdb reveals:

Program received signal EXC_BAD_ACCESS, Could not access memory.
Reason: KERN_PROTECTION_FAILURE at address: 0x
[Switching to process 832 thread 0x5c43]
0x in ?? ()
(gdb) where
#0  0x in ?? ()
#1  0x9631d78c in DispatchEventToHandlers ()
#2  0x9631cb9d in SendEventToEventTargetInternal ()
#3  0x9631ca02 in SendEventToEventTargetWithOptions ()
#4  0x9633944b in SendBoundsChangeEvent ()
#5  0x963391f0 in MoveResizeWindowInternal ()
#6  0x963388c6 in WindowData::SetBounds ()
#7  0x96434a9b in UpdateWindowBounds ()
#8  0x96433fb7 in TWindowTracker::TrackWindow ()
#9  0x96433053 in ResizeWindow ()
#10 0x963445be in HandleWindowEvent ()
#11 0x963a2096 in StandardWindowEventHandler () 
#12 0x9631d763 in DispatchEventToHandlers ()
#13 0x9631cb9d in SendEventToEventTargetInternal ()
#14 0x963394ee in SendEventToEventTarget ()
#15 0x9653b52f in SendEventFromMouseDown ()
#16 0x963e661f in HandleWindowClick ()
#17 0x963e63f7 in HandleMouseEvent ()
#18 0x963a208a in StandardWindowEventHandler ()
#19 0x9631d763 in DispatchEventToHandlers ()
#20 0x9631cb9d in SendEventToEventTargetInternal ()
#21 0x963394ee in SendEventToEventTarget ()
#22 0x9634c0eb in ToolboxEventDispatcherHandler ()
#23 0x9631db1c in DispatchEventToHandlers ()
#24 0x9631cb9d in SendEventToEventTargetInternal ()
#25 0x963394ee in SendEventToEventTarget ()
#26 0x963a6504 in ToolboxEventDispatcher ()
#27 0x963a2d5e in RunApplicationEventLoop ()
#28 0x000590d3 in screenproc (v=0x0) at 9vx/osx/screen.c:199
#29 0xf2f8 in linkproc () at 9vx/trap.c:484

Crash on window resize seems to be not so rare but I didn't
see a solution in 5 minutes of googling.

Re: [9fans] 9vx

2008-07-01 Thread erik quanstrom
> The bug is in devsd, though you'll probably have to
> add prints to fdisk to find it.

yup.  9vx creates ctl files without a "geometry line".
libdisk/disk.c:/^opensd demands it.

also, it would be nice if 9vx devsd created an entry
in sdctl for each loopback controller.

i apologize for not sending a patch.  i haven't yet
gotten the vx32 compilers working on my machine.
i'm sure this is operator error.

- erik

Re: [9fans] WYSE Winterm 9150SE graphical problem

2008-07-01 Thread Dave Eckhardt
> I tried dozens of modes, from 640x480 to 1280x1024, using
> 8-bit to 32-bit of colors, and no one seems to work.

Can you say more about what you are doing to try a given

At first glance it doesn't seem like there is a native
Plan 9 driver for your graphics chip, so if the VESA
driver doesn't work you might pursue getting a data
sheet and seeing if it looks enough like some other

Dave Eckhardt

Re: [9fans] 9vx

2008-07-01 Thread Russ Cox
> yup.  9vx creates ctl files without a "geometry line".
> libdisk/disk.c:/^opensd demands it.


> also, it would be nice if 9vx devsd created an entry
> in sdctl for each loopback controller.

i intended it to, though perhaps i messed that up.

> i apologize for not sending a patch.  i haven't yet
> gotten the vx32 compilers working on my machine.
> i'm sure this is operator error.

you don't need them to build 9vx.
just "make 9vx/9vx" instead of make.

looking forward to a patch.  ;-)


Re: [9fans] vx32, 9vx 0.12

2008-07-01 Thread Russ Cox
>> 247 ssh2: unhandled fault va=0 [110] eip=bee1b
>> cpu0: registers for ssh2 247
>>   AX   BX 001339C1  CX   DX 000FF2F2
>>   SI   DI   BP 

As long as only ssh2 crashed, this doesn't bother me too much.
9vx does get a little chatty in that case, but that doesn't bother
me for now.

Can you test whether running ssh2 without factotum also dies
on native Plan 9?  I have no ssh2 binary.


Re: [9fans] sad commentary

2008-07-01 Thread Russ Cox
As a first approximation, there are two types of computer users.
There are the ones who just want something that does everything
they need it to, out of the box, and then there are the ones who
don't care so much what it can do at first, but they want to be able
to adapt the system to their needs as time goes on.
If you want, you can call the former "end users" and the latter
"programmers."  These camps have very different mindsets.

Most of your arguments seem to be about creating a system for
the "end users," but as Rob said, Plan 9 is not primarily for them.
Plan 9 is for people who want a system they can understand and customize
and adapt to their own purposes.  I don't mean setting a couple of buttons
in a preference dialog, either.  I mean writing actual programs to make
the system do something its designers did not explicitly anticipate.
When the computer doesn't already have some feature, it's a question
of thinking "this dumb system should already have that feature"
versus thinking "how can I add that feature?"

The fact that Plan 9 is not targeted at end users doesn't mean that
it's not usable by end users.  It just means that the system often
needs to be customized (by programmers) to fit the needs of the
particular end users.  For example, Coraid programmers built 
software to adapt Plan 9 into a particular kind of end-user storage
server.  Rangboom adapted Plan 9 into a different kind of end-user
storage service.  In the past, other companies have done other things.

It doesn't have to be companies that are customizing the system for
other users.  Eric Nichols studies natural language processing and
has built a customized acme environment to speed manual translation
of text.  Nemo created a very interesting computing environment
on top of Plan 9 that is popular in his computer science department
and used by non-developers.  I know a handful of very happy end
users of venti, vbackup, and vac.

Notice that I haven't defended any of the individual Plan 9 tools--sam,
acme, rc, rio, fossil, venti, and so on.  There are people with strong
opinions on both sides for each of these.  The specific details of a
particular tool are far less important than the overall simplicity and
flexibility of the entire system.  That's not to say that no one likes the
tools.  Plan 9 from User Space exists exactly to provide the tools to
a broader audience, and I've heard from a surprising number of people
who were thrilled to find a new version of sam.  But no individual tool
is the point, and the Plan 9 tools alone are not Plan 9.

John Lions famously said about Sixth Edition Unix that, ``The whole
documentation is not unreasonably transportable in a student's
briefcase,'' and the same is true of Plan 9 today.  It's a system that
people can keep entirely in their head, that they can adapt to
their own needs and understand and fix if it breaks.

> The fact the UTF-8 was first "implemented" on Plan 9 has nothing to do with 
> Plan 9's funtionality as an OS. 

One way to read this sentence is as saying "Plan 9's support of UTF-8 doesn't
distinguish it anymore; other OSes now support UTF-8 too."  This is almost
true, although in my experience none of those systems approach Plan 9
for how everything UTF-8 just works out of the box.  (I still don't know
how to put UTF-8 in file names in Linux, for example, or to tell whether
a given file name is intended to be interpreted as UTF-8 or as Latin-1
or as some other character set.)

Another way to read this sentence is as saying "UTF-8 could have been first
implemented just as easily on some other OS as on Plan 9."  This is the
interpretation that Rob was replying to, and it's simply not true.
UTF-8 is as clean as it is because Ken Thompson came up with
a clean design, but that design alone would not have been enough.

Rob's history at
doesn't emphasize this as much as it could, but it does mention it:
in order for the design to be an acceptable proposal, it had to be 
implemented in a real system.  Ken designed UTF-8 on a Wednesday
night, and by lunch on Saturday, Ken and Rob had completely
converted Plan 9--libraries, programs, graphics, and text files--to use it.
That was necessary to get the proposal accepted, and there are very
few systems out there in which something like that would be possible,
that quickly.

That's a key strength of Plan 9.  It is powerful enough to use well, simple
enough to understand completely, and small enough to make wholesale
changes to the system quickly.

In its early days, Unix was like that--Ken implemented pipes and converted
all the existing programs like grep to act as filters overnight--but not 

> When I came to actually "use" Plan 9 I found out the two interfaces I'd 
> heard about, i.e. rc and rio, are both awkward despite how everybody on 
> 9fans thought they were such glorious climaxes of simplicity and usability 
> and how everybody would bash Bash. If I were to save o

Re: [9fans] vx32, 9vx 0.12

2008-07-01 Thread David Leimbach
On Tue, Jul 1, 2008 at 10:36 AM, Russ Cox <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> >> 247 ssh2: unhandled fault va=0 [110] eip=bee1b
> >> cpu0: registers for ssh2 247
> >>   AX   BX 001339C1  CX   DX 000FF2F2
> >>   SI   DI   BP 
> As long as only ssh2 crashed, this doesn't bother me too much.
> 9vx does get a little chatty in that case, but that doesn't bother
> me for now.
> Can you test whether running ssh2 without factotum also dies
> on native Plan 9?  I have no ssh2 binary.
> Russ
> Yes only ssh2 is crashing... it didn't do this before .12 to the best of my
recollection, that I'm getting SEGV errors on my terminal where I started
9vx seems important too:

[8:28] dave(mt64):..p/9vx-0.12 %> ./9vx.OSX
247 ssh2 fault 0 no segment
258 ssh2 fault 0 no segment

ssh2 can be found in /n/sources/contrib/john  and it works very nicely for
my needs so far.

Re: [9fans] WYSE Winterm 9150SE graphical problem

2008-07-01 Thread David du Colombier
> Can you say more about what you are doing to try a given
> configuration?

I tried xga, vesa, multisync and other modes.
The result is the same, my screen become blank
and displays "no input signal".

> At first glance it doesn't seem like there is a native
> Plan 9 driver for your graphics chip, so if the VESA
> driver doesn't work you might pursue getting a data
> sheet and seeing if it looks enough like some other
> chip.

I many cases, the graphical interface does not refuse
to start, like when the chip is not supported, but displays
a blank screen. I had never seen that before.

My chip does not seem to be supported by VESA driver.

What can I try to change in the VESA driver?

David du Colombier

Re: [9fans] 9vx

2008-07-01 Thread erik quanstrom
rc bug.  it appears something is going wrong
with rc's local assignments.  ifs has the usual

; font=/lib/font/bit/cyberbit/mod*.font rio
rio: can't access /lib/font/bit/cyberbit/mod*.font: bad character in file 
name: '/lib/font/bit/cyberbit/mod*.font'
; unicode 
; echo /lib/font/bit/cyberbit/mod*.font
; x=/lib/font/bit/cyberbit/mod*.font
; whatis x

- erik

[9fans] rc bug

2008-07-01 Thread Russ Cox
> rc bug. 

please put non-9vx bugs in their own threads.  thanks.

> it appears something is going wrong
> with rc's local assignments.  ifs has the usual
> value.
> ; font=/lib/font/bit/cyberbit/mod*.font rio
> rio: can't access /lib/font/bit/cyberbit/mod*.font: bad character in file 
> name: '/lib/font/bit/cyberbit/mod*.font'
> ; unicode 
> 0001
> ; echo /lib/font/bit/cyberbit/mod*.font
> /lib/font/bit/cyberbit/mod14.font
> ; x=/lib/font/bit/cyberbit/mod*.font
> ; whatis x
> x=/lib/font/bit/cyberbit/mod14.font

% diff -c /n/sources/plan9/sys/src/cmd/rc/exec.c .
/n/sources/plan9/sys/src/cmd/rc/exec.c:751,759 - ./exec.c:751,761
runq->local = newvar(strdup(runq->argv->words->word), runq->local);
-   runq->local->val = copywords(runq->argv->next->words, (word *)0);
-   runq->local->changed = 1;
+   globlist();
+   runq->local->val = runq->argv->words;
+   runq->local->changed = 1;
+   runq->argv->words = 0;


Re: [9fans] sad commentary

2008-07-01 Thread bblochl

Uriel wrote:

On Tue, Jul 1, 2008 at 11:21 AM, Federico G. Benavento

That has a very long beard! Isn`t programming without endusers just like

how is that related to Plan 9 being for programmers?

That means that Plan 9 is like porn for hackers.



I would say that is hard core stuff for hackers. (Some need that urgently!)


Re: [9fans] space glenda - in acrylic

2008-07-01 Thread Michaelian Ennis

Here my 9 stuff.

Re: [9fans] WYSE Winterm 9150SE graphical problem

2008-07-01 Thread Dave Eckhardt
>> Can you say more about what you are doing to try a given
>> configuration?

> I tried xga, vesa, multisync and other modes.

Can you say exactly what you mean by "tried xga" and
"tried vesa"?

Dave Eckhardt

Re: [9fans] sad commentary

2008-07-01 Thread Iruata Souza
On Tue, Jul 1, 2008 at 4:47 AM, Eris Discordia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On the contrary, while I do like using keyboard I'm very much a "polymath."
> Mouses are very good input devices for certain applications. The way the
> mouse is used--or "abused"--in rio and acme poses a problem. It is the "easy
> way out" to attribute that to my--probably Windows-doped--taste. There "is"
> a least common denominator that accommodates the basics of all tastes, and
> "that" is lacking in rio.

I'm glad you are explicitly basing your claims.
again, I'm glad to see you consider your audience on this list to be
outside *your* common denominator.
I'm even more and more glad to see I got basic tastes in common with a
prisoner in the other side of the planet walking in the deathrow.

thanks for the enlightenment.

[9fans] an RTFM moment

2008-07-01 Thread ron minnich
I'm doing something stupid here, I know it, but can not recall what:
term%  venti/findscore -v arenas 8f5e7e8bd708abb329d97c1773cac871b5daabcb
reading directory for arena=arenas00 with 195154 entries
reading directory for arena=arenas01 with 1587 entries
found at clump=1586 with type=16 size=300 csize=70 position=2531472
found 1 occurrences of 8f5e7e8bd708abb329d97c1773cac871b5daabcb
term%  fossil/flfmt -v 8f5e7e8bd708abb329d97c1773cac871b5daabcb fossil
fs header block already exists; are you sure? [y/n]: y
fatal error: ventiRead 8f5e7e8bd708abb329d97c1773cac871b5daabcb (1)
failed: no block with score
8f5e7e8bd708abb329d97c1773cac871b5daabcb/16 exists

I've done this before, but those neurons got re-initialized with
other, much less valuable data, I think.


Re: [9fans] sad commentary

2008-07-01 Thread Iruata Souza
On Tue, Jul 1, 2008 at 4:47 AM, Eris Discordia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Window decorations (as they're called in X-speak) are not "mere
> decorations," they're useful. The two button (+/- wheel) mouse is prevalent
> because for most people only the index and middle finger are robust enough.
> The ring finger is never on par with them, except of course with the
> unnecessary adjustment Plan 9 users seem to go through. Assigning the middle
> finger to both second and third buttons is another solution which is equally
> uncomfortable.
I see you have been doing a lot of research on ergonomics.

> Microsoft certainly has put a lot of money into researching human
> interfacing and the outcome is free for all to get and implement. Don't
> think for a moment that because it's Microsoft it has to be taken lightly.
> Hundreds of small rounded corners have made the Windows GUI experience a
> much better experience than that of "any" alternative GUI.
of course I agree your personal opinions could be taken as
representatives of human kind's opinions but, just in case, would you
mind showing the results of your great research on the subject?


Re: [9fans] sad commentary

2008-07-01 Thread Iruata Souza
On Tue, Jul 1, 2008 at 5:25 AM, Eris Discordia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> All these could "theoretically" become "supported" (that's different from
> being "included") in an OS if it manages to gather enough public momentum.
> Without that you can do only your "serious" stuff which excludes quite some
> of the "good" stuff. Public momentum comes from providing "the public" with
> enough incentive so that a small portion of that public actually writes what
> the rest will need.
like you do with your system, right?

> Incidentally, I find it a bit hypocritical to do "research" (read: find out
> how a system can Get New Jobs Done (tm)) on a system but turn to another
> whenever one actually needs to Get Something Done (tm).
sorry if I can't write a flash player in two minutes. it won't happen again.


Re: [9fans] sad commentary

2008-07-01 Thread Iruata Souza
On Tue, Jul 1, 2008 at 5:42 AM, Eris Discordia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> A stand-alone Plan 9 system amounts in conceptual complexity "for
> the user" to at least three interconnected machines. Very little has been
> done to cover that.
does distributed gets translated to something else in your web browser?


Re: [9fans] sad commentary

2008-07-01 Thread Iruata Souza
On Tue, Jul 1, 2008 at 5:01 AM, Eris Discordia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> "For Dummies" books are essentially non sequiturs arising from marketing
> schemes. RTFM is really the way to go, but you need to have an "incentive,"
> a "promise," to RTFM. Obviously, sometimes the incentive is replaced by a
> compelling to obey company/university/institution policies.

I'm glad to see curiosity or research are not incentive nor promise.


[9fans] mac os x: x11 versus native when chording mouse leaves window

2008-07-01 Thread Axel Belinfante
I'm sorry I'm not contributing code, and
that the following is mac osx specific.
and it is only an observation.
(and I'm posting it why?
 because I'm looking for confirmation, maybe,
 and to point out one possible unexpected advantage of X11 over native.)

there appears to be a difference between handling of X11 windows and
native windows regarding what happens when
 - mouse cursor is in window
 - you start making a selection with b1
 - while making the selection you cross the window border
 - outside the window you press b2 or b3 to finish the chord

with the x11 window everything works as expected, at least on 10.4.11
with the native window the chord is not finished but instead the window
under the mouse gets select (or you end up in finder).

this seems to be independent of the actual application (acme-sac, 9vx).

the non-working with native window I encounter almost every day;
that it does work with X I only found minutes ago.

regarding 'code, code, code' I was annoyed to the point where I started
to wonder whether it would make sense to add something similar to the
'stay in the scroll bar while scrolling' feature, but then to
stay in the window while selecting.
to my surprise I found it actually working ok with X11 window.


Re: [9fans] an RTFM moment

2008-07-01 Thread Russ Cox
> I'm doing something stupid here, I know it, but can not recall what:
> term%  venti/findscore -v arenas 8f5e7e8bd708abb329d97c1773cac871b5daabcb
> reading directory for arena=arenas00 with 195154 entries
> reading directory for arena=arenas01 with 1587 entries
> found at clump=1586 with type=16 size=300 csize=70 position=2531472
> found 1 occurrences of 8f5e7e8bd708abb329d97c1773cac871b5daabcb
> term%  fossil/flfmt -v 8f5e7e8bd708abb329d97c1773cac871b5daabcb fossil
> fs header block already exists; are you sure? [y/n]: y
> fatal error: ventiRead 8f5e7e8bd708abb329d97c1773cac871b5daabcb (1)
> failed: no block with score
> 8f5e7e8bd708abb329d97c1773cac871b5daabcb/16 exists
> term%
> I've done this before, but those neurons got re-initialized with
> other, much less valuable data, I think.

Try running 

venti/read 8f5e7e8bd708abb329d97c1773cac871b5daabcb

I suspect that flfmt is not connecting to the venti server
that uses the "arenas" file but rather to some other
server on the network.  If that's the case, you need
to either set $venti or give flfmt the -h option.


Re: [9fans] rc bug

2008-07-01 Thread erik quanstrom
>> rc bug. 
> please put non-9vx bugs in their own threads.  thanks.

i thought it was.  sorry.

in any event, 9vx ps has the quirk that it thinks every command
that hasn't set its args has 1 argument, argv[0] consisting of
the entire argument list.

unless my kernel is somehow out-of-date, this is 9vx specific.


- erik

Re: [9fans] sad commentary

2008-07-01 Thread Charles Forsyth
commentary? sad.
stop! please?

Re: [9fans] 9vx ps bug

2008-07-01 Thread Russ Cox
> in any event, 9vx ps has the quirk that it thinks every command
> that hasn't set its args has 1 argument, argv[0] consisting of
> the entire argument list.
> unless my kernel is somehow out-of-date, this is 9vx specific.

yes it is.  i did not understand the format of p->args
when i rewrote sysexec.  fixed in hg.


Re: [9fans] /lib/font fonts in troff

2008-07-01 Thread Pietro Gagliardi
To be honest, it's that 1 glyph that I prefer. It looks much more  
unambiguous than the one in troff's CW and you can find it in just  
about any Bell Labs-produced book that uses the font.

On Jul 1, 2008, at 11:19 AM, Russ Cox wrote:

P. S.  I don't know what font is in /lib/font/bit/courier,
but it's not exactly Courier.  The A is missing the top serif
and the @ is much squarer than the usual Courier.

Re: [9fans] sad commentary

2008-07-01 Thread Pietro Gagliardi

On Jul 1, 2008, at 9:32 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Eric, I don't know what this "audio" thing you CS/CE type researchers
are using but us lowlifes just need Firefox and Excel before we can
use Plan 9.  I'm afraid that until you can provide those, Joe Public
will never use Plan 9 and it will be forever doomed to run only on
supercomputers and storage systems and in research settings.

-> WARNING: It's time to be brutally honest again. Take a deep breath.  

I'm 15. I run Plan 9 on a 20" iMac in the corner of my room at home. I  
hardly use Excel, and I don't usually browse the web on Plan 9 (or  
with Firefox - I use Safari on Mac). Yet I find myself using Plan 9  
50% of my computing day. The commonest two things I do are coding and  
document typesetting. I like Plan 9's completeness of programming  
environment (I'd like to see Ruby beat lib*) and the authenticity of  
the typesetting tools (the original reason I started with Plan 9) was  

Yep. I'm a nerd. But I'm not in a CS/CR (at least not yet). And yes, I  
do normal stuff too. I browse the web. I listen to music. I watch  
movies. And unlike most people my age, I go to school and succeed. (I  
don't play sports because I have a vision disability.)

Please reconsider your statement.

Re: [9fans] sad commentary

2008-07-01 Thread Dan Cross
(But sarcasm seems to escape you  :-))

On Tue, Jul 1, 2008 at 5:35 PM, Pietro Gagliardi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Jul 1, 2008, at 9:32 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>> Eric, I don't know what this "audio" thing you CS/CE type researchers
>> are using but us lowlifes just need Firefox and Excel before we can
>> use Plan 9.  I'm afraid that until you can provide those, Joe Public
>> will never use Plan 9 and it will be forever doomed to run only on
>> supercomputers and storage systems and in research settings.
> -> WARNING: It's time to be brutally honest again. Take a deep breath. <-
> I'm 15. I run Plan 9 on a 20" iMac in the corner of my room at home. I
> hardly use Excel, and I don't usually browse the web on Plan 9 (or with
> Firefox - I use Safari on Mac). Yet I find myself using Plan 9 50% of my
> computing day. The commonest two things I do are coding and document
> typesetting. I like Plan 9's completeness of programming environment (I'd
> like to see Ruby beat lib*) and the authenticity of the typesetting tools
> (the original reason I started with Plan 9) was compelling.
> Yep. I'm a nerd. But I'm not in a CS/CR (at least not yet). And yes, I do
> normal stuff too. I browse the web. I listen to music. I watch movies. And
> unlike most people my age, I go to school and succeed. (I don't play sports
> because I have a vision disability.)
> Please reconsider your statement.

Re: [9fans] sad commentary

2008-07-01 Thread john
> On Jul 1, 2008, at 9:32 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>> Eric, I don't know what this "audio" thing you CS/CE type researchers
>> are using but us lowlifes just need Firefox and Excel before we can
>> use Plan 9.  I'm afraid that until you can provide those, Joe Public
>> will never use Plan 9 and it will be forever doomed to run only on
>> supercomputers and storage systems and in research settings.
> -> WARNING: It's time to be brutally honest again. Take a deep breath.  
> <-
> I'm 15. I run Plan 9 on a 20" iMac in the corner of my room at home. I  
> hardly use Excel, and I don't usually browse the web on Plan 9 (or  
> with Firefox - I use Safari on Mac). Yet I find myself using Plan 9  
> 50% of my computing day. The commonest two things I do are coding and  
> document typesetting. I like Plan 9's completeness of programming  
> environment (I'd like to see Ruby beat lib*) and the authenticity of  
> the typesetting tools (the original reason I started with Plan 9) was  
> compelling.
> Yep. I'm a nerd. But I'm not in a CS/CR (at least not yet). And yes, I  
> do normal stuff too. I browse the web. I listen to music. I watch  
> movies. And unlike most people my age, I go to school and succeed. (I  
> don't play sports because I have a vision disability.)
> Please reconsider your statement.

Pietro, once again you've completely failed to see the intent of a
message.  I was pre-empting Eris' idiot complaints by pretending audio
was too research-y and complicated for the "Joe Public" he is always
referring to.  I wasn't asking for a "brutally honest" description of
your computing habits, although some of the information does explain
your previous patterns of posting.

You apparently succeed at school; didn't they teach you about sarcasm,
satire, irony, all the various methods people use to insult and mock
each other without actually coming out and saying, "I hate you and
hope you die"?


Re: [9fans] rc bug

2008-07-01 Thread Fazlul Shahriar

I saw something similar before, but unfortunately, the patch below
doesn't fix it.

cpu% fn 'file?' { test -f $* }
cpu% 'file?' /LICENSE
cpu% echo $status

cpu% 'file?' /foo
cpu% echo $status
test 145387: false
cpu% rc
cpu% 'file?' /LICENSE
rc: can't open /env/fn#file?: bad character in file name: '/env/fn#file?'
file?: '/bin/file?' file does not exist
cpu% 'file?' /LICENSE
file?: '/bin/file?' file does not exist
cpu% unicode 

>> it appears something is going wrong
>> with rc's local assignments.  ifs has the usual
>> value.
>> ; font=/lib/font/bit/cyberbit/mod*.font rio
>> rio: can't access /lib/font/bit/cyberbit/mod*.font: bad character in file 
>> name: '/lib/font/bit/cyberbit/mod*.font'
>> ; unicode 
>> 0001
>> ; echo /lib/font/bit/cyberbit/mod*.font
>> /lib/font/bit/cyberbit/mod14.font
>> ; x=/lib/font/bit/cyberbit/mod*.font
>> ; whatis x
>> x=/lib/font/bit/cyberbit/mod14.font
> % diff -c /n/sources/plan9/sys/src/cmd/rc/exec.c .
> /n/sources/plan9/sys/src/cmd/rc/exec.c:751,759 - ./exec.c:751,761
>   }
>   deglob(runq->argv->words->word);
>   runq->local = newvar(strdup(runq->argv->words->word), runq->local);
> - runq->local->val = copywords(runq->argv->next->words, (word *)0);
> - runq->local->changed = 1;
>   poplist();
> + globlist();
> + runq->local->val = runq->argv->words;
> + runq->local->changed = 1;
> + runq->argv->words = 0;
>   poplist();
>   }
> % 

Re: [9fans] sad commentary

2008-07-01 Thread Eris Discordia

The meat of this post:

1. Since these series of postings are considered, for some reason 
incomprehensible to me, "trolling" I'll simply stop posting. Good luck to 

2. The core point which still hasn't gone to a single 9fans' head is that 
you either comply with public demand or stop asking for public recognition. 
And the public is not "a bunch of idiots." This thread's original post 
asked why Plan 9 isn't recommended on Slashdot even for tasks it seems to 
be good at. I responded with my opinion: Plan 9 in its current form is and 
will always remain a "niche" OS, with a rather tight niche.

3. More than a few 9fans tried to ridicule me. Such attitude won't get them 
very far I assure them, even if they have a valid message to convey. I hope 
they've at least had a good laugh--that makes me feel the whole affair 
wasn't a waste of time.

4. The apple with καλλιστι on it is totally Russ', for he posted 
the most sensible response. Thank you Russ.

5. Oh, and that thing on (4) is the Discordian transliteration of whatever 
was written on the apple. Greek text input to a mail client on Windows. 
Check if you can read it on the "mother of UTF-8." If you do you're 
"almost" there, if you don't...

--On Tuesday, July 01, 2008 9:41 AM + "Federico G. Benavento" 


stop trolling and sending apples to the parties you're not invited.

Federico G. Benavento

(sent with opera 9.5 via linuxemu+equis)

Challenging is not trolling, but I'll keep quiet if it suits you better.

--On Tuesday, July 01, 2008 1:19 PM +0200 hiro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

Haha, sarcasm at it's finest.
Eris, you are my hero.


Is "that" sarcastic, too? I hope not, for that'd break my heart.

--On Tuesday, July 01, 2008 10:06 AM -0400 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

lowlifes like me will use your system if it
can Get Their Job Done (tm) or they'll migrate to another system that
can.  They won't bother coding.

then migrate, already ...


I did. So did many others. Plan 9's loss, though I don't expect "you" to 
admit it.

--On Tuesday, July 01, 2008 5:36 PM -0300 Iruata Souza 

On Tue, Jul 1, 2008 at 5:25 AM, Eris Discordia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

All these could "theoretically" become "supported" (that's different from
being "included") in an OS if it manages to gather enough public
momentum. Without that you can do only your "serious" stuff which
excludes quite some of the "good" stuff. Public momentum comes from
providing "the public" with enough incentive so that a small portion of
that public actually writes what the rest will need.

like you do with your system, right?

I don't. I've got no "system." Others do and others did, and they succeeded 
and they have larger happier user bases. That, of course, was never 
"intended" for Plan 9 you seem to imply.

Incidentally, I find it a bit hypocritical to do "research" (read: find
out how a system can Get New Jobs Done (tm)) on a system but turn to
another whenever one actually needs to Get Something Done (tm).

sorry if I can't write a flash player in two minutes. it won't happen

Last chance for you! Seriously though, you had over two decades to first 
catch "down" and then catch "up" and you didn't. It wasn't your intention 
they say.

Re: [9fans] sad commentary

2008-07-01 Thread Pietro Gagliardi
If only we transmitted messages by voice. It's much easier to  
understand the sarcastic nature. (And you need to get me in a good  

On Jul 1, 2008, at 5:53 PM, Dan Cross wrote:

(But sarcasm seems to escape you  :-))

On Tue, Jul 1, 2008 at 5:35 PM, Pietro Gagliardi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  

On Jul 1, 2008, at 9:32 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Eric, I don't know what this "audio" thing you CS/CE type  

are using but us lowlifes just need Firefox and Excel before we can
use Plan 9.  I'm afraid that until you can provide those, Joe Public
will never use Plan 9 and it will be forever doomed to run only on
supercomputers and storage systems and in research settings.

-> WARNING: It's time to be brutally honest again. Take a deep  
breath. <-

I'm 15. I run Plan 9 on a 20" iMac in the corner of my room at  
home. I
hardly use Excel, and I don't usually browse the web on Plan 9 (or  
Firefox - I use Safari on Mac). Yet I find myself using Plan 9 50%  
of my

computing day. The commonest two things I do are coding and document
typesetting. I like Plan 9's completeness of programming  
environment (I'd
like to see Ruby beat lib*) and the authenticity of the typesetting  

(the original reason I started with Plan 9) was compelling.

Yep. I'm a nerd. But I'm not in a CS/CR (at least not yet). And  
yes, I do
normal stuff too. I browse the web. I listen to music. I watch  
movies. And
unlike most people my age, I go to school and succeed. (I don't  
play sports

because I have a vision disability.)

Please reconsider your statement.

Re: [9fans] sad commentary

2008-07-01 Thread erik quanstrom
> 4. The apple with καλλιστι on it is totally Russ', for he posted 
> the most sensible response. Thank you Russ.
> 5. Oh, and that thing on (4) is the Discordian transliteration of whatever 
> was written on the apple. Greek text input to a mail client on Windows. 
> Check if you can read it on the "mother of UTF-8." If you do you're 
> "almost" there, if you don't...

i have been using non-latin characters with plan 9 tools on unix
and later on plan 9 since 1991 or so both in filenames and data.

the fact that utf-8 just works even in environments not designed for it,
is a testament to its excellent design.

unfortunately, unix tools no longer do the right thing with utf-8.
they've gotten too smart for that.  locales get in the way.

- erik

Re: [9fans] sad commentary

2008-07-01 Thread Jack Johnson
On Tue, Jul 1, 2008 at 7:20 AM, Uriel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> That means that Plan 9 is like porn for hackers.

Now when can I get that on a t-shirt? :)


Re: [9fans] rc bug

2008-07-01 Thread Russ Cox
> I saw something similar before, but unfortunately, the patch below
> doesn't fix it.

I submitted a patch.

diff ./io.c /n/sources/plan9/sys/src/cmd/rc/io.c
<   for(t = s;*t;t++) if(*t >= 0 && needsrcquote(*t)) break;
>   for(t = s;*t;t++) if(!wordchr(*t)) break;
diff ./plan9.c /n/sources/plan9/sys/src/cmd/rc/plan9.c
<   pfmt(fd, "fn %q %s\n", v->name, 
>   pfmt(fd, "fn %s %s\n", v->name, 
> v->fn[v->pc-1].s);

Re: [9fans] rc bug

2008-07-01 Thread erik quanstrom
> I submitted a patch.
> diff ./io.c /n/sources/plan9/sys/src/cmd/rc/io.c
> 94c94
> < for(t = s;*t;t++) if(*t >= 0 && needsrcquote(*t)) break;
> ---
>>  for(t = s;*t;t++) if(!wordchr(*t)) break;
> diff ./plan9.c /n/sources/plan9/sys/src/cmd/rc/plan9.c
> 278c278
> < pfmt(fd, "fn %q %s\n", v->name, 
> v->fn[v->pc-1].s);
> ---
>>  pfmt(fd, "fn %s %s\n", v->name, 
>> v->fn[v->pc-1].s);

i don't think that fixes it.  try this test on plan 9

fn 'test?' {echo}
lc /env

- erik

Re: [9fans] rc bug

2008-07-01 Thread Russ Cox
> i don't think that fixes it.  try this test on plan 9
>   fn 'test?' {echo}
>   lc /env

it does, unless you build an 8.out and test it
without installing it as /386/bin/rc.
when you invoked lc, a shell script, that ran the buggy 
/386/bin/rc, which polluted the environment.
in fact you have to run lc twice to cause the problem:
the first rc reads the fn out of the environment and
writes it back incorrectly, and the second one then
gets confused.

vx32% 8.out
broken! rfork e
broken! fn 'test?' {echo}
broken! cat /env/'fn#test?'
fn 'test?' {echo}
broken! /n/sources/plan9/386/bin/rc -c exit
broken! cat /env/'fn#test?'
fn test? {echo}
broken! /n/sources/plan9/386/bin/rc -c exit
rc: can't open /env/fn#test?: bad character in file name: '/env/fn#test?'

notice the lack of quotes around test? after buggy rc runs.

Re: [9fans] sad commentary

2008-07-01 Thread a
// 5. Oh, and that thing on (4) is the Discordian transliteration of whatever 
// was written on the apple. Greek text input to a mail client on Windows. 
// Check if you can read it on the "mother of UTF-8." If you do you're 
// "almost" there, if you don't...

I was surprised by this, so I actually fired up my XP install. Yes, it looks
like you finally can get some non-latin characters into thing. Good for
them. It looks like the command prompt even *almost* gets it right:
Well, three characters for eight isn't so bad, right? And it's just glyphs,
right? Surely the gui stuff does better. Let's stick it in the search box...
ooo, look at that! All characters show up! And the search... looks for
"?a???st?". Uh, what? Note the transposition into roughly similar latin
characters. It clearly has some understanding of what the characters
are, but has decided to look for something else. IE and Firefox will let
me search for such things properly, but (as with the καλλιστι in your
original message) the tops of many of the returned glyphs are cut off.

That is to say, the Unicode is *almost* there.

Conversely, in Plan 9, the following involves a number of tools
certainly not designed for the task, but works just fine:
{echo /καλλιστι ; echo '-/^$/,+/^$/'} |
 sam -d `{grep -l [Α-ω] /mail/fs/mbox/*/body} >[2] /dev/null |
 sed -n '2,$p'
I'm curious how you'd do something similar elsewhere.

You really just haven't bothered, have you?

Re: [9fans] rc bug

2008-07-01 Thread erik quanstrom
- 9fans.

>> i don't think that fixes it.  try this test on plan 9
>>  fn 'test?' {echo}
>>  lc /env
> it does, unless you build an 8.out and test it
> without installing it as /386/bin/rc.
> when you invoked lc, a shell script, that ran the buggy 
> /386/bin/rc, which polluted the environment.
> in fact you have to run lc twice to cause the problem:
> the first rc reads the fn out of the environment and
> writes it back incorrectly, and the second one then
> gets confused.

pfft.  i'm feeling so smart today!

doesn't a similar change need to be made in
win32.c and simple.c?

also, does Xfn need to call deglob() on each function

- erik

[9fans] forgotten rc hack

2008-07-01 Thread erik quanstrom
some time ago, i had a want for es-style subscripting like

; x=(1 2 3)
; echo $x(1-2)
1 2
; echo $x(2-)
2 3
; x = $x(2-)# shift x

i'd forgotten all about it.  the following replacement for
exec.c:subwords() is all that you need to enable this.

- erik

copynwords(word *a, word *tail, int n)
word *v = 0, **end;
for(end=&v;a && n-- != 0;a = a->next,end=&(*end)->next)
*end = newword(a->word, 0);
*end = tail;
return v;

subwords(word *val, int len, word *sub, word *a)
int n, m;
char *s;
return a;
s = sub->word;
a = subwords(val, len, sub->next, a);
n = 0; m = 0;
while('0'<=*s && *s<='9') n = n*10+ *s++ -'0';
if(*s++ == '-'){
if(*s)  while('0'<=*s && *s<='9') m = m*10+ *s++ -'0';
elsem = len;
m -= n;
if(n<1 || lennext;
return copynwords(val, a, m+1);

[9fans] p9p on Linux/mips?

2008-07-01 Thread a
Has anyone looked at getting p9p running on linux/mips?
Any results, even if just dire warnings?


Re: [9fans] an RTFM moment

2008-07-01 Thread ron minnich
it was pilot error, I am embarrassed to say I forgot the buildindex step!

Wow, I've got my venti and fossil in 9vx now, life is improving fast.


Re: [9fans] WYSE Winterm 9150SE graphical problem

2008-07-01 Thread David du Colombier
> Can you say exactly what you mean by "tried xga" and
> "tried vesa"?

I modified the lines "monitor=" and "vgasize=" in the
plan9.ini of the WYSE, located in /cfg/pxe/
on the authserver, then I rebooted the client.

I also tried to run aux/vga when the client was running.

David du Colombier

Re: [9fans] sad commentary

2008-07-01 Thread lucio
> It's fine, if you're fine with it ;-) Do you ever visit any AJAX enabled 
> websites? Do you consider AJAX a superfluous technology? Do you switch to 
> your "other OS" machine--or reboot your current machine--if and when you 
> visit GMail's pages (at least to enable IMAP access for the first time)? 
> What's your opinion on good ol' non-standard CSS? Won't you ever want to 
> use one of these new "content delivery" systems, such as Microsoft 
> Silverlight or Adobe Flash?

You're putting the cart before the horse.  Of course there is
"utility" computing out there and of course there is Microsoft to fill
that niche.  And Linux to follow in its footsteps.  But there is a
frightening prospect if you assume that utility computing is all that
computing is about, namely that only massive programming effort is
required to produce any sort of computing product.

Let me try this as a comparison.  Less than a hundred years ago,
Bugatti manufactured one motorvehicle a year, from scratch.  I'm not
sure how many persons were involved, the impression I have from
hearsay is that it was a single individual.  Today, you need the might
of the Chinese or Indian manufacturers to enter the motorvehicle
manufacturing business.  Or huge investment effort for the new
eco-friendly vehicles.

Utility computing is perfectly fine as long as it is balanced by
original development, but it is poisonous if it preclueds any original
participation.  Open Source is one form of rebellion, but it lacks the
robust foundations of sound program development.  Plan 9 is a much
smaller, better designed approach.  I'm sure we won't see Plan 9
deployed widely any time soon, it lacks the "utility" nature of the
contenders and I'm sorry to see that happening, but that is the nature
of the beast.  Had Plan 9 caught the imagination of the "masses", it
would have grown the same tumors as Linux, and that would have
defeated its nature.

Think Pascal: it is hardly the language of choice today, but the
principles it enshrines have totally altered the programming language
landscape.  C is the utility version, and C++ and Java its obvious
offsprings.  Alef has been abandoned and Limbo remains a very
specialised language, but they will also leave their mark.

So, I think this dicussion is based on a premise whose value is purely
emotional: we'd all be more comfortable if Plan 9 was widely accepted,
but there is no intellectual reason for it to be so.  Rob Pike says
the same thing in a nutshell, but in reality it is the philosophy
behind Plan 9 that needs spreading: careful design, generalised
objects, simplicity rather than bulk, etc.  Not Rio or Acme, Fossil or
Venti, but the environment in which they can thrive.  The environment
in which Mozilla is difficult to create so that simpler solutions can
be sought.


Re: [9fans] sad commentary

2008-07-01 Thread Robert William Fuller


Utility computing is perfectly fine as long as it is balanced by
original development, but it is poisonous if it preclueds any original
participation.  Open Source is one form of rebellion, but it lacks the
robust foundations of sound program development.  Plan 9 is a much
smaller, better designed approach.  I'm sure we won't see Plan 9

O yeahhh umm yeah like r u 3l3t3?  Err uh yeah or is it 1337?

contenders and I'm sorry to see that happening, but that is the nature
of the beast.  Had Plan 9 caught the imagination of the "masses", it
would have grown the same tumors as Linux, and that would have
defeated its nature.

Think Pascal: it is hardly the language of choice today, but the
principles it enshrines have totally altered the programming language
landscape.  C is the utility version, and C++ and Java its obvious

Sure uhhh yeah whatever you say  Or was it Algol?

offsprings.  Alef has been abandoned and Limbo remains a very
specialised language, but they will also leave their mark.

So does a dog pissing on a fire hydrant.

So, I think this dicussion is based on a premise whose value is purely
emotional: we'd all be more comfortable if Plan 9 was widely accepted,
but there is no intellectual reason for it to be so.  Rob Pike says
the same thing in a nutshell, but in reality it is the philosophy
behind Plan 9 that needs spreading: careful design, generalised
objects, simplicity rather than bulk, etc.  Not Rio or Acme, Fossil or
Venti, but the environment in which they can thrive.  The environment
in which Mozilla is difficult to create so that simpler solutions can
be sought.

Mozilla didn't create the web.  The web created Mozilla.

Re: [9fans] sad commentary

2008-07-01 Thread Federico G. Benavento
I have no idea what that discordian crap is nor what your
intentions are, but I do know that you're either a troll
or complete idiot.

what do you try to achieve ... it is the wrong'em boyo

Re: [9fans] sad commentary

2008-07-01 Thread andrey mirtchovski
> Mozilla didn't create the web.  The web created Mozilla.

just change Mozilla to Mosaic and see how P→Q suddenly becomes Q→P

Re: [9fans] sad commentary

2008-07-01 Thread John Waters
He's clearly some ESR clone that's trying to get his "hip right wing
guy" polemic on.
Move aside, John Malkovich, there's a new a**hole on the map. =)

 Its obvious to me now that Linux is a victim of its own popularity
and development model. I have always preferred BSD's way of doing
things and the folks that support it.. except for Theo, that is..

I stepped away from Linux around Kernel 1.2.13, since then the amount
of crap that has been dumped into the kernel is simply astonishing. I
am 100% sure that, now that vmware runs on OS X, I will be finished
with linux for good once I get back to the states.I honestly think
that the #1 goal of linux kernel developers is to make sure that the
kernel takes 20 minutes to build on whatever the current fastest
processor is.

To quote dmr: "The rational prisoner exploits the weak places, creates
order from chaos: instead collectives like FSF vindicate their jailers
by building cells almost compatible with existing ones, albeit it with
more features."  Linux has become a Disneyland supermax parody of what
it set out to imitate.

As for Plan9's technical issues, I would rather have something small,
fast, and complete for the things that i need to do than millions of
lines of code that I don't need, want, or know about doing God knows
what in the background; Plan9's license issues just gives scientists
the excuse to pretend to be politicians. The only thing worse than a
politician is an armchair politician. The Noam Chomsky thing only
works if you focus on issues that really matter... Oh and being damned
brilliant helps, too.


On Wed, Jul 2, 2008 at 8:44 AM, Federico G. Benavento
> I have no idea what that discordian crap is nor what your
> intentions are, but I do know that you're either a troll
> or complete idiot.
> what do you try to achieve ... it is the wrong'em boyo

Re: [9fans] sad commentary

2008-07-01 Thread sqweek
On Tue, Jul 1, 2008 at 2:27 AM,  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> This is a very good point. I mostly learned Unix in a corporate
> environment, but the same logic holds: somebody else had set
> up and maintained the systems.
> // I'm afraid there's not much we can do about this.
> Other, obviously, than getting uni types to use it there. Plan 9
> (like Inferno) has quite a bit to offer from pedagogical view.

 Also, public 9grids. Though judging by gdiaz's experiences with
sirviente, there's a bit of work to be done in that area - I get the
impression things are fairly unstable once the machine gets under
memory pressure.