RE: [abcusers] Distributing DLLs

2000-09-28 Thread John Atchley

On Thursday, September 28, 2000 5:11 AM, Laurie Griffiths 
 John Atchley said "...Finally, it really is necessary to deliver DLLs 
 most windows

 DLLs yes, but Windows System DLLs?  (But this is getting off topic).

Depends on what you consider a "windows system DLL."  It is very often 
necessary to deliver the Microsoft DLLs for many "stock" controls because 
these are delivered with development languages and with applications that 
use them but *not* with the basic windows system.  The common dialogs 
control (ocx) is a good example.  This will almost always be on users 
machines because so many applications use it.  However, you can't rely on 
that because it is not part of the OEM windoze distribution.  Therefore, if 
your application is installed on a "clean" machine and you don't install 
the ocx, your application will bomb out with errors and your users will 
lose confidence in you quite rapidly.

It may be off topic but seeing as how we have several people on this list 
delivering abc software on the windoze platform it's not really *that* far 
off topic...;-)

John Atchley

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Re: [abcusers] Distributing DLLs

2000-09-28 Thread Laura Conrad

 "jc" == jc  [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

jc Not sure I'd agree that it's off-topic. This is the "ABC users" list,
jc i.e.,  it's about a specific computerized music notation.  Discussing
jc how to get software properly installed on users' machines strikes  me
jc as  highly relevant to such a list.  In my experience, the difficulty
jc of installing the software and getting it to run sensibly is  one  of
jc the major hurdles that prevents a lot of my friends from using ABC.

jc Anyone else have feelings or argument pro or con such topics?

I agree that installation is an important part of software
development.  Ideally, this would be an ABC *users* mailing list, and
there would be another list for developers.  Right now, I think most
of the people on this list are in fact either developers in some sense
or at least highly interested in contributing to the development
process, so it probably isn't as off topic as it ought to be.

If anyone does ever want to get back to a developers/users split, I've
set up an abc-discuss list at the sourceforge home page
( that could be used for
one of them.

Laura (mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] , )

(Note the email and homepage address changes; please update your
address book, bookmarks, and links.)

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Re: [abcusers] New Orleans Jazz

2000-09-28 Thread jc

Atte Andr=E9 Jensen writes:

|   Y'know, I've gotten a number of email messages  from  jazz  musicians
|   wondering  the  same  thing.   ...
|  And one of them is me! What stalled me is the issue of copyright. I would
|  not have an official collection of abc's on my sitespace without that in
|  place.=20

My experience so far says that this may not be that big a deal.  Make
sure  that  your main page has a notice to the effect that you aren't
sure of the copyright status of a lot of the tunes,  and  anyone  who
knows should send you email. Also say that if a tune's rightful owner
objects to it being there, you will remove it and replace it  with  a
copyright notice.  And, most important, say that an alternative is to
add a copyright notice, email address and URL to the ABC  headers  if
they prefer.

In my various email contacts with tune writers, so far I've had  only
one  who  didn't  want  their tune in ABC on my site.  What typically
happens is that they don't have a clue about ABC.  So I send them  my
brief intro, and also a copy of their tune in ABC. I ask them to edit
it, and to suggest the copyright notice, email address and URL they'd
like  to  see  in  it.   They  invariably  send  it  back  with  this
information. I think that most people realize pretty quickly that the
ABC  file is not really much of a competition for a printed copy, and
is no competition at all for any recordings.  They also realize  that
having  their  email address and URL in the file is free advertising.
It is that, but it's also attribution that I like to see  in  all  my
ABC files.

I'd bet that the composers of jazz tunes will mostly respond the same
way.  Be prepared to send them a brief intro to ABC.  I have a couple
You can copy them, and modify them however you like, maybe  with  one
of the jazz standards as the example.

Chances are that you'll also be asked to remove one or two tunes, but
if  you're  prepared  for  that  and  have  a friendly notice to that
effect, you probably don't have any real legal worries.

And the few who don't give you permission are probably hurting  their
own pocketbooks.  I've received a fair number of requests for printed
copies of the tunes in my collection.   I'd  guess  that  Henrik  and
Richard  and  the  owners  of  other  large  ABC  sites also get such
requests.  So far, I've said "No" and referred people to some of  the
music  publishers and book sellers.  Ultimately, online stuff doesn't
really hurt sales of printed  copies,  because  books  are  just  too
convenient (as long as they open flat on a music stand ;-).

The main thing that online archives do is make it easier  for  people
to find what they want. A guaranteed reaction to finding tunes online
is "I like these tunes; where can I find more like  them?"  If  there
are  links  that lead to the printed copies of tune collections, they
will also lead to sales.  You want to educate the publishers to this,
as subtly as you can.

So my advice is to put what you have online now. And send me the URL.
Or  post  it  to this list and any other relevant lists that you know
of, with maybe a hint that you'd like to find others to help with the
online jazz fake-book project. And collect URLs for online sellers of
the printed fakebooks.  If they give you any hassle,  just  let  them
know  that  if  you can't include a few of their tunes, you will also
remove the link to their site.

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Re: [abcusers] Musicator2abc-conversion

2000-09-28 Thread jc

S=F8ren writes:
|  I have about 450 Musicator-files (.mct) with scandinavian folktunes which=
|   I
|  would like to convert to abc-format for web-distribution. They are
|  currently distributed as GIF-files (check:
| which are OK f=
|  or
|  screen-presentation, but to lousy and unpractical for print, I think.
|  Conversion via MIDI is very tidy (means not practical possible) since all
|  notation layout is lost.
|  Does anyone know about conversion-tools - or does anyone know about
|  Musicator-file-format ?

Got a pointer to a spec?  If Musicator files  are  text  files,  it's
likely  that I or someone else could grind out a perl program to chew
it up and spit out ABC.  It would also be helpful if you could give a
URL for a directory of files in Musicator format.  Then we could look
them over and decide whether we want to tackle the translation.

(Or maybe I could use this as the excuse I've been looking for to get
some more experience with python. ;-)

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Re: [abcusers] Musicator2abc-conversion

2000-09-28 Thread Frank Nordberg

Søren R Christensen wrote:
 Hi everyone!
 I have about 450 Musicator-files (.mct) with scandinavian folktunes which I
 would like to convert to abc-format for web-distribution. They are
 currently distributed as GIF-files (check: which are OK for
 screen-presentation, but to lousy and unpractical for print, I think.

Wow! You've really done a great job there!

There are lots of websites with music in GIF format, and it seems to
work well most of the time - at least when the graphics are as clear as this.
But of course you can't get high resolution prints that way.

 Conversion via MIDI is very tidy (means not practical possible) since all
 notation layout is lost.

That's not an abc specific problem. I've yet to come across any music
notation converter that keeps all formatting.

I found a really obscure polka from a really obscure village (where I
happen to work) on your site and tried to run it through macmidi2abc.
Here's the result:


% input file pk-saltdal.mid
% format 1 file 2 tracks
X: 1
M: 1/4
L: 1/16
K:G % 1 sharps
%Polka fra Saltdal
% Time signature=2/4  MIDI-clocks/click=24  32nd-notes/24-MIDI-clocks=8
%New Midi
% MIDI Key signature, sharp/flats=2  minor=0
z4|z4|Af/2f/2 fg|f2 f2|
Af/2f/2 fg|f2 f2|ef ga|ge ^cB|
Aa ^g/2a/2^g/2a/2|fd/2d/2 dd|Af/2f/2 f=g|f2 f2|
Af/2f/2 fg|f2 f2|ef ga|ge B^c|
dd/2d/2 dd|d4|Af/2f/2 fg|f2 f2|
Af/2f/2 fg|f2 f2|ef ga|ge ^cB|
Aa ^g/2a/2^g/2a/2|fd/2d/2 dd|Af/2f/2 f=g|f2 f2|
Af/2f/2 fg|f2 f2|ef ga|ge B^c|
dd/2d/2 dd|
% MIDI Key signature, sharp/flats=1  minor=0
dB =c^c|dB GB|dB GB|
ed =cB|A2 AB|c/2A/2F/2A/2 c/2A/2F/2A/2|c/2A/2F/2A/2 c/2A/2F/2A/2|
ed dc|BB c^c|dB GB|dB GB|
ed =cB|A2 g2|ff/2f/2 fe|dd ef|
g/2a/2g/2f/2 g/2a/2g/2f/2|gB c^c|dB GB|dB GB|
ed =cB|A2 AB|c/2A/2F/2A/2 c/2A/2F/2A/2|c/2A/2F/2A/2 c/2A/2F/2A/2|
ed dc|BB c^c|dB GB|dB GB|
ed =cB|A2 g2|ff/2f/2 fe|dd ef|
g/2a/2g/2f/2 g/2a/2g/2f/2|g4|


After some editing I got this:


T:Polka fra Saltdal
A:Saltdal, Nordland
Af/f/ fg|f2 f2|Af/f/ fg|f2 f2|\
ef ga|ge ^cB|Aa ^g/a/^g/a/|fd/d/ dd|
Af/f/ fg|f2 f2|Af/f/ fg|f2 f2|\
ef ga|ge B^c|dd/d/ dd|[1d4:|\
[2dB c^c|
dB GB|dB GB|ed cB|A2 AB|\
c/A/F/A/ c/A/F/A/|c/A/F/A/ c/A/F/A/|ed dc|BB c^c|
dB GB|dB GB|ed cB|A2 g2|\
ff/f/ fe|dd ef|g/a/g/f/ g/a/g/f/|[1gB c^c:|[2g4|]


This is really good ABC, but the work took me almost five minutes.
Writing the file manually would probably have been faster.

By the way, here's a string quartet/orchestra arrangement a friend of
mine wrote a couple of years ago. It's really nice, though I'll have to
ask her if there is some reason for that strange ending.
The superfluous naturals towards the end isn't her fault, though. I had
to add them because of a playback bug in BarFly.

Frank Nordberg


T:Polka fra Saltdal
C:trad., arr. Kjersti Nilsen (1992)
V:1 Program 1 110 %Fiddle
V:2 Program 2 40 %Violin
V:3 Program 3 41 %Viola
V:4 Program 4 42 bass %Cello
%The original arrangement was for three violins and a cello (or string orchestra)
%Combining four different string instruments works better for a midi
file, though.
Transcribed by Frank Nordberg -
%Formatted for BarFly
"_f"vAf/f/ fg|f2 f2|Af/f/ fg|f2 f2|
"_f"vAd/d/ de|d2d2|Ad/d/ de|d2d2|
"_f"vD2 D2|DD/D/ D2|D2D2|AA/A/ A2|
"_f"vD,2 D,2|D,D,/E,/ D,2|D,2 D,2|F,F,/G,/ F,2|
ef ga|ge cB|Aa ^g/a/^g/a/|fd/d/ udud|
cd cd|ec AG|Fd d/d/d/d/|dd/d/ udud|
A2 AA|AA/A/ AA|A2 A2|A2 DD/D/|
E,2 E,F,|E,E,/E,/ E,E,|F,2 F,2|F,2 D,D,/D,/|
Af/f/ fg|f2 f2|Af/f/ fg|f2 f2|
Ad/d/ de|d2d2|Ad/d/ de|d2 f2|
D2 D2|DD/D/ D2|D2 D2|DD/D/ A2|
D,2 D,2|D,D,/E,/ D,2|D,2 D,2|A,2 uB,uA,|
ef ga|ge Bc|dd/d/ udud|[1d4:|\
[2d"_mp"B =c^c|
e2 ef|eB AG|FF/F/ GG|[1F4:|\
[2F2 z2|
G2 A2|G2 A2|A2 B2|[1A2 A2:|\
[2A2 z2|
G,2 A,2|B,G, F,E,|D,2 D,D,/D,/|[1D,2D,2:|\
[2D,2 z2|
|:dB GB|dB GB|ed =cB|A2 uAuB|
|:"_mp"vG2 GD|B,D GD|B,2 ED|=C2 E2|
|:"_mp"vG,,2 B,,2|G,,2 B,,2|G,,2 B,,2|A,,2 =C,2|
=c/A/F/A/ =c/A/"_cresc."F/A/|=c/A/F/A/ =c/A/F/A/|"_mf"ed d=c|"_mp"BB =c^c|
D2 A"_cresc."F|DF A2|"_mf"=cB BA|G2 z2|
A4|"_cresc."A4|"_mf"G2 F2|G2 z2|
D,4|"_cresc."D,4|"_mf"=C,2 D,2|G,,2 z2|
dB GB|dB GB|ed =cB|A2 "_f"g2|
"_mp"vG2 GD|B,D GD|B,2 ED|=C2 "_f"E2|
"_mp"vG,,2 B,,2|G,,2 B,,2|G,,2 B,,2|A,,2 "_f"A,,2|
ff/f/ ufue|dd ef|g/a/g/f/ g/a/g/f/|[1g"_mp"B =c^c:|[2g4|]
DD/D/ uDuE|FF ED|=CE DF|[1G2 z2:|[2G4|]
"_f"D2 DD/D/|D2 DD/D/|E2 D2|[1D2 z2:|[2D2D2|]
D,2 D,2|D,2 D,2|E,2 D,2|[1D,2 z2:|[2D,2 D,2|]
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Re: [abcusers] Change of e-mail address to

2000-09-28 Thread Toby A. Rider

n Thu, 28 Sep 2000, Bob Archer wrote:

 Just to try and head off any further responses to this, this is an
 automated ad for MSN Explorer. See the following sites for more


And I thought I was making a big jump when I switched from mail to
pine Sigh... 

Senior Systems Administrator - Unix
Magnet Interactive -
10950 Washington Blvd., Studio A
Culver City, CA. 90232

"Real knowledge is to know the extent of one's ignorance."
-- Confucius

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Re: [abcusers] Distributing DLLs

2000-09-28 Thread Elizabeth B. Naime

To the best of my knowledge, a Fake-Book shows the tune's melody line and
chords, usually given in standard dots-on-a-staff notation.  This is
enough information for a musician with practice at this to "fake it", that
is, to play the tune with some spur-of-the-moment harmonization or
accompaniment.  It's also useful for those who are mainly interested in
the melody line.  Any fake book bears a remarkable resemblance to, say,
O'Neills or Carolan!  (the irtrad stuff may not have chords, but those who
wrote the music down expected their readers to know what to do with a
melody line!).

ABC would work wonderfully for a Fake-Book.  I think.

Elizabeth Naime

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Re: [abcusers] Distributing DLLs

2000-09-28 Thread Jack Campin

 I agree that installation is an important part of software
 development.  Ideally, this would be an ABC *users* mailing list...

Well, users oughta get to grumble about what developers give them.

My pet hate is excessive automation.  I DO NOT want the process of
installing system-critical software gizmos buried in an unreadable
script.  Apple goes completely over the top with this one, as their
installers use compiled forward-chaining rule networks to decide what
to put where; those are almost impossible to debug even if you can
see the source code (which you can't without a special development
kit), and Apple's tend to fail to either extreme, installing every-
thing available or giving up and installing nothing.  I've never seen
a makefile for a large piece of Unix software that actually worked to
spec without tweaking, either.

Give me the files you want in a folder, with a README saying where
you want them to go and what they do, and I'll put them there myself.
*If* I can assure myself they aren't going to step on something I've
already got.

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