RE: [ActiveDir] Net localgroup limitation?

2006-01-23 Thread joe
According to the schema the sAMAccountName must be 0-256, however, this is
one of the famous SAM Attributes, the rules of the schema are not
necessarily the rules that apply to the SAM Attributes see - which is a blog article titled
"But the schema says description is multivalued." 
The sAMAccountname is fun because it depends on the object type it is
applied to. For instance a user object peaks out at 20 even with LDAP. 
Localgroup names I believe could go to 256 characters if you knew how. You
can definitely go that high on the local SAM on workstations.
Even with NET.EXE you can create and manipulate domain local groups with
greater than 20 characters. In fact I just doublechecked and easily handled
creating, populating, and deleting a group with 100 characters. The pinch
though is when you are trying to add that group to another group. NET.EXE
screws that up and throws the usage screen. However, that doesn't mean it
can't be done and that the API doesn't handle it. If you grab my LG tool
from the website ( it will do
it and I can guarantee it uses the LEGACY NET API. I wrote the main code
used in that tool initially back in about 1997 or 1998 or so. 
I do recall in the early days of W2K some kind of an issue with group names
though while importing them into AD from NT4 Domains. If the group was too
long it would instead get a random sAMAccountName which I thought was quite
fun. I ended up having to put in a check script after every migration to
make sure that cn's and SAM Names matched up. 
Interestingly enough, MS has put an attribute into AD to hint at some point
upcoming support for turning off the LANMAN support which artifically limits
say a userid SAM Name to 20 characters called uASCompat. However, currently
that attribute seems to be entirely read-only. I have not been able to find
a way to change it the various times I have poked through the source code. 


[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Almeida Pinto,
Jorge de
Sent: Friday, January 20, 2006 12:14 PM
Subject: RE: [ActiveDir] Net localgroup limitation?

In AD:
the sAMAccountName must be between 0 and 256 characters long
the cn must be between 1 and 64 characters long
I guess the NET commands are still using legacy methods
When creating a group in a NT4 the limit was 20 char when you used the user
manager for domains. However, using other methods (scripting or third party
tooling) it was possible to pass the limit of user manager for domains.
Don't remember what the real limit was/is


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] on behalf of Freddy HARTONO
Sent: Fri 2006-01-20 08:48
Subject: [ActiveDir] Net localgroup limitation?


Just curious is there a 19 characters limit for net localgroup commands? 

Just realised after trying to script a couple of things - that adding this
doesn't work 

This works 
Net localgroup Administrators "domain\12345678910123456789" /ADD 

This doesn't work 
Net localgroup Administrators "domain\123456789101234567890123456" /ADD 

Anyone else comes up with this limitation? 

Thank you and have a splendid day! 

Kind Regards, 

Freddy Hartono 
Group Support Engineer 
InternationalSOS Pte Ltd 
phone: (+65) 6330-9785 


RE: [ActiveDir] Accout policy

2006-01-23 Thread joe

I believe I read on one of the blogs or various computer 
news sites (is there a difference anymore) that this was one of hundreds of new 
features they were looking at possibly implementing. Don't count the feature 
until we hit RC2 and then still don't bet the house on it. 

[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Jonathan 
WattsSent: Thursday, January 19, 2006 5:02 AMTo: 
ActiveDir@mail.activedir.orgSubject: RE: [ActiveDir] Accout 

I *believe* that setting different password 
policies on different OU’s may be a feature in Longhorn. Can’t remember where I 
heard this, I could of course be completely wrong…

[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Mike HogenauerSent: 19 January 2006 01:52To: 
ActiveDir@mail.activedir.orgSubject: RE: [ActiveDir] Accout 
Yeah I’m 
trying to set different password policies per domain 

[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Darren Mar-EliaSent: Wednesday, January 18, 2006 4:56 
PMTo: ActiveDir@mail.activedir.orgSubject: RE: [ActiveDir] Accout 
Its a common question. 
There is currently only one *domain* password policy supported per AD domain. It 
does not have to be set in the DDP but it does have to be set on a GPO that is 
linked to the domain (if you have more than one, then the highest in the list 
wins). So you can't create separate policies for different user groups if those 
users are domain accounts. What you can do is have separate account policies for 
local member server or workstation SAM-based accounts, but that isn't what 
you're asking, is it?

[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Mike 
HogenauerSent: Wednesday, January 18, 2006 4:51 
PMTo: ActiveDir@mail.activedir.orgSubject: [ActiveDir] Accout 
Sorry for the 
newbie question….
So is it true 
you can only apply an account policy, for example a password policy to change 
passwords every 90 days only to the default domain policy? 

I need to 
change my policy setting per groups for password expiration, ex finance, HR, 
etc, for compliance. 
I thought I 
could apply a password policy per OU for each 
Am I wrong? 


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RE: [ActiveDir] Permissions vanishing

2006-01-23 Thread joe
Title: RE: [ActiveDir] Token Bloat

Sorry for the delay, just catching back up. Had to step out 
and review some chapters of the 2E version of the AD Cookbook. 

The code is really basic, it simply sleeps until something 
breaks or the security is changed. You can get help on the changenotify module 
in the basic ActiveState Perl help as it is right in the Win32:: stuff. Just 
scroll to the bottom of the TOC on the left of the User Guide and then under 
Win32 look for ChangeNotify. Just slap that on a path and then if the security 
changes on anything under that path it should fire. It won't tell you what 
changed, just that there was a change. 
use Win32;use Win32::ChangeNotify;
$WatchDir = new Win32::ChangeNotify($path, 1, 
FILE_NOTIFY_CHANGE_SECURITY);if(!$WatchDir) {  print 
"Failed to monitor watch directory $path\n";  print "Error: " . 
GetError() . "\n";  
exit(); }$WatchDir->reset();
$WatchDir->wait or warn "Something failed: 
print "There has been a change to the security.\n";
Glad you like oldcmp!

[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Bahta, Nathaniel 
V Contractor NASIC/SCNASent: Friday, January 20, 2006 5:01 
AMTo: ActiveDir@mail.activedir.orgSubject: RE: [ActiveDir] 
Permissions vanishing

That is a good avenue of approach, although I do not recall 
any GPO's that modify folder permissions, it is something I have not checked 
nevertheless. I will give that a look.
That would be great if you had the perl code for file 
change/modification notification.  I would greatly appreciate that.  I 
am using your oldcmp.exe right now and putting together some perl code that 
parses through it to pull out host names and user names and then emails a 
monthly list that can be used to clean them up in AD with a cron job consisting 
of perl code based upon the Active Directory Cookbook's jobs.  Your 
utility is very useful.  Thanks again.
Nate Bahta

[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of 
joeSent: Friday, January 20, 2006 1:13 AMTo: 
ActiveDir@mail.activedir.orgSubject: RE: [ActiveDir] Permissions 

I concur with Gil, either something really bad is happening 
or the auditing isn't tight (i.e. some account doing the work is outside of the 
audit policy, like say you configured watch for domain users making changes and 
it isn't catching the secprin doing it). Verify the SACL on the folder 
(btw is that getting changed too?), make sure SharedData isn't a junction and 
taking its perms from somewhere else, set up a script to do event notification 
on the folder that will detect a DACL change and tell you exactly when it is 
On the last, if you need it, I think I have some old old 
old old perl code I wrote back in the 90's to do file change notification I 
could try and find. A friend of mine had a project where he had to set up an 
auto FTP feed that had to be fired when certain file types hit the folder 
so I whipped up a quick perl script to handle it. 

[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Gil 
KirkpatrickSent: Thursday, January 19, 2006 2:19 PMTo: 
ActiveDir@mail.activedir.orgSubject: RE: [ActiveDir] Permissions 

The fact that nothing showed up in the audit log is 
disturbing. Can you modify the ACL manually and see the audit entries that 
Is there possibly a group policy that is changing the 

[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Bahta, Nathaniel 
V Contractor NASIC/SCNASent: Thursday, January 19, 2006 11:34 
AMTo: ActiveDir@mail.activedir.orgSubject: [ActiveDir] 
Permissions vanishing

Hey everyone,
I am having a issue with a cluster server that shares our 
our common access data drive.  Every other day, the NTFS permissions on the 
shared clustered drive will revert to only Administrators and System having 
privleges.  I have it set up as follows:
X:\SharedData - Share permissions 
Authenticated Users RWX
X:\SharedData - Inherited NTFS 
permissions Authenticated Users RX,LIST FOLDER 
System F
Every other day or so the Authenticated users 
vanish from the NTFS permissions.
enabled auditing on the folder for permission change, but nothing came up in the 
security log that stated that the permissions had changed.
would appreciate anything anyone had to suggest.

RE: [ActiveDir] OT: Gauging AD experience

2006-01-23 Thread joe

Oh great Gil thanks... now I have to clean Coca-cola off my 
monitors. :o)
Good to see you back Todd. You working for Ringling Bros 

[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Gil 
KirkpatrickSent: Friday, January 20, 2006 2:16 PMTo: 
ActiveDir@mail.activedir.orgSubject: RE: [ActiveDir] OT: Gauging AD 

But at least you're not bitter...

[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Myrick, Todd 
(NIH/CC/DNA) [E]Sent: Friday, January 20, 2006 12:06 PMTo: 
ActiveDir@mail.activedir.orgSubject: RE: [ActiveDir] OT: Gauging AD 

In my experience, when 
good directories go bad, it is usually due to three things.

  Did I list 
Runner ups would be ADC 
for Exchange, Clowns posing as Administrators, Clowns posing as DNS experts, 
Clowns posing as Security experts, and no disaster recovery 
Brushing off the dust 
of my MVP status.  

From: joe 
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Thursday, January 19, 2006 3:17 
ActiveDir@mail.activedir.orgSubject: RE: [ActiveDir] OT: Gauging AD 
When I read Al's post I 
thought of you Wook, I figured, hey Wook could use a creative presentation 
name... ;o)
I would say “When Bad 
Things Happen To Good Directories” is more on par with "When Bad Things Happen 
To Good People", say like when your nanny gets a flat tire. "When Good 
Directories Go Bad" is more like when your good little daughter hits her 
teen years and starts going out to parties in fish net stockings and Big Red 
gum. :o)

On Behalf Of Lee, WookSent: Thursday, January 19, 2006 2:00 
ActiveDir@mail.activedir.orgSubject: RE: [ActiveDir] OT: Gauging AD 
Sorry, I already did 
that one. My first DEC presentation was entitled “When Bad Things Happen To Good 
Directories”. J

On Behalf Of 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]Sent: Thursday, January 19, 2006 8:02 
ActiveDir@mail.activedir.orgSubject: RE: [ActiveDir] OT: Gauging AD 
when good directories 
go bad…sounds like a catchy title for a presentation, Joe.  I think of 
directories and identity management infrastructures a little like networks: you 
rarely do get to design one from scratch, you’re always tweaking an existing 
one.  And I agree that tweaking the existing ones are a lot more 
interesting than designing from a blank slate.  The analogy could be taken 
too far, but like networks, directories and authentications systems are always 
morphing due to new technologies, new tools, adding or removing 
applications.  Lots of fun.

Al Maurer Service Manager, Naming and 
Authentication Services 
IT | Information 
Agilent Technologies (719) 590-2639; Telnet 

On Behalf Of joeSent: Wednesday, January 18, 2006 6:31 
ActiveDir@mail.activedir.orgSubject: RE: [ActiveDir] OT: Gauging AD 
I would say focusing on 
the design of big directories is pigeon-holing a little too much. There are only 
so many big directories that need to be designed. I personally find much more 
fun in diagnosing good directories that have gone bad than trying to design 
them. I design if I have to but it isn't what I like. Plus often with the 
design, it is rarely the case where you actually have all of the info though 
someone will tell you you do. You find out you don't later on when someone 
starts complaining or something starts breaking. 
I am not sure I would 
go so far to say it is something you let the tools handle though. A lot of the 
tools out there still aren't doing the greatest job and there are many companies 
that don't want to spend the millions on those tools that they would be charged 
for them instead having a few really good people handling it. A tool doesn't see 
bad things coming when someone is coming at you with the next great thing they 
want to plug into the AD. If the tool does catch it, it is way too late in the 
integration cycle. Plus, what if the tool isn't catching the problem? Someone 
has to be knowledgeable enough too. If you depend solely on your tools to keep 
your AD running well it is possible you are going to get cut pretty good. When I 
did Ops, I had several tools that watched what had been determined needed to be 
watched and then I would just go off and sample things to decide if there was 
something that maybe could be watched that we weren't watching. That could take 
the form of just watching a network packets on a DC or a client subnet for an 
hour or so or just walking the event logs event by event or walking through 
looking at objects in the directory. Whatever.
To get into those 
positions you want to get in with the companies already mentioned and jump about 
(and try not t

RE: [ActiveDir] Limitations and issues with domain local groups and GC replicated data

2006-01-23 Thread joe
Title: Limitations and issues with domain local groups and GC replicated data

As Guido mentioned Domain Local groups are generally fine 
to apply to AD assuming 
1. You are not trying to block READ for something 
that gets into the GC. Generally I don't recommend DENY ACEs anyway, they 
tend to make things confusing.
2. You are granting READ for something that gets into 
the GC that isn't granted in some other way (as Guido mentioned, Auth Users have 
a lot of READ access already, in fact Exchange depends pretty heavily on it as 
you may find if you try to block auth users from reading Exchange items). 

3. Any delegation in the config container - 
though this can be worked around in special ways.
The worst of the bunch is #1. If you block someone from 
trying to read something and they have a location where that info exists and the 
ACE that blocks their reading doesn't work, then obviously they are going to 
read the data assuming you blocked it because something else granted it. This 
can also occur with the confidentiality bit if you have non-K3 SP1 
#2 and #3 are a bit of a pain but usually not devastating, 
basically unless you are aware of where you are connecting, you could get odd 
results. I once pushed hard to make the Group Scope for Exchange delegations in 
the config container conform to the corporate group scope standards 
and that meant they had to be Domain Local Groups. It still worked but 
required a domain local group in every domain and the same members in that group 
in every domain to work "seamlessly". While that isn't a best practice, some of 
the other details in the deployment meant it was either going to be 
multiple global groups or multiple domain local groups, UGs were out of the 
question for several reasons including technical and political 
I am still firmly of the opinion we need a domain 
local global group. A group that can take membership from any domain and be 
used in any domain but not require a GC for resolution. It would require a 
decent change to how memberof or tokengroups works though, like for instance 
when you add someone from another domain to a group, it immediately goes out and 
stamps something in the foreign domain that isn't visible to users/admins and 
lets the user account there reflect the membership (kind of like phantoms but 
different). I don't much like UG Craching[1] due to the maintenance and various 
issues described with its implementation[2] and don't often see an environment 
where I can willy nilly make every DC a GC or even put a GC in every site. From 
what I recall hearing back years ago, UGs were primarily hacked in to support 
I have also thought it would be cool if we could register a 
handle for the token/certificate creation process so we could write our own code 
to determine what should and shouldn't be inserted into the token than gets 
created. Obviously that is a great space to attack if trying to hack something 
and I know that some of the MS folks are already leary of the password 
notification hooks into LSASS let alone doing something that would invoke non-MS 
code as much as firing registered handlers for token/certificate creation. For 
that reason I never even submitted it as a DCR because I don't believe 
there is even the most remote chance something like that would be done since the 
chance of evil far exceeds the number of people who could properly use it for 
[1] (c) Dean Wells
[2] Things that make troubleshooting more convoluted or 
complex tend to be something I try to avoid. My main goal is to try and be 
simple because I think complex thoughts at 3AM when the place is burning down 
and I just got up after having been out with friends celebrating the new year or 
someone's birthday or whatever. Plus my memory sucks, complicated systems and 
complicated lies would be a downfall for me as I wouldn't remember them. 


[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]Sent: Monday, January 23, 2006 4:34 
AMTo: ActiveDir@mail.activedir.orgSubject: [ActiveDir] 
Limitations and issues with domain local groups and GC replicated 

I really appreciate the response, Guido :) Many 
Put it this way - if I had £1 for each time I tried to 
persuade an org to go with a single domain and then see a multi 
regional/political forest be implemented anyway - I'd be a rich man :) This org 
has managed to progress from multiple forests, where each country has its own 
domain to a single (proposed) forest, where each region is represented by a 
single domain. They don't feel comfortable going the extra step, even though all 
the pitfalls were explained in detail, over a period of several 
My question stems from the fact that we (will) have 
multiple, domains and will likely need cross domains perms. I don't foresee 
hidden OUs nor the removal of auth users from OU perms right now. Those putting 

RE: [ActiveDir] OT: speaking of AD books...

2006-01-23 Thread joe
1. Purchase a copy of joe's book for self and everyone at work and everyone
you know.

To be serious though, in your shoes, my choice would be to work 70-80 hours
a week and spend the extra 10-20 hours for a while trying to identify
anything that could be automated or handled in some other safe way that
requires less of my time and then work to get that done. Try to find some
big hitters that if you get cleared out of the way gives you more time to
find more things to automate to get out of the way. If you save say 2
minutes on something you do 20 times a day that is still 40 minutes saved.
Also consider that when you automate things, they tend to be done in a more
consistent manner so you run into less issues due to small mistakes in
consistency that cause investigation time. The last ops position that I
started back in 2001 when I did this I actually ended up working closer to
probably 100 or more hours a week handling manually requests and issues
globally as I was the only one on the brand new team that had any
understanding on how to really fix things that were broken and things at
that point were very broken. That went on for months but slowly adding the
appropriate scripts the work load reduced as things took minutes instead of
tens of minutes or seconds instead of minutes and the other guys were able
to run the scripts to do things and were spinning up on how everything

If you do nothing manually that is recurring I would be extremely surprised.
I haven't seen an ops job yet that didn't have a lot of time spent doing the
same things over and over again. If however, that is the case, then the
efficiencies have to be gained in producing tools to help you troubleshoot
and make that go quicker. There is always something that can be done to make
a group faster, better, and more efficient. The thing is to find it and
figure out what it takes to get better and then do it. It might be the
solution is buy something, but that usually doesn't go over well so keep in
mind anything you can buy you can probably cobble together yourself if you
need it bad enough and it will help you. 

It falls back to something I have said multiple times on list and other
places. If you are too busy chopping down the trees to sharpen the axe you
will just get further and further behind as your axe dulls. In every IT ops
based job I have had, it was always a case of too much work and too few
resources. Not once did I get hired into an ops group that had nothing to do
or a bunch of free time to sit around. I expect that makes sense because
there is no reason to hire someone if there is free time. So the goal is
always to try and figure out how to do things in such a way that it can be
done better and more efficiently. While you are figuring out how to automate
you are learning how things work so you become more deadly with your
troubleshooting-fu so when problems crop up outside of the normal requests
and daily grind you are quicker (hopefully) at solving them.


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Rocky Habeeb
Sent: Monday, January 23, 2006 10:14 AM
Subject: RE: [ActiveDir] OT: speaking of AD books...

Dear people,

I would appreciate it it you would prioritize the following for me;

[A] [  ] Work 60 hours a week managing (with only one other person) 250 PCs
in 4 states and 40 Servers.
[B] [  ] Live at the only bookmark in my browser when at home
"" looking for solutions, etc.
[C] [  ] Read joe's (et al) new book.
[D] [  ] Studying for my MCSA
[E] [  ] Studying for my MCP
[F] [  ] Studying for my MCSE
[G] [  ] Securing my network
[H] [  ] Reading the new book joe is going to write on BP's [Yes, please
tell me how to rebuild a DC remotely from bare metal!!] [I] [  ] Reading
Robbie's book(s)  (note: please sub-prioritize those books) [J] [  ]
Balanicing my checkbook ( hey .. I have to do something else at home,
right?) [K] [  ] Patching my network [L] [  ] Learn to script [M] [  ] Watch
College basketball on TV [N] [  ] Read all of Sakari's books [O] [  ] Read
the AD list archives completely

"Hey, I'm almost serious here."

As Guido would say, "That's enough for today."


List info   :
List FAQ:
List archive:

List info   :
List FAQ:
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RE: [ActiveDir] OT: speaking of AD books...

2006-01-23 Thread Brian Desmond
Oh yeah they save our ass here too all the time. Compared to the ILO stuff from 
Compaq though they suck. They do some weird stuff with the drivers and the way 
the virtual floppy/cd shows up to the OS and when you boot. 
Brian Desmond
c - 312.731.3132

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] on behalf of joe
Sent: Mon 1/23/2006 5:40 PM
Subject: RE: [ActiveDir] OT: speaking of AD books...

The thing that always bothered me about the DRACs were that they kept changing 
the software so you never knew from month to month what software you would use 
to work with them and what you could do in it. Overall though, they made life a 
bunch easier for us several times than it necessarily would have been otherwise.

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Brian Desmond
Sent: Monday, January 23, 2006 2:20 PM
Subject: RE: [ActiveDir] OT: speaking of AD books...

Those DRAC cards from dell are a POS if you've used a ILO or RILOE from HPQ not 
to mention the fact that those DRAC cards from Dell are a POS when you try to 
do disk imaging on a PowerEdge with one.
Brian Desmond
c - 312.731.3132

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] on behalf of Fuller, Stuart
Sent: Mon 1/23/2006 10:44 AM
Subject: RE: [ActiveDir] OT: speaking of AD books...

C)  Hunter and I were TRs and I would highly recommend it.  Joe & Robbie
have made significant changes and have cleared up a couple of my pet
peeves in the scripts and security bits from the 2E book.  It also still
has the best introduction and explanation of VB scripting for AD.

As to the BP guide... I too would like to see that. We have managed to
stay fairly centralized but we are now supporting a second remote data
center.  The one thing that has saved us is the new version of Dell's
RAC card.  It has a virtual CD/floppy drive feature where you can map
your local workstation drive to be the CD or floppy of the server.
Using that feature I was able to do bare metal installs across the wire.
Very cool and saved me a seven hour round trip drive to eastern Montana.

_Stuart Fuller

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Rocky Habeeb
Sent: Monday, January 23, 2006 8:14 AM
Subject: RE: [ActiveDir] OT: speaking of AD books...

Dear people,

I would appreciate it it you would prioritize the following for me;

[A] [  ] Work 60 hours a week managing (with only one other person) 250
in 4 states and 40 Servers.
[B] [  ] Live at the only bookmark in my browser when at home
"" looking for solutions, etc.
[C] [  ] Read joe's (et al) new book.
[D] [  ] Studying for my MCSA
[E] [  ] Studying for my MCP
[F] [  ] Studying for my MCSE
[G] [  ] Securing my network
[H] [  ] Reading the new book joe is going to write on BP's [Yes, please
tell me how to rebuild a DC remotely from bare metal!!]
[I] [  ] Reading Robbie's book(s)  (note: please sub-prioritize those
[J] [  ] Balanicing my checkbook ( hey .. I have to do something else at
home, right?)
[K] [  ] Patching my network
[L] [  ] Learn to script
[M] [  ] Watch College basketball on TV
[N] [  ] Read all of Sakari's books
[O] [  ] Read the AD list archives completely

"Hey, I'm almost serious here."

As Guido would say, "That's enough for today."


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List archive:

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List FAQ:
List archive:


RE: [ActiveDir] OT: speaking of AD books...

2006-01-23 Thread joe
Hey I didn't see Robbie sitting next to me typing away He was kicking me
in the butt right along though going, hey how's it coming, do we need to
bring in some more authors More authors!!! The nerve!!! Slave driver I
tell you. I still have strap marks on my flanks. 

Not sure how new that virtual cd/floppy is. I was using them in the last
position in 2004 I believe. They are pretty cool though there were some
bothersome shorcomings too.

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Fuller, Stuart
Sent: Monday, January 23, 2006 10:44 AM
Subject: RE: [ActiveDir] OT: speaking of AD books...

C)  Hunter and I were TRs and I would highly recommend it.  Joe & Robbie
have made significant changes and have cleared up a couple of my pet peeves
in the scripts and security bits from the 2E book.  It also still has the
best introduction and explanation of VB scripting for AD.

As to the BP guide... I too would like to see that. We have managed to stay
fairly centralized but we are now supporting a second remote data center.
The one thing that has saved us is the new version of Dell's RAC card.  It
has a virtual CD/floppy drive feature where you can map your local
workstation drive to be the CD or floppy of the server.
Using that feature I was able to do bare metal installs across the wire.
Very cool and saved me a seven hour round trip drive to eastern Montana.

_Stuart Fuller
-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Rocky Habeeb
Sent: Monday, January 23, 2006 8:14 AM
Subject: RE: [ActiveDir] OT: speaking of AD books...

Dear people,

I would appreciate it it you would prioritize the following for me;

[A] [  ] Work 60 hours a week managing (with only one other person) 250 PCs
in 4 states and 40 Servers.
[B] [  ] Live at the only bookmark in my browser when at home
"" looking for solutions, etc.
[C] [  ] Read joe's (et al) new book.
[D] [  ] Studying for my MCSA
[E] [  ] Studying for my MCP
[F] [  ] Studying for my MCSE
[G] [  ] Securing my network
[H] [  ] Reading the new book joe is going to write on BP's [Yes, please
tell me how to rebuild a DC remotely from bare metal!!] [I] [  ] Reading
Robbie's book(s)  (note: please sub-prioritize those
[J] [  ] Balanicing my checkbook ( hey .. I have to do something else at
home, right?) [K] [  ] Patching my network [L] [  ] Learn to script [M] [  ]
Watch College basketball on TV [N] [  ] Read all of Sakari's books [O] [  ]
Read the AD list archives completely

"Hey, I'm almost serious here."

As Guido would say, "That's enough for today."


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RE: [ActiveDir] OT: speaking of AD books...

2006-01-23 Thread joe
The thing that always bothered me about the DRACs were that they kept
changing the software so you never knew from month to month what software
you would use to work with them and what you could do in it. Overall though,
they made life a bunch easier for us several times than it necessarily would
have been otherwise.


[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Brian Desmond
Sent: Monday, January 23, 2006 2:20 PM
Subject: RE: [ActiveDir] OT: speaking of AD books...

Those DRAC cards from dell are a POS if you've used a ILO or RILOE from HPQ
not to mention the fact that those DRAC cards from Dell are a POS when you
try to do disk imaging on a PowerEdge with one.
Brian Desmond
c - 312.731.3132


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] on behalf of Fuller, Stuart
Sent: Mon 1/23/2006 10:44 AM
Subject: RE: [ActiveDir] OT: speaking of AD books...

C)  Hunter and I were TRs and I would highly recommend it.  Joe & Robbie
have made significant changes and have cleared up a couple of my pet
peeves in the scripts and security bits from the 2E book.  It also still
has the best introduction and explanation of VB scripting for AD.

As to the BP guide... I too would like to see that. We have managed to
stay fairly centralized but we are now supporting a second remote data
center.  The one thing that has saved us is the new version of Dell's
RAC card.  It has a virtual CD/floppy drive feature where you can map
your local workstation drive to be the CD or floppy of the server.
Using that feature I was able to do bare metal installs across the wire.
Very cool and saved me a seven hour round trip drive to eastern Montana.

_Stuart Fuller

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Rocky Habeeb
Sent: Monday, January 23, 2006 8:14 AM
Subject: RE: [ActiveDir] OT: speaking of AD books...

Dear people,

I would appreciate it it you would prioritize the following for me;

[A] [  ] Work 60 hours a week managing (with only one other person) 250
in 4 states and 40 Servers.
[B] [  ] Live at the only bookmark in my browser when at home
"" looking for solutions, etc.
[C] [  ] Read joe's (et al) new book.
[D] [  ] Studying for my MCSA
[E] [  ] Studying for my MCP
[F] [  ] Studying for my MCSE
[G] [  ] Securing my network
[H] [  ] Reading the new book joe is going to write on BP's [Yes, please
tell me how to rebuild a DC remotely from bare metal!!]
[I] [  ] Reading Robbie's book(s)  (note: please sub-prioritize those
[J] [  ] Balanicing my checkbook ( hey .. I have to do something else at
home, right?)
[K] [  ] Patching my network
[L] [  ] Learn to script
[M] [  ] Watch College basketball on TV
[N] [  ] Read all of Sakari's books
[O] [  ] Read the AD list archives completely

"Hey, I'm almost serious here."

As Guido would say, "That's enough for today."


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RE: [ActiveDir] OT: speaking of AD books...

2006-01-23 Thread joe
Yeah I read your posts and I think "it depends" is the standard but good
answer. Everything else is kind of hard. I don't expect there are many
occasions where you get to build from scratch, you are usually building from
some form of infrastructure that you have to keep in mind. 

Would I be willing to do a "best practices" book. No. I am just no so sure I
believe in "best practices" strong enough to publish something saying this
is what they are. As Susan often points out the best practices can very
tremendously where you are. 

I have several ideas bouncing around in my head with what I may do. One I
can visualize being done is probably a conversational type book with cool
tech questions I have answered say over the last several years with maybe
further discussion and more details behind the answers. Probably break it up
into some general tech sections. That would give me the most freedom I think
in how and what I write so end up liking it but not sure how well it would
sell. I would probably just do that through a no-name publisher so the book
could be low cost. Another would be a series of a couple of books that just
focused on some specific things and really tried to dig into them. AD is a
huge topic and it really doesn't do it justice to try to cover tons of the
tech in a single book, no one ever seems to get through it and what you do
get through stops short on the depth of where you might want it to go. Or at
least I have seen that myself in books in many tech areas. If this book ends
up selling really well then I will that be more geeked about writing some
more. I look at myself as a normal joe and find it difficult to see why
people would pay to read something I write (especially when they can read
what I write for free all over the place). It is one of the reasons why my
tools are free. I figure, why pay for something you could pretty much do
yourself if you really needed it that bad. It is more about fun for me
though I wouldn't mind somehow figuring out how to make it big doing it. 

One idea for the best practices may be just to grab a group of experts or if
you chose, a group of MVPs so you can call it the MVP AD Best Practices or
something like that and let them all duke it out over what would be the best
practice. As we have seen from this list several times, best practices are
things that people have different opinions about. Look at the empty root
discussion as a great example. You will find people that are gung ho empty
root, some that are gung ho against it, some that are sort of against it but
won't really fight you and some that are sort of for it but won't really
fight you. 



-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Rich Milburn
Sent: Monday, January 23, 2006 2:30 PM
Subject: RE: [ActiveDir] OT: speaking of AD books...

A further note on a BP book, RE the "it depends" response:

It's true that is often the answer for "it depends".  But often there is a
recommended way to do something (def. for best practice) and if you are
following best practices then it really doesn't "depend", because the
unknowns are taken care of.  There are books (big, thick ones) that tell you
all the ways you can do something.  For people who do a lot of consulting,
or are assuming a big mess, these are lifesavers.  But what about the lucky
[EMAIL PROTECTED]@rd that gets to build a company's infrastructure from scratch?
Something that when others look at it, they can guess what's there because
it makes sense, it uses defaults, it follows commonly accepted guidelines...
other fields have these guidelines, I believe, more than our industry does
(such as accounting's GAP).

The more I think about it... the more I try to determine if I might have
enough time to compile such a thing.  It would draw heavily from this


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Fuller, Stuart
Sent: Monday, January 23, 2006 9:44 AM
Subject: RE: [ActiveDir] OT: speaking of AD books...

C)  Hunter and I were TRs and I would highly recommend it.  Joe & Robbie
have made significant changes and have cleared up a couple of my pet peeves
in the scripts and security bits from the 2E book.  It also still has the
best introduction and explanation of VB scripting for AD.

As to the BP guide... I too would like to see that. We have managed to stay
fairly centralized but we are now supporting a second remote data center.
The one thing that has saved us is the new version of Dell's RAC card.  It
has a virtual CD/floppy drive feature where you can map your local
workstation drive to be the CD or floppy of the server.
Using that feature I was able to do bare metal installs across the wire.
Very cool and saved me a seven hour round trip drive to eastern Montana.

_Stuart Fuller
-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf

RE: [ActiveDir] OT: speaking of AD books...

2006-01-23 Thread Ulf B. Simon-Weidner
Don't search for the book - search for yourself:

"Joe Richards" "Active Directory"

... gets you straight to your book.

Gruesse - Sincerely, 

Ulf B. Simon-Weidner 

  MVP-Book "Windows XP - Die Expertentipps":

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of joe
Sent: Monday, January 23, 2006 5:18 PM
Subject: RE: [ActiveDir] OT: speaking of AD books...

Yep, The second edition keeps popping up when I search myself. I don't know
what is up with that which is one reason why I set up that page. I also did
it because I am an Amazon "associate" so anyone who buys from Amazon through
that link I have gets me some small amount towards a gift certificate. I
usually get a $10-$12 gift certificate each quarter. :)

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Al Lilianstrom
Sent: Monday, January 23, 2006 9:56 AM
Subject: Re: [ActiveDir] OT: speaking of AD books...

Coleman, Hunter wrote:

Thanks. I had the right title but the 3rd edition wasn't coming up in my


> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Al 
> Lilianstrom
> Sent: Monday, January 23, 2006 7:19 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [ActiveDir] OT: speaking of AD books...
> I lost track of which book Joe was writing about below. Can someone 
> refresh my memory?
> As for Joe writing a book about how he does things - what would be cool.
>   al
> Rich Milburn wrote:
>> Joe I have one question for you on this book before mine arrives... 
>> am
>> I going to read it, and then start bugging you again about compiling 
>> a
>> book of AD and server best practices based off of all the good novels 
>> you have posted on this list??
>> :)
>> In fact... come to think of it... maybe there is still an unwritten 
>> book... one that takes topics that tend to come up on this list and 
>> deals with each on a discussion basis.  It might be more useful for 
>> consultants and architects though, but still... two examples:
>> 1) empty root domain issue - pros and cons
>> 2) remotely managing DCs - joe you once had a long spiel on how you 
>> used to manage all those DCs remotely, and rather than give someone 
>> DA
>> rights to work on it, you'd demote it, then rebuild it from bare 
>> metal.  A decent percentage of us probably knows how to do these
> things remotely.
>> But what if someone wanted to set something like this up, and it was 
>> a
>> new concept to them.  Is there a guide out there anywhere that could 
>> show how to do it?  From setting up the imaging software, to 
>> configuring a DC image to come up without someone clicking any 
>> buttons
> locally, etc?
>> A book like that would probably want a lot of input from a lot of 
>> people, because the answers to a lot of best practices questions are 
>> "it depends".  But I bet there's a need...
>> Rich
>> -
>> -
>> -
>> Rich Milburn
>> MCSE, Microsoft MVP - Directory Services Sr Network Analyst, Field 
>> Platform Development Applebee's International, Inc.
>> 4551 W. 107th St
>> Overland Park, KS 66207
>> 913-967-2819
>> -
>> - "I love the smell of red herrings in the morning" - anonymous
>> -Original Message-
>> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of joe
>> Sent: Sunday, January 22, 2006 10:15 PM
>> To:
>> Subject: RE: [ActiveDir] OT: speaking of AD books...
>> Yeah there is a chapter on migration from 2K to K3 as well as a small 
>> chapter on upgrading to K3R2.
>> The big wins in this version of the book if anyone asks me though are
>> 1. A real live chapter on ADAM. First in existence that I am aware of.
>> I like this chapter, if anyone reads it and has issues with it, 
>> please
>> email me directly. I really like ADAM, I want to make sure my info is 
>> all correct and that it fits people's experiences with it. Heck I 
>> wouldn't mind just hearing about people's experiences so if I write 
>> anything else concerning ADAM, I can comment on it so others may not 
>> hit the same issues/pitfalls.
>> 2. Significant updates to the Schema Chapters.
>> 3. Significant updates to the Security Chapters.
>> 4. A chapter on basic Exchange (AD-Related) tasks and how to script 
>> them.
>> 5. The Site Topology and Replication chapter got a pretty serious 
>> update as well.
>> 6. A lot of the scripts were reworked. 
>> Do not buy the book for the VB.NET and Di

RE: [ActiveDir] CPU/Memory usage & .vbs?

2006-01-23 Thread Derek Harris

Very easily; just put the following lines near the 
oFileName = Inputbox("Enter the path and filename to save 
the info.","CPU Usage","CPUuse.txt")Set FSO = 
CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")Set oFile = 
FSO.CreateTextFile(oFileName, True)
and put an 
oFile.WriteLine, with whatever data you want, wherever you 
Of course, it's usually better to put the values into a 
variable, and then do what you want with the 

[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Harding, 
DevonSent: Monday, January 23, 2006 12:47 PMTo: 
ActiveDir@mail.activedir.orgSubject: RE: [ActiveDir] CPU/Memory usage 
& .vbs?

This is 
great!   What I need is to use this code to output the current usage 
percentage to a text file.  Can this be done?
 strComputer = "."Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:" _    & "{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\" & strComputer & "\root\cimv2")set objRefresher = CreateObject("WbemScripting.Swbemrefresher")Set objProcessor = objRefresher.AddEnum _    (objWMIService, "Win32_PerfFormattedData_PerfOS_Processor").objectSetintThresholdViolations = 0objRefresher.RefreshDo    For each intProcessorUse in objProcessor    If intProcessorUse.PercentProcessorTime > 90 Then    intThresholdViolations = intThresholdViolations + 1    If intThresholdViolations = 10 Then    intThresholdViolations = 0    Wscript.Echo "Processor usage threshold exceeded."    End If    Else    intThresholdViolations = 0    End If    Next    Wscript.Sleep 6000    objRefresher.RefreshLoop

On Behalf Of Al 
MulnickSent: Sunday, January 
22, 2006 11:52 AMTo: 
ActiveDir@mail.activedir.orgSubject: Re: [ActiveDir] CPU/Memory usage 
& .vbs?

WMI is a pretty easy way to get this 
done.  What's your comfort level with scripting? 


Have you seen this? 

On 1/22/06, Harding, Devon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
That being said.  I'm looking for 
a script that will output the current memory usage (in percentage) & the top 
cpu processes.  Is this possible?  wmi? 
on behalf of Michael B. SmithSent: Sat 1/21/2006 6:14 PMTo: ActiveDir@mail.activedir.orgSubject: 
RE: [ActiveDir] OT: .vbs mailing list?Although my most useful 
information about tough _vbscript_ questions hascome from here and from Robbie 
Allen's various books, there is [EMAIL PROTECTED].-Original 
On Behalf Of Harding, DevonSent: Saturday, January 21, 2006 12:17 PMTo: 
[ActiveDir] OT: .vbs mailing list?Is there a VBSript mailing list out 
This message and any attachments are solely for the intendedrecipient 
and may contain confidential or privileged information.If you are not the 
intended recipient, any disclosure, copying, useor distribution of the 
information included in the message and any attachments is 
prohibited.  If you have received this communicationin error, 
please notify us by reply e-mail and immediately andpermanently delete this 
message and any attachments.  Thank You.List info   
info   : 
info   : 

RE: [ActiveDir] CPU/Memory usage & .vbs?

2006-01-23 Thread Harding, Devon

This is great!   What I need is to use
this code to output the current usage percentage to a text file.  Can this be


strComputer = "."Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:" _    & "{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\" & strComputer & "\root\cimv2")set objRefresher = CreateObject("WbemScripting.Swbemrefresher")Set objProcessor = objRefresher.AddEnum _    (objWMIService, "Win32_PerfFormattedData_PerfOS_Processor").objectSetintThresholdViolations = 0objRefresher.RefreshDo    For each intProcessorUse in objProcessor    If intProcessorUse.PercentProcessorTime > 90 Then    intThresholdViolations = intThresholdViolations + 1    If intThresholdViolations = 10 Then    intThresholdViolations = 0    Wscript.Echo "Processor usage threshold exceeded."    End If    Else    intThresholdViolations = 0    End If    Next    Wscript.Sleep 6000    objRefresher.RefreshLoop



Behalf Of Al Mulnick
Sent: Sunday, January 22, 2006
11:52 AM
Subject: Re: [ActiveDir]
CPU/Memory usage & .vbs?


WMI is a pretty easy way to get this done. 
What's your comfort level with scripting? 


Have you seen this? 


On 1/22/06, Harding, Devon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

That being said.  I'm looking for a script
that will output the current memory usage (in percentage) & the top cpu
processes.  Is this possible?  wmi? 

on behalf of Michael B. Smith
Sent: Sat 1/21/2006 6:14 PM
Subject: RE: [ActiveDir] OT: .vbs mailing list?

Although my most useful information about tough _vbscript_ questions has
come from here and from Robbie Allen's various books, there is 

-Original Message-
On Behalf Of Harding, Devon
Sent: Saturday, January 21, 2006 12:17 PM
Subject: [ActiveDir] OT: .vbs mailing list?

Is there a VBSript mailing list out there?


This message and any attachments are solely for the intended
recipient and may contain confidential or privileged information.
If you are not the intended recipient, any disclosure, copying, use
or distribution of the information included in the message and any 
attachments is prohibited.  If you have received this communication
in error, please notify us by reply e-mail and immediately and
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RE: [ActiveDir] OT: speaking of AD books...

2006-01-23 Thread Rich Milburn
A further note on a BP book, RE the "it depends" response:

It's true that is often the answer for "it depends".  But often there is
a recommended way to do something (def. for best practice) and if you
are following best practices then it really doesn't "depend", because
the unknowns are taken care of.  There are books (big, thick ones) that
tell you all the ways you can do something.  For people who do a lot of
consulting, or are assuming a big mess, these are lifesavers.  But what
about the lucky [EMAIL PROTECTED]@rd that gets to build a company's 
from scratch?  Something that when others look at it, they can guess
what's there because it makes sense, it uses defaults, it follows
commonly accepted guidelines... other fields have these guidelines, I
believe, more than our industry does (such as accounting's GAP).

The more I think about it... the more I try to determine if I might have
enough time to compile such a thing.  It would draw heavily from this


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Fuller, Stuart
Sent: Monday, January 23, 2006 9:44 AM
Subject: RE: [ActiveDir] OT: speaking of AD books...

C)  Hunter and I were TRs and I would highly recommend it.  Joe & Robbie
have made significant changes and have cleared up a couple of my pet
peeves in the scripts and security bits from the 2E book.  It also still
has the best introduction and explanation of VB scripting for AD.

As to the BP guide... I too would like to see that. We have managed to
stay fairly centralized but we are now supporting a second remote data
center.  The one thing that has saved us is the new version of Dell's
RAC card.  It has a virtual CD/floppy drive feature where you can map
your local workstation drive to be the CD or floppy of the server.
Using that feature I was able to do bare metal installs across the wire.
Very cool and saved me a seven hour round trip drive to eastern Montana.

_Stuart Fuller
-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Rocky Habeeb
Sent: Monday, January 23, 2006 8:14 AM
Subject: RE: [ActiveDir] OT: speaking of AD books...

Dear people,

I would appreciate it it you would prioritize the following for me;

[A] [  ] Work 60 hours a week managing (with only one other person) 250
in 4 states and 40 Servers.
[B] [  ] Live at the only bookmark in my browser when at home
"" looking for solutions, etc.
[C] [  ] Read joe's (et al) new book.
[D] [  ] Studying for my MCSA
[E] [  ] Studying for my MCP
[F] [  ] Studying for my MCSE
[G] [  ] Securing my network
[H] [  ] Reading the new book joe is going to write on BP's [Yes, please
tell me how to rebuild a DC remotely from bare metal!!]
[I] [  ] Reading Robbie's book(s)  (note: please sub-prioritize those
[J] [  ] Balanicing my checkbook ( hey .. I have to do something else at
home, right?)
[K] [  ] Patching my network
[L] [  ] Learn to script
[M] [  ] Watch College basketball on TV
[N] [  ] Read all of Sakari's books
[O] [  ] Read the AD list archives completely

"Hey, I'm almost serious here."

As Guido would say, "That's enough for today."


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CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION may be contained in this message or any attachments. 
This information is strictly confidential and may be subject to attorney-client 
privilege. This message is intended only for the use of the named addressee. If 
you are not the intended recipient of this message, unauthorized forwarding, 
printing, copying, distribution, or using such information is strictly 
prohibited and may be unlawful. If you have received this in error, you should 
kindly notify the sender by reply e-mail and immediately destroy this message. 
Unauthorized interception of this e-mail is a violation of federal criminal 
Applebee's International, Inc. reserves the right to monitor and review the 
content of all messages sent to and from this e-mail address. Messages sent to 
or from this e-mail address may be stored on the Applebee's International, Inc. 
e-mail system.
List info   :
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RE: [ActiveDir] OT: speaking of AD books...

2006-01-23 Thread Brian Desmond
Those DRAC cards from dell are a POS if you've used a ILO or RILOE from HPQ not 
to mention the fact that those DRAC cards from Dell are a POS when you try to 
do disk imaging on a PowerEdge with one.
Brian Desmond
c - 312.731.3132

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] on behalf of Fuller, Stuart
Sent: Mon 1/23/2006 10:44 AM
Subject: RE: [ActiveDir] OT: speaking of AD books...

C)  Hunter and I were TRs and I would highly recommend it.  Joe & Robbie
have made significant changes and have cleared up a couple of my pet
peeves in the scripts and security bits from the 2E book.  It also still
has the best introduction and explanation of VB scripting for AD.

As to the BP guide... I too would like to see that. We have managed to
stay fairly centralized but we are now supporting a second remote data
center.  The one thing that has saved us is the new version of Dell's
RAC card.  It has a virtual CD/floppy drive feature where you can map
your local workstation drive to be the CD or floppy of the server.
Using that feature I was able to do bare metal installs across the wire.
Very cool and saved me a seven hour round trip drive to eastern Montana.

_Stuart Fuller

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Rocky Habeeb
Sent: Monday, January 23, 2006 8:14 AM
Subject: RE: [ActiveDir] OT: speaking of AD books...

Dear people,

I would appreciate it it you would prioritize the following for me;

[A] [  ] Work 60 hours a week managing (with only one other person) 250
in 4 states and 40 Servers.
[B] [  ] Live at the only bookmark in my browser when at home
"" looking for solutions, etc.
[C] [  ] Read joe's (et al) new book.
[D] [  ] Studying for my MCSA
[E] [  ] Studying for my MCP
[F] [  ] Studying for my MCSE
[G] [  ] Securing my network
[H] [  ] Reading the new book joe is going to write on BP's [Yes, please
tell me how to rebuild a DC remotely from bare metal!!]
[I] [  ] Reading Robbie's book(s)  (note: please sub-prioritize those
[J] [  ] Balanicing my checkbook ( hey .. I have to do something else at
home, right?)
[K] [  ] Patching my network
[L] [  ] Learn to script
[M] [  ] Watch College basketball on TV
[N] [  ] Read all of Sakari's books
[O] [  ] Read the AD list archives completely

"Hey, I'm almost serious here."

As Guido would say, "That's enough for today."


List info   :
List FAQ:
List archive:

List info   :
List FAQ:
List archive:


RE: [ActiveDir] OT: speaking of AD books...

2006-01-23 Thread joe
Yep, The second edition keeps popping up when I search myself. I don't know
what is up with that which is one reason why I set up that page. I also did
it because I am an Amazon "associate" so anyone who buys from Amazon through
that link I have gets me some small amount towards a gift certificate. I
usually get a $10-$12 gift certificate each quarter. :)

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Al Lilianstrom
Sent: Monday, January 23, 2006 9:56 AM
Subject: Re: [ActiveDir] OT: speaking of AD books...

Coleman, Hunter wrote:

Thanks. I had the right title but the 3rd edition wasn't coming up in my


> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Al 
> Lilianstrom
> Sent: Monday, January 23, 2006 7:19 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [ActiveDir] OT: speaking of AD books...
> I lost track of which book Joe was writing about below. Can someone 
> refresh my memory?
> As for Joe writing a book about how he does things - what would be cool.
>   al
> Rich Milburn wrote:
>> Joe I have one question for you on this book before mine arrives... 
>> am
>> I going to read it, and then start bugging you again about compiling 
>> a
>> book of AD and server best practices based off of all the good novels 
>> you have posted on this list??
>> :)
>> In fact... come to think of it... maybe there is still an unwritten 
>> book... one that takes topics that tend to come up on this list and 
>> deals with each on a discussion basis.  It might be more useful for 
>> consultants and architects though, but still... two examples:
>> 1) empty root domain issue - pros and cons
>> 2) remotely managing DCs - joe you once had a long spiel on how you 
>> used to manage all those DCs remotely, and rather than give someone 
>> DA
>> rights to work on it, you'd demote it, then rebuild it from bare 
>> metal.  A decent percentage of us probably knows how to do these
> things remotely.
>> But what if someone wanted to set something like this up, and it was 
>> a
>> new concept to them.  Is there a guide out there anywhere that could 
>> show how to do it?  From setting up the imaging software, to 
>> configuring a DC image to come up without someone clicking any 
>> buttons
> locally, etc?
>> A book like that would probably want a lot of input from a lot of 
>> people, because the answers to a lot of best practices questions are 
>> "it depends".  But I bet there's a need...
>> Rich
>> -
>> -
>> -
>> Rich Milburn
>> MCSE, Microsoft MVP - Directory Services Sr Network Analyst, Field 
>> Platform Development Applebee's International, Inc.
>> 4551 W. 107th St
>> Overland Park, KS 66207
>> 913-967-2819
>> -
>> - "I love the smell of red herrings in the morning" - anonymous
>> -Original Message-
>> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of joe
>> Sent: Sunday, January 22, 2006 10:15 PM
>> To:
>> Subject: RE: [ActiveDir] OT: speaking of AD books...
>> Yeah there is a chapter on migration from 2K to K3 as well as a small 
>> chapter on upgrading to K3R2.
>> The big wins in this version of the book if anyone asks me though are
>> 1. A real live chapter on ADAM. First in existence that I am aware of.
>> I like this chapter, if anyone reads it and has issues with it, 
>> please
>> email me directly. I really like ADAM, I want to make sure my info is 
>> all correct and that it fits people's experiences with it. Heck I 
>> wouldn't mind just hearing about people's experiences so if I write 
>> anything else concerning ADAM, I can comment on it so others may not 
>> hit the same issues/pitfalls.
>> 2. Significant updates to the Schema Chapters.
>> 3. Significant updates to the Security Chapters.
>> 4. A chapter on basic Exchange (AD-Related) tasks and how to script 
>> them.
>> 5. The Site Topology and Replication chapter got a pretty serious 
>> update as well.
>> 6. A lot of the scripts were reworked. 
>> Do not buy the book for the VB.NET and Directory Services chapter. I 
>> am not a NET person, I fully admit it, it is pretty much the same as 
>> it was in 2E.
>> If you want a book in that realm, you want the book Joe Kaplan has 
>> been working on, I was a technical reviewer for that book and it 
>> looks
>> like it is going to be pretty good.
>> The TR folks can comment if they like on what they liked about it or 
>> anything they think that is in it that makes it worthwhile. I had, 
>> what I considered unusual, a two way street with feedback with the 
>> TRs. They sent me their comments, I sent back responses for many of 
>> the comments and asked for more det

RE: [ActiveDir] OT: speaking of AD books...

2006-01-23 Thread Fuller, Stuart
C)  Hunter and I were TRs and I would highly recommend it.  Joe & Robbie
have made significant changes and have cleared up a couple of my pet
peeves in the scripts and security bits from the 2E book.  It also still
has the best introduction and explanation of VB scripting for AD.

As to the BP guide... I too would like to see that. We have managed to
stay fairly centralized but we are now supporting a second remote data
center.  The one thing that has saved us is the new version of Dell's
RAC card.  It has a virtual CD/floppy drive feature where you can map
your local workstation drive to be the CD or floppy of the server.
Using that feature I was able to do bare metal installs across the wire.
Very cool and saved me a seven hour round trip drive to eastern Montana.

_Stuart Fuller
-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Rocky Habeeb
Sent: Monday, January 23, 2006 8:14 AM
Subject: RE: [ActiveDir] OT: speaking of AD books...

Dear people,

I would appreciate it it you would prioritize the following for me;

[A] [  ] Work 60 hours a week managing (with only one other person) 250
in 4 states and 40 Servers.
[B] [  ] Live at the only bookmark in my browser when at home
"" looking for solutions, etc.
[C] [  ] Read joe's (et al) new book.
[D] [  ] Studying for my MCSA
[E] [  ] Studying for my MCP
[F] [  ] Studying for my MCSE
[G] [  ] Securing my network
[H] [  ] Reading the new book joe is going to write on BP's [Yes, please
tell me how to rebuild a DC remotely from bare metal!!]
[I] [  ] Reading Robbie's book(s)  (note: please sub-prioritize those
[J] [  ] Balanicing my checkbook ( hey .. I have to do something else at
home, right?)
[K] [  ] Patching my network
[L] [  ] Learn to script
[M] [  ] Watch College basketball on TV
[N] [  ] Read all of Sakari's books
[O] [  ] Read the AD list archives completely

"Hey, I'm almost serious here."

As Guido would say, "That's enough for today."


List info   :
List FAQ:
List archive:

List info   :
List FAQ:
List archive:

[ActiveDir] FW: Stopping accidental folder moves by users

2006-01-23 Thread Crawford, Scott
Title: Re: Stopping accidental folder moves by users

This topic was mentioned a 
few months ago.  I just got this from another list.  Seems like a 
pretty cool idea to me.

From: Windows NT/2000 Discussion List on behalf 
of Scott BrooksSent: Mon 1/23/2006 7:55 AMTo: 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: Re: Stopping accidental folder 
moves by users

>>> Danny 01/20/2006 11:46:08 AM >>>Has 
anyone found a solution to stop users from successfully andaccidentally 
moving folders whilst allowing them to create newfolders, file, read, 
modify, and write? Hi Danny,I just create a "+ 
Do Not Delete.txt" file in the directory the userslike to Move.  This 
text file contains the following text that explainshow it works:This 
file is here so that an accidental move of this directory cannot be done by 
non-administrators.  How this is handled, is toremove all permissions 
from this file, except for administrators.That we if someone accidentally 
attempts to move the directorythis file is in, they won't be able to move 
this file (since theydo not have the needed permissions) and in turn they 
will not beable to move the entire directory.Note:  In Windows 2000 
security I had to do the following to getthis to work:1.  Copy "+ 
Do Not Delete.txt" to the desired folder.2.  Right click on "+ Do Not 
Delete.txt" and select Properties.3.  On the General tab check mark 
"Read-only" - this was critical    to this working.  
Without it, others could still delete the file.4.  On the Security tab, 
check off "Allow inheritable permissions    from parent to 
propagate to object.5.  When prompted, click on "Copy" to copy 
previously inherited    permissions to this 
object.6.  Click on "Everyone" and then check mark "Deny" for Write 
access.- Scott Brooks   So, 
maybe there is a more elegant solution, but the above 
WINNT-L list is hosted on a Windows NT(TM) machine running 
L-Softinternational's LISTSERV(R) software.  For subscription/signoff 
infoand archives, see 

RE: [ActiveDir] OT: speaking of AD books...

2006-01-23 Thread Rocky Habeeb

Dear people,

I would appreciate it it you would prioritize the following for me;

[A] [  ] Work 60 hours a week managing (with only one other person) 250 PCs
in 4 states and 40 Servers.
[B] [  ] Live at the only bookmark in my browser when at home
"" looking for solutions, etc.
[C] [  ] Read joe's (et al) new book.
[D] [  ] Studying for my MCSA
[E] [  ] Studying for my MCP
[F] [  ] Studying for my MCSE
[G] [  ] Securing my network
[H] [  ] Reading the new book joe is going to write on BP's [Yes, please
tell me how to rebuild a DC remotely from bare metal!!]
[I] [  ] Reading Robbie's book(s)  (note: please sub-prioritize those books)
[J] [  ] Balanicing my checkbook ( hey .. I have to do something else at
home, right?)
[K] [  ] Patching my network
[L] [  ] Learn to script
[M] [  ] Watch College basketball on TV
[N] [  ] Read all of Sakari's books
[O] [  ] Read the AD list archives completely

"Hey, I'm almost serious here."

As Guido would say, "That's enough for today."


List info   :
List FAQ:
List archive:

Re: [ActiveDir] OT: speaking of AD books...

2006-01-23 Thread Al Lilianstrom

Coleman, Hunter wrote: 

Thanks. I had the right title but the 3rd edition wasn't coming up in my 


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Al Lilianstrom
Sent: Monday, January 23, 2006 7:19 AM
Subject: Re: [ActiveDir] OT: speaking of AD books...

I lost track of which book Joe was writing about below. Can someone
refresh my memory?

As for Joe writing a book about how he does things - what would be cool.


Rich Milburn wrote:

Joe I have one question for you on this book before mine arrives... am

I going to read it, and then start bugging you again about compiling a

book of AD and server best practices based off of all the good novels 
you have posted on this list??


In fact... come to think of it... maybe there is still an unwritten 
book... one that takes topics that tend to come up on this list and 
deals with each on a discussion basis.  It might be more useful for 
consultants and architects though, but still... two examples:

1) empty root domain issue - pros and cons
2) remotely managing DCs - joe you once had a long spiel on how you 
used to manage all those DCs remotely, and rather than give someone DA

rights to work on it, you'd demote it, then rebuild it from bare 
metal.  A decent percentage of us probably knows how to do these

things remotely.

But what if someone wanted to set something like this up, and it was a

new concept to them.  Is there a guide out there anywhere that could 
show how to do it?  From setting up the imaging software, to 
configuring a DC image to come up without someone clicking any buttons

locally, etc?

A book like that would probably want a lot of input from a lot of 
people, because the answers to a lot of best practices questions are 
"it depends".  But I bet there's a need...

Rich Milburn
MCSE, Microsoft MVP - Directory Services Sr Network Analyst, Field 
Platform Development Applebee's International, Inc.

4551 W. 107th St
Overland Park, KS 66207
"I love the smell of red herrings in the morning" - anonymous

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of joe
Sent: Sunday, January 22, 2006 10:15 PM
Subject: RE: [ActiveDir] OT: speaking of AD books...

Yeah there is a chapter on migration from 2K to K3 as well as a small 
chapter on upgrading to K3R2.

The big wins in this version of the book if anyone asks me though are

1. A real live chapter on ADAM. First in existence that I am aware of.

I like this chapter, if anyone reads it and has issues with it, please

email me directly. I really like ADAM, I want to make sure my info is 
all correct and that it fits people's experiences with it. Heck I 
wouldn't mind just hearing about people's experiences so if I write 
anything else concerning ADAM, I can comment on it so others may not 
hit the same issues/pitfalls.

2. Significant updates to the Schema Chapters.

3. Significant updates to the Security Chapters.

4. A chapter on basic Exchange (AD-Related) tasks and how to script 

5. The Site Topology and Replication chapter got a pretty serious 
update as well.

6. A lot of the scripts were reworked. 

Do not buy the book for the VB.NET and Directory Services chapter. I 
am not a NET person, I fully admit it, it is pretty much the same as 
it was in 2E.
If you want a book in that realm, you want the book Joe Kaplan has 
been working on, I was a technical reviewer for that book and it looks

like it is going to be pretty good.

The TR folks can comment if they like on what they liked about it or 
anything they think that is in it that makes it worthwhile. I had, 
what I considered unusual, a two way street with feedback with the 
TRs. They sent me their comments, I sent back responses for many of 
the comments and asked for more detail or asked questions or what not 
as needed. I know most everything I have ever TR'ed has been sort of a

black hole where I don't know if the feedback is being used or not 
which I never liked. At least one reviewer mentioned to me that the 
feedback was unusual and well accepted.

I don't expect this to be the be all end all book on AD but I did try 
to make it so I would be happy my name was on it which if anyone knows

me is not a low achievement bar, I am a bit picky. But at the same 
time, I know I didn't get everything perfect, there wasn't time for 
perfect, it had to be released this decade. It isn't a book that is in

my voice/tone; it is a refresh so I attempted to follow the voice/tone

that was there as much as possible as it wasn't mine to change. Some 
people will not like that and some people are probably thankful for 
it. :o)



RE: [ActiveDir] OT: speaking of AD books...

2006-01-23 Thread Coleman, Hunter 

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Al Lilianstrom
Sent: Monday, January 23, 2006 7:19 AM
Subject: Re: [ActiveDir] OT: speaking of AD books...

I lost track of which book Joe was writing about below. Can someone
refresh my memory?

As for Joe writing a book about how he does things - what would be cool.


Rich Milburn wrote:
> Joe I have one question for you on this book before mine arrives... am

> I going to read it, and then start bugging you again about compiling a

> book of AD and server best practices based off of all the good novels 
> you have posted on this list??
> :)
> In fact... come to think of it... maybe there is still an unwritten 
> book... one that takes topics that tend to come up on this list and 
> deals with each on a discussion basis.  It might be more useful for 
> consultants and architects though, but still... two examples:
> 1) empty root domain issue - pros and cons
> 2) remotely managing DCs - joe you once had a long spiel on how you 
> used to manage all those DCs remotely, and rather than give someone DA

> rights to work on it, you'd demote it, then rebuild it from bare 
> metal.  A decent percentage of us probably knows how to do these
things remotely.
> But what if someone wanted to set something like this up, and it was a

> new concept to them.  Is there a guide out there anywhere that could 
> show how to do it?  From setting up the imaging software, to 
> configuring a DC image to come up without someone clicking any buttons
locally, etc?
> A book like that would probably want a lot of input from a lot of 
> people, because the answers to a lot of best practices questions are 
> "it depends".  But I bet there's a need...
> Rich
> --
> -
> Rich Milburn
> MCSE, Microsoft MVP - Directory Services Sr Network Analyst, Field 
> Platform Development Applebee's International, Inc.
> 4551 W. 107th St
> Overland Park, KS 66207
> 913-967-2819
> --
> "I love the smell of red herrings in the morning" - anonymous
> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of joe
> Sent: Sunday, January 22, 2006 10:15 PM
> To:
> Subject: RE: [ActiveDir] OT: speaking of AD books...
> Yeah there is a chapter on migration from 2K to K3 as well as a small 
> chapter on upgrading to K3R2.
> The big wins in this version of the book if anyone asks me though are
> 1. A real live chapter on ADAM. First in existence that I am aware of.

> I like this chapter, if anyone reads it and has issues with it, please

> email me directly. I really like ADAM, I want to make sure my info is 
> all correct and that it fits people's experiences with it. Heck I 
> wouldn't mind just hearing about people's experiences so if I write 
> anything else concerning ADAM, I can comment on it so others may not 
> hit the same issues/pitfalls.
> 2. Significant updates to the Schema Chapters.
> 3. Significant updates to the Security Chapters.
> 4. A chapter on basic Exchange (AD-Related) tasks and how to script 
> them.
> 5. The Site Topology and Replication chapter got a pretty serious 
> update as well.
> 6. A lot of the scripts were reworked. 
> Do not buy the book for the VB.NET and Directory Services chapter. I 
> am not a NET person, I fully admit it, it is pretty much the same as 
> it was in 2E.
> If you want a book in that realm, you want the book Joe Kaplan has 
> been working on, I was a technical reviewer for that book and it looks

> like it is going to be pretty good.
> The TR folks can comment if they like on what they liked about it or 
> anything they think that is in it that makes it worthwhile. I had, 
> what I considered unusual, a two way street with feedback with the 
> TRs. They sent me their comments, I sent back responses for many of 
> the comments and asked for more detail or asked questions or what not 
> as needed. I know most everything I have ever TR'ed has been sort of a

> black hole where I don't know if the feedback is being used or not 
> which I never liked. At least one reviewer mentioned to me that the 
> feedback was unusual and well accepted.
> I don't expect this to be the be all end all book on AD but I did try 
> to make it so I would be happy my name was on it which if anyone knows

> me is not a low achievement bar, I am a bit picky. But at the same 
> time, I know I didn't get everything perfect, there wasn't time for 
> perfect, it had to be released this decade. It isn't a book that is in

> my voice/tone; it is a refresh so I attempted to follow the voice/tone

> that was there as much as possible as it wasn't mine to change. Some 
> people will not like that and some people are proba

Re: [ActiveDir] OT: speaking of AD books...

2006-01-23 Thread Al Lilianstrom
I lost track of which book Joe was writing about below. Can someone 
refresh my memory?

As for Joe writing a book about how he does things - what would be cool.


Rich Milburn wrote:

Joe I have one question for you on this book before mine arrives... am I
going to read it, and then start bugging you again about compiling a
book of AD and server best practices based off of all the good novels
you have posted on this list?? 


In fact... come to think of it... maybe there is still an unwritten
book... one that takes topics that tend to come up on this list and
deals with each on a discussion basis.  It might be more useful for
consultants and architects though, but still... two examples:

1) empty root domain issue - pros and cons
2) remotely managing DCs - joe you once had a long spiel on how you used
to manage all those DCs remotely, and rather than give someone DA rights
to work on it, you'd demote it, then rebuild it from bare metal.  A
decent percentage of us probably knows how to do these things remotely.
But what if someone wanted to set something like this up, and it was a
new concept to them.  Is there a guide out there anywhere that could
show how to do it?  From setting up the imaging software, to configuring
a DC image to come up without someone clicking any buttons locally, etc?

A book like that would probably want a lot of input from a lot of
people, because the answers to a lot of best practices questions are "it
depends".  But I bet there's a need...

Rich Milburn
MCSE, Microsoft MVP - Directory Services
Sr Network Analyst, Field Platform Development
Applebee's International, Inc.
4551 W. 107th St
Overland Park, KS 66207
"I love the smell of red herrings in the morning" - anonymous

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of joe
Sent: Sunday, January 22, 2006 10:15 PM
Subject: RE: [ActiveDir] OT: speaking of AD books...

Yeah there is a chapter on migration from 2K to K3 as well as a small
chapter on upgrading to K3R2. 

The big wins in this version of the book if anyone asks me though are

1. A real live chapter on ADAM. First in existence that I am aware of. I
like this chapter, if anyone reads it and has issues with it, please
me directly. I really like ADAM, I want to make sure my info is all
and that it fits people's experiences with it. Heck I wouldn't mind just
hearing about people's experiences so if I write anything else
ADAM, I can comment on it so others may not hit the same

2. Significant updates to the Schema Chapters.

3. Significant updates to the Security Chapters.

4. A chapter on basic Exchange (AD-Related) tasks and how to script

5. The Site Topology and Replication chapter got a pretty serious update

6. A lot of the scripts were reworked. 

Do not buy the book for the VB.NET and Directory Services chapter. I am
a NET person, I fully admit it, it is pretty much the same as it was in
If you want a book in that realm, you want the book Joe Kaplan has been
working on, I was a technical reviewer for that book and it looks like
it is
going to be pretty good. 

The TR folks can comment if they like on what they liked about it or
anything they think that is in it that makes it worthwhile. I had, what
considered unusual, a two way street with feedback with the TRs. They
me their comments, I sent back responses for many of the comments and
for more detail or asked questions or what not as needed. I know most
everything I have ever TR'ed has been sort of a black hole where I don't
know if the feedback is being used or not which I never liked. At least
reviewer mentioned to me that the feedback was unusual and well

I don't expect this to be the be all end all book on AD but I did try to
make it so I would be happy my name was on it which if anyone knows me
not a low achievement bar, I am a bit picky. But at the same time, I
know I
didn't get everything perfect, there wasn't time for perfect, it had to
released this decade. It isn't a book that is in my voice/tone; it is a
refresh so I attempted to follow the voice/tone that was there as much
possible as it wasn't mine to change. Some people will not like that and
some people are probably thankful for it. :o)


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Garyphold
Sent: Friday, January 20, 2006 3:02 PM
Subject: RE: [ActiveDir] OT: speaking of AD books...

We're migrating our AD from W2K to W2K3 in the next month.  And I want
to be
able to find out a little about the AD migration beforehand (our
is doing it - I'm not ready to jump into deep water on something like

RE: [ActiveDir] OT: speaking of AD books...

2006-01-23 Thread neil.ruston
Would this be a 'design best practices' book or an 'operational best
practices' book? 

Personally, I'd rather those subjects be kept separate, although I
agree, that each deserves its own publication :)

Maybe joe can act as editor and collate BPs from several ppl, with a one
off payment or small royalty being offered to all contributors (whose
BPs make it to the end product :)


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Rich Milburn
Sent: 23 January 2006 14:15
Subject: RE: [ActiveDir] OT: speaking of AD books...

Joe I have one question for you on this book before mine arrives... am I
going to read it, and then start bugging you again about compiling a
book of AD and server best practices based off of all the good novels
you have posted on this list?? 


In fact... come to think of it... maybe there is still an unwritten
book... one that takes topics that tend to come up on this list and
deals with each on a discussion basis.  It might be more useful for
consultants and architects though, but still... two examples:

1) empty root domain issue - pros and cons
2) remotely managing DCs - joe you once had a long spiel on how you used
to manage all those DCs remotely, and rather than give someone DA rights
to work on it, you'd demote it, then rebuild it from bare metal.  A
decent percentage of us probably knows how to do these things remotely.
But what if someone wanted to set something like this up, and it was a
new concept to them.  Is there a guide out there anywhere that could
show how to do it?  From setting up the imaging software, to configuring
a DC image to come up without someone clicking any buttons locally, etc?

A book like that would probably want a lot of input from a lot of
people, because the answers to a lot of best practices questions are "it
depends".  But I bet there's a need...

Rich Milburn
MCSE, Microsoft MVP - Directory Services Sr Network Analyst, Field
Platform Development Applebee's International, Inc.
4551 W. 107th St
Overland Park, KS 66207
"I love the smell of red herrings in the morning" - anonymous

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of joe
Sent: Sunday, January 22, 2006 10:15 PM
Subject: RE: [ActiveDir] OT: speaking of AD books...

Yeah there is a chapter on migration from 2K to K3 as well as a small
chapter on upgrading to K3R2. 

The big wins in this version of the book if anyone asks me though are

1. A real live chapter on ADAM. First in existence that I am aware of. I
like this chapter, if anyone reads it and has issues with it, please
email me directly. I really like ADAM, I want to make sure my info is
all correct and that it fits people's experiences with it. Heck I
wouldn't mind just hearing about people's experiences so if I write
anything else concerning ADAM, I can comment on it so others may not hit
the same issues/pitfalls. 

2. Significant updates to the Schema Chapters.

3. Significant updates to the Security Chapters.

4. A chapter on basic Exchange (AD-Related) tasks and how to script

5. The Site Topology and Replication chapter got a pretty serious update
as well.

6. A lot of the scripts were reworked. 

Do not buy the book for the VB.NET and Directory Services chapter. I am
not a NET person, I fully admit it, it is pretty much the same as it was
in 2E.
If you want a book in that realm, you want the book Joe Kaplan has been
working on, I was a technical reviewer for that book and it looks like
it is going to be pretty good. 

The TR folks can comment if they like on what they liked about it or
anything they think that is in it that makes it worthwhile. I had, what
I considered unusual, a two way street with feedback with the TRs. They
sent me their comments, I sent back responses for many of the comments
and asked for more detail or asked questions or what not as needed. I
know most everything I have ever TR'ed has been sort of a black hole
where I don't know if the feedback is being used or not which I never
liked. At least one reviewer mentioned to me that the feedback was
unusual and well accepted.

I don't expect this to be the be all end all book on AD but I did try to
make it so I would be happy my name was on it which if anyone knows me
is not a low achievement bar, I am a bit picky. But at the same time, I
know I didn't get everything perfect, there wasn't time for perfect, it
had to be released this decade. It isn't a book that is in my
voice/tone; it is a refresh so I attempted to follow the voice/tone that
was there as much as possible as it wasn't mine to change. Some people
will not like that and some people are probably thankful for it. :o)


-Original Message-

RE: [ActiveDir] OT: speaking of AD books...

2006-01-23 Thread Rich Milburn
Joe I have one question for you on this book before mine arrives... am I
going to read it, and then start bugging you again about compiling a
book of AD and server best practices based off of all the good novels
you have posted on this list?? 


In fact... come to think of it... maybe there is still an unwritten
book... one that takes topics that tend to come up on this list and
deals with each on a discussion basis.  It might be more useful for
consultants and architects though, but still... two examples:

1) empty root domain issue - pros and cons
2) remotely managing DCs - joe you once had a long spiel on how you used
to manage all those DCs remotely, and rather than give someone DA rights
to work on it, you'd demote it, then rebuild it from bare metal.  A
decent percentage of us probably knows how to do these things remotely.
But what if someone wanted to set something like this up, and it was a
new concept to them.  Is there a guide out there anywhere that could
show how to do it?  From setting up the imaging software, to configuring
a DC image to come up without someone clicking any buttons locally, etc?

A book like that would probably want a lot of input from a lot of
people, because the answers to a lot of best practices questions are "it
depends".  But I bet there's a need...

Rich Milburn
MCSE, Microsoft MVP - Directory Services
Sr Network Analyst, Field Platform Development
Applebee's International, Inc.
4551 W. 107th St
Overland Park, KS 66207
"I love the smell of red herrings in the morning" - anonymous

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of joe
Sent: Sunday, January 22, 2006 10:15 PM
Subject: RE: [ActiveDir] OT: speaking of AD books...

Yeah there is a chapter on migration from 2K to K3 as well as a small
chapter on upgrading to K3R2. 

The big wins in this version of the book if anyone asks me though are

1. A real live chapter on ADAM. First in existence that I am aware of. I
like this chapter, if anyone reads it and has issues with it, please
me directly. I really like ADAM, I want to make sure my info is all
and that it fits people's experiences with it. Heck I wouldn't mind just
hearing about people's experiences so if I write anything else
ADAM, I can comment on it so others may not hit the same

2. Significant updates to the Schema Chapters.

3. Significant updates to the Security Chapters.

4. A chapter on basic Exchange (AD-Related) tasks and how to script

5. The Site Topology and Replication chapter got a pretty serious update

6. A lot of the scripts were reworked. 

Do not buy the book for the VB.NET and Directory Services chapter. I am
a NET person, I fully admit it, it is pretty much the same as it was in
If you want a book in that realm, you want the book Joe Kaplan has been
working on, I was a technical reviewer for that book and it looks like
it is
going to be pretty good. 

The TR folks can comment if they like on what they liked about it or
anything they think that is in it that makes it worthwhile. I had, what
considered unusual, a two way street with feedback with the TRs. They
me their comments, I sent back responses for many of the comments and
for more detail or asked questions or what not as needed. I know most
everything I have ever TR'ed has been sort of a black hole where I don't
know if the feedback is being used or not which I never liked. At least
reviewer mentioned to me that the feedback was unusual and well

I don't expect this to be the be all end all book on AD but I did try to
make it so I would be happy my name was on it which if anyone knows me
not a low achievement bar, I am a bit picky. But at the same time, I
know I
didn't get everything perfect, there wasn't time for perfect, it had to
released this decade. It isn't a book that is in my voice/tone; it is a
refresh so I attempted to follow the voice/tone that was there as much
possible as it wasn't mine to change. Some people will not like that and
some people are probably thankful for it. :o)


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Garyphold
Sent: Friday, January 20, 2006 3:02 PM
Subject: RE: [ActiveDir] OT: speaking of AD books...

We're migrating our AD from W2K to W2K3 in the next month.  And I want
to be
able to find out a little about the AD migration beforehand (our
is doing it - I'm not ready to jump into deep water on something like
Will the 3rd edition cover W2K and getting from there to W2K3?  And
still be using W2K on a couple of servers, so I want to be able to have
documentation that will cover both.



RE: [ActiveDir] CPU/Memory usage & .vbs?

2006-01-23 Thread Alain Lissoir

Have a look 
Sample 5.18 
to 5.19 - WatchInstanceStateWithRefreshMethod.wsf
Sample 5.20 - 
Sample 3.77 
to 3.78 - WMICounterMonitor.wsf
Sample 3.79 - 
Sample 3.80 - 
Sample 3.81 - 
All these 
scripts represent techniques and technologies to gather such a 
You can also 
have a look at
WMI Code 
Creator v1.0 can also help you:

[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of 
joeSent: Sunday, January 22, 2006 7:47 PMTo: 
ActiveDir@mail.activedir.orgSubject: RE: [ActiveDir] CPU/Memory usage 
& .vbs?

Yeah I think WMI is about it for you for this type of stuff 
from script. Look through the archives for posts from Alain Lissoir (PM for WMI 
at MS) as he has several links for free tools to automate creating scripts to 
gather info like this.

[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Al 
MulnickSent: Sunday, January 22, 2006 11:52 AMTo: 
ActiveDir@mail.activedir.orgSubject: Re: [ActiveDir] CPU/Memory usage 
& .vbs?

WMI is a pretty easy way to get this done.  What's your comfort level 
with scripting? 
Have you seen this? 
On 1/22/06, Harding, 
  being said.  I'm looking for a script that will output the current 
  memory usage (in percentage) & the top cpu processes.  Is this 
  possible?  wmi? 
  on behalf of Michael B. SmithSent: Sat 1/21/2006 6:14 PMTo: ActiveDir@mail.activedir.orgSubject: 
  RE: [ActiveDir] OT: .vbs mailing list?Although my most useful 
  information about tough _vbscript_ questions hascome from here and from 
  Robbie Allen's various books, there is [EMAIL PROTECTED].-Original 
  Message-From: [EMAIL PROTECTED][mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
  On Behalf Of Harding, DevonSent: Saturday, January 21, 2006 12:17 
  PMTo: ActiveDir@mail.activedir.orgSubject: 
  [ActiveDir] OT: .vbs mailing list?Is there a VBSript mailing list out 
  This message and any attachments are solely for the intendedrecipient 
  and may contain confidential or privileged information.If you are not the 
  intended recipient, any disclosure, copying, useor distribution of the 
  information included in the message and any attachments is 
  prohibited.  If you have received this communicationin error, 
  please notify us by reply e-mail and immediately andpermanently delete 
  this message and any attachments.  Thank You.List 
  info   : 
  info   : 
  info   : 

[ActiveDir] Limitations and issues with domain local groups and GC replicated data

2006-01-23 Thread neil.ruston
Title: Limitations and issues with domain local groups and GC replicated data

I really appreciate the response, Guido :) Many 
Put it this way - if I had £1 for each time I tried to 
persuade an org to go with a single domain and then see a multi 
regional/political forest be implemented anyway - I'd be a rich man :) This org 
has managed to progress from multiple forests, where each country has its own 
domain to a single (proposed) forest, where each region is represented by a 
single domain. They don't feel comfortable going the extra step, even though all 
the pitfalls were explained in detail, over a period of several 
My question stems from the fact that we (will) have 
multiple, domains and will likely need cross domains perms. I don't foresee 
hidden OUs nor the removal of auth users from OU perms right now. Those putting 
together the security model / roles / admin model etc were suggesting DLGs and 
that is where I stepped in and expressed concerns.
I'll go investigate the options available and put forward a 
new proposal to the engineers.
Thanks again,

[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Grillenmeier, 
GuidoSent: 20 January 2006 18:58To: 
ActiveDir@mail.activedir.orgSubject: RE: [ActiveDir] Limitations and 
issues with domain local groups and GC replicated data

> I'm trying to figure out 
if this represents an issue to me in my (proposed) regional > multi-domain 
environment or not. > > We are currently 
planning to use DLGs for permissioning AD data as well as server > based data. We 
planned to then nest global groups (GGs) into these DLGs from various > domains in the 
forest. Will such a scenario be affected by the issue described above? 

Yes it does. Are you actually in the planning 
phase of the domain-model / forest-structure itself? Or does this multi-domain 
AD already exist and you need to plan the security model for it?  If you're 
still structuring the forest, you should seriously consider a single domain 
approach to avoid many of the challenges involved with multiple domain forests 
(the security on GC data using DLGs just being one of 
impact of AD data in GCs that are secured with DLGs certainly depends 
on your overall security strategy in the AD forest. If you leave the default 
ACLs in place (which grant a whole lot of READ permissions to authenticated 
users) and are just planning to use the DLGs to add extra rights to OUs (or any 
object) for delegating administrative tasks (e.g. permissions to change PW or to 
add specific objects such as computers to an OU), this will typcially 
not impact you negatively when trying to access the data from a 
remote domain on a GC. Why? Well the data in the GC is read-only anyways so even 
though those extra permissions will not be applicable on the GC in a remote 
domain, the data can't be edited anyways so you won't notice the 
however you are planning to take away a lot of the default rights - or you are 
granting extra rights to read hidden data (e.g. hidden group-memberships in 
Exchange or simply an OU where the default read-permissions have been removed so 
that the data won't be visible for the normal users), granting rights using a 
DLG will not suffice to make the data accessible on the GC in a remote 
doesn't matter that you're planning to put the users from the various domains 
into Global Groups (GGs) and then nest these into the DLGs => the GC of a 
remote domain has no clue who is a member of the DLG (since the member attribute 
of a DLG is not replicated to the GC), so it can't expand the token of the user 
that tries to access the data on that remote GC. 

make it clear: 
1. a user in DomA (DOMA-Usr1) is 
a member of a DLG in DomB (DOMB-DLG1). 

2. DOMB-DLG1 is used to 
grant read access on an OU in DomB (where auth. users READ access has been 
3. when DOMA-Usr1 logs onto his client he is 
authenticated via a DOMA DC
4. at this time he will only have 
DOMA groups in his token + any Universal Groups of the forest 
(needs to connect to a GC at logon to find the appropriate group-memberships of 
the user). He will thus have the DLGs and GGs of his own domain (DOMA) and 
UGs of any domain in his token.
5. he now connects to a DOMB DC 
to look at the secured OU => because of the transitive trust he is 
automatically authenticated - at this time the user's access token is generated 
for the DOMB domain by a DOMB DC => this DC 
knows of the user's DLG memberships in DOMB and adds DOMB-DLG1 
to DOMA-Usr1's access token (only valid on DOMB resources); it 
doesn't matter if the user has a direct membership in the DLG or via a GG of 
the user successfully accesses the secured OU on the DOMB 
the same data is replicated to a GC in DomA. 
1. DOMA-USR1 now tries to access 
the OU on a DOMA-GC
2. only the user's DomA token is 
valid on a DC or GC (or any other resource) in 
DomA - this does not