RE: [ActiveDir] Always point a DC with DNS installed to itself as the preferred DNS server...always?

2006-07-22 Thread joe


demists eyes

The main thing I don't like is AD Integrated. There is 
something fundamentally wrong with having your directory replication completely 
dependent on the name resolution system that is completely dependent on the 
directory replication system that is completely dependent on the name resolution 
system that is completely dependent on the directory replication system that is 
completely dependent on the name resolution system that is completely dependent 
on the directory replication system that is completely dependent on the name 
resolution system that is completely dependent on the directory replication 
system kick

I like the idea of multiple masters, I am tepid on the 
security (I haven't seen nor heard of anyone who has been attacked this way in 6 
years of asking around), I am outright against the replication model. 

Aside from that, I was tainted by seeing UNIX DNS 
products running great at large scales and seeing Microsoft DNS screwing up 
tono end at medium scales. I fully realize it could have been a function 
of the people running it but one key time I saw it was in a pretty large company 
that hadUNIX DNS in a complicated layout that worked great for hundreds of 
thousands of machines and a Microsoft DNS being used for the hundreds of DMZ 
machines in a very simple layout which had Microsoft resources helping with it 
and guess which DNS systemI was hearing issues about and that was 
constantly having AD failures because of DNS? Again I fully realize it very 
likely could have been the people involved but some of those people were MSFT 
people so it shouldn't have been that difficult to get it working right. 
Everytime they tried to pull me in to work on the AD issues I simply said, fix 
your DNS and get on the corporate standard and then I will look at what your 
problems are. 

If I had to work do ops in an environment where MSFT DNS 
was my only option it is quite likely that I would work to become an expert on 
it and it is also possible I would work on it and finally just say screw this 
and I am going tosit down at night and write my own version of DNS or use 
BIND.That way I can have full control of what is going on and not wonder 
what the hell is going on or what changed in the last rev such that now my AD 
can't work because DNS isn't working because my DC is flaking out because AD 
isn't working. Etc etc etc.

I guess what I am saying, a string of dependencies no 
matter how long or how short really shouldn't loop back upon itself. You 
shouldn't have to be sitting there wondering if AD broke DNS or DNS broke AD and 
what you have to fix to make it all work again. If I am running DNS on another 
platform or at least on a Windows machine with no dependence on the domain and I 
see that DNS and AD are broken I know right where I need to start working 
without thinking very hard about it. The KISS philosphy is there for a reason, 
ops people especially in the middle of a blowup should not be required to think 
hard. The hard thinking needs to occur in the design and prior to things blowing 
up. When something blows up it should be a matter of putting it back together. 
Obviously it isn't always going to be that way but purposely putting something 
together that is going to require that hard thinking when it blows for sure 
doesn't make much sense to me.


O'Reilly Active Directory Third Edition -

[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Al 
MulnickSent: Friday, July 21, 2006 11:37 PMTo: 
ActiveDir@mail.activedir.orgSubject: Re: [ActiveDir] Always point a 
DC with DNS installed to itself as the preferred DNS 

Now don't go getting misty eyed and thinking that I'm coming over the 
joe-side of thinking when it comes to DNS and Microsoft. But aye, it has 
it's shortcomings and could be much better. Perhaps they need a real 
competitor vis a vis Firefox and IE to get things jumping? 


On 7/21/06, joe 

  Bingo... keep playing and one day you may even think how nice it is to not 
  have DNS on DCs at all or even on Microsoft Is that heresy here? If so I 
  will say three Hail Kwan's and sprinkle some ground up Intel chip dust on 
  myself... ;o) 
  wonders why I hate DNS. :)
  Active Directory Third Edition -
  From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ] On Behalf Of Al 
  MulnickSent: Thursday, July 13, 2006 3:32 PM
  Subject: Re: [ActiveDir] 
  Always point a DC with DNS installed to itself as the preferred DNS 
  See how quickly thinking changes? :)
  I almost think this is a better reason not to have AD-integrated 
  DNS. Shall have to ponder a bit more, but I detest the idea of a DNS 

RE: [ActiveDir] Always point a DC with DNS installed to itself as the preferred DNS server...always?

2006-07-22 Thread joe

poor implementation is going tohurt you but I would argue that you are 
better off with a poor BIND/QIP DNS implementation than a poor Windows DNS 
implementation just because of the whole dependency loop thing. 

If you 
can adequately state your needs to a UNIX DNS group they can usually fullfill 
those needs and things should work fine. 

guess MSFT could help out with this and make it so there was a way to staticly 
specify the required records for replication in flat files on DCs in the event 
there is a failure. At least this gets you up and running to the point where 
replication is working again and you can start working on the original DNS issue 
that caused the mess. Once DNS is functioning properly again you turn off the 
side road with the static entries. 

for me the part that hurts is if AD and AD DNS running on a DC is down, you 
really don't have a clue what caused what and have to start looking at 
everything. Most people aren't equipped to look at everything and quickly narrow 
it down to the key components. 

O'Reilly Active Directory Third Edition -

[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Al 
MulnickSent: Saturday, July 22, 2006 10:24 AMTo: 
ActiveDir@mail.activedir.orgSubject: Re: [ActiveDir] Always point a 
DC with DNS installed to itself as the preferred DNS 

The downside is that your logic on this one is very hard to argue 
with. At the heart of the matter you are saying (allow me to paraphrase) 
that the issue is the dependency of one system on another which is dependent on 
the former. 

Yep, that's hard to argue with because you are right.

The part that gets me is that I've seen it the other way. A BIND, or 
QIP implementation that was done horribly and offered way less simplicity (aka 
troubleshooting "hand-holds" - digression: I firmly believe that IT systems 
should be designed like sewer systems - with maintance access points built in 
along the way. The results of not doing that are similar ;) and the 
results were a less stable system than with delegated ad-integrated zones that 
only the Windows environment relied on. Oddly, that Windows environment is the 
gateway to the rest of the environments for the users, but hey, that's not part 
of this conversation now is it? 

Anyhow, I see your point and that's an interesting point to consider and 
one that is certainly tough to argue with. My only counter at this point is that 
either DNS system is going to be dependent on those that design and deploy it 
and if you're like many companies of mid to large size, your DNS is distributed 
and managed by those of the platform it runs on. In many instances if you 
run *nix, it'll be on the *nix platform, if by Windows, then by Windows 
support. Worse to me is if it's done by the network (phys) folks. May as 
well give it to the guard shack. :) 

On 7/22/06, joe 

  demists eyes
  The main 
  thing I don't like is AD Integrated. There is something fundamentally wrong 
  with having your directory replication completely dependent on the name 
  resolution system that is completely dependent on the directory replication 
  system that is completely dependent on the name resolution system that is 
  completely dependent on the directory replication system that is completely 
  dependent on the name resolution system that is completely dependent on the 
  directory replication system that is completely dependent on the name 
  resolution system that is completely dependent on the directory replication 
  system kick 
  I like the idea of multiple masters, I am tepid on the 
  security (I haven't seen nor heard of anyone who has been attacked this way in 
  6 years of asking around), I am outright against the replication model. 
  Aside from that, I was tainted by seeing UNIX DNS products 
  running great at large scales and seeing Microsoft DNS screwing up tono 
  end at medium scales. I fully realize it could have been a function of the 
  people running it but one key time I saw it was in a pretty large company that 
  hadUNIX DNS in a complicated layout that worked great for hundreds of 
  thousands of machines and a Microsoft DNS being used for the hundreds of DMZ 
  machines in a very simple layout which had Microsoft resources helping with it 
  and guess which DNS systemI was hearing issues about and that was 
  constantly having AD failures because of DNS? Again I fully realize it very 
  likely could have been the people involved but some of those people were MSFT 
  people so it shouldn't have been that difficult to get it working right. 
  Everytime they tried to pull me in to work on the AD issues I simply said, fix 
  your DNS and get on the corporate standard and then I will look at what your 
  problems are. 
  If I had 
  to work do ops in an environment where MSFT DNS was my only option it is quite 

RE: [ActiveDir] Always point a DC with DNS installed to itself as the preferred DNS server...always?

2006-07-21 Thread joe

If it should be, it should come from MSFT... They could 
easily configure that if they feel it is important. As a general thing, you 
really shouldn't be having to manipulate service startup order especially for 
critical services. I think I have done that maybe 5 or 10 times in 10 years and 
I am a complete hacker with this stuff.


O'Reilly Active Directory Third Edition -

[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Deji 
AkomolafeSent: Thursday, July 13, 2006 10:11 AMTo: 
ActiveDir@mail.activedir.orgSubject: RE: [ActiveDir] Always point a 
DC with DNS installed to itself as the preferred DNS 

Not unless you make Netlogon 
dependent on DNS in the startup order. That should be a standard 

 (, / | 
/) /)  /---| (/_ 
__ ___// _ // _ ) 
/ |_/(__(_) // 
(/ Microsoft MVP - Directory - we know, -3.23Do you now realize that Today is the Tomorrow you 
were worried about Yesterday? 

Thu 7/13/2006 1:20 AMTo: 
ActiveDir@mail.activedir.orgSubject: RE: [ActiveDir] Always point a 
DC with DNS installed to itself as the preferred DNS 

One point that is nearly always overlooked is the 
following, if a DC points to itself for DNS name res:

The DNS server service starts *after* NETLOGON, at 
The DNS server service stops *before* NETLOGON, at 


startup netlogon cannot register DNS records on the local machine until the DNS 
server starts (record reg may fail or be stalled / time out). 

shutdown or during a demotion netlogon cannot un-register DNS records on the 
local machine since DNS server has stopped (demotion will leave DC records in 

these reasons alone - I always recommend that a DC points to another (local) DNS 
server (not necessarily a DC) and then itself as secondary (or maybe even 

my 2 

[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Al 
MulnickSent: 13 July 2006 02:59To: 
ActiveDir@mail.activedir.orgSubject: Re: [ActiveDir] Always point a 
DC with DNS installed to itself as the preferred DNS 

You don't work at the post office do you? ;)

There are many many many ways to properly configure DNS.One 
thing that helps is to think of the terms client and server vs. preferred and 
alternate only. You are configuring a preferred server and an alternate server 
that you want this DC to be a client of. 

DNS is a standard.Windows 2003 DNS follows those standards 
(comments really, but let's not pick right?) Microsoft has done some 
enhancements above and beyond that make DNS play very well in the Microsoft 
sphere[1]. You can however have DNS that is a third party DNS system, such 
as BIND. Active Directory plays very well with such third party DNS 
systems. You could have your domain controllers not have any DNS hosted on 
them at all. You could have it hosted, but as a secondary zone. You 
could also have it AD integrated meaning that you have a listener for DNS but 
the data(base) is stored in the active directory. 

Something to clarify: what you're talking about is making the DC a *client* 
to another DNS server that hosts the zones. You're also talking about 
making dc1 a client of dc2 and vice versa. That's silly, but I'll get to 

If you have your dns hosted on a third party system such as BIND, you'll 
have one server as the primary (not best practice, but you get the idea; in 
practice you'd have multiple for failure tolerance wan traffic optimization) and 
your DC would be a client of that system. 

If you have a traditional DNS hierarchy that has primary and secondary 
transfers, you would be mimicking BIND topology and again could configure your 
DC's to be clients of the BIND or Microsoft DNS servers. 

If you have the the DNS AD-Integrated, then after initial replication you 
should have the client configured to use itself as the DNS server.That'd 
be the best practice. Before 2003 you could have an "island effect" where 
because you didn't have a full picture of the directory, you might not have all 
the records needed to fully *see* the entire DNS names list effectively creating 
an island of a DC. In 2003 some additional code was put in to make sure 
that doesn't happen. You need to be a client of a working DNS to join the 
domain and to find the other DC's when you get promoted. After replication 
completes, you have a full list and there's no need to continue as a client of a 
server that has the same information you do. 

So, what's silly about having your server configured to be a client of a 
dns server that has the same information? I find it amusing that if the 
server wants to find something he'll ask his neighbor if he has the information 
when he could just ask himself. It's brain dead in my opinion and very 

RE: [ActiveDir] Always point a DC with DNS installed to itself as the preferred DNS server...always?

2006-07-21 Thread joe

Hehe Bingo... keep playing and one day you may even think 
how nice it is to not have DNS on DCs at all or even on Microsoft Is that 
heresy here? If so I will say three Hail Kwan's and sprinkle some ground up 
Intel chip dust on myself... ;o)

Dean wonders why I hate DNS. :)

O'Reilly Active Directory Third Edition -

[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Al 
MulnickSent: Thursday, July 13, 2006 3:32 PMTo: 
ActiveDir@mail.activedir.orgSubject: Re: [ActiveDir] Always point a 
DC with DNS installed to itself as the preferred DNS 

See how quickly thinking changes? :)

I almost think this is a better reason not to have AD-integrated DNS. 
Shall have to ponder a bit more, but I detest the idea of a DNS server being a 
client to a peer name res server. I'm still inclined to continue to use 
the self-as-primary deployment. I understand that silliness (thanks for 
pointing out that situation James) can impact availability and that would 
normally indicate a bad design. I'm curious though, why in the situation 
described that the server couldn't replicate and begin serving records. I 
haven't looked lately, but how many replication partners does it have to talk to 
before it will serve DNS? 

"I'm looking for server x. Do you have it? Hello? Are you there? 
No? Let me check myself then." It also goes against the idea that each 
name res server should have as much of a complete picture of the environment as 
possible else there's no reason to have multiples. 

On 7/13/06, Grillenmeier, 
  that DNS startup behavious changes with SP1, which is anotherreason not to 
  choose the DC itself as the preferred DNS server: with SP1, AD will not 
  allow the DNS service to read any records, until it hassuccessfully 
  replicated with one of it's replication partners.This isto 
  avoid false or duplicate registration of records (or even duplicate 
  creation of the application partitions).As such, with SP1 it's 
  better to point your DCs to a replication partneras a primary DNS and to 
  self as a secondary./Guido-Original Message-From: 
  On Behalf Of[EMAIL PROTECTED]Sent: 
  Donnerstag, 13. Juli 2006 17:02To: ActiveDir@mail.activedir.orgCc: 
  ; [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: 
  Re: [ActiveDir] Always point a DC with DNS installed to itselfas the 
  preferred DNS server...always?Hi Al I did want to throw in a 
  personl experience I had with W2K3 thatvalidatesthe "Point your DNS 
  server to a replication partner theory".I did seeinone 
  environment where every DC had DNS and the msdcs partition was a 
  forestpartition.An unfortunate DNS scavenge was done 
  deleting some of theGUIDrecords in the MSCDCS 
  partition.Replication started to fail shortlyafterthat and 
  the missing GUIDs were discovered.The netlogon service was 
  restarted to make the DCs re-register but of course they 
  re-registeredtheGUID on themselves.They could find 
  themselves but not theirreplicationpartners.The 
  replication partners could find them but not themeselves. When the DCs 
  were set to point to a hub replication partner for 
  primaryandthemselves as secondary the problem went away - the netlogon 
  service wasrestarted, the GUIDs registered on the central DNS server, the 
  spokes didthe lookup for replication parnters on the hub site DC and 
  eventuallythings started working again.This was pre - SP1 so this 
  may not be a problem anymore, but after thatexperience I have seen value 
  in doing the DNS configuration so that the DCsall point to the hub 
  first and themselves second.I have not seen anyproblems for 
  the DC itself when the WAN link dropped for a length oftimeand the 
  primary DNS server was not reachable.Of course, if there are never any 
  changes to DC IPs or names and the MSDCSis never scavenged (or the 
  interval is long enough not to recreate theabove problem) then the above 
  argument is moot.Regards;James R. DayActive Directory Core 
  TeamOffice of the Chief Information Officer National Park 
  Service202-230-2983[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  cc: (bcc:James Day/Contractor/NPS) 
  [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject:Re:[ActiveDir] 
  Always point a DC with DNS installed to itself as 
  07/12/2006 09:58 PM 
  Please respond 
  ActiveDir You don't work at the post office do 
  you? ;)There are many many many ways to properly configure 
  DNS.One thing thathelps is to think of the terms client and 
  server vs. preferred and alternate only. You are configuring a preferred 
  server and an alternateserver that you want this DC to be a client 
  of.DNS is a standard.Windows 2003 DNS 

Re: [ActiveDir] Always point a DC with DNS installed to itself as the preferred DNS server...always?

2006-07-21 Thread Al Mulnick
Now don't go getting misty eyed and thinking that I'm coming over the joe-side of thinking when it comes to DNS and Microsoft. But aye, it has it's shortcomings and could be much better. Perhaps they need a real competitor vis a vis Firefox and IE to get things jumping? 


On 7/21/06, joe [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hehe Bingo... keep playing and one day you may even think how nice it is to not have DNS on DCs at all or even on Microsoft Is that heresy here? If so I will say three Hail Kwan's and sprinkle some ground up Intel chip dust on myself... ;o)

Dean wonders why I hate DNS. :)

O'Reilly Active Directory Third Edition -

] On Behalf Of Al MulnickSent: Thursday, July 13, 2006 3:32 PM

Subject: Re: [ActiveDir] Always point a DC with DNS installed to itself as the preferred DNS server...always?

See how quickly thinking changes? :)

I almost think this is a better reason not to have AD-integrated DNS. Shall have to ponder a bit more, but I detest the idea of a DNS server being a client to a peer name res server. I'm still inclined to continue to use the self-as-primary deployment. I understand that silliness (thanks for pointing out that situation James) can impact availability and that would normally indicate a bad design. I'm curious though, why in the situation described that the server couldn't replicate and begin serving records. I haven't looked lately, but how many replication partners does it have to talk to before it will serve DNS? 

I'm looking for server x. Do you have it? Hello? Are you there? No? Let me check myself then. It also goes against the idea that each name res server should have as much of a complete picture of the environment as possible else there's no reason to have multiples. 

On 7/13/06, Grillenmeier, Guido 
note that DNS startup behavious changes with SP1, which is anotherreason not to choose the DC itself as the preferred DNS server: with 
SP1, AD will not allow the DNS service to read any records, until it hassuccessfully replicated with one of it's replication partners.This isto avoid false or duplicate registration of records (or even duplicate 
creation of the application partitions).As such, with SP1 it's better to point your DCs to a replication partneras a primary DNS and to self as a secondary./Guido-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of
[EMAIL PROTECTED]Sent: Donnerstag, 13. Juli 2006 17:02
To: ActiveDir@mail.activedir.orgCc: ; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [ActiveDir] Always point a DC with DNS installed to itselfas the preferred DNS server...always?Hi Al I did want to throw in a personl experience I had with W2K3 thatvalidates
the Point your DNS server to a replication partner theory.I did seeinone environment where every DC had DNS and the msdcs partition was a forestpartition.An unfortunate DNS scavenge was done deleting some of the
GUIDrecords in the MSCDCS partition.Replication started to fail shortlyafterthat and the missing GUIDs were discovered.The netlogon service was restarted to make the DCs re-register but of course they re-registered
theGUID on themselves.They could find themselves but not theirreplicationpartners.The replication partners could find them but not themeselves. When the DCs were set to point to a hub replication partner for primary
andthemselves as secondary the problem went away - the netlogon service wasrestarted, the GUIDs registered on the central DNS server, the spokes didthe lookup for replication parnters on the hub site DC and eventually
things started working again.This was pre - SP1 so this may not be a problem anymore, but after thatexperience I have seen value in doing the DNS configuration so that the DCsall point to the hub first and themselves second.I have not seen any
problems for the DC itself when the WAN link dropped for a length oftimeand the primary DNS server was not reachable.Of course, if there are never any changes to DC IPs or names and the MSDCSis never scavenged (or the interval is long enough not to recreate the
above problem) then the above argument is moot.Regards;James R. DayActive Directory Core TeamOffice of the Chief Information Officer National Park Service202-230-2983
 Sent by: cc: (bcc:James Day/Contractor/NPS)  
[EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject:Re:[ActiveDir] Always point a DC with DNS installed to itself as the preferred DNSserver...always? 07/12/2006 09:58 PM AST Please respond to ActiveDir 
You don't work at the post office do you? ;)There are many many many ways to properly configure DNS.One thing thathelps is to think of the terms client and server vs. preferred and 

Re: [ActiveDir] Always point a DC with DNS installed to itself as the preferred DNS server...always?

2006-07-17 Thread Paul Williams

Nice answer Steve. Thanks for the info. and 
the KB.

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Friday, July 14, 2006 7:41 PM
  Subject: RE: [ActiveDir] Always point a 
  DC with DNS installed to itself as the preferred DNS server...always?
  I believe I covered 
  most of this on a previous posting to ActiveDir but here are all of the 
  details into what change was made and why:
   First of all 
  the change that was made requires that an Initial Sync is completed before DNS 
  will load the zones. This change was made after a customer reported a 
  very nasty outage of all DNS records for one of their Domains. Needless 
  to say with no DNS records many things break. So how and why did this 
  happen. It turns out that many things have to come together but the end 
  result is that we Conflict the MicrosoftDNS container, note not the 
  application partition. This can occur do to a timing issue that was 
  first seen when using an Install from Media (IFM) technique across a slow WAN 
  link and of course you are not using the new feature in Windows Server 2003 
  SP1 that allows sourcing Application Partitions from media. Because 
  Application Partitions have the lowest replication priority it was possible 
  that the machine would register to host the DomainDNSZones application 
  partition but never get a chance to replicate any information in do to it 
  being pre-empted by higher priority Config and Domain partition 
  replication. In that case if the timing was just right it was possible 
  that the DNS server on this box would recreate the MicrosoftDNS container in 
  order to store the root hints. This would of course replicate out and 
  cause a CNF and since last writer wins you would end up with what looked like 
  an empty MicrosoftDNS container, except for the root hints, which looked like 
  corruption to all of the other DNS servers since they had records loaded from 
  there at one point. To keep this from happening a requirement that the 
  DC must perform an initial sync was put in place. This was the safest 
  way to insure that we had replicated the necessary data in before trying to 
  load zones and possibly conflict the MicrosoftDNS container. There were 
  other places where this type of issue could pop up such as how we handle SOAs 
  so the change was made. There is additional work being done in Windows 
  Server “Code Name Longhorn” to help with this as well as other performance 
  issues of loading large zones which caused slow DNS startup times. I 
  have sent Email to the appropriate component owners so that they can revise if 
  necessary our guidelines on how DNS should be configured for both Windows 
  Server 2003 and the next version of the product. The only thing I would 
  not recommend is removing the initial sync requirements by adding a registry 
  value as this not only has affects on DNS but also the code that is used to 
  insure that we do not have multiple machines believing that they are a 
  particular FSMO owner. Here is the KB for the change that was introduced 
  and rolled into SP1: 
  . I have left out some of the hairy details as to exactly why the above 
  happens as well as the customer who initially hit this, they know who they 
  are. J
  On Behalf Of Al 
  MulnickSent: Friday, July 
  14, 2006 12:46 PMTo: 
  ActiveDir@mail.activedir.orgSubject: Re: [ActiveDir] Always point a 
  DC with DNS installed to itself as the preferred DNS 
  Guido, have you checked this lately? I know 
  there were several changes to that behavior in several revs IIRC. The 
  problems you describe were better than a challenge, as I recall. they 
  had a tenedancy to wreak havoc with integrated dns zones when a dc would come 
  up and create a new zone and then replicate that. There were several 
  fixes related though and that behavior might have changed several times. 
  On 7/14/06, Grillenmeier, Guido [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  I'd have to do some more digging as to *why* the 
  duplicateapp-partitions were created, but I've had to troubleshoot this 
  prior to SP1. This was during a global Win2003 DC rollout - we used the 
  IFMfeature to rollout the DCs. But prior to SP1 you couldn't add 
  theapplication partitions to the dcpromo process (IFM in SP1 now offers 
  anthe options to include app partitions during the promotion). 
  During this rollout a couple of DCs actually re-created 
  theDomainDnsZones app-partiontion right after their first reboot, 
  causingsome interesting challenges. Agree they should have contacted the 
  DNmaster - not sure why either they didn't, or why the DN master allowed 
  them to re-create this well-known app-partition.Anyways, to avoid 
  similar issues, SP1 ensures that AD 

Re: [ActiveDir] Always point a DC with DNS installed to itself as the preferred DNS server...always?

2006-07-17 Thread victor-w
Indeed very usefull information, thanks for this.

- Oorspronkelijk bericht -
Van: Paul Williams [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Datum: maandag, juli 17, 2006 12:06 pm
Onderwerp: Re: [ActiveDir] Always point a DC with DNS installed to 
itself as the preferred DNS server...always?

 Nice answer Steve.  Thanks for the info. and the KB.
  - Original Message - 
  From: Steve Linehan 
  Sent: Friday, July 14, 2006 7:41 PM
  Subject: RE: [ActiveDir] Always point a DC with DNS installed to 
 itself as the preferred DNS server...always?
  I believe I covered most of this on a previous posting to 
 ActiveDir but here are all of the details into what change was 
 made and why:
First of all the change that was made requires that an Initial 
 Sync is completed before DNS will load the zones.  This change was 
 made after a customer reported a very nasty outage of all DNS 
 records for one of their Domains.  Needless to say with no DNS 
 records many things break.  So how and why did this happen.  It 
 turns out that many things have to come together but the end 
 result is that we Conflict the MicrosoftDNS container, note not 
 the application partition.  This can occur do to a timing issue 
 that was first seen when using an Install from Media (IFM) 
 technique across a slow WAN link and of course you are not using 
 the new feature in Windows Server 2003 SP1 that allows sourcing 
 Application Partitions from media.  Because Application Partitions 
 have the lowest replication priority it was possible that the 
 machine would register to host the DomainDNSZones application 
 partition but never get a chance to replicate any information in 
 do to it being pre-empted by higher priority Config and Domain 
 partition replication.  In that case if the timing was just right 
 it was possible that the DNS server on this box would recreate the 
 MicrosoftDNS container in order to store the root hints.  This 
 would of course replicate out and cause a CNF and since last 
 writer wins you would end up with what looked like an empty 
 MicrosoftDNS container, except for the root hints, which looked 
 like corruption to all of the other DNS servers since they had 
 records loaded from there at one point.  To keep this from 
 happening a requirement that the DC must perform an initial sync 
 was put in place.  This was the safest way to insure that we had 
 replicated the necessary data in before trying to load zones and 
 possibly conflict the MicrosoftDNS container.  There were other 
 places where this type of issue could pop up such as how we handle 
 SOAs so the change was made.  There is additional work being done 
 in Windows Server Code Name Longhorn to help with this as well 
 as other performance issues of loading large zones which caused 
 slow DNS startup times.  I have sent Email to the appropriate 
 component owners so that they can revise if necessary our 
 guidelines on how DNS should be configured for both Windows Server 
 2003 and the next version of the product.  The only thing I would 
 not recommend is removing the initial sync requirements by adding 
 a registry value as this not only has affects on DNS but also the 
 code that is used to insure that we do not have multiple machines 
 believing that they are a particular FSMO owner.  Here is the KB 
 for the change that was introduced and rolled into SP1: .  I have left out 
 some of the hairy details as to exactly why the above happens as 
 well as the customer who initially hit this, they know who they 
 are. J
  From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:ActiveDir-
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Al Mulnick
  Sent: Friday, July 14, 2006 12:46 PM
  Subject: Re: [ActiveDir] Always point a DC with DNS installed to 
 itself as the preferred DNS server...always?
  Guido, have you checked this lately?  I know there were several 
 changes to that behavior in several revs IIRC.  The problems you 
 describe were better than a challenge, as I recall.  they had a 
 tenedancy to wreak havoc with integrated dns zones when a dc would 
 come up and create a new zone and then replicate that.  There were 
 several fixes related though and that behavior might have changed 
 several times.  
  On 7/14/06, Grillenmeier, Guido [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  I'd have to do some more digging as to *why* the duplicate
  app-partitions were created, but I've had to troubleshoot this 
 prior to 
  SP1. This was during a global Win2003 DC rollout - we used the IFM
  feature to rollout the DCs. But prior to SP1 you couldn't add the
  application partitions to the dcpromo process (IFM in SP1 now 
 offers an
  the options to include app partitions during the promotion). 
  During this rollout a couple of DCs 

Re: [ActiveDir] Always point a DC with DNS installed to itself as the preferred DNS server...always?

2006-07-14 Thread Paul Williams
I can't see how you can get a duplicate NDNC as the creation of such objects 
is targetted at the DN master. The DN master will check the existing 
crossRefs and stop this happening, as we can't rely on the DS stopping it as 
the RDN is different for each NDNC (unless they've used well-known GUIDs 
for the DNS NCs?).

Although the behaviour you speak of is new to me, and another one of those 
slight, interesting changes, so thanks for that.

Can you elaborate on this new behaviour?  What, exactly, happens and in what 


- Original Message - 
From: Grillenmeier, Guido [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Sent: Thursday, July 13, 2006 6:52 PM
Subject: RE: [ActiveDir] Always point a DC with DNS installed to itself as 
the preferred DNS server...always?

note that DNS startup behavious changes with SP1, which is another
reason not to choose the DC itself as the preferred DNS server: with
SP1, AD will not allow the DNS service to read any records, until it has
successfully replicated with one of it's replication partners.  This is
to avoid false or duplicate registration of records (or even duplicate
creation of the application partitions).

As such, with SP1 it's better to point your DCs to a replication partner
as a primary DNS and to self as a secondary.


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
Sent: Donnerstag, 13. Juli 2006 17:02
Subject: Re: [ActiveDir] Always point a DC with DNS installed to itself
as the preferred DNS server...always?

Hi Al

I did want to throw in a personl experience I had with W2K3 that
the Point your DNS server to a replication partner theory.  I did see
one environment where every DC had DNS and the msdcs partition was a
partition.  An unfortunate DNS scavenge was done deleting some of the
records in the MSCDCS partition.  Replication started to fail shortly
that and the missing GUIDs were discovered.  The netlogon service was
restarted to make the DCs re-register but of course they re-registered
GUID on themselves.  They could find themselves but not their
partners.  The replication partners could find them but not themeselves.
When the DCs were set to point to a hub replication partner for primary
themselves as secondary the problem went away - the netlogon service was
restarted, the GUIDs registered on the central DNS server, the spokes
the lookup for replication parnters on the hub site DC and eventually
things started working again.

This was pre - SP1 so this may not be a problem anymore, but after that
experience I have seen value in doing the DNS configuration so that the
all point to the hub first and themselves second.  I have not seen any
problems for the DC itself when the WAN link dropped for a length of
and the primary DNS server was not reachable.

Of course, if there are never any changes to DC IPs or names and the
is never scavenged (or the interval is long enough not to recreate the
above problem) then the above argument is moot.


James R. Day
Active Directory Core Team
Office of the Chief Information Officer
National Park Service

 Al Mulnick


 Sent by:   cc:   (bcc:
James Day/Contractor/NPS)
[ActiveDir] Always point a DC with DNS installed to itself as the preferred DNS

 07/12/2006 09:58 PM AST

 Please respond to


You don't work at the post office do you? ;)

There are many many many ways to properly configure DNS.  One thing that
helps is to think of the terms client and server vs. preferred and
alternate only. You are configuring a preferred server and an alternate
server that you want this DC to be a client of.

DNS is a standard.  Windows 2003 DNS follows those standards (comments
really, but let's not pick right?)  Microsoft has done some enhancements
above and beyond that make DNS play very well in the Microsoft
You can however have DNS that is a third party DNS system, such as BIND.
Active Directory plays very well with such third party DNS systems.  You
could have your domain controllers not have any DNS hosted on them at
You could have it hosted, but as a secondary zone.  You could also have
AD integrated meaning that you have a listener for DNS but the
is stored in the active directory.

Something to clarify: what you're talking about is making the DC a
to another DNS server that hosts the zones.  You're also talking about
making dc1 a client 

RE: [ActiveDir] Always point a DC with DNS installed to itself as the preferred DNS server...always?

2006-07-14 Thread Grillenmeier, Guido
I'd have to do some more digging as to *why* the duplicate
app-partitions were created, but I've had to troubleshoot this prior to
SP1. This was during a global Win2003 DC rollout - we used the IFM
feature to rollout the DCs. But prior to SP1 you couldn't add the
application partitions to the dcpromo process (IFM in SP1 now offers an
the options to include app partitions during the promotion). 

During this rollout a couple of DCs actually re-created the
DomainDnsZones app-partiontion right after their first reboot, causing
some interesting challenges. Agree they should have contacted the DN
master - not sure why either they didn't, or why the DN master allowed
them to re-create this well-known app-partition. 

Anyways, to avoid similar issues, SP1 ensures that AD completes the
replication with one partner prior to allowing the DNS service to read
it's records and to register anything. This is actually similar to the
change that was done with either Win2000 SP2 or SP3 to avoid DCs to
advertise their GC status prior to finishing a replication cycle with
another GC or one DC of every domain in their site.

The challenge here is that you get into a race-condition when using
the DC itself as the primary DNS server - ofcourse this will still work,
but you have to wait for many more timeouts during the reboot of the AD
DC: for every DNS query prior to a successful replication, the DC will
first try to query it's own DNS server and won't use the secondary until
a DNS timeout...  I've seen the boot-times of DCs go up to 10 and more
minutes.  This can usually be fixed by setting the primary DNS server of
the DC to another DNS server (naturally won't help, if both are booted
at once - consider this during your DR planning...)


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Paul Williams
Sent: Freitag, 14. Juli 2006 12:33
Subject: Re: [ActiveDir] Always point a DC with DNS installed to itself
as the preferred DNS server...always?

I can't see how you can get a duplicate NDNC as the creation of such
is targetted at the DN master. The DN master will check the existing 
crossRefs and stop this happening, as we can't rely on the DS stopping
it as 
the RDN is different for each NDNC (unless they've used well-known
for the DNS NCs?).

Although the behaviour you speak of is new to me, and another one of
slight, interesting changes, so thanks for that.

Can you elaborate on this new behaviour?  What, exactly, happens and in


- Original Message - 
From: Grillenmeier, Guido [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, July 13, 2006 6:52 PM
Subject: RE: [ActiveDir] Always point a DC with DNS installed to itself
the preferred DNS server...always?

 note that DNS startup behavious changes with SP1, which is another
 reason not to choose the DC itself as the preferred DNS server: with
 SP1, AD will not allow the DNS service to read any records, until it
 successfully replicated with one of it's replication partners.  This
 to avoid false or duplicate registration of records (or even duplicate
 creation of the application partitions).

 As such, with SP1 it's better to point your DCs to a replication
 as a primary DNS and to self as a secondary.


 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
 Sent: Donnerstag, 13. Juli 2006 17:02
 Subject: Re: [ActiveDir] Always point a DC with DNS installed to
 as the preferred DNS server...always?

 Hi Al

 I did want to throw in a personl experience I had with W2K3 that
 the Point your DNS server to a replication partner theory.  I did
 one environment where every DC had DNS and the msdcs partition was a
 partition.  An unfortunate DNS scavenge was done deleting some of the
 records in the MSCDCS partition.  Replication started to fail shortly
 that and the missing GUIDs were discovered.  The netlogon service was
 restarted to make the DCs re-register but of course they re-registered
 GUID on themselves.  They could find themselves but not their
 partners.  The replication partners could find them but not
 When the DCs were set to point to a hub replication partner for
 themselves as secondary the problem went away - the netlogon service
 restarted, the GUIDs registered on the central DNS server, the spokes
 the lookup for replication parnters on the hub site DC and eventually
 things started working again.

 This was pre - SP1 so this may not be a problem anymore, but after
 experience I have seen value in doing the DNS configuration so that
 all point to the hub first and themselves second.  I have not seen any
 problems for the DC itself when 

Re: [ActiveDir] Always point a DC with DNS installed to itself as the preferred DNS server...always?

2006-07-14 Thread Al Mulnick
Guido, have you checked this lately? I know there were several changes to that behavior in several revs IIRC. The problems you describe were better than a challenge, as I recall. they had a tenedancy to wreak havoc with integrated dns zones when a dc would come up and create a new zone and then replicate that. There were several fixes related though and that behavior might have changed several times. 

On 7/14/06, Grillenmeier, Guido [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I'd have to do some more digging as to *why* the duplicateapp-partitions were created, but I've had to troubleshoot this prior to
SP1. This was during a global Win2003 DC rollout - we used the IFMfeature to rollout the DCs. But prior to SP1 you couldn't add theapplication partitions to the dcpromo process (IFM in SP1 now offers anthe options to include app partitions during the promotion).
During this rollout a couple of DCs actually re-created theDomainDnsZones app-partiontion right after their first reboot, causingsome interesting challenges. Agree they should have contacted the DNmaster - not sure why either they didn't, or why the DN master allowed
them to re-create this well-known app-partition.Anyways, to avoid similar issues, SP1 ensures that AD completes thereplication with one partner prior to allowing the DNS service to readit's records and to register anything. This is actually similar to the
change that was done with either Win2000 SP2 or SP3 to avoid DCs toadvertise their GC status prior to finishing a replication cycle withanother GC or one DC of every domain in their site.The challenge here is that you get into a race-condition when using
the DC itself as the primary DNS server - ofcourse this will still work,but you have to wait for many more timeouts during the reboot of the ADDC: for every DNS query prior to a successful replication, the DC will
first try to query it's own DNS server and won't use the secondary untila DNS timeout...I've seen the boot-times of DCs go up to 10 and moreminutes.This can usually be fixed by setting the primary DNS server of
the DC to another DNS server (naturally won't help, if both are bootedat once - consider this during your DR planning...)/Guido-Original Message-From: 
[EMAIL PROTECTED][mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Paul WilliamsSent: Freitag, 14. Juli 2006 12:33To: 
ActiveDir@mail.activedir.orgSubject: Re: [ActiveDir] Always point a DC with DNS installed to itselfas the preferred DNS server...always?I can't see how you can get a duplicate NDNC as the creation of such
objectsis targetted at the DN master. The DN master will check the existingcrossRefs and stop this happening, as we can't rely on the DS stoppingit asthe RDN is different for each NDNC (unless they've used well-known
GUIDsfor the DNS NCs?).Although the behaviour you speak of is new to me, and another one ofthoseslight, interesting changes, so thanks for that.Can you elaborate on this new behaviour?What, exactly, happens and in
whatorder?--Paul- Original Message -From: Grillenmeier, Guido [EMAIL PROTECTED]To: 
ActiveDir@mail.activedir.orgSent: Thursday, July 13, 2006 6:52 PMSubject: RE: [ActiveDir] Always point a DC with DNS installed to itselfasthe preferred DNS server...always? note that DNS startup behavious changes with SP1, which is another
 reason not to choose the DC itself as the preferred DNS server: with SP1, AD will not allow the DNS service to read any records, until ithas successfully replicated with one of it's replication partners.This
is to avoid false or duplicate registration of records (or even duplicate creation of the application partitions). As such, with SP1 it's better to point your DCs to a replicationpartner
 as a primary DNS and to self as a secondary. /Guido -Original Message- From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of [EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Donnerstag, 13. Juli 2006 17:02
 To: Cc:; 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: Re: [ActiveDir] Always point a DC with DNS installed toitself as the preferred DNS server...always? Hi Al I did want to throw in a personl experience I had with W2K3 that
 validates the Point your DNS server to a replication partner theory.I didsee in one environment where every DC had DNS and the msdcs partition was a forest partition.An unfortunate DNS scavenge was done deleting some of the
 GUID records in the MSCDCS partition.Replication started to fail shortly after that and the missing GUIDs were discovered.The netlogon service was restarted to make the DCs re-register but of course they re-registered
 the GUID on themselves.They could find themselves but not their replication partners.The replication partners could find them but notthemeselves. When the DCs were set to point to a hub replication partner for
primary and themselves as secondary the problem went away - the netlogon servicewas restarted, the GUIDs registered on the central DNS server, the spokes did the lookup for 

RE: [ActiveDir] Always point a DC with DNS installed to itself as the preferred DNS server...always?

2006-07-14 Thread Grillenmeier, Guido

there was no need to check on this issue again - with SP1 
it doesn't happen ;-)
I'm sure there were several pre-SP1 fixes targeted at this 
issue and were then integrated into SP1.

but rgd. the startup behaviour of DNS in SP1, I'm rather 
sure that's unchanged at this point. 
Would be happy to be corrected.

[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Al 
MulnickSent: Freitag, 14. Juli 2006 19:46To: 
ActiveDir@mail.activedir.orgSubject: Re: [ActiveDir] Always point a 
DC with DNS installed to itself as the preferred DNS 

Guido, have you checked this lately? I know there were several 
changes to that behavior in several revs IIRC. The problems you describe 
were better than a challenge, as I recall. they had a tenedancy to wreak 
havoc with integrated dns zones when a dc would come up and create a new zone 
and then replicate that. There were several fixes related though and that 
behavior might have changed several times. 

On 7/14/06, Grillenmeier, 
  have to do some more digging as to *why* the duplicateapp-partitions were 
  created, but I've had to troubleshoot this prior to SP1. This was during a 
  global Win2003 DC rollout - we used the IFMfeature to rollout the DCs. But 
  prior to SP1 you couldn't add theapplication partitions to the dcpromo 
  process (IFM in SP1 now offers anthe options to include app partitions 
  during the promotion). During this rollout a couple of DCs actually 
  re-created theDomainDnsZones app-partiontion right after their first 
  reboot, causingsome interesting challenges. Agree they should have 
  contacted the DNmaster - not sure why either they didn't, or why the DN 
  master allowed them to re-create this well-known 
  app-partition.Anyways, to avoid similar issues, SP1 ensures that AD 
  completes thereplication with one partner prior to allowing the DNS 
  service to readit's records and to register anything. This is actually 
  similar to the change that was done with either Win2000 SP2 or SP3 to 
  avoid DCs toadvertise their GC status prior to finishing a replication 
  cycle withanother GC or one DC of every domain in their site.The 
  challenge here is that you get into a "race-condition" when using the DC 
  itself as the primary DNS server - ofcourse this will still work,but you 
  have to wait for many more timeouts during the reboot of the ADDC: for 
  every DNS query prior to a successful replication, the DC will first try 
  to query it's own DNS server and won't use the secondary untila DNS 
  timeout...I've seen the boot-times of DCs go up to 10 and 
  moreminutes.This can usually be fixed by setting the primary 
  DNS server of the DC to another DNS server (naturally won't help, if both 
  are bootedat once - consider this during your DR 
  planning...)/Guido-Original Message-From: [EMAIL PROTECTED][mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
  On Behalf Of Paul WilliamsSent: Freitag, 14. Juli 2006 12:33To: ActiveDir@mail.activedir.orgSubject: 
  Re: [ActiveDir] Always point a DC with DNS installed to itselfas the 
  preferred DNS server...always?I can't see how you can get a duplicate 
  NDNC as the creation of such objectsis targetted at the DN master. The 
  DN master will check the existingcrossRefs and stop this happening, as we 
  can't rely on the DS stoppingit asthe RDN is different for each NDNC 
  (unless they've used "well-known" GUIDsfor the DNS 
  NCs?).Although the behaviour you speak of is new to me, and another 
  one ofthoseslight, interesting changes, so thanks for that.Can 
  you elaborate on this new behaviour?What, exactly, happens and in 
  whatorder?--Paul- Original Message 
  -From: "Grillenmeier, Guido" [EMAIL PROTECTED]To: 
  ActiveDir@mail.activedir.orgSent: Thursday, July 13, 2006 6:52 
  PMSubject: RE: [ActiveDir] Always point a DC with DNS installed to 
  itselfasthe preferred DNS server...always? note that 
  DNS startup behavious changes with SP1, which is another  reason not 
  to choose the DC itself as the preferred DNS server: with SP1, AD will 
  not allow the DNS service to read any records, until ithas 
  successfully replicated with one of it's replication partners.This 
  is to avoid false or duplicate registration of records (or even 
  duplicate creation of the application partitions). As 
  such, with SP1 it's better to point your DCs to a replicationpartner 
   as a primary DNS and to self as a secondary. 
  /Guido -Original Message- From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
   [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
  Sent: Donnerstag, 13. Juli 2006 17:02  To: 
  Subject: Re: [ActiveDir] Always point a DC with DNS installed 
  toitself as the preferred DNS server...always? Hi 
  Al I did want to throw in a personl experience I had with W2K3 
  that  validates the "Point your DNS server to a replication 

RE: [ActiveDir] Always point a DC with DNS installed to itself as the preferred DNS server...always?

2006-07-14 Thread Steve Linehan

I believe I covered most of this on a
previous posting to ActiveDir but here are all of the details into what change
was made and why:

 First of all the change that was
made requires that an Initial Sync is completed before DNS will load the
zones. This change was made after a customer reported a very nasty outage
of all DNS records for one of their Domains. Needless to say with no DNS
records many things break. So how and why did this happen. It turns
out that many things have to come together but the end result is that we
Conflict the MicrosoftDNS container, note not the application partition. This
can occur do to a timing issue that was first seen when using an Install from
Media (IFM) technique across a slow WAN link and of course you are not using
the new feature in Windows Server 2003 SP1 that allows sourcing Application
Partitions from media. Because Application Partitions have the lowest
replication priority it was possible that the machine would register to host
the DomainDNSZones application partition but never get a chance to replicate
any information in do to it being pre-empted by higher priority Config and
Domain partition replication. In that case if the timing was just right
it was possible that the DNS server on this box would recreate the MicrosoftDNS
container in order to store the root hints. This would of course
replicate out and cause a CNF and since last writer wins you would end up with
what looked like an empty MicrosoftDNS container, except for the root hints,
which looked like corruption to all of the other DNS servers since they had
records loaded from there at one point. To keep this from happening a
requirement that the DC must perform an initial sync was put in place.
This was the safest way to insure that we had replicated the necessary data in
before trying to load zones and possibly conflict the MicrosoftDNS
container. There were other places where this type of issue could pop up
such as how we handle SOAs so the change was made. There is additional
work being done in Windows Server Code Name Longhorn to help with
this as well as other performance issues of loading large zones which caused
slow DNS startup times. I have sent Email to the appropriate component
owners so that they can revise if necessary our guidelines on how DNS should be
configured for both Windows Server 2003 and the next version of the
product. The only thing I would not recommend is removing the initial sync
requirements by adding a registry value as this not only has affects on DNS but
also the code that is used to insure that we do not have multiple machines
believing that they are a particular FSMO owner. Here is the KB for the
change that was introduced and rolled into SP1:
. I have left out some of the hairy details as to exactly why the above
happens as well as the customer who initially hit this, they know who they are.



[EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Al Mulnick
Sent: Friday, July 14, 2006 12:46
Subject: Re: [ActiveDir] Always
point a DC with DNS installed to itself as the preferred DNS server...always?

Guido, have you checked this lately? I know there were several
changes to that behavior in several revs IIRC. The problems you describe
were better than a challenge, as I recall. they had a tenedancy to wreak
havoc with integrated dns zones when a dc would come up and create a new zone
and then replicate that. There were several fixes related though and that
behavior might have changed several times. 

On 7/14/06, Grillenmeier,

I'd have to do some more digging as to *why* the duplicate
app-partitions were created, but I've had to troubleshoot this prior to 
SP1. This was during a global Win2003 DC rollout - we used the IFM
feature to rollout the DCs. But prior to SP1 you couldn't add the
application partitions to the dcpromo process (IFM in SP1 now offers an
the options to include app partitions during the promotion). 

During this rollout a couple of DCs actually re-created the
DomainDnsZones app-partiontion right after their first reboot, causing
some interesting challenges. Agree they should have contacted the DN
master - not sure why either they didn't, or why the DN master allowed 
them to re-create this well-known app-partition.

Anyways, to avoid similar issues, SP1 ensures that AD completes the
replication with one partner prior to allowing the DNS service to read
it's records and to register anything. This is actually similar to the 
change that was done with either Win2000 SP2 or SP3 to avoid DCs to
advertise their GC status prior to finishing a replication cycle with
another GC or one DC of every domain in their site.

The challenge here is that you get into a race-condition when using

the DC itself as the primary DNS server - ofcourse this will still work,
but you have to 

RE: [ActiveDir] Always point a DC with DNS installed to itself as the preferred DNS server...always?

2006-07-14 Thread Grillenmeier, Guido

just found the description of the error and the pre-SP1 
hotfix to the duplicate DNS app-partitions issue:

From: Grillenmeier, Guido Sent: 
Freitag, 14. Juli 2006 20:34To: 
''Subject: RE: [ActiveDir] Always point a 
DC with DNS installed to itself as the preferred DNS 

there was no need to check on this issue again - with SP1 
it doesn't happen ;-)
I'm sure there were several pre-SP1 fixes targeted at this 
issue and were then integrated into SP1.

but rgd. the startup behaviour of DNS in SP1, I'm rather 
sure that's unchanged at this point. 
Would be happy to be corrected.

[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Al 
MulnickSent: Freitag, 14. Juli 2006 19:46To: 
ActiveDir@mail.activedir.orgSubject: Re: [ActiveDir] Always point a 
DC with DNS installed to itself as the preferred DNS 

Guido, have you checked this lately? I know there were several 
changes to that behavior in several revs IIRC. The problems you describe 
were better than a challenge, as I recall. they had a tenedancy to wreak 
havoc with integrated dns zones when a dc would come up and create a new zone 
and then replicate that. There were several fixes related though and that 
behavior might have changed several times. 

On 7/14/06, Grillenmeier, 
  have to do some more digging as to *why* the duplicateapp-partitions were 
  created, but I've had to troubleshoot this prior to SP1. This was during a 
  global Win2003 DC rollout - we used the IFMfeature to rollout the DCs. But 
  prior to SP1 you couldn't add theapplication partitions to the dcpromo 
  process (IFM in SP1 now offers anthe options to include app partitions 
  during the promotion). During this rollout a couple of DCs actually 
  re-created theDomainDnsZones app-partiontion right after their first 
  reboot, causingsome interesting challenges. Agree they should have 
  contacted the DNmaster - not sure why either they didn't, or why the DN 
  master allowed them to re-create this well-known 
  app-partition.Anyways, to avoid similar issues, SP1 ensures that AD 
  completes thereplication with one partner prior to allowing the DNS 
  service to readit's records and to register anything. This is actually 
  similar to the change that was done with either Win2000 SP2 or SP3 to 
  avoid DCs toadvertise their GC status prior to finishing a replication 
  cycle withanother GC or one DC of every domain in their site.The 
  challenge here is that you get into a "race-condition" when using the DC 
  itself as the primary DNS server - ofcourse this will still work,but you 
  have to wait for many more timeouts during the reboot of the ADDC: for 
  every DNS query prior to a successful replication, the DC will first try 
  to query it's own DNS server and won't use the secondary untila DNS 
  timeout...I've seen the boot-times of DCs go up to 10 and 
  moreminutes.This can usually be fixed by setting the primary 
  DNS server of the DC to another DNS server (naturally won't help, if both 
  are bootedat once - consider this during your DR 
  planning...)/Guido-Original Message-From: [EMAIL PROTECTED][mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
  On Behalf Of Paul WilliamsSent: Freitag, 14. Juli 2006 12:33To: ActiveDir@mail.activedir.orgSubject: 
  Re: [ActiveDir] Always point a DC with DNS installed to itselfas the 
  preferred DNS server...always?I can't see how you can get a duplicate 
  NDNC as the creation of such objectsis targetted at the DN master. The 
  DN master will check the existingcrossRefs and stop this happening, as we 
  can't rely on the DS stoppingit asthe RDN is different for each NDNC 
  (unless they've used "well-known" GUIDsfor the DNS 
  NCs?).Although the behaviour you speak of is new to me, and another 
  one ofthoseslight, interesting changes, so thanks for that.Can 
  you elaborate on this new behaviour?What, exactly, happens and in 
  whatorder?--Paul- Original Message 
  -From: "Grillenmeier, Guido" [EMAIL PROTECTED]To: 
  ActiveDir@mail.activedir.orgSent: Thursday, July 13, 2006 6:52 
  PMSubject: RE: [ActiveDir] Always point a DC with DNS installed to 
  itselfasthe preferred DNS server...always? note that 
  DNS startup behavious changes with SP1, which is another  reason not 
  to choose the DC itself as the preferred DNS server: with SP1, AD will 
  not allow the DNS service to read any records, until ithas 
  successfully replicated with one of it's replication partners.This 
  is to avoid false or duplicate registration of records (or even 
  duplicate creation of the application partitions). As 
  such, with SP1 it's better to point your DCs to a replicationpartner 
   as a primary DNS and to self as a secondary. 
  /Guido -Original Message- From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
   [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
  Sent: Donnerstag, 13. Juli 2006 

Re: [ActiveDir] Always point a DC with DNS installed to itself as the preferred DNS server...always?

2006-07-14 Thread Al Mulnick
Yeah, that looks a lot more familiar now. I recall working with several of the hotfixes for a similar issue. 

Thanks Guido and Steve for taking the time and Steve for suggesting to the owners that recommendations get updated. 

As I've mentioned before, the thinking changes but I'd still prefer to keep the DC a client of itself and to makeit thereforeas autonomous as possible. I can accept putting a centrally accessible DNS server in some other site as the secondary client. I can alsoaccept the reboot times Guido mentioned.The clients have other servers to use anyway andif the DC's are rebooting constantly or more frequently than monthly (patches and all) then I've got bigger issues to deal with.

On 7/14/06, Grillenmeier, Guido [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

just found the description of the error and the pre-SP1 hotfix to the duplicate DNS app-partitions issue:

From: Grillenmeier, Guido Sent: Freitag, 14. Juli 2006 20:34
To: '
Subject: RE: [ActiveDir] Always point a DC with DNS installed to itself as the preferred DNS server...always?

there was no need to check on this issue again - with SP1 it doesn't happen ;-)
I'm sure there were several pre-SP1 fixes targeted at this issue and were then integrated into SP1.

but rgd. the startup behaviour of DNS in SP1, I'm rather sure that's unchanged at this point. 
Would be happy to be corrected.

] On Behalf Of Al Mulnick
Sent: Freitag, 14. Juli 2006 19:46
ActiveDir@mail.activedir.orgSubject: Re: [ActiveDir] Always point a DC with DNS installed to itself as the preferred DNS server...always?

Guido, have you checked this lately? I know there were several changes to that behavior in several revs IIRC. The problems you describe were better than a challenge, as I recall. they had a tenedancy to wreak havoc with integrated dns zones when a dc would come up and create a new zone and then replicate that. There were several fixes related though and that behavior might have changed several times. 

On 7/14/06, Grillenmeier, Guido 
I'd have to do some more digging as to *why* the duplicateapp-partitions were created, but I've had to troubleshoot this prior to 
SP1. This was during a global Win2003 DC rollout - we used the IFMfeature to rollout the DCs. But prior to SP1 you couldn't add theapplication partitions to the dcpromo process (IFM in SP1 now offers anthe options to include app partitions during the promotion). 
During this rollout a couple of DCs actually re-created theDomainDnsZones app-partiontion right after their first reboot, causingsome interesting challenges. Agree they should have contacted the DNmaster - not sure why either they didn't, or why the DN master allowed 
them to re-create this well-known app-partition.Anyways, to avoid similar issues, SP1 ensures that AD completes thereplication with one partner prior to allowing the DNS service to readit's records and to register anything. This is actually similar to the 
change that was done with either Win2000 SP2 or SP3 to avoid DCs toadvertise their GC status prior to finishing a replication cycle withanother GC or one DC of every domain in their site.The challenge here is that you get into a race-condition when using 
the DC itself as the primary DNS server - ofcourse this will still work,but you have to wait for many more timeouts during the reboot of the ADDC: for every DNS query prior to a successful replication, the DC will 
first try to query it's own DNS server and won't use the secondary untila DNS timeout...I've seen the boot-times of DCs go up to 10 and moreminutes.This can usually be fixed by setting the primary DNS server of 
the DC to another DNS server (naturally won't help, if both are bootedat once - consider this during your DR planning...)/Guido-Original Message-From: 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Paul WilliamsSent: Freitag, 14. Juli 2006 12:33To: 
ActiveDir@mail.activedir.orgSubject: Re: [ActiveDir] Always point a DC with DNS installed to itselfas the preferred DNS server...always?I can't see how you can get a duplicate NDNC as the creation of such 
objectsis targetted at the DN master. The DN master will check the existingcrossRefs and stop this happening, as we can't rely on the DS stoppingit asthe RDN is different for each NDNC (unless they've used well-known 
GUIDsfor the DNS NCs?).Although the behaviour you speak of is new to me, and another one ofthoseslight, interesting changes, so thanks for that.Can you elaborate on this new behaviour?What, exactly, happens and in 
whatorder?--Paul- Original Message -From: Grillenmeier, Guido 
Sent: Thursday, July 13, 2006 6:52 PMSubject: RE: [ActiveDir] Always point a DC with DNS installed to itselfasthe preferred DNS server...always? note that DNS startup behavious changes 

RE: [ActiveDir] Always point a DC with DNS installed to itself as the preferred DNS server...always?

2006-07-14 Thread Grillenmeier, Guido

thanks for the additional information Steve - I would also 
be interested to hear the official recommendation rgd. DNS configuration on DCs 
in Win2003 SP1/SP2 and Longhorn.


[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Steve 
LinehanSent: Friday, July 14, 2006 8:41 PMTo: 
ActiveDir@mail.activedir.orgSubject: RE: [ActiveDir] Always point a 
DC with DNS installed to itself as the preferred DNS 

I believe I covered 
most of this on a previous posting to ActiveDir but here are all of the details 
into what change was made and why:
 First of all the 
change that was made requires that an Initial Sync is completed before DNS will 
load the zones. This change was made after a customer reported a very 
nasty outage of all DNS records for one of their Domains. Needless to say 
with no DNS records many things break. So how and why did this 
happen. It turns out that many things have to come together but the end 
result is that we Conflict the MicrosoftDNS container, note not the application 
partition. This can occur do to a timing issue that was first seen when 
using an Install from Media (IFM) technique across a slow WAN link and of course 
you are not using the new feature in Windows Server 2003 SP1 that allows 
sourcing Application Partitions from media. Because Application Partitions 
have the lowest replication priority it was possible that the machine would 
register to host the DomainDNSZones application partition but never get a chance 
to replicate any information in do to it being pre-empted by higher priority 
Config and Domain partition replication. In that case if the timing was 
just right it was possible that the DNS server on this box would recreate the 
MicrosoftDNS container in order to store the root hints. This would of 
course replicate out and cause a CNF and since last writer wins you would end up 
with what looked like an empty MicrosoftDNS container, except for the root 
hints, which looked like corruption to all of the other DNS servers since they 
had records loaded from there at one point. To keep this from happening a 
requirement that the DC must perform an initial sync was put in place. 
This was the safest way to insure that we had replicated the necessary data in 
before trying to load zones and possibly conflict the MicrosoftDNS 
container. There were other places where this type of issue could pop up 
such as how we handle SOAs so the change was made. There is additional 
work being done in Windows Server Code Name Longhorn to help with this as well 
as other performance issues of loading large zones which caused slow DNS startup 
times. I have sent Email to the appropriate component owners so that they 
can revise if necessary our guidelines on how DNS should be configured for both 
Windows Server 2003 and the next version of the product. The only thing I 
would not recommend is removing the initial sync requirements by adding a 
registry value as this not only has affects on DNS but also the code that is 
used to insure that we do not have multiple machines believing that they are a 
particular FSMO owner. Here is the KB for the change that was introduced 
and rolled into SP1: 
. I have left out some of the hairy details as to exactly why the above 
happens as well as the customer who initially hit this, they know who they are. 



On Behalf Of Al 
MulnickSent: Friday, July 14, 
2006 12:46 PMTo: 
ActiveDir@mail.activedir.orgSubject: Re: [ActiveDir] Always point a DC 
with DNS installed to itself as the preferred DNS 

Guido, have you checked this lately? I know there 
were several changes to that behavior in several revs IIRC. The problems 
you describe were better than a challenge, as I recall. they had a 
tenedancy to wreak havoc with integrated dns zones when a dc would come up and 
create a new zone and then replicate that. There were several fixes 
related though and that behavior might have changed several times. 

On 7/14/06, Grillenmeier, Guido [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
I'd have to do some more digging as to *why* the 
duplicateapp-partitions were created, but I've had to troubleshoot this 
prior to SP1. This was during a global Win2003 DC rollout - we used the 
IFMfeature to rollout the DCs. But prior to SP1 you couldn't add 
theapplication partitions to the dcpromo process (IFM in SP1 now offers 
anthe options to include app partitions during the promotion). 
During this rollout a couple of DCs actually re-created 
theDomainDnsZones app-partiontion right after their first reboot, 
causingsome interesting challenges. Agree they should have contacted the 
DNmaster - not sure why either they didn't, or why the DN master allowed 
them to re-create this well-known app-partition.Anyways, to avoid 
similar issues, SP1 ensures that AD completes thereplication with one 
partner prior to 

RE: [ActiveDir] Always point a DC with DNS installed to itself as the preferred DNS server...always?

2006-07-13 Thread neil.ruston

One point that is nearly always overlooked is the 
following, if a DC points to itself for DNS name res:

The DNS server service starts *after* NETLOGON, at 
The DNS server service stops *before* NETLOGON, at 


startup netlogon cannot register DNS records on the local machine until the DNS 
server starts (record reg may fail or be stalled / time out). 

shutdown or during a demotion netlogon cannot un-register DNS records on the 
local machine since DNS server has stopped (demotion will leave DC records in 

these reasons alone - I always recommend that a DC points to another (local) DNS 
server (not necessarily a DC) and then itself as secondary (or maybe even 

my 2 

[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Al 
MulnickSent: 13 July 2006 02:59To: 
ActiveDir@mail.activedir.orgSubject: Re: [ActiveDir] Always point a 
DC with DNS installed to itself as the preferred DNS 

You don't work at the post office do you? ;)

There are many many many ways to properly configure DNS.One 
thing that helps is to think of the terms client and server vs. preferred and 
alternate only. You are configuring a preferred server and an alternate server 
that you want this DC to be a client of. 

DNS is a standard.Windows 2003 DNS follows those standards 
(comments really, but let's not pick right?) Microsoft has done some 
enhancements above and beyond that make DNS play very well in the Microsoft 
sphere[1]. You can however have DNS that is a third party DNS system, such 
as BIND. Active Directory plays very well with such third party DNS 
systems. You could have your domain controllers not have any DNS hosted on 
them at all. You could have it hosted, but as a secondary zone. You 
could also have it AD integrated meaning that you have a listener for DNS but 
the data(base) is stored in the active directory. 

Something to clarify: what you're talking about is making the DC a *client* 
to another DNS server that hosts the zones. You're also talking about 
making dc1 a client of dc2 and vice versa. That's silly, but I'll get to 

If you have your dns hosted on a third party system such as BIND, you'll 
have one server as the primary (not best practice, but you get the idea; in 
practice you'd have multiple for failure tolerance wan traffic optimization) and 
your DC would be a client of that system. 

If you have a traditional DNS hierarchy that has primary and secondary 
transfers, you would be mimicking BIND topology and again could configure your 
DC's to be clients of the BIND or Microsoft DNS servers. 

If you have the the DNS AD-Integrated, then after initial replication you 
should have the client configured to use itself as the DNS server.That'd 
be the best practice. Before 2003 you could have an "island effect" where 
because you didn't have a full picture of the directory, you might not have all 
the records needed to fully *see* the entire DNS names list effectively creating 
an island of a DC. In 2003 some additional code was put in to make sure 
that doesn't happen. You need to be a client of a working DNS to join the 
domain and to find the other DC's when you get promoted. After replication 
completes, you have a full list and there's no need to continue as a client of a 
server that has the same information you do. 

So, what's silly about having your server configured to be a client of a 
dns server that has the same information? I find it amusing that if the 
server wants to find something he'll ask his neighbor if he has the information 
when he could just ask himself. It's brain dead in my opinion and very 
difficult to troubleshoot. In addition, and more importantly it breaks the idea 
of a fabric design because now dc1 and dc2 are reliant on each other to be 
operational. If either is down, both are down and that's ridiculous considering 
how easy it is to prevent that situation. But wait! you say? He should try the 
partner first and if that fails use himself right? Yes but. :) He'll 
try the neigbor first, because that's the preferred. He'll also register 
there etc. The worst part is that if he tries the partner and the partner 
is not completely dead, he'll not try himself even if he has the right 

Now, will it work? Yes. Is it a good idea? Absolutely not and shows a 
lack of understanding on the part of the folks that deployed it. From the sounds 
of it, an unwillingness to fix the underlying issues that led them there as 
well. On the other hand, they're spot on if it's W2K vs. K3 :) 

Does that help? 

[1] unless you like a granular audit logging. But that'sneither 
here nor there. 
On 7/12/06, Victor W. 

  Today a conversation at my jobcame up 
  about setting the preferred DNS server on the NIC of a DC with DNS 
  For as far as I know it's best 
  topoint the DC (with DNS installed) to itself for DNS by specifying 

Re: [ActiveDir] Always point a DC with DNS installed to itself as the preferred DNS server...always?

2006-07-13 Thread victor-w

This sure helped, we are by the way indeed talking about W2K DC's.


- Oorspronkelijk bericht -
Datum: donderdag, juli 13, 2006 3:58 am
Onderwerp: Re: [ActiveDir] Always point a DC with DNS installed to 
itself as the preferred DNS server...always?

 You don't work at the post office do you? ;)
 There are many many many ways to properly configure DNS.  One 
 thing that
 helps is to think of the terms client and server vs. preferred and 
 alternateonly. You are configuring a preferred server and an 
 alternate server that
 you want this DC to be a client of.
 DNS is a standard.  Windows 2003 DNS follows those standards (comments
 really, but let's not pick right?)  Microsoft has done some 
 enhancementsabove and beyond that make DNS play very well in the 
 Microsoft sphere[1].
 You can however have DNS that is a third party DNS system, such as 
 BIND.Active Directory plays very well with such third party DNS 
 systems.  You
 could have your domain controllers not have any DNS hosted on them 
 at all.
 You could have it hosted, but as a secondary zone.  You could also 
 have it
 AD integrated meaning that you have a listener for DNS but the 
 data(base) is
 stored in the active directory.
 Something to clarify: what you're talking about is making the DC a 
 *client*to another DNS server that hosts the zones.  You're also 
 talking about
 making dc1 a client of dc2 and vice versa.  That's silly, but I'll 
 get to
 If you have your dns hosted on a third party system such as BIND, 
 you'llhave one server as the primary (not best practice, but you 
 get the idea; in
 practice you'd have multiple for failure tolerance wan traffic 
 optimization)and your DC would be a client of that system.
 If you have a traditional DNS hierarchy that has primary and secondary
 transfers, you would be mimicking BIND topology and again could 
 configureyour DC's to be clients of the BIND or Microsoft DNS servers.
 If you have the the DNS AD-Integrated, then after initial 
 replication you
 should have the client configured to use itself as the DNS server. 
 That'd be
 the best practice.  Before 2003 you could have an island effect 
 wherebecause you didn't have a full picture of the directory, you 
 might not have
 all the records needed to fully *see* the entire DNS names list 
 effectivelycreating an island of a DC.  In 2003 some additional 
 code was put in to make
 sure that doesn't happen.  You need to be a client of a working 
 DNS to join
 the domain and to find the other DC's when you get promoted.  After
 replication completes, you have a full list and there's no need to 
 continueas a client of a server that has the same information you do.
 So, what's silly about having your server configured to be a 
 client of a dns
 server that has the same information?  I find it amusing that if 
 the server
 wants to find something he'll ask his neighbor if he has the 
 informationwhen he could just ask himself.  It's brain dead in my 
 opinion and very
 difficult to troubleshoot. In addition, and more importantly it 
 breaks the
 idea of a fabric design because now dc1 and dc2 are reliant on 
 each other to
 be operational. If either is down, both are down and that's ridiculous
 considering how easy it is to prevent that situation. But wait! 
 you say? He
 should try the partner first and if that fails use himself right?  
 Yes but.
 :)  He'll try the neigbor first, because that's the preferred.  
 He'll also
 register there etc.  The worst part is that if he tries the 
 partner and the
 partner is not completely dead, he'll not try himself even if he 
 has the
 right information.
 Now, will it work? Yes.  Is it a good idea? Absolutely not and 
 shows a lack
 of understanding on the part of the folks that deployed it. From 
 the sounds
 of it, an unwillingness to fix the underlying issues that led them 
 there as
 well. On the other hand, they're spot on if it's W2K vs. K3 :)
 Does that help?
 [1] unless you like a granular audit logging.  But that's neither 
 here nor
 On 7/12/06, Victor W. [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Today a conversation at my job came up about setting the 
 preferred DNS
  server on the NIC of a DC with DNS installed.
  For as far as I know it's best to point the DC (with DNS 
 installed) to
  itself for DNS by specifying the internal IP address of the DC 
 as the
  preferred DNS
  server on the NIC.
  Then I was told that this is not always necessary and this 
 puzzled me a
  Not everybody was convinced of the above and this got me 
 thinking. Some
  people are claiming that it doesnt really matter if you set that 
 DC to
  be the *preferred* or the *alternate* DNS server.
  I was then showed an environment where all DC's in a child 
 domain (all had
  DNS installed), had the same DNS server set as preferred DNS server.
  Perhaps an example will make it more clear:
  a forest root domain with 4 

Re: [ActiveDir] Always point a DC with DNS installed to itself as the preferred DNS server...always?

2006-07-13 Thread Al Mulnick
In that case, then you won't want to make the host a client of itself. Then you would/could run into the island effect. 

When you get to R2, you'll want to weigh Neil's comments and see how that plays in your environment. 

Al,This sure helped, we are by the way indeed talking about W2K DC's.Victor- Oorspronkelijk bericht -
Van: Al Mulnick [EMAIL PROTECTED]Datum: donderdag, juli 13, 2006 3:58 amOnderwerp: Re: [ActiveDir] Always point a DC with DNS installed toitself as the preferred DNS server...always?
 You don't work at the post office do you? ;) There are many many many ways to properly configure DNS.One thing that helps is to think of the terms client and server vs. preferred and
 alternateonly. You are configuring a preferred server and an alternate server that you want this DC to be a client of. DNS is a standard.Windows 2003 DNS follows those standards (comments
 really, but let's not pick right?)Microsoft has done some enhancementsabove and beyond that make DNS play very well in the Microsoft sphere[1]. You can however have DNS that is a third party DNS system, such as
 BIND.Active Directory plays very well with such third party DNS systems.You could have your domain controllers not have any DNS hosted on them at all. You could have it hosted, but as a secondary zone.You could also
 have it AD integrated meaning that you have a listener for DNS but the data(base) is stored in the active directory. Something to clarify: what you're talking about is making the DC a
 *client*to another DNS server that hosts the zones.You're also talking about making dc1 a client of dc2 and vice versa.That's silly, but I'll get to that. If you have your dns hosted on a third party system such as BIND,
 you'llhave one server as the primary (not best practice, but you get the idea; in practice you'd have multiple for failure tolerance wan traffic optimization)and your DC would be a client of that system.
 If you have a traditional DNS hierarchy that has primary and secondary transfers, you would be mimicking BIND topology and again could configureyour DC's to be clients of the BIND or Microsoft DNS servers.
 If you have the the DNS AD-Integrated, then after initial replication you should have the client configured to use itself as the DNS server. That'd be the best practice.Before 2003 you could have an island effect
 wherebecause you didn't have a full picture of the directory, you might not have all the records needed to fully *see* the entire DNS names list effectivelycreating an island of a DC.In 2003 some additional
 code was put in to make sure that doesn't happen.You need to be a client of a working DNS to join the domain and to find the other DC's when you get promoted.After replication completes, you have a full list and there's no need to
 continueas a client of a server that has the same information you do. So, what's silly about having your server configured to be a client of a dns server that has the same information?I find it amusing that if
 the server wants to find something he'll ask his neighbor if he has the informationwhen he could just ask himself.It's brain dead in my opinion and very difficult to troubleshoot. In addition, and more importantly it
 breaks the idea of a fabric design because now dc1 and dc2 are reliant on each other to be operational. If either is down, both are down and that's ridiculous considering how easy it is to prevent that situation. But wait!
 you say? He should try the partner first and if that fails use himself right? Yes but. :)He'll try the neigbor first, because that's the preferred. He'll also register there etc.The worst part is that if he tries the
 partner and the partner is not completely dead, he'll not try himself even if he has the right information. Now, will it work? Yes.Is it a good idea? Absolutely not and
 shows a lack of understanding on the part of the folks that deployed it. From the sounds of it, an unwillingness to fix the underlying issues that led them there as well. On the other hand, they're spot on if it's W2K vs. K3 :)
 Does that help? [1] unless you like a granular audit logging.But that's neither here nor there. On 7/12/06, Victor W. 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  Today a conversation at my job came up about setting the preferred DNS  server on the NIC of a DC with DNS installed.  For as far as I know it's best to point the DC (with DNS
 installed) to  itself for DNS by specifying the internal IP address of the DC as the  preferred DNS  server on the NIC.   Then I was told that this is not always necessary and this
 puzzled me a  bit.   Not everybody was convinced of the above and this got me thinking. Some  people are claiming that it doesnt really matter if you set that
 DC to  be the *preferred* or the *alternate* DNS server.   I was then showed an environment where all DC's in a child domain (all had  DNS installed), had the same DNS server set as preferred DNS server.

RE: [ActiveDir] Always point a DC with DNS installed to itself as the preferred DNS server...always?

2006-07-13 Thread Deji Akomolafe

Not unless you make Netlogon dependent on DNS in the startup order. That should be a standard practice.

Sincerely,  _  (, / | /) /) /)  /---| (/_ __ ___// _ // _ ) / |_/(__(_) // (_(_)(/_(_(_/(__(/_(_/ /)  (/ Microsoft MVP - Directory - we know, -3.23Do you now realize that Today is the Tomorrow you were worried about Yesterday? -anon

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Sent: Thu 7/13/2006 1:20 AMTo: ActiveDir@mail.activedir.orgSubject: RE: [ActiveDir] Always point a DC with DNS installed to itself as the preferred DNS server...always?

One point that is nearly always overlooked is the following, if a DC points to itself for DNS name res:

The DNS server service starts *after* NETLOGON, at startup
The DNS server service stops *before* NETLOGON, at shutdown

at startup netlogon cannot register DNS records on the local machine until the DNS server starts (record reg may fail or be stalled / time out). 
at shutdown or during a demotion netlogon cannot un-register DNS records on the local machine since DNS server has stopped (demotion will leave DC records in tact).

For these reasons alone - I always recommend that a DC points to another (local) DNS server (not necessarily a DC) and then itself as secondary (or maybe even tertiary).

my 2 penneth,

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Al MulnickSent: 13 July 2006 02:59To: ActiveDir@mail.activedir.orgSubject: Re: [ActiveDir] Always point a DC with DNS installed to itself as the preferred DNS server...always?

You don't work at the post office do you? ;)

There are many many many ways to properly configure DNS.One thing that helps is to think of the terms client and server vs. preferred and alternate only. You are configuring a preferred server and an alternate server that you want this DC to be a client of. 

DNS is a standard.Windows 2003 DNS follows those standards (comments really, but let's not pick right?) Microsoft has done some enhancements above and beyond that make DNS play very well in the Microsoft sphere[1]. You can however have DNS that is a third party DNS system, such as BIND. Active Directory plays very well with such third party DNS systems. You could have your domain controllers not have any DNS hosted on them at all. You could have it hosted, but as a secondary zone. You could also have it AD integrated meaning that you have a listener for DNS but the data(base) is stored in the active directory. 

Something to clarify: what you're talking about is making the DC a *client* to another DNS server that hosts the zones. You're also talking about making dc1 a client of dc2 and vice versa. That's silly, but I'll get to that. 

If you have your dns hosted on a third party system such as BIND, you'll have one server as the primary (not best practice, but you get the idea; in practice you'd have multiple for failure tolerance wan traffic optimization) and your DC would be a client of that system. 

If you have a traditional DNS hierarchy that has primary and secondary transfers, you would be mimicking BIND topology and again could configure your DC's to be clients of the BIND or Microsoft DNS servers. 

If you have the the DNS AD-Integrated, then after initial replication you should have the client configured to use itself as the DNS server.That'd be the best practice. Before 2003 you could have an "island effect" where because you didn't have a full picture of the directory, you might not have all the records needed to fully *see* the entire DNS names list effectively creating an island of a DC. In 2003 some additional code was put in to make sure that doesn't happen. You need to be a client of a working DNS to join the domain and to find the other DC's when you get promoted. After replication completes, you have a full list and there's no need to continue as a client of a server that has the same information you do. 

So, what's silly about having your server configured to be a client of a dns server that has the same information? I find it amusing that if the server wants to find something he'll ask his neighbor if he has the information when he could just ask himself. It's brain dead in my opinion and very difficult to troubleshoot. In addition, and more importantly it breaks the idea of a fabric design because now dc1 and dc2 are reliant on each other to be operational. If either is down, both are down and that's ridiculous considering how easy it is to prevent that situation. But wait! you say? He should try the partner first and if that fails use himself right? Yes but. :) He'll try the neigbor first, because that's the preferred. He'll also register there etc. The worst part is that if he tries the partner and the partner is not completely dead, he'll not try himself even if he has the right information. 

Now, will it work? Yes. Is it a good idea? Absolutely not and shows a lack of understanding on the part of the folks that deployed it. From the 

RE: [ActiveDir] Always point a DC with DNS installed to itself as the preferred DNS server...always?

2006-07-13 Thread neil.ruston

I'd rather not make fundamental changes like that - I'd 
need to spend time testing, which I can better allocate to other tasks 

It's also not a "visible" change and one which may be 
overlooked and falls into my 'over engineering' bucket.



[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Deji 
AkomolafeSent: 13 July 2006 15:11To: 
ActiveDir@mail.activedir.orgSubject: RE: [ActiveDir] Always point a 
DC with DNS installed to itself as the preferred DNS 

Not unless you make Netlogon 
dependent on DNS in the startup order. That should be a standard 

 (, / | 
/) /)  /---| (/_ 
__ ___// _ // _ ) 
/ |_/(__(_) // 
(/ Microsoft MVP - Directory - we know, -3.23Do you now realize that Today is the Tomorrow you 
were worried about Yesterday? 

Thu 7/13/2006 1:20 AMTo: 
ActiveDir@mail.activedir.orgSubject: RE: [ActiveDir] Always point a 
DC with DNS installed to itself as the preferred DNS 

One point that is nearly always overlooked is the 
following, if a DC points to itself for DNS name res:

The DNS server service starts *after* NETLOGON, at 
The DNS server service stops *before* NETLOGON, at 


startup netlogon cannot register DNS records on the local machine until the DNS 
server starts (record reg may fail or be stalled / time out). 

shutdown or during a demotion netlogon cannot un-register DNS records on the 
local machine since DNS server has stopped (demotion will leave DC records in 

these reasons alone - I always recommend that a DC points to another (local) DNS 
server (not necessarily a DC) and then itself as secondary (or maybe even 

my 2 

[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Al 
MulnickSent: 13 July 2006 02:59To: 
ActiveDir@mail.activedir.orgSubject: Re: [ActiveDir] Always point a 
DC with DNS installed to itself as the preferred DNS 

You don't work at the post office do you? ;)

There are many many many ways to properly configure DNS.One 
thing that helps is to think of the terms client and server vs. preferred and 
alternate only. You are configuring a preferred server and an alternate server 
that you want this DC to be a client of. 

DNS is a standard.Windows 2003 DNS follows those standards 
(comments really, but let's not pick right?) Microsoft has done some 
enhancements above and beyond that make DNS play very well in the Microsoft 
sphere[1]. You can however have DNS that is a third party DNS system, such 
as BIND. Active Directory plays very well with such third party DNS 
systems. You could have your domain controllers not have any DNS hosted on 
them at all. You could have it hosted, but as a secondary zone. You 
could also have it AD integrated meaning that you have a listener for DNS but 
the data(base) is stored in the active directory. 

Something to clarify: what you're talking about is making the DC a *client* 
to another DNS server that hosts the zones. You're also talking about 
making dc1 a client of dc2 and vice versa. That's silly, but I'll get to 

If you have your dns hosted on a third party system such as BIND, you'll 
have one server as the primary (not best practice, but you get the idea; in 
practice you'd have multiple for failure tolerance wan traffic optimization) and 
your DC would be a client of that system. 

If you have a traditional DNS hierarchy that has primary and secondary 
transfers, you would be mimicking BIND topology and again could configure your 
DC's to be clients of the BIND or Microsoft DNS servers. 

If you have the the DNS AD-Integrated, then after initial replication you 
should have the client configured to use itself as the DNS server.That'd 
be the best practice. Before 2003 you could have an "island effect" where 
because you didn't have a full picture of the directory, you might not have all 
the records needed to fully *see* the entire DNS names list effectively creating 
an island of a DC. In 2003 some additional code was put in to make sure 
that doesn't happen. You need to be a client of a working DNS to join the 
domain and to find the other DC's when you get promoted. After replication 
completes, you have a full list and there's no need to continue as a client of a 
server that has the same information you do. 

So, what's silly about having your server configured to be a client of a 
dns server that has the same information? I find it amusing that if the 
server wants to find something he'll ask his neighbor if he has the information 
when he could just ask himself. It's brain dead in my opinion and very 
difficult to troubleshoot. In addition, and more importantly it breaks the idea 
of a fabric design because now dc1 and dc2 are reliant on each other to be 
operational. If either is 

Re: [ActiveDir] Always point a DC with DNS installed to itself as the preferred DNS server...always?

2006-07-13 Thread James_Day
Hi Al

I did want to throw in a personl experience I had with W2K3 that validates
the Point your DNS server to a replication partner theory.  I did see in
one environment where every DC had DNS and the msdcs partition was a forest
partition.  An unfortunate DNS scavenge was done deleting some of the GUID
records in the MSCDCS partition.  Replication started to fail shortly after
that and the missing GUIDs were discovered.  The netlogon service was
restarted to make the DCs re-register but of course they re-registered the
GUID on themselves.  They could find themselves but not their replication
partners.  The replication partners could find them but not themeselves.
When the DCs were set to point to a hub replication partner for primary and
themselves as secondary the problem went away - the netlogon service was
restarted, the GUIDs registered on the central DNS server, the spokes did
the lookup for replication parnters on the hub site DC and eventually
things started working again.

This was pre - SP1 so this may not be a problem anymore, but after that
experience I have seen value in doing the DNS configuration so that the DCs
all point to the hub first and themselves second.  I have not seen any
problems for the DC itself when the WAN link dropped for a length of time
and the primary DNS server was not reachable.

Of course, if there are never any changes to DC IPs or names and the MSDCS
is never scavenged (or the interval is long enough not to recreate the
above problem) then the above argument is moot.


James R. Day
Active Directory Core Team
Office of the Chief Information Officer
National Park Service

  Al Mulnick  
  Sent by:   cc:   (bcc: James 
  [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject:  Re: [ActiveDir] Always 
point a DC with DNS installed to itself as the preferred DNS 


  07/12/2006 09:58 PM AST   
  Please respond to 


You don't work at the post office do you? ;)

There are many many many ways to properly configure DNS.  One thing that
helps is to think of the terms client and server vs. preferred and
alternate only. You are configuring a preferred server and an alternate
server that you want this DC to be a client of.

DNS is a standard.  Windows 2003 DNS follows those standards (comments
really, but let's not pick right?)  Microsoft has done some enhancements
above and beyond that make DNS play very well in the Microsoft sphere[1].
You can however have DNS that is a third party DNS system, such as BIND.
Active Directory plays very well with such third party DNS systems.  You
could have your domain controllers not have any DNS hosted on them at all.
You could have it hosted, but as a secondary zone.  You could also have it
AD integrated meaning that you have a listener for DNS but the data(base)
is stored in the active directory.

Something to clarify: what you're talking about is making the DC a *client*
to another DNS server that hosts the zones.  You're also talking about
making dc1 a client of dc2 and vice versa.  That's silly, but I'll get to

If you have your dns hosted on a third party system such as BIND, you'll
have one server as the primary (not best practice, but you get the idea; in
practice you'd have multiple for failure tolerance wan traffic
optimization) and your DC would be a client of that system.

If you have a traditional DNS hierarchy that has primary and secondary
transfers, you would be mimicking BIND topology and again could configure
your DC's to be clients of the 

RE: [ActiveDir] Always point a DC with DNS installed to itself as the preferred DNS server...always?

2006-07-13 Thread Kevin Brunson
Don't domain controllers register their SRV records with both primary
and secondary DNS?

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
Sent: Thursday, July 13, 2006 10:02 AM
Subject: Re: [ActiveDir] Always point a DC with DNS installed to itself
as the preferred DNS server...always?

Hi Al

I did want to throw in a personl experience I had with W2K3 that
the Point your DNS server to a replication partner theory.  I did see
one environment where every DC had DNS and the msdcs partition was a
partition.  An unfortunate DNS scavenge was done deleting some of the
records in the MSCDCS partition.  Replication started to fail shortly
that and the missing GUIDs were discovered.  The netlogon service was
restarted to make the DCs re-register but of course they re-registered
GUID on themselves.  They could find themselves but not their
partners.  The replication partners could find them but not themeselves.
When the DCs were set to point to a hub replication partner for primary
themselves as secondary the problem went away - the netlogon service was
restarted, the GUIDs registered on the central DNS server, the spokes
the lookup for replication parnters on the hub site DC and eventually
things started working again.

This was pre - SP1 so this may not be a problem anymore, but after that
experience I have seen value in doing the DNS configuration so that the
all point to the hub first and themselves second.  I have not seen any
problems for the DC itself when the WAN link dropped for a length of
and the primary DNS server was not reachable.

Of course, if there are never any changes to DC IPs or names and the
is never scavenged (or the interval is long enough not to recreate the
above problem) then the above argument is moot.


James R. Day
Active Directory Core Team
Office of the Chief Information Officer
National Park Service


  Al Mulnick


  Sent by:   cc:   (bcc:
James Day/Contractor/NPS)   
  [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject:  Re:
[ActiveDir] Always point a DC with DNS installed to itself as the preferred DNS



  07/12/2006 09:58 PM AST

  Please respond to



You don't work at the post office do you? ;)

There are many many many ways to properly configure DNS.  One thing that
helps is to think of the terms client and server vs. preferred and
alternate only. You are configuring a preferred server and an alternate
server that you want this DC to be a client of.

DNS is a standard.  Windows 2003 DNS follows those standards (comments
really, but let's not pick right?)  Microsoft has done some enhancements
above and beyond that make DNS play very well in the Microsoft
You can however have DNS that is a third party DNS system, such as BIND.
Active Directory plays very well with such third party DNS systems.  You
could have your domain controllers not have any DNS hosted on them at
You could have it hosted, but as a secondary zone.  You could also have
AD integrated meaning that you have a listener for DNS but the
is stored in the active directory.

Something to clarify: what you're talking about is making the DC a
to another DNS server that hosts the zones.  You're also talking about
making dc1 a client of dc2 and vice versa.  That's silly, but I'll get

If you have your dns hosted on a third party system such as BIND, you'll
have one server as the primary (not best practice, but you get the idea;
practice you'd have multiple for failure tolerance wan traffic
optimization) and your DC would be a client of that system.

If you have a traditional DNS hierarchy that has primary and secondary
transfers, you would be mimicking BIND topology and again could
your DC's to be clients of the BIND or Microsoft DNS servers.

If you have the the DNS AD-Integrated, then after initial replication
should have the client configured to use itself as the DNS server.
be the best practice.  Before 2003 you could have an island effect
because you didn't have a full picture of the directory, you might not
all the records needed to fully *see* the entire DNS names list
creating an island of a DC.  In 2003 some additional code was put in to
make sure that doesn't happen.  You need to be a client of a working DNS
join the domain and to find the other DC's when you get promoted.  After
replication completes, you have a full 

RE: [ActiveDir] Always point a DC with DNS installed to itself as the preferred DNS server...always?

2006-07-13 Thread Grillenmeier, Guido
note that DNS startup behavious changes with SP1, which is another
reason not to choose the DC itself as the preferred DNS server: with
SP1, AD will not allow the DNS service to read any records, until it has
successfully replicated with one of it's replication partners.  This is
to avoid false or duplicate registration of records (or even duplicate
creation of the application partitions). 

As such, with SP1 it's better to point your DCs to a replication partner
as a primary DNS and to self as a secondary.


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
Sent: Donnerstag, 13. Juli 2006 17:02
Subject: Re: [ActiveDir] Always point a DC with DNS installed to itself
as the preferred DNS server...always?

Hi Al

I did want to throw in a personl experience I had with W2K3 that
the Point your DNS server to a replication partner theory.  I did see
one environment where every DC had DNS and the msdcs partition was a
partition.  An unfortunate DNS scavenge was done deleting some of the
records in the MSCDCS partition.  Replication started to fail shortly
that and the missing GUIDs were discovered.  The netlogon service was
restarted to make the DCs re-register but of course they re-registered
GUID on themselves.  They could find themselves but not their
partners.  The replication partners could find them but not themeselves.
When the DCs were set to point to a hub replication partner for primary
themselves as secondary the problem went away - the netlogon service was
restarted, the GUIDs registered on the central DNS server, the spokes
the lookup for replication parnters on the hub site DC and eventually
things started working again.

This was pre - SP1 so this may not be a problem anymore, but after that
experience I have seen value in doing the DNS configuration so that the
all point to the hub first and themselves second.  I have not seen any
problems for the DC itself when the WAN link dropped for a length of
and the primary DNS server was not reachable.

Of course, if there are never any changes to DC IPs or names and the
is never scavenged (or the interval is long enough not to recreate the
above problem) then the above argument is moot.


James R. Day
Active Directory Core Team
Office of the Chief Information Officer
National Park Service


  Al Mulnick


  Sent by:   cc:   (bcc:
James Day/Contractor/NPS)   
  [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject:  Re:
[ActiveDir] Always point a DC with DNS installed to itself as the preferred DNS



  07/12/2006 09:58 PM AST

  Please respond to



You don't work at the post office do you? ;)

There are many many many ways to properly configure DNS.  One thing that
helps is to think of the terms client and server vs. preferred and
alternate only. You are configuring a preferred server and an alternate
server that you want this DC to be a client of.

DNS is a standard.  Windows 2003 DNS follows those standards (comments
really, but let's not pick right?)  Microsoft has done some enhancements
above and beyond that make DNS play very well in the Microsoft
You can however have DNS that is a third party DNS system, such as BIND.
Active Directory plays very well with such third party DNS systems.  You
could have your domain controllers not have any DNS hosted on them at
You could have it hosted, but as a secondary zone.  You could also have
AD integrated meaning that you have a listener for DNS but the
is stored in the active directory.

Something to clarify: what you're talking about is making the DC a
to another DNS server that hosts the zones.  You're also talking about
making dc1 a client of dc2 and vice versa.  That's silly, but I'll get

If you have your dns hosted on a third party system such as BIND, you'll
have one server as the primary (not best practice, but you get the idea;
practice you'd have multiple for failure tolerance wan traffic
optimization) and your DC would be a client of that system.

If you have a traditional DNS hierarchy that has primary and secondary
transfers, you would be mimicking BIND topology and again could
your DC's to be clients of the BIND or Microsoft DNS servers.

If you have the the DNS AD-Integrated, then after initial replication
should have the client configured to use itself as the DNS server.
be the best practice.  Before 2003 you could have an 

Re: [ActiveDir] Always point a DC with DNS installed to itself as the preferred DNS server...always?

2006-07-13 Thread Al Mulnick
See how quickly thinking changes? :)

I almost think this is a better reason not to have AD-integrated DNS. Shall have to ponder a bit more, but I detest the idea of a DNS server being a client to a peer name res server. I'm still inclined to continue to use the self-as-primary deployment. I understand that silliness (thanks for pointing out that situation James) can impact availability and that would normally indicate a bad design. I'm curious though, why in the situation described that the server couldn't replicate and begin serving records. I haven't looked lately, but how many replication partners does it have to talk to before it will serve DNS? 

I'm looking for server x. Do you have it? Hello? Are you there? No? Let me check myself then. It also goes against the idea that each name res server should have as much of a complete picture of the environment as possible else there's no reason to have multiples. 

On 7/13/06, Grillenmeier, Guido [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
note that DNS startup behavious changes with SP1, which is anotherreason not to choose the DC itself as the preferred DNS server: with
SP1, AD will not allow the DNS service to read any records, until it hassuccessfully replicated with one of it's replication partners.This isto avoid false or duplicate registration of records (or even duplicate
creation of the application partitions).As such, with SP1 it's better to point your DCs to a replication partneras a primary DNS and to self as a secondary./Guido-Original Message-
[EMAIL PROTECTED]Sent: Donnerstag, 13. Juli 2006 17:02To: ActiveDir@mail.activedir.orgCc:
; [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: Re: [ActiveDir] Always point a DC with DNS installed to itselfas the preferred DNS server...always?Hi Al
I did want to throw in a personl experience I had with W2K3 thatvalidatesthe Point your DNS server to a replication partner theory.I did seeinone environment where every DC had DNS and the msdcs partition was a
forestpartition.An unfortunate DNS scavenge was done deleting some of theGUIDrecords in the MSCDCS partition.Replication started to fail shortlyafterthat and the missing GUIDs were discovered.The netlogon service was
restarted to make the DCs re-register but of course they re-registeredtheGUID on themselves.They could find themselves but not theirreplicationpartners.The replication partners could find them but not themeselves.
When the DCs were set to point to a hub replication partner for primaryandthemselves as secondary the problem went away - the netlogon service wasrestarted, the GUIDs registered on the central DNS server, the spokes
didthe lookup for replication parnters on the hub site DC and eventuallythings started working again.This was pre - SP1 so this may not be a problem anymore, but after thatexperience I have seen value in doing the DNS configuration so that the
DCsall point to the hub first and themselves second.I have not seen anyproblems for the DC itself when the WAN link dropped for a length oftimeand the primary DNS server was not reachable.Of course, if there are never any changes to DC IPs or names and the
MSDCSis never scavenged (or the interval is long enough not to recreate theabove problem) then the above argument is moot.Regards;James R. DayActive Directory Core TeamOffice of the Chief Information Officer
National Park Service202-230-2983[EMAIL PROTECTED] Al Mulnick 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent by: cc: (bcc:James Day/Contractor/NPS)
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject:Re:[ActiveDir] Always point a DC with DNS installed to itself as the preferred DNSserver...always? 07/12/2006 09:58 PM AST Please respond to ActiveDir
You don't work at the post office do you? ;)There are many many many ways to properly configure DNS.One thing thathelps is to think of the terms client and server vs. preferred and
alternate only. You are configuring a preferred server and an alternateserver that you want this DC to be a client of.DNS is a standard.Windows 2003 DNS follows those standards (commentsreally, but let's not pick right?)Microsoft has done some enhancements
above and beyond that make DNS play very well in the Microsoftsphere[1].You can however have DNS that is a third party DNS system, such as BIND.Active Directory plays very well with such third party DNS systems.You
could have your domain controllers not have any DNS hosted on them atall.You could have it hosted, but as a secondary zone.You could also haveitAD integrated meaning that you have a listener for DNS but the
data(base)is stored in the active directory.Something to clarify: what you're talking about is making the DC a*client*to another DNS server that hosts the zones.You're also talking aboutmaking dc1 a client of dc2 and vice versa.That's silly, but I'll get
tothat.If you have your dns hosted on a third party system such as BIND, you'llhave one server as the primary (not best 

RE: [ActiveDir] Always point a DC with DNS installed to itself as the preferred DNS server...always?

2006-07-13 Thread Victor W.

Great input, it's really getting more and more interesting, I'm glad I 
raised the question.

[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Al 
MulnickSent: donderdag 13 juli 2006 21:32To: 
ActiveDir@mail.activedir.orgSubject: Re: [ActiveDir] Always point a 
DC with DNS installed to itself as the preferred DNS 

See how quickly thinking changes? :)

I almost think this is a better reason not to have AD-integrated DNS. 
Shall have to ponder a bit more, but I detest the idea of a DNS server being a 
client to a peer name res server. I'm still inclined to continue to use 
the self-as-primary deployment. I understand that silliness (thanks for 
pointing out that situation James) can impact availability and that would 
normally indicate a bad design. I'm curious though, why in the situation 
described that the server couldn't replicate and begin serving records. I 
haven't looked lately, but how many replication partners does it have to talk to 
before it will serve DNS? 

"I'm looking for server x. Do you have it? Hello? Are you there? 
No? Let me check myself then." It also goes against the idea that each 
name res server should have as much of a complete picture of the environment as 
possible else there's no reason to have multiples. 

On 7/13/06, Grillenmeier, 
  that DNS startup behavious changes with SP1, which is anotherreason not to 
  choose the DC itself as the preferred DNS server: with SP1, AD will not 
  allow the DNS service to read any records, until it hassuccessfully 
  replicated with one of it's replication partners.This isto 
  avoid false or duplicate registration of records (or even duplicate 
  creation of the application partitions).As such, with SP1 it's 
  better to point your DCs to a replication partneras a primary DNS and to 
  self as a secondary./Guido-Original Message-From: 
  On Behalf Of[EMAIL PROTECTED]Sent: 
  Donnerstag, 13. Juli 2006 17:02To: ActiveDir@mail.activedir.orgCc: 
  ; [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: 
  Re: [ActiveDir] Always point a DC with DNS installed to itselfas the 
  preferred DNS server...always?Hi Al I did want to throw in a 
  personl experience I had with W2K3 thatvalidatesthe "Point your DNS 
  server to a replication partner theory".I did seeinone 
  environment where every DC had DNS and the msdcs partition was a 
  forestpartition.An unfortunate DNS scavenge was done 
  deleting some of theGUIDrecords in the MSCDCS 
  partition.Replication started to fail shortlyafterthat and 
  the missing GUIDs were discovered.The netlogon service was 
  restarted to make the DCs re-register but of course they 
  re-registeredtheGUID on themselves.They could find 
  themselves but not theirreplicationpartners.The 
  replication partners could find them but not themeselves. When the DCs 
  were set to point to a hub replication partner for 
  primaryandthemselves as secondary the problem went away - the netlogon 
  service wasrestarted, the GUIDs registered on the central DNS server, the 
  spokes didthe lookup for replication parnters on the hub site DC and 
  eventuallythings started working again.This was pre - SP1 so this 
  may not be a problem anymore, but after thatexperience I have seen value 
  in doing the DNS configuration so that the DCsall point to the hub 
  first and themselves second.I have not seen anyproblems for 
  the DC itself when the WAN link dropped for a length oftimeand the 
  primary DNS server was not reachable.Of course, if there are never any 
  changes to DC IPs or names and the MSDCSis never scavenged (or the 
  interval is long enough not to recreate theabove problem) then the above 
  argument is moot.Regards;James R. DayActive Directory Core 
  TeamOffice of the Chief Information Officer National Park 
  Service202-230-2983[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  cc: (bcc:James Day/Contractor/NPS) 
  [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject:Re:[ActiveDir] 
  Always point a DC with DNS installed to itself as 
  07/12/2006 09:58 PM 
  Please respond 
  ActiveDir You don't work at the post office do 
  you? ;)There are many many many ways to properly configure 
  DNS.One thing thathelps is to think of the terms client and 
  server vs. preferred and alternate only. You are configuring a preferred 
  server and an alternateserver that you want this DC to be a client 
  of.DNS is a standard.Windows 2003 DNS follows those 
  standards (commentsreally, but let's not pick right?)Microsoft 
  has done some enhancements above and beyond that make DNS play very well 
  in the Microsoftsphere[1].You can however have DNS that is a third 
  party DNS system, such as BIND.Active Directory plays very well with such 
  third party DNS systems.You 

[ActiveDir] Always point a DC with DNS installed to itself as the preferred DNS server...always?

2006-07-12 Thread Victor W.

Today a conversation 
at my jobcame up about setting the preferred DNS server on the NIC of a DC 
with DNS installed.
For as far as I know 
it's best topoint the DC (with DNS installed) to itself for DNS by 
specifying the internal IP address of the DC as the preferred 
server on the 

Then I was told that 
this is not always necessary and this puzzled me a bit.

Not everybody was 
convinced of the above and this got me thinking. Some people are claiming 
thatit doesnt really matter if you set that DC to bethe 
preferred or the alternate DNS server.

I was then showed an 
environment where all DC's in a child domain (all had DNS installed), had the 
same DNS server set as preferred DNS server.

anexample will make it more clear:

a forest root domain 
with 4 child domains.

child domain A, B, 
C, and D.

Names of the Domain 
root domain: DC-A 
for child domain A: 
DC-A1  DC-A2
for child domain B: 
DC-B1  DC-B2
for child domain C: 
DC-C1  DC-C2
for child domain D: 
DC-D1  DC-D2

DC-A1 has specified DC-A2 as preferred DNS server and has specified DC-A1 
(itself) as alternate DNS server.
DC-A2 has specified 
DC-A2 (itself) as preferred DNS server and has specified DC-A1 as alternate DNS 

DC-B1 has specified DC-B2 as 
preferred DNS server and has specified DC-B1 (itself) as alternate DNS 
DC-B2 has specified DC-B2 
(itself) as preferred DNS server and has specified DC-B1 as alternate DNS 

And so on for the other child 

I was told that thiswas done because this 
ADenvironment wasnot optimaland that bypointing all the 
dc's ina child domain to the same DNS server, other issues were prevented 
from occuring.
This didnt sound all that good to me to be honoust 

I am now wondering if there arescenario's 
thinkable when it would be betternot to point a DC with DNS installed as 
the preferred server on it's NIC.

Does the term Island DNS also play a role in 

Re: [ActiveDir] Always point a DC with DNS installed to itself as the preferred DNS server...always?

2006-07-12 Thread Al Mulnick
You don't work at the post office do you? ;)

There are many many many ways to properly configure DNS.One thing that helps is to think of the terms client and server vs. preferred and alternate only. You are configuring a preferred server and an alternate server that you want this DC to be a client of. 

DNS is a standard.Windows 2003 DNS follows those standards (comments really, but let's not pick right?) Microsoft has done some enhancements above and beyond that make DNS play very well in the Microsoft sphere[1]. You can however have DNS that is a third party DNS system, such as BIND. Active Directory plays very well with such third party DNS systems. You could have your domain controllers not have any DNS hosted on them at all. You could have it hosted, but as a secondary zone. You could also have it AD integrated meaning that you have a listener for DNS but the data(base) is stored in the active directory. 

Something to clarify: what you're talking about is making the DC a *client* to another DNS server that hosts the zones. You're also talking about making dc1 a client of dc2 and vice versa. That's silly, but I'll get to that. 

If you have your dns hosted on a third party system such as BIND, you'll have one server as the primary (not best practice, but you get the idea; in practice you'd have multiple for failure tolerance wan traffic optimization) and your DC would be a client of that system.

If you have a traditional DNS hierarchy that has primary and secondary transfers, you would be mimicking BIND topology and again could configure your DC's to be clients of the BIND or Microsoft DNS servers. 

If you have the the DNS AD-Integrated, then after initial replication you should have the client configured to use itself as the DNS server.That'd be the best practice. Before 2003 you could have an island effect where because you didn't have a full picture of the directory, you might not have all the records needed to fully *see* the entire DNS names list effectively creating an island of a DC. In 2003 some additional code was put in to make sure that doesn't happen. You need to be a client of a working DNS to join the domain and to find the other DC's when you get promoted. After replication completes, you have a full list and there's no need to continue as a client of a server that has the same information you do. 

So, what's silly about having your server configured to be a client of a dns server that has the same information? I find it amusing that if the server wants to find something he'll ask his neighbor if he has the information when he could just ask himself. It's brain dead in my opinion and very difficult to troubleshoot. In addition, and more importantly it breaks the idea of a fabric design because now dc1 and dc2 are reliant on each other to be operational. If either is down, both are down and that's ridiculous considering how easy it is to prevent that situation. But wait! you say? He should try the partner first and if that fails use himself right? Yes but. :) He'll try the neigbor first, because that's the preferred. He'll also register there etc. The worst part is that if he tries the partner and the partner is not completely dead, he'll not try himself even if he has the right information. 

Now, will it work? Yes. Is it a good idea? Absolutely not and shows a lack of understanding on the part of the folks that deployed it. From the sounds of it, an unwillingness to fix the underlying issues that led them there as well. On the other hand, they're spot on if it's W2K vs. K3 :)

Does that help? 

[1] unless you like a granular audit logging. But that'sneither here nor there. 
On 7/12/06, Victor W. [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 

Today a conversation at my jobcame up about setting the preferred DNS server on the NIC of a DC with DNS installed.
For as far as I know it's best topoint the DC (with DNS installed) to itself for DNS by specifying the internal IP address of the DC as the preferred DNS
server on the NIC.

Then I was told that this is not always necessary and this puzzled me a bit.

Not everybody was convinced of the above and this got me thinking. Some people are claiming thatit doesnt really matter if you set that DC to bethe preferred or the alternate
 DNS server.

I was then showed an environment where all DC's in a child domain (all had DNS installed), had the same DNS server set as preferred DNS server.

Perhaps anexample will make it more clear:

a forest root domain with 4 child domains.

child domain A, B, C, and D.

Names of the Domain Controllers:
root domain: DC-A  DC-B  DC-C  DC-D
for child domain A: DC-A1  DC-A2
for child domain B: DC-B1  DC-B2
for child domain C: DC-C1  DC-C2
for child domain D: DC-D1  DC-D2

DC-A1 has specified DC-A2 as preferred DNS server and has specified DC-A1 (itself) as alternate DNS server.
DC-A2 has specified DC-A2 (itself) as preferred DNS server and has specified DC-A1 as alternate DNS server

DC-B1 has specified DC-B2 as