Re: [ActiveDir] bitwise filters

2006-06-15 Thread Matheesha Weerasinghe

Thanks joe!
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RE: [ActiveDir] bitwise filters

2006-06-14 Thread joe

Sorry for the delay. Too many 
things going on. I flagged this to come back to and finally got a chance. 
Quickies that I see during the day I will fire off, the ones that take a little 
thought I come back to. :) Especially for this list I try to make sure my ducks 
are in a row so that I don't get smacked about too much.
Forgive converting to HTML, it 
makes this post easier to read, at least for me, and since this is all freebee I 
will do what I like. ;o)
1a. If you want to check multiple bits and ALL bits need 
to be enabled then you want AND. If you want to check multiple bits and ANY of 
them can be enabled then you want OR. For a single bit, either one is 
fine.1b. Always try to make positive searches instead 
of NOTed search. A NOT in the filter is more inefficient generally than anything 
positive you do. Also a NOT filter can give you false positives. This can occur 
if there are values you aren't expecting or you don't have permissions on the 
attribute your are NOTing on some objects that you can otherwise see. For 
example, there are some groups for AzMan that will cause your NOT filter below 
to break. If you check out the MSDN Schema Def for groupType it looks like they 
finally got the changes I submitted up there for APP_BASIC and 
APP_QUERY[1].Next since grouptype is indexed, you can toss out the 
objectcategory=group for the query to simply it.The fastest query I can 
think of to get local and global groups would be(grouptype:1.2.840.113556.1.4.804:=6)The fastest 
query I can think of to get security enabled local groups would be(samaccounttype=536870912)To get 
all local groups would be((samaccounttype=536870912)(samaccounttype=536870913))To 
get security enabled global and universal groups(samaccounttype=268435456)To get all global and 
understand the sAMAccountType values, use -samdc switch in 
adfind[2].2. You can't query AD for the OIDs. 
If you use adfind, use -bit (which stands for bitwise operator) to tell it to 
replace occurrences of the string :AND: and :OR: in the strings to the OIDs for 
you like so (which finds disabled users)adfind -default -bit -f 
-dnI require the switch in the off chance you just might use 
:AND: or :OR: as part of your filter for some other 
reason.3. Why does adfind output the grouptype in 
negative numbers. That is actually a very good question. From my end it is a 
simple answer but I will also give the hard answer... From the adfind 
standpoint, I ask for that value to come back as a string, Active Directory 
sends me back the string as you see it and I display it. So Adfind displays a 
negative number (actually a string of number characters preceded by a dash which 
we take to meana negative number) because that is what AD gives it to 
display.The deeper answer is found partially in the schema definition 
and partially in number representation in computers.First the schema 
definitionG:\adfind -sc 
s:grouptypeAdFind V01.31.00cpp Joe Richards ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) March 
2006Using server: r2dc1.test.loc:389Directory: Windows Server 
2003Base DN: 
topobjectClass: attributeSchemacn: 
CN=Group-Type,CN=Schema,CN=Configuration,DC=test,DC=locinstanceType: 4 
[WRITABLE(4)]whenCreated: 20050805195858.0ZwhenChanged: 
20050805195858.0ZuSNCreated: 287attributeID: 
287showInAdvancedViewOnly: TRUEadminDisplayName: 
Group-TypeadminDescription: Group-TypeoMSyntax: 
2searchFlags: 9 [INDEX(1);PRESERVE TOMBSTONE(8)]lDAPDisplayName: 
groupTypename: Group-TypeobjectGUID: 
FALSEsystemFlags: 18 
Objects returnedNote you see that the attributeSyntax is 
which is an integer (or enumeration which is a fancy name for an integer with 
fixed values). An integer value is 32 bits in length and has a sign. When I say 
it has a sign I don't mean it is running around with a chunk of cardboard that 
says "Save the world from morons!", it means that it can be positive OR 
negative. An value can be an unsigned integer as well which means it has no 
sign, all values represented are positive. The way you represent signs in 
integer values in computerscommonly today is with a system called two's 
complement. This takes the leftmost (or highmost or most significant) bit and 
calls it the sign bit. If that bit is off, the value is positive, if the value 
is on, it is negative. 
So if you have 32 bits available to express a positive number as you do in an 
unsigned integer, your 

Re: [ActiveDir] bitwise filters

2006-06-13 Thread Matheesha Weerasinghe

Thanks for replying Tony. Unfortunately gmail couldnt read your reply
so I resorted to the archive.

In my example for searching universal groups, I wasnt distinguishing
between security and distribution groups. Therefore the 2nd filter is
correct too isnt it?

As for the 3rd question, I am sure you can answer it. Please dont hold
back. I merely addressed it to Joe as he wrote the tool and hence
should know how it behaves more than anyone else ;-) But if anyone
else could explain it, I will be most grateful.



On 6/13/06, Tony Murray [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

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[ActiveDir] bitwise filters

2006-06-12 Thread Matheesha Weerasinghe


I have a few questions on bitwise filters.

1. I just wanna make sure I've understood bitwise filters correctly.
Basically if I want to check if all bits are set, I should use the
Bitwise AND operator. If I need to check if any number of the bits I
am interested in are set, I should use the OR operator. Therefore the
OR operator is best used in multiple bit checking scenarios. If I am
checking for only one bit (and not multiple bits)   , then I should
use the AND operator. I guess it really doesn't matter. Its just the
logic behind it.

If I want a list of global and local groups, I could either do a
search for groups that are not universal or I could do a seach for
groups that have the bit for either global or local set couldnt I? i.e
((objectcategory=group)(grouptype:1.2.840.113556.1.4.804:=6)) or
Please correct me if I am wrong.

2. How do I find the bitwise filter OID for AND or OR without refering
to manuals. Can I query this in the directory or is it hardcoded?

3. Joe,

Could you please explain why the group type value output in adfind is
minus? If I do a query with -f
grouptype, I get -2147483646 as the output. The results are correct. I
just want to understand why the output is minus.


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RE: [ActiveDir] bitwise filters

2006-06-12 Thread Tony Murray
Hi M@

Responses in-line.


-Original Message-
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Matheesha 
Sent: Tuesday, 13 June 2006 8:08 a.m.
Subject: [ActiveDir] bitwise filters


I have a few questions on bitwise filters.

1. I just wanna make sure I've understood bitwise filters correctly.
Basically if I want to check if all bits are set, I should use the Bitwise AND 
operator. If I need to check if any number of the bits I am interested in are 
set, I should use the OR operator. Therefore the OR operator is best used in 
multiple bit checking scenarios. If I am
checking for only one bit (and not multiple bits)   , then I should
use the AND operator. I guess it really doesn't matter. Its just the logic 
behind it.

***TM: Your understanding is correct.

If I want a list of global and local groups, I could either do a search for 
groups that are not universal or I could do a seach for groups that have the 
bit for either global or local set couldnt I? i.e
((objectcategory=group)(grouptype:1.2.840.113556.1.4.804:=6)) or 
Please correct me if I am wrong.

***TM: The first filter looks better to me.  The second one would not find 
Universal security groups (because with the AND matching rule all of the bits 
must match).  Universal security groups have a decimal value of 2147483656.

2. How do I find the bitwise filter OID for AND or OR without refering to 
manuals. Can I query this in the directory or is it hardcoded?

***TM: I don't believe you'll find it in the directory (i.e. it's not part of 
the schema).  It is however a (Microsoft) registered OID.  See

3. Joe,

Could you please explain why the group type value output in adfind is minus? If 
I do a query with -f 
grouptype, I get -2147483646 as the output. The results are correct. I just 
want to understand why the output is minus.

***TM: I'm sure Joe will answer this one.


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