Re: Veritas/Legato/ArcServ

2002-04-18 Thread robert


I can tell you about Arcserve...
With Arcserve you do a full / incrementals unless the server is small
then just full. So you see a lot of space waste.
There are about 11 month, 4 year and 7 week tapes so adds up to 22
tapes per server (there is no extra copy for when a tape goes bad).

With collocation on TSM restores are faster then the Arcserve...
solution (which also depends on the tape technology your using on both
accounts). Without collocation restores times are mostly equal,
dependend on the amount of files (less is faster, more is slower).
But then restores should be much faster with TSM version 5.1
and its multiple restore streams.


Robert Brilmayer

 Not specifically TSM question but more of a question to better
 understand how to discuss pro's/cons to other competing products.

 Since my background is all TSM, I'm curious on how the other
 handle media. Is my assumption correct that they waste a lot of tape
 space? As far as I understand it, all these products do traditional
 full/incremental type backups where each full and incremental uses a
 tape. Thus Server 1 would suck up 7 tapes in a week (1 full, 6

 Is this true? Or can these products actually put 2 full's on a single
 tape? Or multiple incrementals on a single tape?

Re: Second copy of a backup

2002-04-18 Thread robert


A backupset wastes a lot of space (one node, one tape).

DRM and Archiving is the easiest way to handle this, because then you
don't need to keep track of what is on which tape. But if you do not
have DRM, then I would recommend an EXPORT.

With an EXPORT you can export the active and/or inactive data.
You can put multiple nodes on a export tape and it doesn't fill the
database. And when you need to restore a tape you just import the
filespace you want to disk pool and restore it to the node.

Both exports and backupsets do not have copies, just in case your tape
is destroyed.


Robert Brilmayer

 Hi, i want to generate a copy of the data of a node to be taken
offsite, it
 would be best if this copy doesn4t uses DB space, what i have in mind
 something like a backup set - version level is there a way to do
this? the
 requirement is for taking a copy of the monthly backup data of a node
to the
 offsite vault.

 thanks for any idea.


 Join the world s largest e-mail service with MSN Hotmail.

Re: Veritas/Legato/ArcServ

2002-04-18 Thread Seay, Paul

I can speak to Veritas NetBackup.

You are correct that a tape is created for each full and incremental, but
there is a feature in NetBackup that allows you to multiplex the server
saves to a single tape up to a limit you specify.  This really great until
you try to duplicate the tapes for offsite storage.  The duplications tape
literally exponentially longer as the number of files gets larger.  We found
it quicker to run the full backup twice than to duplicate the tapes.  The
backup involved ran for about 20 hours on a full to get the two copies.
This was using Magstar tape and Shark disk, big file system on a high end
UNIX SGI machine.

The real issue is NetBackup supports the original and a duplicate only.  It
supports 9 retention periods only.  It does not have a deleted file policy,
so once the tapes expire the data is gone.  It is tape expiration oriented
instead of object.  It has a tape catalog and what files are on the tapes.
When you do an incremental restore there is no directory structure rebuild,
meaning that files that have been deleted are restored, so the concept of
put the system at point in time does not exist.  This can play havoc with
applications using touch files to signal application progressing.

You talk about more tapes, but more tapes also means more tape drives to
process.  There is no disk pool concept in NetBackup.  It is written
directly to tape, period.  This is where TSM eats NetBackups Breakfast,
Lunch, Dinner and Midnight Snack.  We took a 12 Magstar drive NetBackup
windows environment using about 180K of NT hardware and migrated it to TSM
using 6 drives and a AIX P660.  Nothing else changed except it freed up 6
high end NT servers.  Instead of running a few of our 108 servers each night
on full backups and round robin throughout the week, no C: drive backups, no
point in time restore capability, duplicates often late getting offsite,
only 2 weeks of recover, we now have a primary, onsite copy, offsite copy
and sit around joking about the days of the NetBackup debacle we extracated.
The company is about to adopt a daily offsite strategy.  Thank you TSM for
making it a possibility.

Plain and Simple.  NetBackup is extremely expensive to run.  The maintenance
on the software is much higher than TSM, it costs more than TSM, it uses at
least twice as much hardware as TSM, has horrible support, and just plain
does not scale.

-Original Message-
From: Gabriel Wiley [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, April 17, 2002 1:46 PM
Subject: Re: Veritas/Legato/ArcServ


I use to work with Veritas, and I may soon be back in that boat..(not by

You are correct , we wasted a lot of tape..

And the quick recovery time was dependant on the Offsite vendor returning
our media..

We set up our clients in different classes(TSM's version of stgpools 
schedules) they would dump their data to the diskpool and copy would take
place soon after.  At the time we didn't have a way to collocate so the data
could span multiple tapes.. (Don't know what that is like today) If client a
needed a restore, client x,y and z's data would have to return in order for
us to get all the required data restored for client a ..

But this was a couple years ago~

Gabriel C. Wiley
ADSM/TSM Administrator
AIX Support
Phone 1-614-308-6709
Pager  1-877-489-2867
Fax  1-614-308-6637
Cell   1-740-972-6441

Siempre Hay Esperanza

  Gerald Wichmann
  OM  cc:
  Sent by: ADSM:  Subject:
  Dist Stor

  04/17/2002 01:19
  Please respond to
  ADSM: Dist Stor

Not specifically TSM question but more of a question to better understand
how to discuss pro's/cons to other competing products.

Since my background is all TSM, I'm curious on how the other competitors
handle media. Is my assumption correct that they waste a lot of tape space?
As far as I understand it, all these products do traditional
full/incremental type backups where each full and incremental uses a tape.
Thus Server 1 would suck up 7 tapes in a week (1 full, 6 incrementals).

Is this true? Or can these products actually put 2 full's on a single tape?
Or multiple incrementals on a single tape?

2 identical libraries and 1 TSM Server.

2002-04-18 Thread Francisco Molero

Hi all,
I have 2 libraries 3584.
When I define the drives in the first library no pb.
def drive lib1 drive1 element=256

But when I define de drive in de second library.

def drive LIB2 DRIVE55 element=256

I get a msg :

ANR8419E DEFINE DRIVE: element conflicts...

1.- What should the element be??
2.- Has somebody a similar configuration, 2 identical
libraries and 1 tsm server ?

Thanks in advance,


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Yahoo! Messenger
Comunicacisn instantanea gratis con tu gente.

Re: Veritas/Legato/ArcServ

2002-04-18 Thread Remco Post

 Not specifically TSM question but more of a question to better
 understand how to discuss pro's/cons to other competing products.

 Since my background is all TSM, I'm curious on how the other competitors
 handle media. Is my assumption correct that they waste a lot of tape
 space? As far as I understand it, all these products do traditional
 full/incremental type backups where each full and incremental uses a
 tape. Thus Server 1 would suck up 7 tapes in a week (1 full, 6

 Is this true? Or can these products actually put 2 full's on a single
 tape? Or multiple incrementals on a single tape?


I have limitted experience with Legato, but it too, like TSM, puts all backups
of one node, both full and incremental, in one storagepool, even does full and
incremantal on the same tape if possible...

Met vriendelijke groeten,

Remco Post

SARA - Stichting Academisch Rekencentrum Amsterdam
High Performance Computing  Tel. +31 20 592 8008Fax. +31 20 668 3167

I really didn't foresee the Internet. But then, neither did the computer
industry. Not that that tells us very much of course - the computer industry
didn't even foresee that the century was going to end. -- Douglas Adams

Re: SAN Problem - TDP for SAP on Windows 2000

2002-04-18 Thread Gerrit van Zyl

Thanks Paul,

I'll try it and let you know.

Gerrit van Zyl

-Original Message-
From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Seay, Paul
Sent: Thursday, April 18, 2002 5:39 AM
Subject: Re: SAN Problem - TDP for SAP on Windows 2000

Been here, seen this, fixed this.  Actually we found the solution on the
Knowledge base but the answer in the knowledge base is wrong.  Sorry, I do
not remember the KB solution number, but this is what you have to do.

The default in the Device\Parameters section for the Qlogic card defaults to
0x21.  The KB says to change it to at least 131 from 21.  What it meant to
say is 131 decimal.  We set it to 255 or 0xFF and now the SAN agent works
fine.  The issue is the tape header blocks are read/written as one on the
SAN agent apparently differently than the server.  The result is what you
see.  The keyword to set is MaximumSGList.  Sorry I cannot remember the HKEY
for this.

-Original Message-
From: Joe Cascanette [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, April 17, 2002 10:03 AM
Subject: Re: SAN Problem - TDP for SAP on Windows 2000

Are you using Removable Storage on the Windows2000 server attached to the
SAN connected tape unit?, or are you using the drivers supplied by Tivoli
(device drivers)?.

My server is NT based (not sure about the AIX based) and I am using the
Tivoli drivers to connect to my tape storage. I noticed since I needed to
disable the Removable Storage service on my Windows 2000 server attached to
the SAN to get this to work correctly. Some how the 2 drivers were fighting
for control, by disabling this service Tivoli's device drivers had no


-Original Message-
From: Gerrit van Zyl [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, April 17, 2002 7:21 AM
Subject: SAN Problem - TDP for SAP on Windows 2000

Hi all TSM'ers

The setup:

TSM Server on AIX 4.3.
TSM Client on Windows 2000
TSM Storageagent on Windows 2000
TDP for SAP on Windows 2000

The Win2000 is connected to the SAN via a Qlogic card.

When we start a SAP backup, the tape gets mounted in the correct tape drive,
however the following error occurs: (output from dsmsta)

ANR0400I Session 6 started for node BSASAP31 (TDP R3 WINNT) (Named Pipe).
ANR8337I LTO volume 541ABW mounted in drive DRIVE1 (\\.\Tape2). ANR8938E The
adapter for tape drive DRIVE1 (\\.\Tape2) cannot handle  the block size
needed to use the volume. ANR8468I LTO volume 541ABW dismounted from drive
DRIVE1 (\\.\Tape2) in library LIB3584. ANR1401W Mount request denied for
volume 541ABW - mount failed.

Any ideas as to why it complains about the block size and how to fix it?

Thanks and regards
Gerrit van Zyl
Tel: +27 11 800 7400
Fax: +27 11 802 3814
Cell: +27 82 570 4266

Re: New Tivoli licensing - what processor mean (RESOLVED)

2002-04-18 Thread Zlatko Krastev

Old Value-Based Pricing (VBP) scheme was distinguishing only the *servers*
but not clients. New Enhanced VBP (EVBP) is counting the number of
processors on both servers and nodes:
1. Processors managed by the product (i.e. processors on TSM nodes)
2. Processors in which the managing server is installed (i.e. processors on the TSM 
I already pointed the major source of this information (IBM EMEA
Announcement Letter ZP02-0172) and provided the URL. The explanation what
this brief description means was found in an internal IBM presentation and
neither I've seen it nor have any right (and chance) to quote parts of it.
So those TSM installations which have many workstations, uniprocessor PC
server nodes and UNIX server nodes with up to 3-4 processors would get
benefit of new pricing. Others using TSM mostly for backup of servers (and
especially mid-class multi-processor servers) would see price increase for
new licenses. Example 8-proc AIX/HP-UX/Solaris box required one Tier 2
MgSysLAN license and now requires 8 Processor Charge Units. Same for
LAN-free - MgSysSAN license is less expensive than 8 ISM EE processor
licenses. And if you go to Enterprise Edition because of *ONE* server all
other processors are at the higher price. I still do have to get an answer
can customer buy ISM and ISM EE licenses.
The question how goes the migration of VBP Tivoli Management Points (TMPs)
to EVBP processors/clients still stays unanswered. I'll keep in touch.

Zlatko Krastev
IT Consultant

Please respond to ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent by:ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Subject:Re: New Tivoli licensing - what processor mean (RESOLVED)

This is not what happens when you try to order Tivoli. It is based on
the number of processors in the server. The server code is not free. I
would get your Tivoli rep to check, because this is not what I was told
by Tivoli.

Now they have done some things with pricing to make it less expensive
for smaller customers, but nothing I have found said that the server
code was free.

-Original Message-
From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of
Greg Tice
Sent: April 17, 2002 6:11 PM
Subject: Re: New Tivoli licensing - what processor mean (RESOLVED)

For what it is worth, below is some 'plain english' verbiage our Tivoli
sent to us regarding the new pricing structure.  Hope this helps clarify
things a small bit.

IBM announced TSM V.5 last week and this announcement included new
pricing.  TSM is now priced based upon the number of processors in the
backup client machines and there is no charge for the TSM server
software.  This will reduce the cost of TSM in small environments and
increase the cost for large installs.

Greg P. Tice
Enterprise Storage Management
Schneider Technology Services

Rushforth, Tim
Sent by: ADSM: Dist   Fax to:
Stor Manager  Subject: Re: New
Tivoli licensing - what processor mean

04/17/2002 15:31
Please respond to
ADSM: Dist Stor

Hi Zlatko:

Where did you find the definitions for Processors and Clients.


Tim Rushforth
City of Winnipeg

-Original Message-
From: Zlatko Krastev [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, April 16, 2002 5:17 AM
Subject: Re: New Tivoli licensing - what processor mean (RESOLVED)

Hello fellow *SMers,

even if I do not like the answer we've found it.
According to IBM EMEA Announcement Letter ZP02-0172
(, Section
Ordering IBM Tivoli Products
One or more charge units are associated with each product. These charge
units are:
-   Processors managed by the product
-   Clients managed by the product
-   Distributed servers managed by the product
-   zSeries processors managed by the product
-   Processors in which the managing server is installed
Processors are based upon TSM server and TSM *nodes* processors if they
are servers in customer application environment. If it is a workstation
(appl. client) it requires client license and no processors.
So if we have an (imaginary) ISM installation consisting of
TSM server, cluster of two four-processor Oracle servers, uniprocessor
file server, uniprocessor MDC and 20 dual-processor Xeon/2GHz CAD
stations, we would need 12 processor and 20 client charge units for
IBM TSM (5698-ISM) or IBM TSM EE (5698-ISE) and (optional) eight
processors for IBM TSM for Databases (5698-APD).
Right now I cannot calculate all possible configurations nor predict any
averages or stats but 

Re: SAN Problem - TDP for SAP on Windows 2000 (It is Tivoli flash 3)

2002-04-18 Thread Zlatko Krastev


This look like the problem Tivoli have already warned us in their 3-rd
flash alert (
From TSM Support page
( select Flashes  Known 
Problems and from there go to FLASH 3 - Please Read!. There is another LAN-free 
important flash - 2-nd. I'll test next week
SAN with Windows 2000 TSM server and see is the problem still current.

Zlatko Krastev
IT Consultant

Please respond to ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent by:ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Subject:Re: SAN Problem - TDP for SAP on Windows 2000

Been here, seen this, fixed this.  Actually we found the solution on the
Knowledge base but the answer in the knowledge base is wrong.  Sorry, I do
not remember the KB solution number, but this is what you have to do.

The default in the Device\Parameters section for the Qlogic card defaults
0x21.  The KB says to change it to at least 131 from 21.  What it meant to
say is 131 decimal.  We set it to 255 or 0xFF and now the SAN agent works
fine.  The issue is the tape header blocks are read/written as one on the
SAN agent apparently differently than the server.  The result is what you
see.  The keyword to set is MaximumSGList.  Sorry I cannot remember the
for this.

-Original Message-
From: Joe Cascanette [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, April 17, 2002 10:03 AM
Subject: Re: SAN Problem - TDP for SAP on Windows 2000

Are you using Removable Storage on the Windows2000 server attached to the
SAN connected tape unit?, or are you using the drivers supplied by Tivoli
(device drivers)?.

My server is NT based (not sure about the AIX based) and I am using the
Tivoli drivers to connect to my tape storage. I noticed since I needed to
disable the Removable Storage service on my Windows 2000 server attached
the SAN to get this to work correctly. Some how the 2 drivers were
for control, by disabling this service Tivoli's device drivers had no


-Original Message-
From: Gerrit van Zyl [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, April 17, 2002 7:21 AM
Subject: SAN Problem - TDP for SAP on Windows 2000

Hi all TSM'ers

The setup:

TSM Server on AIX 4.3.
TSM Client on Windows 2000
TSM Storageagent on Windows 2000
TDP for SAP on Windows 2000

The Win2000 is connected to the SAN via a Qlogic card.

When we start a SAP backup, the tape gets mounted in the correct tape
however the following error occurs: (output from dsmsta)

ANR0400I Session 6 started for node BSASAP31 (TDP R3 WINNT) (Named Pipe).
ANR8337I LTO volume 541ABW mounted in drive DRIVE1 (\\.\Tape2). ANR8938E
adapter for tape drive DRIVE1 (\\.\Tape2) cannot handle  the block size
needed to use the volume. ANR8468I LTO volume 541ABW dismounted from drive
DRIVE1 (\\.\Tape2) in library LIB3584. ANR1401W Mount request denied for
volume 541ABW - mount failed.

Any ideas as to why it complains about the block size and how to fix it?

Thanks and regards
Gerrit van Zyl
Tel: +27 11 800 7400
Fax: +27 11 802 3814
Cell: +27 82 570 4266

My TSM does not like Librarystation

2002-04-18 Thread Tom Bisaz

I try to have TSM 4.2.2, resp. the included ACSLSAPI programs (ssi,
mini_el) talk to a libstation running on OS/390.
No errormessage on startup /usr/tivoli/tsm/devices/bin/rc.acs_ssi, but
lbtest option 51  52 just dont give me something usefull back.
The connection to libstation basically works, as I have ssi installed on
another box, driven by another backupproduct, and there it works.
IP connectivity is OK, rpcinfo shows corresponding services registered,
nameresolution works bothways.
Suspicious is, that when I kill the ssi and mini_el, STATUS_QUEUE_FAILURE
message comes up as many times I tried lbtest, and it gives me a remote
internet address of, which obviousely is not really healthy...
Any idea about what apart from the IP adress of the LibStation server I can
Any hint where I can look for the problem?
Anyone running the same config? (TSM on AIX, Libstation on OS/390, STK
...and yup, I am aware that all would be well if I would u$e gresham's

Thanks and have a good day

Gaetano Bisaz

Re: 2 identical libraries and 1 TSM Server.

2002-04-18 Thread Norback, Jan

You can find a device table on here:

Note: we use W2K with the TSM device driver (TSM 4.2.1) and started with
device 257 in our 3584.
Jan Norback

-Original Message-
From: Francisco Molero [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, April 18, 2002 11:15 AM
Subject: 2 identical libraries and 1 TSM Server.

Hi all,
I have 2 libraries 3584.
When I define the drives in the first library no pb.
def drive lib1 drive1 element=256

But when I define de drive in de second library.

def drive LIB2 DRIVE55 element=256

I get a msg :

ANR8419E DEFINE DRIVE: element conflicts...

1.- What should the element be??
2.- Has somebody a similar configuration, 2 identical
libraries and 1 tsm server ?

Thanks in advance,


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Yahoo! Messenger
Comunicacisn instantanea gratis con tu gente.

Re: SAP R/3 error messages

2002-04-18 Thread Mahesh Prasad

As per my knowledge BRxxx messages are SAP R/3's own messages and can be
found in BRBACKUP and BRARCHIVE log files located in oracle/SID/sapbackup
and /oracle/SID/saparch directories. These log files and message numbers
have nothing to do with TDP for R/3. You will get BRxxx messages when you
are taking backup or archive of SAP R/3 data without using TDP for R/3.


Mahesh Prasad
DCM Data Systems Limited
New Delhi, India


Tomá? Hrouda   


CZ  cc:   

Sent by: Subject: SAP R/3 error messages   

ADSM: Dist

Stor Manager  






08:47 PM   


respond to 

ADSM: Dist

Stor Manager  



Hi all,

where can I find description of TDP SAP R/3 client error messages (type
BRxxx founded in client backup log). I hadn't found it in TDP SAP IU
This error appears in log during SAP redologs backup with BRARCHIVE

Any help will be appreciated.

Re: Veritas/Legato/ArcServ

2002-04-18 Thread Daniel Sparrman


Using incrementals on Veritas Netbackup has a disadvantage; it slow down 
restores. There is support cases at Veritas confirming that when using 
incremental backups, restore times can take up to 10 times normal time. 
The solution for this, according to Veritas, is to use full backups 
instead of incremental.

And, when using multiplexing, the restore won't go that much faster. 
Netbackup still has to do a partial restore;first the full backup, then 
the incrementals. This is not a effective way of doing restores...

Best Regards

Daniel Sparrman
Daniel Sparrman
Exist i Stockholm AB
Propellervägen 6B
Växel: 08 - 754 98 00
Mobil: 070 - 399 27 51

Sent by: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [EMAIL PROTECTED]
2002-04-18 05:28
Please respond to ADSM: Dist Stor Manager

Subject:Re: Veritas/Legato/ArcServ

I can speak to Veritas NetBackup.

You are correct that a tape is created for each full and incremental, but
there is a feature in NetBackup that allows you to multiplex the server
saves to a single tape up to a limit you specify.  This really great until
you try to duplicate the tapes for offsite storage.  The duplications tape
literally exponentially longer as the number of files gets larger.  We 
it quicker to run the full backup twice than to duplicate the tapes.  The
backup involved ran for about 20 hours on a full to get the two copies.
This was using Magstar tape and Shark disk, big file system on a high end
UNIX SGI machine.

The real issue is NetBackup supports the original and a duplicate only. It
supports 9 retention periods only.  It does not have a deleted file 
so once the tapes expire the data is gone.  It is tape expiration oriented
instead of object.  It has a tape catalog and what files are on the tapes.
When you do an incremental restore there is no directory structure 
meaning that files that have been deleted are restored, so the concept of
put the system at point in time does not exist.  This can play havoc with
applications using touch files to signal application progressing.

You talk about more tapes, but more tapes also means more tape drives to
process.  There is no disk pool concept in NetBackup.  It is written
directly to tape, period.  This is where TSM eats NetBackups Breakfast,
Lunch, Dinner and Midnight Snack.  We took a 12 Magstar drive NetBackup
windows environment using about 180K of NT hardware and migrated it to TSM
using 6 drives and a AIX P660.  Nothing else changed except it freed up 6
high end NT servers.  Instead of running a few of our 108 servers each 
on full backups and round robin throughout the week, no C: drive backups, 
point in time restore capability, duplicates often late getting offsite,
only 2 weeks of recover, we now have a primary, onsite copy, offsite copy
and sit around joking about the days of the NetBackup debacle we 
The company is about to adopt a daily offsite strategy.  Thank you TSM for
making it a possibility.

Plain and Simple.  NetBackup is extremely expensive to run.  The 
on the software is much higher than TSM, it costs more than TSM, it uses 
least twice as much hardware as TSM, has horrible support, and just plain
does not scale.

-Original Message-
From: Gabriel Wiley [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, April 17, 2002 1:46 PM
Subject: Re: Veritas/Legato/ArcServ


I use to work with Veritas, and I may soon be back in that boat..(not by

You are correct , we wasted a lot of tape..

And the quick recovery time was dependant on the Offsite vendor returning
our media..

We set up our clients in different classes(TSM's version of stgpools 
schedules) they would dump their data to the diskpool and copy would 
place soon after.  At the time we didn't have a way to collocate so the 
could span multiple tapes.. (Don't know what that is like today) If client 
needed a restore, client x,y and z's data would have to return in order 
us to get all the required data restored for client a ..

But this was a couple years ago~

Gabriel C. Wiley
ADSM/TSM Administrator
AIX Support
Phone 1-614-308-6709
Pager  1-877-489-2867
Fax  1-614-308-6637
Cell   1-740-972-6441

Siempre Hay Esperanza

  Gerald Wichmann
  OM  cc:
  Sent by: ADSM:  Subject:
  Dist Stor

  04/17/2002 01:19
  Please respond to
  ADSM: Dist Stor

Not specifically TSM question but more of a question 

Re: Veritas/Legato/ArcServ

2002-04-18 Thread Daniel Sparrman


Also, at least earlier, Legato used a sequential file to handle 
information about clients, tapes, files and so on... TSM uses a DB/2 
database, which is much more efficent than using a sequential file.

Also, when having larger environments, the sequential file becomes a 
bottleneck, which can reduce performance in a noticable way.

Best Regards

Daniel Sparrman
Daniel Sparrman
Exist i Stockholm AB
Propellervägen 6B
Växel: 08 - 754 98 00
Mobil: 070 - 399 27 51

Sent by: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [EMAIL PROTECTED]
2002-04-18 11:45
Please respond to ADSM: Dist Stor Manager

Subject:Re: Veritas/Legato/ArcServ

 Not specifically TSM question but more of a question to better
 understand how to discuss pro's/cons to other competing products.

 Since my background is all TSM, I'm curious on how the other competitors
 handle media. Is my assumption correct that they waste a lot of tape
 space? As far as I understand it, all these products do traditional
 full/incremental type backups where each full and incremental uses a
 tape. Thus Server 1 would suck up 7 tapes in a week (1 full, 6

 Is this true? Or can these products actually put 2 full's on a single
 tape? Or multiple incrementals on a single tape?


I have limitted experience with Legato, but it too, like TSM, puts all 
of one node, both full and incremental, in one storagepool, even does full 
incremantal on the same tape if possible...

Met vriendelijke groeten,

Remco Post

SARA - Stichting Academisch Rekencentrum Amsterdam
High Performance Computing  Tel. +31 20 592 8008Fax. +31 20 668 3167

I really didn't foresee the Internet. But then, neither did the computer
industry. Not that that tells us very much of course - the computer 
didn't even foresee that the century was going to end. -- Douglas Adams

Re: Daily Backup Report: More Issues

2002-04-18 Thread Christo Heuer

Hi Orin,

Just to add to what Paul and Andy has already said:
TDP for Exchange - definately a problem - even a q files nodexyz f=d reports
a successfull backup - although the Rc425 in the exchange log says that
the backup of storage group xyz failed the TDP for exchange does NOT
this fact to the TSM server - what we do is run SQL queries against the
TSM actvity log to see the success or failure of the backup.
Andy's statement that the q event is good for scheduled operations is not
true - I have an NT server where I have an ADMIN command to backup the
primary tape pool to a secondary tape pool with a wait=yes added.
When the server starts the command it ends without mounting the tapes,
because there is no free tapes available to make the copy.
In the TSM activity log you can see the process failed - but the q event
says it was fine.
According to me this should report a FAILED EVENT - but is says the event
OK return code 0.
Might be a bug - but I don't make use of the events table for reporting


Mark is absolutely correct.  This is an issue we have as well.  To solve the
problem we are running post processing of the output looking for a bogus
situation and setting return codes.  We use an external scheduler, so we can
do this.  With the TSM Scheduler you are just screwed if you are not
satisfied that a successful session does not necessarily equal a successful

The worst problem we have is the TDP for Exchange can get a 425 return code
because Norton Anti-virus has the Exchange store tied up and you still get a
successful backup.  This takes a bounce of the Exchange Server.  The issue
is you can go weeks without realizing you have not gotten an Information
Store backup.

Typically, I use SQL to looke for the message id and failed and that is how
this one is found.

I hate to correct IBM again... My statement was correct

query event will NOT tell you if your backup was successful.

As Andy so carefully stated in his last comment:

you should not have any problems determining success or failure of the

The operation and the actual successful backup are two different things. In
referring to a TSM operations (i.e. ACTION=INCREMENTAL), not a script, can
show proof of missed files and errors from reports from my activity log that
a success of the operation does not mean that you had a successful backup.

We currently have a Critsit open with Tivoli and IBM hardware support and
this is one of the major issues.

Just trying to help, I guarantee that if you rely only on a q event to let
your customers know if you have all their files backed up you will get

Original Message-
From: Andrew Raibeck [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, April 16, 2002 10:07 AM
Subject: Re: Daily Backup Report

query event will NOT tell you if your backup was successful.

This is true only if the schedule definition launches a script, i.e. DEF SCH
mydomain myschedule ACTION=COMMAND OBJECTS=myscript, and the script
contains commands that run asynchronously; in that case, TSM has no way to
track the actions taken within the script. It can only say, the script was
launched successfully. In short, the success or failure of the command
depends on the return code issued from the script.

For scheduled TSM operations (i.e. ACTION=INCREMENTAL), you should not have
any problems determining success or failure of the operation. For
ACTION=COMMAND operations where the command



Andy Raibeck
IBM Software Group
Tivoli Storage Manager Client Development
Internal Notes e-mail: Andrew Raibeck/Tucson/IBM@IBMUS
Internet e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

The only dumb question is the one that goes unasked.
The command line is your friend.
Good enough is the enemy of excellence.

Sent by: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [EMAIL PROTECTED] 04/16/2002 07:34
Please respond to ADSM: Dist Stor Manager

Subject:Re: Daily Backup Report

We also used query event * * begindate=today-1 enddate=today ex=yes until
I learned that this does not report on clients that were or were not backed
up successfully, this ONLY reports on if the script or schedule was
successful. To quote straight from the h q event page Use this command to
check whether schedules were processed successfully.

I will not go into a rant about this, just learn from my mistake, query
event will NOT tell you if your backup was successful.

-Original Message-
From: Williams, Tim P {PBSG} [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, April 16, 2002 9:01 AM
Subject: Re: Daily Backup Report

we generally run a q event command   ex=yes
you can use begindate begintime parms, etc
help q event

-Original Message-
From: Orin Rehorst [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, April 16, 

Re: SAN Problem - TDP for SAP on Windows 2000

2002-04-18 Thread Christo Heuer

Hi Gerrit/Paul,

Here is an extract from the readme.txt that comes with the
QLOGIC drivers for NT:
2. Select HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE and follow the tree structure down to
  the QLogic driver as follows:


   3. Double click on


   4. Enter a value from 16 to 255 (0x10 hex to 0xFF).  A value of
  255 (0xFF) enables the maximum 1 MByte transfer size.  Setting
  a value higher than 255 results with the default of 64K
  transfers.  The default value is 33 (0x21).



Been here, seen this, fixed this.  Actually we found the solution on the
Knowledge base but the answer in the knowledge base is wrong.  Sorry, I do
not remember the KB solution number, but this is what you have to do.

The default in the Device\Parameters section for the Qlogic card defaults to
0x21.  The KB says to change it to at least 131 from 21.  What it meant to
say is 131 decimal.  We set it to 255 or 0xFF and now the SAN agent works
fine.  The issue is the tape header blocks are read/written as one on the
SAN agent apparently differently than the server.  The result is what you
see.  The keyword to set is MaximumSGList.  Sorry I cannot remember the HKEY
for this.

-Original Message-
From: Joe Cascanette [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, April 17, 2002 10:03 AM
Subject: Re: SAN Problem - TDP for SAP on Windows 2000

Are you using Removable Storage on the Windows2000 server attached to the
SAN connected tape unit?, or are you using the drivers supplied by Tivoli
(device drivers)?.

My server is NT based (not sure about the AIX based) and I am using the
Tivoli drivers to connect to my tape storage. I noticed since I needed to
disable the Removable Storage service on my Windows 2000 server attached to
the SAN to get this to work correctly. Some how the 2 drivers were fighting
for control, by disabling this service Tivoli's device drivers had no


-Original Message-
From: Gerrit van Zyl [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, April 17, 2002 7:21 AM
Subject: SAN Problem - TDP for SAP on Windows 2000

Hi all TSM'ers

The setup:

TSM Server on AIX 4.3.
TSM Client on Windows 2000
TSM Storageagent on Windows 2000
TDP for SAP on Windows 2000

The Win2000 is connected to the SAN via a Qlogic card.

When we start a SAP backup, the tape gets mounted in the correct tape drive,
however the following error occurs: (output from dsmsta)

ANR0400I Session 6 started for node BSASAP31 (TDP R3 WINNT) (Named Pipe).
ANR8337I LTO volume 541ABW mounted in drive DRIVE1 (\\.\Tape2). ANR8938E The
adapter for tape drive DRIVE1 (\\.\Tape2) cannot handle  the block size
needed to use the volume. ANR8468I LTO volume 541ABW dismounted from drive
DRIVE1 (\\.\Tape2) in library LIB3584. ANR1401W Mount request denied for
volume 541ABW - mount failed.

Any ideas as to why it complains about the block size and how to fix it?

Thanks and regards
Gerrit van Zyl
Tel: +27 11 800 7400
Fax: +27 11 802 3814
Cell: +27 82 570 4266

The information contained in this communication is confidential and
may be legally privileged.  It is intended solely for the use of the
individual or entity to whom it is addressed and others authorised to
receive it.  If you are not the intended recipient you are hereby
notified that any disclosure, copying, distribution or taking action
in reliance of the contents of this information is strictly prohibited
and may be unlawful.  Absa is neither liable for the proper, complete
transmission of the information contained in this communication, any
delay in its receipt or that the mail is virus-free.

Re: tsm database problem

2002-04-18 Thread Niklas Lundstrom


Your database needs to be reorganized, Your maximum reduction is only 60 Mb.
Do a unloaddb and loaddb and after that delete the volumes 


-Original Message-
From: Burak Demircan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: den 18 april 2002 13:51
Subject: tsm database problem

One of my TSM servers is TSM on AIX 4.3.3 
I have a 1.4GB database which is % 24 full as follows. 

tsm: ADSM01.MBTq db 

Available Assigned   Maximum   Maximum    Page     Total      Used   Pct
    Space Capacity Extension Reduction    Size    Usable     Pages  Util  
     (MB)     (MB)      (MB)      (MB) (bytes)     Pages                
-  - - --- - - -
    1 396    1 396         0        60   4 096   357 376    82 509  23.1


I have 7 volumes that build up the database which are consists of
and xxxMB volumes. 
Today I tried to delete some of my volumes but I could not and it says there
not enough space. 
But I have ~900 MB free space on my database and it can not move the volume
other volumes. 
Do I miss something here? 

Re: tsm database problem

2002-04-18 Thread Mahesh Prasad


You have assigned all the database space available to the TSM Server. You
have to reduce the database size at least up to the size of the volume you
want to delete. When you use Delete dbvolume volume_name command the data
already existing in that volume then automatically get moved to the other
volume. The bottom line is that you have to reduce equivalent size of the
assigned database space before deleting the volume. Reduce the Database
volume using this command,



Mahesh Prasad
DCM Data Systems Limited
New Delhi, India

Burak Demircan 
Sent by: ADSM: Dist Stor Subject: tsm database 
04/18/2002 05:21 PM
Please respond to ADSM:   
Dist Stor Manager 

One of my TSM servers is TSM on AIX 4.3.3
I have a 1.4GB database which is % 24 full as follows.

tsm: ADSM01.MBTq db

Available Assigned   Maximum   Maximum    Page     Total      Used   Pct
    Space Capacity Extension Reduction    Size    Usable     Pages  Util
     (MB)     (MB)      (MB)      (MB) (bytes)     Pages
-  - - --- - - -
    1 396    1 396         0        60   4 096   357 376    82 509  23.1

I have 7 volumes that build up the database which are consists of
and xxxMB volumes.
Today I tried to delete some of my volumes but I could not and it says
there is
not enough space.
But I have ~900 MB free space on my database and it can not move the volume
other volumes.
Do I miss something here?

Re: Veritas/Legato/ArcServ

2002-04-18 Thread Richard L. Rhodes

Legato will pack fulls and incrementals into the same tapes, or,
separate tapes, depending upon how you set up storage pools.  I'd say
the waste of tape comes from having to perform periodic
full/differential backups, depending upon your schedule.  If you mix
multiple retention periods on the same tape, or, similar retension
periods that are spread across a long time (several months), you can
get one little old file keeping a tape from being recycled.  This
used to really bug me - one little old file holding up a 25gb tape
from being reusable.  There is no way to move a backup from one tape
to another to free up the tape.

On the other hand, you don't need a huge disk pool, a batch window to
run migration/reclamation/expiration, enough library to hold all your
local tapes online, will allow you to split storage pools across
multiple libraries, a much lighter weight catalog than tsm, and, a
automated/automatic catalog backup system that requires nothing more
than the normal client level backup of the Legato server.

I can't believe I just did that - I actually said something kind of
good about Legato.  I was sooo happy to get rid of Legato.  It was
buggy sftw and had the absolute worse tech support I've ever delt


On 17 Apr 2002 at 10:19, Gerald Wichmann wrote:
 Not specifically TSM question but more of a question to better
 understand how to discuss pro's/cons to other competing products.

 Since my background is all TSM, I'm curious on how the other
 competitors handle media. Is my assumption correct that they waste a
 lot of tape space? As far as I understand it, all these products do
 traditional full/incremental type backups where each full and
 incremental uses a tape. Thus Server 1 would suck up 7 tapes in a
 week (1 full, 6 incrementals).

 Is this true? Or can these products actually put 2 full's on a single
 tape? Or multiple incrementals on a single tape?

tsm database problem

2002-04-18 Thread Burak Demircan

One of my TSM servers is TSM on AIX 4.3.3 
I have a 1.4GB database which is % 24 full as follows. 

tsm: ADSM01.MBTq db 

Available Assigned   Maximum   Maximum    Page     Total      Used   Pct  Max. 
    Space Capacity Extension Reduction    Size    Usable     Pages  Util   Pct 
     (MB)     (MB)      (MB)      (MB) (bytes)     Pages                  Util 
-  - - --- - - - - 
    1 396    1 396         0        60   4 096   357 376    82 509  23.1  23.4 


I have 7 volumes that build up the database which are consists of 200MB;100MB 
and xxxMB volumes. 
Today I tried to delete some of my volumes but I could not and it says there is 
not enough space. 
But I have ~900 MB free space on my database and it can not move the volume to 
other volumes. 
Do I miss something here? 

Re: tsm database problem

2002-04-18 Thread Cook, Dwight E

The way the data is spread out on the volumes, you will probably have to do
an unload and a load to reorg the data base prior to being able to
delete some of your volumes...

Dwight E. Cook
Software Application Engineer III
Science Applications International Corporation
509 S. Boston Ave.  Suit 220
Tulsa, Oklahoma 74103-4606
Office (918) 732-7109

-Original Message-
From: Burak Demircan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, April 18, 2002 6:51 AM
Subject: tsm database problem

One of my TSM servers is TSM on AIX 4.3.3 
I have a 1.4GB database which is % 24 full as follows. 

tsm: ADSM01.MBTq db 

Available Assigned   Maximum   Maximum    Page     Total      Used   Pct
    Space Capacity Extension Reduction    Size    Usable     Pages  Util  
     (MB)     (MB)      (MB)      (MB) (bytes)     Pages                
-  - - --- - - -
    1 396    1 396         0        60   4 096   357 376    82 509  23.1


I have 7 volumes that build up the database which are consists of
and xxxMB volumes. 
Today I tried to delete some of my volumes but I could not and it says there
not enough space. 
But I have ~900 MB free space on my database and it can not move the volume
other volumes. 
Do I miss something here? 

Re: tsm database problem

2002-04-18 Thread Daniel Sparrman


Before deleting a DB volume, you have to reduce the size of you're 
database, to free up volumes.

According to you,  all volumes are 100/200MB large. However, looking at 
the printout from your q db f=d, it seems like you have larger volumes, as 
the maximum reduction is only 60MB, but you have only used 23%. This means 
that there should be a database volume that is larger than 200MB. TSM can 
only remove volumes that are not used to hold information.

Best Regards

Daniel Sparrman
Daniel Sparrman
Exist i Stockholm AB
Propellervägen 6B
Växel: 08 - 754 98 00
Mobil: 070 - 399 27 51

Burak Demircan [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent by: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [EMAIL PROTECTED]
2002-04-18 13:51
Please respond to ADSM: Dist Stor Manager

Subject:tsm database problem

One of my TSM servers is TSM on AIX 4.3.3 
I have a 1.4GB database which is % 24 full as follows. 

tsm: ADSM01.MBTq db 

Available Assigned   Maximum   Maximum    Page     Total      Used   Pct 
    Space Capacity Extension Reduction    Size    Usable     Pages  Util   
     (MB)     (MB)      (MB)      (MB) (bytes)     Pages                 
-  - - --- - - - 
    1 396    1 396         0        60   4 096   357 376    82 509  23.1 


I have 7 volumes that build up the database which are consists of 
and xxxMB volumes. 
Today I tried to delete some of my volumes but I could not and it says 
there is 
not enough space. 
But I have ~900 MB free space on my database and it can not move the 
volume to 
other volumes. 
Do I miss something here? 

Re: tsm database problem

2002-04-18 Thread Burak Demircan

I have 1 x 500mb,2 x 200MB and 2x100MB and 1x 96MB db volumes but I can not 
reduce even a 96MB dbvol 
Is it logical? It think the database seems to be used more that it shows me? 


18.04.2002 15:55 
Please respond to ADSM-L 
        To:        [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
        Subject:        Re: tsm database problem

In your case the assigned db space is equal to te available space,
therefore you need to reduce the db before you delete the db volume. 

For example, if you are going to delete 200MB db volume: 

reduce db 200 

del dbvol full path and volume name 

Best regards,
Kolbeinn Josepsson 


                    Burak Demircan
                   burak.demircan@DAIMLERCHR        To:     
                   YSLER.COM                        cc:
                   Sent by: ADSM: Dist Stor         Subject:     tsm database 
                   [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

                    18.04.2002 11:51
                   Please respond to ADSM:
                   Dist Stor Manager 

One of my TSM servers is TSM on AIX 4.3.3
I have a 1.4GB database which is % 24 full as follows.


tsm: ADSM01.MBTq db 

Available Assigned   Maximum   Maximum    Page     Total      Used   Pct
   Space Capacity Extension Reduction    Size    Usable     Pages  Util
    (MB)     (MB)      (MB)      (MB) (bytes)     Pages
-  - - --- - - -
   1 396    1 396         0        60   4 096   357 376    82 509  23.1



I have 7 volumes that build up the database which are consists of
and xxxMB volumes.
Today I tried to delete some of my volumes but I could not and it says
there is
not enough space.
But I have ~900 MB free space on my database and it can not move the volume
other volumes.
Do I miss something here?

Re: tsm database problem

2002-04-18 Thread Mahesh Prasad


In that case, you have to unload the database and then reload it using
dsmserv unloaddb and dsmserv loaddb commands. So that your database is
reorganized and takes minimum space to distribute itself. I hope, after
doing unload and load database you will enough database space to reduce and
then delete the database volume as per your wish.


Mahesh Prasad
DCM Data Systems Limited
New Delhi, India

Burak Demircan 
Sent by: ADSM: Dist Stor Subject: Re: tsm database 
04/18/2002 06:00 PM
Please respond to ADSM:   
Dist Stor Manager 

But I can reduce it only 60 MBs although it is only 23 percent used?


18.04.2002 15:26
Please respond to ADSM-L

        To:        [EMAIL PROTECTED]
        Subject:        Re: tsm database problem


You have assigned all the database space available to the TSM Server. You
have to reduce the database size at least up to the size of the volume you
want to delete. When you use Delete dbvolume volume_name command the data
already existing in that volume then automatically get moved to the other
volume. The bottom line is that you have to reduce equivalent size of the
assigned database space before deleting the volume. Reduce the Database
volume using this command,



Mahesh Prasad
DCM Data Systems Limited
New Delhi, India

                   Burak Demircan

                   burak.demircan@DAIMLERCHR        To:
                   YSLER.COM                        cc:

                   Sent by: ADSM: Dist Stor         Subject:     tsm

                   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

                   04/18/2002 05:21 PM

                    Please respond to ADSM:

                   Dist Stor Manager

One of my TSM servers is TSM on AIX 4.3.3
I have a 1.4GB database which is % 24 full as follows.

tsm: ADSM01.MBTq db

Available Assigned   Maximum   Maximum    Page     Total      Used   Pct
    Space Capacity Extension Reduction    Size    Usable     Pages  Util
     (MB)     (MB)      (MB)      (MB) (bytes)     Pages
-  - - --- - - -
    1 396    1 396         0        60   4 096   357 376    82 509  23.1

I have 7 volumes that build up the database which are consists of
and xxxMB volumes.
Today I tried to delete some of my volumes but I could not and it says
there is
not enough space.
But I have ~900 MB free space on my database and it can not move the volume
other volumes.
Do I miss something here?

Re: tsm database problem

2002-04-18 Thread Burak Demircan

But I can reduce it only 60 MBs although it is only 23 percent used? 


18.04.2002 15:26 
Please respond to ADSM-L 
        To:        [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
        Subject:        Re: tsm database problem


You have assigned all the database space available to the TSM Server. You
have to reduce the database size at least up to the size of the volume you
want to delete. When you use Delete dbvolume volume_name command the data
already existing in that volume then automatically get moved to the other
volume. The bottom line is that you have to reduce equivalent size of the
assigned database space before deleting the volume. Reduce the Database
volume using this command, 



Mahesh Prasad
DCM Data Systems Limited
New Delhi, India 

                   Burak Demircan                                               
                   burak.demircan@DAIMLERCHR        To:     
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                      
                   YSLER.COM                        cc:                       
                   Sent by: ADSM: Dist Stor         Subject:     tsm database 
                   [EMAIL PROTECTED]                                       
                   04/18/2002 05:21 PM                                         
                    Please respond to ADSM:                                   
                   Dist Stor Manager                                           

One of my TSM servers is TSM on AIX 4.3.3
I have a 1.4GB database which is % 24 full as follows.


tsm: ADSM01.MBTq db 

Available Assigned   Maximum   Maximum    Page     Total      Used   Pct
    Space Capacity Extension Reduction    Size    Usable     Pages  Util
     (MB)     (MB)      (MB)      (MB) (bytes)     Pages
-  - - --- - - -
    1 396    1 396         0        60   4 096   357 376    82 509  23.1



I have 7 volumes that build up the database which are consists of
and xxxMB volumes.
Today I tried to delete some of my volumes but I could not and it says
there is
not enough space.
But I have ~900 MB free space on my database and it can not move the volume
other volumes.
Do I miss something here?

Re: problem after upgrding ADSM to TSM 4.2

2002-04-18 Thread William Rosette

Do not forget the atldd.driver file also, it needs to be up-to-date for the
newer TSM versions 4.2+

Bernie M
borismilo@YAH   To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
OO.COM  cc:
Sent by: Subject: Re: problem after upgrding ADSM 
to TSM 4.2
ADSM: Dist
Stor Manager

04/18/02 01:25
Please respond
to ADSM: Dist
Stor Manager

The problem was the Atape driver for the library. Once
I downloaded and installed the driver it went fine.

--- Seay, Paul [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Make sure you are running the latest patch level on
 AIX and the latest
 MagStar Drivers.  For some reason, there have been
 problems with old driver
 and patch levels.

 -Original Message-
 From: Bernie M [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Wednesday, April 17, 2002 2:00 AM
 Subject: problem after upgrding ADSM to TSM 4.2

 Hi all,
 I have just upgraded my ADSM server to TSM 4.2 on
 4.3.3 and am having problems with the definitions of
 my drives. Ther is nothing using the drives, I can
 access them using tapeutil but have the following
 problems in TSMANR2017I Administrator SERVER_CONSOLE
 issued command: QUERY DRIVE 3575lib1
 drive0 f=d

 Library Name:
   Drive Name: DRIVE0
  Device Type: 3570
 Unavailable Since 04/17/02

  Element: 16
 Allocated to:
   Last Update by (administrator):
Last Update Date/Time:
 Cleaning Frequency (Gigabytes/ASNEEDED/NONE): NONE

 update DRIVE 3575LIB1 DRIVE0 DEVICE=/dev/rmt0
 ANR2017I Administrator SERVER_CONSOLE issued
 DRIVE0 DEVICE=/dev/rmt0
 ANR8420E UPDATE DRIVE: An I/O error occurred while
 accessing drive DRIVE0.

 Does anyone have suggestions on how to overcome this


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Do You Yahoo!?
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Re: tsm database problem

2002-04-18 Thread Kolbeinn Josepsson

In your case the assigned db space is equal to te available space,
therefore you need to reduce the db before you delete the db volume.

For example, if you are going to delete 200MB db volume:

reduce db 200

del dbvol full path and volume name

Best regards,
Kolbeinn Josepsson


Burak Demircan
Sent by: ADSM: Dist Stor Subject: tsm database problem

18.04.2002 11:51
Please respond to ADSM:
Dist Stor Manager

One of my TSM servers is TSM on AIX 4.3.3
I have a 1.4GB database which is % 24 full as follows.

tsm: ADSM01.MBTq db

Available Assigned   Maximum   MaximumPage Total  Used   Pct
Space Capacity Extension ReductionSizeUsable Pages  Util
 (MB) (MB)  (MB)  (MB) (bytes) Pages
-  - - --- - - -
1 3961 396 060   4 096   357 37682 509  23.1

I have 7 volumes that build up the database which are consists of
and xxxMB volumes.
Today I tried to delete some of my volumes but I could not and it says
there is
not enough space.
But I have ~900 MB free space on my database and it can not move the volume
other volumes.
Do I miss something here?

Re: tsm database problem

2002-04-18 Thread Daniel Sparrman


You don't have to use a manual library, a 3583 library will work.

Best Regards

Daniel Sparrman
Daniel Sparrman
Exist i Stockholm AB
Propellervägen 6B
Växel: 08 - 754 98 00
Mobil: 070 - 399 27 51

Burak Demircan [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent by: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [EMAIL PROTECTED]
2002-04-18 15:19
Please respond to ADSM: Dist Stor Manager

Subject:Re: tsm database problem

The TSM documentation says that I can do unloaddb with only a manual 
How can i do it with 
a 3583 LTO library? Is it possible to use my external 8mm tape drive? 
Thank you very much to all 

18.04.2002 16:07 
Please respond to ADSM-L 
        To:        [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
        Subject:        Re: tsm database problem


In that case, you have to unload the database and then reload it using
dsmserv unloaddb and dsmserv loaddb commands. So that your database is
reorganized and takes minimum space to distribute itself. I hope, after
doing unload and load database you will enough database space to reduce 
then delete the database volume as per your wish. 


Mahesh Prasad
DCM Data Systems Limited
New Delhi, India 

                   Burak Demircan                                         
                   burak.demircan@DAIMLERCHR        To:     
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                      
                   YSLER.COM                        cc:                   
                   Sent by: ADSM: Dist Stor         Subject:     Re: tsm 
database problem             
                   [EMAIL PROTECTED]                                 
                   04/18/2002 06:00 PM                                     
                    Please respond to ADSM:                               
                   Dist Stor Manager                                     

But I can reduce it only 60 MBs although it is only 23 percent used?

       Sent by: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

        18.04.2002 15:26
       Please respond to ADSM-L 

                        To:        [EMAIL PROTECTED]
                       Subject:        Re: tsm database problem 


You have assigned all the database space available to the TSM Server. You
have to reduce the database size at least up to the size of the volume you
want to delete. When you use Delete dbvolume volume_name command the 
already existing in that volume then automatically get moved to the other
volume. The bottom line is that you have to reduce equivalent size of the
assigned database space before deleting the volume. Reduce the Database
volume using this command, 



Mahesh Prasad
DCM Data Systems Limited
New Delhi, India 

                   Burak Demircan 

                   burak.demircan@DAIMLERCHR        To:
                   YSLER.COM                        cc: 

                   Sent by: ADSM: Dist Stor         Subject:     tsm

                   [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

                   04/18/2002 05:21 PM 

                    Please respond to ADSM: 

                   Dist Stor Manager 

One of my TSM servers is TSM on AIX 4.3.3
I have a 1.4GB database which is % 24 full as follows.


tsm: ADSM01.MBTq db 

Available Assigned   Maximum   Maximum    Page     Total      Used   Pct
    Space Capacity Extension Reduction    Size    Usable     Pages  Util
     (MB)     (MB)      (MB)      (MB) (bytes)     Pages
-  - - --- - - -
    1 396    1 396         0        60   4 096   357 376    82 509  23.1

tsm help menu

2002-04-18 Thread Burak Demircan

A few minutes ago I noticed the buggy help system. 
When I enter something like help q vol It prints the help like garbage. 
Have you noticed it also? 

Re: tsm database problem

2002-04-18 Thread Burak Demircan

The TSM documentation says that I can do unloaddb with only a manual library. 
How can i do it with 
a 3583 LTO library? Is it possible to use my external 8mm tape drive? 
Thank you very much to all 


18.04.2002 16:07 
Please respond to ADSM-L 
        To:        [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
        Subject:        Re: tsm database problem


In that case, you have to unload the database and then reload it using
dsmserv unloaddb and dsmserv loaddb commands. So that your database is
reorganized and takes minimum space to distribute itself. I hope, after
doing unload and load database you will enough database space to reduce and
then delete the database volume as per your wish. 


Mahesh Prasad
DCM Data Systems Limited
New Delhi, India 

                   Burak Demircan                                               
                   burak.demircan@DAIMLERCHR        To:     
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                      
                   YSLER.COM                        cc:                       
                   Sent by: ADSM: Dist Stor         Subject:     Re: tsm 
database problem             
                   [EMAIL PROTECTED]                                       
                   04/18/2002 06:00 PM                                         
                    Please respond to ADSM:                                   
                   Dist Stor Manager                                           

But I can reduce it only 60 MBs although it is only 23 percent used?

       Sent by: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

        18.04.2002 15:26
       Please respond to ADSM-L 

                        To:        [EMAIL PROTECTED]
                       Subject:        Re: tsm database problem 


You have assigned all the database space available to the TSM Server. You
have to reduce the database size at least up to the size of the volume you
want to delete. When you use Delete dbvolume volume_name command the data
already existing in that volume then automatically get moved to the other
volume. The bottom line is that you have to reduce equivalent size of the
assigned database space before deleting the volume. Reduce the Database
volume using this command, 



Mahesh Prasad
DCM Data Systems Limited
New Delhi, India 

                   Burak Demircan 

                   burak.demircan@DAIMLERCHR        To:
                   YSLER.COM                        cc: 

                   Sent by: ADSM: Dist Stor         Subject:     tsm

                   [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

                   04/18/2002 05:21 PM 

                    Please respond to ADSM: 

                   Dist Stor Manager 

One of my TSM servers is TSM on AIX 4.3.3
I have a 1.4GB database which is % 24 full as follows.


tsm: ADSM01.MBTq db 

Available Assigned   Maximum   Maximum    Page     Total      Used   Pct
    Space Capacity Extension Reduction    Size    Usable     Pages  Util
     (MB)     (MB)      (MB)      (MB) (bytes)     Pages
-  - - --- - - -
    1 396    1 396         0        60   4 096   357 376    82 509  23.1



I have 7 volumes that build up the database which are consists of
and xxxMB volumes.
Today I tried to delete some of my volumes but I could not and it says
there is
not enough space.
But I have ~900 MB free space on my database and it can not move the volume
other volumes.
Do I miss something here?

Re: tsm database problem (unload)

2002-04-18 Thread Cook, Dwight E

Do you have some spare disk space ? ? ?
You may set up a device class of a flat file and use that to unload and load
I use extra space anywhere I can find it for such things... on one server I
use extra space in the log file system

Dwight E. Cook
Software Application Engineer III
Science Applications International Corporation
509 S. Boston Ave.  Suit 220
Tulsa, Oklahoma 74103-4606
Office (918) 732-7109

-Original Message-
From: Burak Demircan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, April 18, 2002 8:20 AM
Subject: Re: tsm database problem

The TSM documentation says that I can do unloaddb with only a manual
How can i do it with 
a 3583 LTO library? Is it possible to use my external 8mm tape drive? 
Thank you very much to all 


18.04.2002 16:07 
Please respond to ADSM-L 
        To:        [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
        Subject:        Re: tsm database problem


In that case, you have to unload the database and then reload it using
dsmserv unloaddb and dsmserv loaddb commands. So that your database is
reorganized and takes minimum space to distribute itself. I hope, after
doing unload and load database you will enough database space to reduce and
then delete the database volume as per your wish. 


Mahesh Prasad
DCM Data Systems Limited
New Delhi, India 

                   Burak Demircan                                          
                   burak.demircan@DAIMLERCHR        To:     
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                      
                   YSLER.COM                        cc:                    
                   Sent by: ADSM: Dist Stor         Subject:     Re: tsm 
database problem             
                   [EMAIL PROTECTED]                                  
                   04/18/2002 06:00 PM                                      
                    Please respond to ADSM:                                
                   Dist Stor Manager                                      

But I can reduce it only 60 MBs although it is only 23 percent used?

       Sent by: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

        18.04.2002 15:26
       Please respond to ADSM-L 

                        To:        [EMAIL PROTECTED]
                       Subject:        Re: tsm database problem 


You have assigned all the database space available to the TSM Server. You
have to reduce the database size at least up to the size of the volume you
want to delete. When you use Delete dbvolume volume_name command the data
already existing in that volume then automatically get moved to the other
volume. The bottom line is that you have to reduce equivalent size of the
assigned database space before deleting the volume. Reduce the Database
volume using this command, 



Mahesh Prasad
DCM Data Systems Limited
New Delhi, India 

                   Burak Demircan 

                   burak.demircan@DAIMLERCHR        To:
                   YSLER.COM                        cc: 

                   Sent by: ADSM: Dist Stor         Subject:     tsm

                   [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

                   04/18/2002 05:21 PM 

                    Please respond to ADSM: 

                   Dist Stor Manager 

One of my TSM servers is TSM on AIX 4.3.3
I have a 1.4GB database which is % 24 full as follows.


tsm: ADSM01.MBTq db 

Available Assigned   Maximum   Maximum    Page     Total      Used   Pct
    Space Capacity Extension Reduction    Size    Usable     Pages  Util
     (MB)     (MB)      (MB)      (MB) (bytes)     Pages

Re: tsm database problem

2002-04-18 Thread Pope, Simon R.

You can use your 3583 by redefining it as a manual library.
Edit the devconfig file and redefine the library as manual - you will also
need to delete all the drive definitions except for one.  Then use tapeutil
to move the db tapes between the IO slots and the drive.

-Original Message-
From: Burak Demircan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 18 April 2002 14:20
Subject: Re: tsm database problem

This email  and any files transmitted  have been  checked by  the
MessageLabs Virus Scanning Service  for the presence of  computer

Please  exercise caution  when receiving  any attachment(s)  from 
unknown sources.  If in any doubt, do not open any attachment and 
delete the message immediately.

Thank you for your co-operation.

The TSM documentation says that I can do unloaddb with only a manual
How can i do it with 
a 3583 LTO library? Is it possible to use my external 8mm tape drive? 
Thank you very much to all 


18.04.2002 16:07 
Please respond to ADSM-L 
        To:        [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
        Subject:        Re: tsm database problem


In that case, you have to unload the database and then reload it using
dsmserv unloaddb and dsmserv loaddb commands. So that your database is
reorganized and takes minimum space to distribute itself. I hope, after
doing unload and load database you will enough database space to reduce and
then delete the database volume as per your wish. 


Mahesh Prasad
DCM Data Systems Limited
New Delhi, India 

                   Burak Demircan                                          
                   burak.demircan@DAIMLERCHR        To:     
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                      
                   YSLER.COM                        cc:                    
                   Sent by: ADSM: Dist Stor         Subject:     Re: tsm 
database problem             
                   [EMAIL PROTECTED]                                  
                   04/18/2002 06:00 PM                                      
                    Please respond to ADSM:                                
                   Dist Stor Manager                                      

But I can reduce it only 60 MBs although it is only 23 percent used?

       Sent by: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

        18.04.2002 15:26
       Please respond to ADSM-L 

                        To:        [EMAIL PROTECTED]
                       Subject:        Re: tsm database problem 


You have assigned all the database space available to the TSM Server. You
have to reduce the database size at least up to the size of the volume you
want to delete. When you use Delete dbvolume volume_name command the data
already existing in that volume then automatically get moved to the other
volume. The bottom line is that you have to reduce equivalent size of the
assigned database space before deleting the volume. Reduce the Database
volume using this command, 



Mahesh Prasad
DCM Data Systems Limited
New Delhi, India 

                   Burak Demircan 

                   burak.demircan@DAIMLERCHR        To:
                   YSLER.COM                        cc: 

                   Sent by: ADSM: Dist Stor         Subject:     tsm

                   [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

                   04/18/2002 05:21 PM 

                    Please respond to ADSM: 

                   Dist Stor Manager 

One of my TSM servers is TSM on AIX 4.3.3
I have a 1.4GB database which is % 24 full as follows.

Re: IP over FC on AIX

2002-04-18 Thread Lloyd Dieter

From what I recall, the FC6228 cards do NOT support IP over FC.  The
Emulex LP8000 cards/drivers, however, indicate that they do support this,
but not concurrently with the FC/'s one or the other, and if you
load both drivers, whichever one gets bound to the card first wins.

I have not tried the LP8000's in an AIX machine, and I believe there was
some unhappiness posted to this list from some people who were trying to
get it to work.


On Wed, 17 Apr 2002 16:02:02 -0700
Alex Paschal [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Daniel, I hate to disagree, but at the URL included below, there are
 drivers that support IP over the FC Arbitrated Loop or Fabric for the
 HBAs.  I was days away from trying it some time ago, but our networking
 group finally installed Ethernet segments in addition to the main Token
 segments (!), so I didn't have a real need to move that IP traffic onto
 Steve, if you try it, please let us know how they work.  Also, remember
 massage your routing table!
 Alex Paschal
 Storage Administrator
 Freightliner, LLC
 (503) 745-6850 phone/vmail
 Quote from
  Both versions provide both SCSI and IP functionality over Fibre Channel
 arbitrated loop and fabric topology. 

 OS version: AIX 4.2x and 4.3x with 64-bit extensions
 Utility: Diagnostic Utility (lputil) version 1.2a16 
 Protocol: SCSI and IP 
 Topology: Fibre Channel arbitrated loop, point-to-point and fabric 
 Support: LP7000E, LP8000, LP9000 or LP9002L
 -Original Message-
 From: Daniel Sparrman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Tuesday, April 16, 2002 12:11 AM
 Subject: Re: IP over FC on AIX
 The Emulex adapter that you are using supports both ordinary Ethernet FC

 connetion over IP, and FCP connections over a SAN. However, you cannot
 the IP protocol to talk directly over the SAN, as the SAN only talks
 However, you can use the IBM drivers supplied, a Tivoli Storage Agent,
 SAN attached storage (tape) devices to backup your data over the SAN. 
 Remeber that only large files can fully utilize the SAN. Small files
 cause a lot of meta data to be sent over the ordinary LAN, which makes
 unnecessary to send data over the SAN at all.
 Best Regards
 Daniel Sparrman
 Daniel Sparrman
 Exist i Stockholm AB
 Propellervägen 6B
 183 62 HÄGERNÄS
 Växel: 08 - 754 98 00
 Mobil: 070 - 399 27 51
 Sent by: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 2002-04-16 02:31
 Please respond to ADSM: Dist Stor Manager
 Subject:IP over FC on AIX
 Hi all,
 I'm in the process of adding SAN capability to my RS6000 Wide Silver
 TSM server (AIX 433-09, TSM
 As part of this I'd like to switch some TSM backups from the general 
 network to IP over the san.
 This will take the router out of the equation and get our backups back 
 into their window.
 Problem is that I can't find any IP drivers for the FC adapter ( 2Gb 
 adapter for 64 bit PCI bus type 4-W).  My research indicates that I need

 to go away from the IBM supplied drivers and install Emulex ones.
 Has anyone got this working, and if so how?
 Steve Harris
 AIX and TSM Admin
 Quuensland Health, Brisbane Australia 
 This e-mail, including any attachments sent with it, is confidential 
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 Any unauthorised use, alteration, disclosure, distribution or review 
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 If you are not the intended recipient(s), or if you have received this 
 e-mail in error, you are asked to immediately notify the sender by 
 telephone or by return e-mail.  You should also delete this e-mail 
 message and destroy any hard copies produced.

Lloyd Dieter-   Senior Technology Consultant 
   Synergy, Inc.   [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Re: tsm database problem

2002-04-18 Thread Burak Demircan

I achieved to define my external 8mm tape drive as a drive and manual library. 
Now the point is: How risky is unloading the db and loading again? 
Does anybody have experience about troubles I may have? 
Best Regards, 


18.04.2002 16:26 
Please respond to ADSM-L 
        To:        [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
        Subject:        Re: tsm database problem


You don't have to use a manual library, a 3583 library will work. 

Best Regards 

Daniel Sparrman
Daniel Sparrman
Exist i Stockholm AB
Propellervägen 6B
Växel: 08 - 754 98 00
Mobil: 070 - 399 27 51 

Burak Demircan [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent by: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [EMAIL PROTECTED]
2002-04-18 15:19
Please respond to ADSM: Dist Stor Manager 

       To:     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
       Subject:        Re: tsm database problem 

The TSM documentation says that I can do unloaddb with only a manual 
How can i do it with 
a 3583 LTO library? Is it possible to use my external 8mm tape drive? 
Thank you very much to all 

       Sent by: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

       18.04.2002 16:07 
       Please respond to ADSM-L 
                       To:        [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
                       Subject:        Re: tsm database problem 


In that case, you have to unload the database and then reload it using
dsmserv unloaddb and dsmserv loaddb commands. So that your database is
reorganized and takes minimum space to distribute itself. I hope, after
doing unload and load database you will enough database space to reduce 
then delete the database volume as per your wish. 


Mahesh Prasad
DCM Data Systems Limited
New Delhi, India 

                   Burak Demircan                                         
                   burak.demircan@DAIMLERCHR        To:     
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                      
                   YSLER.COM                        cc:                   
                   Sent by: ADSM: Dist Stor         Subject:     Re: tsm 
database problem             
                   [EMAIL PROTECTED]                                 
                   04/18/2002 06:00 PM                                     
                    Please respond to ADSM:                               
                   Dist Stor Manager                                     

But I can reduce it only 60 MBs although it is only 23 percent used?

       Sent by: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

        18.04.2002 15:26
       Please respond to ADSM-L 

                        To:        [EMAIL PROTECTED]
                       Subject:        Re: tsm database problem 


You have assigned all the database space available to the TSM Server. You
have to reduce the database size at least up to the size of the volume you
want to delete. When you use Delete dbvolume volume_name command the 
already existing in that volume then automatically get moved to the other
volume. The bottom line is that you have to reduce equivalent size of the
assigned database space before deleting the volume. Reduce the Database
volume using this command, 



Mahesh Prasad
DCM Data Systems Limited
New Delhi, India 

                   Burak Demircan 

                   burak.demircan@DAIMLERCHR        To:
                   YSLER.COM                        cc: 

                   Sent by: ADSM: Dist Stor         Subject:     tsm

                   [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

                   04/18/2002 05:21 PM 

                    Please respond to ADSM: 

                   Dist Stor Manager 

One of my TSM servers is TSM on AIX 4.3.3
I have a 1.4GB database which is % 24 full 

TDP Oracle on AIX 5.1

2002-04-18 Thread Neil Rasmussen


What version of AIX 5 are you after, AIX 5 32bit? Tivoli has GAed TDP for
Oracle 2.2.1 (aka 5.1.0) that supports AIX 5 32bit and has been available
on the ftp site for some weeks now. If you do not qualify for FTP TDP for
Oracle please see your rep. for the GAed version. AIX 5 64bit support will
come at a later date, I just noticed that Oracle has released its
developers release for Oracle 9i on AIX 5L (64bit). Hope this helps.


Date:Wed, 17 Apr 2002 16:53:16 -0400
Subject: TDP Oracle on AIX 5.1

Hi list, I'want to know if some of you have some experiences installing
for Oracle for AIX in an AIX 5.1 box, as you know it is not supported but,
is there a way? i mean, do i have to wait until tivoli releases 5.1
(someday) please help, i have a big warehouse oracle and i have to backup
to a robot in a TSM environment.




Neil Rasmussen
Software Development
TDP for Oracle

Re: IP over FC on AIX

2002-04-18 Thread Daniel Sparrman


Sending IP traffic over your SAN will at least make your SAN switches 
confused, as I believe that they do not talk IP, only SCSI commands.

I have installed two Emulex LP8000 adapters in an IBM P-Series 640. You 
cannot use the IBM drivers for the Emulex card, as there are no drivers 
for the LP8000, only for LP7000 and LP9000. Bull has drivers, but they 
won't work with IBM AIX, as Bull is at level and I think IBM is 
still at

When installed, the default value was FC Networking. When starting up the 
machine, we didn't get a link on the LP8000. However, after we had changed 
the setting to use FC-SCSI, the adapter worked correctly. Our problem was 
that the LP8000 couldn't talk to an 3584, as the tape driver talks FCP 
native, and the LP8000 talks SCSI down to the HBA. When we tried to 
install the IBM driver instead, the adapter driver couldn't load. After 
talking to both Emulex and IBM, we found out that IBM has changed the 
memory addresses for the adapter, and therefore, the IBM driver will not 
work with a native LP8000 adapter and vice versa.

Hope you get IP traffice to work through your SAN switches.

Best Regards

Daniel Sparrman
Daniel Sparrman
Exist i Stockholm AB
Propellervägen 6B
Växel: 08 - 754 98 00
Mobil: 070 - 399 27 51

Sent by: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [EMAIL PROTECTED]
2002-04-18 16:12
Please respond to ADSM: Dist Stor Manager

Subject:Re: IP over FC on AIX

From what I recall, the FC6228 cards do NOT support IP over FC.  The
Emulex LP8000 cards/drivers, however, indicate that they do support this,
but not concurrently with the FC/'s one or the other, and if you
load both drivers, whichever one gets bound to the card first wins.

I have not tried the LP8000's in an AIX machine, and I believe there was
some unhappiness posted to this list from some people who were trying to
get it to work.


On Wed, 17 Apr 2002 16:02:02 -0700
Alex Paschal [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Daniel, I hate to disagree, but at the URL included below, there are
 drivers that support IP over the FC Arbitrated Loop or Fabric for the
 HBAs.  I was days away from trying it some time ago, but our networking
 group finally installed Ethernet segments in addition to the main Token
 segments (!), so I didn't have a real need to move that IP traffic onto
 Steve, if you try it, please let us know how they work.  Also, remember
 massage your routing table!
 Alex Paschal
 Storage Administrator
 Freightliner, LLC
 (503) 745-6850 phone/vmail
 Quote from
  Both versions provide both SCSI and IP functionality over Fibre Channel
 arbitrated loop and fabric topology. 

 OS version: AIX 4.2x and 4.3x with 64-bit extensions
 Utility: Diagnostic Utility (lputil) version 1.2a16 
 Protocol: SCSI and IP 
 Topology: Fibre Channel arbitrated loop, point-to-point and fabric 
 Support: LP7000E, LP8000, LP9000 or LP9002L
 -Original Message-
 From: Daniel Sparrman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Tuesday, April 16, 2002 12:11 AM
 Subject: Re: IP over FC on AIX
 The Emulex adapter that you are using supports both ordinary Ethernet FC

 connetion over IP, and FCP connections over a SAN. However, you cannot
 the IP protocol to talk directly over the SAN, as the SAN only talks
 However, you can use the IBM drivers supplied, a Tivoli Storage Agent,
 SAN attached storage (tape) devices to backup your data over the SAN. 
 Remeber that only large files can fully utilize the SAN. Small files
 cause a lot of meta data to be sent over the ordinary LAN, which makes
 unnecessary to send data over the SAN at all.
 Best Regards
 Daniel Sparrman
 Daniel Sparrman
 Exist i Stockholm AB
 Propellervägen 6B
 183 62 HÄGERNÄS
 Växel: 08 - 754 98 00
 Mobil: 070 - 399 27 51
 Sent by: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 2002-04-16 02:31
 Please respond to ADSM: Dist Stor Manager
 Subject:IP over FC on AIX
 Hi all,
 I'm in the process of adding SAN capability to my RS6000 Wide Silver
 TSM server (AIX 433-09, TSM
 As part of this I'd like to switch some TSM backups from the general 
 network to IP over the san.
 This will take the router out of the equation and get our backups back 
 into their window.
 Problem is that I can't find any IP drivers for the FC adapter ( 2Gb 
 adapter for 64 bit PCI bus type 4-W).  My research indicates that I need

 to go away from the IBM supplied drivers and install Emulex ones.
 Has anyone got this 

online image backup

2002-04-18 Thread John Bremer

Hi all,

Just experimenting with this new 5.1 feature, using the Logical Volume
Snapshot Agent (LVSA).

First, when configuring the LVSA Configuration Wizard, I am not presented
with the appropriate panels to configure this feature.  The Wizard goes
from the Install choice panel, directly to Finish.  Nothing seems to be
installed, or change, however, I do get the success pop-up window (either
LVSA is now installed, or LVSA is already installed, if I try again).

Then at the GUI, I would expect to see the option to do LVSA at the backup
window - as stated in the documentation:
   To perform an online image backup, select Image Snapshot Backup
from the drop-down list. 

That option is not present in the dropdown list.

So I go to the command line, and try backup image c: to which I am told,
Session rejected: Downlevel server code version

TSM Server 4.2.2  AIX 4.3.3 Win2K TSM 5.1 client API installed.

Any ideas about what I am doing wrong.  Are some things (all things?) not
supported with 5.1 clients and 4.2 server?

Thank you.  John

Enlogix 36689

2002-04-18 Thread Jim Taylor

04/18/02   09:45:38  ANR0984I Process 334 for CLEANUP ARCHDIR SHOWSTATS
  in the BACKGROUND at 09:45:38.
04/18/02   09:45:38  ANR0838I CLEANUP ARCHDIR SHOWSTATS: Archive directory
  cleanup job 1 started as background process 334.
04/18/02   09:45:39  ANR0898I (Job 1): Node 1 P15 has (95) filespaces with
  (1176) directories and (9833) files.  The directories
  include (153) unique, (0) not referenced and (1023)
  duplicates.  The node is converted (True).
04/18/02   09:45:39  ANR0843I CLEANUP ARCHDIR SHOWSTATS: Archive directory
  cleanup job  1 completed successfully.  1 nodes were
04/18/02   09:45:40  ANR0985I Process 334 for CLEANUP ARCHDIR SHOWSTATS
  in the BACKGROUND completed with completion state
  at 09:45:39.

 Jim Taylor
 Senior Associate, Technical Services
 *  Office: (416) 496-5266
 * Cell:  (416)458-6802
 *   Fax: (416) 496-5245

Re: Residency Announcement: TI-A212 Disaster Recovery Strategies with Tivoli Storage Management

2002-04-18 Thread Charlotte Brooks

This will be a very interesting project,producing a redbook covering a wide
spectrum of DR-related activities. I encourage any interested parties to

More details of the residency are at

Regards, Charlotte
Project Leader, Tape and Storage Management solutions, ITSO San Jose
email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] ph: (408) 927-3641 fax: (408) 927-3616 t/l:
Residency Announcement:  TI-A212 Disaster Recovery Strategies with Tivoli
Storage Management

Benefits to Resident:  The resident will test and document backup and bare
metal recovery techniques on various OS platforms and applications using
Tivoli Storage Management products (including DRM for the server). They
will also put system-specific DR into a wider perspective - as part of an
enterprise's overall business continuance plan.

This San Jose residency begins 24 Jun 2002, ends 02 Aug 2002 (6 weeks), and
requires 3 residents.

Nominations should be submitted online on the Web by 22 May 2002.  The
selection date is 24 May 2002.

The residency leader is Charlotte Brooks whose email address is

Note:  ITSO pays authorized travel and living expenses for all residents,
but does not compensate for the time or services of its residents.  For
IBMers, ITSO residency travel is pre-approved.

Description:  The redbook will describe how to protect computer systems
from disaster on various platforms (including Windows 2000, Linux, Solaris
and AIX, and certain key applications) using products from the Tivoli
Storage Management set. It will document appropriate backup strategies and
show how to test and perform a system (bare metal) recovery on each of the
considered operating systems. Disaster recovery in the business context
will also be discussed - ie the role of Tivoli Storage Manager in the
enterprise's overall business continuance strategy.

Objectives:  The redbook will help customers plan for disaster recovery by
showing how to protect and recover their critical business systems from a
complete failure.

To submit a nomination, you must use the online web nomination form:

Customers and business partners can go directly to this announcement and
its online nomination form using this link:

IBMers with access to the IBM Intranet can go directly to this announcement
and its online nomination form using this link:

All residency information is available by clicking Residencies on the IBM
Redbooks Internet site at  Employees of IBM will
prefer using the IBM Intranet site  The websites
fully describe the residency process and offer online nomination forms.

V3.1 ADSM Database Read error

2002-04-18 Thread Ward, Stuart

Hi *SMers

Having recently taken over an ADSM 3.1 implementation, I come across the
following error when backing up the database.  This is the first error I've
seen in the DB since being here.  I have one mirrored copy.  Is this
something I should be overly concerned with - for instance if the other copy
goes bad.  What steps without restoring the DB (if any) do I need to take in
order to correct this or do I just wait for the page to be expired to clear

04/18/2002 08:03:15   ANR0207E Page address mismatch detected on database
   F:\ADSM_SERVER\DB\DB5.DSM, logical page 821282
   page 3378466); actual: -1.

04/18/2002 08:03:15   ANR0247I Database page 821280 successfully read from
   alternate copy on volume

Any help is always appreciated.


Re: online image backup

2002-04-18 Thread Anthony Wong

Logical Volume Snapshot Agent requires  TSM 5.1.0 server

Tested able to take snap shot of partitions in  Fiber Channel Harddisk or
current  boot up partitions in local system.

Limitation of LVSA :

TSM not able to backup current system boot up partition.
TSM not able to backup partition where TSM client installed

To best use of LVSA, install TSM client in system partition EX: C:
TSM then able to take snap shot of all others non-boot up partitions
including FC harddisk partitions

The following not tested officially and not supported by TSM , Use as your
own risk!!!

LVSA should able to take snap shot of  system partition if that system
partition is not currently booting up the system.

1. A Duel boot system should able to backup the system partition that is
not currently booting up from.

WARNING: The following SETUP method may destroy all partitons in secondary
harddisk in Windows XP environemnt, please do not try!!

2. Attach 2 hard disks with Windows XP installed together, boot up the
system from one HD , and TRY TO take snap shot of the other, As I mention ,
do as your own risk. The problem here due to after booting up  , Windows XP
detect a new drive , but all partition in new drive is empty??

Tivoli Storage Management Function Verification Test , FVT Automation
Project Lead
Office:408-256-3312 Home:650-757-1661 Cell:415-218-7880 AIM:smartbluewong
Dept Y0LA /Bldg 050-3 / Office 3A64
IBM SSG Division 46

John Bremer [EMAIL PROTECTED]@VM.MARIST.EDU on 04/18/2002 07:31:53 AM

Please respond to ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Sent by:ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Subject:online image backup

Hi all,

Just experimenting with this new 5.1 feature, using the Logical Volume
Snapshot Agent (LVSA).

First, when configuring the LVSA Configuration Wizard, I am not presented
with the appropriate panels to configure this feature.  The Wizard goes
from the Install choice panel, directly to Finish.  Nothing seems to be
installed, or change, however, I do get the success pop-up window (either
LVSA is now installed, or LVSA is already installed, if I try again).

Then at the GUI, I would expect to see the option to do LVSA at the backup
window - as stated in the documentation:
   To perform an online image backup, select Image Snapshot Backup
from the drop-down list. 

That option is not present in the dropdown list.

So I go to the command line, and try backup image c: to which I am told,
Session rejected: Downlevel server code version

TSM Server 4.2.2  AIX 4.3.3 Win2K TSM 5.1 client API installed.

Any ideas about what I am doing wrong.  Are some things (all things?) not
supported with 5.1 clients and 4.2 server?

Thank you.  John


2002-04-18 Thread Pétur Eyþórsson

Hi guys

A big company here in Iceland is thinking about installing TSM on SUN, they
will be the first one to have TSM on SUN here.

My question is,

Is there anything I should know about (bugs, problems) anything sun related
that is different from the other systems.
Or should I recommend just using AIX.?

Petur Eythorsson
IBM Certified Specialist - AIX
Tivoli Storage Manager Certified Professional
Microsoft Certified System Engineer


 Nyherji Hf  Simi TEL: +354-569-7700
 Borgartun 37105 Iceland

Sorry: Re: New Tivoli licensing - what processor mean (RESOLVED)

2002-04-18 Thread Zlatko Krastev

Ooops, I've pressed the send button too fast.

-- Old Value-Based Pricing (VBP) scheme was distinguishing only the
*servers* but not clients.

I was not correct. Both are counting both side processors. VBP scheme used
three tiers, actually ranges based on number of processors. EVBP scheme
counts each processor.

Zlatko Krastev
IT Consultant

Re: online image backup

2002-04-18 Thread Andrew Raibeck

This feature is not available without the 5.1 server, which is why you
don't see it available from the GUI.



Andy Raibeck
IBM Software Group
Tivoli Storage Manager Client Development
Internal Notes e-mail: Andrew Raibeck/Tucson/IBM@IBMUS
Internet e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

The only dumb question is the one that goes unasked.
The command line is your friend.
Good enough is the enemy of excellence.

Sent by: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [EMAIL PROTECTED]
04/18/2002 07:31
Please respond to ADSM: Dist Stor Manager

Subject:online image backup

Hi all,

Just experimenting with this new 5.1 feature, using the Logical Volume
Snapshot Agent (LVSA).

First, when configuring the LVSA Configuration Wizard, I am not presented
with the appropriate panels to configure this feature.  The Wizard goes
from the Install choice panel, directly to Finish.  Nothing seems to
installed, or change, however, I do get the success pop-up window (either
LVSA is now installed, or LVSA is already installed, if I try again).

Then at the GUI, I would expect to see the option to do LVSA at the backup
window - as stated in the documentation:
   To perform an online image backup, select Image Snapshot
from the drop-down list. 

That option is not present in the dropdown list.

So I go to the command line, and try backup image c: to which I am told,
Session rejected: Downlevel server code version

TSM Server 4.2.2  AIX 4.3.3 Win2K TSM 5.1 client API installed.

Any ideas about what I am doing wrong.  Are some things (all things?) not
supported with 5.1 clients and 4.2 server?

Thank you.  John

Re: Residency Announcement: TI-A212 Disaster Recovery Strategies with Tivoli Storage Management

2002-04-18 Thread Anthony Wong

(See attached file: Disaster Recovery Strategies with Tivoli Storage

Zlatko Krastev [EMAIL PROTECTED]@VM.MARIST.EDU on 04/18/2002 10:29:38

Please respond to ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Sent by:ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Subject:Re: Residency Announcement: TI-A212 Disaster Recovery
   Strategies  with Tivoli Storage Management

Dear Mrs. Brooks,

can you proof the URL sent is accesible from outside network 9.x.x.x (IBM
Intranet)? AFAIK all w3.* are internal and we being outside IBM
are not even able to resolve those name (for security reasons).
Residencies do have external addresses and I was able to access them.

Zlatko Krastev
IT Consultant

Please respond to ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent by:ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Subject:Re: Residency Announcement: TI-A212 Disaster Recovery
Tivoli Storage Management

This will be a very interesting project,producing a redbook covering a
spectrum of DR-related activities. I encourage any interested parties to

More details of the residency are at

Regards, Charlotte
Project Leader, Tape and Storage Management solutions, ITSO San Jose
email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] ph: (408) 927-3641 fax: (408) 927-3616 t/l:
Residency Announcement:  TI-A212 Disaster Recovery Strategies with Tivoli
Storage Management

Benefits to Resident:  The resident will test and document backup and bare
metal recovery techniques on various OS platforms and applications using
Tivoli Storage Management products (including DRM for the server). They
will also put system-specific DR into a wider perspective - as part of an
enterprise's overall business continuance plan.

This San Jose residency begins 24 Jun 2002, ends 02 Aug 2002 (6 weeks),
requires 3 residents.

Nominations should be submitted online on the Web by 22 May 2002.  The
selection date is 24 May 2002.

The residency leader is Charlotte Brooks whose email address is

Note:  ITSO pays authorized travel and living expenses for all residents,
but does not compensate for the time or services of its residents.  For
IBMers, ITSO residency travel is pre-approved.

Description:  The redbook will describe how to protect computer systems
from disaster on various platforms (including Windows 2000, Linux, Solaris
and AIX, and certain key applications) using products from the Tivoli
Storage Management set. It will document appropriate backup strategies and
show how to test and perform a system (bare metal) recovery on each of the
considered operating systems. Disaster recovery in the business context
will also be discussed - ie the role of Tivoli Storage Manager in the
enterprise's overall business continuance strategy.

Objectives:  The redbook will help customers plan for disaster recovery by
showing how to protect and recover their critical business systems from a
complete failure.

To submit a nomination, you must use the online web nomination form:

Customers and business partners can go directly to this announcement and
its online nomination form using this link:

IBMers with access to the IBM Intranet can go directly to this
and its online nomination form using this link:

All residency information is available by clicking Residencies on the IBM
Redbooks Internet site at  Employees of IBM will
prefer using the IBM Intranet site  The websites
fully describe the residency process and offer online nomination forms.

Re: Residency Announcement: TI-A212 Disaster Recovery Strategies with Tivoli Storage Management - corrected URL

2002-04-18 Thread Charlotte Brooks

Zlatko is quite correct - the externally accessible URL for this residency
announcement is:

Alternatively, go to the Redbooks home page, click
on Residencies on the left hand side and locate the residency link for
Disaster Recovery Strategies with Tivoli Storage Management
Apologies, Charlotte
Project Leader, Tape and Storage Management solutions, ITSO San Jose
email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] ph: (408) 927-3641 fax: (408) 927-3616 t/l:

 can you proof the URL sent is accesible from outside network 9.x.x.x (IBM

 Intranet)? AFAIK all w3.* are internal and we being outside IBM
 are not even able to resolve those name (for security reasons).
 Residencies do have external addresses and I was able to access them.

Re: Residency Announcement: TI-A212 Disaster Recovery Strategies with Tivoli Storage Management

2002-04-18 Thread Zlatko Krastev

Dear Mrs. Brooks,

can you proof the URL sent is accesible from outside network 9.x.x.x (IBM
Intranet)? AFAIK all w3.* are internal and we being outside IBM
are not even able to resolve those name (for security reasons).
Residencies do have external addresses and I was able to access them.

Zlatko Krastev
IT Consultant

Please respond to ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent by:ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Subject:Re: Residency Announcement: TI-A212 Disaster Recovery Strategies
Tivoli Storage Management

This will be a very interesting project,producing a redbook covering a
spectrum of DR-related activities. I encourage any interested parties to

More details of the residency are at

Regards, Charlotte
Project Leader, Tape and Storage Management solutions, ITSO San Jose
email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] ph: (408) 927-3641 fax: (408) 927-3616 t/l:
Residency Announcement:  TI-A212 Disaster Recovery Strategies with Tivoli
Storage Management

Benefits to Resident:  The resident will test and document backup and bare
metal recovery techniques on various OS platforms and applications using
Tivoli Storage Management products (including DRM for the server). They
will also put system-specific DR into a wider perspective - as part of an
enterprise's overall business continuance plan.

This San Jose residency begins 24 Jun 2002, ends 02 Aug 2002 (6 weeks),
requires 3 residents.

Nominations should be submitted online on the Web by 22 May 2002.  The
selection date is 24 May 2002.

The residency leader is Charlotte Brooks whose email address is

Note:  ITSO pays authorized travel and living expenses for all residents,
but does not compensate for the time or services of its residents.  For
IBMers, ITSO residency travel is pre-approved.

Description:  The redbook will describe how to protect computer systems
from disaster on various platforms (including Windows 2000, Linux, Solaris
and AIX, and certain key applications) using products from the Tivoli
Storage Management set. It will document appropriate backup strategies and
show how to test and perform a system (bare metal) recovery on each of the
considered operating systems. Disaster recovery in the business context
will also be discussed - ie the role of Tivoli Storage Manager in the
enterprise's overall business continuance strategy.

Objectives:  The redbook will help customers plan for disaster recovery by
showing how to protect and recover their critical business systems from a
complete failure.

To submit a nomination, you must use the online web nomination form:

Customers and business partners can go directly to this announcement and
its online nomination form using this link:

IBMers with access to the IBM Intranet can go directly to this
and its online nomination form using this link:

All residency information is available by clicking Residencies on the IBM
Redbooks Internet site at  Employees of IBM will
prefer using the IBM Intranet site  The websites
fully describe the residency process and offer online nomination forms.

Re: Database Unload

2002-04-18 Thread William F. Colwell


I unload some of the tsm tables daily and then load them into db2.
The method will depend on your server platform and the target dbms.

My server is on OS/390 and the target is db2.  Briefly the process
is a batch job that does 'select * from nodes' with the output
going to a file.  the file is massaged to make it db2 loadable, then the
file is passed to the db2 load utility.  I do this daily for nodes, filespaces
and associations, weekly for occupancy.

Just this week I was asked to analyze the effects of changing the copygroup
parameters.  I am doing this by 'select columns from backups' for some
randomly chosen filespaces, then loading the output into db2.

If you want more info you can email me directly.

Bill Colwell
C. S. Draper Lab
Cambridge Ma.

At 04:24 PM 4/17/2002 +, you wrote:
I have read a document presented at a SHARE conference in July 2001in
relation to the TSM database structure. In the SQL section of that
document, there is mention of a method to unloading to a true relational
database for
complicated query processing. However, the document does not describe the
method. Anyone out there have a suggestion as to how we can achieve this.

The document was written by Dave Cannon from the TSM development team


Jeff White


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DB Recovery Log Copies

2002-04-18 Thread Joni Moyer


I have a test and a production system that were previously managed by two
different groups.  The test system has the DB and Recovery Log Volumes with
copies of the volumes, but on production there are none.  I have 18 volumes
for the DB and only 1 volume for the recovery log. I was under the
impression that these volumes are very important when problems arise.  I do
back up the DB every day and I delete the volume history after 180 days.
Does anyone have any suggestions/comments on the idea of copying the
volumes of the DB and the Recovery Log?  I was also wondering if users use
the spacetrigger feature on TSM or do you use other methods to extend these
two things when they become full?  I'd appreciate any ideas!  Thanks!!!

Joni Moyer
Associate Systems Programmer

Re: Offsite Mirror of TSM server

2002-04-18 Thread Zoltan Forray/AC/VCU

That is what I guessed from the docs. I was hoping I was wrong !

So, of what value would a DB backup to a target server be ?  I could
never recover from it !!!

Sounds like a partially implemented and of very limited use feature, to me

Is anybody out there using a target server to perform backups of any
kind ?   If you do, the better question would be, why and how ?

Prather, Wanda [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent by: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [EMAIL PROTECTED]
04/18/2002 01:03 PM
Please respond to ADSM: Dist Stor Manager

Subject:Re: Offsite Mirror of TSM server

My understanding is that when you use source/target server, you think of
target TSM server as just an electronic vault.  It is NOT the same as
having a backup TSM server.

As you said, the objects in the target server's data base are archive
objects.  The metadata needed to restore the data is still in the DB of
SOURCE server.

So you won't be able to do restores, until you build a repair/recovery
source server and reload its DB.  Now someone else might reasonably expect
to reload the DB into a TSM server at the offsite location; but since you
are planning for the target/source TSM's to be on different platforms,
won't be an option.

You will need to rebuild the TSM server on your OS/390 recovery machine,
wherever that is.

-Original Message-
From: Zoltan Forray/AC/VCU [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, April 17, 2002 1:46 PM
Subject: Offsite Mirror of TSM server

Let me preface this with, I am not sure how to completely ask these
questions since I don't have all of the details but hopefully someone can
give me some idea of how TSM can/will handle this, if at all possible.

Current configuration:  TSM 4.1 on OS/390 using 3590B tape drives in a
3494 ATL

Requirements as I understand them:  Setup a off-location hot site backup
TSM server that will have copies of everything the main server and/or
other TSM server (we are working on splitting the TSM traffic/load onto
another TSM server) has.   The hot site server will probably be an AIX
box with 3590E (possibly FC) drives.

I have looked into the source/target server issue but am a little confused
since the target server will only see things that come from the source
server as archive objects.

If the building with the source server burns down (and this same
building also houses a majority of the clients that are backed up !), how
would the target server be used to restore all of the client nodes ?

How about the database backups that are sent to the target server ? What
use are they if you have to have the source server to identify what is
on the target server ?

Should I/could I setup database mirror volumes on a remote (target ?)
server over simple IP connections or is this only possible with DASD using
XRC processesespecially since the current, main database is on OS390 ?
If this was moved to an AIX box, how would this be handled ?  NFS ???

As you can tell, any and all guidance is greatly appreciated !!!

Zoltan Forray
Virginia Commonwealth University - University Computing Center
e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  -  voice: 804-828-4807

Re: Offsite Mirror of TSM server

2002-04-18 Thread Prather, Wanda

I did not intend to imply you can't restore the DB from the target server.
What I meant is that you cannot restore client files from the target server.
You have to get the source server up and running again.

It's really no different from any other DR situation.  If you lose your
primary TSM server, you have to go and get the tapes out of the vault and
reload the DB before you can do client restores.  With server-to-server,
your vault is electronic, so you don't have to physically go and get the
tapes, the data comes over the wire.

But you STILL have to reload the DB of the source server.

-Original Message-
From: Zoltan Forray/AC/VCU [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, April 18, 2002 2:36 PM
Subject: Re: Offsite Mirror of TSM server

That is what I guessed from the docs. I was hoping I was wrong !

So, of what value would a DB backup to a target server be ?  I could
never recover from it !!!

Sounds like a partially implemented and of very limited use feature, to me

Is anybody out there using a target server to perform backups of any
kind ?   If you do, the better question would be, why and how ?

Prather, Wanda [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent by: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [EMAIL PROTECTED]
04/18/2002 01:03 PM
Please respond to ADSM: Dist Stor Manager

Subject:Re: Offsite Mirror of TSM server

My understanding is that when you use source/target server, you think of
target TSM server as just an electronic vault.  It is NOT the same as
having a backup TSM server.

As you said, the objects in the target server's data base are archive
objects.  The metadata needed to restore the data is still in the DB of
SOURCE server.

So you won't be able to do restores, until you build a repair/recovery
source server and reload its DB.  Now someone else might reasonably expect
to reload the DB into a TSM server at the offsite location; but since you
are planning for the target/source TSM's to be on different platforms,
won't be an option.

You will need to rebuild the TSM server on your OS/390 recovery machine,
wherever that is.

-Original Message-
From: Zoltan Forray/AC/VCU [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, April 17, 2002 1:46 PM
Subject: Offsite Mirror of TSM server

Let me preface this with, I am not sure how to completely ask these
questions since I don't have all of the details but hopefully someone can
give me some idea of how TSM can/will handle this, if at all possible.

Current configuration:  TSM 4.1 on OS/390 using 3590B tape drives in a
3494 ATL

Requirements as I understand them:  Setup a off-location hot site backup
TSM server that will have copies of everything the main server and/or
other TSM server (we are working on splitting the TSM traffic/load onto
another TSM server) has.   The hot site server will probably be an AIX
box with 3590E (possibly FC) drives.

I have looked into the source/target server issue but am a little confused
since the target server will only see things that come from the source
server as archive objects.

If the building with the source server burns down (and this same
building also houses a majority of the clients that are backed up !), how
would the target server be used to restore all of the client nodes ?

How about the database backups that are sent to the target server ? What
use are they if you have to have the source server to identify what is
on the target server ?

Should I/could I setup database mirror volumes on a remote (target ?)
server over simple IP connections or is this only possible with DASD using
XRC processesespecially since the current, main database is on OS390 ?
If this was moved to an AIX box, how would this be handled ?  NFS ???

As you can tell, any and all guidance is greatly appreciated !!!

Zoltan Forray
Virginia Commonwealth University - University Computing Center
e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  -  voice: 804-828-4807

Re: DB Recovery Log Copies

2002-04-18 Thread Cook, Dwight E

check to see if they are protecting the DB  LOG files via OS level
mirroring or maybe via some other form of RAID configuration...
In our environment using plain SSA disks in a JBOD configuration I mirror
(via tsm) the db  log files
but in our environments using our ESS storage unit I don't...

Dwight E. Cook
Software Application Engineer III
Science Applications International Corporation
509 S. Boston Ave.  Suit 220
Tulsa, Oklahoma 74103-4606
Office (918) 732-7109

-Original Message-
From: Joni Moyer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, April 18, 2002 1:27 PM
Subject: DB  Recovery Log Copies


I have a test and a production system that were previously managed by two
different groups.  The test system has the DB and Recovery Log Volumes with
copies of the volumes, but on production there are none.  I have 18 volumes
for the DB and only 1 volume for the recovery log. I was under the
impression that these volumes are very important when problems arise.  I do
back up the DB every day and I delete the volume history after 180 days.
Does anyone have any suggestions/comments on the idea of copying the
volumes of the DB and the Recovery Log?  I was also wondering if users use
the spacetrigger feature on TSM or do you use other methods to extend these
two things when they become full?  I'd appreciate any ideas!  Thanks!!!

Joni Moyer
Associate Systems Programmer

Deleting data after an archive

2002-04-18 Thread Jason Schram


This should be an easy one for you gurus!  Does anyone know how to delete
files out of a directory after  the archive command has run?

Thank you in advance

Re: IP over FC on AIX

2002-04-18 Thread Lloyd Dieter the attached...that depends on the switch.  The FC/9000
(IBM2042) and (I believe) the Brocades (2109's) will pass IP over fibre.
Not sure about the McData's.


On Thu, 18 Apr 2002 16:24:13 +0200
Daniel Sparrman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 Sending IP traffic over your SAN will at least make your SAN switches
 confused, as I believe that they do not talk IP, only SCSI commands.

Lloyd Dieter-   Senior Technology Consultant
   Synergy, Inc.   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Deleting data after an archive

2002-04-18 Thread Malbrough, Demetrius

You can run the archive with the -deletefiles command!

e.g. dsmc archive /home/* -deletefiles



-Original Message-
From: Jason Schram [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, April 18, 2002 2:17 PM
Subject: Deleting data after an archive


This should be an easy one for you gurus!  Does anyone know how to delete
files out of a directory after  the archive command has run?

Thank you in advance

Re: tsm database problem

2002-04-18 Thread David Longo

I would just use the REDUCE DB as mentioned by some earlier.  I've used
it before to move things around.  It's fairly quick, can be done with server
running and doesn't require unload/load and space to do it.

David Longo

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 04/18/02 10:27AM 
I achieved to define my external 8mm tape drive as a drive and manual library. 
Now the point is: How risky is unloading the db and loading again? 
Does anybody have experience about troubles I may have? 
Best Regards, 


18.04.2002 16:26 
Please respond to ADSM-L 

Subject:Re: tsm database problem


You don't have to use a manual library, a 3583 library will work. 

Best Regards 

Daniel Sparrman
Daniel Sparrman
Exist i Stockholm AB
Propellervägen 6B
Växel: 08 - 754 98 00
Mobil: 070 - 399 27 51 

Burak Demircan [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent by: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [EMAIL PROTECTED]
2002-04-18 15:19
Please respond to ADSM: Dist Stor Manager 

   Subject:Re: tsm database problem 

The TSM documentation says that I can do unloaddb with only a manual 
How can i do it with 
a 3583 LTO library? Is it possible to use my external 8mm tape drive? 
Thank you very much to all 

   Sent by: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

   18.04.2002 16:07 
   Please respond to ADSM-L 
   Subject:Re: tsm database problem 


In that case, you have to unload the database and then reload it using
dsmserv unloaddb and dsmserv loaddb commands. So that your database is
reorganized and takes minimum space to distribute itself. I hope, after
doing unload and load database you will enough database space to reduce 
then delete the database volume as per your wish. 


Mahesh Prasad
DCM Data Systems Limited
New Delhi, India 


   Burak Demircan 

   Sent by: ADSM: Dist Stor Subject: Re: tsm 
database problem 
   04/18/2002 06:00 PM 

Please respond to ADSM:   

   Dist Stor Manager 

But I can reduce it only 60 MBs although it is only 23 percent used?

   Sent by: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

18.04.2002 15:26
   Please respond to ADSM-L 

   Subject:Re: tsm database problem 


You have assigned all the database space available to the TSM Server. You
have to reduce the database size at least up to the size of the volume you
want to delete. When you use Delete dbvolume volume_name command the 
already existing in that volume then automatically get moved to the other
volume. The bottom line is that you have to reduce equivalent size of the
assigned database space before deleting the volume. Reduce the Database
volume using this command, 



Mahesh Prasad
DCM Data Systems Limited
New Delhi, India 

   Burak Demircan 


   Sent by: ADSM: Dist Stor Subject: tsm


Re: TSM on SUN

2002-04-18 Thread Kelly J. Lipp

Our experience with TSM on Solaris has been very good.  Installation is very
easy, upgrades are very easy and the code has good support from IBM/Tivoli.
And the added benefit of not having to learn the iLogical Volume Manager!

If your customer has a large Solaris site already, let them use TSM on
Solaris.  No point adding another Unix platform in this case.  Now, if you
asked about HP the story would be completely different.

Kelly J. Lipp
Storage Solutions Specialists, Inc.
PO Box 51313
Colorado Springs, CO 80949
Fax: (240)539-7175

-Original Message-
From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of
Pitur Ey~srsson
Sent: Thursday, April 18, 2002 9:57 AM
Subject: TSM on SUN

Hi guys

A big company here in Iceland is thinking about installing TSM on SUN, they
will be the first one to have TSM on SUN here.

My question is,

Is there anything I should know about (bugs, problems) anything sun related
that is different from the other systems.
Or should I recommend just using AIX.?

Petur Eythorsson
IBM Certified Specialist - AIX
Tivoli Storage Manager Certified Professional
Microsoft Certified System Engineer


 Nyherji Hf  Simi TEL: +354-569-7700
 Borgartun 37105 Iceland

Re: Offsite Mirror of TSM server

2002-04-18 Thread Kelly J. Lipp

This is such a key point when considering server-to-server!  The short
answer to this question does not begin to actually tell the story.

Kelly J. Lipp
Storage Solutions Specialists, Inc.
PO Box 51313
Colorado Springs, CO 80949
Fax: (240)539-7175

-Original Message-
From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of
Prather, Wanda
Sent: Thursday, April 18, 2002 11:45 AM
Subject: Re: Offsite Mirror of TSM server

I did not intend to imply you can't restore the DB from the target server.
What I meant is that you cannot restore client files from the target server.
You have to get the source server up and running again.

It's really no different from any other DR situation.  If you lose your
primary TSM server, you have to go and get the tapes out of the vault and
reload the DB before you can do client restores.  With server-to-server,
your vault is electronic, so you don't have to physically go and get the
tapes, the data comes over the wire.

But you STILL have to reload the DB of the source server.

-Original Message-
From: Zoltan Forray/AC/VCU [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, April 18, 2002 2:36 PM
Subject: Re: Offsite Mirror of TSM server

That is what I guessed from the docs. I was hoping I was wrong !

So, of what value would a DB backup to a target server be ?  I could
never recover from it !!!

Sounds like a partially implemented and of very limited use feature, to me

Is anybody out there using a target server to perform backups of any
kind ?   If you do, the better question would be, why and how ?

Prather, Wanda [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent by: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [EMAIL PROTECTED]
04/18/2002 01:03 PM
Please respond to ADSM: Dist Stor Manager

Subject:Re: Offsite Mirror of TSM server

My understanding is that when you use source/target server, you think of
target TSM server as just an electronic vault.  It is NOT the same as
having a backup TSM server.

As you said, the objects in the target server's data base are archive
objects.  The metadata needed to restore the data is still in the DB of
SOURCE server.

So you won't be able to do restores, until you build a repair/recovery
source server and reload its DB.  Now someone else might reasonably expect
to reload the DB into a TSM server at the offsite location; but since you
are planning for the target/source TSM's to be on different platforms,
won't be an option.

You will need to rebuild the TSM server on your OS/390 recovery machine,
wherever that is.

-Original Message-
From: Zoltan Forray/AC/VCU [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, April 17, 2002 1:46 PM
Subject: Offsite Mirror of TSM server

Let me preface this with, I am not sure how to completely ask these
questions since I don't have all of the details but hopefully someone can
give me some idea of how TSM can/will handle this, if at all possible.

Current configuration:  TSM 4.1 on OS/390 using 3590B tape drives in a
3494 ATL

Requirements as I understand them:  Setup a off-location hot site backup
TSM server that will have copies of everything the main server and/or
other TSM server (we are working on splitting the TSM traffic/load onto
another TSM server) has.   The hot site server will probably be an AIX
box with 3590E (possibly FC) drives.

I have looked into the source/target server issue but am a little confused
since the target server will only see things that come from the source
server as archive objects.

If the building with the source server burns down (and this same
building also houses a majority of the clients that are backed up !), how
would the target server be used to restore all of the client nodes ?

How about the database backups that are sent to the target server ? What
use are they if you have to have the source server to identify what is
on the target server ?

Should I/could I setup database mirror volumes on a remote (target ?)
server over simple IP connections or is this only possible with DASD using
XRC processesespecially since the current, main database is on OS390 ?
If this was moved to an AIX box, how would this be handled ?  NFS ???

As you can tell, any and all guidance is greatly appreciated !!!

Zoltan Forray
Virginia Commonwealth University - University Computing Center
e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  -  voice: 804-828-4807

Re: TSM on SUN

2002-04-18 Thread bbullock

Hey, careful, some of us love the IBM LVM and find Veritas
cumbersome and overly confusing. :-)

While we are on the subject, we recently brought up our first TSM
server on Solaris (our other 10 are on AIX) and had a question as to the
disk setup. VxFs and VxVm are available to be used on the disks, but should
we use raw volumes (i.e. /dev/vx/rdsk/stgdg/stg10) or mounted filesystems
(i.e. using the dsmfmt to create the TSM devices)?

We started using filesystems, but found the performance very poor.
We tried tweaking some Veritas settings but could never get it to match the
speed of the raw volumes, so we are now just using the raw volumes.

We are using TSM mirroring for the DB and logs, so is there any
added risk by using the VxVm raw volumes (as opposed to a logged


-Original Message-
From: Kelly J. Lipp [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, April 18, 2002 4:10 PM
Subject: Re: TSM on SUN

Our experience with TSM on Solaris has been very good.  Installation is very
easy, upgrades are very easy and the code has good support from IBM/Tivoli.
And the added benefit of not having to learn the iLogical Volume Manager!

If your customer has a large Solaris site already, let them use TSM on
Solaris.  No point adding another Unix platform in this case.  Now, if you
asked about HP the story would be completely different.

Kelly J. Lipp
Storage Solutions Specialists, Inc.
PO Box 51313
Colorado Springs, CO 80949
Fax: (240)539-7175

-Original Message-
From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of
Pitur Ey~srsson
Sent: Thursday, April 18, 2002 9:57 AM
Subject: TSM on SUN

Hi guys

A big company here in Iceland is thinking about installing TSM on SUN, they
will be the first one to have TSM on SUN here.

My question is,

Is there anything I should know about (bugs, problems) anything sun related
that is different from the other systems.
Or should I recommend just using AIX.?

Petur Eythorsson
IBM Certified Specialist - AIX
Tivoli Storage Manager Certified Professional
Microsoft Certified System Engineer


 Nyherji Hf  Simi TEL: +354-569-7700
 Borgartun 37105 Iceland

Re: sense errors

2002-04-18 Thread Anthony Wong

Try get a brand new Sony tape,
Label the tape first using TSM Web admin or dsmlabel
then check it into the library.
Use that brand new Tape to do TSM operation.

Is your SpectraLogic HVD 64000 drive has latest firmware please check

How about latest TSM fix pack?? at

Tivoli Storage Management Function Verification Test , FVT Automation
Project Lead
Office:408-256-3312 Home:650-757-1661 Cell:415-218-7880 AIM:smartbluewong
Dept Y0LA /Bldg 050-3 / Office 3A64
IBM SSG Division 46

Johnn D. Tan [EMAIL PROTECTED]@VM.MARIST.EDU on 04/18/2002
01:31:27 PM

Please respond to ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Sent by:ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Subject:sense errors

Does anyone have any ideas on the following errors that showed up in our
activity log? We have TSM 4.1.3 server running on AIX 4.3.3ML9, connected
a SpectraLogic HVD 64000/Gator (with Sony SDX-500C drives).

We've sent the sense code info to Tivoli as well as SpectraLogic, but they
point at each other or general SCSI problems. We've already swapped out
the cables, the terminators, even one of the SCSI cards. We've cleaned the
drives, changed the filters, re-connected the cables, etc. Even though all
of the below are on DRIVE1, it actually happens to all six of our drives

I checked the TSM Messages manual, and it's not that helpful.

* I'm writing not so much to get a definitive answer (as that's
obviously something specific to our site  setup), but more for other clues
or leads that I could investigate. Maybe Tivoli, SpectraLogic, and our own
group have all been looking in the wrong direction. *

By the way, we get these on a more-or-less regular basis, like one set of
three (such as below) per week or every other week.

Thanks for any leads.

04/18/02   07:43:55  ANR8302E I/O error on drive DRIVE1 (/dev/mt0)
(OP=READ, CC=306, KEY=03, ASC=31, ASCQ=00,
., Description=Drive or media
failure).  Refer to Appendix B in the 'Messages' manual
for recommended action.

04/18/02   07:56:40  ANR8302E I/O error on drive DRIVE1 (/dev/mt0)
(OP=READ, CC=306, KEY=03, ASC=31, ASCQ=00,
., Description=Drive or media
failure).  Refer to Appendix B in the 'Messages' manual
for recommended action.

04/18/02   08:06:17  ANR8302E I/O error on drive DRIVE1 (/dev/mt0)
(OP=READ, CC=306, KEY=03, ASC=31, ASCQ=00,
., Description=Drive or media
failure).  Refer to Appendix B in the 'Messages' manual
for recommended action.

Re: Offsite Mirror of TSM server

2002-04-18 Thread Mike Crawford

Could you not start a second instance of the server on the target server, restore
the db from the source server into this second instance?

Then the server-to-server would still operate, but it would be within the one

In theory, of course...


This is such a key point when considering server-to-server!  The short
answer to this question does not begin to actually tell the story.

Kelly J. Lipp
Storage Solutions Specialists, Inc.
PO Box 51313
Colorado Springs, CO 80949
Fax: (240)539-7175

-Original Message-
From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of
Prather, Wanda
Sent: Thursday, April 18, 2002 11:45 AM
Subject: Re: Offsite Mirror of TSM server

I did not intend to imply you can't restore the DB from the target server.

What I meant is that you cannot restore client files from the target server.

You have to get the source server up and running again.

It's really no different from any other DR situation.  If you lose your
primary TSM server, you have to go and get the tapes out of the vault and
reload the DB before you can do client restores.  With server-to-server,
your vault is electronic, so you don't have to physically go and get the
tapes, the data comes over the wire.

But you STILL have to reload the DB of the source server.

-Original Message-
From: Zoltan Forray/AC/VCU [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, April 18, 2002 2:36 PM
Subject: Re: Offsite Mirror of TSM server

That is what I guessed from the docs. I was hoping I was wrong !

So, of what value would a DB backup to a target server be ?  I could
never recover from it !!!

Sounds like a partially implemented and of very limited use feature, to me


Is anybody out there using a target server to perform backups of any
kind ?   If you do, the better question would be, why and how ?

Prather, Wanda [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent by: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [EMAIL PROTECTED]
04/18/2002 01:03 PM
Please respond to ADSM: Dist Stor Manager

Subject:Re: Offsite Mirror of TSM server

My understanding is that when you use source/target server, you think of
target TSM server as just an electronic vault.  It is NOT the same as
having a backup TSM server.

As you said, the objects in the target server's data base are archive
objects.  The metadata needed to restore the data is still in the DB of
SOURCE server.

So you won't be able to do restores, until you build a repair/recovery
source server and reload its DB.  Now someone else might reasonably expect

to reload the DB into a TSM server at the offsite location; but since you
are planning for the target/source TSM's to be on different platforms,
won't be an option.

You will need to rebuild the TSM server on your OS/390 recovery machine,
wherever that is.

-Original Message-
From: Zoltan Forray/AC/VCU [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, April 17, 2002 1:46 PM
Subject: Offsite Mirror of TSM server

Let me preface this with, I am not sure how to completely ask these
questions since I don't have all of the details but hopefully someone can
give me some idea of how TSM can/will handle this, if at all possible.

Current configuration:  TSM 4.1 on OS/390 using 3590B tape drives in a
3494 ATL

Requirements as I understand them:  Setup a off-location hot site backup

TSM server that will have copies of everything the main server and/or
other TSM server (we are working on splitting the TSM traffic/load onto
another TSM server) has.   The hot site server will probably be an AIX
box with 3590E (possibly FC) drives.

I have looked into the source/target server issue but am a little confused

since the target server will only see things that come from the source

server as archive objects.

If the building with the source server burns down (and this same
building also houses a majority of the clients that are backed up !), how
would the target server be used to restore all of the client nodes ?

How about the database backups that are sent to the target server ? What

use are they if you have to have the source server to identify what is
on the target server ?

Should I/could I setup database mirror volumes on a remote (target ?)
server over simple IP connections or is this only possible with DASD using

XRC processesespecially since the current, main database is on OS390 ?

If this was moved to an AIX box, how would this be handled ?  NFS ???

As you can tell, any and all guidance is greatly appreciated !!!

Zoltan Forray
Virginia Commonwealth University - University Computing Center
e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  -  voice: 804-828-4807

Re: Daily Backup Report

2002-04-18 Thread Dennis Glover

Here's how we do it:

At the dsmadmc prompt:
def scr daily_report desc=Create a daily backup report line=1
upd scr daily_report cmd=q sch * * begind=-$1 begint=now endd=-$2
endt=now line=2

DON'T omit the negative sign preceding the $1 and $2!

(Sorry if I blew the syntax a little bit on line 2, I don't have
documentation at home.  If
there's any trouble, just issue the command help upd scr--you can sort
it out for

The two asterisks in line 2 indicate, first, all policy domains,
second, all node names.
If you want to separate policy domains, by all means just define more
than one script.

Then, when you want the daily, at the dsmadmc prompt:
run daily_report 1 0  outfilemmdd.txt

Where mmdd indicate the month and day, or establish your own
convention.  So, on
Monday, when we want a report for each day over the weekend, we type,
again at the
dsmadmc prompt (example is for next Monday):
run daily_report 3 2  tsma0420.txt
run daily_report 2 1  tsma0421.txt
run daily_report 1 0  tsma0422.txt

This yields a nice little report which prints nicely to a landscape
8.5x11 page, and
includes, among other items, the scheduled start time, the actual start
time, the
policy domain name, the node name, the schedule name, and the completion
The report lends itself to post-processing if you want to clean it up
for import into
Word or another text processor, and, on 8.5x11 paper, you even have room
annotate a cause for non-completion status, etc., in case your boss is a
little bit

If you add  f=d at the end of the cmd= in line 2, you will get a
little more detailed
report which also includes the completion time, but might not fit on a
oriented 8.5x11 page.  Also, if you want to post-process with Excel, you
might consider
using the command dsmadmc -comma.  Your redirected output files will
be in
comma-separated value format which is nice for importing to Excel.

Hope this helps,

Dennis Anyone looking for a pretty fair TSM Administrator? Glover

Yes, Andy, the command line is your friend.  And mine.

V3.1 clients on V4.2 server OK?

2002-04-18 Thread Roger Deschner

We are about to (finally) upgrade our server to 4.2, but we have a lot
of V3.1 clients. Will they continue to work? I sure hope so, because I'd
like to follow the recommendation in the TSM manuals which is to upgrade
the server first, and then the clients, however I've heard rumors of
problems in this area. The client platforms are MS Win32, AIX, Solaris,

Will the new V5.1 client for Mac OSX work with a V4.2 server?

Roger Deschner  University of Illinois at Chicago [EMAIL PROTECTED]
==I have not lost my mind -- it is backed up on tape somewhere.=

TDP for Exchange RC=425 on Information Store

2002-04-18 Thread Seay, Paul

Has anyone else seen this and solved it?

ANE4993E (Session: 9538, Node: NNSE8_XCH)  TDP MSExchgV2
 NT ACN3502 TDP for Microsoft Exchange: full backup of
 Information Store from server NNSE8 failed, rc = 425.

The biggest problem is the thing gives a good return code when it happens.
Now it happens so frequently it is becoming a problem.  We think it has to
do with Norton-AV.

TDP for Exchange, latest
AIX 4.3.3 Server

Paul D. Seay, Jr.
Technical Specialist
Naptheon, INC

Re: TSM/ODBC connection not working...

2002-04-18 Thread Seay, Paul

I will give this a try when I get brave enough to trust it will no kill my


-Original Message-
From: Andrew Raibeck [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, April 15, 2002 10:36 AM
Subject: Re: TSM/ODBC connection not working...

Hi Paul,

Try the ODBC driver. From Excel XP, I am able to use the Import
feature as well as the DB query feature (via MSQRY32) to get data into an
Excel spreadsheet.

By the way, even they are not supported, with this version of the driver, I
have had success in connecting via:

- DB2 Warehouse Manager

- JDBC-ODBC bridge

- ActiveState Perl (version 5.005_03, build 522 + roth ODBC driver dated
12-21-1991 from

- Crystal Reports (known to work with earlier TSM ODBC driver versions)

- Access XP (probably will be supported this year)

- Excel XP (probably will be supported this year)

- VBScript (known to work with earlier TSM ODBC driver versions)

- Visual Basic 6.0 (using Microsoft ADO Data Control 6.0 SP4 and Microsoft
DataGrid Control 6.0 SP5)



Andy Raibeck
IBM Software Group
Tivoli Storage Manager Client Development
Internal Notes e-mail: Andrew Raibeck/Tucson/IBM@IBMUS
Internet e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

The only dumb question is the one that goes unasked.
The command line is your friend.
Good enough is the enemy of excellence.

Sent by: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [EMAIL PROTECTED] 04/05/2002 08:53
Please respond to ADSM: Dist Stor Manager

Subject:Re: TSM/ODBC connection not working...

Actually Andy,
I cannot remember what I was trying to do with EXCEL XP.  But, when I tried
it again I get an application error trying to read location 0x0.  A test
connection works, but I cannot do the OK to open the database.

-Original Message-
From: Andrew Raibeck [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, April 05, 2002 10:06 AM
Subject: Re: TSM/ODBC connection not working...

What version of the ODBC driver are you using, which version of Excel, and
what symptoms are you seeing? The latest ODBC driver should work okay with
Excel 97 and 2000 (haven't tested with Office XP yet, but in theory, should
work there, too). You can confirm the version by starting the ODBC Data
Source Administrator (odbcad32.exe), selecting the Drivers tab, then
scrolling down and looking at the TSM ODBC Driver driver. You should then
be able to see the driver's version number and build date.



Andy Raibeck
IBM Software Group
Tivoli Storage Manager Client Development
Internal Notes e-mail: Andrew Raibeck/Tucson/IBM@IBMUS
Internet e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

The only dumb question is the one that goes unasked.
The command line is your friend.
Good enough is the enemy of excellence.

Sent by: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [EMAIL PROTECTED] 04/04/2002 19:38
Please respond to ADSM: Dist Stor Manager

Subject:Re: TSM/ODBC connection not working...

When I installed it on W2K, I had to logoff and back on.  Do not know why
but that was the minimum restart to get it to work.  I worked on it for
hours.  I have never been successful at using EXCEL but I have been very
successful with ACCESS.  What application are you trying to use to access
the database.

-Original Message-
From: Coats, Jack [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, April 04, 2002 1:42 PM
Subject: Re: TSM/ODBC connection not working...

I am using Windows 98se as my desktop client machine -- this is my first
time doing anything with ODBC, but I now others have been using it for quite
a while here on this list.  I had our local 'expert' who uses ODBC for other
applications here come and check out my setup, and everything looks good to
him. ... Bummer.

 -Original Message-
 From: Tab Trepagnier [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Thursday, April 04, 2002 12:26 PM
 Subject:  Re: TSM/ODBC connection not working...


 What client OS are you running?

 I just installed the TSM Windows client onto Windows XP, and my
 previously-working ODBC link no longer works.

 Upgrading the TSM client from 4.1.3 to the latest 4.2.x did not solve
 the problem.

 I'm only into this problem less than an hour, so I haven't had a
 chance to do much about it yet.  I will probably call Tivoli if
 nothing useful surfaces on the forum.

 Tab Trepagnier
 TSM Administrator
 Laitram Corporation

 Please respond to ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent by:ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject:TSM/ODBC connection not working...

 I have ODBC installed on my client.  Do I need to enable something on
 our TSM server to get it to work?

Re: TSM/ODBC connection not working...

2002-04-18 Thread Andrew Raibeck

Paul, is that just general precaution you exercise with any new software,
or has the ODBC driver actually taken down your system before? I have
never heard of such a problem (I've seen the application crash as you
described earlier, but not an entire system; and I am not aware of any
crash defects like that in the driver).



Andy Raibeck
IBM Software Group
Tivoli Storage Manager Client Development
Internal Notes e-mail: Andrew Raibeck/Tucson/IBM@IBMUS
Internet e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

The only dumb question is the one that goes unasked.
The command line is your friend.
Good enough is the enemy of excellence.

Sent by: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [EMAIL PROTECTED]
04/18/2002 20:10
Please respond to ADSM: Dist Stor Manager

Subject:Re: TSM/ODBC connection not working...

I will give this a try when I get brave enough to trust it will no kill my


-Original Message-
From: Andrew Raibeck [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, April 15, 2002 10:36 AM
Subject: Re: TSM/ODBC connection not working...

Hi Paul,

Try the ODBC driver. From Excel XP, I am able to use the Import
feature as well as the DB query feature (via MSQRY32) to get data into an
Excel spreadsheet.

By the way, even they are not supported, with this version of the driver,
have had success in connecting via:

- DB2 Warehouse Manager

- JDBC-ODBC bridge

- ActiveState Perl (version 5.005_03, build 522 + roth ODBC driver dated
12-21-1991 from

- Crystal Reports (known to work with earlier TSM ODBC driver versions)

- Access XP (probably will be supported this year)

- Excel XP (probably will be supported this year)

- VBScript (known to work with earlier TSM ODBC driver versions)

- Visual Basic 6.0 (using Microsoft ADO Data Control 6.0 SP4 and Microsoft
DataGrid Control 6.0 SP5)



Andy Raibeck
IBM Software Group
Tivoli Storage Manager Client Development
Internal Notes e-mail: Andrew Raibeck/Tucson/IBM@IBMUS
Internet e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

The only dumb question is the one that goes unasked.
The command line is your friend.
Good enough is the enemy of excellence.

Sent by: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [EMAIL PROTECTED] 04/05/2002 08:53
Please respond to ADSM: Dist Stor Manager

Subject:Re: TSM/ODBC connection not working...

Actually Andy,
I cannot remember what I was trying to do with EXCEL XP.  But, when I
it again I get an application error trying to read location 0x0.  A test
connection works, but I cannot do the OK to open the database.

-Original Message-
From: Andrew Raibeck [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, April 05, 2002 10:06 AM
Subject: Re: TSM/ODBC connection not working...

What version of the ODBC driver are you using, which version of Excel, and
what symptoms are you seeing? The latest ODBC driver should work okay with
Excel 97 and 2000 (haven't tested with Office XP yet, but in theory,
work there, too). You can confirm the version by starting the ODBC Data
Source Administrator (odbcad32.exe), selecting the Drivers tab, then
scrolling down and looking at the TSM ODBC Driver driver. You should
be able to see the driver's version number and build date.



Andy Raibeck
IBM Software Group
Tivoli Storage Manager Client Development
Internal Notes e-mail: Andrew Raibeck/Tucson/IBM@IBMUS
Internet e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

The only dumb question is the one that goes unasked.
The command line is your friend.
Good enough is the enemy of excellence.

Sent by: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [EMAIL PROTECTED] 04/04/2002 19:38
Please respond to ADSM: Dist Stor Manager

Subject:Re: TSM/ODBC connection not working...

When I installed it on W2K, I had to logoff and back on.  Do not know why
but that was the minimum restart to get it to work.  I worked on it for
hours.  I have never been successful at using EXCEL but I have been very
successful with ACCESS.  What application are you trying to use to access
the database.

-Original Message-
From: Coats, Jack [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, April 04, 2002 1:42 PM
Subject: Re: TSM/ODBC connection not working...

I am using Windows 98se as my desktop client machine -- this is my first
time doing anything with ODBC, but I now others have been using it for
a while here on this list.  I had our local 'expert' who uses ODBC for
applications here come and check out my setup, and everything looks good
him. ... Bummer.

 -Original Message-
 From: Tab Trepagnier [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Thursday, April 04, 2002 12:26 PM
 Subject:  Re: TSM/ODBC connection not 

Re: tsm database problem

2002-04-18 Thread Mahesh Prasad


I don't see that you would have any problem with unload and load db.
However, if you want to be more secure then backup you database before
starting unload and load exercise. In case, you get into some trouble then
you can restore you database.


Mahesh Prasad
DCM Data Systems Limited
New Delhi, India

Burak Demircan 
Sent by: ADSM: Dist Stor Subject: Re: tsm database 
04/18/2002 07:57 PM
Please respond to ADSM:   
Dist Stor Manager 

I achieved to define my external 8mm tape drive as a drive and manual
Now the point is: How risky is unloading the db and loading again?
Does anybody have experience about troubles I may have?
Best Regards,


18.04.2002 16:26
Please respond to ADSM-L

        To:        [EMAIL PROTECTED]
        Subject:        Re: tsm database problem


You don't have to use a manual library, a 3583 library will work.

Best Regards

Daniel Sparrman
Daniel Sparrman
Exist i Stockholm AB
Propellervägen 6B
Växel: 08 - 754 98 00
Mobil: 070 - 399 27 51

Burak Demircan [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent by: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [EMAIL PROTECTED]
2002-04-18 15:19
Please respond to ADSM: Dist Stor Manager

       To:     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
       Subject:        Re: tsm database problem

The TSM documentation says that I can do unloaddb with only a manual
How can i do it with
a 3583 LTO library? Is it possible to use my external 8mm tape drive?
Thank you very much to all

       Sent by: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

       18.04.2002 16:07
       Please respond to ADSM-L

                       To:        [EMAIL PROTECTED]
                       Subject:        Re: tsm database problem


In that case, you have to unload the database and then reload it using
dsmserv unloaddb and dsmserv loaddb commands. So that your database is
reorganized and takes minimum space to distribute itself. I hope, after
doing unload and load database you will enough database space to reduce
then delete the database volume as per your wish.


Mahesh Prasad
DCM Data Systems Limited
New Delhi, India

                   Burak Demircan

                   burak.demircan@DAIMLERCHR        To:
                   YSLER.COM                        cc:

                   Sent by: ADSM: Dist Stor         Subject:     Re: tsm
database problem

                   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

                   04/18/2002 06:00 PM

                    Please respond to ADSM:

                   Dist Stor Manager

But I can reduce it only 60 MBs although it is only 23 percent used?

       Sent by: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

        18.04.2002 15:26
       Please respond to ADSM-L

                        To:        [EMAIL PROTECTED]
                       Subject:        Re: tsm database problem


You have assigned all the database space available to the TSM Server. You
have to reduce the database size at least up to the size of the volume you
want to delete. When you use Delete dbvolume volume_name command the
already existing in that volume then automatically get moved to the other
volume. The bottom line is that you have to reduce equivalent size of the
assigned database space before deleting the volume. Reduce the Database
volume using this command,


Re: TSM/ODBC connection not working...

2002-04-18 Thread Seay, Paul

When it comes to Windows, you make sure you can recover before you install

-Original Message-
From: Andrew Raibeck [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, April 18, 2002 11:26 PM
Subject: Re: TSM/ODBC connection not working...

Paul, is that just general precaution you exercise with any new software, or
has the ODBC driver actually taken down your system before? I have never
heard of such a problem (I've seen the application crash as you described
earlier, but not an entire system; and I am not aware of any crash defects
like that in the driver).



Andy Raibeck
IBM Software Group
Tivoli Storage Manager Client Development
Internal Notes e-mail: Andrew Raibeck/Tucson/IBM@IBMUS
Internet e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

The only dumb question is the one that goes unasked.
The command line is your friend.
Good enough is the enemy of excellence.

Sent by: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [EMAIL PROTECTED] 04/18/2002 20:10
Please respond to ADSM: Dist Stor Manager

Subject:Re: TSM/ODBC connection not working...

I will give this a try when I get brave enough to trust it will no kill my


-Original Message-
From: Andrew Raibeck [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, April 15, 2002 10:36 AM
Subject: Re: TSM/ODBC connection not working...

Hi Paul,

Try the ODBC driver. From Excel XP, I am able to use the Import
feature as well as the DB query feature (via MSQRY32) to get data into an
Excel spreadsheet.

By the way, even they are not supported, with this version of the driver, I
have had success in connecting via:

- DB2 Warehouse Manager

- JDBC-ODBC bridge

- ActiveState Perl (version 5.005_03, build 522 + roth ODBC driver dated
12-21-1991 from

- Crystal Reports (known to work with earlier TSM ODBC driver versions)

- Access XP (probably will be supported this year)

- Excel XP (probably will be supported this year)

- VBScript (known to work with earlier TSM ODBC driver versions)

- Visual Basic 6.0 (using Microsoft ADO Data Control 6.0 SP4 and Microsoft
DataGrid Control 6.0 SP5)



Andy Raibeck
IBM Software Group
Tivoli Storage Manager Client Development
Internal Notes e-mail: Andrew Raibeck/Tucson/IBM@IBMUS
Internet e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

The only dumb question is the one that goes unasked.
The command line is your friend.
Good enough is the enemy of excellence.

Sent by: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [EMAIL PROTECTED] 04/05/2002 08:53
Please respond to ADSM: Dist Stor Manager

Subject:Re: TSM/ODBC connection not working...

Actually Andy,
I cannot remember what I was trying to do with EXCEL XP.  But, when I tried
it again I get an application error trying to read location 0x0.  A test
connection works, but I cannot do the OK to open the database.

-Original Message-
From: Andrew Raibeck [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, April 05, 2002 10:06 AM
Subject: Re: TSM/ODBC connection not working...

What version of the ODBC driver are you using, which version of Excel, and
what symptoms are you seeing? The latest ODBC driver should work okay with
Excel 97 and 2000 (haven't tested with Office XP yet, but in theory, should
work there, too). You can confirm the version by starting the ODBC Data
Source Administrator (odbcad32.exe), selecting the Drivers tab, then
scrolling down and looking at the TSM ODBC Driver driver. You should then
be able to see the driver's version number and build date.



Andy Raibeck
IBM Software Group
Tivoli Storage Manager Client Development
Internal Notes e-mail: Andrew Raibeck/Tucson/IBM@IBMUS
Internet e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

The only dumb question is the one that goes unasked.
The command line is your friend.
Good enough is the enemy of excellence.

Sent by: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [EMAIL PROTECTED] 04/04/2002 19:38
Please respond to ADSM: Dist Stor Manager

Subject:Re: TSM/ODBC connection not working...

When I installed it on W2K, I had to logoff and back on.  Do not know why
but that was the minimum restart to get it to work.  I worked on it for
hours.  I have never been successful at using EXCEL but I have been very
successful with ACCESS.  What application are you trying to use to access
the database.

-Original Message-
From: Coats, Jack [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, April 04, 2002 1:42 PM
Subject: Re: TSM/ODBC connection not working...

I am using Windows 98se as my desktop client machine -- this is my first
time doing anything with ODBC, but I now others have been using it for quite
a while here on this list.  I had our local 'expert' who uses ODBC for other