3570 Magstar 3580 LTO Drive Problems

2002-12-06 Thread Bengani, Thabani

Please help. My TSM 5.1 server was previously running on NT4 and I upgraded
to Win 2000. I have a magstar 3570 library and a 3583 lto library
connected. The problem I am experiencing now is, my backups are failing
complaining about insufficient mount points available  yet There is no
problem with
checking in  out tapes.  We have loaded the Win 2000 drivers for the two
libraries and not sure of what could be causing this problem. Please help.


Thabani Bengani
Business Solutions IT
Boe Corporate
Ext. 364 2113
Cell. 0825716778

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Re: Linux Client on Debian?

2002-12-06 Thread Zlatko Krastev/ACIT
I've run a TSM v4.2 client on Debian Potato with 2.2.19 kernel. Had no
enough time to play with alien so just installaed rpm and installed TSM
client through it without pre-requisites verification (met them and
checked manually :-). Worked fine several months with CLI and scheduler.

Zlatko Krastev
IT Consultant

Mark D. Rodriguez [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent by: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [EMAIL PROTECTED]
06.12.2002 01:44
Please respond to ADSM: Dist Stor Manager

Subject:Linux Client on Debian?


Has anyone succesfully run a Linux client on a Debian distro?  I was
going to try using alien to turn the .rpm into a .deb files and give it
a try.  ANybody got any other suggestions?

Mark D. Rodriguez
President MDR Consulting, Inc.

MDR Consulting
The very best in Technical Training and Consulting.
IBM Advanced Business Partner
SAIR Linux and GNU Authorized Center for Education
IBM Certified Advanced Technical Expert, CATE
AIX Support and Performance Tuning, RS6000 SP, TSM/ADSM and Linux
Red Hat Certified Engineer, RHCE

Re: smnode.c Error obtaining copy group

2002-12-06 Thread Zlatko Krastev/ACIT
Just a guess but you may want to try it.
Ensure the default class and the one with longest retention in that domain
do not point to a diskpool (while other used direct backups to tape). We
made this work on but actually is unsupported (and maybe I was
just lucky). The problem was when the files go to tape and the directories
(through longest retention class or explicitly stated DIRMC) go to disk.

Zlatko Krastev
IT Consultant

Sent by: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [EMAIL PROTECTED]
06.12.2002 00:59
Please respond to ADSM: Dist Stor Manager

Subject:smnode.c Error obtaining copy group

Dear All,

I could have sworn I had seen this posted somewhere but bizarrely cannot
locate it now when I really need it.

I've been backing up happily over the LAN with TDP for R/3 to a
TSM 4.2.3 server on AIX.

Now I've switched back to lanfree. The Storage Agent is at the same level
as the server.
I'm getting the following message on the server.

ANRD (Session: 60041, Origin: GISR07_SA) smnode.c(7828): ThreadId11
Error obtaining copy group name for ID 1 during Session 4849.

I seem to remember there was some mention of difficulties in rebinding
between management classes when moving between lanfree backups and lan
backups, however I thought the problem only showed itself if you tried to
change the management class whilst using lanfree and that the 'cure' was
send data over the lan where it would successfully rebind. I've been off
lanfree for a few weeks - true, the management class whilst on the lan has
been successfully changed. Just what is the story here?

Thanks to anyone who can shine a light on this - and I steel myself for a
scolding if this has indeed already been mentioned.


Eric Winters
Sydney Australia

move media question.

2002-12-06 Thread Jason A Morgan
Hi all,

I have some work due to start on a TSM implementation utilising a 3494
library. This implementation has copy pool stoarage set up, but no volumes
have ever been checked out from the library !.

I have not supported ADSM for sometime , but traditionally I used the
following for off-site storage.

Checking out tapes.

1. q volume * access=offsite location=Description where stgpool=Name
of copy stgpool whereaccess=readwrite,readonly, wherestatus=filling,full

2. Check out all the above volumes

3. Update the volumes to mark them offsite.

Checking in tapes.

4. q vol stgpool=Name of Copy Storage Pool access=offsite status=empty

5. Check volumes into the library using the checkin libv command.

6. Update the from step 4 to read/write to return the volumes to scratch

upd vol volume name  access=readwrite

I have been  looking through the TSM reference and am considering using the
move media command. I have a few questions about the move media command ?

1. Do you need to issue update vol acc=offsite after the move media command
has been issued ?
2. Can the move media be used with 3494 libraries ?

Is the following a suitable solution.

Check out volumes.

a)  move media * stgpool=copystgpool wherestatus=full,filling
access=readwrite,readonly ovflocation=Offsite Vault cmd=update vol vol

Check in volumes.

a) q media * stgpool=copystgpool wherestatus=empty cmd=checkin libv
3494lib vol status=private cmdfile=/tmp/updvolsaftercheckin.mac

b) move media * stgpool=copystpool wherestatus=empty cmd=update vol vol
acc=readwrite cmdfile=/tmp/checkin.mac

c) Run /tmp/checkin.mac to check in vols.

d) Run /tmp/updvolsaftercheckin.mac

Any comments would be appreciated.

Thx Jason

aix client installation

2002-12-06 Thread Schoenleitner Thomas
dear all!

I just intalled 2 aix clients as described in the readme file
(aix 4.3, tsm client
all worked fine, but I am not sure, how to start the scheduler correct.

I inserted the following lines to /etc/inittab

tsm::once:/usr/bin/dsmc sched  /dev/null 21 
tsmws::once:/usr/tivoli/tsm/client/ba/bin/dsmcad  /dev/null 21 

on an other older aix machine (aix 4.3, tsm 4.1.2) the inittab is different:

tsm:2:once:startsrc -s dsmc /dev/console 21 #Start TSM Client Scheduler
tsmws:2:once:/usr/tivoli/tsm/client/ba/bin/rc.adsmws /dev/console 21 #Start Webshell

why can't I use startsrc on the 1st machine?

i hope, anyone can help me


Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Thomas Schönleitner
Salzburger Gebietskrankenkasse
Adr.:   Faberstraße 19-23
A-5024 Salzburg
Tel.:   +43 (0)662 8889-510
Fax.:   +43 (0)662 8889-515
Mail:   mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Web :   http://www.sgkk.at/ 

Two Windows backup questions

2002-12-06 Thread Loon, E.J. van - SPLXM
Hi *SM-ers!
I have two Windows related questions:

1) When running an incremental, TSM backs up the registry files by default.
We are soon going to add several Windows 2000 client which use Active
Directory. I read in the manual that Active Directory is part of the System
Objects which can be backed up using the BACKUP SYSTEMOBJECT command.
So, if I'm reading things correctly one has to issue both commands ('dsmc i'
and 'dsmc backup systemobject') for a complete backup?

2) Most of these Win2k machines have IIS installed. I was told that IIS is
not recoverable using normal file restore. It has something to do with the
IIS metabase which has to be treated differently.
How do other people backup and recover an IIS server?

Thank you very much in advance for any reply!
Kindest regards,
Eric van Loon
KLM Royal Dutch Airlines

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Re: Linux Client on Debian?

2002-12-06 Thread Charles F. Fisher
On Thu, Dec 05, 2002 at 05:44:31PM -0600, Mark D. Rodriguez wrote:

 Has anyone succesfully run a Linux client on a Debian distro?  I was
 going to try using alien to turn the .rpm into a .deb files and give it
 a try.  ANybody got any other suggestions?

I've run it successfully. Using it to back up my workstation, in fact.
Didn't have any problem after running the rpm thru alien.

Re: Linux Client on Debian?

2002-12-06 Thread Lars Bebensee
Hi there,

either way, using alien to convert the packages or using rpm --nodeps
worked for me so far for the client and the server. I was installing them
on woody (stable) as well as sarge (testing), using distro as well as
customized kernels ver 2.2.x as well as 2.4.x. Just make sure you are using
alien -c when converting the server rpm so things get setup correctly.
The server will not start otherwise. Haven't tested the server much up to
now but the client runs like a charm.
The thing thats still missing with the client is an image functionality to
save a whole partition. Anyone  on this list got an idea if it will be
available soon??

Cya Lars

On 06.12.2002 00:44:31 ADSM: Dist Stor Manager wrote:


 Has anyone succesfully run a Linux client on a Debian distro?  I was
 going to try using alien to turn the .rpm into a .deb files and give it
 a try.  ANybody got any other suggestions?

Default management class

2002-12-06 Thread John Naylor
Here is one that someone might like to enlighten me on
I ran a query to extract all the management classes in use by each client from
the backups table
That probably was not a good move as it runs for a heck of a long time.
Well it finished eventually and I got my listing.
Quite a few clients included a management class of default
This is not the deault management class for each policy domain, as I use a
management class
called standard for this.
Ok since not all the clients use DIRMC, I assumed this would be for directories,
where the underlying management class would be the one with the longest
The first client I looked at showed the majority were files.
I looked in more detail and saw that the date of the backups was the date the
client was registered
Ok, so I am assuming here that the default class is because a backup was issued
before the dsm.opt was entered with the proper incl/excl/management class
The question is then:-

Are the retention values for the files default different from those for the
directories default.
If you have a default management class set up for each domain does the file
default class take those values or some other values, and if so how do you
find out what they are
Finally for someone who really knows the internals, if the retention values are
different for default
for files against directories, how does TSM match this up.
Does it have to run separate expiration for files against directories,

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Re: aix client installation

2002-12-06 Thread Sias Dealy

Have you thought about using the nohup command?

nohup dsmc sched  /dev/null 21  /dev/null 

I have a file called tsmsched with the above command.
I the inittab have something like this:

I can't remember but with AIX 4.3 or 4.2 there was an issue
with the nohup command. You have to put the command in a file
and then execute the file like a script to get the nohup to
work. That is why my setup is the way it is.


 On, Schoenleitner Thomas

 dear all!

 I just intalled 2 aix clients as described in the readme file
 (aix 4.3, tsm client
 all worked fine, but I am not sure, how to start the
scheduler correct.

 I inserted the following lines to /etc/inittab

 tsm::once:/usr/bin/dsmc sched  /dev/null 21
 tsmws::once:/usr/tivoli/tsm/client/ba/bin/dsmcad  /dev/null

 on an other older aix machine (aix 4.3, tsm 4.1.2) the
inittab is different:

 tsm:2:once:startsrc -s dsmc /dev/console 21 #Start TSM
Client Scheduler
/dev/console 21 #Start Webshell

 why can't I use startsrc on the 1st machine?

 i hope, anyone can help me


Get your own 800 number
Voicemail, fax, email, and a lot more

Novell ANS 1880E pls help

2002-12-06 Thread Schmitz Garnebode
Hi all,

our customer founds the messages seen below.

Have seen anybody this error ?? Any idea ??
Our customer says hi checks the permissions and all was right !!
I'm not a novell freak and i can`t checks this problem myself !!

04.12.2002 22:31:33 ANS1880E TSA Connect error,
 NWSMConnectToTargetService 'ISIS_2000'
 Userid = '.CN=admin.O=main'
 failed with cc = 800B

dsmc help says:

ANS1880E TSA Connect error, NWSMConnectToTargetService
 'TSA_Target_Service' password file 'password_file'. Userid =
 'NetWare_userid' failed with cc = TSA_ccode

Explanation: TSM received an unexpected error from the Novell TSA interface
while processing the userid and password from NWPWFILE.
System Action: If the failure is a 'Login Denied' the user will be prompted
for a Novell NetWare Userid and Password, and a password file will be
User Response: The cc is returned from the TSA which belongs to Novell
NetWare. If you get cc = FFFDFFD7 'Login Denied', please check the

 The user-id has been disabled.

 The user-id/password is invalid or expired.

 The user-id has inadequate security access.

 The user-id has insufficent rights to files and directorys.

 NetWare is not allowing logins (DISABLE LOGIN was issued at the


Michael Garnebode
Schmitz Rz Consult GmbH
50259 Pulheim
Tel.: 02238/922266
Fax: 02238/922267

im Auftrag der SWEST

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Web: http://www.swest.de

Re: aix client installation

2002-12-06 Thread Lars Bebensee
On 06.12.2002 11:20:57 ADSM: Dist Stor Manager wrote:

 dear all!

 I just intalled 2 aix clients as described in the readme file
 (aix 4.3, tsm client
 all worked fine, but I am not sure, how to start the scheduler correct.

 I inserted the following lines to /etc/inittab

 tsm::once:/usr/bin/dsmc sched  /dev/null 21
 tsmws::once:/usr/tivoli/tsm/client/ba/bin/dsmcad  /dev/null 21

 on an other older aix machine (aix 4.3, tsm 4.1.2) the inittab is

 tsm:2:once:startsrc -s dsmc /dev/console 21 #Start TSM Client
 tsmws:2:once:/usr/tivoli/tsm/client/ba/bin/rc.adsmws /dev/console 21

 why can't I use startsrc on the 1st machine?

Hi there,

as far as I know there's no src functionality for the tsm client available
per default. So unless someone seriously got  srcmstr convinced, it would
not start the dsmc in scheduling mode. You will have to start the client
side scheduler with dsmc sched like in the first example.
However it should be possible to add a subsystem to the system resource
controller with something like:
$ mkssys -s dsmc -p /usr/tivoli/tsm/client/ba/bin/dsmc -u0 -R -S -n15 -f3
-a  sched
Hereafter it should be possible to start and stop the scheduler via the
startsrc and stopsrc commands. I would actually not name the subsystem dsmc
but something like dsmsched to avoid confusion with invoking the dsmc
command line client.

Cya Lars

Schedule Automatic for Client TSM Linux

2002-12-06 Thread Elenara Geraldo
Hi all,

I define my backup with schedule automatic but, after reboot the service down.

Command line insert in the file inittab :

# To Start TSM Schedule
x:5:respawn:/usr/bin/dsmc sched 

Any idea ?

TSM Server V. - Windows 2000 Server

Client Linux V. - Red Hat Linux release 6.2 (Zoot)
 Kernel 2.2.19 on an i686

Kind Regards,
Elenara Geraldo
Analyst Support

Get 25MB, POP3, Spam Filtering with LYCOS MAIL PLUS for $19.95/year.

Client locks up during backup

2002-12-06 Thread Jacque Mergens
I have a site that is running 
TSM 4.2.1 AIX server OS 5100-02
4.2.1 Linux client Kernel 2.4.17

This client has been running fine and now locks up between
filesystems.  It reports that it has successfully backed up 
a filesystem and then times out at the server end (300 seconds) 
terminates the backup.  On the client side I still see the 
scheduler process running yet nothing happens.  

I can't upgrade this site immediately but need to get these 
backups running.  

Any help would be appreciated.


domain c: in cloptset is not excluding the d: drive

2002-12-06 Thread Lisa Cabanas
Hello *,

I have a problem with some of my NT SP5 clients (running client
mostly, with a TSM server on 4.3 ML10 server.  I am trying to only
back up the c drive on a number of servers.  I have tried putting the
domain c: line in the dsm.opt on the client (manually and via the wizard),
saving, stopping and restarting the scheduler service and it doesn't work.
(I have deleted all the files spaces of the type d$ or e$, but they
reappear after a plain ol' incr).  I have put it in a cloptset just for
those servers, and specified the cloptset for those clients, and it still
backs up the d$ drive (but NOT the e$ that still physically exists).

Another weird thing I have noticed, is that when I deleted the filespaces
the were numbered like this:
c$   fsid=1
d$   fsid=2
e$   fsid=3

But after the deletion of the fsid's 2  3 and after an incr backup, the
newly backed up d$ has a fsid=4.

What gives??

Here's the cloptset:
(See attached file: CLOPTSET.TXT)

and the scheds all run as an unspecified INCR.  Also, if I browse the
client thru the Web GUI or the user interface locally on the client's
desktop, those drives still show up and they don't have Xs on them, either.

I'm stumped.

Any of you good folk have an idea???



Description: Binary data

Continual media feed for dlt

2002-12-06 Thread Lars Bebensee
Hi guys and girls,

here is a real teaser for you.
I want to export a client nodes spacemanaged filespace containing about
250GB of data to a dlt library. The dlt got 7 scratch volumes. Last time I
did the export it failed with having copied 224 somthing gigabytes. Since
the last of the volumes was filled completely all the volumes where
returned to scratch status. The dlt library got only one drive and has no
barcode reader. What I would like to do is checking out exported volumes
lets say after 6 volumes are full and feed the library with new scratches
so the process does not stop with the seventh tape. Is there a way to
temporary suspend a process to change tapes and then resume the process
(similar to a shells CTRL-Z)?



Re: domain c: in cloptset is not excluding the d: drive

2002-12-06 Thread Nelson, Doug
Hi Lisa,
   How about exclude.dir d:\  (etc.) that should exclude anything on the d:

Douglas C. Nelson
Distributed Computing Consultant
Alltel Information Services
Chittenden Data Center
2 Burlington Square
Burlington, Vt. 05401

-Original Message-
From: Lisa Cabanas [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, December 06, 2002 8:38 AM
Subject: domain c: in cloptset is not excluding the d: drive

Hello *,

I have a problem with some of my NT SP5 clients (running client
mostly, with a TSM server on 4.3 ML10 server.  I am trying to only
back up the c drive on a number of servers.  I have tried putting the
domain c: line in the dsm.opt on the client (manually and via the wizard),
saving, stopping and restarting the scheduler service and it doesn't work.
(I have deleted all the files spaces of the type d$ or e$, but they
reappear after a plain ol' incr).  I have put it in a cloptset just for
those servers, and specified the cloptset for those clients, and it still
backs up the d$ drive (but NOT the e$ that still physically exists).

Another weird thing I have noticed, is that when I deleted the filespaces
the were numbered like this:
c$   fsid=1
d$   fsid=2
e$   fsid=3

But after the deletion of the fsid's 2  3 and after an incr backup, the
newly backed up d$ has a fsid=4.

What gives??

Here's the cloptset:
(See attached file: CLOPTSET.TXT)

and the scheds all run as an unspecified INCR.  Also, if I browse the
client thru the Web GUI or the user interface locally on the client's
desktop, those drives still show up and they don't have Xs on them, either.

I'm stumped.

Any of you good folk have an idea???



Re: aix client installation

2002-12-06 Thread Jane Bamberger

I have aix 4.3.3 and use this in inittab and it works fine at boot:

adsm:2:once:/usr/bin/dsmc sched -quiet /dev/null 21

Hope that helps,
Jane Bamberger
IS Department
Bassett Healthcare
- Original Message - 
From: Lars Bebensee 
Sent: Friday, December 06, 2002 8:11 AM
Subject: Re: aix client installation

On 06.12.2002 11:20:57 ADSM: Dist Stor Manager wrote:

 dear all!

 I just intalled 2 aix clients as described in the readme file
 (aix 4.3, tsm client
 all worked fine, but I am not sure, how to start the scheduler correct.

 I inserted the following lines to /etc/inittab

 tsm::once:/usr/bin/dsmc sched  /dev/null 21
 tsmws::once:/usr/tivoli/tsm/client/ba/bin/dsmcad  /dev/null 21

 on an other older aix machine (aix 4.3, tsm 4.1.2) the inittab is

 tsm:2:once:startsrc -s dsmc /dev/console 21 #Start TSM Client
 tsmws:2:once:/usr/tivoli/tsm/client/ba/bin/rc.adsmws /dev/console 21

 why can't I use startsrc on the 1st machine?

Hi there,

as far as I know there's no src functionality for the tsm client available
per default. So unless someone seriously got  srcmstr convinced, it would
not start the dsmc in scheduling mode. You will have to start the client
side scheduler with dsmc sched like in the first example.
However it should be possible to add a subsystem to the system resource
controller with something like:
$ mkssys -s dsmc -p /usr/tivoli/tsm/client/ba/bin/dsmc -u0 -R -S -n15 -f3
-a  sched
Hereafter it should be possible to start and stop the scheduler via the
startsrc and stopsrc commands. I would actually not name the subsystem dsmc
but something like dsmsched to avoid confusion with invoking the dsmc
command line client.

Cya Lars

Re: aix client installation

2002-12-06 Thread Mr. Lindsay Morris
That's interesting, Lars.  I'd never thought of doing that.
So what benefit might we get by using AIX's System Resource Controller
(that's what SRC means, right?) to start the TSM scheduler?

Mr. Lindsay Morris
Lead Architect, Servergraph
www.servergraph.com http://www.servergraph.com
859-253-8000 ofc
425-988-8478 fax

 -Original Message-
 From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of
 Lars Bebensee
 Sent: Friday, December 06, 2002 8:11 AM
 Subject: Re: aix client installation

 On 06.12.2002 11:20:57 ADSM: Dist Stor Manager wrote:

  dear all!
  I just intalled 2 aix clients as described in the readme file
  (aix 4.3, tsm client
  all worked fine, but I am not sure, how to start the scheduler correct.
  I inserted the following lines to /etc/inittab
  tsm::once:/usr/bin/dsmc sched  /dev/null 21
  tsmws::once:/usr/tivoli/tsm/client/ba/bin/dsmcad  /dev/null 21
  on an other older aix machine (aix 4.3, tsm 4.1.2) the inittab is
  tsm:2:once:startsrc -s dsmc /dev/console 21 #Start TSM Client
  tsmws:2:once:/usr/tivoli/tsm/client/ba/bin/rc.adsmws /dev/console 21
  why can't I use startsrc on the 1st machine?

 Hi there,

 as far as I know there's no src functionality for the tsm client available
 per default. So unless someone seriously got  srcmstr convinced, it would
 not start the dsmc in scheduling mode. You will have to start the client
 side scheduler with dsmc sched like in the first example.
 However it should be possible to add a subsystem to the system resource
 controller with something like:
 $ mkssys -s dsmc -p /usr/tivoli/tsm/client/ba/bin/dsmc -u0 -R -S -n15 -f3
 -a  sched
 Hereafter it should be possible to start and stop the scheduler via the
 startsrc and stopsrc commands. I would actually not name the
 subsystem dsmc
 but something like dsmsched to avoid confusion with invoking the dsmc
 command line client.

 Cya Lars

Re: domain c: in cloptset is not excluding the d: drive

2002-12-06 Thread Niklas Lundstrom

Try to put overrride yes for domain in your clientopt set. How does your
dsm.opt look like?


-Original Message-
From: Lisa Cabanas [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: den 6 december 2002 14:38
Subject: domain c: in cloptset is not excluding the d: drive

Hello *,

I have a problem with some of my NT SP5 clients (running client
mostly, with a TSM server on 4.3 ML10 server.  I am trying to only
back up the c drive on a number of servers.  I have tried putting the domain
c: line in the dsm.opt on the client (manually and via the wizard), saving,
stopping and restarting the scheduler service and it doesn't work. (I have
deleted all the files spaces of the type d$ or e$, but they reappear after a
plain ol' incr).  I have put it in a cloptset just for those servers, and
specified the cloptset for those clients, and it still backs up the d$ drive
(but NOT the e$ that still physically exists).

Another weird thing I have noticed, is that when I deleted the filespaces
the were numbered like this:
c$   fsid=1
d$   fsid=2
e$   fsid=3

But after the deletion of the fsid's 2  3 and after an incr backup, the
newly backed up d$ has a fsid=4.

What gives??

Here's the cloptset:
(See attached file: CLOPTSET.TXT)

and the scheds all run as an unspecified INCR.  Also, if I browse the client
thru the Web GUI or the user interface locally on the client's desktop,
those drives still show up and they don't have Xs on them, either.

I'm stumped.

Any of you good folk have an idea???



Re: 4.2.3 Upgradedb - ??

2002-12-06 Thread Matt Simpson
At 13:54 -0800 12/5/02, Sam Sheppard wrote:

I have just installed the 4.2.3 server upgrade and have been running the
UPGRADEDB process for almost 3 hours now.

When we upgraded from 4.2.2 to 4.2.3, we didn't do an Upgradedb.  We
didn't see anything in the install doc that said it was necessary.
How do we know which version upgrades require an upgradedb? And what
happens if we don't do it?  TSM still seems to be running OK .. or as
close to OK as it ever gets.

Matt Simpson --  OS/390 Support
219 McVey Hall  -- (859) 257-2900 x300
University Of Kentucky, Lexington, KY 40506
mainframe --   An obsolete device still used by thousands of obsolete
companies serving billions of obsolete customers and making huge obsolete
profits for their obsolete shareholders.  And this year's run twice as fast
as last year's.

Re: Client locks up during backup

2002-12-06 Thread Mr. Lindsay Morris
Boost the idletimeout.  300 seconds is often too short.
Check the dsmsched.log file on the client for error messages.

Mr. Lindsay Morris
Lead Architect, Servergraph
www.servergraph.com http://www.servergraph.com
859-253-8000 ofc
425-988-8478 fax

 -Original Message-
 From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of
 Jacque Mergens
 Sent: Friday, December 06, 2002 8:25 AM
 Subject: Client locks up during backup

 I have a site that is running
 TSM 4.2.1 AIX server OS 5100-02
 4.2.1 Linux client Kernel 2.4.17

 This client has been running fine and now locks up between
 filesystems.  It reports that it has successfully backed up
 a filesystem and then times out at the server end (300 seconds)
 terminates the backup.  On the client side I still see the
 scheduler process running yet nothing happens.

 I can't upgrade this site immediately but need to get these
 backups running.

 Any help would be appreciated.


version 5.1.5 TSM and higher

2002-12-06 Thread Sylvia Nergard
Is it right that I have 2 options to install TSM 5.1.5?

1. Install 5.1.0 and patch up to
2. Install 5.1.5 as a base installation

I have seen some discussions on this that confuses me a bit.
Anyone that can confirm this?

Sylvia Nergård

ADSM v3.1 under AIX 5?

2002-12-06 Thread Richard Sims
I have been asked to pose the question:

Has anyone tried running the old, now-unsupported ADSM v3.1 under AIX version 5?
If so, have you found it to run satisfactorily?

  thanks,  Richard Sims, BU

Re: 4.2.3 Upgradedb - ??

2002-12-06 Thread Gill, Geoffrey L.
 When we upgraded from 4.2.2 to 4.2.3, we didn't do an
 Upgradedb.  We didn't see anything in the install doc that
 said it was necessary. How do we know which version upgrades
 require an upgradedb? And what happens if we don't do it?
 TSM still seems to be running OK .. or as close to OK as it ever gets.

During the upgrade of the TSM software the upgradedb also runs. You may not
have seen it from the console you were installing from but if you run a
second window and follow the processes you can watch it.

Geoff Gill
TSM Administrator
NT Systems Support Engineer
Phone:  (858) 826-4062
Pager:   (877) 905-7154

Re: version 5.1.5 TSM and higher

2002-12-06 Thread Joshua Bassi
You must first install and then upgrade to 5.1.5.x.

Joshua S. Bassi 
IBM Certified - AIX 4/5L, SAN, Shark 
Tivoli Certified Consultant -ADSM/TSM 
eServer Systems Expert -pSeries HACMP 

AIX, HACMP, Storage, TSM Consultant 
Cell (831) 595-3962 

-Original Message-
From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of
Sylvia Nergard
Sent: Friday, December 06, 2002 5:48 AM
Subject: version 5.1.5 TSM and higher

Is it right that I have 2 options to install TSM 5.1.5?

1. Install 5.1.0 and patch up to
2. Install 5.1.5 as a base installation

I have seen some discussions on this that confuses me a bit. Anyone that
can confirm this?

Sylvia Nergård

Re: Ned a SQL QUERY - Where did my big files come from?

2002-12-06 Thread Richard Sims
I have some big files (10+G and one 31+Gig file) that is being backed up.
Is there a query that I can use to find what the big files are and what
client they belong to?

The TSM administrator sometimes has to determine what files a current or
recent backup has sent.  The simplest way is, knowing the volume they went

   query content Volname count=-20 format=detailed

for example, where some reasonable negative number will show you the latest
files on the volume, listed most recent first.  This is easiest with large
backup files, like yours, where they will very likely show up within a limited
count value.

  Richard Sims, BU

how to migrate from adsm 3.1.2.x to tsm 5.1.5 on AS/400

2002-12-06 Thread TSM

we want to install a second instance of tsm on one AS/400 server.

The first instance is adsm, the second will be tsm 5.1.5.

It is planned, that the second instance will replace the first, when we are
sure, that everything is working well.

So every client (data) has to move to the new instance.

Is it possible to backup the adsm 3.1 database and restore it to the tsm
5.1.5 instance ?

Or is export/import functionality of tsm the better solution?

with best regards

stefan savoric


Re: version 5.1.5 TSM and higher

2002-12-06 Thread Alex Paschal
Unless you've received the 5.1.5 CDs in the mail.  I believe you can install
those without installing first.

Alex Paschal
Storage Administrator
Freightliner, LLC
(503) 745-6850 phone/vmail

-Original Message-
From: Joshua Bassi [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, December 06, 2002 6:13 AM
Subject: Re: version 5.1.5 TSM and higher

You must first install and then upgrade to 5.1.5.x.

Joshua S. Bassi 
IBM Certified - AIX 4/5L, SAN, Shark 
Tivoli Certified Consultant -ADSM/TSM 
eServer Systems Expert -pSeries HACMP 

AIX, HACMP, Storage, TSM Consultant 
Cell (831) 595-3962 

-Original Message-
From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of
Sylvia Nergard
Sent: Friday, December 06, 2002 5:48 AM
Subject: version 5.1.5 TSM and higher

Is it right that I have 2 options to install TSM 5.1.5?

1. Install 5.1.0 and patch up to
2. Install 5.1.5 as a base installation

I have seen some discussions on this that confuses me a bit. Anyone that
can confirm this?

Sylvia Nergård

Continual media feed for dlt

2002-12-06 Thread Lars Bebensee

good point. Will TSM not complain when it comes across the first volume? I
am sure it will, so what will TSM do after: just skip the unavailable
volume and continue or wait for a timeout period to make the volume
available and then die?

Thanks a lot


On 06.12.2002 14:41:48 bob.tetstall wrote:

 You could make some of the volumes to be exported UNAVAILABLE to TSM will
 not try and export them. Run your partial export then update the rest of

 I do it for my year end backups

 Best Regards

 Bob Tetstall
 Unix System Specialist
 ab Conferencing, TCICS Team, Aylesbury.

 *Mobile:  +44 7092 306483
 *Tel: + 44 1296 618301
 *Fax: + 44 1296 339083
 *: +44 870 2412996 pin 7940534# (Meetme)

 Visit our website at www.conferencing.bt.com

 British Telecommunications plc
 Registered office: 81 Newgate Street London EC1A 7AJ
 Registered in England no. 180

Re: Ned a SQL QUERY - Where did my big files come from?

2002-12-06 Thread Mr. Lindsay Morris
Jack, you might look at our viewacct script -
it would show you which clients had the largest backups last night - then
you can look at the dsmsched.log file on those clients and find the big
For the viewacct script, see Mining the Accounting Log, at

When you get around to looking at the dsmsched.log file, here's a script
(not used in a year, but was good the last time I looked) that will find
large files in your dsmsched.log that are getting sent every day.  You'll
have to get the dsmsched.log file over to a unix box, or put MKS tools or
something on the windows box.

Good luck!

# analyze a dsmsched.log file: look for large files that got backed up
if [ $# -ne 1 ]
then echo usage: $0 dsmchedlog-file name; exit 1
fgrep Normal File $1 | awk '{print $1, $5, $6}' | sed 's/,//g' |  sort
+0r -1  +1rn -2  /tmp/$$.1
# that file has all dates, all files.
# just get the largest 10 files from yesterday, and
# then look for them on other dates too.  We might see we're backing up
# the same file over and over again.
sed 10q /tmp/$$.1 | awk '{print $3}' /tmp/$$.2
fgrep -f /tmp/$$.2 /tmp/$$.1 | sort +2 -3 +0r -1
rm /tmp/$$.[12]

Mr. Lindsay Morris
Lead Architect, Servergraph
www.servergraph.com http://www.servergraph.com
859-253-8000 ofc
425-988-8478 fax

 -Original Message-
 From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of
 Coats, Jack
 Sent: Friday, December 06, 2002 9:15 AM
 Subject: Ned a SQL QUERY - Where did my big files come from?

 I have some big files (10+G and one 31+Gig file) that is being backed up.
 Is there a query that I can use to find what the big files are and what
 client they belong to?

Re: domain c: in cloptset is not excluding the d: drive

2002-12-06 Thread Lisa Cabanas
I tried it with yes, with domain c: in the client dsm.opt, but that didn't

The domain statements are cumulative, so if I set override to yes, and left
the default (which is to not code domain statement which is then
all-local), I'd still have the problem.

I guess I could put the exlude.dir statements in the cloptset (like Doug
Nelson suggested), but the domain option is not working as designed.  I
don't even want the clients to examine the other drives, which is what the
domain option would do.


Niklas Lundstrom
Sent by: ADSM: Dist Stor Subject: Re: domain c: 
in cloptset is not excluding the d: drive

12/06/2002 07:51 AM
Please respond to ADSM: Dist
Stor Manager


Try to put overrride yes for domain in your clientopt set. How does your
dsm.opt look like?


-Original Message-
From: Lisa Cabanas [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: den 6 december 2002 14:38
Subject: domain c: in cloptset is not excluding the d: drive

Hello *,

I have a problem with some of my NT SP5 clients (running client
mostly, with a TSM server on 4.3 ML10 server.  I am trying to only
back up the c drive on a number of servers.  I have tried putting the
c: line in the dsm.opt on the client (manually and via the wizard), saving,
stopping and restarting the scheduler service and it doesn't work. (I have
deleted all the files spaces of the type d$ or e$, but they reappear after
plain ol' incr).  I have put it in a cloptset just for those servers, and
specified the cloptset for those clients, and it still backs up the d$
(but NOT the e$ that still physically exists).

Another weird thing I have noticed, is that when I deleted the filespaces
the were numbered like this:
c$   fsid=1
d$   fsid=2
e$   fsid=3

But after the deletion of the fsid's 2  3 and after an incr backup, the
newly backed up d$ has a fsid=4.

What gives??

Here's the cloptset:
(See attached file: CLOPTSET.TXT)

and the scheds all run as an unspecified INCR.  Also, if I browse the
thru the Web GUI or the user interface locally on the client's desktop,
those drives still show up and they don't have Xs on them, either.

I'm stumped.

Any of you good folk have an idea???



Réf. : Re: version 5.1.5 TSM and higher

2002-12-06 Thread Guillaume Gilbert
On a SUN server I migrated from to to I figure any version 
that comes on a CD is a base installation

Guillaume Gilbert
CGI Canada

Joshua Bassi [EMAIL PROTECTED]@VM.MARIST.EDU on 2002-12-06 09:13:19

Veuillez répondre à ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Envoyé par :  ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [EMAIL PROTECTED]

cc :
Objet : Re: version 5.1.5 TSM and higher

You must first install and then upgrade to 5.1.5.x.

Joshua S. Bassi
IBM Certified - AIX 4/5L, SAN, Shark
Tivoli Certified Consultant -ADSM/TSM
eServer Systems Expert -pSeries HACMP

AIX, HACMP, Storage, TSM Consultant
Cell (831) 595-3962

-Original Message-
From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of
Sylvia Nergard
Sent: Friday, December 06, 2002 5:48 AM
Subject: version 5.1.5 TSM and higher

Is it right that I have 2 options to install TSM 5.1.5?

1. Install 5.1.0 and patch up to
2. Install 5.1.5 as a base installation

I have seen some discussions on this that confuses me a bit. Anyone that
can confirm this?

Sylvia Nergård

Re: Ned a SQL QUERY - Where did my big files come from?

2002-12-06 Thread Mr. Lindsay Morris
Great to see you back, Richard.

Not to quibble with the guru, but --
a: how do you know the volume name?
b: query content? Won't that take a long time and maybe adversely impact the
TSM server's performance?

Mr. Lindsay Morris
Lead Architect, Servergraph
www.servergraph.com http://www.servergraph.com
859-253-8000 ofc
425-988-8478 fax

 -Original Message-
 From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of
 Richard Sims
 Sent: Friday, December 06, 2002 9:22 AM
 Subject: Re: Ned a SQL QUERY - Where did my big files come from?

 I have some big files (10+G and one 31+Gig file) that is being backed up.
 Is there a query that I can use to find what the big files are and what
 client they belong to?

 The TSM administrator sometimes has to determine what files a current or
 recent backup has sent.  The simplest way is, knowing the volume they went

query content Volname count=-20 format=detailed

 for example, where some reasonable negative number will show you
 the latest
 files on the volume, listed most recent first.  This is easiest with large
 backup files, like yours, where they will very likely show up
 within a limited
 count value.

   Richard Sims, BU

Re: domain c: in cloptset is not excluding the d: drive

2002-12-06 Thread Halvorsen Geirr Gulbrand
In version 5.x of the TSM client I believe you can use
domain -D:
to exclude a domain.

I havn't actually tried this, but when I installed a client (v5.1.5.1) it
default excluded domains in dsm.opt this way -and I couldn't see the drives
excluded in the GUI or CL.

Could be wirth a try.

Geirr G. Halvorsen

-Original Message-
From: Lisa Cabanas [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 6. december 2002 15:37
Subject: Re: domain c: in cloptset is not excluding the d: drive

I tried it with yes, with domain c: in the client dsm.opt, but that didn't

The domain statements are cumulative, so if I set override to yes, and left
the default (which is to not code domain statement which is then
all-local), I'd still have the problem.

I guess I could put the exlude.dir statements in the cloptset (like Doug
Nelson suggested), but the domain option is not working as designed.  I
don't even want the clients to examine the other drives, which is what the
domain option would do.


Niklas Lundstrom
niklas.lundstrom@FORENINGSSPAR   To:
Sent by: ADSM: Dist Stor Subject: Re:
domain c: in cloptset is not excluding the d: drive

12/06/2002 07:51 AM
Please respond to ADSM: Dist
Stor Manager


Try to put overrride yes for domain in your clientopt set. How does your
dsm.opt look like?


-Original Message-
From: Lisa Cabanas [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: den 6 december 2002 14:38
Subject: domain c: in cloptset is not excluding the d: drive

Hello *,

I have a problem with some of my NT SP5 clients (running client
mostly, with a TSM server on 4.3 ML10 server.  I am trying to only
back up the c drive on a number of servers.  I have tried putting the
c: line in the dsm.opt on the client (manually and via the wizard), saving,
stopping and restarting the scheduler service and it doesn't work. (I have
deleted all the files spaces of the type d$ or e$, but they reappear after
plain ol' incr).  I have put it in a cloptset just for those servers, and
specified the cloptset for those clients, and it still backs up the d$
(but NOT the e$ that still physically exists).

Another weird thing I have noticed, is that when I deleted the filespaces
the were numbered like this:
c$   fsid=1
d$   fsid=2
e$   fsid=3

But after the deletion of the fsid's 2  3 and after an incr backup, the
newly backed up d$ has a fsid=4.

What gives??

Here's the cloptset:
(See attached file: CLOPTSET.TXT)

and the scheds all run as an unspecified INCR.  Also, if I browse the
thru the Web GUI or the user interface locally on the client's desktop,
those drives still show up and they don't have Xs on them, either.

I'm stumped.

Any of you good folk have an idea???



FW: TSM in an HA environment

2002-12-06 Thread Healy, James
Has anyone out there built TSM into an HA environment, maybe on a Sun
If so would you care to share the setup at any level?

Re: 4.2.3 Upgradedb - ??

2002-12-06 Thread Lars Bebensee
Hi there,

this kind of question popped up some days ago. You should still be able to
find the thread. One of the things I realized was the following:
If you do the upgrade while the dsmserv process was still running next time
you start it it will fail and tell you to invoke it with the upgradedb
option. If you do the upgrade without dsmserv running, the upgrade of the
database will start automagically at dsmserv startup. But since I have not
done every possible upgrade this may also vary from release to release.

Cya Lars

On 06.12.2002 15:00:18 ADSM: Dist Stor Manager wrote:

 At 13:54 -0800 12/5/02, Sam Sheppard wrote:
 I have just installed the 4.2.3 server upgrade and have been running the
 UPGRADEDB process for almost 3 hours now.

 When we upgraded from 4.2.2 to 4.2.3, we didn't do an Upgradedb.  We
 didn't see anything in the install doc that said it was necessary.
 How do we know which version upgrades require an upgradedb? And what
 happens if we don't do it?  TSM still seems to be running OK .. or as
 close to OK as it ever gets.

Policy settings for TDP Domino backups

2002-12-06 Thread Marc Lowers
I am looking to set up a policy domain for my TDP for Domino backups so I
have a retention period of one month.  All data must expire when it is one
month old.

At the moment we run one backup per month, this could change in the

Policy settings like the one below won't work, because maintenance on
databases can couse multiple backups per database every month.

Versions of each file is maintained on the server   - 1
Versions of a deleted file kept - 1
Number of days a file is maintained on the server   - 31
Number of days a deleted file is kept for   - 31

And the policy settings below will maintain databases for two months, not

Versions of each file is maintained on the server   - NOLIMIT
Versions of a deleted file kept - NOLIMIT
Number of days a file is maintained on the server   - 31
Number of days a deleted file is kept for   - 31

So I need help  (generally and with TSM)any ideas appreciated.


Re: TSM in an HA environment

2002-12-06 Thread Bob Tetstall
I have a fully operational environment on IBM AIX with HACMP.

What do you need to know ?

Best Regards

Bob Tetstall
Unix System Specialist
BT Conferencing, TCICS Team, Aylesbury.

)Mobile:  +44 7092 306483
(Tel: + 44 1296 618301
4Fax: + 44 1296 339083
I: +44 870 2412996 pin 7940534# (Meetme)

Visit our website at www.conferencing.bt.com

British Telecommunications plc
Registered office: 81 Newgate Street London EC1A 7AJ
Registered in England no. 180

-Original Message-
From: Healy, James [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 06 December 2002 14:05
Subject: FW: TSM in an HA environment

Has anyone out there built TSM into an HA environment, maybe on a Sun
If so would you care to share the setup at any level?

Re: 4.2.3 Upgradedb - ??

2002-12-06 Thread Prather, Wanda
It depends on the release and how they package it.

Some releases don't need the upgradedb, because there are no changes to the
DB format that require it.
Some releases need the upgradedb, and they package the install stream so it
is done automatically.
Some releases need the upgradedb, and they DONT package it that way.
Go figure.

The times I have seen the 3rd case, when you try to restart the server after
the upgrade it just won't start, and you get a message that you need the

I've never seen a case where you can do yourself harm by not doing it; if
you need it, TSM should either do it for you or let you know.

-Original Message-
From: Matt Simpson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, December 06, 2002 9:00 AM
Subject: Re: 4.2.3 Upgradedb - ??

At 13:54 -0800 12/5/02, Sam Sheppard wrote:
I have just installed the 4.2.3 server upgrade and have been running the
UPGRADEDB process for almost 3 hours now.

When we upgraded from 4.2.2 to 4.2.3, we didn't do an Upgradedb.  We
didn't see anything in the install doc that said it was necessary.
How do we know which version upgrades require an upgradedb? And what
happens if we don't do it?  TSM still seems to be running OK .. or as
close to OK as it ever gets.

Matt Simpson --  OS/390 Support
219 McVey Hall  -- (859) 257-2900 x300
University Of Kentucky, Lexington, KY 40506
mainframe --   An obsolete device still used by thousands of obsolete
companies serving billions of obsolete customers and making huge obsolete
profits for their obsolete shareholders.  And this year's run twice as fast
as last year's.

Re: ADSM v3.1 under AIX 5?

2002-12-06 Thread bbullock
When I upgraded my server to, I had some Solaris clients at
a version that would connect to the server, send data, but then not
cleanup. i.e. The session stays in a Run state with 0 in the Wait Time
column and would never disconnect. The only way to get rid of them was to
cancel the session.

Once we upgraded the clients to a 4.1 version the problem

All the other clients we have at are at a 4.1 version or higher and
they are having no problems.


-Original Message-
From: Richard Sims [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, December 06, 2002 7:12 AM
Subject: ADSM v3.1 under AIX 5?

I have been asked to pose the question:

Has anyone tried running the old, now-unsupported ADSM v3.1 under AIX
version 5?
If so, have you found it to run satisfactorily?

  thanks,  Richard Sims, BU

getting list of offsite vols for restore

2002-12-06 Thread Lee, Gary D.
Had this happen again yesterday.

server 4.2.1 
platform solaris 8
storage 3590-b drives in ibm 3494 library.

Issued the restore volume with wait=yes and preview=yes
Captured activity log, but when I did the restoer, it called for two other volumes.  I 
really don't think I missed it.

Anyone have an idea or a script for determining needed offsite volumes for a restore?

Thanks for the help.

Gary Lee
Senior Operating Systems Analyst
Ball State University
phone 765-285-1310

Re: getting list of offsite vols for restore

2002-12-06 Thread Robert L. Rippy
Use the select command like below. Lets say server to restore is TEST and
your offsite copypool is COPYPOOL.

select volume_name from volumeusage where node_name='TEST' and stgpool_name

I think I got the names right.

Robert Rippy.

From: Lee, Gary D. [EMAIL PROTECTED] on 12/06/2002 10:20 AM

Please respond to ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Subject:  getting list of offsite vols for restore

Had this happen again yesterday.

server 4.2.1
platform solaris 8
storage 3590-b drives in ibm 3494 library.

Issued the restore volume with wait=yes and preview=yes
Captured activity log, but when I did the restoer, it called for two other
volumes.  I really don't think I missed it.

Anyone have an idea or a script for determining needed offsite volumes for
a restore?

Thanks for the help.

Gary Lee
Senior Operating Systems Analyst
Ball State University
phone 765-285-1310

Re: getting list of offsite vols for restore

2002-12-06 Thread Jolliff, Dale
restore volumes volume_blah preview=yes

pull the needed volume names from the activity log.

-Original Message-
From: Lee, Gary D. [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, December 06, 2002 9:21 AM
Subject: getting list of offsite vols for restore

Had this happen again yesterday.

server 4.2.1
platform solaris 8
storage 3590-b drives in ibm 3494 library.

Issued the restore volume with wait=yes and preview=yes
Captured activity log, but when I did the restoer, it called for two other
volumes.  I really don't think I missed it.

Anyone have an idea or a script for determining needed offsite volumes for a

Thanks for the help.

Gary Lee
Senior Operating Systems Analyst
Ball State University
phone 765-285-1310

Re: AIX 5.1

2002-12-06 Thread Rosa Leung

Does any knows   TSM 4.2.x   can be implemented on  AIX5.1?


Rosa Leung

Re: AIX 5.1

2002-12-06 Thread Joshua Bassi
Yes, 4.2.x works on AIX 5.1

Joshua S. Bassi
IBM Certified - AIX 4/5L, SAN, Shark
Tivoli Certified Consultant -ADSM/TSM
eServer Systems Expert -pSeries HACMP

AIX, HACMP, Storage, TSM Consultant
Cell (831) 595-3962

-Original Message-
From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of
Rosa Leung
Sent: Friday, December 06, 2002 7:55 AM
Subject: Re: AIX 5.1


Does any knows   TSM 4.2.x   can be implemented on  AIX5.1?


Rosa Leung

Schedule prompter not working?

2002-12-06 Thread L'Huillier, Denis
Env: TSM z/OS 1.3 server
TSM 4.2 client Windows NT

I updated a node to a new domain.  Then associated the node with a new schedule in the 
new domain.
The client scheduler (NT) is in prompted mode..

The TSM Server never attempted to contact the node for the backup schedule. (ANR2561I)
I see this ANR2561I message for all other nodes within the schedule except for the one 
I just moved there.
I had to restart the schedule service on the client to get it to work.

Anybody know why this is?  And it isn't always.. Just sometimes.


Backup stoage pools from one TSM server to another

2002-12-06 Thread bizzorg
I have DR situation.  We have a TSM server running on an AIX 4.3
server.  We also have several mainframe based TSM servers at
The AIX TSM server has no Disaster Recovery tapes going offset and I'm
trying to find a reasonable solution.  I remembered reading that I could
copy storage pools to another TSM, but I can't find supporting
documentation now.  I wanted to just move all client server backups from
this AIX TSM to the Mainframe TSM, but network bandwidth is not
sufficient to complete the backups.

I need to solve this quickly since all client servers backing up to the
AIX TSM will not be recoverable in a Disaster Recovery exercise.  I
would really appreciate it if someone out here has a workable solution.

Re: AIX 5.1

2002-12-06 Thread Rosa Leung

How about  how about 4.1 and 3.7 client?  Thanks

Rosa Leung

  Joshua Bassi
  Sent by: ADSM:  cc:
  Dist StorSubject:  Re: AIX 5.1

  12/06/2002 11:02
  Please respond to
  ADSM: Dist Stor

Yes, 4.2.x works on AIX 5.1

Joshua S. Bassi
IBM Certified - AIX 4/5L, SAN, Shark
Tivoli Certified Consultant -ADSM/TSM
eServer Systems Expert -pSeries HACMP

AIX, HACMP, Storage, TSM Consultant
Cell (831) 595-3962

-Original Message-
From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of
Rosa Leung
Sent: Friday, December 06, 2002 7:55 AM
Subject: Re: AIX 5.1


Does any knows   TSM 4.2.x   can be implemented on  AIX5.1?


Rosa Leung

Re: getting list of offsite vols for restore

2002-12-06 Thread David Longo
Have had that happen.  Reason is this is a dynamic system with
expirations and reclamations running.  By the time you got back the
tapes requested, the data on some of them was somewhere else
according to the TSM DB.  Run the preview again.  I've had
several out of about a dozen or so restores where I needed to make
a second pass to get everything.

David B. Longo
System Administrator
Health First, Inc.
3300 Fiske Blvd.
Rockledge, FL 32955-4305
PH  321.434.5536
Pager  321.634.8230

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 12/06/02 10:20AM 
Had this happen again yesterday.

server 4.2.1
platform solaris 8
storage 3590-b drives in ibm 3494 library.

Issued the restore volume with wait=yes and preview=yes
Captured activity log, but when I did the restoer, it called for two
other volumes.  I really don't think I missed it.

Anyone have an idea or a script for determining needed offsite volumes
for a restore?

Thanks for the help.

Gary Lee
Senior Operating Systems Analyst
Ball State University
phone 765-285-1310

MMS health-first.org made the following
 annotations on 12/06/2002 11:37:45 AM
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Re: Ned a SQL QUERY - Where did my big files come from?

2002-12-06 Thread John Naylor
A query content with a restricted count, like count=-20  is quick
Another way of finding out where your big files are is to query your activity
q ac begind=today-1 begint=18:00 endd=today endt=08:00 originator=client
The  lines showing Total number of bytes transferred: should give you the
clients that have sent the large amounts of data

Mr. Lindsay Morris [EMAIL PROTECTED] on 12/06/2002 02:32:30 PM

Please respond to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

cc:(bcc: John Naylor/HAV/SSE)
Subject:  Re: Ned a SQL QUERY - Where did my big files come from?

Great to see you back, Richard.

Not to quibble with the guru, but --
a: how do you know the volume name?
b: query content? Won't that take a long time and maybe adversely impact the
TSM server's performance?

Mr. Lindsay Morris
Lead Architect, Servergraph
www.servergraph.com http://www.servergraph.com
859-253-8000 ofc
425-988-8478 fax

 -Original Message-
 From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of
 Richard Sims
 Sent: Friday, December 06, 2002 9:22 AM
 Subject: Re: Ned a SQL QUERY - Where did my big files come from?

 I have some big files (10+G and one 31+Gig file) that is being backed up.
 Is there a query that I can use to find what the big files are and what
 client they belong to?

 The TSM administrator sometimes has to determine what files a current or
 recent backup has sent.  The simplest way is, knowing the volume they went

query content Volname count=-20 format=detailed

 for example, where some reasonable negative number will show you
 the latest
 files on the volume, listed most recent first.  This is easiest with large
 backup files, like yours, where they will very likely show up
 within a limited
 count value.

   Richard Sims, BU

The information in this E-Mail is confidential and may be legally
privileged. It may not represent the views of Scottish and Southern
Energy plc.
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Any unauthorised recipient should advise the sender immediately of
the error in transmission.

Scottish Hydro-Electric, Southern Electric, SWALEC and S+S
are trading names of the Scottish and Southern Energy Group.

Re: Ned a SQL QUERY - Where did my big files come from?

2002-12-06 Thread Zoltan Forray/AC/VCU
I've seen multiple answers to this question but I don't think the answers
are what he is looking for.

Correct me if I am wrong, but I think he wants to know what *FILES* were
backed up, not just total bytes transfered.

I am having this issue, as well.  For instance, I have a node that all of
a sudden is sending 100+GB. Well, looking at the occupancy info just tells
me he has a 350GB /home filespace.   I need to know what *FILES* have been
backed up for the /home directory and their sizes, not a total. I know the
size for the filespace. I need to know the details.

Also, if they are running QUIET, the dsmsched.log won't show what files
were backed-up !

Sent by: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [EMAIL PROTECTED]
12/06/2002 12:26 PM
Please respond to ADSM: Dist Stor Manager

Subject:Re: Ned a SQL QUERY - Where did my big files come from?

A query content with a restricted count, like count=-20  is quick
Another way of finding out where your big files are is to query your
q ac begind=today-1 begint=18:00 endd=today endt=08:00 originator=client
The  lines showing Total number of bytes transferred: should give you
clients that have sent the large amounts of data

Mr. Lindsay Morris [EMAIL PROTECTED] on 12/06/2002 02:32:30 PM

Please respond to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

cc:(bcc: John Naylor/HAV/SSE)
Subject:  Re: Ned a SQL QUERY - Where did my big files come from?

Great to see you back, Richard.

Not to quibble with the guru, but --
a: how do you know the volume name?
b: query content? Won't that take a long time and maybe adversely impact
TSM server's performance?

Mr. Lindsay Morris
Lead Architect, Servergraph
www.servergraph.com http://www.servergraph.com
859-253-8000 ofc
425-988-8478 fax

 -Original Message-
 From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of
 Richard Sims
 Sent: Friday, December 06, 2002 9:22 AM
 Subject: Re: Ned a SQL QUERY - Where did my big files come from?

 I have some big files (10+G and one 31+Gig file) that is being backed
 Is there a query that I can use to find what the big files are and what
 client they belong to?

 The TSM administrator sometimes has to determine what files a current or
 recent backup has sent.  The simplest way is, knowing the volume they

query content Volname count=-20 format=detailed

 for example, where some reasonable negative number will show you
 the latest
 files on the volume, listed most recent first.  This is easiest with
 backup files, like yours, where they will very likely show up
 within a limited
 count value.

   Richard Sims, BU

The information in this E-Mail is confidential and may be legally
privileged. It may not represent the views of Scottish and Southern
Energy plc.
It is intended solely for the addressees. Access to this E-Mail by
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Any unauthorised recipient should advise the sender immediately of
the error in transmission.

Scottish Hydro-Electric, Southern Electric, SWALEC and S+S
are trading names of the Scottish and Southern Energy Group.

Help: Refresh Database

2002-12-06 Thread Tao Jiang
Is table CONTENTS are reliable?

 I issued the script like that:
 .\dsmc del archive

%1 -nodename=x-server -password=x -noprompt=yes -errorlogname=%1.d

 or delete archived files from client.

 But same problem, I can still find the file from SELECT * FROM CONTENTS
 it looks like server need one or two hours, maybe longer to refresh
database, at least
 table CONTENTS.

 Tao Jiang
 Coban Research  Technologies
 713-271-7888 ext. 207
 - Original Message -
 From: Joshua Bassi [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: 'Tao Jiang' [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Thursday, December 05, 2002 11:21 AM
 Subject: RE: Refresh Database

  If you issued these commands on the server then the DB has already been
  updated and 'refreshed' as you say.
  Joshua S. Bassi
  IBM Certified - AIX 4/5L, SAN, Shark
  Tivoli Certified Consultant -ADSM/TSM
  eServer Systems Expert -pSeries HACMP
  AIX, HACMP, Storage, TSM Consultant
  Cell (831) 595-3962
  -Original Message-
  From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of
  Tao Jiang
  Sent: Thursday, December 05, 2002 9:14 AM
  Subject: Refresh Database
  Hi, TSM users:
  I deleted some files from client or issued deleting commands from server
  side. How soon will TSM database update itself? How can we configure it
  by command? Do we have to restart TSM server service to refresh it
  Thanks for all information,
  Tao Jiang

Re: Ned a SQL QUERY - Where did my big files come from?

2002-12-06 Thread John Naylor
Well if you know what clients have the large files thats a start.
Then you can decide if you want to switch verbose on to get it at the client
However another approach is to  query the backups table with sql something like
AND BACKUP_DATE'2002-12-05 18:00'

Then you can see which are your huge files because they will have the largest
gaps between backup times

Zoltan Forray/AC/VCU [EMAIL PROTECTED] on 12/06/2002 05:33:20 PM

Please respond to ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [EMAIL PROTECTED]

cc:(bcc: John Naylor/HAV/SSE)
Subject:  Re: Ned a SQL QUERY - Where did my big files come from?

I've seen multiple answers to this question but I don't think the answers
are what he is looking for.

Correct me if I am wrong, but I think he wants to know what *FILES* were
backed up, not just total bytes transfered.

I am having this issue, as well.  For instance, I have a node that all of
a sudden is sending 100+GB. Well, looking at the occupancy info just tells
me he has a 350GB /home filespace.   I need to know what *FILES* have been
backed up for the /home directory and their sizes, not a total. I know the
size for the filespace. I need to know the details.

Also, if they are running QUIET, the dsmsched.log won't show what files
were backed-up !

Sent by: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [EMAIL PROTECTED]
12/06/2002 12:26 PM
Please respond to ADSM: Dist Stor Manager

Subject:Re: Ned a SQL QUERY - Where did my big files come from?

A query content with a restricted count, like count=-20  is quick
Another way of finding out where your big files are is to query your
q ac begind=today-1 begint=18:00 endd=today endt=08:00 originator=client
The  lines showing Total number of bytes transferred: should give you
clients that have sent the large amounts of data

Mr. Lindsay Morris [EMAIL PROTECTED] on 12/06/2002 02:32:30 PM

Please respond to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

cc:(bcc: John Naylor/HAV/SSE)
Subject:  Re: Ned a SQL QUERY - Where did my big files come from?

Great to see you back, Richard.

Not to quibble with the guru, but --
a: how do you know the volume name?
b: query content? Won't that take a long time and maybe adversely impact
TSM server's performance?

Mr. Lindsay Morris
Lead Architect, Servergraph
www.servergraph.com http://www.servergraph.com
859-253-8000 ofc
425-988-8478 fax

 -Original Message-
 From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of
 Richard Sims
 Sent: Friday, December 06, 2002 9:22 AM
 Subject: Re: Ned a SQL QUERY - Where did my big files come from?

 I have some big files (10+G and one 31+Gig file) that is being backed
 Is there a query that I can use to find what the big files are and what
 client they belong to?

 The TSM administrator sometimes has to determine what files a current or
 recent backup has sent.  The simplest way is, knowing the volume they

query content Volname count=-20 format=detailed

 for example, where some reasonable negative number will show you
 the latest
 files on the volume, listed most recent first.  This is easiest with
 backup files, like yours, where they will very likely show up
 within a limited
 count value.

   Richard Sims, BU

The information in this E-Mail is confidential and may be legally
privileged. It may not represent the views of Scottish and Southern
Energy plc.
It is intended solely for the addressees. Access to this E-Mail by
anyone else is unauthorised. If you are not the intended recipient,
any disclosure, copying, distribution or any action taken or omitted
to be taken in reliance on it, is prohibited and may be unlawful.
Any unauthorised recipient should advise the sender immediately of
the error in transmission.

Scottish Hydro-Electric, Southern Electric, SWALEC and S+S
are trading names of the Scottish and Southern Energy Group.

Re: Client Trace Options

2002-12-06 Thread David E Ehresman
documents the trace options.

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 12/06/02 10:58AM 
Hi all,

I am having difficulty finding the various trace options listed
anywhere for
W2K backup clients.   I especially need the one that limits the size of
trace file.

Matt Adams
Tivoli Storage Manager Team
Hermitage Site Tech
Deloitte and Touche USA LLP

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AW: Ned a SQL QUERY - Where did my big files come from?

2002-12-06 Thread Rupp Thomas (Illwerke)

I would use the following approach:

Find the tape volumes that have been written during last backup or

select volume_name from volumes where last_write_date 
  and last_write_date  timestamp('2002-12-06','08:00:00')

This example gives you all the tape volumes that have been written between 2
and 8 o'clock
(ISO date/time format). Use QUERY SQLSESSION to see the format SQL needs.

Now you could scan all those tapes (x, y, z) using

select node_name, filespace_name, file_name from contents where
  and file_size1073741824

You would have to do this for every volume listed by the first select.

I'm not sure if you could combine all found volumes into one select.
Eventually this leads to a 'full table scan' and therefore takes forever
(Any SQL Gurus out there?).

select node_name, filespace_name, file_name from contents where volume_name
in ('x','y','z')
  and file_size1073741824

These selects take a lot of CPU - so be careful.

Kind regards
Thomas Rupp
Vorarlberger Illwerke AG
Mail:   thomas dot rupp at illwerke dot at

Dieses eMail wurde auf Viren geprueft.

Vorarlberger Illwerke AG

TSM S/390 performance

2002-12-06 Thread Henrry Aranda
Hi list,
environ is TSM server on S/390 with 3494 library connected
via FICON, 3590E tape drives, 60+ SQL Servers using TDP 2.2 and Oracle
server on AIX 5.1 with 1,5TB of backup data (no Oracle TDP is being used),
the 390 is connected via gigabit ethernet to the clients, the issue is when
the backup sequence starts at night, the TSM server process freezes from
time to time, that is, it doesn4t receives data nor responds to command
line, it lasts for some seconds and then it comes to live again, have you
seen this kind of behavior before? it doesn4t prevent the backups to
complete but affects the total backup window and we are trying to isolate
the error, 390 guys say that it seems that this contention occurs when TSM
tries to access 3590 drives, is it normal? did I misconfigured something?

Any comment will be helpful.


Luis Tapia

MSN 8 with e-mail virus protection service: 2 months FREE*

TSM Uptime Success

2002-12-06 Thread Joshua Bassi

I have a TSM server here has been running fine for 6 months without a
system reboot or a TSM server reboot.  The TSM session numbers were into
the millions and my customer wanted to reboot the box.  No telling how
long the server would have ran before it needed to come down.

pSeries 660 6M1
AIX 5.1
Shark disk storage
3494 Tape Library

Joshua S. Bassi
IBM Certified - AIX 4/5L, SAN, Shark
Tivoli Certified Consultant -ADSM/TSM
eServer Systems Expert -pSeries HACMP

AIX, HACMP, Storage, TSM Consultant
Cell (831) 595-3962

Re: Backup stoage pools from one TSM server to another

2002-12-06 Thread Prather, Wanda
You can send the stgpool data from one TSM server to the other by setting up
server to server connections.  This is documented pretty well in a
redbook - go to www.redbooks.ibm.com and search for SG24-5244.

However, I'm not sure that's going to help you - if you don't have the
bandwidth to do more backups to your mainframe TSM server, you probably
don't have the bandwidth to transmit the storage pool data their, either.

There is also a drawback if you send the stgpool data to your mainframe TSM
server; it adds a LARGE extra step to your recovery in a DR situation.  (Not
because it's a mainframe, but because it's a second tier TSM server).  The
metadata describing the client backup data is still in the TSM data base
on the AIX machine; the data that is sent to the 2nd tier server is stored
in a different form once you transmit it, and you can't do restores directly
from the 2nd tier machine.

So in a DR situation, to do client restores you will have to (1) recover the
mainframe and get the mainframe TSM running again, then (2) rebuild your AIX
TSM server, restore it's data base and get it running again, then (3) start
doing client restores using the AIX TSM server.

The fastest and cheapest way to fix your problem, is to just start sending
the copy pool tapes from the AIX box offsite.

-Original Message-
From: bizzorg [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, December 06, 2002 11:09 AM
Subject: Backup stoage pools from one TSM server to another

I have DR situation.  We have a TSM server running on an AIX 4.3
server.  We also have several mainframe based TSM servers at
The AIX TSM server has no Disaster Recovery tapes going offset and I'm
trying to find a reasonable solution.  I remembered reading that I could
copy storage pools to another TSM, but I can't find supporting
documentation now.  I wanted to just move all client server backups from
this AIX TSM to the Mainframe TSM, but network bandwidth is not
sufficient to complete the backups.

I need to solve this quickly since all client servers backing up to the
AIX TSM will not be recoverable in a Disaster Recovery exercise.  I
would really appreciate it if someone out here has a workable solution.

Re: Client locks up during backup

2002-12-06 Thread Prather, Wanda
I have only 2 Linux boxes and haven't seen this behavior, but when we see it
on Windows or AIX, it is often something in the filesystem, rather than
something in the TSM client.

I would try a grep or a find file that will ripple through the whole
filesystem that is NOT backing up, to see if you can read it OK with other
software.  Also check for hardware errors (whatever corresponds to errpt on
Linux, I don't know).

And I would try doing the backup with the GUI, to see how far you get.  If
it hangs up, start over and backup one subdirectory at a time, to see if you
can find where it's hanging up.

If it were a Windows box, I would do a diskscan, or something else that
checks for errors in the filesystem.  Etc.

-Original Message-
From: Jacque Mergens [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, December 06, 2002 8:25 AM
Subject: Client locks up during backup

I have a site that is running
TSM 4.2.1 AIX server OS 5100-02
4.2.1 Linux client Kernel 2.4.17

This client has been running fine and now locks up between
filesystems.  It reports that it has successfully backed up
a filesystem and then times out at the server end (300 seconds)
terminates the backup.  On the client side I still see the
scheduler process running yet nothing happens.

I can't upgrade this site immediately but need to get these
backups running.

Any help would be appreciated.


Re: 98 Workstation backup problem

2002-12-06 Thread Prather, Wanda
Also consider using subfile backup.  You can turn it on just for that one
client, and just for .pst files, if you wish.  It lets TSM do an incremental
at the BLOCK level, so it only sends the part of the .pst file that has

We have hundreds of win2k clients with large .pst files, and they were
killing us.  Turning on subfile backup dropped our nightly backup load by

-Original Message-
From: Nelson, Doug [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, December 05, 2002 2:38 PM
Subject: Re: 98 Workstation backup problem

COMMTIMEOUT defaults to 600, try increasing it to 1500. You can also play
with the transfer block size TXNBYTELIMIT.

Douglas C. Nelson
Distributed Computing Consultant
Alltel Information Services
Chittenden Data Center
2 Burlington Square
Burlington, Vt. 05401

-Original Message-
From: Anderson, Michael - HMIS [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, December 05, 2002 12:50 PM
Subject: 98 Workstation backup problem

I am having a problem with one of my workstation clients. The backup
seems to be running fine until it hits the users
pst file which is over 1 gb. When it gets to this file it starts to back
it up but then after a while just hangs.  The client side
only shows the following message in the dsmerror.log  failure in
communications open call rc: -50   My activity log  just
shows client terminated, did not respond in  seconds. If I exclude
her pst file the backup runs fine. Although her NIC
is set at auto, the transfer rate shows very good. Anybody have any

Server is on AIX 4.3.3
Client is  4.1.3 on Windows 98 workstation

Mike Anderson

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Re: 4.2.3 Upgradedb - ??

2002-12-06 Thread Sam Sheppard
 Top of message 
-- 12-06-02  14:37  S.SHEPPARD (SHS)Re: 4.2.3 Upgradedb  - ??

I made the mistake of reading the README file, the first item of which
stated (seemingly unequivocally) that you needed to do an UPGRADEDB.
After letting it sit for some time, I realized that I didn't recall ever
having to do this for an upgrade within versions (well, maybe from 3.1
to 3.7), so I just halted it and brought it up normally and everything
was fine.   Seems like when you specify the upgradedb parm and it's not
needed, there should be some indication given.  But, live and learn.
Sam Sheppard

 Top of message 
-- 12-06-02  12:08  ..NETMAIL () Re: 4.2.3 Upgradedb  - ??
Date: Fri, 6 Dec 2002 09:00:18 -0500
From: Matt Simpson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: 4.2.3 Upgradedb  - ??

At 13:54 -0800 12/5/02, Sam Sheppard wrote:
I have just installed the 4.2.3 server upgrade and have been running the
UPGRADEDB process for almost 3 hours now.

When we upgraded from 4.2.2 to 4.2.3, we didn't do an Upgradedb.  We
didn't see anything in the install doc that said it was necessary.
How do we know which version upgrades require an upgradedb? And what
happens if we don't do it?  TSM still seems to be running OK .. or as
close to OK as it ever gets.

Matt Simpson --  OS/390 Support
219 McVey Hall  -- (859) 257-2900 x300
University Of Kentucky, Lexington, KY 40506
mainframe --   An obsolete device still used by thousands of obsolete
companies serving billions of obsolete customers and making huge obsolete
profits for their obsolete shareholders.  And this year's run twice as fast
as last year's.


Re: getting list of offsite vols for restore

2002-12-06 Thread David le Blanc
If I understand you (David Longo) correctly, to are saying that while
*waiting* for the offsite tapes to arrive, TSM somehow performs space
reclamation and shuffles the data to new tapes.  You are then left holding
media which does not contain the data you wanted.

Where does TSM get the original to perform the space reclamation, if the
copy is damaged and in need of a 'recover volume'?

Consider the following:  When do you notice a media failure? When space
reclamation fails (or a node restore fails).  If it fails during space
reclamation, the system hungrily retries reclamation.  Within a very short
time of the offsite volume being checked into the library, TSM realises the
the data it was trying to reclaim is now availabe, and performs
immediate reclamation.  No coincidence that the volume you want is the one
that gets reclaimed.

I would suggest turning off space reclamation of the OFFSITE storage pool
the recovery tapes are in transit and more importantly, while they are in
tape library.  Turn it back on once the recovery is complete and you
should be ok.

Just another 2c.

-Original Message-
From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of
Ford, Phillip
Sent: Saturday, 7 December 2002 6:17 AM
Subject: Re: getting list of offsite vols for restore

After running the preview for restore, we mark all needed volumes as
unavailable.  Both onsite and offsite ones.  This has usually made them
static enough to not have a problem at restore time.

Just my 2 cents worth.

Phillip Ford
Senior Software Specialist
Corporate Computer Center
Schering-Plough Corp.
(901) 320-4462
(901) 320-4856 FAX

-Original Message-
From: David Longo [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, December 06, 2002 10:36 AM
Subject: Re: getting list of offsite vols for restore

Have had that happen.  Reason is this is a dynamic system with expirations
and reclamations running.  By the time you got back the tapes requested, the
data on some of them was somewhere else according to the TSM DB.  Run the
preview again.  I've had several out of about a dozen or so restores where
I needed to make a second pass to get everything.

David B. Longo
System Administrator
Health First, Inc.
3300 Fiske Blvd.
Rockledge, FL 32955-4305
PH  321.434.5536
Pager  321.634.8230

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 12/06/02 10:20AM 
Had this happen again yesterday.

server 4.2.1
platform solaris 8
storage 3590-b drives in ibm 3494 library.

Issued the restore volume with wait=yes and preview=yes Captured activity
log, but when I did the restoer, it called for two other volumes.  I really
don't think I missed it.

Anyone have an idea or a script for determining needed offsite volumes for a

Thanks for the help.

Gary Lee
Senior Operating Systems Analyst
Ball State University
phone 765-285-1310

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 annotations on 12/06/2002 11:37:45 AM

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Re: TSM audit error

2002-12-06 Thread Richard Sims
I see a strange problem, TSM thinks there are tapes in a drive but
infact there is none present, physically. Anyone seen this before. Any
help is appreciated

Server TSM running on Sol-2.8 with Gator 64K  (spectra Logics)

Chetan - I'm not familiar with that library, but in general I would first
 utilize whatever host operating system command the vendor provides
for interacting with the library, to ascertain its status and check the
drives in question.  For example, the 3494 has the host 'mtlib' command
for performing queries on it and its drives.  (And, ideally, such
facilities would be the basis of a continual service assurance monitor
running in the host operating system.)  It may be that the library is
providing misleading feedback; or there may be some incompatibilities
between the Solaris-resident device driver and library resulting in
some miscommunication with the box, where a driver upgrade or box
microcode updates may help.

  Richard Sims, BU

Re: getting list of offsite vols for restore

2002-12-06 Thread David Longo
You have some good points.  As I think about it, it is not real
obvious why extra tape would be needed for a second pass.
I know I have needed that though a couple of times.  After thinking
about it a few minutes from a few various angles, it's not obvious
why though.  Best quess is that it may have to do with aggregation
of files and/or files that span tapes.  Maybe something that preview
misses till actual restore happens.

David Longo

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 12/06/02 08:05PM 
If I understand you (David Longo) correctly, to are saying that while
*waiting* for the offsite tapes to arrive, TSM somehow performs space
reclamation and shuffles the data to new tapes.  You are then left
media which does not contain the data you wanted.

Where does TSM get the original to perform the space reclamation, if
copy is damaged and in need of a 'recover volume'?

Consider the following:  When do you notice a media failure? When
reclamation fails (or a node restore fails).  If it fails during space
reclamation, the system hungrily retries reclamation.  Within a very
time of the offsite volume being checked into the library, TSM realises
the data it was trying to reclaim is now availabe, and performs
immediate reclamation.  No coincidence that the volume you want is the
that gets reclaimed.

I would suggest turning off space reclamation of the OFFSITE storage
the recovery tapes are in transit and more importantly, while they are
tape library.  Turn it back on once the recovery is complete and you
should be ok.

Just another 2c.

-Original Message-
From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf
Ford, Phillip
Sent: Saturday, 7 December 2002 6:17 AM
Subject: Re: getting list of offsite vols for restore

After running the preview for restore, we mark all needed volumes as
unavailable.  Both onsite and offsite ones.  This has usually made
static enough to not have a problem at restore time.

Just my 2 cents worth.

Phillip Ford
Senior Software Specialist
Corporate Computer Center
Schering-Plough Corp.
(901) 320-4462
(901) 320-4856 FAX

-Original Message-
From: David Longo [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, December 06, 2002 10:36 AM
Subject: Re: getting list of offsite vols for restore

Have had that happen.  Reason is this is a dynamic system with
and reclamations running.  By the time you got back the tapes
requested, the
data on some of them was somewhere else according to the TSM DB.  Run
preview again.  I've had several out of about a dozen or so restores
I needed to make a second pass to get everything.

David B. Longo
System Administrator
Health First, Inc.
3300 Fiske Blvd.
Rockledge, FL 32955-4305
PH  321.434.5536
Pager  321.634.8230

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 12/06/02 10:20AM 
Had this happen again yesterday.

server 4.2.1
platform solaris 8
storage 3590-b drives in ibm 3494 library.

Issued the restore volume with wait=yes and preview=yes Captured
log, but when I did the restoer, it called for two other volumes.  I
don't think I missed it.

Anyone have an idea or a script for determining needed offsite volumes
for a

Thanks for the help.

Gary Lee
Senior Operating Systems Analyst
Ball State University
phone 765-285-1310

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Re: 4.2.3 Upgradedb slow

2002-12-06 Thread Christo Heuer
Hi Sam,

Definately something else wrong - should only take a second or
Maybe check your OS/390 side for contention/problems - do a GRS
to see if TSM is waiting on any resources.


I have just installed the 4.2.3 server upgrade and have been running the
UPGRADEDB process for almost 3 hours now.   Has anyone else experienced
this and, if so, how long will this take.  In the past, it has only run
a couple of minutes.

This is an upgrade from 4.2.2 on OS/390 R10.  DB is about 11GB 85% used.

Sam Sheppard
San Diego Data Processing Corp.
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