Re: Bare metal restore, ASR etc.

2004-03-26 Thread Mike Dile
"ASR is only available on Win2003 not on other versions of windows."

This is not true.  ASR is available on both Windows XP and Windows 2003.


Mike Dile
Tivoli Storage Manager Client Development
Tivoli Software, IBM Software Group

Re: Problems with 2K3 server backups

2004-05-06 Thread Mike Dile
WMI does exist on Windows 2003.  It is part of system state.  You can use
the command vssadmin list writers to show you a list of the services that
reside on Windows 2003 which may participate in system state or system
service backup.

The  VSS_E_WRITER_INFRASTRUCTURE is a possible indication that the Windows
2003 Volume Shadow Copy Service is not running or is an error state.

The VSS_WS_FAILED_AT_FREEZE is an indication that the WMI service is in
such a state that it vetoed the request by TSM to create a shadow copy
from which system state backup could be obtained.  I would check the
status of the "Windows Instrumentation Service" in the service control
panel to insure that it was running (and that the service startup was set
to its default-Automatic).  I would also examine the Windows event log to
see if there are any WMI-related messages there.

The vssadmin list writers command can give you an indication of the status
of VSS on your system.


Mike Dile
Tivoli Storage Manager Client Development
Tivoli Software, IBM Software Group

NTFS Security changed - backup

2004-05-06 Thread Mike Dile
The NTFS security information is stored as part of the file data (in the
storage pool).  Since the security information can be of significant size
the TSM client does not store this information in a database table.  Thus
when NTFS security information changes, the file in total is backed up.


Mike Dile
Tivoli Storage Manager Client Development
Tivoli Software, IBM Software Group

Re: Problems with 2K3 server backups

2004-06-02 Thread Mike Dile
ANS1950E should refer to the Windows event log as another source for
information regarding the failure.   There still may be other messages in
dsmerror.log itself that are germane.


Mike Dile
Tivoli Storage Manager Client Development
Tivoli Software, IBM Software Group

TSM and Active Directory

2004-07-16 Thread Mike Dile
The Admin Guide Chapter 17 has a summary which is the motivation for using 
Active Directory to publish TSM information.
Basically this allows the specification of COMMETHOD ACTIVEDIRECTORY in 
TSM Windows client client option file to perform a  look-up in Active 
Directory of the mapped TSM server and communication parameters to use.

"A directory service provides a place to store information about network 
resources and makes the information available to administrators and users. 
Tivoli Storage Manager uses Active Directory to publish information about 
Tivoli Storage Manager servers. This information includes:
The serverâs name. 
Communication protocols. 
A list of the serverâs registered nodes.

Tivoli Storage Manager servers running on Windows 2000 can automatically 
publish their information in Active Directory. By setting the ADREGISTER 
server option to YES, and issuing a REGISTER, RENAME, or DELETE NODE 
command, the serverâs list of registered nodes is updated each time the 
IBM Tivoli Storage Manager server is started. Administrators can publish 
information about non-Windows IBM Tivoli Storage Manager servers with the 
IBM Tivoli Storage Manager Active Directory Configuration Wizard in the 
IBM Tivoli Storage Manager Console. The Active Directory Configuration 
Wizard is also useful for adding, removing, or editing Tivoli Storage 
Manager server entries. 

The Tivoli Storage Manager backup-archive clientâs Setup Wizard includes 
the capability to browse server information in the Active Directory. The 
client can use the information to determine which server to connect to and 
what communication protocol to use."


Mike Dile
Tivoli Storage Manager Client Development
Tivoli Software, IBM Software Group

TSM and Active Directory

2004-07-21 Thread Mike Dile
> This all sounds very interesting, but for those of us whose
> knowledge of AD is
> limited to that IBM TV commercial, and, more important, who run on
> AIX or some
> other non-MS platform, is it relevant?  Are these features for
> Windows servers
> only?

These features are for Windows only, introduced primarily to fulfill
requirements for Microsoft Windows Certification of TSM.


Mike Dile
Tivoli Storage Manager Client Development
Tivoli Software, IBM Software Group

Re: backupsets backupsets backupsets

2001-03-07 Thread Mike Dile


The command line client allows restore of local backupsets without a server
connection.  The GUI does not currently, but we're correcting that problem
in a future PTF.


Mike Dile
Tivoli Storage Manager Client Development

Re: Backing up directories with 600K files

2001-03-21 Thread Mike Dile

Here's the text for APAR IC29444

Customer reports a performance problem when backing up a
filespace where AV software is active. A trace with
INSTR_CLIENT_DETAIL for filesystem with AV inactive shows:
Process Dirs0.485  242.5  2
this value compares to the following reported when AV active:
Process Dirs0.844  422.0  2

(sample values from this customer only, you will see
significantly higher Process Dirs value compared to AV off)
Development provided 4.1.2 client based fixtest modules
available form as
Please copy the original files before replacing them with
the files from this package.


* USERS AFFECTED: Windows client machines running anti-virus   *
*programs. *

* PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: Backup performance may be noticeably*
*slower if an anti-virus program is also running.  *

* RECOMMENDATION: Apply the fixing code when available.*

The code was modified to avoid the performance degradation.
Windows client patch also includes this fix.


Mike Dile
Tivoli Storage Manager Client Development

Re: International characters on WinNT

2001-07-10 Thread Mike Dile

The TSM 4.2.0 client for Windows NT/2000 is Unicode-enabled and will
support the client environment where file names from various code pages
are co-mingled in a file system.  This support co-req's a TSM 4.2 server.

The message you are seeing indicates that the file in question contains
characters which are not within the same code page as language of the
operating system from which the TSM client is being run and that you
either are not running at TSM 4.2 server or have not migrated the client
to a Unicode-enabled file space.  The migration is documented in the
Windows "Using the Backup-Archive Client" manual for v4.2.0.


Mike Dile
Tivoli Storage Manager Client Development

Re: Windows XP support

2001-08-20 Thread Mike Dile


We're testing the v4.2.1 client (not yet released) against Windows XP.  I
am interested in seeing your list of Windows XP problems so we can insure
we address them.


Mike Dile
Tivoli Storage Manager Client Development

Re: Windows 2000 backup

2000-07-25 Thread Mike Dile


My main question is do I need to run all of these commands or does an
incremental backup of the C: drive pick up everything as needed.

> The backup of the C: drive only includes the Registry.

If these command do need to be run outside a normal incremental backup how are
others scheduling these commands?

> You will need to schedule a backup of each system object in a batch file and
schedule the execution of the batch file.  The batch file would include commands

How often?

How do you see that the backup worked?

>  Tivoli recommends backing-up the system objects during along the same
timeframe as the file systems.

Can you restore version other than the most recent backup?

> This function is not currently supported.

If these command do not need to be run on a regular basis what are they there

> These commands should be executed on a regular basis to ensure that you will
be able to restore your entire system.

I am most concerned that I am not backing up everything that I need in order to
restore a complete system.

Submitted for:

J.P. (Jim) Smith
Tivoli Storage Manager - Software Development


Mike Dile
Tivoli Storage Manager Client Development

Re: Windows 2000 backup

2000-07-26 Thread Mike Dile

Tim Rushforth wrote:

>Since we should back up these system ojbects every time we do a backup,
>wouldn't it make sense (and save our time) to have options (like
>BACKUPREGISTRY) that could be set to backup these system objects?

Yes a solution is in the works.  Stay tuned.


Mike Dile
Tivoli Storage Manager Client Development

Re: Windows NT restore scenario

2000-07-26 Thread Mike Dile

There was a redbook written about "bare metal" NT restore.  Also take a look
through the archives of this list since it's been discussed several times
before.  Many folks have contributed their experienced tips.

Basically it boils down to installing a minimal NT system and TSM client in a
repair partition, using the TSM client to restore the complete backup to another
partition, and rebooting the restored system.


Mike Dile
Tivoli Storage Manager Client Development

Re: System slow when running a tivoli backup.

2000-08-01 Thread Mike Dile

Check your setting for RESOURCEUTILIZATION in the option file of the client.
Perhaps you have overridden the default setting causing a more aggressive use
client resource (threads/sessions) than you desire.


Mike Dile
Tivoli Storage Manager Client Development

Re: ANS4018E (file name too long)

2000-08-07 Thread Mike Dile

The fixtest posted by Andy Raibeck a couple weeks ago should help you with this
long path problem.  Here's an excerpt from his note:

Fixtest for the Windows client is now available
on the ftp site The directory is:


>From there, you can navigate to the "multi" or "single"
directory to obtain the fix.

One of the "highlights" of this fixtest is the ability to
support paths whose names exceed the Windows operating
system-defined maximum length of 259 characters.


Mike Dile
Tivoli Storage Manager Client Development

Re: Different nodes of ADSM of a cluster server

2000-10-27 Thread Mike Dile

You can use dsmcutil update and specify the /optfile: parameter to specify
a different option file for any of the installed TSM services.


Mike Dile
Tivoli Storage Manager Client Development

Re: Client Code Level

2000-10-31 Thread Mike Dile

Just to supplement Don France's response regarding corequisite
client/server levels--for Windows 2000 support, the following info is
applicable from the v4.1.1 Windows client readme:

  - The system objects new to v3.7.2 require the use of a v3.7.3 TSM
Specifically, Active Directory, Certificate Server, Cluster Database,
COM+ Class Registration DB,File Replication Services (FRS), System File
Protection and SysVol require the logical file grouping enhancement of
the v3.7.3 server.
  - Data that has been backed up or archived from this V4.1 Tivoli Storage
Manager client cannot be restored or retrieved to any previous
level client, regardless of the server level. The data must be
restored or retrieved by a 4.1.0 level or higher client


Mike Dile
Tivoli Storage Manager Client Development

Re: Windows 2000

2000-11-07 Thread Mike Dile

First make sure you are using the v3.7.2 or higher client which supports
Windows 2000.   The boot.ini
ntldr ntdetect files are backed up as part of "system files" object found
in the GUI under the "system object" tree node. They can also be backed up
from the command line via dsmc backup sysfiles.  Note that in v3.7.2,
v4.1.0, v4.1.1 clients the system objects are not by default backed up as
part of a domain incremental.  They have to be explicitly requested, for
now.  Stay tuned for some enhancements in this area.


Mike Dile
Tivoli Storage Manager Client Development

Re: Win32 RC 87 from FileOpen

2000-11-15 Thread Mike Dile


I think this is a bug.  The problem I believe is that the Win9x client is
trying to access NTFS security information and those APIs are not supported
on Win9x.  The work-around would be to specify SKIPNTPermissions YES in the
dsm.opt file.


Mike Dile
Tivoli Storage Manager Client Development

Re: Use of Win2k NTFS5 USN Journal in *SM clients

2000-11-20 Thread Mike Dile

No, TSM does not currently exploit the use of the USN Journal.  We are
investigating comparable technologies to increase performance for backups.
That's about all I can say for now. Standard disclaimer applies here.


Mike Dile
Tivoli Storage Manager Client Development

Re: Backup System Object in Windows2000

2000-12-05 Thread Mike Dile

You'll have to wait for the v4.1.2 client (coming soon) to have the option
of specifying system objects as part of the domain statement for inclusion
in incremental processing.  In v3.7.2 and v4.1.1  you can schedule a
command file which includes the backup commands to process the system


Mike Dile
Tivoli Storage Manager Client Development

Re: Export of RSM Database

2000-12-07 Thread Mike Dile

Win32 return code 1058 is ERROR_SERVICE_DISABLED "The service cannot be
started, either because it is disabled or because it has no enabled devices
associated with it."  You might check the RSM service to make sure it is


Mike Dile
Tivoli Storage Manager Client Development

Re: Questions on scheduler TSM4.1.1 Windows Client

2000-12-07 Thread Mike Dile

The scheduler wizard on Windows 9x creates a .BAT file in the Startup
folder to launch sched95.exe.   sched95.exe imbeds the functionality of
dsmc schedule in a tray application. Witness the safe icon in the tray
which you may right-mouse-button click to see a popup menu allowing you to
stop or see the "about TSM scheduler" information.   This functionality was
developed in response to numerous customer requests--many users were simply
closing the command prompt window the launched dsmc sched or were confused
by the messages on shutdown that required a manual close of dsmc sched.

The command window you see with the title "Finished" that's requiring a
manual close is a bug that we hope to fix.  The fact that you cannot see
the countdown to next schedule when using the tray application is working
as designed.  sched95.exe is intended as a  set-it-and-forget-it
application.  I would submit that most novice users just want to have their
machine backed up without any intervention or awareness.  That being said,
if it rains fire on the listserv after I post this and a requirement is
submitted to add the time-to-next-schedule functionality into the tray
application,  we're certainly open to considering your needs.


Mike Dile
Tivoli Storage Manager Client Development

Re: Redbook for W2K - where are you ?

2000-12-20 Thread Mike Dile

The residency just completed and the material is being reviewed and edited.
Keep an eye on for publication SG246141.

Yes we're actively working on support for restore of inactive system
objects and providing the capability of assigning non-default management
classes to system objects.


Mike Dile
Tivoli Storage Manager Client Development

Windows 2000 Redirected Restore

2001-01-03 Thread Mike Dile


The current client (v4.1.2) does not support the restore of system objects
to an alternate destination.  This is a restriction documented in the


Mike Dile
Tivoli Storage Manager Client Development

Re: tsm client acceptor

2001-02-13 Thread Mike Dile

Beginning with TSM 4.1 and the use of Microsoft Installer,  the Web Client
and Scheduler services are not automatically configured at package
installation time.  They can either be configured via dsmcutil as was
mentioned in a previous post, or you can run the setup wizards from the
backup/archive GUI.


Mike Dile
Tivoli Storage Manager Client Development

Windows 2003 ASR

2003-08-14 Thread Mike Dile
You might also find the Tivoli technical field guide on ASR useful to
supplement the material in the 5.2 books. See "Tivoli Field Guide - Using
Microsoft Windows Automated System Recovery (ASR) to Recover Windows XP
and Windows 2003 Systems with the IBM Tivoli Storage Manager
Backup-Archive Client for Windows" at


Mike Dile
Tivoli Storage Manager Client Development
Tivoli Software, IBM Software Group

Anyone know where the following document referenced in the Ver 5.2 quick start is?

2003-09-04 Thread Mike Dile

The TSM Active Directory schema extension doc is available at this URL.


Mike Dile
Tivoli Storage Manager Client Development
Tivoli Software, IBM Software Group

BMR of an Active Directory serve

2003-09-17 Thread Mike Dile
You need to do the AD restore in AD repair mode.  You could perform the
entire restore scenario in AD repair mode.  TSM can handle the job as you
have described in your scenario.


Mike Dile
Tivoli Storage Manager Client Development
Tivoli Software, IBM Software Group

ASR and TSM server level required (was: Windows 2003 backup to 5.1.7 server)

2003-10-15 Thread Mike Dile
Just to clarify:

The use of TSM recovery with Windows ASR (Automated System Recovery)
delivered in the TSM v5.2.0 Windows client does *not* require a TSM v5.2.0
server.  ASR support is available for Windows XP and Windows 2003 Server

The use of Windows Volume Shadowcopy Services (VSS) to obtain system state
and services backups with the TSM v5.2.0 Windows client for Windows 2003
Server *does* require a TSM v5.2.0 server.

You can obtain system object backup of Windows 2003 Server using the
non-VSS legacy methods (just as was done in  Windows 2000) by using the
TSM v5.1.6 client to a 5.1.x server.


Mike Dile
Tivoli Storage Manager Client Development
Tivoli Software, IBM Software Group

Re: ASR and TSM server level required (was: Windows 2003 backup t o 5.1.7 server)

2003-10-17 Thread Mike Dile
The preferred way to handle Windows 2003 backup/recovery would be with the
v5.2 TSM client and server.  Obtaining coordinated system state component
consistency in backup utilizing VSS is a benefit using this combination of
software.  Another benefit is that you gain some relief from redundant
system file backup--the sysfiles component of system state is backed up
only if one of the system files changes.

Without specific details about the failures that others have mentioned I
do not know what would preclude a Windows 2000 type recovery scenario from
 working in a Windows 2003 scenario with TSM v5.1.6.x .


Mike Dile
Tivoli Storage Manager Client Development
Tivoli Software, IBM Software Group

AD Circular Logging and TSM backups

2003-11-18 Thread Mike Dile
The MS KB issue documented in 272425 is the reason why we specify the
following info in our readme and website
under "Client Requirements for Microsoft Windows" that "Windows 2000
Professional, Server, Advanced Server, or Datacenter Server GA, SP1, SP2
(SP2 required if Active Directory installed)"


Mike Dile
Tivoli Storage Manager Client Development
Tivoli Software, IBM Software Group


2003-11-18 Thread Mike Dile
The desktop.ini files in the locations you indicate should have been
restored with the "hidden" attribute set.   As Andy Raibeck indicated
there's an APAR in the works for that problem. You don't need to delete
the files.  You can hide the files again via attrib +h or the properties
tab of the explorer window when displaying the file properties.

For example say desktop.ini for "all users" start menu resides in
C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Start Menu, Open a command prompt
window, change directory to this directory and issue attrib +h
desktop.ini.  Same action needed for  C:\Documents and Settings\All
Users\Start Menu\Programs, and C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Start
Menu\Programs\Startup.  If this is happening for a specific user you may
need to perform the same action for C:\Documents and Settings\\Start Menu\.


Mike Dile
Tivoli Storage Manager Client Development
Tivoli Software, IBM Software Group

Re: W2K error "NtFrsApi" in dsmerror.log

2003-12-19 Thread Mike Dile
This message means that FRS (file replication services) is not
present/active on your system. This message can be ignored. In TSM 5.2.2
(forthcoming) these messages will no longer be logged to alleviate


Mike Dile
Tivoli Storage Manager Client Development
Tivoli Software, IBM Software Group

Full W2K Server restore

2003-12-24 Thread Mike Dile
You may wish to try this scenario with the TSM 5.2.2 client.  There were
fixes made to registry merge processing that may be related to the problem
you are experiencing.


Mike Dile
Tivoli Storage Manager Client Development
Tivoli Software, IBM Software Group

TSM 5.2. X Clients and Windows XP

2004-01-07 Thread Mike Dile
Based on what you've posted my best estimate of what's happening is that
the users in question are launch the TSM Web Client (not the Web Admin)
which requires a Java 2 plug-in.  Once the plug-in is downloaded and
installed there are likely some older Java applets that don't work with
the plug-in.  Case in point is the command line applet in the Web Admin.
So to switch between the two you have to alter the browser settings so do
de-select the Java 2 plug-in when you want to run an applet that does not
like Java 2.


Mike Dile
Tivoli Storage Manager Client Development
Tivoli Software, IBM Software Group

Re: Windows 2003 Bare Metal Restore

2004-02-04 Thread Mike Dile
In addition to the Redpaper previously cited, you can find information in
the appendix of the v5.2.2 revision of the  Windows - Backup-Archive
Clients Installation and User's Guide at
and also the Tivoli Field Guide - Using Microsoft Windows Automated System
Recovery (ASR) to Recover Windows XP and Windows 2003 Systems with the IBM
Tivoli Storage Manager Backup-Archive Client for Windows at


Mike Dile
Tivoli Storage Manager Client Development
Tivoli Software, IBM Software Group

TSM & Microsoft Windows .NET

2002-07-26 Thread Mike Dile

Windows .Net is not yet officially supported by TSM, though development is
actively working on it--witness the .Net references in the v5.1.0 Windows
doc that we didn't quite get removed when Microsoft slipped their GA date.
 As Mark Stapleton indicates it would hard to declare official
certification on an operating system that has not reached release
candidate status, let alone general public availability.

If you choose to try TSM on .Net you need to be aware that we have some
open bugs with Microsoft in the area of system object backup that are
being worked upon.  Behavior and stability in that area of Windows .Net
have been volatile in recent builds that we've obtained.  We've not noted
any problems with normal file backup/restore.


Mike Dile
Tivoli Storage Manager Client Development
Tivoli Software, IBM Software Group

resync backint and TSM

2016-10-28 Thread Mike Dile
I asked one of our ERP developers about your question. He says obsolete DP 
for SAP Oracle backups can be deleted with backfm. However it is 
recommended to use either profile parameter MAX_VERSIONS or to set the 
expiration in the management class/copy group.
Mike Dile
Development Manager, Spectrum Protect
IBM Systems, Storage
408.927.2082 (phone) | 408.891.0902 (mobile) | 408.927.2040 (fax)

Re: Microsoft SQL Server 2022

2023-04-07 Thread Mike Dile
DP SQL supports SQL 2022 as of  See

Mike Dile
Program Director, IBM Storage Defender
+1 408.891.0902 Mobile
+1 408.927.2082 Office