Re: Document storage (ignore the first paragraph if you like)

2012-06-06 Thread Zoltan Forray/AC/VCU

Can we see/have your script?  We came up with a similar solution and would
like to compare notes.  By san discovery, do you mean the TSM server

Zoltan Forray
TSM Software  Hardware Administrator
Virginia Commonwealth University
UCC/Office of Technology Services - 804-828-4807
Don't be a phishing victim - VCU and other reputable organizations will
never use email to request that you reply with your password, social
security number or confidential personal information. For more details

From:   Remco Post
Date:   06/06/2012 03:52 PM
Subject:Re: [ADSM-L] Document storage (ignore the first paragraph
if you like)
Sent by:ADSM: Dist Stor Manager ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU

regarding 3:

1- sandiscovery should help resolve this
2- to avoid sandiscovery I've created a shell script to rename the tape
devices based on serial or wwpn so each drive has the same name on every

On 6 jun. 2012, at 19:12, Alex Paschal wrote:

 Hi, Geoff.  Congrats.  Let's see if we can get you hitting the ground

 Because I'm often on customer computers without access to the Internet
from my own laptop, I Google:
 tivoli storage manager 6.3 information center
 I take the first option, and when the infocenter comes up, I click
Printable PDF documentation and download the pdfs to the customer's
workstation.  I use Firefox with DownloadThemAll to make it a pretty fast
and easy process.

 For the support site, I google:  tivoli storage manager support portal

 Maintenance and Patches are at:  Tivoli
Storage Management

 Library manager/client is pretty easy.  Here's the recipe.
 1) Configure server-to-server communications
 2)  Define library on library manager
a) define library lib1 libtype=scsi shared=yes
b) define path server1 lib1 as usual
c) define drive/path for all drives as usual
e) label/checkin libvol
 3) Look at the serial numbers or wwpns of the drives (q drive f=d)
 4) Configure each library client (e.g. server2)
a) define library lib1 libtype=shared primarylibmanager=server1
b) figure out which drives go with which rmts based on #3
c)  Log into server1, issue a bunch of define path statements for
d)  Test

 Some notes:
 On libmgr (server1), q libvol f=d, observe owner information
 update libvol A12345L5 owner=server2  (might be necessary some day)
 With libraries with many drives (VTLs) or clients, #3, #4b, and #4c are
best scripted.

 Once upon a time, running audit library from a library client would wipe
out all the owner information for all the libvols owned by other library
clients.  I don't know if that's been fixed.  Since then, I've just
created scripts to simply update libvol the owner information for all
the appropriate libvols if it was ever necessary.

 Good luck!

 On 6/6/2012 7:13 AM, Geoff Gill wrote:
 While I've interviewed for numerous positions the past 2 years, up
until now I had been passed over for someone with more recent
experience. So giving up a 5 day a week zamboni job with little pay and
5am start times was actually hard to do when I got the call, believe it or
not. It was also difficult leaving because the CHL team just added 4
retired NHL players as owners/coaches/team advisers, and a new coach,
which means this team is going to be even more competitive in the future.
Craig Ludwig, Richard Matvichuk (Assistant coach), Ed Belfour and Mike
Modano, Along with current owner Steve Duchesne, will bring real talent to
the team, which is the very reason I would prefer to be at the rink every
day instead of sitting at home.
 Anyway, I have just been given a 6 month engagement to help with TSM at
a local site here in Dallas. I get to work from home but currently do not
have a laptop or access to the environment. While waiting I've been asked
to brush up on TSM DB restores, which I have done on 5.5, and TSM Library
Manager/Lib Client configuration, which I am not familiar with, so I'm
looking for the current IBM document storage site, while looking for
responses I'll certainly look myself but wanted to try to make contact
with those of you familiar with the Library Manager. I don't have
information as to the version(s) of TSM I'll be dealing with but as I
recall the site, as it used to be configured, allowed you to select quite
easily. And while I've kept most of my notes from the past I don't have
links to those places I used to get information. Again, since I have never
worked with the TSM Library Manager/Lib Client config it's going to be
from scratch learning.
 Currently I only receive a single ADSM-L daily email, so I will
probably change that to get a more real time response update to questions
I might post.

 Please feel free to send me info or questions directly, email below,
off topic hockey questions are always welcome. I know Richard is quite
close to some 

Replacing tape drives with higher-capacity/different model

2012-06-04 Thread Zoltan Forray/AC/VCU
Our 3494 ATL has 15-drives,  5-TS1120 and 10-TS1130.

We have just purchased replacements/upgrades to replace the TS1120 with
TS1130 drives plus add 2-new drives.  We currently have 2-TS1120 drives
that are starting to act up and thus need to be yanked.  2-of my new
TS1130 drives have appeared.  So my thought is, why not just replace the
failing TS1120 with the new TS1130, since that is what he have planned,

My question is this.  Can I physically replace the drive, but not change
the device format (currently 3592-2C)  in the DEVCLASS, until a later date
when I reconfigure all of library (which requires a full teach/reconfig),
without any problems reading/writing to existing tapes.  My other thought
is to move an upgraded drive to my other TSM server which manages the
TS1130 drives.

You thoughts/suggestions?

Zoltan Forray
TSM Software  Hardware Administrator
Virginia Commonwealth University
UCC/Office of Technology Services - 804-828-4807
Don't be a phishing victim - VCU and other reputable organizations will
never use email to request that you reply with your password, social
security number or confidential personal information. For more details

What does volume status of OFFLINE mean/do?

2012-06-04 Thread Zoltan Forray/AC/VCU
A recent SAN system upgrade sort-of killed 19TB of storage volumes, making
them read only.

Since we are having pathing issues, plus we need to perform fsck on these
volumes due to the journal being screwed-up,  I wanted to disable use of
these disk volumes without killing the server, if possible.

When I look in the book for UPDATE VOLUME WHERESTATUS=OFFLINE,   all it
says is Update volumes with a status of OFFLINE .  What exactly does that
mean?  What happens to the contents?

Zoltan Forray
TSM Software  Hardware Administrator
Virginia Commonwealth University
UCC/Office of Technology Services - 804-828-4807
Don't be a phishing victim - VCU and other reputable organizations will
never use email to request that you reply with your password, social
security number or confidential personal information. For more details

Re: What does volume status of OFFLINE mean/do?

2012-06-04 Thread Zoltan Forray/AC/VCU
Thanks.  That pretty much confirms that OFFLINE is useless to me since I
don't want to loose the data, if at all possible.  19TB is a lot to
restore from dozens of offsite tapes.

Zoltan Forray
TSM Software  Hardware Administrator
Virginia Commonwealth University
UCC/Office of Technology Services - 804-828-4807
Don't be a phishing victim - VCU and other reputable organizations will
never use email to request that you reply with your password, social
security number or confidential personal information. For more details

From:   Rick Harderwijk
Date:   06/04/2012 10:55 AM
Subject:Re: [ADSM-L] What does volume status of OFFLINE mean/do?
Sent by:ADSM: Dist Stor Manager ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU


Update volume wherestatus=offline would mean to do something to volumes
that have a status of offline. I'd think you would have to use

update volume * access=unavailable wherestgpool=SANSTGVOLUMEPOOL

Output from help update volume:

   Specifies that neither client nodes nor server processes can
   access files stored on the volume.
   Before making a random access volume unavailable, you must vary
   the volume offline. After you make a random access volume
   unavailable, you cannot vary the volume online.
   If you make a sequential access volume unavailable, the server
   does not attempt to mount the volume.
   If the volume being updated is an empty scratch volume that had an
   access mode of offsite, the server deletes the volume from the


On Mon, Jun 4, 2012 at 4:42 PM, Zoltan Forray/AC/VCU

 A recent SAN system upgrade sort-of killed 19TB of storage volumes,
 them read only.

 Since we are having pathing issues, plus we need to perform fsck on
 volumes due to the journal being screwed-up,  I wanted to disable use of
 these disk volumes without killing the server, if possible.

 When I look in the book for UPDATE VOLUME WHERESTATUS=OFFLINE,   all it
 says is Update volumes with a status of OFFLINE .  What exactly does
 mean?  What happens to the contents?

 Zoltan Forray
 TSM Software  Hardware Administrator
 Virginia Commonwealth University
 UCC/Office of Technology Services - 804-828-4807
 Don't be a phishing victim - VCU and other reputable organizations will
 never use email to request that you reply with your password, social
 security number or confidential personal information. For more details

Re: Tsm versions in production

2012-05-25 Thread Zoltan Forray/AC/VCU
All of my 6.x servers are a mix of the levels you mentioned, all in
production. (RHEL5), (RHEL6), 6.2.4 (just upgraded
from, (RHEL6) and just put up my first on RHEL6  (saw too many discussions about 6.3.0 so jumped to the
latest before opening to users/production.  I am upgrading the remaining
6.2.3 to 6.2.4, soon, since I have seen a few minor issues addressed in
the latest and greatest 6.2).  Not quite ready to move/upgrade all 6.2 to
6.3 since there are still a few major bumps but they seem to be mostly
related to replication, which I currently don't have any plans for and
will wait until they get all the kinks worked out before I do.

I can't say I have seen any real stability issues, one way or the other.

Zoltan Forray
TSM Software  Hardware Administrator
Virginia Commonwealth University
UCC/Office of Technology Services - 804-828-4807
Don't be a phishing victim - VCU and other reputable organizations will
never use email to request that you reply with your password, social
security number or confidential personal information. For more details

From:   Lee, Gary
Date:   05/25/2012 01:34 PM
Subject:[ADSM-L] Tsm versions in production
Sent by:ADSM: Dist Stor Manager ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU

Anyone out there with 6.2.3, 6.2.4 or 6.3.x  in production?
I need to upgrade from 6.2.2, under RHEL 6, but don't want to be on the
bleeding edge.

Just looking for experiences to judge what will be the most stable.

Gary Lee
Senior System Programmer
Ball State University
phone: 765-285-1310

Re: Tsm 6.2.3 readme question

2012-05-25 Thread Zoltan Forray/AC/VCU
I didn't see/do anything special.  Just did the normal backupDB, volhist,
devconfig - shut down - ran ./install.bin -i console (I don't use the GUI
stuff much, if I can avoid it)

The readme for the level points to a generic installing a
Tivoli Storage Manager server fix pack page at:

Zoltan Forray
TSM Software  Hardware Administrator
Virginia Commonwealth University
UCC/Office of Technology Services - 804-828-4807
Don't be a phishing victim - VCU and other reputable organizations will
never use email to request that you reply with your password, social
security number or confidential personal information. For more details

From:   Lee, Gary
Date:   05/25/2012 01:50 PM
Subject:[ADSM-L] Tsm 6.2.3 readme question
Sent by:ADSM: Dist Stor Manager ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU

Went to check the readme for install procedures for 6.2.3 under RHEL 6.
However, clicking the link for the 6.2.3 readme just brings up an

So, what is the procedure for upgrading from 6.2.2 to 6.2.3?
I need to get the windows 2008 systemstate expiration fix (think its
77391) in soon. That is starting to kill us.

Thank you for your assistance.

Gary Lee
Senior System Programmer
Ball State University
phone: 765-285-1310

Re: SQL restore to a different machine

2012-05-22 Thread Zoltan Forray/AC/VCU
From my SQL guy:

Sure, we do it all the time.  32bit and 64bit and the version of SQL don't
matter as long as you're going up a version (you can't restore to a lower
version of SQL).  Same goes for TDP actually, as long as you're restoring
to a higher version it should be fine.  And if they don't want to use TSM,
they can always just do a native SQL backup, transfer the backup file,
then restore.

Zoltan Forray
TSM Software  Hardware Administrator
Virginia Commonwealth University
UCC/Office of Technology Services - 804-828-4807
Don't be a phishing victim - VCU and other reputable organizations will
never use email to request that you reply with your password, social
security number or confidential personal information. For more details

From:   BrentFortune
Date:   05/22/2012 12:23 PM
Subject:[ADSM-L] SQL restore to a different machine
Sent by:ADSM: Dist Stor Manager ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU

I would like to backup a SQL database on one machine then restore it to
amother machine.

The source server is Windows 2003 32-bit, SQL 2005, SQL TDP V5.5.1.0,
Baclient V5.5.1.0
Te destination server is Windows 2008 64-bit, SQL 2008, SQL TDP V5.5.5.0,
Baclient V6.2.2.0

Does anyone know if this is possible, if not, how can i plan for getting
the SQL 2005 databases to the SQL 2008 server.


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Neutering a test server

2012-05-14 Thread Zoltan Forray/AC/VCU
Recently, for migration/testing purposes,  I did a full conversion of a
5.5 server to 6.2 on my test TSM server.

I would like to continue using this server to test additional upgrades
without having to wipe and rebuild.

Unfortunately, since it is a copy of a real server, whenever I fire it up,
it keeps trying to reach out and touch other TSM servers that it has
definitions to (library manager, etc), thus producing constant error
messages due to invalid passwords, etc.

I am concerned if I play with it to do like things mass-deletes, etc,  it
will try to do things like purge/release tapes, etc.

Besides adding to DSMSERV.OPT:


What else can I do to neuter it to avoid possible problems?

In this same vein, is there a simple way to remove the current instance
and install/configure another one?

Zoltan Forray
TSM Software  Hardware Administrator
Virginia Commonwealth University
UCC/Office of Technology Services - 804-828-4807
Don't be a phishing victim - VCU and other reputable organizations will
never use email to request that you reply with your password, social
security number or confidential personal information. For more details

Re: Pct Migr=0.0, Caching=No but there is data in the disk stgpool

2012-05-09 Thread Zoltan Forray/AC/VCU
No, I did state that backups were hung/stuck and redirecting to tape  (and
I think a few failed)  because the stgpool volumes were all full but the
stgpool numbers (PctUtil said 30%) did not agree and therefore did not
kickoff migration which was set to 90/70 default.

I have since deleted the stgpool and recreated it to see if that would
help (vs what was transferred over during the migration/upgrade).  So far
both PctUtil and PctMigr are staying the same every time I have checked.

I saw the APAR you mentioned.  I think I will upgrade to 6.2.4, soon. Not
quite ready for 6.3 since other comments here seem to say there are
various issues still needing addressing.

Zoltan Forray
TSM Software  Hardware Administrator
Virginia Commonwealth University
UCC/Office of Technology Services - 804-828-4807
Don't be a phishing victim - VCU and other reputable organizations will
never use email to request that you reply with your password, social
security number or confidential personal information. For more details

From:   Andrew Raibeck
Date:   05/09/2012 11:58 AM
Subject:Re: [ADSM-L] Pct Migr=0.0, Caching=No but there is data in
the disk stgpool
Sent by:ADSM: Dist Stor Manager ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU


From  your description, it seems as if the only thing wrong is confusing
statistics. You haven't mentioned that other operations are failing due to
this issue.

APAR IC78241 bears a vague resemblance to this, though it is reported as
fixed in

If you haven't already opened a PMR with support, that would seem to be
next reasonable step.

Best regards,

Andy Raibeck
IBM Software Group
Tivoli Storage Manager Client Product Development
Level 3 Team Lead
Internal Notes e-mail: Andrew Raibeck/Hartford/IBM@IBMUS
Internet e-mail:

IBM Tivoli Storage Manager support web page:

ADSM: Dist Stor Manager wrote on 2012-05-08

 From: Zoltan Forray/AC/VCU
 Date: 2012-05-08 16:03
 Subject: Re: Pct Migr=0.0, Caching=No but there is data in the disk
 Sent by: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager

 This is becoming a constant, daily problem with both the storage pool
 volumes constantly changing %utilized as well as migratable.  Today, it
 showed 23% utilized and 100%migratable.  So, I figured I would
 empty all volumes and then delete/recreate the storagepool.  I had one
 volume that showed 77% used (note, there is no activity going on besides
 the moves for each individual volume - no sessions, no backups).
 showed 1-200M file (in a 300GB volume), so the math is completely wrong.
 So, I tried to movedata and it said there wasn't anything to move.  Then
 ran an AUDIT FIX=YES.  The audit report says  no problems

 5/8/2012 3:20:59 PM ANR4132I Audit volume process ended for volume
 /tsmpool/stg2.dsm; 1 files inspected, 0 damaged files deleted, 0 damaged
 files marked as damaged, 0 files previously marked as damaged reset to
 undamaged, 0 objects updated.

 But now the volume shows empty and the one file in there is gone...

 What the heck is going on here?  None of my other servers act like

 Is a server migration/upgrade/conversion that screwy?

 Zoltan Forray
 TSM Software  Hardware Administrator
 Virginia Commonwealth University
 UCC/Office of Technology Services - 804-828-4807
 Don't be a phishing victim - VCU and other reputable organizations will
 never use email to request that you reply with your password, social
 security number or confidential personal information. For more details

 From:   Zoltan Forray/AC/VCU
 Date:   05/03/2012 04:23 PM
 Subject:Re: [ADSM-L] Pct Migr=0.0, Caching=No but there is data
 the disk stgpool
 Sent by:ADSM: Dist Stor Manager ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU


 Yes the stgpool has thresholds set (see my original post/below).

 WHOA - Something just changed.   I have been running various move data
 to empty the individual volumes.  I just did a q stgpool and now it
 shows Pct Migr - 100%.

 Really bizzare...

 Zoltan Forray
 TSM Software  Hardware Administrator
 Virginia Commonwealth University
 UCC/Office of Technology Services - 804-828-4807
 Don't be a phishing victim - VCU and other reputable organizations will
 never use email to request that you reply with your password, social
 security number or confidential personal information. For more details

 From:   Shawn Drew
 Date:   05/03/2012 03:07 PM
 Subject:Re: [ADSM-L

Re: Pct Migr=0.0, Caching=No but there is data in the disk stgpool

2012-05-08 Thread Zoltan Forray/AC/VCU
This is becoming a constant, daily problem with both the storage pool and
volumes constantly changing %utilized as well as migratable.  Today, it
showed 23% utilized and 100%migratable.  So, I figured I would completely
empty all volumes and then delete/recreate the storagepool.  I had one
volume that showed 77% used (note, there is no activity going on besides
the moves for each individual volume - no sessions, no backups).  Contents
showed 1-200M file (in a 300GB volume), so the math is completely wrong.
So, I tried to movedata and it said there wasn't anything to move.  Then I
ran an AUDIT FIX=YES.  The audit report says  no problems

5/8/2012 3:20:59 PM ANR4132I Audit volume process ended for volume
/tsmpool/stg2.dsm; 1 files inspected, 0 damaged files deleted, 0 damaged
files marked as damaged, 0 files previously marked as damaged reset to
undamaged, 0 objects updated.

But now the volume shows empty and the one file in there is gone...

What the heck is going on here?  None of my other servers act like

Is a server migration/upgrade/conversion that screwy?

Zoltan Forray
TSM Software  Hardware Administrator
Virginia Commonwealth University
UCC/Office of Technology Services - 804-828-4807
Don't be a phishing victim - VCU and other reputable organizations will
never use email to request that you reply with your password, social
security number or confidential personal information. For more details

From:   Zoltan Forray/AC/VCU
Date:   05/03/2012 04:23 PM
Subject:Re: [ADSM-L] Pct Migr=0.0, Caching=No but there is data in
the disk stgpool
Sent by:ADSM: Dist Stor Manager ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU


Yes the stgpool has thresholds set (see my original post/below).

WHOA - Something just changed.   I have been running various move data
to empty the individual volumes.  I just did a q stgpool and now it
shows Pct Migr - 100%.

Really bizzare...

Zoltan Forray
TSM Software  Hardware Administrator
Virginia Commonwealth University
UCC/Office of Technology Services - 804-828-4807
Don't be a phishing victim - VCU and other reputable organizations will
never use email to request that you reply with your password, social
security number or confidential personal information. For more details

From:   Shawn Drew
Date:   05/03/2012 03:07 PM
Subject:Re: [ADSM-L] Pct Migr=0.0, Caching=No but there is data in
the disk stgpool
Sent by:ADSM: Dist Stor Manager ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU

What is the syntax of the migrate stg command you are using?  Are you
specifying a low setting? or letting it use the storage pool thresholds?
 (i.e. try it, specifying low=0 if not)


Shawn Drew


05/03/2012 02:25 PM
Please respond to


Re: [ADSM-L] Pct Migr=0.0, Caching=No but there is data in the disk

I thought about that too (should have mentioned it).  We just recently
rebooted the server (network issue - don't ask...) and there are no
active backups/sessions.  No processes other than the movedata I just
started.  I did a Q CONTENT and all of the disk volumes show something in
them from dozens of different nodes.

Zoltan Forray
TSM Software  Hardware Administrator
Virginia Commonwealth University
UCC/Office of Technology Services - 804-828-4807
Don't be a phishing victim - VCU and other reputable organizations will
never use email to request that you reply with your password, social
security number or confidential personal information. For more details

From:   Shawn Drew
Date:   05/03/2012 02:22 PM
Subject:Re: [ADSM-L] Pct Migr=0.0, Caching=No but there is data in
the disk stgpool
Sent by:ADSM: Dist Stor Manager ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU

I've seen this when there is a current backup active and that's nodes
files are the only ones in the disk pool.
do a q se and see if anything is active.


Shawn Drew


05/03/2012 01:37 PM
Please respond to


[ADSM-L] Pct Migr=0.0, Caching=No but there is data in the disk stgpool

I have a very odd situation on my new Linux server/disk pool, as
described in the subject.

Here is the Q STGPOOL

1:30:21 PM   FIREBALL : q stg backuppool f=d
Storage Pool Name: BACKUPPOOL
Storage Pool Type: Primary
Device Class Name: DISK

Re: Upgrading to 6.3: can I restore my 6.2.3 DB after installation

2012-05-07 Thread Zoltan Forray/AC/VCU
Well, it did it again.

Over the weekend, things got all hung up due to nodes not being able to
backup to the disk LZ (all the tape drives were busy).  Q STG showed 22%
migratable but 100% utilized so the hi/lo values never kicked in for

What the heck is going on.  None of my other servers behave like
this.  Just this one that was upgraded from 5.5.

Zoltan Forray
TSM Software  Hardware Administrator
Virginia Commonwealth University
UCC/Office of Technology Services - 804-828-4807
Don't be a phishing victim - VCU and other reputable organizations will
never use email to request that you reply with your password, social
security number or confidential personal information. For more details

From:   Jo Lay
Date:   05/04/2012 05:27 PM
Subject:Re: [ADSM-L] Upgrading to 6.3: can I restore my 6.2.3 DB
after installation
Sent by:ADSM: Dist Stor Manager ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU


You will have to install the 6.2.3 first on your 64 bits system and then
restore DB. Then , upgrade to 6.3.1. Please make sure you save a copy of
volume history file for 6.2.3.
We changed format of the volume history file with 6.3. The volume history
file in 6.3 can not be used to restore DB into 6.2 or 6.1.


Jo Lay
Tivoli Storage Products, IBM Software Group
Phone: 408-997-7999

Re: Upgrading to 6.3: can I restore my 6.2.3 DB after installation

2012-05-07 Thread Zoltan Forray/AC/VCU
This is getting even more bizarre - now it shows 47% utilized and 100%
Migratable?   All of my other 6.x server show both of these numbers
approximately the same, not such wide swings and crazy numbers.

Sounds like some kind of bug due to the conversion from 5.5 to -
anyone have any suggestions what to Goog?  Everything I have found so far
is the opposite of my experiences and usually related to the cache
setting, which is NO for me and has always been NO!

Zoltan Forray
TSM Software  Hardware Administrator
Virginia Commonwealth University
UCC/Office of Technology Services - 804-828-4807
Don't be a phishing victim - VCU and other reputable organizations will
never use email to request that you reply with your password, social
security number or confidential personal information. For more details

From:   Zoltan Forray/AC/VCU
Date:   05/07/2012 08:42 AM
Subject:Re: [ADSM-L] Upgrading to 6.3: can I restore my 6.2.3 DB
after installation
Sent by:ADSM: Dist Stor Manager ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU

Well, it did it again.

Over the weekend, things got all hung up due to nodes not being able to
backup to the disk LZ (all the tape drives were busy).  Q STG showed 22%
migratable but 100% utilized so the hi/lo values never kicked in for

What the heck is going on.  None of my other servers behave like
this.  Just this one that was upgraded from 5.5.

Zoltan Forray
TSM Software  Hardware Administrator
Virginia Commonwealth University
UCC/Office of Technology Services - 804-828-4807
Don't be a phishing victim - VCU and other reputable organizations will
never use email to request that you reply with your password, social
security number or confidential personal information. For more details

From:   Jo Lay
Date:   05/04/2012 05:27 PM
Subject:Re: [ADSM-L] Upgrading to 6.3: can I restore my 6.2.3 DB
after installation
Sent by:ADSM: Dist Stor Manager ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU


You will have to install the 6.2.3 first on your 64 bits system and then
restore DB. Then , upgrade to 6.3.1. Please make sure you save a copy of
volume history file for 6.2.3.
We changed format of the volume history file with 6.3. The volume history
file in 6.3 can not be used to restore DB into 6.2 or 6.1.


Jo Lay
Tivoli Storage Products, IBM Software Group
Phone: 408-997-7999

Pct Migr=0.0, Caching=No but there is data in the disk stgpool

2012-05-03 Thread Zoltan Forray/AC/VCU
I have a very odd situation on my new Linux server/disk pool, as
described in the subject.

Here is the Q STGPOOL

1:30:21 PM   FIREBALL : q stg backuppool f=d
Storage Pool Name: BACKUPPOOL
Storage Pool Type: Primary
Device Class Name: DISK
   Estimated Capacity: 5,238 G
   Space Trigger Util: 77.4
 Pct Util: 77.4
 Pct Migr: 0.0
  Pct Logical: 100.0
 High Mig Pct: 90
  Low Mig Pct: 50
  Migration Delay: 0
   Migration Continue: Yes
  Migration Processes: 2
Reclamation Processes:
Next Storage Pool: TS1120
 Reclaim Storage Pool:
   Maximum Size Threshold: No Limit
   Access: Read/Write
Overflow Location:
Cache Migrated Files?: No
Reclamation Threshold:
Offsite Reclamation Limit:
  Maximum Scratch Volumes Allowed:
   Number of Scratch Volumes Used:
Delay Period for Volume Reuse:
   Migration in Progress?: No
 Amount Migrated (MB): 0.00
 Elapsed Migration Time (seconds): 0
 Reclamation in Progress?:
   Last Update by (administrator): ZFORRAY
Last Update Date/Time: 04/27/2012 06:25:02
 Storage Pool Data Format: Native
 Copy Storage Pool(s):
  Active Data Pool(s):
  Continue Copy on Error?: Yes
 CRC Data: No
 Reclamation Type:
  Overwrite Data when Deleted:

It says 77% utilized but nothing migratable.  Trying to MIG STGPOOL says
nothing to migrate yet doing a BACKUP STGPOOL is running and backing up.
 I did an audit on one of the disk volumes and it said yup - there is
something in there and it is OK/no problems.

As you can see, caching is NOT turned on (never have used that feature -
usually too much traffic flowing through to make it of any value).and
what is with the Pct Logical is 100%?

This is a server I upgraded from 5.5.  The disk pools were recreated from
scratch so it's not like there was anything left behind..

Zoltan Forray
TSM Software  Hardware Administrator
Virginia Commonwealth University
UCC/Office of Technology Services - 804-828-4807
Don't be a phishing victim - VCU and other reputable organizations will
never use email to request that you reply with your password, social
security number or confidential personal information. For more details

Re: Pct Migr=0.0, Caching=No but there is data in the disk stgpool

2012-05-03 Thread Zoltan Forray/AC/VCU
I thought about that too (should have mentioned it).  We just recently
rebooted the server (network issue - don't ask...) and there are no
active backups/sessions.  No processes other than the movedata I just
started.  I did a Q CONTENT and all of the disk volumes show something in
them from dozens of different nodes.

Zoltan Forray
TSM Software  Hardware Administrator
Virginia Commonwealth University
UCC/Office of Technology Services - 804-828-4807
Don't be a phishing victim - VCU and other reputable organizations will
never use email to request that you reply with your password, social
security number or confidential personal information. For more details

From:   Shawn Drew
Date:   05/03/2012 02:22 PM
Subject:Re: [ADSM-L] Pct Migr=0.0, Caching=No but there is data in
the disk stgpool
Sent by:ADSM: Dist Stor Manager ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU

I've seen this when there is a current backup active and that's nodes
files are the only ones in the disk pool.
do a q se and see if anything is active.


Shawn Drew


05/03/2012 01:37 PM
Please respond to


[ADSM-L] Pct Migr=0.0, Caching=No but there is data in the disk stgpool

I have a very odd situation on my new Linux server/disk pool, as
described in the subject.

Here is the Q STGPOOL

1:30:21 PM   FIREBALL : q stg backuppool f=d
Storage Pool Name: BACKUPPOOL
Storage Pool Type: Primary
Device Class Name: DISK
   Estimated Capacity: 5,238 G
   Space Trigger Util: 77.4
 Pct Util: 77.4
 Pct Migr: 0.0
  Pct Logical: 100.0
 High Mig Pct: 90
  Low Mig Pct: 50
  Migration Delay: 0
   Migration Continue: Yes
  Migration Processes: 2
Reclamation Processes:
Next Storage Pool: TS1120
 Reclaim Storage Pool:
   Maximum Size Threshold: No Limit
   Access: Read/Write
Overflow Location:
Cache Migrated Files?: No
Reclamation Threshold:
Offsite Reclamation Limit:
  Maximum Scratch Volumes Allowed:
   Number of Scratch Volumes Used:
Delay Period for Volume Reuse:
   Migration in Progress?: No
 Amount Migrated (MB): 0.00
 Elapsed Migration Time (seconds): 0
 Reclamation in Progress?:
   Last Update by (administrator): ZFORRAY
Last Update Date/Time: 04/27/2012 06:25:02
 Storage Pool Data Format: Native
 Copy Storage Pool(s):
  Active Data Pool(s):
  Continue Copy on Error?: Yes
 CRC Data: No
 Reclamation Type:
  Overwrite Data when Deleted:

It says 77% utilized but nothing migratable.  Trying to MIG STGPOOL says
nothing to migrate yet doing a BACKUP STGPOOL is running and backing up.
 I did an audit on one of the disk volumes and it said yup - there is
something in there and it is OK/no problems.

As you can see, caching is NOT turned on (never have used that feature -
usually too much traffic flowing through to make it of any value).and
what is with the Pct Logical is 100%?

This is a server I upgraded from 5.5.  The disk pools were recreated from
scratch so it's not like there was anything left behind..

Zoltan Forray
TSM Software  Hardware Administrator
Virginia Commonwealth University
UCC/Office of Technology Services - 804-828-4807
Don't be a phishing victim - VCU and other reputable organizations will
never use email to request that you reply with your password, social
security number or confidential personal information. For more details

This message and any attachments (the message) is intended solely for
the addressees and is confidential. If you receive this message in error,
please delete it and immediately notify the sender. Any use not in accord
with its purpose, any dissemination or disclosure, either whole or
is prohibited except formal approval. The internet can not guarantee the
integrity of this message. BNP PARIBAS (and its subsidiaries) shall (will)
not therefore be liable for the message if modified. Please note that
functions and services for BNP Paribas may be performed by BNP Paribas
RCC, Inc.

Re: Pct Migr=0.0, Caching=No but there is data in the disk stgpool

2012-05-03 Thread Zoltan Forray/AC/VCU

Yes the stgpool has thresholds set (see my original post/below).

WHOA - Something just changed.   I have been running various move data
to empty the individual volumes.  I just did a q stgpool and now it
shows Pct Migr - 100%.

Really bizzare...

Zoltan Forray
TSM Software  Hardware Administrator
Virginia Commonwealth University
UCC/Office of Technology Services - 804-828-4807
Don't be a phishing victim - VCU and other reputable organizations will
never use email to request that you reply with your password, social
security number or confidential personal information. For more details

From:   Shawn Drew
Date:   05/03/2012 03:07 PM
Subject:Re: [ADSM-L] Pct Migr=0.0, Caching=No but there is data in
the disk stgpool
Sent by:ADSM: Dist Stor Manager ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU

What is the syntax of the migrate stg command you are using?  Are you
specifying a low setting? or letting it use the storage pool thresholds?
 (i.e. try it, specifying low=0 if not)


Shawn Drew


05/03/2012 02:25 PM
Please respond to


Re: [ADSM-L] Pct Migr=0.0, Caching=No but there is data in the disk

I thought about that too (should have mentioned it).  We just recently
rebooted the server (network issue - don't ask...) and there are no
active backups/sessions.  No processes other than the movedata I just
started.  I did a Q CONTENT and all of the disk volumes show something in
them from dozens of different nodes.

Zoltan Forray
TSM Software  Hardware Administrator
Virginia Commonwealth University
UCC/Office of Technology Services - 804-828-4807
Don't be a phishing victim - VCU and other reputable organizations will
never use email to request that you reply with your password, social
security number or confidential personal information. For more details

From:   Shawn Drew
Date:   05/03/2012 02:22 PM
Subject:Re: [ADSM-L] Pct Migr=0.0, Caching=No but there is data in
the disk stgpool
Sent by:ADSM: Dist Stor Manager ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU

I've seen this when there is a current backup active and that's nodes
files are the only ones in the disk pool.
do a q se and see if anything is active.


Shawn Drew


05/03/2012 01:37 PM
Please respond to


[ADSM-L] Pct Migr=0.0, Caching=No but there is data in the disk stgpool

I have a very odd situation on my new Linux server/disk pool, as
described in the subject.

Here is the Q STGPOOL

1:30:21 PM   FIREBALL : q stg backuppool f=d
Storage Pool Name: BACKUPPOOL
Storage Pool Type: Primary
Device Class Name: DISK
   Estimated Capacity: 5,238 G
   Space Trigger Util: 77.4
 Pct Util: 77.4
 Pct Migr: 0.0
  Pct Logical: 100.0
 High Mig Pct: 90
  Low Mig Pct: 50
  Migration Delay: 0
   Migration Continue: Yes
  Migration Processes: 2
Reclamation Processes:
Next Storage Pool: TS1120
 Reclaim Storage Pool:
   Maximum Size Threshold: No Limit
   Access: Read/Write
Overflow Location:
Cache Migrated Files?: No
Reclamation Threshold:
Offsite Reclamation Limit:
  Maximum Scratch Volumes Allowed:
   Number of Scratch Volumes Used:
Delay Period for Volume Reuse:
   Migration in Progress?: No
 Amount Migrated (MB): 0.00
 Elapsed Migration Time (seconds): 0
 Reclamation in Progress?:
   Last Update by (administrator): ZFORRAY
Last Update Date/Time: 04/27/2012 06:25:02
 Storage Pool Data Format: Native
 Copy Storage Pool(s):
  Active Data Pool(s):
  Continue Copy on Error?: Yes
 CRC Data: No
 Reclamation Type:
  Overwrite Data when Deleted:

It says 77% utilized but nothing migratable.  Trying to MIG STGPOOL says
nothing to migrate yet doing a BACKUP STGPOOL is running and backing up.
 I did an audit on one of the disk volumes and it said yup - there is

Re: server to server dbbackup

2012-05-01 Thread Zoltan Forray/AC/VCU
First define the server-to-server connection.  Be sure to define it as a
node for the virtual-volumesfor the server you want to backup (source).

Source Server
DEFINE SERVER HADES serverpa=*** hla=IP-address-or-DNS lla=1500 pa=***
del=0 noden=HADES

Then do the same in reverse from the target server  Node would be optional
unless you want to backup both directions:

Target Server
DEFINE SERVER EARTH serverpa=*** hla=IP-address-or-DNS lla=1500  del=0

On the target, define the node but be sure to define it as a SERVER, not
CLIENT.  Also, you will need an appropriate PD/PS/ManagementClass with an
ARCHIVE copygroup since the backups are actually ARCHIVES.

Target Server
REGISTER NODE HADES ***  archdel=YES type=Server backdel=YES dom=STANDARD

On the Source server, define the DEVCLASS with devtype=server  pointing to
the Target server

Source Server
DEFINE DEVCLASS HADES devt=server servern=EARTH maxcap=50G prefix=ADSM
mountr=60 mountl=1 retryp=10 retryi=30

If all goes well, the next step your the backup.

Source Server


Zoltan Forray
TSM Software  Hardware Administrator
Virginia Commonwealth University
UCC/Office of Technology Services - 804-828-4807
Don't be a phishing victim - VCU and other reputable organizations will
never use email to request that you reply with your password, social
security number or confidential personal information. For more details

From:   Tim Brown
Date:   05/01/2012 12:01 PM
Subject:Re: [ADSM-L] server to server dbbackup
Sent by:ADSM: Dist Stor Manager ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU

Can someone share the basic definitions, dev classes, storage pools
To accomplish this , I am under the little hard to understand category.
I must be missing some pieces.



-Original Message-
From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU] On Behalf Of
Keith Arbogast
Sent: Tuesday, 01 May, 2012 8:01 AM
Subject: Re: server to server dbbackup

Can tsm 6.3 be used to backup servera database to a location on another
tsm server serverb

We have been writing full backups to a virtual volume pool on a remote
server for several years using server-to-server communication. The setup
is a little hard to understand, but easy to do.

Best wishes,
Keith Arbogast

Re: server to server dbbackup

2012-04-30 Thread Zoltan Forray/AC/VCU
V5.5 (and probably older - I don't have anything older) and higher have
always been able to do this..   I have 5-onsite servers that daily do a
SNAPSHOT backup of the database (plus other things like devconfig, volhist
but that is another story) to an offsite TSM server that does nothing but
hold 2-days DB backups and the config files.

Zoltan Forray
TSM Software  Hardware Administrator
Virginia Commonwealth University
UCC/Office of Technology Services - 804-828-4807
Don't be a phishing victim - VCU and other reputable organizations will
never use email to request that you reply with your password, social
security number or confidential personal information. For more details

From:   Tim Brown
Date:   04/30/2012 01:22 PM
Subject:[ADSM-L] server to server dbbackup
Sent by:ADSM: Dist Stor Manager ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU

Can tsm 6.3 be used to backup servera database to a location on another
tsm server serverb


Tim Brown
Supervisor Computer Operations

Central Hudson Gas  Electric
284 South Ave
Poughkeepsie, NY 12601
Phone: 845-486-5643
Fax: 845-486-5921
Cell: 845-235-4255

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replying to this note and deleting all copies and attachments.

Re: V5.5 - V6.2.3 Move - Chicken-and-Egg Question

2012-04-25 Thread Zoltan Forray/AC/VCU
No, I will not be running both at the same time.  I will perform the full
DB back as the last task (along with backup devconfig, volhist, etc) and
disconnect old server from the network.

I wonder if I change the IP and hostname on the new server to the same as
the old BEFORE restoring the DB, will it simply see it as the same and not
need the token updated?

Zoltan Forray
TSM Software  Hardware Administrator
Virginia Commonwealth University
UCC/Office of Technology Services - 804-828-4807
Don't be a phishing victim - VCU and other reputable organizations will
never use email to request that you reply with your password, social
security number or confidential personal information. For more details

From:   Shawn Drew
Date:   04/25/2012 11:20 AM
Subject:Re: [ADSM-L] V5.5 - V6.2.3 Move - Chicken-and-Egg
Sent by:ADSM: Dist Stor Manager ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU

The server definitions exist in the devconfig along with any other devices
you might want to store your database backup.   You shouldn't have to
redefine it on the new server.

If you are testing with server-server, starting up the restored server in
the same server-network while the old one is still running could mess with
the current server registrations/passwords.  You might have to run some
update server xx forcesync=yes commands if you run into authentication
issues after you test.

Something I might try..   Build the new server with an empty database and
new server name.  Configure all the server-server communications, backup
the devconfig then halt.
Use the devconfig output and copy the lines with the new server
definitions.  edit the devconfig file you are bringing over with the db
backup and insert these lines (replacing the older server definitions)

I would still look for an alternate way to store your DB backup.  Maybe an
NFS share or something.


Shawn Drew


04/25/2012 10:46 AM
Please respond to


Re: [ADSM-L] V5.5 - V6.2.3 Move - Chicken-and-Egg Question

On 04/23/2012 02:21 PM, Shawn Drew wrote:
 Why wouldn't you use tape for the DB backup/restore.  Seems like that
 would be faster and easier than using a remote server-server connection.

My reason for that was thus:  In order to let the new server access the
tapes for DB restore, I must let the new server access the tapes. :)   I
didn't want to let that happen at all, at all; so I stuck the backup on
media which I could offer the new server without endangering the 'old'
(i.e. still live production) server.

 Another option is just halting TSM and rsyncing the db/log volumes over
 the new location, assuming it is the same path on the new server.

Works for the final exercise, but not for testing.

- Allen S. Rout

This message and any attachments (the message) is intended solely for
the addressees and is confidential. If you receive this message in error,
please delete it and immediately notify the sender. Any use not in accord
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integrity of this message. BNP PARIBAS (and its subsidiaries) shall (will)
not therefore be liable for the message if modified. Please note that
functions and services for BNP Paribas may be performed by BNP Paribas
RCC, Inc.

Re: V5.5 - V6.2.3 Move - Chicken-and-Egg Question

2012-04-24 Thread Zoltan Forray/AC/VCU

Thank you for this important info.  I was not aware of this
situation/problem.  I will rename the server BEFORE I install DB2/V6.  I
will save your procedure in case this comes up in the future.

Zoltan Forray
TSM Software  Hardware Administrator
Virginia Commonwealth University
UCC/Office of Technology Services - 804-828-4807
Don't be a phishing victim - VCU and other reputable organizations will
never use email to request that you reply with your password, social
security number or confidential personal information. For more details

From:   Chavdar Cholev
Date:   04/24/2012 10:08 AM
Subject:Re: [ADSM-L] V5.5 - V6.2.3 Move - Chicken-and-Egg
Sent by:ADSM: Dist Stor Manager ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU

Hi Zoltan
If you change the hostname of the TSM after you install TSM 6 (DB2)
there is an issue  ...
here is steps how to fix it, if you REALLY need to change the hostname
of TSM server AFTER installation of TSM v6.x
1disable client sessions
2Backup TSM DB type=full
3Halt TSM server
4Set TSM service to maunal
5Stop DB2 instance
6Stop DB2 admin server
7Open DB2 command prompt and execure:
   db2set -g DB2SYSTEM=new_host_name
   db2set -g DB2_EXTSECURITY=NO  switch back
after reboot
8Execute db2set -all to check settings
9Change Windows system name to new_host_name
10   Reboot Server
11   Stop DB2 instance
12   Stop DB2 admin server
13   Execute:
  C:\Program Files\Tivoli\TSM\db2\BINdb2set
  C:\Program Files\Tivoli\TSM\db2\BINdb2set
14   Check settings == db2set -all
15   Execute
   C:\Program Files\Tivoli\TSM\db2\BINdb2set -g
16   Reboot Server
17   Start TSM server
18   Change TSM service to authomatic
19   Edit dsm.opt file to reflect new hostname
20   Enabel sessions == enable ses

Best Regards

On Mon, Apr 23, 2012 at 6:31 PM, Zoltan Forray/AC/VCU
 I am having difficulty reconciling which order to do what based on
 documentation that says not to do it the way I have/need to do it.  I am
 getting ready to do a complete migration from an old 5.5 server (Linux)
 a brand new box (both hardware and OS).

 I need to restore the 5.5 DB, volhist, devconfig and dsmserv.opt to the
 new box so I can do the conversion to 6.2.3.

 Problem is this.the DB backup will be on an offsite TSM
 server, so server-to-server communications is required.

 To establish the server-to-server connection from the brand new 5.5
 install and the offsite backup server, I need to bring up the new,
 5.5 instance and do an DEFINE SERVER   FORCESYNC=YES.

 The Administrator Guide section on Recovering Your Server Using
 Backups - Restoring a Database to a Point-In-Time says that after
 formatting the log and database files and BEFORE the dsmserv restore:

 Attention: Do not start the server until after you restore the database
 (the next step). Starting the server before the restore would destroy
 existing volume history files.

 But since I have to start the new server to define the connection so I
 restore the database  Or am I simply reading this wrong and they
 are assuming the volhist on the machine I am restoring to has the
 volhist (which it wouldn't, at this point).

 So, should I simply ignore this and restore the DB and then replace the
 volhist/devconfig/dsmserv.opt files on the restored server with the
 originals from the server I am replacing/upgrading after I restore the
 and before performing the upgrade?

 As you can tell, this is my first total server upgrade/replacement, so I
 am getting anxious about the details/processes/steps.

 My current steps are:

 Original Server:
 1.  Disable client sessions, stop all admin schedules
 2.  Empty and delete ALL disk volumes
 3.  Backup DB, volhist, devconfig, dsmserv.opt  and HALT server

 New Server:
 1.  Install - define/format DB volumes
 2.  Bring up server and define connection to offsite server with DB
 3.  Restore DB
 4.  Replace volhist, devconfig, dsmserv.opt from backups of original
 5.  Install 6.2.3
 6.  Run /opt/tivoli/tsm/server/bin/dsmupgdx to prepare, convert and
 5.5 DB into 6.2.3 instance
 7.  Change hostname and IP addresses to that of old 5.5 server
 8.  Bring up 6.2.3 - redefine disk storage volumes - update server

V5.5 - V6.2.3 Move - Chicken-and-Egg Question

2012-04-23 Thread Zoltan Forray/AC/VCU
I am having difficulty reconciling which order to do what based on
documentation that says not to do it the way I have/need to do it.  I am
getting ready to do a complete migration from an old 5.5 server (Linux) to
a brand new box (both hardware and OS).

I need to restore the 5.5 DB, volhist, devconfig and dsmserv.opt to the
new box so I can do the conversion to 6.2.3.

Problem is this.the DB backup will be on an offsite TSM
server, so server-to-server communications is required.

To establish the server-to-server connection from the brand new 5.5
install and the offsite backup server, I need to bring up the new, virgin
5.5 instance and do an DEFINE SERVER   FORCESYNC=YES.

The Administrator Guide section on Recovering Your Server Using Database
Backups - Restoring a Database to a Point-In-Time says that after
formatting the log and database files and BEFORE the dsmserv restore:

Attention: Do not start the server until after you restore the database
(the next step). Starting the server before the restore would destroy any
existing volume history files.

But since I have to start the new server to define the connection so I can
restore the database  Or am I simply reading this wrong and they
are assuming the volhist on the machine I am restoring to has the original
volhist (which it wouldn't, at this point).

So, should I simply ignore this and restore the DB and then replace the
volhist/devconfig/dsmserv.opt files on the restored server with the
originals from the server I am replacing/upgrading after I restore the DB
and before performing the upgrade?

As you can tell, this is my first total server upgrade/replacement, so I
am getting anxious about the details/processes/steps.

My current steps are:

Original Server:
1.  Disable client sessions, stop all admin schedules
2.  Empty and delete ALL disk volumes
3.  Backup DB, volhist, devconfig, dsmserv.opt  and HALT server

New Server:
1.  Install - define/format DB volumes
2.  Bring up server and define connection to offsite server with DB backup
3.  Restore DB
4.  Replace volhist, devconfig, dsmserv.opt from backups of original
5.  Install 6.2.3
6.  Run /opt/tivoli/tsm/server/bin/dsmupgdx to prepare, convert and insert
5.5 DB into 6.2.3 instance
7.  Change hostname and IP addresses to that of old 5.5 server
8.  Bring up 6.2.3 - redefine disk storage volumes - update server -
forceresync other, library manager servers - update paths

Thoughts, suggestions, ideas, corrections?

Zoltan Forray
TSM Software  Hardware Administrator
Virginia Commonwealth University
UCC/Office of Technology Services - 804-828-4807
Don't be a phishing victim - VCU and other reputable organizations will
never use email to request that you reply with your password, social
security number or confidential personal information. For more details

Re: V5.5 - V6.2.3 Move - Chicken-and-Egg Question

2012-04-23 Thread Zoltan Forray/AC/VCU
Thanks for the thoughts/idea.  Neither the original nor new/replacement
server have SAN/fibre connections other than tape drives, so I can not use
this method.  But the basics of what I am doing is the same so if the new
server doesn't work-out, I can switch networking back to the old.

Zoltan Forray
TSM Software  Hardware Administrator
Virginia Commonwealth University
UCC/Office of Technology Services - 804-828-4807
Don't be a phishing victim - VCU and other reputable organizations will
never use email to request that you reply with your password, social
security number or confidential personal information. For more details

From:   Huebner,Andy,FORT WORTH,IT
Date:   04/23/2012 11:48 AM
Subject:Re: [ADSM-L] V5.5 - V6.2.3 Move - Chicken-and-Egg
Sent by:ADSM: Dist Stor Manager ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU

What I have been doing to test the upgrade is get TSM to a quiet state and
run a DB backup to a file device class.  Then I can use my favorite method
of giving that disk to the new server.  In my case I use the disk array to
copy the disk.  Then I copy the volhist, devconfig and dsmserv.opt to the
new server and run a restore/upgrade.
The upside of what I am doing is a completely untouched TSM server in case
the upgrade goes bad.  The downside is you need a SAN admin. ( I am that
I have not tried the method you are describing so I cannot help with the

Hope that helps...

Andy Huebner

-Original Message-
From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU] On Behalf Of
Zoltan Forray/AC/VCU
Sent: Monday, April 23, 2012 10:32 AM
Subject: [ADSM-L] V5.5 - V6.2.3 Move - Chicken-and-Egg Question

I am having difficulty reconciling which order to do what based on
documentation that says not to do it the way I have/need to do it.  I am
getting ready to do a complete migration from an old 5.5 server (Linux) to
a brand new box (both hardware and OS).

I need to restore the 5.5 DB, volhist, devconfig and dsmserv.opt to the
new box so I can do the conversion to 6.2.3.

Problem is this.the DB backup will be on an offsite TSM
server, so server-to-server communications is required.

To establish the server-to-server connection from the brand new 5.5
install and the offsite backup server, I need to bring up the new, virgin
5.5 instance and do an DEFINE SERVER   FORCESYNC=YES.

The Administrator Guide section on Recovering Your Server Using Database
Backups - Restoring a Database to a Point-In-Time says that after
formatting the log and database files and BEFORE the dsmserv restore:

Attention: Do not start the server until after you restore the database
(the next step). Starting the server before the restore would destroy any
existing volume history files.

But since I have to start the new server to define the connection so I can
restore the database  Or am I simply reading this wrong and they
are assuming the volhist on the machine I am restoring to has the original
volhist (which it wouldn't, at this point).

So, should I simply ignore this and restore the DB and then replace the
volhist/devconfig/dsmserv.opt files on the restored server with the
originals from the server I am replacing/upgrading after I restore the DB
and before performing the upgrade?

As you can tell, this is my first total server upgrade/replacement, so I
am getting anxious about the details/processes/steps.

My current steps are:

Original Server:
1.  Disable client sessions, stop all admin schedules
2.  Empty and delete ALL disk volumes
3.  Backup DB, volhist, devconfig, dsmserv.opt  and HALT server

New Server:
1.  Install - define/format DB volumes
2.  Bring up server and define connection to offsite server with DB backup
3.  Restore DB
4.  Replace volhist, devconfig, dsmserv.opt from backups of original
5.  Install 6.2.3
6.  Run /opt/tivoli/tsm/server/bin/dsmupgdx to prepare, convert and insert
5.5 DB into 6.2.3 instance
7.  Change hostname and IP addresses to that of old 5.5 server
8.  Bring up 6.2.3 - redefine disk storage volumes - update server -
forceresync other, library manager servers - update paths

Thoughts, suggestions, ideas, corrections?

Zoltan Forray
TSM Software  Hardware Administrator
Virginia Commonwealth University
UCC/Office of Technology Services - 804-828-4807
Don't be a phishing victim - VCU and other reputable organizations will
never use email to request that you reply with your password, social
security number or confidential personal information. For more details

This e-mail (including any attachments) is confidential and may be legally
privileged. If you are not an intended recipient or an authorized
representative of an intended recipient, you are prohibited from using,
copying or distributing the information

Linux server - conversion/upgrade questions

2012-04-20 Thread Zoltan Forray/AC/VCU
Going through testing of converting/upgrading a server and have a few
questions as well as seeing some oddities.  Doing this on a test server
since we will be moving everything to a new machine for the actual move.

This is what I did (following the instruction in the book):

1. Installed server and dsmupgrd utility - formatted DB space and
restored the DB from an offsite server copy.
2. Ran dsmupgrd preparedb process
3. Ran dsmupgrd extractdb
4. Installed V6.2.3 and upgraded to v6.2.3.100  (don't want to risk 6.3
since the 5.5 server has old v5.1 IRIX clients we can't get rid of and am
not sure they will work under 6.3 server)

The instructions say to then run dsmupgdx to insert the output from
extractdb.  Well, this process goes back through the preparedb and
extractdb processso why did I do it manually?

Also, after the conversion, the 6.2.3 server seems to have some
unassociated filespaces - by this I mean when doing the query:

select node_name,sum(num_files),sum(physical_mb),type from occupancy group
by node_name,type order by node_name

I see (nodename is blank):

Unnamed[2]: 12
Unnamed[3]: 15.98
  TYPE: Bkup

This has me slightly concerned but I guess I can just consider this some
damage in the original DB?  Or should I be concerned?  How would I fix

When I compare occupancy numbers between old and new, the numbers are
close enough to not be really worried (I am comparing todays occupancy
numbers on the running 5.5 server with that of the DB I backed up and
restored, which was many days ago so I would expect from differences due
to backups, expiration, etc.)

Thoughts, suggestions, experiences ?

Zoltan Forray
TSM Software  Hardware Administrator
Virginia Commonwealth University
UCC/Office of Technology Services - 804-828-4807
Don't be a phishing victim - VCU and other reputable organizations will
never use email to request that you reply with your password, social
security number or confidential personal information. For more details

Re: Is IBM dropping TSM client support for Solaris x86?

2012-04-20 Thread Zoltan Forray/AC/VCU
IBM seems to be distancing itself from Solaris in general. We run Domino
on Solaris Sparc (just starting to move to Google for Education - yea!)
and with 6.3 they did not update the TDP and said 5.5 was the end of the
line for the Solaris TDP.  6.3 for Domino only supports Linux, AIX and

Zoltan Forray
TSM Software  Hardware Administrator
Virginia Commonwealth University
UCC/Office of Technology Services - 804-828-4807
Don't be a phishing victim - VCU and other reputable organizations will
never use email to request that you reply with your password, social
security number or confidential personal information. For more details

From:   dipeit
Date:   04/19/2012 11:56 AM
Subject:[ADSM-L] Is IBM dropping TSM client support for Solaris
Sent by:ADSM: Dist Stor Manager ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU

Apparently there has not been a new release in 2 years

6.2 supports Solaris 10, 6.3 has no support at all. Solaris 11 is not

Does anyone know what's going on?

|This was sent by via Backup Central.
|Forward SPAM to

Re: Why are my temp files being backed up?

2012-04-18 Thread Zoltan Forray/AC/VCU
Unfortunately, the Q INCLEXCL is rather long (230 lines) so I probably
shouldn't post it here.  There are a bunch of application database file
specific excludes (says Operating System) plus various other SQL

I added the suggested additional temp/tmp excludes and last nights run
does not show any temp files being excluded.  I still get the out of
memory error, thought.

Zoltan Forray
TSM Software  Hardware Administrator
Virginia Commonwealth University
UCC/Office of Technology Services - 804-828-4807
Don't be a phishing victim - VCU and other reputable organizations will
never use email to request that you reply with your password, social
security number or confidential personal information. For more details

From:   Andrew Raibeck
Date:   04/17/2012 05:12 PM
Subject:Re: [ADSM-L] Why are my temp files being backed up?
Sent by:ADSM: Dist Stor Manager ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU


OK... so can we see a complete Q INCLEXCL output for the node?

Also, what happens if you try to manually back up data in a temp
Does it back them up? Or do you see messages that indicate the files are

   dsmc s C:\Documents and Settings\wshuart\Local Settings\Temp\* -su=y

I would expect if the excludes are properly set up, you'll see messages
indicating the files are excluded.

Best regards,

Andy Raibeck
IBM Software Group
Tivoli Storage Manager Client Product Development
Level 3 Team Lead
Internal Notes e-mail: Andrew Raibeck/Hartford/IBM@IBMUS
Internet e-mail:

IBM Tivoli Storage Manager support web page:

ADSM: Dist Stor Manager wrote on 2012-04-17

 From: Zoltan Forray/AC/VCU
 Date: 2012-04-17 16:24
 Subject: Re: Why are my temp files being backed up?
 Sent by: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager


 Thanks for the reply.

 No includes in these CLOPTSET's.  They are used to force global excludes
 of things like the AntiVirus we use,  SQL files/directories on servers
 that have MS-SQL and use the TDP and various other Windows files
 (ntuser.dat, usrclass.dat, etc).

 Zoltan Forray
 TSM Software  Hardware Administrator
 Virginia Commonwealth University
 UCC/Office of Technology Services - 804-828-4807
 Don't be a phishing victim - VCU and other reputable organizations will
 never use email to request that you reply with your password, social
 security number or confidential personal information. For more details

 From:   Andrew Raibeck
 Date:   04/17/2012 03:06 PM
 Subject:Re: [ADSM-L] Why are my temp files being backed up?
 Sent by:ADSM: Dist Stor Manager ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU

 Hi Zoltan,

 A couple of things:

 1. If your TSM clients use multiple nodes or options files, make sure
 the q inclexcl you do is for the same node and options file that are
 during the backup; and that the scheduled backup is using the intended
 name and options file.

 2. Check the order in which the include/exclude statements appear. Once
 given file matches an include or exclude statement, then the file is
 included or excluded as appropriate. Subsequent include or exclude
 statements are not considered. The excerpts you posted don't show the
 non-temp include and exclude statements, so we can't tell if there might
 some other statement overriding your excludes. For example, if you this

 EXCLUDE *:\...\Temp\...\*
 INCLUDE *:\Documents and Settings\...\*

 Then with bottom-up processing, a temp file in the Documents and
 directory will match the INCLUDE statement, at which time the file will
 backed up.

 Best regards,

 Andy Raibeck
 IBM Software Group
 Tivoli Storage Manager Client Product Development
 Level 3 Team Lead
 Internal Notes e-mail: Andrew Raibeck/Hartford/IBM@IBMUS
 Internet e-mail:

 IBM Tivoli Storage Manager support web page:

 ADSM: Dist Stor Manager wrote on 2012-04-17

  From: Zoltan Forray/AC/VCU
  Date: 2012-04-17 14:46
  Subject: Re: Why are my temp files being backed up?
  Sent by: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager
  I should have mentioned that nothing has changed on this server for a
  time, including the cloptset.  My thought is if it is expiring it,
  it must have backed it up.
  I was simply researching the memory problems (see bottom of my initial
  post) when I saw these in the dsmsched.log.
  I am wondering if the journaling process overrides/ignores

Re: Why are my temp files being backed up?

2012-04-18 Thread Zoltan Forray/AC/VCU
Oops - spoke too soon.  Thought I had gone all the way through the
dsmsched log.

I do see the \Temp files being expired.  Plus another issue.  I added
a line to exclude other files in a directory called Temporary ASP.NET
Files which are being backed up.

Q INCLEXCL shows this line:

Exclude All   *\...\Temporary ASP.NET Files\* Server

But see:
04/18/2012 04:21:41 Directory--   0
\\acipenser\c$\WINDOWS\Installer [Sent]
04/18/2012 04:21:41 Directory--   0
ASP.NET Files [Sent]
04/18/2012 04:21:41 Directory--   0
ASP.NET Files\gems2\418515df\c907c6c2\assembly\tmp [Sent]
04/18/2012 04:21:41 Directory--   0
ASP.NET Files\instar_v3_application\7576bd4a\3e941370\assembly\tmp [Sent]

04/18/2012 04:21:41 Directory--   0
ASP.NET Files\instar_v3_application\7576bd4a\3e941370\uploads [Sent]

So, I guess I should change the exclude to an exclude.dir? or make it:

exclude '*:\...\Temporary ASP.NET Files\...\*'

Zoltan Forray
TSM Software  Hardware Administrator
Virginia Commonwealth University
UCC/Office of Technology Services - 804-828-4807
Don't be a phishing victim - VCU and other reputable organizations will
never use email to request that you reply with your password, social
security number or confidential personal information. For more details

From:   Andrew Raibeck
Date:   04/17/2012 05:12 PM
Subject:Re: [ADSM-L] Why are my temp files being backed up?
Sent by:ADSM: Dist Stor Manager ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU


OK... so can we see a complete Q INCLEXCL output for the node?

Also, what happens if you try to manually back up data in a temp
Does it back them up? Or do you see messages that indicate the files are

   dsmc s C:\Documents and Settings\wshuart\Local Settings\Temp\* -su=y

I would expect if the excludes are properly set up, you'll see messages
indicating the files are excluded.

Best regards,

Andy Raibeck
IBM Software Group
Tivoli Storage Manager Client Product Development
Level 3 Team Lead
Internal Notes e-mail: Andrew Raibeck/Hartford/IBM@IBMUS
Internet e-mail:

IBM Tivoli Storage Manager support web page:

ADSM: Dist Stor Manager wrote on 2012-04-17

 From: Zoltan Forray/AC/VCU
 Date: 2012-04-17 16:24
 Subject: Re: Why are my temp files being backed up?
 Sent by: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager


 Thanks for the reply.

 No includes in these CLOPTSET's.  They are used to force global excludes
 of things like the AntiVirus we use,  SQL files/directories on servers
 that have MS-SQL and use the TDP and various other Windows files
 (ntuser.dat, usrclass.dat, etc).

 Zoltan Forray
 TSM Software  Hardware Administrator
 Virginia Commonwealth University
 UCC/Office of Technology Services - 804-828-4807
 Don't be a phishing victim - VCU and other reputable organizations will
 never use email to request that you reply with your password, social
 security number or confidential personal information. For more details

 From:   Andrew Raibeck
 Date:   04/17/2012 03:06 PM
 Subject:Re: [ADSM-L] Why are my temp files being backed up?
 Sent by:ADSM: Dist Stor Manager ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU

 Hi Zoltan,

 A couple of things:

 1. If your TSM clients use multiple nodes or options files, make sure
 the q inclexcl you do is for the same node and options file that are
 during the backup; and that the scheduled backup is using the intended
 name and options file.

 2. Check the order in which the include/exclude statements appear. Once
 given file matches an include or exclude statement, then the file is
 included or excluded as appropriate. Subsequent include or exclude
 statements are not considered. The excerpts you posted don't show the
 non-temp include and exclude statements, so we can't tell if there might
 some other statement overriding your excludes. For example, if you this

 EXCLUDE *:\...\Temp\...\*
 INCLUDE *:\Documents and Settings\...\*

 Then with bottom-up processing, a temp file in the Documents and
 directory will match the INCLUDE statement, at which time the file will
 backed up.

 Best regards,

 Andy Raibeck
 IBM Software Group
 Tivoli Storage Manager Client Product Development
 Level 3 Team Lead

Why are my temp files being backed up?

2012-04-17 Thread Zoltan Forray/AC/VCU
Windows 2003 server - 6.3 client.  This machine is very memory
constrained.  43M files.  Using journaling and MEMORYEFFICIENT

When I use the CLI and do a q inclexcl, I see:

Exclude All   *\temp\*   Server
more snippage
Exclude All   *\...\Temp\...\*   Server

So I know the cloptset is working.

Nothing in the dsm.opt:

diskcachelocation g:\tsm_cache

Yet I see entries like:

04/17/2012 04:20:18 Retry # 1  Expiring--0
\\acipenser\c$\Documents and Settings\wshuart\Local
Settings\Temp\list26194-1656.mem [Sent]
04/17/2012 04:20:18 Retry # 1  Expiring--0
\\acipenser\c$\Documents and Settings\wshuart\Local
Settings\Temp\list26195-1656.mem [Sent]
04/17/2012 04:20:18 Retry # 1  Expiring--0
\\acipenser\c$\Documents and Settings\wshuart\Local
Settings\Temp\list26196-4900.mem [Sent]
04/17/2012 04:20:18 Retry # 1  Expiring--0
\\acipenser\c$\Documents and Settings\wshuart\Local
Settings\Temp\list26197-1656.mem [Sent]
04/17/2012 04:20:18 Retry # 1  Expiring--0
\\acipenser\c$\Documents and Settings\wshuart\Local
Settings\Temp\list26198-4900.mem [Sent]
04/17/2012 04:20:18 Retry # 1  Expiring--0
\\acipenser\c$\Documents and Settings\wshuart\Local
Settings\Temp\list26199-4900.mem [Sent]
04/17/2012 04:20:18 Retry # 1  Expiring--0
\\acipenser\c$\Documents and Settings\wshuart\Local
Settings\Temp\list26200-1656.mem [Sent]
04/17/2012 04:20:18 Retry # 1  Expiring--0
\\acipenser\c$\Documents and Settings\wshuart\Local
Settings\Temp\list26201-4900.mem [Sent]
04/17/2012 04:20:18 Retry # 1  Expiring--0
\\acipenser\c$\Documents and Settings\wshuart\Local
Settings\Temp\list26202-1656.mem [Sent]
04/17/2012 04:20:18 Retry # 1  Expiring--0
\\acipenser\c$\Documents and Settings\wshuart\Local
Settings\Temp\list26203-1656.mem [Sent]
04/17/2012 04:20:18 Retry # 1  Expiring--0
\\acipenser\c$\Documents and Settings\wshuart\Local
Settings\Temp\list26204-1656.mem [Sent]

in the dsmsched.log file?

What am I missing?

I am also dealing with some kind of memory issue eventhough I am using

04/15/2012 18:24:54 ANS1030E The operating system refused a TSM request
for memory allocation.
04/15/2012 18:24:54 ANS1512E Scheduled event 'RESEARCH-COMPUTING' failed.
Return code = 12.
04/16/2012 17:08:01 ANS1814E Unable to start the scheduled event
04/16/2012 17:08:01 ANS1815E Either the window has elapsed or the schedule
has been deleted
04/16/2012 18:29:55 ANS1999E Incremental processing of '\\acipenser\i$'

04/16/2012 18:29:56 ANS1030E The operating system refused a TSM request
for memory allocation.
04/16/2012 18:29:56 ANS1512E Scheduled event 'RESEARCH-COMPUTING' failed.
Return code = 12.

Any thoughts on this?

Re: Why are my temp files being backed up?

2012-04-17 Thread Zoltan Forray/AC/VCU
I guess I should have further expanded my INCLEXCL list.  I do have some
of  the others you listed and will add the ones I don't have.  Yeah it is
overkill but obviously I am missing something.

Zoltan Forray
TSM Software  Hardware Administrator
Virginia Commonwealth University
UCC/Office of Technology Services - 804-828-4807
Don't be a phishing victim - VCU and other reputable organizations will
never use email to request that you reply with your password, social
security number or confidential personal information. For more details

From:   Fiske, Daniel
Date:   04/17/2012 02:16 PM
Subject:Re: [ADSM-L] Why are my temp files being backed up?
Sent by:ADSM: Dist Stor Manager ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU

I think the error is the *\temp and *\...\Temp. In our environment we use:

INCLEXCL exclude '*:\...\temp\...\*'
INCLEXCL exclude '*:\...\*.tmp'
INCLEXCL exclude '*:\...\tmp\...\*'
INCLEXCL exclude '*:\temp\...\*'

It's a little overkill but we don't get anything under any directory named
temp or tmp.

 Dan Fiske

-Original Message-
From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU] On Behalf Of
Zoltan Forray/AC/VCU
Sent: Tuesday, April 17, 2012 2:00 PM
Subject: [ADSM-L] Why are my temp files being backed up?

Windows 2003 server - 6.3 client.  This machine is very memory
constrained.  43M files.  Using journaling and MEMORYEFFICIENT

When I use the CLI and do a q inclexcl, I see:

Exclude All   *\temp\*   Server
more snippage
Exclude All   *\...\Temp\...\*   Server

So I know the cloptset is working.

Nothing in the dsm.opt:

diskcachelocation g:\tsm_cache

Yet I see entries like:

04/17/2012 04:20:18 Retry # 1  Expiring--0
\\acipenser\c$\Documents and Settings\wshuart\Local
Settings\Temp\list26194-1656.mem [Sent]
04/17/2012 04:20:18 Retry # 1  Expiring--0
\\acipenser\c$\Documents and Settings\wshuart\Local
Settings\Temp\list26195-1656.mem [Sent]
04/17/2012 04:20:18 Retry # 1  Expiring--0
\\acipenser\c$\Documents and Settings\wshuart\Local
Settings\Temp\list26196-4900.mem [Sent]
04/17/2012 04:20:18 Retry # 1  Expiring--0
\\acipenser\c$\Documents and Settings\wshuart\Local
Settings\Temp\list26197-1656.mem [Sent]
04/17/2012 04:20:18 Retry # 1  Expiring--0
\\acipenser\c$\Documents and Settings\wshuart\Local
Settings\Temp\list26198-4900.mem [Sent]
04/17/2012 04:20:18 Retry # 1  Expiring--0
\\acipenser\c$\Documents and Settings\wshuart\Local
Settings\Temp\list26199-4900.mem [Sent]
04/17/2012 04:20:18 Retry # 1  Expiring--0
\\acipenser\c$\Documents and Settings\wshuart\Local
Settings\Temp\list26200-1656.mem [Sent]
04/17/2012 04:20:18 Retry # 1  Expiring--0
\\acipenser\c$\Documents and Settings\wshuart\Local
Settings\Temp\list26201-4900.mem [Sent]
04/17/2012 04:20:18 Retry # 1  Expiring--0
\\acipenser\c$\Documents and Settings\wshuart\Local
Settings\Temp\list26202-1656.mem [Sent]
04/17/2012 04:20:18 Retry # 1  Expiring--0
\\acipenser\c$\Documents and Settings\wshuart\Local
Settings\Temp\list26203-1656.mem [Sent]
04/17/2012 04:20:18 Retry # 1  Expiring--0
\\acipenser\c$\Documents and Settings\wshuart\Local
Settings\Temp\list26204-1656.mem [Sent]

in the dsmsched.log file?

What am I missing?

I am also dealing with some kind of memory issue eventhough I am using

04/15/2012 18:24:54 ANS1030E The operating system refused a TSM request
for memory allocation.
04/15/2012 18:24:54 ANS1512E Scheduled event 'RESEARCH-COMPUTING' failed.
Return code = 12.
04/16/2012 17:08:01 ANS1814E Unable to start the scheduled event
04/16/2012 17:08:01 ANS1815E Either the window has elapsed or the schedule
has been deleted
04/16/2012 18:29:55 ANS1999E Incremental processing of '\\acipenser\i$'

04/16/2012 18:29:56 ANS1030E The operating system refused a TSM request
for memory allocation.
04/16/2012 18:29:56 ANS1512E Scheduled event 'RESEARCH-COMPUTING' failed.
Return code = 12.

Any thoughts on this?

Re: Why are my temp files being backed up?

2012-04-17 Thread Zoltan Forray/AC/VCU
I should have mentioned that nothing has changed on this server for a long
time, including the cloptset.  My thought is if it is expiring it, then
it must have backed it up.

I was simply researching the memory problems (see bottom of my initial
post) when I saw these in the dsmsched.log.

I am wondering if the journaling process overrides/ignores the exclusion

Zoltan Forray
TSM Software  Hardware Administrator
Virginia Commonwealth University
UCC/Office of Technology Services - 804-828-4807
Don't be a phishing victim - VCU and other reputable organizations will
never use email to request that you reply with your password, social
security number or confidential personal information. For more details

From:   Clark, Margaret
Date:   04/17/2012 02:32 PM
Subject:Re: [ADSM-L] Why are my temp files being backed up?
Sent by:ADSM: Dist Stor Manager ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU

What you show here is not a log of files being backed up, but being
expired.  If you had just modified the options file to add the exclusion,
you'd see a log like this.
If that's the case, then check the log again tomorrow.
- Margaret

-Original Message-
From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU] On Behalf Of
Zoltan Forray/AC/VCU
Sent: Tuesday, April 17, 2012 11:00 AM
Subject: [ADSM-L] Why are my temp files being backed up?

Windows 2003 server - 6.3 client.  This machine is very memory
constrained.  43M files.  Using journaling and MEMORYEFFICIENT

When I use the CLI and do a q inclexcl, I see:

Exclude All   *\temp\*   Server
more snippage
Exclude All   *\...\Temp\...\*   Server

So I know the cloptset is working.

Nothing in the dsm.opt:

diskcachelocation g:\tsm_cache

Yet I see entries like:

04/17/2012 04:20:18 Retry # 1  Expiring--0
\\acipenser\c$\Documents and Settings\wshuart\Local
Settings\Temp\list26194-1656.mem [Sent]
04/17/2012 04:20:18 Retry # 1  Expiring--0
\\acipenser\c$\Documents and Settings\wshuart\Local
Settings\Temp\list26195-1656.mem [Sent]
04/17/2012 04:20:18 Retry # 1  Expiring--0
\\acipenser\c$\Documents and Settings\wshuart\Local
Settings\Temp\list26196-4900.mem [Sent]
04/17/2012 04:20:18 Retry # 1  Expiring--0
\\acipenser\c$\Documents and Settings\wshuart\Local
Settings\Temp\list26197-1656.mem [Sent]
04/17/2012 04:20:18 Retry # 1  Expiring--0
\\acipenser\c$\Documents and Settings\wshuart\Local
Settings\Temp\list26198-4900.mem [Sent]
04/17/2012 04:20:18 Retry # 1  Expiring--0
\\acipenser\c$\Documents and Settings\wshuart\Local
Settings\Temp\list26199-4900.mem [Sent]
04/17/2012 04:20:18 Retry # 1  Expiring--0
\\acipenser\c$\Documents and Settings\wshuart\Local
Settings\Temp\list26200-1656.mem [Sent]
04/17/2012 04:20:18 Retry # 1  Expiring--0
\\acipenser\c$\Documents and Settings\wshuart\Local
Settings\Temp\list26201-4900.mem [Sent]
04/17/2012 04:20:18 Retry # 1  Expiring--0
\\acipenser\c$\Documents and Settings\wshuart\Local
Settings\Temp\list26202-1656.mem [Sent]
04/17/2012 04:20:18 Retry # 1  Expiring--0
\\acipenser\c$\Documents and Settings\wshuart\Local
Settings\Temp\list26203-1656.mem [Sent]
04/17/2012 04:20:18 Retry # 1  Expiring--0
\\acipenser\c$\Documents and Settings\wshuart\Local
Settings\Temp\list26204-1656.mem [Sent]

in the dsmsched.log file?

What am I missing?

I am also dealing with some kind of memory issue eventhough I am using

04/15/2012 18:24:54 ANS1030E The operating system refused a TSM request
for memory allocation.
04/15/2012 18:24:54 ANS1512E Scheduled event 'RESEARCH-COMPUTING' failed.
Return code = 12.
04/16/2012 17:08:01 ANS1814E Unable to start the scheduled event
04/16/2012 17:08:01 ANS1815E Either the window has elapsed or the schedule
has been deleted
04/16/2012 18:29:55 ANS1999E Incremental processing of '\\acipenser\i$'

04/16/2012 18:29:56 ANS1030E The operating system refused a TSM request
for memory allocation.
04/16/2012 18:29:56 ANS1512E Scheduled event 'RESEARCH-COMPUTING' failed.
Return code = 12.

Any thoughts on this?

Re: Why are my temp files being backed up?

2012-04-17 Thread Zoltan Forray/AC/VCU

Thanks for the reply.

No includes in these CLOPTSET's.  They are used to force global excludes
of things like the AntiVirus we use,  SQL files/directories on servers
that have MS-SQL and use the TDP and various other Windows files
(ntuser.dat, usrclass.dat, etc).

Zoltan Forray
TSM Software  Hardware Administrator
Virginia Commonwealth University
UCC/Office of Technology Services - 804-828-4807
Don't be a phishing victim - VCU and other reputable organizations will
never use email to request that you reply with your password, social
security number or confidential personal information. For more details

From:   Andrew Raibeck
Date:   04/17/2012 03:06 PM
Subject:Re: [ADSM-L] Why are my temp files being backed up?
Sent by:ADSM: Dist Stor Manager ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU

Hi Zoltan,

A couple of things:

1. If your TSM clients use multiple nodes or options files, make sure that
the q inclexcl you do is for the same node and options file that are
during the backup; and that the scheduled backup is using the intended
name and options file.

2. Check the order in which the include/exclude statements appear. Once a
given file matches an include or exclude statement, then the file is
included or excluded as appropriate. Subsequent include or exclude
statements are not considered. The excerpts you posted don't show the
non-temp include and exclude statements, so we can't tell if there might
some other statement overriding your excludes. For example, if you this in

EXCLUDE *:\...\Temp\...\*
INCLUDE *:\Documents and Settings\...\*

Then with bottom-up processing, a temp file in the Documents and
directory will match the INCLUDE statement, at which time the file will be
backed up.

Best regards,

Andy Raibeck
IBM Software Group
Tivoli Storage Manager Client Product Development
Level 3 Team Lead
Internal Notes e-mail: Andrew Raibeck/Hartford/IBM@IBMUS
Internet e-mail:

IBM Tivoli Storage Manager support web page:

ADSM: Dist Stor Manager wrote on 2012-04-17

 From: Zoltan Forray/AC/VCU
 Date: 2012-04-17 14:46
 Subject: Re: Why are my temp files being backed up?
 Sent by: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager

 I should have mentioned that nothing has changed on this server for a
 time, including the cloptset.  My thought is if it is expiring it,
 it must have backed it up.

 I was simply researching the memory problems (see bottom of my initial
 post) when I saw these in the dsmsched.log.

 I am wondering if the journaling process overrides/ignores the exclusion

 Zoltan Forray
 TSM Software  Hardware Administrator
 Virginia Commonwealth University
 UCC/Office of Technology Services - 804-828-4807
 Don't be a phishing victim - VCU and other reputable organizations will
 never use email to request that you reply with your password, social
 security number or confidential personal information. For more details

 From:   Clark, Margaret
 Date:   04/17/2012 02:32 PM
 Subject:Re: [ADSM-L] Why are my temp files being backed up?
 Sent by:ADSM: Dist Stor Manager ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU

 What you show here is not a log of files being backed up, but being
 expired.  If you had just modified the options file to add the
 you'd see a log like this.
 If that's the case, then check the log again tomorrow.
 - Margaret

 -Original Message-
 From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU] On Behalf Of
 Zoltan Forray/AC/VCU
 Sent: Tuesday, April 17, 2012 11:00 AM
 Subject: [ADSM-L] Why are my temp files being backed up?

 Windows 2003 server - 6.3 client.  This machine is very memory
 constrained.  43M files.  Using journaling and MEMORYEFFICIENT

 When I use the CLI and do a q inclexcl, I see:

 Exclude All   *\temp\*   Server
 more snippage
 Exclude All   *\...\Temp\...\*   Server

 So I know the cloptset is working.

 Nothing in the dsm.opt:

 diskcachelocation g:\tsm_cache

 Yet I see entries like:

 04/17/2012 04:20:18 Retry # 1  Expiring--0
 \\acipenser\c$\Documents and Settings\wshuart\Local
 Settings\Temp\list26194-1656.mem [Sent]
 04/17/2012 04:20:18 Retry # 1  Expiring--0
 \\acipenser\c$\Documents and Settings\wshuart\Local

Re: Oricle backups

2012-04-12 Thread Zoltan Forray/AC/VCU

Reply to me off-list.  We use Banner/Blackboard and backup everything with
TSM/TDP for Oracle.  I can connect you to one of the folks who handle all
things Oracle backups.

Zoltan Forray
TSM Software  Hardware Administrator
Virginia Commonwealth University
UCC/Office of Technology Services - 804-828-4807
Don't be a phishing victim - VCU and other reputable organizations will
never use email to request that you reply with your password, social
security number or confidential personal information. For more details

From:   Lee, Gary
Date:   04/11/2012 03:57 PM
Subject:[ADSM-L] Oricle backups
Sent by:ADSM: Dist Stor Manager ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU

Well, I have now been tasked with backing up our Banner system.
This uses oricle as its back end db.

Seeking the wisdom of the group as to the best way to deal with oricle.

Is there now a tdp for oricle?

Any information / experiences welcome.
Servers are all RHEL 5 on intel.

Gary Lee
Senior System Programmer
Ball State University
phone: 765-285-1310

Migration duration default?

2012-04-11 Thread Zoltan Forray/AC/VCU
Linux Server -

Is there a default value for manual Migration, that I am not aware of? I
never use the DUR value.  Yesterday around 14:40, I started a manual
migration (mig stg backuppool lo=0).  This morning at 7:26am I see the

ANR4925W Migration process 1727 terminated for storage pool BACKUPPOOL -
duration exceeded.

Zoltan Forray
TSM Software  Hardware Administrator
Virginia Commonwealth University
UCC/Office of Technology Services - 804-828-4807
Don't be a phishing victim - VCU and other reputable organizations will
never use email to request that you reply with your password, social
security number or confidential personal information. For more details

Re: Migration duration default?

2012-04-11 Thread Zoltan Forray/AC/VCU
My point exactly.  I DID NOT specify a DUR value - I never do.  Help says
it should have run until lo=value, which I set to 0.

From:   Ehresman,David E.
Date:   04/11/2012 11:45 AM
Subject:Re: [ADSM-L] Migration duration default?
Sent by:ADSM: Dist Stor Manager ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU

help mig stg on TSM 6.2 on AIX says  DUration
   Specifies the maximum number of minutes the migration will run before
   being automatically cancelled. When the specified number of minutes
   elapses, the server will automatically cancel all migration processes
   for this storage pool. As soon as the processes recognize the
   automatic cancellation, they will end. As a result, the migration may
   run longer than the value you specified for this parameter. You can
   specify a number from 1 to . This parameter is optional. If not
   specified, the server will stop only after the low migration
more...   (ENTER to continue, 'C' to cancel)

   threshold is reached.

Don't know if it is different for linux or 6.1 but try issuing the help

-Original Message-
From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU] On Behalf Of
Zoltan Forray/AC/VCU
Sent: Wednesday, April 11, 2012 9:44 AM
Subject: [ADSM-L] Migration duration default?

Linux Server -

Is there a default value for manual Migration, that I am not aware of? I
never use the DUR value.  Yesterday around 14:40, I started a manual
migration (mig stg backuppool lo=0).  This morning at 7:26am I see the

ANR4925W Migration process 1727 terminated for storage pool BACKUPPOOL -
duration exceeded.

Zoltan Forray
TSM Software  Hardware Administrator
Virginia Commonwealth University
UCC/Office of Technology Services - 804-828-4807
Don't be a phishing victim - VCU and other reputable organizations will
never use email to request that you reply with your password, social
security number or confidential personal information. For more details

Re: Migration duration default?

2012-04-11 Thread Zoltan Forray/AC/VCU
Nope.  Went directly to the console and typed the command.  Activity log
shows the command just as I entered it.

Zoltan Forray
TSM Software  Hardware Administrator
Virginia Commonwealth University
UCC/Office of Technology Services - 804-828-4807
Don't be a phishing victim - VCU and other reputable organizations will
never use email to request that you reply with your password, social
security number or confidential personal information. For more details

From:   Rick Adamson
Date:   04/11/2012 12:59 PM
Subject:Re: [ADSM-L] Migration duration default?
Sent by:ADSM: Dist Stor Manager ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU

Do you use a maintenance script?

When configured you have the option to specify the duration value,
perhaps this is where the message is coming from.

Query the script using: q script script-name f=l

And check the lines regarding migration

~Rick Adamson
Jacksonville, FL.

-Original Message-
From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU] On Behalf Of
Zoltan Forray/AC/VCU
Sent: Wednesday, April 11, 2012 11:51 AM
Subject: Re: [ADSM-L] Migration duration default?

My point exactly.  I DID NOT specify a DUR value - I never do.  Help
it should have run until lo=value, which I set to 0.

From:   Ehresman,David E.
Date:   04/11/2012 11:45 AM
Subject:Re: [ADSM-L] Migration duration default?
Sent by:ADSM: Dist Stor Manager ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU

help mig stg on TSM 6.2 on AIX says  DUration
   Specifies the maximum number of minutes the migration will run before
   being automatically cancelled. When the specified number of minutes
   elapses, the server will automatically cancel all migration processes
   for this storage pool. As soon as the processes recognize the
   automatic cancellation, they will end. As a result, the migration may
   run longer than the value you specified for this parameter. You can
   specify a number from 1 to . This parameter is optional. If not
   specified, the server will stop only after the low migration
more...   (ENTER to continue, 'C' to cancel)

   threshold is reached.

Don't know if it is different for linux or 6.1 but try issuing the help

-Original Message-
From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU] On Behalf Of
Zoltan Forray/AC/VCU
Sent: Wednesday, April 11, 2012 9:44 AM
Subject: [ADSM-L] Migration duration default?

Linux Server -

Is there a default value for manual Migration, that I am not aware of? I
never use the DUR value.  Yesterday around 14:40, I started a manual
migration (mig stg backuppool lo=0).  This morning at 7:26am I see the

ANR4925W Migration process 1727 terminated for storage pool BACKUPPOOL -
duration exceeded.

Zoltan Forray
TSM Software  Hardware Administrator
Virginia Commonwealth University
UCC/Office of Technology Services - 804-828-4807
Don't be a phishing victim - VCU and other reputable organizations will
never use email to request that you reply with your password, social
security number or confidential personal information. For more details

Start Schedule Is Denied

2012-04-10 Thread Zoltan Forray/AC/VCU
I have a curious situation with one or two clients issuing the following

4/9/2012 10:52:32 PM ANR2568E Request for node SASBICOMP.VCU.EDU to start
schedule BANNER at 04/10/2012 10:00:00 PM is denied. Current time is
04/09/2012 10:52:31 PM.

Trying to figure out what is going on.

The hits I found thus far talk about an old client issue (these nodes are
at 6.2.2.x and higher) or a possible date/time issue on either the TSM
server or client (neither - just checked and both are perfectly synched /

Any suggestions on what could be causing this and/or exact details on how
to interpret this message?  The book is a little lacking - talks about

The client scheduler attempted to start the specified instance of a
schedule for a node. The request was denied because that instance is still
in the future.

Zoltan Forray
TSM Software  Hardware Administrator
Virginia Commonwealth University
UCC/Office of Technology Services - 804-828-4807
Don't be a phishing victim - VCU and other reputable organizations will
never use email to request that you reply with your password, social
security number or confidential personal information. For more details

Re: Start Schedule Is Denied

2012-04-10 Thread Zoltan Forray/AC/VCU
I finally got access to the box and we figured it out.  2-scheduler/dsmcad
were running.  This was caused by someone updating the scheduler startup
script and changing dsmc to dsmcad but missed it in the shutdown
command part of the script.  Therefore, one scheduler was asking to start
the schedule after the start of the startup window, thus the confusing
error message.

Thanks for the help.

BTW, the time and timezones are correct.

Zoltan Forray
TSM Software  Hardware Administrator
Virginia Commonwealth University
UCC/Office of Technology Services - 804-828-4807
Don't be a phishing victim - VCU and other reputable organizations will
never use email to request that you reply with your password, social
security number or confidential personal information. For more details

From:   Rick Harderwijk
Date:   04/10/2012 11:05 AM
Subject:Re: [ADSM-L] Start Schedule Is Denied
Sent by:ADSM: Dist Stor Manager ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU


You say you checked the time, did you also check the time zone?


On Tue, Apr 10, 2012 at 3:18 PM, Zoltan Forray/AC/VCU

 I have a curious situation with one or two clients issuing the following

 4/9/2012 10:52:32 PM ANR2568E Request for node SASBICOMP.VCU.EDU to
 schedule BANNER at 04/10/2012 10:00:00 PM is denied. Current time is
 04/09/2012 10:52:31 PM.

 Trying to figure out what is going on.

 The hits I found thus far talk about an old client issue (these nodes
 at 6.2.2.x and higher) or a possible date/time issue on either the TSM
 server or client (neither - just checked and both are perfectly synched

 Any suggestions on what could be causing this and/or exact details on
 to interpret this message?  The book is a little lacking - talks about

 The client scheduler attempted to start the specified instance of a
 schedule for a node. The request was denied because that instance is
 in the future.

 Zoltan Forray
 TSM Software  Hardware Administrator
 Virginia Commonwealth University
 UCC/Office of Technology Services - 804-828-4807
 Don't be a phishing victim - VCU and other reputable organizations will
 never use email to request that you reply with your password, social
 security number or confidential personal information. For more details

IBM 3592/TS1130-E06 fibre ports - can they be split

2012-04-03 Thread Zoltan Forray/AC/VCU
We are in a major project to completely reorganize/replace our SAN
switches used by tape drives for all TSM servers.

We are hoping to transition to the new switches, gradually, vs all at
once.  This depends on how the tape drives use the dual-ports/fibre

Currently, we only use 1 of the 2-ports on each drive...simply never had
enough SAN switch ports to use both.

What we were wondering is, could we connect the second, currently unused
drive port to the new switches, 1-server at a time, and switch to using
the new connection/port vs the existing port, via path values?

Everything I read in the docs for the drives says it uses them for load
balancing and redundancy but doesn't explicitly say if we could do what
we would LIKE to do?

Anyone try this kinda thing?  Any IBM engineer/hardware level folks out
there who can tell me definitively that I simply can't do this - it wasn't
designed that way?

Zoltan Forray
TSM Software  Hardware Administrator
Virginia Commonwealth University
UCC/Office of Technology Services - 804-828-4807
Don't be a phishing victim - VCU and other reputable organizations will
never use email to request that you reply with your password, social
security number or confidential personal information. For more details

Re: IBM 3592/TS1130-E06 fibre ports - can they be split

2012-04-03 Thread Zoltan Forray/AC/VCU

Thanks for the reply.  These are all RedHat Linux V5  6.

Zoltan Forray
TSM Software  Hardware Administrator
Virginia Commonwealth University
UCC/Office of Technology Services - 804-828-4807
Don't be a phishing victim - VCU and other reputable organizations will
never use email to request that you reply with your password, social
security number or confidential personal information. For more details

From:   Steve Roder
Date:   04/03/2012 12:06 PM
Subject:Re: [ADSM-L] IBM 3592/TS1130-E06 fibre ports - can they be
Sent by:ADSM: Dist Stor Manager ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU

You did not specify your OS, but yes, you should be able to do this.  In
AIX, the alternate pathing/load balancing is only used if you enable it
within Atape, either at the device level, or for all devices.  You should
be able to zone them up, discover them, and then update the paths, and
then drop the old devices into a defined state.  If you see issues, you
can always toggle back to the old device and path.


Steve Roder
University at Buffalo
( | (716)645-3564)

On Tue, 3 Apr 2012, Zoltan Forray/AC/VCU wrote:

 We are in a major project to completely reorganize/replace our SAN
 switches used by tape drives for all TSM servers.

 We are hoping to transition to the new switches, gradually, vs all at
 once.  This depends on how the tape drives use the dual-ports/fibre

 Currently, we only use 1 of the 2-ports on each drive...simply never had
 enough SAN switch ports to use both.

 What we were wondering is, could we connect the second, currently unused
 drive port to the new switches, 1-server at a time, and switch to using
 the new connection/port vs the existing port, via path values?

 Everything I read in the docs for the drives says it uses them for load
 balancing and redundancy but doesn't explicitly say if we could do what
 we would LIKE to do?

 Anyone try this kinda thing?  Any IBM engineer/hardware level folks out
 there who can tell me definitively that I simply can't do this - it
 designed that way?

 Zoltan Forray
 TSM Software  Hardware Administrator
 Virginia Commonwealth University
 UCC/Office of Technology Services - 804-828-4807
 Don't be a phishing victim - VCU and other reputable organizations will
 never use email to request that you reply with your password, social
 security number or confidential personal information. For more details

Occupancy discrepency between and server

2012-03-07 Thread Zoltan Forray/AC/VCU
Doing some reorganization, we recently moved (server-to-server export)
some nodes from a server to a server.  Now, the occupancy
numbers on the 6.2 (71mb) server are lower than the 6.1.5 (83mb) server,
eventhough the file/object counts are identical (static file system)?

All of the apars I found (so far) that address occupancy information are
at (supposedly) patch levels below these levels.

Anyone else see this kind of discrepancy?

Zoltan Forray
TSM Software  Hardware Administrator
Virginia Commonwealth University
UCC/Office of Technology Services - 804-828-4807
Don't be a phishing victim - VCU and other reputable organizations will
never use email to request that you reply with your password, social
security number or confidential personal information. For more details

Re: Occupancy discrepancy between and server

2012-03-07 Thread Zoltan Forray/AC/VCU

Thanks for the update/info.  I guess I will wait for, which is
scheduled for 1Q2012.

Yes, we did switch to the Unified Recovery license model but with enough
room for growth/shrinkage so I don't know if this will matter that much
(roughly 15TB difference on this, my only 6.1 server).  I will pass this
on to let know folks that Occupancy numbers on this server are
artificially inflated and therefore inaccurate (high by about 15% if my
gozinta is correct).

Zoltan Forray
TSM Software  Hardware Administrator
Virginia Commonwealth University
UCC/Office of Technology Services - 804-828-4807
Don't be a phishing victim - VCU and other reputable organizations will
never use email to request that you reply with your password, social
security number or confidential personal information. For more details

From:   Colwell, William F.
Date:   03/07/2012 09:24 AM
Subject:Re: [ADSM-L] Occupancy discrepancy between and server
Sent by:ADSM: Dist Stor Manager ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU


occupancy numbers were made incorrect by various bugs in early 6.1 code,
see apar ic73005.  There is a special utility to fix the numbers, repair
It was supposed to be in but isn't, you need an e-fix for

Of course, you can ignore the errors unless you are using the unified
recovery license.

Bill Colwell
Draper Lab

-Original Message-
From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU] On Behalf Of
Zoltan Forray/AC/VCU
Sent: Wednesday, March 07, 2012 8:26 AM
Subject: Occupancy discrepency between and server

Doing some reorganization, we recently moved (server-to-server export)
some nodes from a server to a server.  Now, the occupancy
numbers on the 6.2 (71mb) server are lower than the 6.1.5 (83mb) server,
eventhough the file/object counts are identical (static file system)?

All of the apars I found (so far) that address occupancy information are
at (supposedly) patch levels below these levels.

Anyone else see this kind of discrepancy?

Zoltan Forray
TSM Software  Hardware Administrator
Virginia Commonwealth University
UCC/Office of Technology Services - 804-828-4807
Don't be a phishing victim - VCU and other reputable organizations will
never use email to request that you reply with your password, social
security number or confidential personal information. For more details

Re: Occupancy discrepancy between and server

2012-03-07 Thread Zoltan Forray/AC/VCU
A correction/addition to this.  I just went through the apar and it says
it affects ALL 6.x servers...and while the apar page says it should be
fixed in, Bill indicates this is not totally
truenote the new REPAIR OCCUPANCY tool  (

Zoltan Forray
TSM Software  Hardware Administrator
Virginia Commonwealth University
UCC/Office of Technology Services - 804-828-4807
Don't be a phishing victim - VCU and other reputable organizations will
never use email to request that you reply with your password, social
security number or confidential personal information. For more details

From:   Zoltan Forray/AC/VCU
Date:   03/07/2012 01:24 PM
Subject:Re: [ADSM-L] Occupancy discrepancy between and server
Sent by:ADSM: Dist Stor Manager ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU


Thanks for the update/info.  I guess I will wait for, which is
scheduled for 1Q2012.

Yes, we did switch to the Unified Recovery license model but with enough
room for growth/shrinkage so I don't know if this will matter that much
(roughly 15TB difference on this, my only 6.1 server).  I will pass this
on to let know folks that Occupancy numbers on this server are
artificially inflated and therefore inaccurate (high by about 15% if my
gozinta is correct).

Zoltan Forray
TSM Software  Hardware Administrator
Virginia Commonwealth University
UCC/Office of Technology Services - 804-828-4807
Don't be a phishing victim - VCU and other reputable organizations will
never use email to request that you reply with your password, social
security number or confidential personal information. For more details

From:   Colwell, William F.
Date:   03/07/2012 09:24 AM
Subject:Re: [ADSM-L] Occupancy discrepancy between and server
Sent by:ADSM: Dist Stor Manager ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU


occupancy numbers were made incorrect by various bugs in early 6.1 code,
see apar ic73005.  There is a special utility to fix the numbers, repair
It was supposed to be in but isn't, you need an e-fix for

Of course, you can ignore the errors unless you are using the unified
recovery license.

Bill Colwell
Draper Lab

-Original Message-
From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU] On Behalf Of
Zoltan Forray/AC/VCU
Sent: Wednesday, March 07, 2012 8:26 AM
Subject: Occupancy discrepency between and server

Doing some reorganization, we recently moved (server-to-server export)
some nodes from a server to a server.  Now, the occupancy
numbers on the 6.2 (71mb) server are lower than the 6.1.5 (83mb) server,
eventhough the file/object counts are identical (static file system)?

All of the apars I found (so far) that address occupancy information are
at (supposedly) patch levels below these levels.

Anyone else see this kind of discrepancy?

Zoltan Forray
TSM Software  Hardware Administrator
Virginia Commonwealth University
UCC/Office of Technology Services - 804-828-4807
Don't be a phishing victim - VCU and other reputable organizations will
never use email to request that you reply with your password, social
security number or confidential personal information. For more details

Re: Deployment Engine Failed to initialize

2012-02-28 Thread Zoltan Forray/AC/VCU
WOW - such harsh words about 6.1 !   I don't main production
6.x system is with no issues.  At least it hasn't had this wacky,
problem my other 6.2.x servers have had with a DB backup randomly,
intermittently failing with no discernible reason(note, there are docs
that say you really need to be at least at to resolve some big
problems, especially with reorgs)

Zoltan Forray
TSM Software  Hardware Administrator
Virginia Commonwealth University
UCC/Office of Technology Services - 804-828-4807
Don't be a phishing victim - VCU and other reputable organizations will
never use email to request that you reply with your password, social
security number or confidential personal information. For more details

From:   Prather, Wanda
Date:   02/28/2012 05:57 AM
Subject:Re: [ADSM-L] Deployment Engine Failed to initialize
Sent by:ADSM: Dist Stor Manager ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU

What Remco said.
Nothing Good will Happen on 6.1.
I finally got a production system stable on 6.1.3 by disabling reorgs, but
that was Windows.
I wouldn't even think of doing it on Linux.


-Original Message-
From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU] On Behalf Of
Remco Post
Sent: Monday, February 27, 2012 5:10 PM
Subject: Re: [ADSM-L] Deployment Engine Failed to initialize


do not use TSM server 6.1, not even if you have no other options. 6.1 does
not even begin to approach alpha quality software. IBM should never have
shipped it. I can't think of a single good reason to install 6.1. Go with
6.2.3 or newer or 6.3 something.

On 27 feb. 2012, at 22:57, George Huebschman wrote:

 We are getting the Deployment Engine Failed to Initialize when
 running ./install.bin for TSM Server 6.1 on a clean new RHEL server.
 I see lots of noise out here about this error, in and out of the TSM

 (We have another TSM installation of TSM 6.3 on a VM  that isn't even
 QA as such, just a practice install.) Documetation specifies that
 there be 2GB available in the home directory.
 We only have 1.6 GB, BUT so does the successful 6.3 install.
 We had the error on the first and subsequent 3 attempts to run the
 install.  We did not find any .lock or .lck files.
 I am told that SELINUX is set to permissive.

 Except for the home directory, the other space guidelines were met.
 The install is being done as root.

 Looking at the TSM related posts about this issue, I didn't notice any
 for releases after 6.1.
 Is that because I didn't look hard enough?  Or, was documentation
 improved, or was a bug fixed?
 Should I talk someone into 6.2 to get past this?

 Most of my experience has been with 5.* I have read the install guide
 (most of it) for 6.2, which is what I thought we were installing.  Do
 I need to step back in documentation?

 George Huebschman

 When you have a choice, spend money where you would prefer to work if
 you had NO choice.

Met vriendelijke groeten/Kind Regards,

Remco Post
+31 6 248 21 622

Re: Deployment Engine Failed to initialize

2012-02-28 Thread Zoltan Forray/AC/VCU
I keep wondering if this is FACT or RECOMMENDATION.

Based on this document:  it
says you can not use the 6.3 CLIENT with a 5.5 SERVER.   I documented this
and some user didn't pay attention and installed the 6.3 client on a node
still on a 5.5 server.  So far, there haven't been any issues and it works
just fine.

I am about to convert a 5.5 server to 6.x and was planning to jump
straight to 6.3.  However, there a few nodes still running 5.4 and LOWER
level clients (down to 5.1 for an IRIX system).

Anyone try a 5.x client with a 6.3 server?

Zoltan Forray
TSM Software  Hardware Administrator
Virginia Commonwealth University
UCC/Office of Technology Services - 804-828-4807
Don't be a phishing victim - VCU and other reputable organizations will
never use email to request that you reply with your password, social
security number or confidential personal information. For more details

From:   Stackwick, Stephen
Date:   02/28/2012 03:28 PM
Subject:Re: [ADSM-L] Deployment Engine Failed to initialize
Sent by:ADSM: Dist Stor Manager ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU

The problem with 6.3 is all your clients need to be at V6. If that's not
an issue, I might even wait a little bit longer for the first fixes which
Tivoli claims will be this quarter.


STEPHEN STACKWICK | Senior Consultant | 301.518.6352 (m) | |
ICF INTERNATIONAL | 410 E. Pratt Street Suite 2214, Baltimore, MD 21202 |
410.539.1135 (o)

From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU] on behalf of
Sheridan, Peter T. []
Sent: Tuesday, February 28, 2012 11:27
Subject: Re: [ADSM-L] Deployment Engine Failed to initialize

Would people recommend going with 6.2.3 or 6.3 ?

-Original Message-
From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [] On Behalf Of
Colwell, William F.
Sent: Tuesday, February 28, 2012 10:22 AM
Subject: Re: [ADSM-L] Deployment Engine Failed to initialize

I agree with Zoltan.  I have 2 very large instances at in

doing large amounts of dedup processing.  I am aware of the reorg issues
but it

doesn't bother me, I am not interested in reorging the tables.  In any

6.3 doesn't solve all the reorg issues, see apar ic81261 and flash


Bill Colwell

Draper Lab

-Original Message-
From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU] On Behalf Of
Zoltan Forray/AC/VCU
Sent: Tuesday, February 28, 2012 9:39 AM
Subject: Re: Deployment Engine Failed to initialize

WOW - such harsh words about 6.1 !   I don't main

6.x system is with no issues.  At least it hasn't had this

problem my other 6.2.x servers have had with a DB backup randomly,

intermittently failing with no discernible reason(note, there are

that say you really need to be at least at to resolve some big

problems, especially with reorgs)

Zoltan Forray

TSM Software  Hardware Administrator

Virginia Commonwealth University

UCC/Office of Technology Services - 804-828-4807

Don't be a phishing victim - VCU and other reputable organizations will

never use email to request that you reply with your password, social

security number or confidential personal information. For more details


From:   Prather, Wanda


Date:   02/28/2012 05:57 AM

Subject:Re: [ADSM-L] Deployment Engine Failed to initialize

Sent by:ADSM: Dist Stor Manager ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU

What Remco said.

Nothing Good will Happen on 6.1.

I finally got a production system stable on 6.1.3 by disabling reorgs,

that was Windows.

I wouldn't even think of doing it on Linux.


-Original Message-

From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU] On Behalf Of

Remco Post

Sent: Monday, February 27, 2012 5:10 PM


Subject: Re: [ADSM-L] Deployment Engine Failed to initialize


do not use TSM server 6.1, not even if you have no other options. 6.1

not even begin to approach alpha quality software. IBM should never have

shipped it. I can't think of a single good reason to install 6.1. Go

6.2.3 or newer or 6.3 something.

On 27 feb. 2012, at 22:57, George Huebschman wrote:

 We are getting the Deployment Engine Failed to Initialize when

 running ./install.bin for TSM Server 6.1 on a clean new RHEL server.

 I see lots of noise out here about this error, in and out of the TSM


 (We have another TSM installation of TSM 6.3 on a VM  that isn't even

 QA as such, just a practice install

Server DB restore from offsite TSM server SNAPSHOT

2012-02-21 Thread Zoltan Forray/AC/VCU
I am trying to experiment with doing a V5 to V6 conversion by first
restoring the V5 server to a test server.

We have very little experience doing DB restores and none involving an
offsite TSM server.  My first attempts failed.  I think I know how to fix
it but the docs on how to perform a DB restore are a little contradictory
to what I want to do.

SERVER-A performs DB SNAPSHOT backups to SERVER-B via server-to-server

Installed a same-level TSM server onto a test machine.
Did dsmserv format to prepare DB space to the equivalent of  SERVER-A.
Replaced the test server volhist, devconfig and dsmserv.opt files from
copies of SERVER-A like-files.

Tried to do a dsmserv restore db

Since I tried this over a month ago, I don't recall the error but I think
it has to do with the server-to-server definition being out of sync since
this is not the original SERVER-A.

My guess is to bring up the test server and manually do a UPDATE SERVER

However, when I go through the book scenarios on restoring a server DB, it

Attention: Do not start the server until after you restore the database
(the next step). Starting the server before the restore would destroy any
existing volume history files.

So, how do I do this?  Do I bring up the test server first and correct the
sync before replacing the volhist file?

Am I wrong in how I  am trying to do this?  Is there a better/different
way to do this?

Looking for any suggestions/hints.

Zoltan Forray
TSM Software  Hardware Administrator
Virginia Commonwealth University
UCC/Office of Technology Services - 804-828-4807
Don't be a phishing victim - VCU and other reputable organizations will
never use email to request that you reply with your password, social
security number or confidential personal information. For more details

Re: Server DB restore from offsite TSM server SNAPSHOT

2012-02-21 Thread Zoltan Forray/AC/VCU

Thanks for the idea.

This would be fine/work if I was actually restoring/replacing a production
server.  I am only trying to restore the DB to a test server.  If I did
the sync from SERVER-B, it would sync the wrong, production, running
server,  not the test machine I am trying to restore the DB to,  which has
a different IP address than the production machine.

Zoltan Forray
TSM Software  Hardware Administrator
Virginia Commonwealth University
UCC/Office of Technology Services - 804-828-4807
Don't be a phishing victim - VCU and other reputable organizations will
never use email to request that you reply with your password, social
security number or confidential personal information. For more details

From:   Bos, Karel
Date:   02/21/2012 10:07 AM
Subject:Re: [ADSM-L] Server DB restore from offsite TSM server
Sent by:ADSM: Dist Stor Manager ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU


From memory one should do the upd server force sync=yes on the target

In this case ON server-B do upd server server-a forcesync=yes.

After restore of the DB server-server comm will be down again because
out-of-sync issues.



-Oorspronkelijk bericht-
Van: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU] Namens Zoltan
Verzonden: dinsdag 21 februari 2012 15:45
Onderwerp: [ADSM-L] Server DB restore from offsite TSM server SNAPSHOT

I am trying to experiment with doing a V5 to V6 conversion by first
restoring the V5 server to a test server.

We have very little experience doing DB restores and none involving an
offsite TSM server.  My first attempts failed.  I think I know how to fix
it but the docs on how to perform a DB restore are a little contradictory
to what I want to do.

SERVER-A performs DB SNAPSHOT backups to SERVER-B via server-to-server

Installed a same-level TSM server onto a test machine.
Did dsmserv format to prepare DB space to the equivalent of  SERVER-A.
Replaced the test server volhist, devconfig and dsmserv.opt files from
copies of SERVER-A like-files.

Tried to do a dsmserv restore db

Since I tried this over a month ago, I don't recall the error but I think
it has to do with the server-to-server definition being out of sync since
this is not the original SERVER-A.

My guess is to bring up the test server and manually do a UPDATE SERVER

However, when I go through the book scenarios on restoring a server DB, it

Attention: Do not start the server until after you restore the database
(the next step). Starting the server before the restore would destroy any
existing volume history files.

So, how do I do this?  Do I bring up the test server first and correct the
sync before replacing the volhist file?

Am I wrong in how I  am trying to do this?  Is there a better/different
way to do this?

Looking for any suggestions/hints.

Zoltan Forray
TSM Software  Hardware Administrator
Virginia Commonwealth University
UCC/Office of Technology Services - 804-828-4807
Don't be a phishing victim - VCU and other reputable organizations will
never use email to request that you reply with your password, social
security number or confidential personal information. For more details

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Re: Linux client questions

2012-02-14 Thread Zoltan Forray/AC/VCU
All of the Linux clients, to date, are labeled x86 as part of the name.
No x64 client versions as far as I can tell

Zoltan Forray
TSM Software  Hardware Administrator
Virginia Commonwealth University
UCC/Office of Technology Services - 804-828-4807
Don't be a phishing victim - VCU and other reputable organizations will
never use email to request that you reply with your password, social
security number or confidential personal information. For more details

From:   Lee, Gary
Date:   02/14/2012 11:19 AM
Subject:[ADSM-L] Linux client questions
Sent by:ADSM: Dist Stor Manager ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU

Is the current linuxx86 client 64 bit, 32, or both?

All of my linuxes are 64 bit, but another department has some 32 bit
systems out there and was asking.  I didn't see any reference on the tsm
client download site.

Thanks for any assistance.

Gary Lee
Senior System Programmer
Ball State University
phone: 765-285-1310

Re: TSM 6.3 installation issues.....

2012-02-14 Thread Zoltan Forray/AC/VCU
4GB of memory for a DB2 based server install?  The specs call for a
minimum of 8GB and usually 16GB is preferred/suggested. I have one Linux
server running V6.2.3 with 8GB and it is an offsite DR type server that
houses nothing but DBSnapshot backups.  No production machine is less than
16GB and my bigger ones are 48GB memory.

Since you are coming from AIX, why did you choose Windows vs Linux for
your VM?

While I too have had skimishes with DB2, the difference in performance
and expandability is worth the little pain (and required learning).

Zoltan Forray
TSM Software  Hardware Administrator
Virginia Commonwealth University
UCC/Office of Technology Services - 804-828-4807
Don't be a phishing victim - VCU and other reputable organizations will
never use email to request that you reply with your password, social
security number or confidential personal information. For more details

From:   Bos, Karel
Date:   02/14/2012 11:55 AM
Subject:[ADSM-L] TSM 6.3 installation issues.
Sent by:ADSM: Dist Stor Manager ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU


Just wanted to try the new version of TSM, 6.3. As I ran out of AIX
systems to play with I started with a windows system. Quickly discovering
TSM server can't run on X32 anymore so time to find X64.
VMware system installed, 4 GB mem etc. Windows X64 installed, TSM package
etc. Wizzard configure minimal env. Wait Wait Wait, init failed. Click oK
to see way, empty screen..

All in all I find TSM as of  the 6 series pretty painfull to install and
configure. Often running into DB2 related errors with not easy to find out
why reasons. I had hoped over time installation process and running TSM on
DB2 would improve but seeing TSM 6.3 (well not seeing it atm) I wonder if
that's the case.

Anyone else sharing this view and also missing the easy way it was with 5.
And below?



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Atos Nederland B.V. / Utrecht
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Moving archlog folder

2012-02-08 Thread Zoltan Forray/AC/VCU
One of my servers is having disk issues and it happens to be where the
tsmarchlog folder is.  The Linux Administrators Guide says to:

Moving only the archive log
You can move only the archive log from one directory to another.
1. Halt the server.
2. Create an new archive log directory. For example: mkdir
3. Update the dsmserv.opt option file for the new archive log directory.
For example:   archlogdir /archivelog2
4. Restart the server.
5. Move the archive logs from the old directory to the new directory.
Preserve any subdirectory structure. Use and verify a recursive copy
directory command. For  example:  cp -r /archivelog/* /archivelog2
6. Optional: Remove the old directory.

I am questioning that it says to Restart the server before copying the
contents of the old directory?   I would have thought you needed the
old directory BEFORE starting up the server?  Or do I completely NOT
understand how this works (my suspicions) since I am not a DB2 person

Zoltan Forray
TSM Software  Hardware Administrator
Virginia Commonwealth University
UCC/Office of Technology Services - 804-828-4807
Don't be a phishing victim - VCU and other reputable organizations will
never use email to request that you reply with your password, social
security number or confidential personal information. For more details

DB Backup failures

2012-01-30 Thread Zoltan Forray/AC/VCU

I am randomly seeing these message on all of my 6.x ( and servers and have no clue why.

1/30/2012 12:00:18 PM ANR4588E A database backup configuration might be
1/30/2012 12:00:18 PM ANR1893E Process 1304 for Database Backup completed
with a completion state of FAILURE.

The goog produced this entry:

titled:  V6 Tivoli Storage Manager error ANR4588E during BACKUP DB

None of the suggestions for Linux servers, apply.   The problem/message
occurs once or twice every 1-2 weeks, sometimes less often than.  The
other 95% of the time, the daily DB backups works without incident.  For
instance, it appeared for one of my servers, today, but I
haven't seen it for that server for over a week-ago and not for my other server and not for my which I remember having the same
error over 2-weeks ago..

Any ideas?

Zoltan Forray
TSM Software  Hardware Administrator
Virginia Commonwealth University
UCC/Office of Technology Services - 804-828-4807
Don't be a phishing victim - VCU and other reputable organizations will
never use email to request that you reply with your password, social
security number or confidential personal information. For more details

ILMT help

2012-01-26 Thread Zoltan Forray/AC/VCU
Anyone know of an ILMT listserver/forum I can get some help from?

I had a working 7.2.2 ILMT server but due to problems with some clients
and the agents, I decided to upgrade to 7.5 (the 7.5 agents require 7.5

After doing an upgrade,  I could not signin to the admin center.  Did a
complete uninstall and reinstall but I still can't get in.  Keeps giving
me the error:

 SRVE0200E: Servlet [_ibmjsp._login]: Could not find required class -
class java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: _ibmjsp._login

Zoltan Forray
TSM Software  Hardware Administrator
Virginia Commonwealth University
UCC/Office of Technology Services - 804-828-4807
Don't be a phishing victim - VCU and other reputable organizations will
never use email to request that you reply with your password, social
security number or confidential personal information. For more details

Re: Deleting STG POOL

2012-01-20 Thread Zoltan Forray/AC/VCU
Eventhough they don't show any content, you could always do a delete
volume ... discarddata=yes for each volume.

From:   Vandeventer, Harold [BS]
Date:   01/20/2012 02:17 PM
Subject:[ADSM-L] Deleting STG POOL
Sent by:ADSM: Dist Stor Manager ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU

The goal: delete a storage pool.

I've migrated a storage pool to a new pool.

Three volumes remain in the pool, such as H:\ DSKT07P\11BF.BFS, which
disallow the delete.

% Util on them is 0; status is full.

found using this criteria.

Same result for the other two volumes.

Q CONTENT volumename against the new pool does display files.

I believe that means the volumes on the old pool are in fact empty and I
can delete them individually.


Harold Vandeventer
Systems Programmer
State of Kansas - Department of Administration - Office of Information
Technology Services
(785) 296-0631

Testing conversion of V5.5 to V6.3

2012-01-12 Thread Zoltan Forray/AC/VCU
I am going through the docs preparing to do my first test of converting a
V5 server to V6.3 on a test server/machine.

I am looking for details on EXACTLY what the DSMUPGRD PREPAREDB does.

Since this is a test/dry run, I don't want to do this against a live
server,  just a copy of it's databases.

Can I just restore the V5 DB to the test machine, install the DSMUPGRD
utility and run it against the restored DB?

How about from a DBSNAPSHOT of this database we do to an offsite TSM

Zoltan Forray
TSM Software  Hardware Administrator
Virginia Commonwealth University
UCC/Office of Technology Services - 804-828-4807
Don't be a phishing victim - VCU and other reputable organizations will
never use email to request that you reply with your password, social
security number or confidential personal information. For more details

Tivoli Storage Manager for Virtual Environments

2012-01-09 Thread Zoltan Forray/AC/VCU
Anyone have experience with installing and configuring Tivoli Storage
Manager for Virtual Environments Version 6.3.  We are taking a serious
look at this TDP but haven't found any cookbooks and the IUG is very
thin on specifics/details.

Zoltan Forray
TSM Software  Hardware Administrator
Virginia Commonwealth University
UCC/Office of Technology Services - 804-828-4807
Don't be a phishing victim - VCU and other reputable organizations will
never use email to request that you reply with your password, social
security number or confidential personal information. For more details

Re: Tivoli Storage Manager for Virtual Environments

2012-01-09 Thread Zoltan Forray/AC/VCU

My VMWare guy has the most questions.  Can I forward your direct email
address to him?

I too will have questions from the TSM/server side since I have never
setup anything like this.  Seems like LAN-FREE is the way to configure but
I have never done anything like that, either.
Zoltan Forray
TSM Software  Hardware Administrator
Virginia Commonwealth University
UCC/Office of Technology Services - 804-828-4807
Don't be a phishing victim - VCU and other reputable organizations will
never use email to request that you reply with your password, social
security number or confidential personal information. For more details

From:   Kenneth Bury
Date:   01/09/2012 12:03 PM
Subject:Re: [ADSM-L] Tivoli Storage Manager for Virtual
Sent by:ADSM: Dist Stor Manager ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU

I have install the TSM for VE v6.3 and I am interested what you would
expect to see in the 'cookbook'. What I hear discussed the most is the
architectural choices that you can make using TSM for VE, like whether to
use client-side de-dupe, LAN-free, virtual or physical data movers, etc.
Once you figure out what you want to make, the recipe is straight forward.
Sort of like cooking eggs, lots of different methods but it's still the
same egg and close to the same taste.

On Mon, Jan 9, 2012 at 11:06 AM, Vandeventer, Harold [BS] wrote:

 We are also looking for that cookbook.

 Harold Vandeventer
 Systems Programmer
 State of Kansas - Department of Administration - Office of Information
 Technology Services
 (785) 296-0631

Ken Bury

Client Technical Professional

Re: Tivoli Storage Manager for Virtual Environments

2012-01-09 Thread Zoltan Forray/AC/VCU
Some questions that we could not easily glean answer from the docs:

1.  What are the specs/requirements for the vStorage/Backup Server that
we will have to build?
2.  What network requirements are there?  Our TSM backup servers are on a
completely different subnet then the VMWare servers.  Network rules will
have to be modified.
3.  What, if anything, needs to be installed on the Host or Guest systems?
4.  What do I need to do TSM server-wise?
5.  Do I need to put up a new TSM server or can I use one already in
production?  I have never done LAN-FREE and not sure where to start?  My
TSM servers use fibre-channel for tape drives (shared among 7-servers).
Many moons ago I remember a sub-product called SANERGY but it wanted
exclusive control of tape drives via a mini-psuedo TSM server.  We can't
afford to dedicate tape drives exclusively to such a process.

Thanks for the tip on diskpart but I am not at a point that I understand
how to apply it.  I am not that familiar with VMWare and the VMWare guys
are not that familiar with TSM (other than installing on Windows guests).
Zoltan Forray
TSM Software  Hardware Administrator
Virginia Commonwealth University
UCC/Office of Technology Services - 804-828-4807
Don't be a phishing victim - VCU and other reputable organizations will
never use email to request that you reply with your password, social
security number or confidential personal information. For more details

From:   Shawn Drew
Date:   01/09/2012 03:14 PM
Subject:Re: [ADSM-L] Tivoli Storage Manager for Virtual
Sent by:ADSM: Dist Stor Manager ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU

I actually found the manual to be very helpful and direct.  I prefer the
PDF form.  I'm not a fan of the newer infocenter format.

I set it up step-by-step as the manual describes and it is working well.
You just need to play around with it to make sure you understand the
concepts.  (I.E. Data Center nodes, the way you restore using the recovery
agent by using a virtual mount, etc)

Just make sure you do the diskpart thing on your backup proxy.  Things
should be pretty safe after you've done that.  (search the PDF for


Shawn Drew


01/09/2012 12:18 PM
Please respond to


Re: [ADSM-L] Tivoli Storage Manager for Virtual Environments


My VMWare guy has the most questions.  Can I forward your direct email
address to him?

I too will have questions from the TSM/server side since I have never
setup anything like this.  Seems like LAN-FREE is the way to configure but
I have never done anything like that, either.
Zoltan Forray
TSM Software  Hardware Administrator
Virginia Commonwealth University
UCC/Office of Technology Services - 804-828-4807
Don't be a phishing victim - VCU and other reputable organizations will
never use email to request that you reply with your password, social
security number or confidential personal information. For more details

From:   Kenneth Bury
Date:   01/09/2012 12:03 PM
Subject:Re: [ADSM-L] Tivoli Storage Manager for Virtual
Sent by:ADSM: Dist Stor Manager ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU

I have install the TSM for VE v6.3 and I am interested what you would
expect to see in the 'cookbook'. What I hear discussed the most is the
architectural choices that you can make using TSM for VE, like whether to
use client-side de-dupe, LAN-free, virtual or physical data movers, etc.
Once you figure out what you want to make, the recipe is straight forward.
Sort of like cooking eggs, lots of different methods but it's still the
same egg and close to the same taste.

On Mon, Jan 9, 2012 at 11:06 AM, Vandeventer, Harold [BS] wrote:

 We are also looking for that cookbook.

 Harold Vandeventer
 Systems Programmer
 State of Kansas - Department of Administration - Office of Information
 Technology Services
 (785) 296-0631

Ken Bury

Client Technical Professional

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Re: Firefox users with TSM 6.2 Admin Center

2011-11-11 Thread Zoltan Forray/AC/VCU
That is as ridiculous as telling people to keep IE6 around since their
applications don't work on anything newerbut at least
you CAN have multiple version of FF...

From:   Vandeventer, Harold [BS]
Date:   11/11/2011 01:44 PM
Subject:[ADSM-L] Firefox users with TSM 6.2 Admin Center
Sent by:ADSM: Dist Stor Manager ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU

FYI... don't install the latest Firefox 8 if you're using FF to access TSM
6.2 Admin Center.

I did the dumb thing and installed the latest Firefox 8 this morning when

I got logged into the 6.2 Admin Center, but couldn't open any servers for
management.  Got a 500 error on the screens.

An uninstall and reload of V 3.6.13 was the solution.

Harold Vandeventer

Re: Firefox users with TSM 6.2 Admin Center

2011-11-10 Thread Zoltan Forray/AC/VCU
Have you tried ILMT?  Does not work with anything but IE!  FireFox is
totally unusable and Chrome, while better than FF, is still

Come on IBM.get with the times.

Zoltan Forray
TSM Software  Hardware Administrator
Virginia Commonwealth University
UCC/Office of Technology Services - 804-828-4807
Don't be a phishing victim - VCU and other reputable organizations will
never use email to request that you reply with your password, social
security number or confidential personal information. For more details

From:   Howard Coles
Date:   11/10/2011 12:44 PM
Subject:Re: [ADSM-L] Firefox users with TSM 6.2 Admin Center
Sent by:ADSM: Dist Stor Manager ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU

So far Google chrome works half decent, but I'm looking to install a 3.6
version of FF just for this.

See Ya'
Howard Coles Jr.
John 3:16!

-Original Message-
From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU] On Behalf Of
Vandeventer, Harold [BS]
Sent: Thursday, November 10, 2011 10:34 AM
Subject: [ADSM-L] Firefox users with TSM 6.2 Admin Center

FYI... don't install the latest Firefox 8 if you're using FF to access
TSM 6.2 Admin Center.

I did the dumb thing and installed the latest Firefox 8 this morning
when prompted.

I got logged into the 6.2 Admin Center, but couldn't open any servers
for management.  Got a 500 error on the screens.

An uninstall and reload of V 3.6.13 was the solution.

Harold Vandeventer
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Re: tsm services hung on red had linux

2011-11-10 Thread Zoltan Forray/AC/VCU
Have you tried killing with extreme prejudice as in kill -9 4938?

From:   Tim Brown
Date:   11/10/2011 01:47 PM
Subject:[ADSM-L] tsm services hung on red had linux
Sent by:ADSM: Dist Stor Manager ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU

Server is red hat linux 3.5

TSM client is 6.1

TSM log

Executing scheduled command now.

11/09/2011 21:31:19 --- SCHEDULEREC OBJECT BEGIN LX_WKD_5E4 11/09/2011

11/10/2011 10:23:42 ANS2820E An interrupt has occurred. The current
operation will end and the

client will shut down.

Ps -ef | grep dsmc

root  4938 1  0 Nov01 ?00:02:28 dsmc schedule

root 23223 23132  0 13:33 pts/300:00:00 grep dsmc

Cant kill dsmcad service via command  kill 4938

Can start another process but cant seem to get TSM to re-contact server

TSM issue?

Linux issue?

TSM tech --- Linux tech


Tim Brown
Systems Specialist - Project Leader
Central Hudson Gas  Electric
284 South Ave
Poughkeepsie, NY 12601
Phone: 845-486-5643
Fax: 845-486-5921
Cell: 845-235-4255

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to the intended recipient, please notify the sender immediately by
replying to this note and deleting all copies and attachments.

Re: dsmc in linux

2011-11-08 Thread Zoltan Forray/AC/VCU
OPT and SYS have different purposes/uses on Linux vs Windows.  DSM.SYS on
Linux does what DSM.OPT does on Windows. DSM.OPT is used for very few
parms - one is to select the appropriate stanza in a DSM.SYS file.

For example, here are lines in a DSM.SYS - note the servername

SErvername  oak4_weekly
   COMMMethod TCPip
   TCPServeraddress   TSMLINUX7.UCC.VCU.EDU
   NODEName   oak4.weekly
   HTTPPORT   1569
   DOMNODE /opt/tivoli/tsm/client/domino/bin/domdsmc_oak4/domdsmw.cfg

SErvername  oak4_logs
   COMMMethod TCPip
   TCPServeraddress   TSMLINUX7.UCC.VCU.EDU
   NODEName   oak4.logs
   HTTPPORT   1546

So, I have an OPT file called OAK4.WEEKLY which has one line in it:

SERVERNAME oak4_weekly

and one called OAK4.LOGS which has (you guessed it)

SERVERNAME oak4_logs

So, you would say:

dsmc q fi -optfile=


dsmc q fi -optfile=/opt/tivoli/tsm/client/domino/bin/domdsmc_oak4/

Zoltan Forray
TSM Software  Hardware Administrator
Virginia Commonwealth University
UCC/Office of Technology Services - 804-828-4807
Don't be a phishing victim - VCU and other reputable organizations will
never use email to request that you reply with your password, social
security number or confidential personal information. For more details

From:   Tim Brown
Date:   11/08/2011 04:03 PM
Subject:[ADSM-L] dsmc in linux
Sent by:ADSM: Dist Stor Manager ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU

Is there an override in the linux backup command to access a different

As there is in windows


Dsmc inc -optile=dsm1.opt


./ dsmc inc -=dsm1.sys


Tim Brown
Systems Specialist - Project Leader
Central Hudson Gas  Electric
284 South Ave
Poughkeepsie, NY 12601
Phone: 845-486-5643
Fax: 845-486-5921
Cell: 845-235-4255

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to the intended recipient, please notify the sender immediately by
replying to this note and deleting all copies and attachments.

Re: Ang: Re: Help tracking down spurious Failed 12

2011-11-03 Thread Zoltan Forray/AC/VCU
We had the same problem with a Windows box when the client was upgraded
from 6.1 to 6.2.  The help file from the previous version was left behind
and caused errors.  Replaced it with the same version installed by the
newer client (but into a different sub-directory)

Zoltan Forray
TSM Software  Hardware Administrator
Virginia Commonwealth University
UCC/Office of Technology Services - 804-828-4807
Don't be a phishing victim - VCU and other reputable organizations will
never use email to request that you reply with your password, social
security number or confidential personal information. For more details

From:   Lindsay Morris
Date:   11/02/2011 09:22 PM
Subject:Re: [ADSM-L] Ang: Re: Help tracking down spurious Failed
Sent by:ADSM: Dist Stor Manager ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU

We have the same issue.  In our case, it's caused by a corrupt or
mismatched dscenu.txt file, causing ANS0106E message index not found for
message... in dsmerror.log.

To fix it, we stop the TSM scheduler (no need for that if you're using CAD
I guess), replace the dscenu.txt file with a good one from a client that
NOT giving you RC 12s, and restart the scheduler. Works for us anyway.

Lindsay Morris
CEO, TSMworks
Tel. 1-859-539-9900

On Fri, Aug 26, 2011 at 12:37 PM, Andrew Raibeck

 An in-use file should not cause an RC 12. Either you are running an old
 client level with some defect that issues the wrong return code (for
 example, see go to the URL in my sig and search for IC35763); or there
 some additional error being thrown that causes the RC to be set to 12.
 Examine your dsmerror.log and dsmsched.log files very carefully for any
 other ANSE or ANSS messages that might trigger the RC 12. Also,
 my other recent posts on this topic.

 Best regards,

 Andy Raibeck
 IBM Software Group
 Tivoli Storage Manager Client Product Development
 Level 3 Team Lead
 Internal Notes e-mail: Andrew Raibeck/Hartford/IBM@IBMUS
 Internet e-mail:

 IBM Tivoli Storage Manager support web page:

 ADSM: Dist Stor Manager wrote on 2011-08-25

  From: Jimou
  Date: 2011-08-26 12:15
  Subject: Ang: Re: Help tracking down spurious Failed 12
  Sent by: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager
  I wonder why we can have a RC =12 for a skipped file in use,
  cause there
  i see that it should be RC=4
  But i also have a RC=12 and the only message i got is in used file.
  Someone could explain to me why it is not a RC=4 ??
  Ty in advance.
  |This was sent by via Backup Central.
  |Forward SPAM to

Re: When hours become seconds

2011-11-03 Thread Zoltan Forray/AC/VCU
There seems to be some additional mitigating factors for this to work in
2-seconds vs 2-hours.

I just redid our SAN storage on another box that has installed and
it is formatting as beforegonna take hours for 300GB

The big differences between this system and the other one:

FAST = RH 6.1 filesystems=ext4
SLOW = RH 5.6  filesystem=ext3

Thinking it might be ext3 vs ext4, we tried to perform a mkfs.ext4 but
that function/format doesn't exist until a higher kernel level that what
is on our SLOW system.

So, what are the details / requirements for FAST formatting vs SLOW?  Is
there a doc/tid to read?

Zoltan Forray
TSM Software  Hardware Administrator
Virginia Commonwealth University
UCC/Office of Technology Services - 804-828-4807
Don't be a phishing victim - VCU and other reputable organizations will
never use email to request that you reply with your password, social
security number or confidential personal information. For more details

From:   Hans Christian Riksheim
Date:   11/02/2011 09:49 AM
Subject:Re: [ADSM-L] When hours become seconds
Sent by:ADSM: Dist Stor Manager ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU

Yes, this was finally fixed for the UNIX platforms in 6.2.3.

This update was released just in time for me when I had to format 40
TB of disk/file on a new server. Would have taken a week otherwise.

I guess it does the same as on the windows platform so no need to
write zeros on all blocks on unix anymore.

Hans Chr.

On Wed, Nov 2, 2011 at 1:49 PM, Zoltan Forray/AC/VCU
 I had an odd situation occur involving formatting disk storage volumes
 a Linux server.

 In the past, when creating and formatting storage pool volumes, a 300GB
 volume would normally take an hour or more. I could watch the space
 allocated, piece-by-piece until it reached 300GB and then wait for the
 formatting to complete. This process was usually so resource intensive
 (never understood why???) doing something like an LS would take many
 seconds to respond.

 Yesterday, I had a need to create new volumes on a recently rebuilt
 - RH Linux 5.6 and TSM server

 Imagine my surprise when a 300GB volume was created in 2-seconds!
 Furthermore, I create 9-300GB volumes as fast as I could enter the

 I thought for sure there was some kind of problem but all the error logs
 checked were clean.  I figured if I started using them they would start
 registering errors but nothing happened!  Everything seems to be working
 just fine.

 So, what gives?

 Is there some dramatic change in (this is my first server
 to this level) effecting the behavior of creating disk storage pool
 volumes?  It can't be the hardware since this is a 3+ year old machine.
 have newer, bigger, beefier, faster servers that still take a long time
 format storage volumes?

 Zoltan Forray
 TSM Software  Hardware Administrator
 Virginia Commonwealth University
 UCC/Office of Technology Services - 804-828-4807
 Don't be a phishing victim - VCU and other reputable organizations will
 never use email to request that you reply with your password, social
 security number or confidential personal information. For more details

Re: Windows 6.3 client install problem

2011-11-03 Thread Zoltan Forray/AC/VCU
I have installed this on a couple of W2K8R2 servers with no issues.  IIRC,
during the install process it does make you update a C++ re-distributable

Zoltan Forray
TSM Software  Hardware Administrator
Virginia Commonwealth University
UCC/Office of Technology Services - 804-828-4807
Don't be a phishing victim - VCU and other reputable organizations will
never use email to request that you reply with your password, social
security number or confidential personal information. For more details

From:   Hans Christian Riksheim
Date:   11/03/2011 10:30 AM
Subject:[ADSM-L] Windows 6.3 client install problem
Sent by:ADSM: Dist Stor Manager ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU


anybody else having trouble installing the 6.3 x64 client? Getting
MSVC100.DLL missing when I try to start it.

Win2008 R2.

Hans Chr.

When hours become seconds

2011-11-02 Thread Zoltan Forray/AC/VCU
I had an odd situation occur involving formatting disk storage volumes on
a Linux server.

In the past, when creating and formatting storage pool volumes, a 300GB
volume would normally take an hour or more. I could watch the space being
allocated, piece-by-piece until it reached 300GB and then wait for the
formatting to complete. This process was usually so resource intensive
(never understood why???) doing something like an LS would take many
seconds to respond.

Yesterday, I had a need to create new volumes on a recently rebuilt server
- RH Linux 5.6 and TSM server

Imagine my surprise when a 300GB volume was created in 2-seconds!
Furthermore, I create 9-300GB volumes as fast as I could enter the

I thought for sure there was some kind of problem but all the error logs I
checked were clean.  I figured if I started using them they would start
registering errors but nothing happened!  Everything seems to be working
just fine.

So, what gives?

Is there some dramatic change in (this is my first server upgraded
to this level) effecting the behavior of creating disk storage pool
volumes?  It can't be the hardware since this is a 3+ year old machine.  I
have newer, bigger, beefier, faster servers that still take a long time to
format storage volumes?

Zoltan Forray
TSM Software  Hardware Administrator
Virginia Commonwealth University
UCC/Office of Technology Services - 804-828-4807
Don't be a phishing victim - VCU and other reputable organizations will
never use email to request that you reply with your password, social
security number or confidential personal information. For more details

Re: When hours become seconds

2011-11-02 Thread Zoltan Forray/AC/VCU
Thanks for the confirmation.  I too am getting ready to format 20TB+ on
2-other servers so I guess I will have to update the servers to
first (or jump straight to 6.3)

I wonder if this will effect FILE devclasses/processing?   I have tried to
use FILE devclasses numerous times and always see performance problems and
have reverted back to fixed, formatted volumes.

Zoltan Forray
TSM Software  Hardware Administrator
Virginia Commonwealth University
UCC/Office of Technology Services - 804-828-4807
Don't be a phishing victim - VCU and other reputable organizations will
never use email to request that you reply with your password, social
security number or confidential personal information. For more details

From:   Hans Christian Riksheim
Date:   11/02/2011 09:49 AM
Subject:Re: [ADSM-L] When hours become seconds
Sent by:ADSM: Dist Stor Manager ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU

Yes, this was finally fixed for the UNIX platforms in 6.2.3.

This update was released just in time for me when I had to format 40
TB of disk/file on a new server. Would have taken a week otherwise.

I guess it does the same as on the windows platform so no need to
write zeros on all blocks on unix anymore.

Hans Chr.

On Wed, Nov 2, 2011 at 1:49 PM, Zoltan Forray/AC/VCU
 I had an odd situation occur involving formatting disk storage volumes
 a Linux server.

 In the past, when creating and formatting storage pool volumes, a 300GB
 volume would normally take an hour or more. I could watch the space
 allocated, piece-by-piece until it reached 300GB and then wait for the
 formatting to complete. This process was usually so resource intensive
 (never understood why???) doing something like an LS would take many
 seconds to respond.

 Yesterday, I had a need to create new volumes on a recently rebuilt
 - RH Linux 5.6 and TSM server

 Imagine my surprise when a 300GB volume was created in 2-seconds!
 Furthermore, I create 9-300GB volumes as fast as I could enter the

 I thought for sure there was some kind of problem but all the error logs
 checked were clean.  I figured if I started using them they would start
 registering errors but nothing happened!  Everything seems to be working
 just fine.

 So, what gives?

 Is there some dramatic change in (this is my first server
 to this level) effecting the behavior of creating disk storage pool
 volumes?  It can't be the hardware since this is a 3+ year old machine.
 have newer, bigger, beefier, faster servers that still take a long time
 format storage volumes?

 Zoltan Forray
 TSM Software  Hardware Administrator
 Virginia Commonwealth University
 UCC/Office of Technology Services - 804-828-4807
 Don't be a phishing victim - VCU and other reputable organizations will
 never use email to request that you reply with your password, social
 security number or confidential personal information. For more details

Re: When hours become seconds

2011-11-02 Thread Zoltan Forray/AC/VCU
Speaking of 6.2.3,  I just noticed a patch but none of the links
in the README.htm file work.  Anyone have the list of what is fixed for
this patch?

Zoltan Forray
TSM Software  Hardware Administrator
Virginia Commonwealth University
UCC/Office of Technology Services - 804-828-4807
Don't be a phishing victim - VCU and other reputable organizations will
never use email to request that you reply with your password, social
security number or confidential personal information. For more details

From:   Hans Christian Riksheim
Date:   11/02/2011 09:49 AM
Subject:Re: [ADSM-L] When hours become seconds
Sent by:ADSM: Dist Stor Manager ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU

Yes, this was finally fixed for the UNIX platforms in 6.2.3.

This update was released just in time for me when I had to format 40
TB of disk/file on a new server. Would have taken a week otherwise.

I guess it does the same as on the windows platform so no need to
write zeros on all blocks on unix anymore.

Hans Chr.

On Wed, Nov 2, 2011 at 1:49 PM, Zoltan Forray/AC/VCU
 I had an odd situation occur involving formatting disk storage volumes
 a Linux server.

 In the past, when creating and formatting storage pool volumes, a 300GB
 volume would normally take an hour or more. I could watch the space
 allocated, piece-by-piece until it reached 300GB and then wait for the
 formatting to complete. This process was usually so resource intensive
 (never understood why???) doing something like an LS would take many
 seconds to respond.

 Yesterday, I had a need to create new volumes on a recently rebuilt
 - RH Linux 5.6 and TSM server

 Imagine my surprise when a 300GB volume was created in 2-seconds!
 Furthermore, I create 9-300GB volumes as fast as I could enter the

 I thought for sure there was some kind of problem but all the error logs
 checked were clean.  I figured if I started using them they would start
 registering errors but nothing happened!  Everything seems to be working
 just fine.

 So, what gives?

 Is there some dramatic change in (this is my first server
 to this level) effecting the behavior of creating disk storage pool
 volumes?  It can't be the hardware since this is a 3+ year old machine.
 have newer, bigger, beefier, faster servers that still take a long time
 format storage volumes?

 Zoltan Forray
 TSM Software  Hardware Administrator
 Virginia Commonwealth University
 UCC/Office of Technology Services - 804-828-4807
 Don't be a phishing victim - VCU and other reputable organizations will
 never use email to request that you reply with your password, social
 security number or confidential personal information. For more details

V6.3 TDP for Oracle on Linux

2011-11-02 Thread Zoltan Forray/AC/VCU
Anyone here started playing with this TDP?  We can't get it to install.
Most folks here use a terminal window and the -i console option has
always worked in the past.  With 6.3 it tried to kick in a GUI/Java
session and thus fails since it can't start an X-Windows session

Re: Linux TSM Server discovering scsi tape drives

2011-10-28 Thread Zoltan Forray/AC/VCU
Have you installed the lin_tape drivers and/or daemon?

From:   Moyer, Joni M
Date:   10/28/2011 02:13 PM
Subject:[ADSM-L] Linux TSM Server  discovering scsi tape drives
Sent by:ADSM: Dist Stor Manager ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU

Hi Everyone,

We're in the process of trying to set up a new TSM Linux server
and we are trying to configure the tape drives to the OS.  Would anyone
happen to know what needs to be done?  We have already zoned the tape
drives to hba's on the linux server, but we still do not see the drives.
(Even after reboot.)

Any suggestions?

Just let me know.  Thanks!

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Re: FODC (First Occurrence Data Capture) dumps

2011-10-27 Thread Zoltan Forray/AC/VCU
Thanks for the confirmation..gave me back 30GB

From:   Steven Langdale
Date:   10/27/2011 04:04 AM
Subject:Re: [ADSM-L] FODC (First Occurrence Data Capture) dumps
Sent by:ADSM: Dist Stor Manager ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU


These are DB2 dumps.  Assuming you don't need them, and by the dates you
don't, they are OK to remove


On 25 October 2011 15:17, Zoltan Forray/AC/VCU wrote:

 I have been looking around on our servers to cleanup large/unnecessary
 files and came upon the /dumps/FODC_Panic_ folders with many gigs of
 cores and such.

 Any need to keep these around and can they be deleted?  Some of them
 back to 2009.

 Zoltan Forray
 TSM Software  Hardware Administrator
 Virginia Commonwealth University
 UCC/Office of Technology Services - 804-828-4807
 Don't be a phishing victim - VCU and other reputable organizations will
 never use email to request that you reply with your password, social
 security number or confidential personal information. For more details

FODC (First Occurrence Data Capture) dumps

2011-10-25 Thread Zoltan Forray/AC/VCU
I have been looking around on our servers to cleanup large/unnecessary
files and came upon the /dumps/FODC_Panic_ folders with many gigs of
cores and such.

Any need to keep these around and can they be deleted?  Some of them date
back to 2009.

Zoltan Forray
TSM Software  Hardware Administrator
Virginia Commonwealth University
UCC/Office of Technology Services - 804-828-4807
Don't be a phishing victim - VCU and other reputable organizations will
never use email to request that you reply with your password, social
security number or confidential personal information. For more details

Re: TDP for Databases 6.3 -- Documentation

2011-10-24 Thread Zoltan Forray/AC/VCU
Speaking of 6.3,  I downloaded all clients and TDPs and noticed the lack
of a Domino TDP for SOLARIS, which happens to be the main platform we use
for the biggest Domino servers.  Is this platform being
discontinued/non-supported ?  If so, any docs/notices I can point our
Domino admin to?

We have been wanting to move staff/faculty to in the cloud for email and
such (all students have been moved to GMail) and this would be extra
Zoltan Forray
TSM Software  Hardware Administrator
Virginia Commonwealth University
UCC/Office of Technology Services - 804-828-4807
Don't be a phishing victim - VCU and other reputable organizations will
never use email to request that you reply with your password, social
security number or confidential personal information. For more details

From:   Del Hoobler
Date:   10/24/2011 10:37 AM
Subject:Re: [ADSM-L] TDP for Databases 6.3 -- Documentation
Sent by:ADSM: Dist Stor Manager ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU



ADSM: Dist Stor Manager wrote on 10/24/2011
09:47:20 AM:

 From: Sascha Askani
 Date: 10/24/2011 09:52 AM
 Subject: TDP for Databases 6.3 -- Documentation
 Sent by: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager

 Hi List ;)

 Thanks to Passport Advantage, I downloaded the TDP for Databases 6.3
 but I cannot seem to find any updated documentation for this product.
 there have been significant changes in the software (at least in TDP
 MSSQL), it would be great if there was one available ;)

 Has anybody found a Website or PDF?

 Thanks in advance!

 How many surrealists does it take to screw in a lightbulb? A fish.

Re: TDP for Databases 6.3 -- Documentation

2011-10-24 Thread Zoltan Forray/AC/VCU

Thanks for the confirmation and documentation.

Zoltan Forray
TSM Software  Hardware Administrator
Virginia Commonwealth University
UCC/Office of Technology Services - 804-828-4807
Don't be a phishing victim - VCU and other reputable organizations will
never use email to request that you reply with your password, social
security number or confidential personal information. For more details

From:   Frank Ramke
Date:   10/24/2011 02:11 PM
Subject:Re: [ADSM-L] TDP for Databases 6.3 -- Documentation
Sent by:ADSM: Dist Stor Manager ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU

Hello Zoltan,

We continue to support Solaris SPARC with DP for Domino V 5.5 as pointed
out here.

But, you are correct that Solaris is not supported with DP for Domino V

Frank Ramke

Re: expiration

2011-10-20 Thread Zoltan Forray/AC/VCU
and, if you deleted a file/object and ran a backup, all previously
inactive copies are flushed (up to the value set in your Management Class)
and the last n-copies become inactive and are kept for the number of days
specified in your MC retain only value.

From:   Allen S. Rout
Date:   10/20/2011 10:47 AM
Subject:Re: [ADSM-L] expiration
Sent by:ADSM: Dist Stor Manager ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU

On 10/20/2011 09:00 AM, Tim Brown wrote:

 If I have a client that I need to not run a backup on for specific
 DR reasons since it is missing some files.  I don't want the backup
 to mark those as expired and thus actually expired as part of the
 inventory process

 Thus if I run the full expire inventory process on the server and
 not the client backup the missing files on the server wont expire
 and will remain active.

An important distinction here: older Inactive file versions will
continue to age away and be discarded by successive expiration

But if the file was active the last time you ran an incremental of the
machine, it will stay that way, and you can expire inventory as often
as you like.  Only inactive file versions will be eventually pared

- Allen S. Rout

Re: First Solaris node

2011-10-11 Thread Zoltan Forray/AC/VCU
Welcome to the world of mixed operating systems..

Don't take this the wrong way but what does the OS have to do with things
like compressability?  Compressability is based on your data.  For
instance, I have dozens of Notes/Domino servers that are both Solaris AND
Windows.  Domino databases don't compress well or at all, so I don't.  I
have hundreds of Windows servers that don't compress well due to the
application/data and then I have hundreds that compress very wellagain
based on the data/application.

I don't have any CLOPTSET for any Solaris or Linux servers.  They usually
don't have problems with files being locked/exclusive access.  But you may
be running an application that does.  As to what you may want to exclude
from backups, that depends on how the server is setup and the application
running on it.  Most of my non-Domino Solaris servers run Oracle and
therefore backup their databases using the TDP so the directories with the
actual Oracle database are excluded.

It really is all about knowing your data.

From:   Vandeventer, Harold [BS]
Date:   10/11/2011 03:33 PM
Subject:[ADSM-L] First Solaris node
Sent by:ADSM: Dist Stor Manager ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU

I need to prepare my TSM environment (running on Windows) for it's first
Solaris client.  All 400+ existing clients are Windows-based.

Anyone have suggestions for setting any specialized Option Set values?

My first thought is to have a Solaris option set, and leave most of it
blank.  Probably set COMPRESSSION YES as this node is physically about 50
miles away.

Definitely don't hook them to an option set for Windows filters.

Thanks Harold.

Re: Defining Multiple filesystems to one FILEDEVCLASS in TSM v5.5

2011-10-10 Thread Zoltan Forray/AC/VCU
Well, now that we have multiple filesystems in this storage pool, we need
to remove one without removing the already allocated volumes.

The second filesystem we added to this FILEDEVCLASS just had a major error
and has remounted itself as READ-ONLY (ext3 journling failed).

So, how do I do this?

From:   Hart, Charles A
Date:   10/05/2011 10:47 AM
Subject:Re: [ADSM-L] Defining  Multiple filesystems to one
Sent by:ADSM: Dist Stor Manager ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU

We did it see below, we alos share it with multiple instances on a
physical hosts, so far so good!

define devclass sql-file devtype=file
maxcapacity=50G MOUNTLimit=128

-Original Message-
From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU] On Behalf Of
David W Daniels/AC/VCU
Sent: Wednesday, October 05, 2011 9:18 AM
Subject: [ADSM-L] Defining Multiple filesystems to one FILEDEVCLASS in
TSM v5.5

We have a  (red hat linux)  server running TSM server 5.5  The question
is,  can you define multiple file systems to a FILEDEVCLASS? If so, what
are pros/cons.

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Linux Linux server - DB backup keeps failing - 2043

2011-10-06 Thread Zoltan Forray/AC/VCU
Within the past week, the DB backups have been failing on this server.

Looking in the db2diag.log file, I am seeing:

2011-10-06- E5649679E455LEVEL: Info
PID : 14396TID  : 47256765983040PROC : db2sysc 0
INSTANCE: tsminst1 NODE : 000  DB   : TSMDB1
APPHDL  : 0-27731  APPID: *LOCAL.tsminst1.111006143025
EDUID   : 5622 EDUNAME: db2agent (TSMDB1) 0
FUNCTION: DB2 UDB, database utilities, sqlubSetupJobControl, probe:1603
MESSAGE : Starting an online db backup.

2011-10-06- I5650135E791LEVEL: Error (OS)
PID : 22093TID  : 47249703067664PROC : db2vend (db2med
- 5740 (TSMDB1))
INSTANCE: tsminst1 NODE : 000
FUNCTION: DB2 UDB, SQO Memory Management, sqlocshr, probe:180
MESSAGE : ZRC=0x850F0005=-2062614523=SQLO_NOSEG
  No Storage Available for allocation
  DIA8305C Memory allocation failure occurred.
CALLED  : OS, -, shmatOSERR: EINVAL (22)
DATA #1 : Memory set handle, PD_TYPE_OSS_MEM_SET_HDL, 48 bytes
0x7FFF1D134550 : 0060 F4DE F52A  0060 F4DE F52A 
0x7FFF1D134560 :        

0x7FFF1D134570 :  488D   0800 6E20 0100  ..H...n

2011-10-06- I5650927E500LEVEL: Error
PID : 22093TID  : 47249703067664PROC : db2vend (db2med
- 5740 (TSMDB1))
INSTANCE: tsminst1 NODE : 000
FUNCTION: DB2 UDB, oper system services, DB2VEND_main, probe:1020
MESSAGE : ZRC=0x850F0005=-2062614523=SQLO_NOSEG
  No Storage Available for allocation
  DIA8305C Memory allocation failure occurred.
DATA #1 : String, 57 bytes
Fenced vendor process unable to connect to shared memory.

2011-10-06- I5656762E1150   LEVEL: Error
PID : 14396TID  : 47257793587520PROC : db2sysc 0
INSTANCE: tsminst1 NODE : 000
EDUID   : 5740 EDUNAME: db2med.5622.0 (TSMDB1) 0
FUNCTION: DB2 UDB, database utilities, sqluVendorInitProcess, probe:133
MESSAGE : SQL2043N  Unable to start a child process or thread.
DATA #1 : ZRC, PD_TYPE_ZRC, 4 bytes
DATA #2 : signed integer, 4 bytes
  [0] 0x2AF5B48DE7C6 pdLog + 0x398
  [1] 0x2AF5B593FA64
+ 0x1CA
  [2] 0x2AF5B58DA38E _Z23sqluMCInitVendorProcessP13SQLUMC_IBLK_T +
  [3] 0x2AF5B58E013A _Z24sqluMCTestDevType4BackupP13SQLUMC_IBLK_T +
  [4] 0x2AF5B58E0A07 _Z25sqluMCProcessBackupStatesP13SQLUMC_IBLK_T +
  [5] 0x2AF5B58E0E24 _Z32sqluMCStartBackupMediaControllerPcj + 0x390
  [6] 0x2AF5B4E31D62 sqloEDUEntry + 0x2F4
  [7] 0x003DB540673D /lib64/ + 0x673D
  [8] 0x003DB4CD3F6D clone + 0x6D
  [9] 0x ?unknown + 0x0

2011-10-06- E5657913E478LEVEL: Severe
PID : 14396TID  : 47257793587520PROC : db2sysc 0
INSTANCE: tsminst1 NODE : 000
EDUID   : 5740 EDUNAME: db2med.5622.0 (TSMDB1) 0
FUNCTION: DB2 UDB, database utilities, sqluMCInitVendorProcess, probe:2382
MESSAGE : SQL2043N  Unable to start a child process or thread.
DATA #1 : String, 35 bytes
DATA #2 : signed integer, 4 bytes

This servers DB is very small (9GB) since most backups are TDP.  The
machine has 48GB RAM so that isn't it.  Most ulimit values are

I did a few Google searches with no success

Server/machine has not been restarted since installing on


Zoltan Forray
TSM Software  Hardware Administrator
Virginia Commonwealth University
UCC/Office of Technology Services - 804-828-4807
Don't be a phishing victim - VCU and other reputable organizations will
never use email to request that you reply with your password, social
security number or confidential personal information. For more details

Re: Linux Linux server - DB backup keeps failing - 2043

2011-10-06 Thread Zoltan Forray/AC/VCU
Here ya go...

[tsminst1@sun tsmstg]$ db2adutl query

Query for database TSMDB1

Retrieving FULL DATABASE BACKUP information.
1 Time: 20111006120022  Oldest log: S0001280.LOG  DB Partition Number: 
0Sessions: 2
2 Time: 20111006103514  Oldest log: S0001280.LOG  DB Partition Number: 
0Sessions: 2
3 Time: 20111005103019  Oldest log: S0001276.LOG  DB Partition Number: 
0Sessions: 2


Retrieving DELTA DATABASE BACKUP information.
  No DELTA DATABASE BACKUP images found for TSMDB1

Retrieving TABLESPACE BACKUP information.
  No TABLESPACE BACKUP images found for TSMDB1


Retrieving DELTA TABLESPACE BACKUP information.

Retrieving LOAD COPY information.
  No LOAD COPY images found for TSMDB1

Retrieving LOG ARCHIVE information.
  No LOG ARCHIVE images found for TSMDB1

From:   Erwann SIMON
Date:   10/06/2011 01:54 PM
Subject:Re: [ADSM-L] Linux Linux server - DB backup keeps 
failing - 2043
Sent by:ADSM: Dist Stor Manager ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU

Hi Zoltan,

Could you connect to your system using the instance ID (with the su - 
command maybe) and issue the following command : db2adutl query

Best regards / Cordialement / مع تحياتي
Erwann SIMON

-Original Message-
From: Zoltan Forray/AC/VCU
Sender: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU
Date: Thu, 6 Oct 2011 11:44:29 
Reply-To: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU
Subject: [ADSM-L] Linux Linux server - DB backup keeps failing - 

Within the past week, the DB backups have been failing on this server.

Looking in the db2diag.log file, I am seeing:

2011-10-06- E5649679E455LEVEL: Info
PID : 14396TID  : 47256765983040PROC : db2sysc 0
INSTANCE: tsminst1 NODE : 000  DB   : TSMDB1
APPHDL  : 0-27731  APPID: *LOCAL.tsminst1.111006143025
EDUID   : 5622 EDUNAME: db2agent (TSMDB1) 0
FUNCTION: DB2 UDB, database utilities, sqlubSetupJobControl, probe:1603
MESSAGE : Starting an online db backup.

2011-10-06- I5650135E791LEVEL: Error (OS)
PID : 22093TID  : 47249703067664PROC : db2vend (db2med
- 5740 (TSMDB1))
INSTANCE: tsminst1 NODE : 000
FUNCTION: DB2 UDB, SQO Memory Management, sqlocshr, probe:180
MESSAGE : ZRC=0x850F0005=-2062614523=SQLO_NOSEG
  No Storage Available for allocation
  DIA8305C Memory allocation failure occurred.
CALLED  : OS, -, shmatOSERR: EINVAL (22)
DATA #1 : Memory set handle, PD_TYPE_OSS_MEM_SET_HDL, 48 bytes
0x7FFF1D134550 : 0060 F4DE F52A  0060 F4DE F52A 
0x7FFF1D134560 :        

0x7FFF1D134570 :  488D   0800 6E20 0100  ..H...n

2011-10-06- I5650927E500LEVEL: Error
PID : 22093TID  : 47249703067664PROC : db2vend (db2med
- 5740 (TSMDB1))
INSTANCE: tsminst1 NODE : 000
FUNCTION: DB2 UDB, oper system services, DB2VEND_main, probe:1020
MESSAGE : ZRC=0x850F0005=-2062614523=SQLO_NOSEG
  No Storage Available for allocation
  DIA8305C Memory allocation failure occurred.
DATA #1 : String, 57 bytes
Fenced vendor process unable to connect to shared memory.

2011-10-06- I5656762E1150   LEVEL: Error
PID : 14396TID  : 47257793587520PROC : db2sysc 0
INSTANCE: tsminst1 NODE : 000
EDUID   : 5740 EDUNAME: db2med.5622.0 (TSMDB1) 0
FUNCTION: DB2 UDB, database utilities, sqluVendorInitProcess, probe:133
MESSAGE : SQL2043N  Unable to start a child process or thread.
DATA #1 : ZRC, PD_TYPE_ZRC, 4 bytes
DATA #2 : signed integer, 4 bytes
  [0] 0x2AF5B48DE7C6 pdLog + 0x398
  [1] 0x2AF5B593FA64
+ 0x1CA
  [2] 0x2AF5B58DA38E _Z23sqluMCInitVendorProcessP13SQLUMC_IBLK_T +
  [3] 0x2AF5B58E013A _Z24sqluMCTestDevType4BackupP13SQLUMC_IBLK_T +
  [4] 0x2AF5B58E0A07 _Z25sqluMCProcessBackupStatesP13SQLUMC_IBLK_T +
  [5] 0x2AF5B58E0E24 _Z32sqluMCStartBackupMediaControllerPcj + 0x390
  [6] 0x2AF5B4E31D62 sqloEDUEntry + 0x2F4
  [7] 0x003DB540673D /lib64/ + 0x673D
  [8] 0x003DB4CD3F6D clone + 0x6D
  [9] 0x ?unknown + 0x0

2011-10-06- E5657913E478LEVEL: Severe
PID : 14396TID  : 47257793587520PROC

Reducing/Reclaiming tsmlog space

2011-09-30 Thread Zoltan Forray/AC/VCU
I recently expanded the log size from 60GB to 120GB to allow for an
expected increase in transactions (was deleted 190M objects).

Now that this is over, I need to shrink it back down to 60GB since the
filespace it is using is shared by the DB and now I get a daily messages
that the DB is running low on space (89.40% utilized.

So what does it take to do this?   I am guessing that simply changing the
logsize to 60GB won't just magically reclaim the space

Server is Linux

Zoltan Forray
TSM Software  Hardware Administrator
Virginia Commonwealth University
UCC/Office of Technology Services - 804-828-4807
Don't be a phishing victim - VCU and other reputable organizations will
never use email to request that you reply with your password, social
security number or confidential personal information. For more details

Re: LARGE MS-SQL TDP backup keeps failing

2011-09-16 Thread Zoltan Forray/AC/VCU
FYI, FWIW,  after increasing IDLETIMEOUT and COMMTIMEOUT to 12
(ridiculous - yes I know one value is in seconds and the other in minutes)
and 2-STRIPES, the SQL backup of this database finally finished after
running 74-Hours.

Zoltan Forray
TSM Software  Hardware Administrator
Virginia Commonwealth University
UCC/Office of Technology Services - 804-828-4807
Don't be a phishing victim - VCU and other reputable organizations will
never use email to request that you reply with your password, social
security number or confidential personal information. For more details

From:   Zoltan Forray/AC/VCU
Date:   09/05/2011 01:21 PM
Subject:[ADSM-L] LARGE MS-SQL TDP backup keeps failing
Sent by:ADSM: Dist Stor Manager ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU

I am trying to backup a LARGE SQL (4TB) database via the SQL TDP, without

It will run for a while and then die - usually with the error: ANS1017E
(RC-50): Session Rejected : TCP/IP communications failure.  The last try
backed up 125GB before failing.

I have greatly increased the server communication timeout (6000 seconds)
guessing it is a timeout issue.

I know very little about the SQL TDP (v5.5.5.0 - base TSM client is - yes I know it needs updating) and config options.  Is there a
way to breakup the backup into chunks, like you can do with Oracle


Zoltan Forray
TSM Software  Hardware Administrator
Virginia Commonwealth University
UCC/Office of Technology Services - 804-828-4807
Don't be a phishing victim - VCU and other reputable organizations will
never use email to request that you reply with your password, social
security number or confidential personal information. For more details

DB Usage spike after turning on ALLOWTABLEREORG

2011-09-16 Thread Zoltan Forray/AC/VCU server. Back when there were issues with log usage due to table
reorgs, I like many folks turned off ALLOWTABLEREORG.

Recently, I did some big purging (moved a node with 189M objects to
another server).  Since the DB has grown to over 200G, I decided to
reactivate ALLOWTABLEREORG this morning.  Also increased the activelog to

I just got an alert from my monitoring program that the DB has grown to
90% used. Q DB shows very few free pages.

10:14:40 AM   WIND : q db f=d
 Database Name: TSMDB1
Total Size of File System (MB): 399,747
Space Used by Database(MB): 208,416
 Free Space Available (MB): 43,158
   Total Pages: 10,955,875
  Usable Pages: 10,955,739
Used Pages: 10,948,407
Free Pages: 5,348
 Buffer Pool Hit Ratio: 95.2
 Total Buffer Requests: 360,268
Sort Overflows: 0
   Package Cache Hit Ratio: 96.8
  Last Database Reorganization:
Full Device Class Name: TS1130
  Incrementals Since Last Full: 0
Last Complete Backup Date/Time: 09/15/2011 22:00:16

Is this normal/due to turning on reorg?  Will this settle down after it
gets through going the reorg?

Zoltan Forray
TSM Software  Hardware Administrator
Virginia Commonwealth University
UCC/Office of Technology Services - 804-828-4807
Don't be a phishing victim - VCU and other reputable organizations will
never use email to request that you reply with your password, social
security number or confidential personal information. For more details

Re: Moving tapes offsite

2011-09-16 Thread Zoltan Forray/AC/VCU
When I remove nodes for good and someone wants a copy kept forever, I
create 2-exports and then delete from TSM.  That way on the off chance
they want something, I simply import back into a TSM server.

Zoltan Forray
TSM Software  Hardware Administrator
Virginia Commonwealth University
UCC/Office of Technology Services - 804-828-4807
Don't be a phishing victim - VCU and other reputable organizations will
never use email to request that you reply with your password, social
security number or confidential personal information. For more details

From:   Jim Davis
Date:   09/16/2011 01:05 PM
Subject:[ADSM-L] Moving tapes offsite
Sent by:ADSM: Dist Stor Manager ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU

We have a department leaving our TSM system that would like to have the
tapes we've been using for them -- they'd keep them on a shelf and
presumably use tsmtape (or whatever) if they needed the old data.  I'm
not sure how to handle that request; I could mark the volumes 'offsite',
but they're really going out of the system completely.  But I don't want
to remove the contents of the tape, or move the tape contents to some
other volume, so 'delete volume' doesn't sound right.  Any suggestions?
 TSM 5.3, running on RHEL.  Thanks!

Jim Davis
Biotechnology Computing Facility
Arizona Research Labs

Re: Moving tapes offsite

2011-09-16 Thread Zoltan Forray/AC/VCU
But, if it isn't in the database or a transportable format (export of
backupset), you won't be able to restore from the tapes.

No, it doesn't delete the data/tapes physically - just removed the DB

Zoltan Forray
TSM Software  Hardware Administrator
Virginia Commonwealth University
UCC/Office of Technology Services - 804-828-4807
Don't be a phishing victim - VCU and other reputable organizations will
never use email to request that you reply with your password, social
security number or confidential personal information. For more details

From:   Jim Davis
Date:   09/16/2011 03:41 PM
Subject:Re: [ADSM-L] Moving tapes offsite
Sent by:ADSM: Dist Stor Manager ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU

On 9/16/2011 10:13 AM, Skylar Thompson wrote:
 Could you generate a backupset for them on new tape, and then delete
 their data from storage pools when it's done? That way TSM doesn't have
 to track it at all.

Thanks, though with 20+ tapes of their data...  I suspect there's an
easier way I'd overlooked:  checkout the volumes, hand the tapes over,
then destroy the volumes with discarddata=yes. On my first quick pass
through TFM I'd thought the discarddata=yes would try to physically
erase the tape, but it looks like it just removes the database entries
for the backed-up data, which is fine.

Jim Davis
Biotechnology Computing Facility
Arizona Research Labs

Re: TSM 6.2 installer

2011-09-13 Thread Zoltan Forray/AC/VCU
Dumb question.Did you have the correct permission/root?  When I had a
similar issue, it was because I wasn't root or the filesystem owner.

From:   Ehresman,David E.
Date:   09/13/2011 10:09 AM
Subject:[ADSM-L] TSM 6.2 installer
Sent by:ADSM: Dist Stor Manager ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU

Anyone had the TSM 6.2.1 server (AIX) installer fail saying there is not
enough space when in fact there is plenty of space?  If so, what did you

I'm trying to install on AIX 6.1 TL6.

David Ehresman

Disk storage pool 100% utilized but NOT cached

2011-09-13 Thread Zoltan Forray/AC/VCU
I think I know the answer to this question but figured it would be a good
question to ask,

This morning I was getting reports that backups were failing due to
backups not being able to get space in the disk stgpool.

When I did a Q STG, this is what I get:

9:25:34 AM   MOON : q stg
Storage  Device   EstimatedPctPct  High  Low  Next Stora-
Pool NameClass NameCapacity   Util   Migr   Mig  Mig  ge Pool
Pct  Pct
---  --  --  -  -    ---  ---
ARCHIVEPOOL  DISK 205 G0.30.390   70  TS1130
BACKUPPOOL   DISK   6,369 G  100.0   33.990   70  TS1130

Why would a disk storage pool be 100% Utilized and only 34% migratable
when I don't have Caching turned on?

Zoltan Forray
TSM Software  Hardware Administrator
Virginia Commonwealth University
UCC/Office of Technology Services - 804-828-4807
Don't be a phishing victim - VCU and other reputable organizations will
never use email to request that you reply with your password, social
security number or confidential personal information. For more details

Re: Disk storage pool 100% utilized but NOT cached

2011-09-13 Thread Zoltan Forray/AC/VCU
Yes, that is kinda what I guessed.  I have the 4TB SQL backup still 
running from Saturday.  It is only 50% done.

There has got to be a better way to handle SQL backups of LARGE databases. 
 This is causing numerous headaches/problems with other backups by 
pre-allocating the space or if going to tape, locking the tape drives for 
the duration.

Del,  I know we discussed this and stripes (I have it configured for 3) 
for improving the speed, but this goes back to my question about breaking 
up the SQL backup into multiple chunks, especially with this new issue of 
it locking 4TB of disk space to contain the backup, until it finishes.  I 
can't have 1-backup detrimentally effecting everyone else and at the speed 
it is running, it will take almost a week to finish.


From:   Billaudeau, Pierre
Date:   09/13/2011 12:22 PM
Subject:Re: [ADSM-L] Disk storage pool 100% utilized but NOT 
Sent by:ADSM: Dist Stor Manager ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU

Hi Zoltan,
Is it possible you had a very large (or several) backup running 
using the remaining 66% (over 4 tb) of your backup pool ? Current backups 
freezes backup data space on the disk pool so it is not eligible for 

Pierre Billaudeau
Analyste en stockage
Livraison des Infrastructures Serveurs
Société des Alcools du Québec
514-254-6000 x 6559

-Message d'origine-
De : ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU] De la part de 
Zoltan Forray/AC/VCU
Envoyé : 13 septembre 2011 10:23
Objet : [ADSM-L] Disk storage pool 100% utilized but NOT cached

I think I know the answer to this question but figured it would be a good
question to ask,

This morning I was getting reports that backups were failing due to
backups not being able to get space in the disk stgpool.

When I did a Q STG, this is what I get:

9:25:34 AM   MOON : q stg
Storage  Device   EstimatedPctPct  High  Low  Next Stora-
Pool NameClass NameCapacity   Util   Migr   Mig  Mig  ge Pool
Pct  Pct
---  --  --  -  -    ---  ---
ARCHIVEPOOL  DISK 205 G0.30.390   70  TS1130
BACKUPPOOL   DISK   6,369 G  100.0   33.990   70  TS1130

Why would a disk storage pool be 100% Utilized and only 34% migratable
when I don't have Caching turned on?

Zoltan Forray
TSM Software  Hardware Administrator
Virginia Commonwealth University
UCC/Office of Technology Services - 804-828-4807
Don't be a phishing victim - VCU and other reputable organizations will
never use email to request that you reply with your password, social
security number or confidential personal information. For more details


Information confidentielle : Le présent message, ainsi que tout fichier 
qui y est joint, est envoyé à l'intention exclusive de son ou de ses 
destinataires; il est de nature confidentielle et peut constituer une 
information privilégiée. Nous avertissons toute personne autre que le 
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courriel et supprimer ce message et tout document joint de votre système. 

Re: DB2 requirements for RedHat Linux 6

2011-09-10 Thread Zoltan Forray/AC/VCU
Yeah, I thought of the same thing and the 6.2.3 Maintenance package failed 
the same way.

As I mentioned in another response, we finally resolved it.  My OS guy 
finally hunted down the right package - I think he said the 
compat++.i686 package contains both 386/x86 and 686/x64 versions of the 
compat libraries.  Eventhough the TSM server version is 64-bit only, for 
some reason it still wants x86 compat libraries.  We stumbled upon this 
when I tried to install ILMT on this same box and it had the same/similar 
error,  eventhough ILMT is x86 only - no x64.

From:   Erwann SIMON
Date:   09/10/2011 03:30 AM
Subject:Re: [ADSM-L] DB2 requirements for RedHat Linux 6
Sent by:ADSM: Dist Stor Manager ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU

Hi Zoltan,

You'll find the answer to this specific question about DB2 fixpack level 
included in a TSM fixpack level here :

V6.2 Server, so FP1
V6.2 Server, so FP2
V6.2 Server 9.7.400.501, so FP4

Did you try to install from the TSM 6.2.3 directly and only install the 
RPM for license with the 6.2.1 installer from Passport Advantage ? Or 
just install the RPM for license which is missing in the 6.2.3 fixpack 
with the RPM command.

Best regards / Cordialement / مع تحياتي
Erwann SIMON

Le 09/09/2011 16:50, Zoltan Forray/AC/VCU a écrit :
 So I was wondering what DB2 fixpack level does the 6.2.1 base come with?

 Zoltan Forray
 TSM Software  Hardware Administrator
 Virginia Commonwealth University
 UCC/Office of Technology Services - 804-828-4807
 Don't be a phishing victim - VCU and other reputable organizations will
 never use email to request that you reply with your password, social
 security number or confidential personal information. For more details

DB2 requirements for RedHat Linux 6

2011-09-09 Thread Zoltan Forray/AC/VCU
We are building a new server and decided to go with RedHat 6.  DB2
Requirements page says RHEL 6 is valid for DB2 9.7 with Fix Pack 4.

When we try to run the installation for base 6.2.1 (couldn't find a 6.2.3
in Passport), it chokes saying we are missing  Linux compat-libstdc++

But when we check, these libraries are installed at the latest levels.

So I was wondering what DB2 fixpack level does the 6.2.1 base come with?

Comment from my OS guy:

[root@galaxy ~]# rpm -ql libstdc++

The library file is there.

[root@galaxy ~]# yum list compat-libstdc++-33
Loaded plugins: product-id, refresh-packagekit, rhnplugin,
Updating Red Hat repositories.
Installed Packages
compat-libstdc++-33.x86_64  3.2.3-69.el6
Available Packages

The package is installed at the latest available level.

[root@galaxy ~]# rpm -ql compat-libstdc++-33-3.2.3-69.el6.x86_64

But the package they asked for provides the wrong version of the library.

Our RHEL level: Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 6.1 (Santiago)
2.6.32-131.2.1.el6.x86_64 #1 SMP

Are we too far ahead, OS wise, for the installer for this to work? Any
other suggestions for figuring out what it doesn't like?

Zoltan Forray
TSM Software  Hardware Administrator
Virginia Commonwealth University
UCC/Office of Technology Services - 804-828-4807
Don't be a phishing victim - VCU and other reputable organizations will
never use email to request that you reply with your password, social
security number or confidential personal information. For more details

Re: LARGE MS-SQL TDP backup keeps failing

2011-09-06 Thread Zoltan Forray/AC/VCU
I don't think there is a firewall.

Well, it got further (700GB) before being killed by the TSM server.

9/6/2011 12:05:04 PM ANR0524W Transaction failed for session 59224 for
node ACIPENSER.VCU.EDU (TDP MSSQL Win32) - data transfer interrupted.
9/6/2011 12:05:05 PM ANR0487W Session 59224 for node ACIPENSER.VCU.EDU
(TDP MSSQL Win32) terminated - preempted by another operation.

At this rate, I don't think it is possible to back it up, especially if it
is making this 1-4TB transaction.

I again have to ask the question - can you tell the SQL TDP to break-up
the backup into multiple transactions, like you can with the Oracle TDP?

From:   Thomas Denier
Date:   09/06/2011 10:27 AM
Subject:Re: [ADSM-L] LARGE MS-SQL TDP backup keeps failing
Sent by:ADSM: Dist Stor Manager ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU

-Zoltan Forray wrote: -

I am trying to backup a LARGE SQL (4TB) database via the SQL TDP,
without success.

It will run for a while and then die - usually with the error:
ANS1017E (RC-50): Session Rejected : TCP/IP communications failure.
The last try backed up 125GB before failing.

I have greatly increased the server communication timeout (6000
seconds) guessing it is a timeout issue.

I know very little about the SQL TDP (v5.5.5.0 - base TSM client is - yes I know it needs updating) and config options.  Is there
a way to breakup the backup into chunks, like you can do with Oracle


Does the backup pass through a firewall? Firewalls generally have a
timeout period for idle TCP sessions. This is rarely more than an
hour, and I have heard of firewalls with the timeout set as low as
15 minutes.

LARGE MS-SQL TDP backup keeps failing

2011-09-05 Thread Zoltan Forray/AC/VCU
I am trying to backup a LARGE SQL (4TB) database via the SQL TDP, without

It will run for a while and then die - usually with the error: ANS1017E
(RC-50): Session Rejected : TCP/IP communications failure.  The last try
backed up 125GB before failing.

I have greatly increased the server communication timeout (6000 seconds)
guessing it is a timeout issue.

I know very little about the SQL TDP (v5.5.5.0 - base TSM client is - yes I know it needs updating) and config options.  Is there a
way to breakup the backup into chunks, like you can do with Oracle


Zoltan Forray
TSM Software  Hardware Administrator
Virginia Commonwealth University
UCC/Office of Technology Services - 804-828-4807
Don't be a phishing victim - VCU and other reputable organizations will
never use email to request that you reply with your password, social
security number or confidential personal information. For more details

Poll: What Windows client features do you install by default

2011-08-24 Thread Zoltan Forray/AC/VCU
I would like to get some idea of what features of the Windows client do you 
install, by default, when doing a brand-new client install.

Folks here are just starting to realize the benefits of using the Journaling 
feature (yeah, I know, it is not a new feature - I have been trying to get 
folks to use it but until recently when more clients with millions of objects 
have been complain about 12-hour elapsed times to backup 20K files, they are 
now realizing the benefit).

So, do you automatically/by default install the:

A - Journaling
B - Open File Support
C - Both
D - Neither

Speaking of the journal, the docs say you should occasionally run a backup 
without the journal, just to make sure nothing is missed.  How do you do this?

Zoltan Forray
TSM Software  Hardware Administrator
Virginia Commonwealth University
UCC/Office of Technology Services - 804-828-4807
Don't be a phishing victim - VCU and other reputable organizations will never 
use email to request that you reply with your password, social security number 
or confidential personal information. For more details visit

Re: Ang: [ADSM-L] Poll: What Windows client features do you install by default

2011-08-24 Thread Zoltan Forray/AC/VCU
Interesting.  I guess it depends on how big your servers are.  I have one node 
with 60M objects.  Without the journal, it takes days..He has to run 
with memoryefficient since it could never hold the meta-data in memory for that 
may objects.

-ADSM: Dist Stor Manager ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU wrote: -
From: Daniel Sparrman 
Sent by: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager 
Date: 08/24/2011 10:38AM
Subject: [ADSM-L] Ang: [ADSM-L] Poll: What Windows client features do you 
install by default

Question 1: Journaling, but not OFS as standard  Question 2: a) I dont keep the 
journal database on a reboot or service shutdown, and since the Windows 
machines generally dont have an uptime of +1 year, each time the machines are 
rebooted, we get a normal incremental for free. Never seen any problem with the 
journal not backing up all files though.  Best Regards  Daniel Sparrman
Daniel Sparrman Exist i Stockholm AB Växel: 08-754 98 00 Fax: 08-754 97 30 Posthusgatan 1 761 30 
NORRTÄLJE  -ADSM: Dist Stor Manager ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU skrev: -  
Till: ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU Från: Zoltan Forray/AC/VCU Sänt 
av: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU Datum: 08/24/2011 16:27 
Ärende: [ADSM-L] Poll: What Windows client features do you install by default  
I would like to get some idea of what features of the Windows client do you 
install, by default, when doing a brand-new client install.  Folks here are 
just starting to realize the benefits of using the Journaling feature (yeah, I 
know, it is not a new feature - I have been trying to get folks to use it but 
until recently when more clients with millions of objects have been complain 
about 12-hour elapsed times to backup 20K files, they are now realizing the 
benefit).  So, do you automatically/by default install the:  A - Journaling B - 
Open File Support C - Both D - Neither  Speaking of the journal, the docs say 
you should occasionally run a backup without the journal, just to make sure 
nothing is missed.  How do you do this?  Zoltan Forray TSM Software  Hardware 
Administrator Virginia Commonwealth University UCC/Office of Technology 
Services - 804-828-4807 Don't be a phishing victim - VCU and 
other reputable organizations will never use email to request that you reply 
with your password, social security number or confidential personal 
information. For more details visit  

Re: Ang: [ADSM-L] Poll: What Windows client features do you install by default

2011-08-24 Thread Zoltan Forray/AC/VCU
Question - how do you get rid of the journal on reboot?  Is there an option 
to trigger this?

-ADSM: Dist Stor Manager ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU wrote: -
From: Daniel Sparrman 
Sent by: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager 
Date: 08/24/2011 10:38AM
Subject: [ADSM-L] Ang: [ADSM-L] Poll: What Windows client features do you 
install by default

Question 1: Journaling, but not OFS as standard  Question 2: a) I dont keep the 
journal database on a reboot or service shutdown, and since the Windows 
machines generally dont have an uptime of +1 year, each time the machines are 
rebooted, we get a normal incremental for free. Never seen any problem with the 
journal not backing up all files though.  Best Regards  Daniel Sparrman
Daniel Sparrman Exist i Stockholm AB Växel: 08-754 98 00 Fax: 08-754 97 30 Posthusgatan 1 761 30 
NORRTÄLJE  -ADSM: Dist Stor Manager ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU skrev: -  
Till: ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU Från: Zoltan Forray/AC/VCU Sänt 
av: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU Datum: 08/24/2011 16:27 
Ärende: [ADSM-L] Poll: What Windows client features do you install by default  
I would like to get some idea of what features of the Windows client do you 
install, by default, when doing a brand-new client install.  Folks here are 
just starting to realize the benefits of using the Journaling feature (yeah, I 
know, it is not a new feature - I have been trying to get folks to use it but 
until recently when more clients with millions of objects have been complain 
about 12-hour elapsed times to backup 20K files, they are now realizing the 
benefit).  So, do you automatically/by default install the:  A - Journaling B - 
Open File Support C - Both D - Neither  Speaking of the journal, the docs say 
you should occasionally run a backup without the journal, just to make sure 
nothing is missed.  How do you do this?  Zoltan Forray TSM Software  Hardware 
Administrator Virginia Commonwealth University UCC/Office of Technology 
Services - 804-828-4807 Don't be a phishing victim - VCU and 
other reputable organizations will never use email to request that you reply 
with your password, social security number or confidential personal 
information. For more details visit  

Re: Poll: What Windows client features do you install by default

2011-08-24 Thread Zoltan Forray/AC/VCU
Thanks, Andy.

Every time I have someone come to me with VSS backup failures, I point them to 
the MS document for VSS fixes/patches.  So far it has always fixed their 

-ADSM: Dist Stor Manager ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU wrote: -
From: Andrew Raibeck 
Sent by: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager 
Date: 08/24/2011 10:58AM
Subject: Re: [ADSM-L] Poll: What Windows client features do you install by 

Hi Zoltan,   Speaking of the journal, the docs say you should occasionally run 
a  backup without the journal, just to make sure nothing is missed.  How do 
you do this?  See the -nojournal option.  In general, I would also recommend 
using Open File Support with VSS as the snapshot provider. For Windows 2003 
systems, be sure that the COM+ and VSS hotfixes listed as pre-requisites in the 
client requirements document are installed. This document can be found by going 
to the URL in my sig and looking at in the Featured links section of that 
page.  Best regards,  Andy Raibeck IBM Software Group Tivoli Storage Manager 
Client Product Development Level 3 Team Lead Internal Notes e-mail: Andrew 
Raibeck/Hartford/IBM@IBMUS Internet e-mail:  IBM Tivoli 
Storage Manager support web page:
  ADSM: Dist Stor Manager wrote on 2011-08-24 
10:27:06:   From: Zoltan Forray/AC/VCU  To:  Date: 2011-08-24 10:29  Subject: Poll: What Windows 
client features do you install by default  Sent by: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager   I would like to get some idea of what features of 
the Windows client  do you install, by default, when doing a brand-new client 
install.   Folks here are just starting to realize the benefits of using the 
 Journaling feature (yeah, I know, it is not a new feature - I have  been 
trying to get folks to use it but until recently when more  clients with 
millions of objects have been complain about 12-hour  elapsed times to backup 
20K files, they are now realizing the benefit).   So, do you automatically/by 
default install the:   A - Journaling  B - Open File Support  C - Both  D 
- Neither   Speaking of the journal, the docs say you should occasionally run 
a  backup without the journal, just to make sure nothing is missed.  How do 
you do this?   Zoltan Forray  TSM Software  Hardware Administrator  
Virginia Commonwealth University  UCC/Office of Technology Services - 804-828-4807  Don't be a phishing victim - VCU and other 
reputable organizations  will never use email to request that you reply with 
your password,  social security number or confidential personal information. 
For  more details visit 

Windows server rename causing full backups

2011-08-22 Thread Zoltan Forray/AC/VCU
We had an incident this morning that ended up being caused by a Windows
server that was renamed (internally) and connected to a domain (previously
standalone), thus initiating a full backup of an 8TB volume/space, since
TSM now sees it as new filespaces.

How do I handle this to avoid a full backup?  Will simply renaming the
filespaces take care of this or is there a more elegant solution?

Zoltan Forray
TSM Software  Hardware Administrator
Virginia Commonwealth University
UCC/Office of Technology Services - 804-828-4807
Don't be a phishing victim - VCU and other reputable organizations will
never use email to request that you reply with your password, social
security number or confidential personal information. For more details

Renaming a Windows node - where does it get the nodename if no nodename statement?

2011-08-22 Thread Zoltan Forray/AC/VCU
Please correct me if I am wrong, but I was under the impression that if a
Windows node does NOT have a NODENAME statement in it's dsm.opt, it simply
asks the OS for the hostname and uses that.  This value is also used for
the filespace names.

So, if this Windows node has been backing up without a NODENAME statement
and then the hostname is changed,  shouldn't this also change the nodename
so when the node attempts to connect to the TSM server it will use the new

Or does the scheduling process use the registry keys, not caring about the
hostname changed?

What is the sequence of checking for nodename statements, vs just using
the hostname and/or registry key?

This issue is causing waaayyy to much activity and inquires for a Monday!

Zoltan Forray
TSM Software  Hardware Administrator
Virginia Commonwealth University
UCC/Office of Technology Services - 804-828-4807
Don't be a phishing victim - VCU and other reputable organizations will
never use email to request that you reply with your password, social
security number or confidential personal information. For more details

Re: Renaming a Windows node - where does it get the nodename if no nodename statement?

2011-08-22 Thread Zoltan Forray/AC/VCU

Thanks for both of your responses.  You have confirmed what we are seeing.
 We rooted through the registry and see the keys with the old node name
and encrypted password.  The box was renamed and rebooted but the GUI was
never bought up.  As soon as we bought up the GUI, it grabbed the hostname
and attempted (and failed) to connect to the TSM server since we kept the
old nodename.

Zoltan Forray
TSM Software  Hardware Administrator
Virginia Commonwealth University
UCC/Office of Technology Services - 804-828-4807
Don't be a phishing victim - VCU and other reputable organizations will
never use email to request that you reply with your password, social
security number or confidential personal information. For more details

From:   Thomas Denier
Date:   08/22/2011 12:47 PM
Subject:Re: [ADSM-L] Renaming a Windows node - where does it get
the nodename if no nodename statement?
Sent by:ADSM: Dist Stor Manager ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU

-Zoltan Forray wrote: -

Please correct me if I am wrong, but I was under the impression that
if a Windows node does NOT have a NODENAME statement in it's dsm.opt,
it simply asks the OS for the hostname and uses that.  This value is
also used for the filespace names.

The documented default is the Windows machine name. This is often the
same as the IP host name, but it is possible for the two names to be

[Material removed]

Or does the scheduling process use the registry keys, not caring
about the hostname changed?

Our experience with renamed Windows nodes indicates that the scheduler
service locks in the node name in effect at the time when dsmcutil
was used to create the service. I don't know whether this behavior
is documented. The service presumably uses the registry to store the
node name. When a Windows node is renamed, we tell the system
administrator do remove and recreate the service.

Re: Renaming a Windows node - where does it get the nodename if no nodename statement?

2011-08-22 Thread Zoltan Forray/AC/VCU
Of course, even with a NODENAME statement and reworking the scheduler, the
filespace names are still based on the hostname.  We have renamed plenty
of other servers that had nodename statements and the first backup was

Zoltan Forray
TSM Software  Hardware Administrator
Virginia Commonwealth University
UCC/Office of Technology Services - 804-828-4807
Don't be a phishing victim - VCU and other reputable organizations will
never use email to request that you reply with your password, social
security number or confidential personal information. For more details

From:   David Longo
Date:   08/22/2011 12:58 PM
Subject:Re: [ADSM-L] Renaming a Windows node - where does it get
the nodename if no nodename statement?
Sent by:ADSM: Dist Stor Manager ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU

All you have to do is use the same Wizard that you used
to create the Service and update instead of create.  This let's you
change the node name used by the service.

David Longo

 Thomas Denier 8/22/2011 12:27 PM

-Zoltan Forray wrote: -

Please correct me if I am wrong, but I was under the impression that
if a Windows node does NOT have a NODENAME statement in it's dsm.opt,
it simply asks the OS for the hostname and uses that.  This value is
also used for the filespace names.

The documented default is the Windows machine name. This is often the
same as the IP host name, but it is possible for the two names to be

[Material removed]

Or does the scheduling process use the registry keys, not caring
about the hostname changed?

Our experience with renamed Windows nodes indicates that the scheduler
service locks in the node name in effect at the time when dsmcutil
was used to create the service. I don't know whether this behavior
is documented. The service presumably uses the registry to store the
node name. When a Windows node is renamed, we tell the system
administrator do remove and recreate the service.

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Re: Ghost backups from server-to-server backups

2011-08-02 Thread Zoltan Forray/AC/VCU

Thanks for the suggestions.  Fortunately we don't use lots of virtual
volumes.  Sounds like the Reconcile command was added as a quick-fix to
resolve inherent problem somewhere deep inside.

Keith Arbogast
08/02/2011 08:59 AM
Re: [ADSM-L] Ghost backups from server-to-server backups
Sent by:

I run 'reconcile volumes  virtual volume devclass_name  fix=yes' once a

Our TSM servers are both running version, and reconcile finds
hundreds of invalid volumes each time it runs. Others' experience may be
different.  In our situation, I should have opened a PMR long ago. Now I
certainly will.  In our worst experience the target server was holding so
many invalid volumes that our scratch pool was nearly depleted. When we
finally remembered to run reconcile, scratch tapes came down like falling

Best wishes,

Re: delete volumehistory

2011-08-02 Thread Zoltan Forray/AC/VCU
Sure - Let the force be with you (sorry - couldn't resist  ;---)

DELETE  VOLHISTORY todate=today volume=your-volume-number type=remote

You still might need to change the volume status to scratch on the LM
after your deleted it.

Zoltan Forray
TSM Software  Hardware Administrator
Virginia Commonwealth University
UCC/Office of Technology Services - 804-828-4807
Don't be a phishing victim - VCU and other reputable organizations will
never use email to request that you reply with your password, social
security number or confidential personal information. For more details

Rainer Holzinger
08/02/2011 10:39 AM
[ADSM-L] delete volumehistory
Sent by:

Hi all,

is it possible that a TSM LM server can delete DBB volumes from a TSM LC
server that doesn't exist anymore?

Thanks and best regards,


Re: Ghost backups from server-to-server backups

2011-08-01 Thread Zoltan Forray/AC/VCU
Hmm - is the RECONCILE command I should run, regularly?   I just ran
it on all 5.5 servers (they perform daily DBSNAPSHOT backups to an offsite
server) and all of them had errors to reconcile.  The 6.x servers didn't
have any errors.

As for these ghost volumes/storage, reconciling its devclass didn't give
any errors - of course, I had already deleted the filespace on the target
server (needed to get back the 7TB of storage/volumes)

Keith Arbogast
08/01/2011 12:06 PM
Re: [ADSM-L] Ghost backups from server-to-server backups
Sent by:

Try running reconcile volumes from both ends. When we do that, it deletes
a surprising quantity of orphan virtual volumes.

Ghost backups from server-to-server backups

2011-07-29 Thread Zoltan Forray/AC/VCU
Back a while ago, one of my smaller servers kept overflowing it's disk LZ
and couldn't access tape drives.  To handle the overload, I setup virtual
volume backups defining a storage pool on another TSM server that had
plenty of disk space.  When the tape drives were accessible, I migrated
these backups to tape.

I was doing some cleanup today and noticed that these backups on the
target server, seem to still exist.  The node defined for virtual volumes
shows 7TB occupancy and lists the ADSM.BFS volumes.

When I go to the original/source server and list *EVERY* volume it knows
about, nothing shows up that is defined to any other server.  The volhist
says these virtual/BFS volumes should have been deleted long ago.

Yes, we run expire inventory daily
Yes, the virtual volume server node is defined with delete grace perdio
Yes, the node on the target server is defined to allow archive and backup

So what am I missing?  Why didn't this get purged properly?

Is there anything else I should check before deleting the filespaces on
the target server or is there a better/proper way to sync things up and
purge these backups?

The source server is 5.5 and the target is 6.2, in case this makes a

Zoltan Forray
TSM Software  Hardware Administrator
Virginia Commonwealth University
UCC/Office of Technology Services - 804-828-4807
Don't be a phishing victim - VCU and other reputable organizations will
never use email to request that you reply with your password, social
security number or confidential personal information. For more details

Re: Expire Inventory errors after upgrade to

2011-07-29 Thread Zoltan Forray/AC/VCU

Any way to suppress these harmless/annoying messages?

Since they are harmless,  am I right in guessing someone forgot to turn 
off some debugging code/messages?

While I don't mind opening up a PMR, I would assume there is going to be a 
quick update ( to address it?

Zoltan Forray
TSM Software  Hardware Administrator
Virginia Commonwealth University
UCC/Office of Technology Services - 804-828-4807
Don't be a phishing victim - VCU and other reputable organizations will 
never use email to request that you reply with your password, social 
security number or confidential personal information. For more details 

Mark Haye
07/28/2011 01:46 PM
Re: [ADSM-L] Expire Inventory errors after upgrade to
Sent by:

 7/28/2011 10:20:14 AM ANRD_3916334743 ComputeHashValue
(tbcache.c:4313) Thread91: Table Group.Leaders, Column 4 of type 0 not
valid for hashKey.

This is a known problem, fixed in internal defect 73872.  It is not 
to the Win2K8 system state cleanup problem.  All indications are that the
message is harmless and does not adversely affect server operation.  If
you haven't opened a PMR for it yet, that would be the next step ...

Mark Haye (马克海), IBM TSM Server Development,,
8/321-4403, (520)799-4403, 0N6/9062-2, Tucson
Professional programmer.  Closed source.  Do not attempt.

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