Re: [AFMUG] COVID-19 and WISPAmerica

2020-03-13 Thread Mitch Koep

incase non lethal is an idea lol

On 3/13/2020 4:46 PM, Bill Prince wrote:

Claymores can be very effective.


On 3/13/2020 2:16 PM, Robert wrote:

I would have taken you for an electrified fence kinda guy...

On 3/13/20 12:05 PM, wrote:
I have a nice balcony connecting my BR to my office at home.  Lots 
of room for a 50 cal tripod mounted M2 looking out the driveway.
At least that would take care of my Southern exposure.  Land mines 
will get the rest.

*From:* Steve Jones
*Sent:* Friday, March 13, 2020 12:47 PM
*To:* AnimalFarm Microwave Users Group
*Subject:* Re: [AFMUG] COVID-19 and WISPAmerica
The AR wasnt the weapon of choice. Prone to mechanical issues. But 
price was right, and it was the only semiauto rifle in stock, in my 
price range. I would have preferred the henry repeater if this were 
a pleasure purchase. AR is a hyped up weapon, much like this plague. 
And I dont want a semi auto shotgun. But given the purpose of the 
purchase and the escalation of stupidity, it was the option. I have 
a couple .22 and a 9mm handgun. .22 doesnt have the stopping power, 
or the shock and awe noise factor. The kids, I prefer not touch the 
handgun, too loose of a weapon. the 20 guage would be preferred for 
them, but the wife said no to two guns. I dont even keep most guns 
at my house currently, they stay across the street at my dads house. 
I needed something with stopping power, noise, and capacity in the 
even the ill prepared choose to take advantage of the shitshow that 
might go down. Id prefer to not even own an AR, because even if the 
shitshow (that probably wont come to pass) happens, it will end and 
I still will have a politically problematic weapon, whos reputation 
doesnt justify its hassle of ownership, but it is what it is. I did 
load all the magazines, I normally keep ammunition in a separate 
container as the stored weapons. thats the first escalation, if the 
morons calm their tits, ill unstress those springs. If it continues 
to escalate, Ill bring the weapons home. So no, nothing moronic or 
impulse about the purchase. If you saw my walmart, youd understand. 
Stupid people are dangerous, and stupid criminals are almost as bad. 
And when the mandated wait is over, ill pick up another 1000 rounds 
when i pick up the weapon. When the shitshow is over, hopefully i 
still have every single cartridge and we can have a good fun day at 
the range.
Morons and governments make me nervous, theyre both too prone to 
impulse stupidity
On Fri, Mar 13, 2020 at 1:23 PM Jason McKemie 

I think it falls more under prepping than hoarding at that point.
On Fri, Mar 13, 2020 at 1:07 PM Robert 

If you bought it before the run and it was super cheap from
the right
place online in December and availability was trivial, was
it still

On 3/13/20 7:25 AM, Seth Mattinen wrote:
> On 3/13/20 6:33 AM, Carl Peterson wrote:
>> And yes, stocking up on ammunition is moronic behavior. 
Spend the
>> money on some extra dry goods you could share with your
neighbors in
>> the event that they need help.  WWJD
> That requires rational thought. The people that think the
> response to all of this is to purchase mass quantities of
toilet paper
> aren't exactly top of the smarts chain.

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Re: [AFMUG] COVID-19 and WISPAmerica

2020-03-13 Thread Mitch Koep


my acreage as well

On 3/13/2020 9:51 AM, Bill Prince wrote:

Where we live, it only takes one round to take down a deer. That's 
good for a while.


On 3/13/2020 6:33 AM, Carl Peterson wrote:
Depends on the rounds.  For awhile I was stuck with an M249 (I was 
aviation so that was an extra crap assignment vs a 9 mil or M16) and 
we carried 800 rounds.  Same 5.56 as an M16, just on a belt in a 

And yes, stocking up on ammunition is moronic behavior. Spend the 
money on some extra dry goods you could share with your neighbors in 
the event that they need help.  WWJD

On Fri, Mar 13, 2020 at 7:58 AM Lewis Bergman>> wrote:

I wonder, does buying an AR count as moronic behavior? I get the
more ammo thing, 10,000 rounds seems a bit much but to each his
own. Don't get me wrong, I have a few guns around and maybe a
couple thousand rounds.

I just think back to when I was a machine gunner in the Marine
Corps. We had a 3 man crew for the 50 cal M2. The one guy
carrying the receiver carried no ammo as he was already carrying
60 pounds of metal in addition to everything else he had. The
other two carried 100 rounds each. 200 rounds for a fully
automaitc machine gun tasked with the a major part of the fire
power on a company level for either defense or attack. In
addition, the rifle platoons each carried 1 box (100 rounds) per
squad (13 guys) 3 squads per platoon so a total of 300 rounds per
platoon. 3 platoons per company. so an additional 900 rounds for
a total of 1100 rounds standard. The company commander might
throw in a couple of extra boxes per platoon if we didn't have to
move more than 15 miles or so. So call it 2100 rounds on the
outside. That is for a known or intenional engagement. Nothing
works out like you expect so sometimes you go to kill someone and
nobodies home. Sometimes they aren't where you expect. Whatever.
The point is that you are looking for a fight and you are
carrying at most 2100 rounds. Now, if we were lucky enough to
drive around in a humvee we carried about the same amount of
ammo, but with us instead of spread around. Closer to 1800 to
2000 rounds.

Of course there is a supply chain and if the battle is protracted
you can count on resupply unless everything really goes South.  I
know you are counting on no supply chain. But man, you are either
the worst shot ever, or don't plan on doing a lot of aiming or
maybe a lot of warning shots. In my experience, once the first
guy gets shot, a lot less ammo gets used by everyone after the
initial panic. Seeing someone get shot seems to really encourage
people to hide more.

That makes me think, it wasn't that long ago, but I would imagine
with all the drones equipped with heat signature equipment and
the like, the fog of war aint what it used to be. We used to
count on finding the enemy by sending people out to look for
them. When you heard a bunch of gunfire, you ran towards it
because that meant somebody found what you were lookiing for.
Seems really low tech now.

On Thu, Mar 12, 2020 at 11:05 PM Steve Jones>> wrote:

I went to walmart. Morons everywhere. This is a frenzy.
People acting dumb, means people will shortly do dumb things.
I went and bought an AR and more ammo tonite. I just hope
these morons stay calm at least till Monday when God
government let's me pick up the rifle. Wife shut me down on
grabbing a 20 gauge with a pistol grip for the kids. What I
buy tomorrow and dont tell her about is a different story.
Was talking to the lady at walmart. The truck was outside
unloading into the warehouse more TP and ramen noodles. It
will be wash rinse and repeat every day as morons moron.
They're frantic. The media has people so worked up, it's like
the world is ending tomorrow.
I have kids, so I get a fat gubmint check every tax time and
fill my pantry with nonperishable goods on your dime. It was
nice to see that the canned foods we picked pretty clean, at
least some people do have some common sense. But doing an
annual shop in the middle of this nonsense is grueling. I had
to cut out halfway through. These people are crazy.
I do have my camper ready to quarantine myself. By that, I
mean I'm planning on sitting in my camper drinking Miller
lite, Jameson, and shitposting for 2 weeks

On Thu, Mar 12, 2020, 9:54 PM Robert>> wrote:

The interesting part of that was that Italy was 3rd
behind China and S. Korea.   I would love a plot of that
vs. Emergency beds/breathers...

On 3/12/20 6:13 PM, Bill Prince wrote:

Per Vox 

Re: [AFMUG] 3.5Ghz FCC Auction 105

2020-02-23 Thread Mitch Koep
This is what I tried to tell WISPA when they were pushing for spectrum 
to go to auction (EBS included)

but no one listened. They kept saying you'll get credits that will 
help Some help

IMHO WISPA is on the wrong path not helping "small"  wisp's

Mitch Koep

On 2/23/2020 11:53 AM, Dennis Burgess via AF wrote:

Our county opening bid is 44k, so assuming you need two clean 20 MHz channels 
it would be $176k for that, assuming no one else bids it. You would have to put 
down 88k to start to bid on it.  Assuming we get small business and rural 
credits that would be lowered by at least 25% ,so  we will lower it 25%.. Now 
we are at $132k and 66k to start.

Assuming they provide a no interest payment plan it would be $550 a month over 
the next 10  years.  So one way to look is it would be 66k plus 550 a month, 
but you had to have the 66k so just assume you could get a loan for it all over 
10 years.   With a 8% interest it would be around $1,600  a month for the next 
10 years.  Then after that, I would have to pay again, as I would have to renew 
my lease.

It really comes down to "what can you get it for" and what is it good for.  40 
MHz of licensed interference free spectrum in a count y is not horrible, and at 1600 a 
month, I would think I could make that work.  I pay more than that for bandwidth so.

Of course when a single block is running for 200k that’s a whole different 
proposition, that I would not think a WISP could make its investment back on.  
There are quite a few assumptions as well, do you have the cash to put down to 
try to win?  If not, then it’s a non-issue for you.  Or can you get a loan for 
that and see if you can capitalize  on getting your licensed channels.Not 
stating that is good or not, but you have to look at it like that...

Dennis Burgess, MikroTik Certified Trainer
Author of "Learn RouterOS- Second Edition”
Link Technologies, Inc -- MikroTik & WISP Support Services
Office: 314-735-0270  Website:
Create Wireless Coverage’s with

-Original Message-
From: AF  On Behalf Of Dev
Sent: Friday, February 21, 2020 1:30 PM
To: AnimalFarm Microwave Users Group 
Subject: Re: [AFMUG] 3.5Ghz FCC Auction 105

Which eliminates some very large percentage of the WISP’s in small markets who 
would be most able to help with the last mile. They’d be laughed out a bank, 
assuming their bank knows what spectrum is at all.

So their option would be to hope no one bids?

On Feb 21, 2020, at 10:41 AM, Seth Mattinen  wrote:

On 2/21/20 10:13 AM, Steve Jones wrote:

look at cook county. crazy. but dont forget there are two bidding credits we 
are eligible for

Which are applied to a winning bid, you still have to wire the FCC the full 
amount at the beginning to participate.

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Re: [AFMUG] C band auction info

2020-02-11 Thread Mitch Koep


very few of us can afford that. even with a 25% credit


On 2/10/2020 5:55 PM, Mark Radabaugh wrote:

This may also be helpful:

Take the population of the PEA, multiply by the number of Mhz you want 
(20, 100, etc) and then by the price per Mhz (0.02 is the starting 
price for CBRS which may or may not mean anything).    A very short 
search put the highest price in previous auctions at about 
$1.50/Mhz/Pop though I doubt this will go anywhere near that.   $0.20?

Take PEA 411, VanHorne Texas with 5874 people * 100 * $0.20 for the 
low low price of $117,480.   Or maybe a lot less.


On Feb 10, 2020, at 6:48 PM, Mark Radabaugh > wrote:


On Feb 10, 2020, at 1:38 PM, SmarterBroadband > wrote:

What sized areas?
*From:*AF []*On Behalf Of*Gino A. 

*Sent:*Sunday, February 9, 2020 10:03 AM
*To:*AnimalFarm Microwave Users Group >

*Subject:*[AFMUG] C band auction info
Glancing over the FCC Docs
2 100 MHz Blocks and 1 80 MHz Block, with 20 MHz sub blocks; I think 
you can bid the sub blocks. 25% Small business credit if rev is 
under $20MM

t: 787.273.4143 Ext. 204






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Re: [AFMUG] Poor download speeds

2019-11-18 Thread Mitch Koep

Is your provider splitting your gig across two connections

We have our gig port but they have ours split so we only see

650 on speed tests but total usage is 1 gig on one of our circuits

Just wondering


On 11/16/2019 9:45 AM, Erich Kaiser wrote:
We had a customer with an issue like this the other day ended up being 
a line card in the transport carriers dwdm gear.  He was getting like 
1Mbps/100Mbps on speedtests.  You also want to look at your optics if 
provider tested the circuit clean, replace it and replace the patch 
cable to the NID.

On Fri, Nov 15, 2019 at 7:47 PM Jason McKemie 
> wrote:

I have a DWDM circuit that is giving me almost the exact same issue.

On Fri, Nov 15, 2019 at 6:12 PM Matt Hoppes>> wrote:

I’m at a loss on this one.

We have a circuit with a fiber provider that aggregate at
prime time can hit 800mbps download.

However, with a high end laptop connected directly to the
fiber NID we can’t get more than 200-250mbps sustained
download to any speed test (
, , ) and it just starts slowly
going down. Upload is around 800mbps.

Same laptop on a Level3 circuit will easily hit gigabit in
both directions.

We setup an iperf server and see the same thing. The provider
brings an iperf server in and they can hit the proper speeds
going to an off net iperf server they have.  Provider speed
tests to our iperf server and gets the slower speeds.

They say because they can’t find an issue when using their
iperf server there is no issue.

I don’t even know what to suggest at this point.
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Re: [AFMUG] House Grounding

2019-05-21 Thread Mitch Koep

Might want to check with an Electrician

depends on the area and electrical code...

Here in Minnesota we are now required to get a low voltage license

to install gear.

David... you might want to check what your doing with an electrician

or a licensed low voltage guy.

we were told it is against code to attach low voltage grounding

to high voltage grounding since they now tie ground and neutral together

inside the main house panel.

Just a suggestion

Mtch Koep

On 5/21/2019 7:37 PM, David Coudron wrote:

Hard to know for sure how that is set up, but we do our grounds to the 
outside of electrical service boxes.   We know that is how the 
Satellite dish installers recommend grounding in this fashion so we 
follow that. There are a number of corner clamps and edge clamps made 
for clamping onto the outside of the box and attaching a ground wire 
to it.    So what you are doing would match their requirements for 
proper ground.   This only works on the main electrical service box.   
You can’t do this on air conditioner disconnects and the like.


David Coudron

*From:* AF  *On Behalf Of * Sterling Jacobson
*Sent:* Tuesday, May 21, 2019 6:54 PM
*To:* AnimalFarm Microwave Users Group 
*Subject:* [AFMUG] House Grounding

I have a house POP where the electrical service had a grounding bar 
attached/screwed into the side of it, but nothing on it.

Is it possible that the grounding bar is grounded internally somehow?

Or maybe the whole electrical box is grounded already and therefor 
that bar is also properly grounded?

Just never seen that, and am thinking it’s more likely that they 
disconnected the grounding wire to a grounding rod during landscaping.

I haven’t had a chance to really dig around their service conduit to 
look for a grounding rod, but none was immediately visible.

I went ahead and tied in my box grounding bar to that grounding bar 

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Re: [AFMUG] Customer signal issues: UBNT versus KP Performance 2.4 omni's

2019-04-26 Thread Mitch Koep

We have KP 2 and 5 omnis

I have found they out perform the UBNT units

better signal levels and they dont end up with water/ice inside as the 
UBNT ones do

We have changed out almost everyone of our 54 sites


On 4/26/2019 1:23 PM, Mathew Howard wrote:
A lot of antenna manufacturers (maybe even the majority) advertise the 
-6db beamwidth these days... and some list both.

I've opened up a few different brands of 2.4ghz dual polarity omnis, 
and the guts looked pretty much identical on all of them, so I'm 
sceptical that there's really much difference in performance between 
any of them... but I haven't used any KPP 2.4ghz omnis, so I'm not 
sure if they're the same as some other brands or not.

On Fri, Apr 26, 2019 at 1:03 PM Mike Hammett > wrote:

A lot of the measurement stuff is for the birds anyway. Use it to
get in the same ballpark, but then actually look at the darn patterns.

Mike Hammett
Intelligent Computing Solutions 

Midwest Internet Exchange 

The Brothers WISP 

*From: *"Dan Spitler">>
*To: *"AnimalFarm Microwave Users Group">>
*Sent: *Friday, April 26, 2019 12:59:02 PM
*Subject: *Re: [AFMUG] Customer signal issues: UBNT versus KP
Performance 2.4 omni's

Ubnt advertises the -6 dBi beamwidth vs the typical -3 dBi.
In the case of the omni, there's a -5 dBi falloff in the H chain
at "0°" and "180°"

On Fri, Apr 26, 2019 at 10:44 AM Robert Andrews>> wrote:

I also thought that UBNT also measured their antennas
differently than
most everyone else?  But I believe they did so to give better
than competitors, which would actually give worse numbers to
the cpe's
in the field?  Just saying that 13 ubnt does not equal 13 with
anyone else?


On 04/26/2019 09:21 AM, Matt Corcoran wrote:
> The omni radiation patterns are not perfectly round.   
Maybe the
> Ubiquiti antenna was pointed optimally at them while the 
new antenna is
> not, or is better rounded.
> Also the gain varies within the frequency range.  Old
antenna might have
> been target more towards wifi,  while the other might be
targeted more
> for 2.5/2.6ghz BRS/EBS LTE.
> Both should have graphs so you can see the differences.
> *Matt*
> *From: *AF>> on behalf of Jay Weekley
> *Reply-To: *AnimalFarm Microwave Users Group>>
> *Date: *Friday, April 26, 2019 at 12:12 PM
> *To: *AnimalFarm Microwave Users Group>>
> *Subject: *[AFMUG] Customer signal issues: UBNT versus KP
> 2.4 omni's
> After a storm we noticed that customer signal levels dropped
a lot on a
> 2.4 GHz omni. Especially the received signals on the AP.
Water had
> gotten in so we replaced the omni, radio and the connectors
and the
> signal levels were better but didn't return to their
original levels and
> are still about 5 db lower than they were before the storm.
The original
> omni was a Ubiquiti AMO-2G13 and was replaced with a 13 dBi
> The Ubiquiti antenna has 2 degrees of downtilt versus 1 with
the KP
> Performance antenna. Would this be enough difference to
cause the
> problem? What else could it be?
> Here are the antenna data sheets:
> KP Performance antenna.

> Ubiquiti antenna


Re: [AFMUG] Centurylink/Level3 Bandwidth

2019-02-02 Thread Mitch Koep

Another Company to run from as fast as you can is

Puro Broadband

Karl Koepke


On 2/2/2019 12:34 PM, wrote:
PSC, if they think they have jurisdiction over the service, is 
generally predisposed to help the customer fight the ILEC if they 
think there is unfairness.  And it is free.

*From:* Jeremy
*Sent:* Saturday, February 2, 2019 9:53 AM
*To:* AnimalFarm Microwave Users Group
*Subject:* Re: [AFMUG] Centurylink/Level3 Bandwidth
I think the fact that the sales teams are still using the same excuses 
in an attempt to sign ISPs on this plan opens up a great defense case 
for a lawsuit for those who have been forcefully disconnected, if 
someone had the money and time to do it.  However, lawsuits suck, and 
the telcos have way more money than we do.
On Sat, Feb 2, 2019 at 9:34 AM Erich Kaiser 


On Sat, Feb 2, 2019 at 10:14 AM Ken Hohhof  wrote:

1) Contracts are only as good as the money you are willing to
spend suing the other party.  I have literally had a big telco
say go ahead and sue us, we have lots of lawyers.

2) It seems standard practice to raise the price above what
the contract says via random fees, the belief seems to be that
fees are an act of god not covered by contracts.  And if you
don't agree, refer to #1.  I remember one provider adding a
fairly substantial property tax recovery fee mid contract.  I
asked what property this referred to, and of course they
basically laughed at me.  They would invent all sorts of
bizarre fees just to get around the price stated in the
contract, these new fees would just appear on the latest
monthly bill with no explanation.

Salespeople of course will do anything to make quota and
commissions, especially since they will probably be gone by
the time your contract comes up for renewal.  They are
"agents" of the company with the power to make commitments on
behalf of the company, but again, see #1.

-Original Message-
From: AF  On Behalf Of Robert
Sent: Saturday, February 2, 2019 9:23 AM
To: AnimalFarm Microwave Users Group 
Subject: Re: [AFMUG] Centurylink/Level3 Bandwidth

We are in a business of contracts.  And if it says they an
change the contract, that's there for a reason..

On 2/2/19 7:07 AM, Seth Mattinen wrote:
> On 2/1/19 4:24 PM, Jeremy wrote:
>> For the record, the 'sales team' told him that he could
just put the
>> connections in the name of the building owners instead of
in the name
>> of the companysound familiar?  Every single location
received the
>> same certified letter.  I am not messing around.  I would
run as fast
>> as I could from that deal.and I did.
> Yeah I would totally call BS on that. Obviously sales just
> someone to sign on the dotted line and they've got theirs,
the rest
> doesn't matter.

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Re: [AFMUG] Anchor holes

2018-09-29 Thread Mitch Koep


Maybe a chain link fence next to the guy wires

to the ground connection Extend fence out to the the point the guy wires 
is about

10 foot above ground???

We do that and use light weight orange fiber duct on the guy wires to 
the ground lug


On 9/29/2018 3:15 PM, Craig House wrote:

Yes.  Elevated guy supports.  The location is an atv off road ranch and they 
are worried about people getting clothes lined.

Sent from my iPhone

On Sep 29, 2018, at 15:05,   wrote:

10 foot tall wooden poles for an aerial attachment only need to be set maybe
4 feet deep.

Or are you talking about elevated supports for guy wires?
If so, you probably need to dig a trench for an L shaped sleeper and the
some rebar in sonotube for the poles and anchors.

-Original Message-
From: Craig House
Sent: Saturday, September 29, 2018 12:55 PM
Subject: [AFMUG] Anchor holes

I have a tower construction location which is going to require 10 foot poles
above ground as an attachment point for the wires at each of the holes. I
have the pipes constructed but I’m concerned about being able to drill the
holes in our soil and ground to accommodate the pipes. Has anyone done
something like this before I’m not looking to do typical anchor holes that
are 6 feet or 8 feet wide and a foot and a half across I’m looking for an
auger hole that is a straight 6 to 7 feet down

Sent from my iPhone
Sent from my iPhone
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Re: [AFMUG] spinning up a VM? Where do you all host.

2018-08-27 Thread Mitch Koep

If it's Chad Potts run from him and dont look back

On 8/27/2018 12:22 PM, Brandon Yuchasz wrote:

Jay, sure send me his contact info off list and Ill give him a call.


*From:*AF [] *On Behalf Of *CBB - Jay Fuller
*Sent:* Monday, August 27, 2018 11:54 AM
*To:* AnimalFarm Microwave Users Group
*Subject:* Re: [AFMUG] spinning up a VM? Where do you all host.

i know of a smaller company that does this kind of work based in TN.  
I'd be happy to put you in touch.

he is one of our own , met him at a FISPA conference, he is now a 
WISPA member.

Let me know.

- Original Message -

*From:*Brandon Yuchasz 

*To:*'AnimalFarm Microwave Users Group' 

*Sent:*Monday, August 27, 2018 11:29 AM

*Subject:*Re: [AFMUG] spinning up a VM? Where do you all host.


Are you spinning up windows 7 on vultr?



*From:*AF [] *On Behalf Of *CBB -
Jay Fuller
*Sent:* Monday, August 27, 2018 10:27 AM
*To:* AnimalFarm Microwave Users Group
*Subject:* Re: [AFMUG] spinning up a VM? Where do you all host.

vultr, i believe, and under $50

- Original Message -

*From:*Brandon Yuchasz 


*Sent:*Monday, August 27, 2018 10:23 AM

*Subject:*[AFMUG] spinning up a VM? Where do you all host.

So I am being asked to spin up a windows 7 VM to run some
accounting software on for a remote worker. If I am looking at
hosting this off site in the “cloud” what companies are you
guys using for this and do you have ideas of what the monthly
cost is for a single machine?



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Re: [AFMUG] Mikrotik stuff

2018-08-02 Thread Mitch Koep

LOL thanks Chuck

went that route in 2006 and learned an expensive lesson so no thanks

Thought I would just check we have 11 more sites to change over yet


On 8/1/2018 7:18 PM, Chuck McCown wrote:

Trade some Tranzeo for them.

-Original Message- From: Mitch Koep Sent: Wednesday, August 
01, 2018 6:06 PM To: AnimalFarm Microwave Users Group Subject: [AFMUG] 
Mikrotik stuff

Does anyone still use Mikrotik boards?

I am taking down a WSIP that went out of business

and they used Mikrotik boards and MeanWell 24 volt DC power supplies.

Do these have any value?


Mitch Koep

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Re: [AFMUG] IP Camera system

2018-08-01 Thread Mitch Koep

Thanks all for the input


On 7/31/2018 5:29 PM, Jaime Solorza wrote:
I do...just installed two new ones for a church... they love that they 
can watch, capture or record video off their phones.

Jaime Solorza

On Tue, Jul 31, 2018, 1:49 PM Mitch Koep <>> wrote:

Has anyone used HikVision?

They look pretty nice

We are looking to have 64 Terabyte of storage

On 7/31/2018 10:19 AM, Chuck McCown wrote:

Takes them some time to make your account active so you can see
the price.
I need a product that will also allow a large monitor to watch
certain cameras.
*From:* TJ Trout
*Sent:* Tuesday, July 31, 2018 8:58 AM
*To:* AnimalFarm Microwave Users Group
*Subject:* Re: [AFMUG] IP Camera system
On Tue, Jul 31, 2018 at 7:57 AM, TJ Trout  wrote:

That's silly, buy a purpose built NVR specific for the
On Tue, Jul 31, 2018 at 7:51 AM, Timothy Steele

your going to need to build a NVR server with ubuntu
On Tue, Jul 31, 2018 at 10:50 AM TJ Trout 

get lts so you have a standard cam/nvr combo
On Tue, Jul 31, 2018 at 7:32 AM, Mitch Koep

Hey Guys,

I have a school that wants 60 Cameras

I need some input for what you have used for the
NVR portion

that works with UBNT gen3 Cameras



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Re: [AFMUG] IP Camera system

2018-07-31 Thread Mitch Koep


Does it work with UBNT Gen3 cams?


On 7/31/2018 2:53 PM, Lewis Bergman wrote:
Yep. On Jaime's recommendation. I have a couple installed and will 
install a larger system near the end of the year. I really like them.

On Tue, Jul 31, 2018 at 2:49 PM Mitch Koep <>> wrote:

Has anyone used HikVision?

They look pretty nice

We are looking to have 64 Terabyte of storage

On 7/31/2018 10:19 AM, Chuck McCown wrote:

Takes them some time to make your account active so you can see
the price.
I need a product that will also allow a large monitor to watch
certain cameras.
*From:* TJ Trout
*Sent:* Tuesday, July 31, 2018 8:58 AM
*To:* AnimalFarm Microwave Users Group
*Subject:* Re: [AFMUG] IP Camera system
On Tue, Jul 31, 2018 at 7:57 AM, TJ Trout  wrote:

That's silly, buy a purpose built NVR specific for the
On Tue, Jul 31, 2018 at 7:51 AM, Timothy Steele

your going to need to build a NVR server with ubuntu
On Tue, Jul 31, 2018 at 10:50 AM TJ Trout 

get lts so you have a standard cam/nvr combo
On Tue, Jul 31, 2018 at 7:32 AM, Mitch Koep

Hey Guys,

I have a school that wants 60 Cameras

I need some input for what you have used for the
NVR portion

that works with UBNT gen3 Cameras



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Re: [AFMUG] IP Camera system

2018-07-31 Thread Mitch Koep

Has anyone used HikVision?

They look pretty nice

We are looking to have 64 Terabyte of storage

On 7/31/2018 10:19 AM, Chuck McCown wrote:

Takes them some time to make your account active so you can see the price.
I need a product that will also allow a large monitor to watch certain 

*From:* TJ Trout
*Sent:* Tuesday, July 31, 2018 8:58 AM
*To:* AnimalFarm Microwave Users Group
*Subject:* Re: [AFMUG] IP Camera system
On Tue, Jul 31, 2018 at 7:57 AM, TJ Trout  wrote:

That's silly, buy a purpose built NVR specific for the application.

On Tue, Jul 31, 2018 at 7:51 AM, Timothy Steele

your going to need to build a NVR server with ubuntu
On Tue, Jul 31, 2018 at 10:50 AM TJ Trout  wrote:

get lts so you have a standard cam/nvr combo
On Tue, Jul 31, 2018 at 7:32 AM, Mitch Koep

Hey Guys,

I have a school that wants 60 Cameras

I need some input for what you have used for the NVR

that works with UBNT gen3 Cameras



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[AFMUG] IP Camera system

2018-07-31 Thread Mitch Koep

Hey Guys,

I have a school that wants 60 Cameras

I need some input for what you have used for the NVR portion

that works with UBNT gen3 Cameras



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Re: [AFMUG] AF11x

2018-07-19 Thread Mitch Koep

Dragonwave from what I can find


On 7/19/2018 9:43 AM, wrote:
So what current product current release radio has the best throughput 
in the 11 GHz band?

*From:* Adam Moffett
*Sent:* Thursday, July 19, 2018 8:04 AM
*Subject:* [AFMUG] AF11x
So I just read up about the AF11x.  I haven't been paying much 
attention to this product because I've been busy with other things.

The datasheet claims "best spectral efficiency in class" and "1.2gbps".
Various people on the forum made claims that don't match up with 
simple comparisons of spec sheets.  Some were UBNT employees, others 
were just fanboys.

The actual info on the spec sheets is that you get about 22% less 
throughput per channel at the same modulation level and same channel 
size as competing products.  They claim huge numbers by adding 
multiple channels together.  You also can't use a full 80mhz channel, 
so if I compare to a PTP820C (which actually /can /do 1.2gbps full 
duplex in XPIC), the Airfiber 11x is more like 42% less throughput.

So the spec sheet is factually accurate with it's numbers, but the 
text narrative is clearly intended to mislead the buyer.  Having just 
realized this, I'm a bit offended.

It seems the only thing it really has going for it is being very 
inexpensive.  Like I can get 2 AF11x's for less than one PTP820S with 
full speed licenses.  So /if /I can get enough channels licensed for 2 
XPIC links, then the AF11x is still compelling.  And it might mean I 
can justify an 11ghz link for a lower volume site than I could 
otherwise.  They didn't need to lie about it.

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