[agi] DARPA funds using memsistors to model synapses in neuromorphic computing

2008-11-27 Thread Ed Porter

A few months ago I read an article saying DARPA had issued one of their
requests for proposal for a neuromorphic computing architecture.  I thought
the request was extremely interesting because it was asking for proposals
for how to build a system that was capable of Hebbian like learning and
ultimately high levels of cognition, could have as many synapses as a human
brain, fit in quite a small package, and consume very little power.  I.e.,
the makings of a potentially cheap, portable, low power, AGI.

The proposal wanted an architecture that could promise of scaling of an
average density of synapses of something amazingly small, such as, if I
remember correctly, one thousand per square micrometer, or roughly 32x32
nanometers to model each synapse and somehow includes its connections. That
would enable 100G synapse per cm2, or 100T synapse in roughly 1 foot square,
with just one layer.   

I Googled a little on the subject and found that most of the electronic
analogue models of synapses I found on the web had something like five
transistors per synapse, so I though to myself maybe DARPA was thinking of
memsisters, which I had read could remember at least one variably selectable
analogue value at each position in a densly packed cross bar  --- and I had
heard a speaker from HP say they felt 100B bits per cm memories were
possible with their cross bars (in pre-memsistor days) even including
addressing and drive electronics and interconnect to the outside world.  

When I saw the date that the very lengthy response to the request for
proposal had to be filed by was only several weeks after the proposal had
been announced, I knew that this request --- as Ben has told me many DARPA
request for proposals are --- had been designed with the winner of the grant
in mind.  I guessed it might be HP with memsistors.

I was right.

The below quote and its link to the article it came from indicate that DARPA
has selected a memsistor approach to its neuromorphic computer initiative,
and HP is one of the two contractors.



Also at the symposium, Snider unveiled a design that used memristors in
their analog mode as synapses in a neural computing architecture. Memristor
crossbars are the only technology that is dense enough to simulate the human
brain, Snider claimed, adding that the HP Labs crossbars are ten times
denser than synapses in the human cortex. By stacking crossbars on a CMOS
logic chip, variable resistance could mimic the learning functions of
synapses in neural networks. 

HP Labs and Boston University were recently awarded a contract by the
Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency to build the first artificial
neural network based on memristors. 


As the article indicates, each layer of these cross bars do not require a
silicon substrate, so it is possible to stack many such layers;

If this technology pans out, it could make AGI's one whole hell of a lot
cheaper to build.

Ed Porter

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RE: [agi] If aliens are monitoring us, our development of AGI might concern them

2008-11-27 Thread Ed Porter


You have made a series of fantastic allegations, and I asked what evidence
you had for them, and all you provide is that you have experienced them
while under the influence of drugs.


I hope --- for your sake --- that for at least some percent of your weekly
existence you are sober enough to be capable of understanding how
unpersuasive that is --- and why.  


I understand that you might experience many of the things you say in the
theater of your own mind, particularly when under the influence.  And I
understand that experiences in that theater are real in a meaningful sense.


But that in no way means your statements are correct descriptions of
external reality, as many of your statements would appear to claim to be.
And you have provided no evidence, other than drug induced experience within
your own mind, that they are.


Ed Porter


-Original Message-
From: Eric Burton [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, November 26, 2008 8:28 PM
To: agi@v2.listbox.com
Subject: Re: [agi] If aliens are monitoring us, our development of AGI might
concern them


Thoughts are surely a subset of felt experience. The contact

experiences reliably induced by committed doses of for instance

psilocibin are objective, not subjective events! They are breaches in

consensus reality, they mutate it. I don't know the source of the

information I've received when bemushroomed. It could be aeons old and

delivered by panspermia. Much of it is presented with great gravity.


The experince could easily be a disorienting allergic response evolved

on Earth to discourage predation. But that does not explain the

intimate Other that appears in the head to take great glee in the

interface! It does not explain the reams of art, the many and varied

vistas and plateaus, and the challenges one encounters in the

psilocibin trance. Either it is offering us all this or it is

generated by the brain. Why then is this uniquely characteristic

hallucinosis particular to the ingestion of this specific substance?


You can read for yourself on the effects I'm describing. But none of

this feeds into anyone's theory of mind until we can trap and trace

the experiences in question. It is probably quantum.



On 11/26/08, Ed Porter [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 What evidence, other than your thoughts when using drugs, do you have for

 such statements?

 -Original Message-

 From: Eric Burton [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Sent: Wednesday, November 26, 2008 5:22 PM

 To: agi@v2.listbox.com

 Subject: Re: [agi] If aliens are monitoring us, our development of AGI

 concern them

 What I want to emphasize is that our world is bathed in signals from

 superintelligent civilizations every day. The way you can put an

 antenna into the ground and use the Earth to conduct radio

 frequencies, these things are using the organization of space and

 time. The laws of physics and the cosmological constants that inform

 them may arise from the content of communication and computation being

 performed at the psycho-atomic level, where mind manifests in quark


 What could possibly concern such a superior race!

 On 11/26/08, Ed Porter [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Translate into English, please.

 -Original Message-

 From: Bob Mottram [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Sent: Wednesday, November 26, 2008 1:35 PM

 To: agi@v2.listbox.com

 Subject: Re: [agi] If aliens are monitoring us, our development of AGI


 concern them

 2008/11/26 Ed Porter [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 I have never experienced a UFO, but several people I have known and

 generally trusted, and who are not drug users or wackos, have claimed to

 have seen them directly.

 belief (Y, foo)

 belief (X, credibility (Y)  minimum credibility (X)) || dominance

 heirachy (Y)  dominance heirachy (X)

 meme strength (X, Y)  threshold

 = belief (X, foo)



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Re: [agi] If aliens are monitoring us, our development of AGI might concern them

2008-11-27 Thread Ben Goertzel
 But that in no way means your statements are correct descriptions of
 external reality, as many of your statements would appear to claim to be.
 And you have provided no evidence, other than drug induced experience within
 your own mind, that they are.

 Ed Porter

The notions of correct descriptions and external reality rather
fall apart when one subjects them to careful rational scrutiny, as
many philosophers of science have found...

The real question to me is what is the utility of the ideas being
proferred ... and IMO the jury is still out on that...

I do think, however, that it would be a strategic and sociological
mistake to associate AGI with UFO-related space aliens or Terrence
McKenna style mushroom aliens, at this point in time ;-) ... so, I
suggest we can this thread or take it to some other forum...

-- Ben G

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Re: [agi] If aliens are monitoring us, our development of AGI might concern them

2008-11-27 Thread Eric Burton
All I've tried to impress is that these revelations, epiphanies,
theophanies or what-have-you are at least as primary as the sensations
associated with daily life. I am tempted to compare the problem to
that of many people speaking about one microscope no-one can access.
If the issue is what you see through it then a projector would solve
the problem. A digital video output on the locked away microscope
would also serve. What I am thinking is...

Psychedelic experiences are as encapsulated, personal, and
inaccessible as dreams, though not as ephemeral. Like dreams, you
could potentially make recordings of the constituent sensations as
they arise and translate them onto a receiver sensorium in order to
communicate insights, objects and events which resist Englishing. I am
talking about VR recreations. Then various gnoses, paradoxes and rap
sessions with aliens would be opened to some extent.

There is some allusion here to the fate of Gallileo. The solution
could be group hallucinations, telepathic drugs or cybernetic
telepathy used with drugs, so that a distributed warping occurs. Then
these experiences would each carry the weight of a dozen people's
sworn testimony. Otherwise, only when some wide-eyed camper returns to
civilization clutching the blueprints for a working stardrive will
they gain sway with science.

Ok... bye :D

On 11/27/08, Ed Porter [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 You have made a series of fantastic allegations, and I asked what evidence
 you had for them, and all you provide is that you have experienced them
 while under the influence of drugs.

 I hope --- for your sake --- that for at least some percent of your weekly
 existence you are sober enough to be capable of understanding how
 unpersuasive that is --- and why.

 I understand that you might experience many of the things you say in the
 theater of your own mind, particularly when under the influence.  And I
 understand that experiences in that theater are real in a meaningful sense.

 But that in no way means your statements are correct descriptions of
 external reality, as many of your statements would appear to claim to be.
 And you have provided no evidence, other than drug induced experience within
 your own mind, that they are.

 Ed Porter

 -Original Message-
 From: Eric Burton [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Wednesday, November 26, 2008 8:28 PM
 To: agi@v2.listbox.com
 Subject: Re: [agi] If aliens are monitoring us, our development of AGI might
 concern them

 Thoughts are surely a subset of felt experience. The contact

 experiences reliably induced by committed doses of for instance

 psilocibin are objective, not subjective events! They are breaches in

 consensus reality, they mutate it. I don't know the source of the

 information I've received when bemushroomed. It could be aeons old and

 delivered by panspermia. Much of it is presented with great gravity.

 The experince could easily be a disorienting allergic response evolved

 on Earth to discourage predation. But that does not explain the

 intimate Other that appears in the head to take great glee in the

 interface! It does not explain the reams of art, the many and varied

 vistas and plateaus, and the challenges one encounters in the

 psilocibin trance. Either it is offering us all this or it is

 generated by the brain. Why then is this uniquely characteristic

 hallucinosis particular to the ingestion of this specific substance?

 You can read for yourself on the effects I'm describing. But none of

 this feeds into anyone's theory of mind until we can trap and trace

 the experiences in question. It is probably quantum.

 On 11/26/08, Ed Porter [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 What evidence, other than your thoughts when using drugs, do you have for

 such statements?

 -Original Message-

 From: Eric Burton [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Sent: Wednesday, November 26, 2008 5:22 PM

 To: agi@v2.listbox.com

 Subject: Re: [agi] If aliens are monitoring us, our development of AGI

 concern them

 What I want to emphasize is that our world is bathed in signals from

 superintelligent civilizations every day. The way you can put an

 antenna into the ground and use the Earth to conduct radio

 frequencies, these things are using the organization of space and

 time. The laws of physics and the cosmological constants that inform

 them may arise from the content of communication and computation being

 performed at the psycho-atomic level, where mind manifests in quark


 What could possibly concern such a superior race!

 On 11/26/08, Ed Porter [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Translate into English, please.

 -Original Message-

 From: Bob Mottram [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Sent: Wednesday, November 26, 2008 1:35 PM

 To: agi@v2.listbox.com

 Subject: Re: [agi] If aliens are monitoring us, our development of AGI


 concern them

 2008/11/26 Ed Porter [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 I have never 

Re: [agi] If aliens are monitoring us, our development of AGI might concern them

2008-11-27 Thread Ben Goertzel
On Thu, Nov 27, 2008 at 12:42 PM, Eric Burton [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 All I've tried to impress is that these revelations, epiphanies,
 theophanies or what-have-you are at least as primary as the sensations
 associated with daily life.

I tend to agree ... but unless you are going to tie these ideas in
specifically with AGI, this isn't really the right venue for such

Why don't we take this discussion to the Singularity list?  (to which
I've now cc'd it.)  There is a lot more obvious relevance between
these musings and the Singularity, than between them and AGI in

-- Ben G

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Re: [agi] If aliens are monitoring us, our development of AGI might concern them

2008-11-27 Thread Eric Burton
Singularity is a good home for it. Kind of a panicked digression ,_,

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Re: [agi] DARPA funds using memsistors to model synapses in neuromorphic computing

2008-11-27 Thread Matt Mahoney
--- On Thu, 11/27/08, Ed Porter [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 If this technology pans out, it could make AGI's one
 whole hell of a lot cheaper to build.

Maybe. HP's technology is based on titanium dioxide doped with oxygen vacancies 
between a crossbar switch. One problem is that oxygen vacancies move 10^13 
times slower than electrons and holes in silicon. HP reports a switching speed 
of about 1 second.


This is probably not a serious problem for neural networks because the 
connections could be written in parallel. It's actually much faster than the 
write times in the human brain, probably 10^4 seconds in the hippocampus and 
10^8 seconds in the cortex.

-- Matt Mahoney, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: [agi] DARPA funds using memsistors to model synapses in neuromorphic computing

2008-11-27 Thread Philip Hunt
2008/11/27 Matt Mahoney [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 This is probably not a serious problem for neural networks because the 
 connections could be written in parallel. It's actually much faster than the 
 write times in the human brain, probably 10^4 seconds in the hippocampus and 
 10^8 seconds in the cortex.

10^8 seconds is 3 years! I think that number's wrong.

Please avoid sending me Word or PowerPoint attachments.
See http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/no-word-attachments.html

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Re: [agi] DARPA funds using memsistors to model synapses in neuromorphic computing

2008-11-27 Thread Matt Mahoney
--- On Thu, 11/27/08, Philip Hunt [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 2008/11/27 Matt Mahoney [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
  This is probably not a serious problem for neural
 networks because the connections could be written in
 parallel. It's actually much faster than the write times
 in the human brain, probably 10^4 seconds in the hippocampus
 and 10^8 seconds in the cortex.
 10^8 seconds is 3 years! I think that number's wrong.

Yeah, I think it is closer to 10^9 seconds. Landauer estimates human long term 
memory at 10^9 bits and a learning rate of 2 bits per second.


-- Matt Mahoney, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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