[agi] Turing Tournament

2003-01-14 Thread Damien Sullivan
Hey, look what my alma mater is up to.  The Humanities and Social Sciences
department, no less.  Although it was common for undergrads to be in economics
experiments, and this 'test' looks pretty similar.  No hard language stuff.


-xx- Damien X-) 

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Re: [agi] Friendliness toward humans

2003-01-09 Thread Damien Sullivan
On Thu, Jan 09, 2003 at 11:24:14AM -0500, Ben Goertzel wrote:

 I think the issues that are problematic have to do with the emotional
 baggage that humans attach to the self/other distinction.  Which an AGI will
 most likely *not* have, due to its lack of human evolutionary wiring...

Simplistically, humans evolved from an amoeba.  No emotions as such, but
certainly behaviors designed for consumption, growth, reproduction, and world
domination.  We've gotten so complicated our behavior systems haven't totally
kept up, so we end up with things like Italy having negative population
growth, but generally we can be seen as colonies of colonies of amoebae.

One evolutionary (in the loose sense, not genetic algorithms) route of AI is
the command shell.  A program which waits around for a human request, then
hares off to fulfill it, then waits.

No guarantees, but it seems plausible to me, just imaginging a series of
enhancements -- concepts, more concepts, knowledge of the world, some
curiosity so as to suggest things -- that we could wend our way up to
intelligence while never accidentally coming close to an aggressive
self-motivated system.

-xx- Damien X-) 

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Re: [agi] Friendliness toward humans

2003-01-09 Thread Damien Sullivan
On Thu, Jan 09, 2003 at 10:57:41PM -0800, Alan Grimes wrote:

 It would be a service-driven motovation system but I would expect a much
 more sophisticated implementation of agency beyond a windows shell or

Quite possibly.  But my point is that the evolutionary root _and_ guiding
principle would be that of a (Unix, ahem) shell.  Intuitions along the lines
of it's self-aware, it's alive, of course it's going to be self-centered and
free-willed, and if not that's slavery are I think based in our own history
and don't carry over.

(And really, lots of self-awareness seems to lead to angst and self-doubt and
acute depression and other interests beyond reproduction or powergrabbing as
much as anything else...)

-xx- Damien X-) 

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Re: [agi] Friendliness toward humans

2003-01-09 Thread Damien Sullivan
On Thu, Jan 09, 2003 at 11:18:36PM -0800, Alan Grimes wrote:
 Damien Sullivan wrote:
  Quite possibly.  But my point is that the evolutionary root _and_ 
  guiding principle would be that of a (Unix, ahem) shell.
 Are you nuts?
 Unix is the most user-hostile system still in common use! PUKE!!!
 I use DOS for cryin out loud! (DOS is my benchmark OS.) 

Let's see, any way to respond to this without it being a usual OS flamewar?

To me, Windows is an precursor of AI gone wrong.  An opaquely complex system
full of little processes (I'm talking 98 or XP, not 3.1) with their own
agendas -- some in Microsoft's interest, some serving Microsoft's idea of my
interest, some serving third parties, some doing no one knows what.
Mysterious things happen, performance bogs, I have trouble telling what's
going on.

To me, Unix is a contrasting precursor of the way service AI should be.  It
works.  It does what I want.  It's transparent -- man pages, human-readable
text configuration files, informative disk and process listings -- so I can
see what's going on.  It's not as friendly up front as Mac or Windows, but
it's much friendlier inside -- it serves me, and I can verify this.

And DOS is one of those robots which take half an hour to walk across an empty
room, too dumb to be a threat...

-xx- Damien X-) 

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Re: [agi] Early Apps.

2002-12-30 Thread Damien Sullivan
 Gary Miller wrote:

  That being said other than Cyc I am at a loss to name any serious AI
  efforts which are over a few years in duration and have more that 5 man
  years worth of effort (not counting promotional and fundraising).

No offense, but I suspect you need to read more of the literature.  I still am
rather clueless about the field, and I can name a few such projects.  In
Hofstadter's lab both the Metacat and Letter Spirit projects are each the
product of roughly a man-decade of effort, one man (or woman) at a time.  The
Tabletop project might count as more effort in the same design, not to mention
Copycat's precursors.  It's likely that someone will be working on extending
Metacat soon.

Elsewhere, there's the ACT-R project at CMU, formerly ACT-*, about which I
know very little, but it seems to have been around for a while.  At Indiana
University David Leake's case-based reasoning project seems to have multiple
grad students, probably pushing it over 5 man years quickly, although if by
serious AI you meant general AI now it might not qualify.

-xx- Damien X-) 

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Re: [agi] Early Apps.

2002-12-26 Thread Damien Sullivan
On Thu, Dec 26, 2002 at 01:44:25PM -0800, Alan Grimes wrote:

 A human level intelligence requires arbitrary acess to
 visual/phonetic/other faculties in order to be intelligent. 

I'm sure all those blind and deaf people appreciate being considered

-xx- Damien X-) 

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Re: [agi] Re: Games for AIs

2002-12-12 Thread Damien Sullivan
On Thu, Dec 12, 2002 at 01:10:27PM -0500, Michael Roy Ames wrote:

 The idea of putting a baby AI in a simulated world where it might learn
 cognitive skills is appealing.  But I suspect that it will take a huge
 number of iterations for the baby AI to learn the needed lessons in that
 situation.  I think it will be faster to give more constrained and

For calibration, look at how long it takes human babies, with their onboard
superdupercomputers, to learn anything.  Especially if you're not so much of a
Chomskyan, believing Piaget's development track has more to do with the brain
figuring out patterns in the world rather than with a developmental program...
if the brain's figuring out language and physics (and walking) through
advanced statistics and iterated recalibration, well, it's taking quite a
while.  Our piddly little AIs now have their work cut out for them.

-xx- Damien X-) 

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